Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION. weekly edition T f •» ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Unswaye d by fear, unin fluenced by favor, the East Oregonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about county, state and national affairs, It is fair, absolutely fair, to those who differ from its views, as well as to its friends. ♦ — - Th* - Bast - Oregonlaa of Pea- ♦ dleton, Oregon, la published In ♦ ♦ the bosjt of the wonderful In ♦ ♦ land Empire. You will find ♦ ♦ that It la readable, reUable « ♦ and progressive, end will give 4 * you the news reliably, accur ♦ ♦ ately and fully. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i I PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON FRIDAY. MARCH IS, 1904. VOL. XXV111 8to«caj Will Hold the Rebellious Poles in Check While the Troops Reserved as a Home Guard Go to the Front. SALEM LAWS LA GRANDE CITY ELECTION. LOST B" of the Most Important Ordi- ’"'»'Sincea of the Capital City Have Disappeared. Salem. March 17.—A committee Investigating the condition of the city ordinances, finds that some of the vital laws of the city are miss ing. and that the government has been conducted for some time wiui- out warrant of actual ordinance. Unless certified copies of the ordi nances can be found, the council will be compelled to pass all the missing ordinances over again, and there will be a lively fight in this event, as some of the laws now in by force have been passed only small majorities NO. 31 Socialist Candidates All Defeated, But h Strong Vote Was Cast. i La Grande, March 15.—The city I election passed off quietly yesterday, the following candidates Itelng elect I ed : Mayor, J. E Foley, 289 plurality over the socialist candidate; William C .Miller, recorder, 55 plurality over the socialist; L. Rayburn, marshal, 159 majority over socialist; E J. Walsh, treasurer, 83 majority over the socialist. Independent republi cans were elected {p all the positions I except Ed Walsh, a democrat, for treasurer The total vote was 647 The division was on the gambling question, the marshal being against VIOLENT ANTI NEGRO SPECIAL ELECTION WILL and the mayor for open gambling. The socialists cast over 100 votes SPEECH BY MR. 8PIGHT. BE CALLED IN ACCORDANCE and m T close calls for cuuncllmen in all three of the wards The question of bonding the city tor »25.000 for a new court house and One Billion Yards of Dirt Yet to Be Fair. Impartial and Csmpreheeelve city hall carried by a majority of Removed From the Panama Canal Debate Resulted In the Board Be 276. —That the Unhealthful new of the ing Instructed to Call an Election NEW HIGH SCHOOL FOR WEISER Isthmus Climate Has Been Greatly to Vote Upon a »82,000 Bond Prop BÏ MISS MEETING Bishop Moore Was Present, on Board a Russian Liner—Car nonading That Shook the Earth and Sea. Forty-five Thousand Dollars Representative Gathering De for Carrying Mail One Year cided to Endorse the Limit to Tahiti. of the Law. Cincinnati. O., March 16.—Bishop Now the men are hastening to leave More. Methodist, witnessed the na Korietx. We are within a few yards CHILD BURNED TO DEATH. val battle between Russians and of her last two boat* a* they put off. Japanese at Chemulpo, and vividly It 1* 2«» minutes of 4, and we recall Archie Bowie*, of Kennewick. Met describes the clash in a letter to the the capte'n's word* to hasten to our Horrible Death in a Campfire. rower*. Thdre is land surmounted Post. The bishop left Shanghai February by a revolving light, six hundred March 17. — Archie, the 4- Pasco. Russian liner, which anchor yards away. We land, climb its sum year-old son of John Bowles, of Ken 6. in a _ ed the morning of the Sth off Che- mit. The hands of our watches de newick. was burned to death In a mulpo. near the Russian crulsers note four campfire on the Columbia river, a Instantly a terrific explosion was Japanese few miles below the town, yesterday Variag. and Korietx Not a Exaggerated — Appropriation for osition—Imperative Needs of Bet ship was in sight then, At 4 o'clock seen on the Korietx, almost simulta Trustees Accept Plana o’ Boise Arcm- evening. neously another followed. Two malig the next day. Japanese warships. 12 Public Building at Loa Angeles and tect for Handsome Building. ter and more extensive Accommo The family was camped on the nant columns of smoke and debris river bank and the mother left the in number, steamed in and anchored for Hawaiian Defense. Weiser. Idaho. March 16. — At a dation* Shown. . leaped writhing and twisting upward little boy and a baby alone in the Three thousand troops were landed as though they were two monsters meeting on Friday last of the 0oard camp for an hour, while she accom ar.d six cruisers ana torpedo boats of school trustees it was decided to withdrew eight miles and formed a In mortal combat. panied her husband to where he As their black bodies pull apart for cal) an election fer the purpose of Washington. March 18—The con Jesse Falling, the veteran chair was collecting drift wood out of the line across the channel. a moment, the sinking sun. tearful submitting to the people a bond issue gressional examination of the post- man of the school board, called about On the ninth the Japanese consul river. When she returned the baby of »30.000. for the erection of a new office department estimates will, it is 100 representative taxpayers of the with films of haze, shone through— was still asleep in the tent, and the notified the Russians to leave the har high school building. expected, lead tb a more searching sun bor. and the shtps were stripped for and listen—through the blackness charred remains of her little C. F. Hummell of J. E Tourtel- analysis than the bill has experienc city to order last night at 8 o'clock action. At noon they sailed out, and come* the rain of falling fragments lay in the campfire lotee a Co. the Boise architects, ed for many sessions. One item al for the discusaton of the question of from their ruined ship. shortly the roar l-egan met with the trustees and submitted ready attacked privately, la the ap whether to bond or not to bond. For grand from Now comes, stately and An Unequal Combat. two hours the question was discuss REMOVES SUMMERS. the French ship which has been plans which met_ with approval and propriation of »45.000 as additional ed in *ii of its phases and bet one Fifteen minutes we thought would made an asylum for her crews, the were accepted The plans call for a compensation to the Oceanic Steam U. S. District Attorney Accused of suffice to end the unequal combat, majestic chant of the Russian na- handsome building, containing eight ship Company, of San Francise«, for surprise was sprang there was no opponent to the bonding proposition and earth and sea shook under the Persecuting Senator Dietrich. t tonal hymn—at once their new oath rooms in addition to a principal's transportation of malls to Tahiti. Some objections were raised to the awful guns. Thirty minutes. 40, 50. room and an assembly hall on the < of allegiance to the czar and a requi Washington. March 17.—The pres- two hours, and unable to break the plan adopted, but not to the general '.bird floor, The building will be con- ident has decided to remove from cordon. Though scorning to surren I em (or their lost ship. proposition. Those who last year Rabid on Negro Question. with cut stone structed of brick Now fierce fires rage tn the bunk office W. S. Summers. United States der. the Russians swung around and fought the proposition to a finish and rimming» Washington. March 18. — Debate on er* of the Variag. She has outlived district attorney at Omaha, on the steamed back to their anchorage the postoffice appropriation bill was defeated it at the polls; those who the sun. but at 6 o'clock, with a great ground of persecution of Senator with flags flying. resumed in the house last night. | bad said muck and voted, and those NEW WHEAT CENTER. shudder, the huge levlathlan turn* on Dietrich. It is alleged Summers “Sure of their prey, the Japanese Spight (Dem i of Mississippi, made who had said little *-d voted, c*™* be. »n,e -lies procured the senators Indictment in resumed their station in the I road into Use and not only seconded the Only the Sugart remain* and she San Francisco to Be a Rival of the ' a sensational speech on the negro request of the school board for 830.- regard to the Hastings postoffice stead blocking the only channel, The question, advising lynching and even Chicago Pit. matter without sufficient evidence of four-funneled Variag. evidently bad too. sinks slowly, a burning, roaring .urning at the stake for brutal, hid 000. but tapped it* han- and put a guilt, the witnesses falling to sub ly wounded listed to port. The Ko furnace. Wail* Wall*. March 16.—Itdica-1 j eons attacks on women. Negroes »62.000 bet before the people—a’.l tions in wheat centers now point toj stantiate his charges. rietz was apparently untnjured We | are only fit to wait on table, not to that the law will allow. Comparlscns Favor Russia. » radical change in the base of oper line wtth white people, as equals, as hastened to row out of Sampan, We Mr. Pitres Stats* ths Question St. Petersburg. March 18.—The ations and It Is likely that the crop the North desires FIVE YEARS AT SAN QUENTIN. saw no scars on the the Korietx. al- "We sometime Walter Pierce addressed ths meet produced this year will be the first thought the sailor* were putting paint Journal today prints a comparison of sill niggers, but only for hideous ing on the school*, their growth in Bellboy Sentenced for Theft of Val on the hull as if to conceal rents We the opposing forces of Russia and to be handled largely from coast rimes I'm against lynch law under the last five years and their needs asked an officer with a bandaged Japan in the war in th« East. saying markets independent of the great in sum»- conditions '' uable Jewelry. He showed that the attendance had head how they fared He rej lied that Russia h's superiority tn land fluence Chicago has exercised for doubled, that the children were pack San Francisco. March 17—James that he had no chance The Variag armament by 78 cannon. but is in ages past Panama Cana! Condition*. ed into the rooms like sardines te a Trading by Northwest wheat men, Walters, a former bellboy in the was evidently sinking The mortally ferior in warships, which, however, Washington, March 16—Before box. that buildings were illy veatl may be transferred, as a result of the | Hotel Colonial, was found guilty of wounded were crowded amidships. A is compensated in artillery at Ru» FELL 2,000 FEET stealing »10.000 worth of jewelry huge rent was in the upper works, tian coast forts, valor of Rusal an recent San Francisco exchange rul-1 'b* houae committee on interstate lated and heated, and also run down. mgs from Chicago to the Bay City. 1 1 ommerce. Professor Burr continued He pointed out that the levy for the Shattered in Pieces in Calaveras from the rooms of Baron and Bar two funnels were riddled, the bridge sailors and the necessity tor the Jap The San Francisco market wflj __ _ J bis statements about the Panama ca school district tax was not as high ones« Van Horst, and sentenced to WAS a mass of twisted Iron. anese to aet apart a number of war County. lle said where men as it had teen in years past, even hereafter tecogalze Walla Walla and (nal situation, five yean at San Quentin. He was ship* a» trans pun eworts to guard Jk lieutenant on that bridge *ua blue stem wheat for delieveries on. <are!ea* in their habit* th* mor- with the double attendance, that the Stockton. March 17.—Charles caught tn Minneapolis some weeks torn to pieces. his right arm was communications expenses were lower in many ways, Vencke, a bucket lander, dropped »,- ago. Walters is said to have been found bolding the signal flags There la no doubt as to the issue contract. something which has been tallty is high; but be never heard prohibited tn the past and which I that 1,090 men lost their lives for and that it was a necessity that the of a naral war being the destruction 000 feet in the cage in the Gwinn at the head of a gang of bellboys Removing th* Wounded, buildings be provided of the Ja; anese fleet. It is only a has preveated Northwest speculators, every mile of work thus far done, mine shaft. Calveras county, last who operated all over the country. j Boats of the other warships in the question of time when the Baltic from participating in th* California! nor of a graveyard with 8.800 graves Them were 100 children in the night, by the slipping of the cable I harbor began to remove the wound of laborers. high school in October, and 41 mare on the drum. His remains were squadron makes its appearance in market MITCHELLITES WIN. ed A hundred were more dead than The French companies excavated entered ’.he schools when the Febru JUDGES SUPREME COURT Eastern waters under the most bril found scattered about the bottom of j alive. It was pathetic, the tender- •.*•80.000 yards, leaving 1000X00.000 ary term opened When Professor liant of K'isaian admirals the shaft. A dozen other miners MRS. GRIFFIN DEAD Simon Faction .in Portland Com i ness and veneration with which the WILL BE PAID 810,000. yet to be excavated Conklin took the schools there were The article was apparently writ had just stepped from the cage at pletely Snowed Under in the Pri men hauled down the czar* portrait. 18 pupil* in the high school, where the top of the shaft when the acct- ten free from Ulas by public opinion. Daughter of Senator Mitcnell Pasees The United States *htp Vk-ksbants maries. there are now 115, all handled by For Hawaiian Defense. Away in New York. Silver Certificates Will Be Issued for dent happened. Mitch-; lifeboat helped to remove the m*n Portland, March 17.—The Washington. March 18. — Mr. three teachers. In Baker City there Japanese War Expenditures. New York. March 15—Mr» Griffin Philippine Circulation in the are ISO pupils in the high school and ell branch of the republican party j We sailed with the first officer of Spooner ’ s amended bin appropriating General Thomas Dead. lx>n<ion, March 16.—Reuters’ Tokio daughter of Senator Mitchell of Ore _ we _______ Spanish Denomination of Pesos— six teachers to lead them. ■arried the primaries yesterday, by I the steamer Sungari, on which 4526.<X<0 for the pur.o*e of the de Chicago. March 17—Genera] Hor came. He indicated that all was lost, correspondent states that the Japan gon. died this morning There had been no new school To Modify Tonnage Tax—Taft Is ace H. Thomas, aged 70, dropped 1 large majority, the Simon faction i fense of the Hawaiian island*. w*a Shortly we saw men on the Korietzese war expenditure since December . building tn Pendleton for the past 16 inly electing 14 delegates out of 123 I »greed to. After its passage in ex- Opposed to Government Building ! in the office of his attorney this Fight in San Domingo. This practically means the nomln-1 hurrying below as if to scuttls her. j is estimated at »268.800,88®. '•eutive session, the Wood rase was , years and the board now had per Islanda—New morning, of heart disease He was Railroads in the force to make arrangement* of some »tion of J. N. Williamson for con- Washington. March 15. — Minister 1 taken up Register Land Office at Spokane. a former speaker of the Illinois qress to succeed himself, and the re- kind or keep the children oat of the Powell of San Domingo, reports an-' house, railroad appraiser and prom schools The basement room* and mote probability that Senator Mltch- other engagement between govern Providing for Fortification. inent Grand Army man. every other aval-able place bad been ell will be ths strongest candidate ment force* and insurgents at Mako- 17. — Secretary Washington. March 16.— The boose utilised un'i! not another child could Washington. March for the United States senate in 1907. ris in which the government was vic- further considered the poetoffice ap be accommodated. Henry T. Thurber Dead. Taft before the house committee on torious The Insurgent leader propriation bill and the senate pass insular affairs, discussed the Cooper It was not a question of a sit* with Detroit, March 17.—Henry T. caped NOT GOOD IN GERMANY. ed the fortifications appropriations. the board, it wa* * question of the bill authorizing the Philippine com Thurber, Cleveland’s private secre- missioners to issue bonds and ap tary during his second term, , died continuance of the school*, and the Duke of Cambr dge Very ill. Degree of D. of D. S. Will Not Be prove the suggestion that the max this morning of appendicitis. member* of the board would accept Ixradon. March 18 —The Duke of Honored in That Country. imum of supreme court justices’ sal — any place in town designated by the Cambridge. Queen Victoria’s aged aries be fixed at »10.000, and favor taxpayer*. Berlin. March 17.—The supreme cousin, was setxed with hemorrhages Bishop Fisk Dead. MALHEUR COUNTY BEING ed uniformity of measurements nec In order to bring the issus before court of appeals has decided that THE SUPREME COURT from the stomach this morning, und Kansas City, March 17.—LouiB M essary in the enforcement of coin the degree of doctor of dental surg the meeting. Mr Pierce moved that RAPIDLY RECLAIMED. It is feared the end is near. STOOD FIVE TO FOUR. Fisk, Catholic bishop of the Leaven alloy mixing laws. ery from American colleges cannot the board be authorized to call for a He suggested an additional sect- worth diocese, died today of pneu- be recognized tn Germany on the ■ bond issue of »30.000 Government Defeated. tnonia. aged 70. PENDLETON-DAYTON ELEC tion amending the coinage law so grounds that dental schools are pri- In the Final Analysis No Combina Largest Project in That District Now General Oiscusaten. London. Marcn 15. — The govern - that the treasurer may be authoriz TRIC ROAD REVIVED. vate institutions, not supervised by Under Way 18 Miles From Ontario meat was defeated tn the house of tion Is Stronger Than ths Law The question was th en generally Oil Fields Afire. ed to issue silver certificates in de the government. discussed by R Alexander, E. B. —Mountain Valleys Are Settling commons today by a vote of 141 to Creating It—Wall Street Dissatis nominations up to 1,000 pesos, the Fort Worth, March 17.—Fire is Up—Harney People Hope For Gov 13. on a motion by Redmond against Promoter Says He Has Secure« Conklin. Dr W G Cole. A. D. SUlk largest denomination now being 10 raging in the oil fields on Batson fied—Jim Hill Says, “Well, They M. Kurino Coming Hero. a reduction in the Irish educational man. Dr C. J. Smith, Dr. F. W Vin- i Cannot Take Our Properties Away pesos, equivalent to »5. He also prairie, Several tanks exploded, ernment Aid. Funds With Which to Build ths cent, T. G. Halley, Judge 8. A. Low- Genoa. March 11.—M. Kurino. for- estimates asked for authorization to repeal or spreading the flames. Loss thus far merly minister of Japan at St. Pe Line—Old Dream of Rapid Transit ell and George A Hartman. modify ine tonnage tax on vessels »1,000,000-. teraburg, sailed from Genoa for New All were In favor of a bond Issue, Nine Jurors Selected. in the Inland Empire Enjoya a coming into Manila harbor, to en Washington, March 15.—The deci* J. S. Hunter, a well known stock - York today on the North Geman and Dr Cole moved to make tn* San Francisco. March 15.—Four courage large steamers to come in Temporary Animation — Line to Be of Malheur county, was in the man Fira in Texas. Lloyd steamer -Irene. He Is en route ion In the merger case was by a vote Issue »75 000 instead of »30.000. and from other ports. The tax is now on city today, and says the activity In additional jurors in the Botkin case 85 Miles in Length and Will Touch to build either one large 16-room San Angelo, Texas, March 17.— to Japan. of five to four. Holmes. Peckham, irrigation work in his county is very were chosen today, making a total of the per capita instead of the cargo. All Umatilla. Columbia and Walla house. or two eight-room house* nine. It Is expected the jury will be Takidg the railroad question Mr. Fire this morning destroyed »250,000 White and Fuller discenting. marked this spring. Against a Strike. This motion was favored by all of Walla County Towns En Route. completed lomormw Taft said Secretary Root tried to in worth of business property, includ One of the largest irrigation enter the San Angelo hotel. those who spoke on the question with Indianapolis. March 17.—Counting terest Van Horn, of the Canadian ing prises in that district is now under Synopsis of Opinion. the exception of Judge Lowell, who the miners’ vote began at 10 this Consul at Dawson. Pacific, who built the Cuban road, Me!Iman has returned. MINISTERS FIGHT SMOOT. Washington. March 15.—The an way. 18 miles above Ontario, on the made the speech of the evening morning. The estimated result Is Washington. March 15.—The presl but the latter was too much occu Owyhee river, where a dam 100 feet The revival of this ’’irridescent about* three-fifths acainst the strike. preme court denied that the sacred high will be built across the canyon dent has nominated Louis Dent of dream" will not excite much enthus Judge Lowell Advises Moderation. pied in Cuba, so government engin Boise City Ministerial Association eers were sent to look into the re ness of the doctrine of state’s rights of the Owyhee, and a reservoir form the District of Columbia, to be cón- iasm tn Pendleton, but the electric Judge Ixjwell thought that to aak Passes Strong Resolutions. Mr*. Mlle* Better. port that he submitted. His opinion is being trespassed on by the inter ed sufficient to irrigate 50,000 acres sul at Dawson. Yukon. road promoter has returned from for »75.000 or for »61.000 was to kill That the pastors of the city are In was, however, that private enter Washington. March 17.—Mr*. Nel state law. of desert land below. somewhere to Dayton, and is now the measure that the people would earnest in their fight upon Mormon prise can make the railroads much son A. Miles is reported to be nóme This dam will form a reservoir making promises to begin throwing not indorse that amount at th* polls, ism is proven by their passage by the If a state should allow ’ the rail- about a mile in length, with a depth more economical than can the gov better. dirt on his line between that city He was as good a friend to the ministerial association yesterday of a roads to do those things whlch in ernment. school system a* coaid be found, but of from 10 to 30 feet, and a main and Pendleton in the near future. resolution demanding the expulsion terfere with Interstate < commerce. canal will lead from the board and it* advteon should be it above the He claims to have secured suffic- of Senator Reed Smoot of Utah from should congress be compelled to hold present ditches operated by the Ne Presidential Appointments. ent capital to build his road, and is conservative, both in their demand* the United States senate, and call aloof on the ground that it would in- Washington, March 17.—The pres vada and Owyhee canals. now making actual preparations to and their action. They should not vade state rights? Such doctrine William F ing upon Senators Heyburn and Du ident has nominated In time it is hoped to extend this ecin construction on the Mellman let the enthusiasm of the moment bois of Idaho, to vote with that end could not be given fact without de- canal about 12 miles further down Nichols, of Arizona, to be secretary electric road, which was so fully ex run away with the hopes of it* suc in view. stroying the power of the national of Arizona, and Hal J. Cole, of the foot’illl* above Owyhee to cover ploited in the papers two years ago cess. He knew the sentiment of the The action, which has been quietly government. No state law can give Washington, to be register of the the famous Dead Ox Flat, one of the His franchise in Walla Walla ex town, and he did not think that the talked over by the ministers of the any corporation rights to restrain in most fertile and promising tracts of land office at Spokane. pires in June and be is endeavoring people would stand for such an add city, was taken by the unanimous terstate or international law. land In Eastern Oregon when put WAS rOUND GUILTY OF to have this franchise extended, His ed burden. The federal courts cannot interfere under Irrigation. INSTRUCTED FOR ROO8EVELT. vote of the nine members of the pas The board must remember, and ths agent at Dayton recently filed re- KILLING MILITIAMEN tors' alliance who were present, en with the Northern Securities Compa The entire valley of the Owyhee newal of the water rights held by people did. that It was not alone a ny from exercising all interstate river is a solid alfalfa farm, now RESULT WA8 A SPLENDID Minnesota Republicana Go on Rec tirely without discussion. It waa a Mellman. on the Tukanon, and the question of school tax; rights justly given it by the state; ord for President. CLIP IN EVERY RESPECT. but it can prevent it from doing that growing from two to three crops per Helped in the F.ght With Posse and magnate now promises Walla Walla question of bearing the burden of the Pleaaurea of Professional Life. state, the municipal, th* county and year, while it was a desert less than Minneapolis, March 1?.—The re Militia at Victory Mine Last July— that he will have the line under con which would destroy an act of con- Dr. L. T. Brock’s two most recent the district taxes All had to be five years ago. He locks for still struction within a very short time if publicans state convention adopted trips have been of the hair-curling gresa. Six of the Escapes Are Still Unac this franchise is extended. borne, and besides, it waa wrong to greater development In hfs county- In resolutions lacorring Roosevelt and variety. The one to Susanville last Sheep and Wool In the Best Condi An affirmation of the decision be the future and hopes to see the Har counted for, Only Surmises Exist- The lteyton-Pendleton electric line think that an enormous bond debt nr n>ing as delegatee at large Sena week was fraught with incidents tion, the Fleeces Averaged Heavier low would only mean that no combi ney county government Irrigation isting as to Their Whereabouts— as promoted by Mr. Mellman, Is 85 could be voted, because the children tors Nelron and Clapp, Governor which produced bumps and bruises nation Is stronger than the law ere Quality Is Al- Than Last Year, the project carried to completion. milt's In length and touche« all the of the present generation and their Var- Sant, Thomas Lowry and as dis Returning from Unity yesterday he Possibility of Death or E acape. Most of the mountain valleys of so Better, and it is Cleaner and ating It, or can avail Itself of the towns en route between these cltiee. children would have to pay it. That trict delegates indorsed Wednesday's encountered a series of mishaps pretext that state rights are attack Malheur county are now reclaimed including Adams. Athena. Milton. spirit was the curse of the Western Firmer, conventions. ed in the enforcement of a lawful «nd are supporting a population, and that were fringed with an element of Placevllle. Cal.. March 16 —A ver- Freewater. Walla Walla, Dry Creek. city. act of congress. No combination, be he says that fruit and catastrophe. His horses were buried The speaker ' was in favor of build- vegetables diet of murder in the first degree Valley Grove. Dixie. Waitsburg and Eulogized the Duke. it ever so powerful, is beyond the in the snow at times, and traversing ing smaller buildings In different Charles Cunningham has returned reach of the supreme court, if It un grow In abundance .in places where was rendered in the Wood case this Huntsville. London, March 17—In the house swollen streams he managed to tip from a visit to his sheep ranch at Pi It was thought five years ago it would morning. Power was to have been supplied parts of the city, of rearranging the of commons Premier Balfour, the lib over and take an involuntary bath lot Rock, where he has finished dertakes to restrain commerce. Joe Wood is one of the convicts from central stations on the Umatil school population, and of asking for be impossible to ralso such products eral leader, and Campbell and Ban in water that had a temperature suf shearing his bucks and ewes. He ____ Folsom last July la. the Tukanon and the Walla Walla a smaller bond issue. on account of the frost and dry cli- who escaped from nerman, conservatives, spoke eulo ficient to stop all pulsation if he bad reports the sheep and wool to be in Wall Street Dissatisfied. and who engaged In a battle wlfh the rivers. The question was then put and it mate. gistical ly of the services of the Duke not kept moving and gotten out as the best of condition, and from one sheriff's posse and militia at Grand New York, March 15.—Wall street The purpose of the company was was decided to be the sense of the of Cambridge as commander-in- soon as he had recovered his medi to two pounds heavier to the fleece expected an adverse decision in the Victory mine, in this county in *-ich to operate electric lighting planta at meeting that the board be authorised EPIDEMIC SUICIDE. cine cheat.—Sumpter Reporter. chief. two mon. members of the militia, all the cities touched by the road, as to call for »62.000 in bond*, to take company, consequently than last year’s clip. It is also a Securities better grade of wool than was shear values fell off only a fraction. Se Third Professor In Ohio State Uni were killed. Wood was tried for the well as to operate a modern electric up the floating debt, and to build - Sarcastic on Uncle Sam. murder of one of these men. Festus road, such as is now in operation either one 16-room building, or two Greeting to the Irish. curities stock dropped nearly three ed last year, and Is cleaner. versity In Eighteen Months. penalty between Seattle and Tacoma, run eight-room buildings. Rutherford. The extreme Our mail service is a crackerjack, Mr. Cunningham feels sorry for the points. Rome, March 17— The pope today hung. ning trains over the entire length of The property across the road from was Imposed and he will be and something Uncle Samuel ought discuss It J. J. Hill said: "I cannot woolbuyers who failed to make any Columbus. O., March 15. — Charles sent St. Patricks day greetings to Six of the 14 men who escaped are the road about one hour apart, thus the I-sn< school was named as one the Irish college, saying he will re to be proud of, although we are not. money last year on their buys, and until we have more news, I have no Walter Mas lech, assistant professor It is believed that affording quick and regular commu acceptable site for the construction member the Irish people In his pray- Almost every rainy day the mall ar who are depending on paying less for idea at present what Its scope is. of German and other languages. In still at large. rives here the mail is wet, and in their wool this year. Our railway properties are still there the state university, killed himself two are secreted in San Francisco. nication between all the cities en it a building, and a part of a block ers today. I near the ball grounds, between Alta some instances the papers are soak ....... .. by u, poisoning. „v on* died of exposure and starv- route. He thinks that If they made little and they cannot take them from us.” .............. this morning He is and Court, was recommended a* the ed and rubbed into a pulp. We spoke last year they will make less this, if Mr. Hill Is this afternoon closeted It has been hoped that such a road the third professor to suicide Inside ation in the mountains (admittedly Cyclone in Texas. to Mr. Travis, the manager, about they give a lower figure, for he does in conference with the directors of of 18............................................................... months Maslech was expect-, «pi’ro’«“ * -) that th« whereabouts would be built as It would afford fa other. The board will look over the Fort Worth, Texas, March 17—A the condition of the mail, but he said not think that the growers will con the merger company, and declined to ed to get the place of Professor Eg- of the remainder are uot even sur cilities for travel and transportation grounds and make a recommendation miles cyclone swept Neyland, 90 he couldn’t do any better. We guess sent to sell for a lower figure, and be seen. gers, who killed himself with a pls- mised. though there is a strong prob to all the remote settlements in Uma in the near future as to the place northeast of here last night, doing we are up against it, unless we look ability that they reached Mexico. tilla, Walla Walla and Columbia of building, and will the make a call will think some about selling at the tol. much damage. All wires are down. up the contractor and mention these counties, and would have a tendency i'or the issue. Van Sant Vindicated. same price. Their wool Is better and things to him. A drygoods box would should bring more, and having con Resigns From Commission. to build up the central pointa and St. Paul, March 15.—Governor Van John Flood Dead. Duke of Cambridge Dead. Prohibits Decking. keep some rain off and be better fidence in the strength of the mar Sant is much gratified at the decis Fort Worth, March 15.—Former county seats, by affording cheap and New York, March 16.—John Flood, London, March 17.—The Duke of than an open buckboard. There was ket, he is inclined to believe that a ion, which “means more to the peo the pugilist, who once fought Sulli- Governor Stanley, of the Indian Ter rapid communication with the conn- Dea Moinea, March II.—The Mil Cambridge died at 10:30 this morn no paper mail brought in on the stage higher price will be realized in many ple of the country than any event van and lost In the eighth round, ritory, has resigned from the Dawes try districts, and by furnishing prohibiting the docking of horse*' ing. Wednesday.—Long Creek Ranger. cheaper light and power. talla passed the boose. cases. since the civil war.” dropped dead this morning. ' commission. Lemberg. March 17-—Die Newspa I rons in the Far East were not pre per states that well informed circles pared for the outbreak. The war foreseen for a long in Warsaw declare the kaiser has had been written the exar. that Russia may time aud the ships at Port Arthur safely withdraw her troops from the and Vladivostok were in a perfect Polish frontier for use in the East j state of readiness. ern war. as Germany is ready to keep watch over the loyalty of the Shadowing Port Arthur. Poles. de Paris. March 17.—The Echo Paris at St. Petersburg states a re Russia Fortifying. port has reached there from Port Togo's Berlin. March 17—Die Lokal An- Arthur to the effect that zeiger reports that Russia is making squadron was again sighted Wednes extensive additions to her fortifica day morning. tions along the Baltic Sea. Headquarters Moved. Torpedo Destroyer Blown Up. St. Petersburg. March 17.—Liao London. March 17.—Reuters Port Yang, 10 miles west of Mukden, on Arthur correspondent reports that the railroad, has been selected as the Russian torpedo boat destroyer Kuropatkin's headquarters, instead Skori was blown up by a floating of Mukden. The point commands mine, and only four of the crew were several roads. However. Kuropatkin savea. will live on the railway train, mov The Skori was a sister boat of the ing his quarters to suit the needs of Stereguschtchi. sunk by the Jap tor the hour and point of attack by the pedo boat Thursday last off Port Japanese. Arthur. The two vessels were Kuropatkin is now at Omsk, trav among the largest in the Russian eling at the rate of 500 miles a day destroyer fleet. side to the front. Everything is tracked to permit his onward rush. Jap People Are Over-Confident. London. March 17—The St. James No Land Fighting Soon. Gazette’s Tokio correspondent, via Pekin. March 17.—The Japanese Shanghai to escape the censor, en- states hat since the receipt of the authorities here state that land gagements of any magnitude are not news of the Japanese victories, the public has become over-confident re likely before another month. garding the was as already over. Killing of Thieve*. The officials, however, remain calm Ito. Seoul, March 17.—Marquis and alert. with a letter of condolence from the Mikado on the death of the dowager Ruttians Were Prepared. St Petersburg. March 17.—Admir empress, arrived today. Sixteen men. mostly thieves, were al Stackelburg. just from Vladivos tok. denies that the Russian squad- executed Monday and Tuesday I STATE RIGHTS ARE DEATH PENALTY