Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1904)
•' »'.EKLY EDITION WEEKLY EDITION. Unswaye d by tear, unin ♦ ♦ fluenced by favor, the East ♦ Oregonian will tell the truth, ♦ the whole truth, and nothing The East Oregonian of Pen dleton, Oregon, ta published la th« heart of th« wonderful In land Empire. Yea will find that it is readable, reliable and progressive, and will give you the news reliably, accur ately and fully. but the truth, about county, ♦ state and national affairs, It ♦ is fair, absolutely fair, to ♦ those who differ from Its ♦ views, as well as to its ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ friends. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦«♦>? ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ VOL. ______ PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON FRIDAY. MARCH 11,1904 in this county, died at NO ATTEMPT MADE TO NO OB8TACLE TO TRANSFER hospital here last night. He had KEEP THE MATTER SECRET. mined on Connor creek for the past Canal Litigation Brought by Colom 35 years, and was married to a Chi Detective Wauppenstein May* Be bia in French Courts. nawoman. The girl was kidnaped Chief of Police and If He Should Paris March 9.—The case of the from Connor creek 20 years ago. and Republic of Colombia against the Be, Gambling Will Continue Open taken to Lewiston Davis followed Panama Canal Company, (in which —He is Favorable to the Tender her and brought her back to her par the former seeks to prohibit the Pan ents and was afterward married to loin and Gambling—Miniaterial Aa ama Canal Company from ceding its her. sociation Will Begin an Active p iperty rights to the United States government) came up for hearing in Crusade «-«gainst Vice. >RAMMED BY A STEAMER the French courts today. Seattle. March 10.—In open defi- DOING DUTY AS A TUG. ance of the state law, six big gam It Is freely admitted that Colom bia's only object in pressing the liti bling houses are now running wide An Attempt Wae Being Made to open. No attempt at secrecy is made. gation Is to retain the ownership of Colombian shares, in order that the Clear the Pier of an Immense Drift Poker has been played openly in republic may profit In the distribu —Many People Had a Narrow Es the rear of saloons, and club houses tion of the money paid by the United cape and the Steamer Became Wa for the past two months, but within State« to the French company. In the past week, six of the largest ter Logged. THE VICTIM SHOT ANO any event It Is not believed that the RUSSIAN ADVANCE ON gaming houses have opened up with PRESIDENT BRIGHAM YOUNG outcome of the case will interfere The Authorities at Washington Deny That Russia Hee Refused te AF Colusa. Cal.. March 10.—The draw faro, roulette, and other games ACADEMY A POLYGAMIST. KILLED A POLICEMAN. In any way with the transfer of the INDIA BEING PLANNED. bridge over the Sacramento river ticularly specified in the state concession of the United States lost a span, and one pier was badly making gambling a felony. damaged by the collision of the It is now almost certain that De NO EMPEROR FOR HIM. it is the Duty of Bishops to Investi Negro Dive Afterward Destroyed and Japanese Annoyed Port Arthur Sun steamer Dover with it last evening The primary reason for the damage tective Wauppenstein will be appoint gate the Moral Character of All Of a General Cleaning Out of Negroes Senator Bacon Does Not Want Fred day Last, and Fail to Get Any ed chief of police by Mayor-elect being so great was the frailty of tne Ballinger, and if this is done, no at th« Thron« of « Garman Provine«, But Renounces IL ficial Member« of the Church— and Their Place« of Business Is Trace of Russian War Vessels in pier—a wooden box structure, bal erick's Statue at Washington. lasted with rock, with a few insuffi tempt will be made to enforce the "Revelation« Washington, March 9. — During the Do Not Com« at Will, Threatened — The Militia Hae Been the Japan Sea—Martial Law De- law, as Wauppenstein is known to cient binders of railroad iron. consideration of the army bill in the Ordered Out and 8erious Trouble But As the Spirit Moves,” Which dared in Siberia and Along En- The steamer was doing duty as a be favorable to the tenderloin dis Washington. March 9—The navy Japanese squadron met Russian senate. Senator Bacon denounced the trict and open gambling. tug. to pull away an immense accu ie In Sight—Judge Mower Declares purpose of the government to erect department Las Chee Foo advices cruisers in the vicinity of Poiseet bay is Smith's Experience—"Sealing tire Length of the Siberian Rail- The Ministerial Association now mulation of drift that had^ lodged which state that a large Japanese and gave battle, the result of which for Eternity' is Recognized. the Lyncher« Will B« Prosecuted. a statue to Frederick the Oreat, pre land force has arrived at Fung Wang is not made known. road—Japanese Merchantman Hai against the pier and an enormous threatens to begin the same crusade sented by the German emperor, at redwood that bad securely stuck in here against vice that has been con Chang and Tahin. These points are The purpose of the Japanese ships Been Wrecked. the nation's capital. a shoal before the high water came. ducted in Spokane, with such good I He thought the emperor’s action LI so located, It Is believed •he Japan in proceeding to Vladivostok was not results, during the past two months. The butt of the redwood was down Washington. March 9.— President Springfield, O.. March 9—Richard advised acd the acceptance of the ese are on the Russian flank. and to bombard the town, but to locate stream, and its branches accumu ships. which are Smith was called to the witness stand Dixon, a negro, who fatally shot Po gift by the president hasty. He de the naval attacks at Port Arthur and Reltzenstein's Escaped and Recaptured Twice. Berlin. March 10.—The Tageblatt lated a veritable island of debris again thia morning and questioned liceman Charles Collins yesterday, clared that such a statue was not in Tallen Wan were merely a diversion thought to bare left the harbor The today asserts that the conviction during the flood, and every pound of St. Joseph. Mo., March 10.—Mur about an Interview in the Deseret Japanese squadron is sufficiently was taken from the county jail at accord with the wishes of the people to distract attention. prevails in government circles in weight wedged the butt more firmly derer Dunn, who escaped from Jail News —— t strong to dirlde. one portion guard of December 3, 1902. in which this place last night by a mob of 800 of this country. Russia that war with England will into the shoal. Monday and was recaptured yester he was quoted as advocating ing the harbor, the other seeking .ce Did Not Snub America. __ the men and shot to death in the jai! be the inevitable outcome of the Shortly after the steamer hooked day. again escaped last night, was election of Smoot to the senate, He yard, Later the body was bung to Russians War department officials deny th* BARRETT TO PANAMA. war with Japan. Active preparations to the drift the cable parted, with recaptured at midnight, and landed admitted the accuracy of the report a telegraph pole at the < corner of Berlin statement that permission hai are proceeding on an elaborate out the drift being perceptibly loos in jail here, ill with pneumonia. He Examined as to Benjamin Clough. Main street and Fountain Jape Seize Contraband Meat. scale, including measures for the de ened. and the center of gravity and will be hanged tomorrow. He would Jr., president of the faculty of Brig and the mob spent half an avenue, Oregon Man Succeeds to the Isthmus been refused to have American mill hour rid tary attaches with the army Mission. fense of the Baltic coast. Prince point of leverage both shifting, near die of the disease in three days the ham Young Academy, he Nagaaaki. March 9.—The govern admitted dling the body with bullets from sev- Uchtomsku. the czar's confidante, is ly capsized the steamer, besides physicians say. met’ has seized 2.100 barrels of meat Washington. March 9—The presi Clough was a jioljgamist, but I said he eral hundred revolvers. Forts Near Port Arthur. on the steamer Coptic. Just from San quoted as stating that a Russian at- swinging her siueways with the full did not know his wives, Smoot is a Collins was shot by Dixon Sunday dent has detided to appoint John tack upon India is imminent. Tokio. March 9 — Japanese war Francisco. The meat was consigned force of the current, against the pier trustee in the academy. morning while the latter was In bls Barrett of Oregon to be minister t to Port Arthur ships Tuesday evening bombarded which creaked, shivered, tottered and Panama vice Buchanan, resigned. He Asked whether he had seen the num in a hotel removing his bag Storm Stopped Battle. then fell. statements published that Abraham gage. He and decided to quit the will be succeeded as minister to Ar Fort Tai ten Wan on Korean bay. Some 30 people were on the span London, March 9.— A Central News Elder Statesmen Convene. Cannon had married Ullian Hamlin place, and feering trouble with Anna gentine by Arthur Beaupre of Illi Later they proceeded to Port Arthur dispatch from Port Arthur reports at the time, and had the collapse as late as 1(98. Smith said he bad Corbin, a woman with whom he was nois, now minister to Colombia Beau and bomlxirded the fortresses there Tokto. March 9.—The elder state* that the Japanese prepared to bom come suddenly, all would have been paid no attention to that charge, be acquainted. Dixon asked Collins to pre will be succeeded by W. W. Rus men meet tomorrow to disease the As M. bard that port last night, but owing either drowned or crushed, Capture Telegraph Station. cause it had com«- from newspapers go to the hotel with him. While tn sei, of the District of Columbia, now ways and means of prosecuting the was in charge at Panama Barrett tc a heavy storm were compelled to was. by hard running all either es his room Dixon and Misa Corbin viciously bitter toward the church Seoul. March 9.—A small party of of the bridge formerly minister to Siam leaped to other portions desist at 11 o’clock. quarrel«*, aad Dixon is said to have Russians seized the Korean telegraph "Sealing for Eternity." The signal station sent messages or jumped to the deck of the kteam- shot her In the breast, The police station, at Yung Won today. A re- From the same source he had seen Amènes Badly Snubbed. SEATTLE REPUBLICAN. to the fortress that the Japanese er below. man then att«nupted to arrest Dixon, ported fight occurred between Kore HEAVY PROPERTY LOSSES the statement that Cannon claimed Berlin. March 9—The Lokal An- The damage to the bridge will squadron had appeared on the hori when the latter fired into the officer's ans and Russians on the Korean side zeiger asserts that Russia Las re Largest Party Majority in the H i «tory of the Tumen river. IN MANY NEIGHBORHOODS. to be entitled to take Lillian Hamlin body inflicting fatal wound« zon. Fifty minutes later tbe shore reach >10.000 by the collision, and as a plural wife because she had of the City. fused permission to America to send batteries opened fire, but a gale will much exceed that amount before After the shooting the mob visited been betrothed to his dead brother. the combination dive military attache« with the Russian Seattle. Marches—The republicans sprang up at that moment and the the flood is done with the weakened and boarding Renounces Succession. He has seen the statement printed fo'xee in the field, while free permis Sausalito is Under Water—Ships structure. attacking fleet withdrew. house which was the scene of the have carried the city by a majority Berlin. March 9.—The czar has re that Apostle George Teasdale took a When the steamer listed after the Damaged and Wrecked in San plural wife since 1890. as head of murder of Collins, and burned it. The of *.000. the largest in the history of Bounced tbe succession to the ducal sion to continental powers is given the city Biliinger. head of the tick cable broke, she shipped a large Fired on Vladivostok. Francisco Harbor—Six-Story Un the church he had felt called upon inmates had fled before the mob throne of Oldenburg, to which he is et. is elected by 1.300. being slashed Probably Vague Rumor. had reaches the place. Toklo, March 10.—Admiral Kimu amount of water and barely reacn< d entitled in tbe er«*nt of the death of to investigate. It is the duty of bish completed Building Badly Wreck With the arrival of soldiers thia by sntl-oor;«jration republicans ra sends the following report of tbe the shore in time to be righted by London. March 9.—No venficatior the males of the present dynasty. In ops to investigate the moral charac ed by the Gale—A Three-Story morning order prevailed. The streets Japanese attack on Vladivostok Sun- » vigorous working of the pumps calculable complications * would en- is yet received of the Toklo dispatch ter of the official members of the A quantity of drift acted as a buff Building Was Ruined—Schooner are practlcaily deserted this morn day: su- should he become tbe sovereign stating tha’ the Vladivostok squadron church. er. between the pier anu the steamer ing. the ruins along the railroad has been destroyed or captured It "The attack on Vladivostok the Went Ashore on Goat Island. of a federal state of the Germ aa Dubois baked wbethefl Lillian Ham track being the only reminder of ts thought to be another vague re (th began at 1:50 in the afternoon or the latter would have been baa«y pire lln bad a child named Cannon, and last night's stirring scenes Through mor and lasted 40 minutes, We believe stove and sunk at the spot. whether she claimed for that child the bombardment was effective and San Francisco, March 10.—The a share of the Cannon estate. “Could out the series of mob acts not a per Sultan Ordered Two Cniteera Condensed Milk Factory. demoralized the enemy, as the Rus worst wind and rainstorm in 13 years not prove it by him." the witness son was scratched except the victim Constantinople. March 9—The eul of lynch law, Richard Dixon sian forts did not reply. The cruis Baker City. March 10.—As an ad- iwept over Central and Northern ssid. HELD UP "LAST CHANCE- tsn has decided to order two cruisers ers subsequently reconnoitered at Junct to the large creamery now in The chairman asked If "Sealing for EARLY THIS MORNING. of the latest improved type from the Oregon More Trouble Threatened. several adjacent places along the operation on Rock creek, near California and Southwestern .Cramps. eternity" was ever performed be the causing coast, but founef no trace of Haines, in this county, a condensed last night and this morning, Springfield. March 9.—“Look out, | Navel Battle Reported. tween two living mortals. "Had beard enemy.” I milk factory will be started soon. heavy property losses, and perhaps of such instances." for tozight other dives surely «rill go Tall Blonde With Red Moustache and London. March 9.—A Tokio dis- . There is but one other such factory loss of life. Whether he had received any reve the way of the Levee,” is a remark a Gun Captured About Twenty-Five P«'ch reiterate« the belief that a Martial Law in Siberia. in the state, it being located at HlUs- lations since he became president beard on ail sides today. and tne Many places are flooded, Dollars and Escaped—No Trace | -------------------------------------------- Of 5 000 negroes in the city few St. Petersburg, March 10.—An im- boro. business quarter of Sausalito. Cali that had been sustained by the are seen Many have left the city, perial ukase today proclaims martial LONG CREEK ROW. Has Yet Been Discovered of Him foul-mouthed sleuth hound church. Smith said that no man could fornia. is under water. No vessels the balance Lave barricaded their Walla Walla Library Located. law in various districts in Siberia, a best detective has —Bartender Waa Alone at the arrived here this morning, and it is receive revelations at will. He had houses. Editor of the Light Give« Opinion of better import a few.” pan of the trans-Balkal district, Walla Walla, March 9.—The Car feared there have been nome dlsas- impressions of the spint upon his Time. Tudrx Mower this morning said s along the Lake Baikal railway, and negie library will be located at the mind many times. Portland Detective. ters along the coast. special grana jury will be «-lied im along all branches of the railway to corner of Alder and Palouse streets, POLITICIAN STRICKEN BUND. Secatnr Hoar asked how he recon W. O. Harryman. editor of tbe A number of ships in the bay are The Last Chance saloon on Main the east. on the triangular lot offered by T. C. badly damaged. In the city, barns, ciled his statement that It Is not sup mediately to prosecute the lynchers Ixmg Creek Light, who has been Elliott and wife. This determination fences and roofs were wrecked. In posable an officer of the church The Junge takes the riot as a per. street. 1« out about (25 in silver and bound over to the circuit court of Another Whack at Port Arthur. was reached at the council meet ini. the downtown districts the water would perform plural marriage« since srnal blow, srd is on the verge nt nkkles. H M. Kennedy, the nigh« Grant county for complicity in dyna prostration man. is recovering from the unex Port Arthur, March 10.—A Japan- last night after a free discussion of miting the office of the Ranger at backed up and flooded the cellars. 1890. with the fact that some of these at midnig.i. all the phases of tne case. ese fleet reappeared pected vision of six large. .38 cart officers still are living with plural Long Creek two weeks ago. give« the In the upper part of a six-story build Blew Up a Bridge. rides looking him in the face, and an bombarded the city intermittently following complimentary notice of ing. in course of construction at Bush wives. unknown robber with red hair ,s until 8, and withdrew. English Cabinet Row. Vienna. March 9.—Italian work The reply was: “We have felt not the Portland detective who worked and Polk streets, was badly twisted Birmingham. Eng.. March 10.—The by the wind, and the whole building only that public opinion, but the state men. with dynamite, today blew up speeding to safety with the boodle, up the case and caused Harryman's American Attaches. constitution and general conditions a bridge over tbe river Begaa. in Hun as the result of a holdup at tne saloon arrest: Gazette prints a sensational story is in danger of falling over. March 10.—Russia that trouble has arisen between the Washington, in Utah more or less justify us in gary. killing tbe German engineer shortly before 3 o'clock mia morn The fire department is considering "B F. Selvage, claiming to be an permission to king and cabinet over has granted formal proposed the advisability of tearing down the pursuing tne course we did in re I.inebach. and two others, and injur ing expert detective from Pcrtland. but General Chaffee, Major Gibson. Cap- changes in the war office, and hinting The bartender at the saloon was gard to plural marriages, and I do ing four. who ha« the appearance and actions tain Gatley and Captain Reichman to that the king may distniss the cabi- threee-story building in course of not believe any of our officers would In the room alone this morning, and of being a bouncer from some five- construction on Lake street, near during the net. accompany the army just preparing to close the place, Triple Stores Burned. <ent beer joint, arrived in I-ong Sixth avenue. It was blown over violate that sacrament.” when a tall man. with a sandy com present campaign. Scranton. Pa, March 9.—Fire last ------------- >----------- and completely demolished. Creek a fortnight ago with a rush FRENCH STEAMER WRECKED. Fighting in Somaliland. night destroyed the triple stores of plexion and red moustache entered and a whirlwind and taking the town The United States schooner Ernest Japanese Steamer Wrecked. the front door, sprung the latch and -- I K Goldsmith Bazaar, and damaged two Aden, March 10.—General Manning, went ashore on Goat island. All the by storm. London, March 10.—Lloyd’s Yoko- ordered the man behind tbe counter Foundered and Sunk in Storm In In other buildings Loes, 1200.000. commanding a British expedition in crew, it is reported, escaped, but it "He wanted the people to under Loma agent wires that the Japanese to throw up his hand«, at the earn, Mullah'« is feared the vessel cannot be saved. dian Ocean. raided the stand that he was Detective Selvage steamer Shinshu Maru. was wrecked Somaliland, time shoving an ugly looking re Strike In Chicago. forces, killing 150 men and captured Ail telephone and telegraph wires from Portland, came here to fin- out Shipping Bill Paeeee Senate. Paris. March 9—Official details off Chemulpo and is a total loss. Chicago. March 9.—Five thousand volver under the nose of the aston- the culprit who blew up the Ranger, number of camels. are down and for several hours San have been received of the lose of Washington. March •.—The senate Ished saloonman The hands went workers Francisco was practlcaily cut off French steamship Cambodge, near painters and SOO cement and that everybody must dance to hie has passed the Philippine shipping Neutrality Enjoined. struck . this , more Ing „ tor Increased up. Chamberlain Mentally out- III. music. from communication with the bill Rangoon. India. February 17, for . Washington, March 10.—The pres The invader then ordered Mr. Ken Europe, off the coast of Cochin Chi- 1>ay an<* a «bop. "He roared and prowled around here I London. March 10.—Investigation side world. ident today issued the following ex nedy to throw the sack of silver on San Jose reports that the streets na It ie believed 10C persons perish for a few days and then dragged two Tokio. March 9.—It is announced ecutive order: “All officials of the of the report that Chamberlain is the bar. which he did. Not satis- Lord Loftue Dead. A ed in a terriffic storm. A series of innocent victims to Canyon City, that Prine« and Princess Artxugawa government have decided not only mentally ill indicates there is some there resemble miniature lakes. tied with the first sack, the robber Ixmdon. March 9.—Lord Augustus to observe the president's proclama basis for tne rumor. Advices from veritable cloudburst struck 8anta huge waves broke over the ship, Loftus, the aged diplomat and states asked for another one. and was whero he succeeded In getting one will represent the mikado at the Bt Egypt, where Chamberlain Is recup held to the circuit court. If ' this Louis exposition. Rosa and vicinity. which finally sank in eight meters of tion of neutrality pending tile war, banded a small one containing sever- man ie dead. All streams are out of their banks water. Help was sent from Saigon but to abstain from either action or erating, state that he is improving. al dollars in nlcklea and dimes. and their traffic in Northern Califor speech which can legitimately cause After pocketing the money the nia is abandoned. The railroad Companion Boat Loot. irritation to either combatant." man backed to the door and after < of water, warning the bartender sot to follow! Canea. Crete, March 10.—A Rus tracks are under two feet reported, Eccentric Miner Dead. sian transport from Port Baid reports A number of washouts are on pain of having his head blown off. Guerneville reports a big landslide. Baker City, March 10.—C. C. Davis, the loss of a companion to torpedo turned and ran across the street and Petalu- completely blocking traffic, better known as "Lum" Davis, one boat No. 221, while en route. The vanished in the shadow of the freight ma was hit hard. In an incredibly of the oldest prospectors and miners crew were rescued. depot. short time the business district .was An alarm was turned in, but noth- under four and five feet of water ing could be found of the robber. He rushing through the streets and ware was above medium height, and slim, houses with the fury of a mill race. and wore a short canvas coat and In the year 1901, Umatilla coun columns, could easily be printed in Several narrow escapes from drown PUBLIC LAND COMMISSION overalls. He was clean shaven ex- ty paid the East Oregonian (161.25. seven columns. , LA GRANDE WILL GIVE UNION ing are reported from Petaluma. cept Lis moustache, which was red, The county court cannot go back MAKES RECOMMENDATIONS. for printing the delinquent tax list; COUNTY A NEW BUILDING. while his hair was light. The bar- of such authority as this. MUNIClHAL OWNERSHIP PAYS. tender never remembers having seen in the year 1902. the county paid this Washington, March 10.—Andrew witness said the Mormon people Since the Tribune secured the con before his ap- the man in the saloon paper (57.30. for the same printing tract for the county printing, the Jensen, assistant historian of the drew a clear distinction between the Weiser Psper Rejoices in Results Bonds to Be Voted at Coming Elec First Report to Congress Contains a pearance last night. Mormon church, who prepared a kind of adultery presented In Har In 1903. the bill of tbe Tribune was East Oregonian has had nothing to Brought Out in Thst City. Plea for Repeal and 6trict Revis tion Will Be for the Purpose of Although the trains were watched book, “Lives of the Apostles," was mon’s testimony, and the act of liv For a number of years Weiser was (366.60, for printing the delinquent do with that matter The county of ion of Objectionable Laws—Tim by the officers. officers, and a thorough Building a Court House for La ficials have been forced to order called in the Smoot case this morn ing with plural wives. pulled and hauled about over the ber and Stone Act, Desert Land Act search was made, no trace has been tax list; in 1904. the Tribune's bill some few official blanks outside be ing to tell where he obtained his in In response to McComas, the wit question of franchises for water and Grande, to Be Presented to the formation. Most of it, he said, came ness said that only general officers of light plants, says the Weiser Signal, and Commutation Clause Should found to aid them In their search, is (618.20, for this service, a total cause the Tribune, the "county om People, if the County Seat ie Re There was about (75 in gold in the of (764.25 more than the bill for the rial' paper, could not print the from previous publications in the the church are required to obtain the Franchises were granted to private be Revised. moved to That City. saloon at ,.ie time the robber made two former years church. blanks wanted, but the Eaat Ore- consent of the first presidency before parties and then recalled, and there his app«>arance. but as he did not a«k gon Ian haa furnished none of thee* About Apostle Grant, the witness running for political office. were constantly mournful prophe- In 1901, the East Oregonian print Washington, March 9.—Tbe great for it, the bartender forgot in the ex blanks said Grant is reputed to have two An executive session to hear the r-ies of disaster if the city under La Grande. March 9.—While the ed over 250 inches of delinquent tax | The wives. An academic discussion about evidence of the defense in Apostle took what It was acknowledged Indi- city will vote on (25,000 bonds, for est step ever made toward tbe repeal citement of the moment to offer it, East Oregonian continually list, which cost the taxpayers but prints briefs for attorneys as private of the timber and stone act and the and It was saved to the proprietors. adultery then ensued, in which the Teasdale divorce cake is being held. viduals could make a success of. the Ostensible purpose of building a desert land law, has just been msde. (161.25; tn 1904 the Tribune pads firms, and not as county officials, be- "The city can never undertake it. out the list to amount to 237 inches, cense the workmanship and service city hall at the coming election, the in tbe recommendation of tbe public HEYBURN IN DISFAVOR. Let a corporation have the franchis which costs the ccuntv »616.20. or rendered by this paper are superior land commission, appointed by Pres- es. Every city that has tried munici real purpose is to build a hall suita- jient Roosevelt, to report on land Spokans Citizen Attacks His Ceme almost 400 per cent more than the to that of the "county official'* paper, pal ownership is anxious to turn the ble for a court house, to be presented largest bill of the East Oregonian, and the prices equal. law abuses. tery Bill for That City. elephant over to private corpora to the county. In case the county seat “Senator W. B. Heyburn of Idaho, when the matter printed, even This commission consists of W. A As to the reduction of the Tribune's tions. It will break our backs," was Is moved from Union to La Grande. Richards, commissioner of the gen has introduced a bill in the senate as padded out by the Tribune. bill by the county court, that was the mournful cry. The city sailed in The main objection to the removal eral land office; Gifford Pinchot, for of the United States to set apart a amounted to 13 inches less than the One of the chief kicks which has' Judge Hartman, in speaking of the and shouldered the ownership while of the county seat has been that the done in defense of the people and ester, and F. H. Newell, chief of the park and graveyard on the edge of amount printed by the East Ore was not In anv sense a matter of been made against the county clerk charges made against him, in claim- our neighbors were giving up to prl- cost of a new court house would be reclamation service, and its recom Coeur d'Alene lake which, if passed, gonian. by the Tribune was over a job of 100 ing that he had passed up the print- vate monopolies. What is the re- gain. as every thinking citizen a heavy load on the taxpayers, end mendation to congress is that the will bring such a pestilence to the Tbe taxpayers can read these fig knows. Is it any wonder the county naturalization blanks which had ing bill. said: suit? to avoid this objection in the coming timber and stone act, the desert city of Spokane as will depopulate ures. They need no explanation. The court hesitates to allow this enorm been ordered from a Portland firm, “I am sorry that Elmer says such Weiser’s light and water plant was county-seat removal campaign, this land law and the commutation clause it," said Dr. D. C Newman, former records of the county show what ous btl! of the Tribune, tn face of the and for which the county was naughty things about me. He is completed November 16—three city proposes to preseDt to the coun of the homestead law be repealed or health officer of Spokane, reports the they are. fact that It Is four times greater charged (7.50. The Tribune claimed real unkind. And he does not tell months ago. ty a new building suitable in every strictly revised to prevent frauds In Spokane Lally Press. Yesterday. Otto Didion, the printer than any bill formerly paid for print that the work could and would have the truth. He says that I, through This patronage is just getting un way for a court house. “The Spokane river has a direct who set the delinquent list for the ing the tax list, while the amount of any possible manner. been done Dy the "official organ" for political craftiness, had the printing der headway, only a small portion of If the county seat is not removed It recommends that agricultural outlet from the lske, and if the citi Tribune, swore before the county printed matter is less? (3.50, and yesterday County Clerk continued to the next term, Now the people being supplied with light to this city, the hall will serve as a The more the Tribune trie« to ex Chamberlain took one of tbe blanks that is not so. Horace Walker asked and water, but new patrona coming city hall. It will be built in a sub- lande be taken within forest reserves zens of Spokane do not make a roar court, that he was instructed by Mr with regard to the natural bound against the passing of tue bill, the Dodd, editor of the Tribune, to spel plain this open and flagrant attempt to the office of the Tribune and that it be continued, and I am sure in every day. stanta) manner to cost at least (25,- aries of the agricultural land, the en city will be in an unhealthy condi out all the deacriptlons in the list asked Mr. Dodd to please print him that both he and Tom Gilliland are The running expenses of botu 000 and will be a much more Impos tries to be confined to nothing but tion from the time the first body is contrary to all custom, or common to graft the people, the worse It makes the matter for the owner of an extra hundred of them, aa the too honest to allow more than one- plants last month was )500. ing building than the present coun tillable land, regardless of the sec laid in the cemetery. business honesty. the paper and the county commis county would need them sooner or half of the amount asked for when It The income to the city for light and ty court house at Union. cannot understand how Senator That fixes the responsibility for tne sioners who stood together against tion lines and corners. “I later. comes up- agt in. water was (800, and increasing right If a body of tillable land lies along Heyburn could have the hardihood, padded condition of the delinquent Judge Hartman, In allowing a con Mr. Dood took a look at the blank “I also understand that Elmer is along. Infernal Machin« »,,,,,w Found. B Dottom, in a lorest a cret-K creek bottom, forest reserve, when he has lived in Spokane so tax llet. tract to the Tribune, at (2 60 aa inch and decided that he would not be about to cut his corset strings and The rates are 25 to 50 per c«t San Francisco, March 9.—What is | the homesteader should be allowed many yeara, to introduce auch a bill. Morgan 8chrack, an able and ex over a bld of but M cents an tach, able to do the work at the figure whip me. That, too, is real naughty lower than any private corporation believed to be an infernal machine to take the land, in any shape to in- He muat know that the people of thia perienced printer, of more than 20 by the East Oregonian. bid by the Tnuune, the fact of the In Elmer. He should not think of rates on the Pacific coast. was found on the beach near Young c|ttde all the plow-land upon the city are compelled to use the water years' service in the best offices in Thia will be good food for thought matter being that he has not the fa- such a thing. He should pick out a Municipal ownership was the **•»•»««*** Corbett's training tjuaaiivia quarters ujid this auuiaa- morn- tract, and to exclude all proper far which cornea from the Coeur the United State«, ewore that the tax for the taxpayers during the coming cilities to turn out the work. braver and a larger man." thing. Lucky Weiser. int- ing. Th« The polic« police ar« are investigating. eet areas. d'Alene." Hat printed by the Tribune la 11 FOB THE SENATE President Smith, Recalled, Sequel to Eleven Murders in Gives Some Interesting Tw Years in Clark County, Testimony. Ohio. Russian Official Circles Be lieve Great Britain Will Become Involved. Bombarding Outlying Points in That Vicinity as a Blind. Reported Destruction of a Russian Squadron. THIRTEEN YEARS t • CITY HALL TO BE campaign.