Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1904)
WEEKLY EDITION. W EEKLY EDITION X ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ft ♦ Uns way e d by fear, unin ♦ ♦ fluenced by favor, the East ♦ ♦ Oregonian will tell the truth, ♦ the whole truth, and nothing ♦ ♦ but the truth, about county, ♦ ♦ state ard national affairs, It ♦ ♦ is fair, absolutely fair, to ♦ those who differ from Ita * views, as well as to its ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ friends ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ A%V VOL. XXVIII REVOLUTIO« PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 4.1904 ELGIN WOMAN SUICIDES. Wife of Ex-County School Su- ' 'ident of Union County, and Woman. Thirteen-Story Structure in Provoked by the Sufferings New York Collapses and of a Destitute, Desperate Peasantry, Many Are Killed. REAR OF AN APARTMENT £♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦£ FIFTY-THREE PROVINCES UTEST PUKES I .a Grande. March 2.—Mrs. W. B. Hindman, wife of an ex-county school superintendent, and one of the most prominent citizens of Union county, committed suicide at her home on Elk Flat. seven milee northwest of Elgin, last evening, by placing a pis- tol in her mouth and blowing her head completely to fragments. She waa temporarily deranged r»y a long spell of sickness and the dep uty coroner found that an inquest was unnecessary. She was marrle.l to W. B. Hindman in 1883, and leaves PARTLY BY ASSESSMENT WATER BEINO SCARCE. her husband and two children, a UPON BANK CIRCULATION. PORT ARTHUR SUFFERS. daughter aged 16 and a son 14. Immediate Measures Taken State of Hurried Preparations to Raise the Panama Canal by Both Combatants for Spring Campaign, Purchase Money.^ ♦ The But Ore ♦ dieton, Oregon, ♦ the heart of th< ♦ land Empire ♦ that it la rem ♦ and progressive, ♦ you the news i ♦ atsly and fully. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « NO. 27 CORBETT WINS FIGHT. Dave Sullivan Knocked Out in 11th Round at 'Frisco, San Francisco, March 1—The champion featherweight, "Young Corbett," had no difficulty in retaln- ing his laurels last night, defea'lng Dave Sullivan, of New York, in the 11th round of a 20-round contest Corbett left the ring without a mark while, on the other hand. Sul livan received a terrific beating and only the merciful action of Referee G isih - v in stopping the contest saved the New Yorker from having h!s face beaten into a pulp. OPENS WITH VIM Situation More Critical Than Commercial Association in Ever in the Districts Aiong Charge of the New Officers the Lower River Course. I I eeps Up Its Record. SOLDIERS 00 TO PHILIPPINES. Transport Sherman Set Sail Today LEVEES BREAKING RIGHT THIRTEEN NEW MEMBERS Carrying Large Number Troops. AND LEFT NEAR STOCKTON ADMITTED LAST NIGHT. O. R. ft N. PAYS ITS TAXES. San Francisco. Cal., March 1.—The Republican Member» Senate Postof Country Population Mor» Anxioua army transport Sherman which sail* ♦ Takes Advantage of 3 Par Cent Re Intervention Proposed by a Member fice Committee Filibuster Against Than ths Townspeople of Rueaia, rd today for the Philippines, carries Vast Tracts of Received to its Thres Occupants of ths Lattar Build- Reclaimed Lands Hearty Responses bate In Baker City. an unusually large number of trgops Further Investigation of Postal of the French Cabinet, and May to Enlist — Siberian Railway Being Effort to Secure Lay-over Fnvll- Under Water and Thousands of ing Were Kllisd and of Fifty Men Beside* a large number ot casual offi Baker City, March 1 —The O. R. It was first cers. the passengers Include the be N. Railroad Company fiel- Kept Open Japan Not Department Frauds — Insane by Great Efforts, and Possibly Bs Carried Out Tourlet Ticket»—New Head of Livestock Drowned — is at Work in the Hotel Forty Are <n Twelfth Infantry from Fort Douglas. fore Tax Collector Lachner dier 8hoots Two War Department Being Avsi ■The Turkish Gov- Extensive Improvements Being land Tracts in Grsst Danger—Up- j on Branch Line as a Re- the Ruins—Collapse Believed to morning. It paid the first taxes Utah; Whipple barracks. Arizona; Clerks—Official Denial That Clsvs- Made Upon it—Japanese Diet Will Fort Duchesne. Utah, and Fort Bliss, ernment Wifi Forcibly Prevent probably the largest individual tas per Sacramento Is Falling—Towns suit of Its Work—Letter From Be Due to Buckling of Steel Gird- Texas, and 400 cavalry recruits and on the roll. land Ever Entertained Be Convened Soon for Ten Days' Russian Fleet Passing the Darda a Colorad P-esident Myers, of Lewie Who E »cap id Protected by Levees Arc Danger ■The Workmen ei 100 infantry recruits The amount of tax due by the Man. Session. nelles — A Japanese Fleet Threit- Clark Fair Commission. ously Situated—Back Water Floods company was >20.127.05. but the *X- Believe All the Remaining Forty HORSE THIEF E8CAPE6. act amount paid was >19.053 24. <t ena Vladivostok. Large Territory. Aro Dead. having taken advantage of the law U the new administration of tbs allowing three per cent discount to St Petersburg. Msrch 3.—Unusual Carnes Out a Nervy and Unusual Washington. March 2.—The treas Commercial Association began bus Schema those paying their taxes on or befo-e Berlin. March 2 — The Taeglfche ury authorities are preparing a call energy is exerted on the part of the Stockton. March 1—The flood from New York, Marcu 2.—The Hotel iness under lnsusplcioua i-irram- Bundschau reports that Russia Is on March 15 the Sairamento river which yester Sacramento. March 1. — W C. Bic ordering all national banks authorities for the prevention of a of the Darlington, an uncompleted structure stances, last tight, by admitting 13 the verge of a revolution. Minister well, confined in the Ja l at Ori die f. day swept south across the wile country to pay in 20 per cent by Siberian railway blockade of 13 stories, on Forty-sixth strut, at the Interior Plehve regards the new members, it made up tor this Montana Pioneer Deed. «Larged with t<>rwe stealing, burn»«! reclaimed strip of country to Moke- Twenty new sidings have been his way out through the root last iumne river. 1» now flowing west to seeming hoodoo by the spirit an... ec near Sixth avenue, collapsed this peasantry as the most dangerous Helena. Mont.. March 1.—While on March 25. The sum required ls >2u.- his way from Helena to his home ,n 000.000, which, together with >20.- built, and they hope to clear the line eight with a Ug'-ted candle. He the San Joaquin river, breaking *11 ergy with which the first of the new afternoon. The police report 18 man condition. >n.- started off The starving rustics, maddened by Meagher county yesterday morning, 000.000 from the treasury itself, wUl and keep 11 trains going In each di stood on a ehair and wet the roof so levees in its path. killed and a dozen injured. The .*«- After listening to the reading ot the excessive use of vodke, are t.en Lewis, one of the wealthiest it would not burn too fast Today it flooded the Brack tract of serves were callea out, and a dozen be devoted to payment for Panama rection daily. the minutes, tue meeting waa de plundering estates and murdering the woolgrowers in the state, WJ« 5,000 acres. Staten Island, of 1.000 ambulances summoned. Reserves from the Siberian rural lighted by the beany responses from land owners. The government has stricken with heart disease and died canal property and concessions. LION KILLS A HORSE. acres. Sargent tract of 6.000 acres, "Raked” Anotner Building, ail over the states of Oregon. 'Wash districts are reported more anxious proclaimed a minor state of seige within a few minutes Warships Collide. and now senously threatens Bouldin ington and Idaho, seconding the ef In falling, the wreckage raked the and mild form of martial law in 53 Admiral Baker cables from Guan to go to the front .-an the town* Brute Hae a Car to Himself at San Island. fort of the association to secure rear of Patterson's apartment house at the 71 provinces of European Rus Diphtheria at La Grande. Much stock has been drowned Jose. tanamo to Pensacola the Missouri s men stop-over privileges on tourist tick and damaged it considerably. Mrs sia. Surviving cattle are being removed La Grande. March 1.—The 8-year- steering itear became disabled and ets, at all points in this stetes. San Jose. March I. — The big lion Storrs t and Dodge. Mrs. Fraak by steamer* from the top of levee*. old son of W, S. Berkeley died yes Japanese D*et Session. On a special order of business a tnown a« Hanniba! got loose In a waiter are reporter killed at the she collided with the Illinois, dam Move for Intervention. terday evening with diphtheria and Sacramento Falling. rommittee consisting of J. R. SJLSt- Toklo. Msrch 3.—An extraordinary ~ar this morning and killed a hors» apartment house. aging the latter ’ s port propeller. but Paris. March 2.—Former Minister another child in the same family is Sacramento. March L—The Sacra •on. T. C- Taylor and Lie Teutsch. the liver and heart. The About Forty Killed. 3f Foreign Affairs Honatauz. has dangerously 11] with the disease Sev doing slight injury to herself. The session of the Japanese diet is sum lion la now free tn a car at the depot :.ento is falling at this point, Water was appointed to select a board of Illinois was ordered to New York moned for the 18th. It Is not ex at the Fifty men were at work started an agitation in favor of In eral other cases are reported in the rom the Edwards break is receding managers and the following members itid has the railroad men terrorixil Cowles, the president's time and of these only 10 were xc- tervention by the powers to stop suburbs, but all are in a mild form Captain pected to be in session more than The car is a frail cattle car and «teadily. The greatest height was ■ere nominated by -e committee, brother-in-law, is in command of the counted for up to 3 p. m. The others war. French officials count mneb rn 10 days The customs will not be should the beast try. he could break attained during the night. and unanimously elected aa a per Missouri. Harper Operated On. are in the ruins. Workmen who es the new movement. touched, but new taxes on salt and the door open and escape A message from Couriand at noot manent board of managers : Insane Shooter. caped believe all are dead. The res Chicago. March 1.— President Har Leon Cohen, Robert Forai«, IL Al silk are likely. •¡ays Grant and Merritt islaads are cue work proceeds rapidly. William O'Brien, a discharged sol per. of the University of Chicago Relating to Mediation. zander F E Judd. Dr. C. J. Smith. Vsnnovski Dead. all right ard perfectly safe. The cause of the' collapse is not The Lisbon district on the Tolo W. E Brock. H E Bickers. W. J. London, Marcu 2.—It Is learned was successfully operated upon this dier from St. Elizabeth insane asy- Suffer for Water. St. Petersburg. March 1.—Former definitely known, but it ls believed lum. thia morning shot Robert Man this evening on the highest diplo morning for appendicitis. Minister of War Vsnnovski died last side is safe, and the river Is falline Clark and Bert Huffman. St. Pet«sburg. March 3 — A Port the immense steel girders buckled. nlng and Arthur Wicker, war de there, Rackwater in Yolo county Is night. matic authority that no overtures New O. R. ft M. SctMduie. partment clerks, the latter seriously Arthur dispatch states that tnhabl- tailing slowly. have yet been made to either Japan serious tants are suffering from a Tie man came to the adjutant- Robert Forster, a member cf the CAPTAIN OF THE QUEEN Wa*er at Rio Vista is reported ar or Russia relative to mediation. If the wat« supply general's office ard asked for papers shortness in ,-ommittee appointed some tlm-s ago itch high« than the flood of 1902 inch overtures should be made, it is MAKES FINAL REPORT. He was referred to the record and brought overland. Owing to the se hut the town is safe. It could not o secure a better schedule for O. IL understood Japan will give them aad pension office- and cut loose with a vere cold the water freezes tard a high wind, bower«, without k N train No 41, between this city careful attention, and possibly agree pistol, Manning's wound penetrwt- bursts before its arrival. The con real danger. No fear whatever of znd Walla Walla, reported tbit the Two Lifeboats Capsize, Drowning to them, if assured her vital Interests dens« tn the town ls insufficient to ed the •tomach. while Wicker war 'his city's levees, as there ia more -chedule had been changed ot Feb- «ill be sufficiently protected. Ten Passengers — Three Waiters shot in the left arm O'Brien was supply the needs of the garrison aad :han a six foot margin and all sound "uary 25. to bring that train into this disarmed by other clerks and arrest Inhabltanta ity at 1:30 p. ^s.. er one botr and Burn to Death—If Passengers Had Several levees up the river on the Won't Let Them Through. ed. Remained on Board None Would Gutter side have broke. The levee Ive minutes earil« than the former FIGHTING RANGE LIMIT LAW. Grover Denies IL Constantinople. March 2.—The back of Walnut Grove broke at 2 this schedule and that although the com Have Been Drowned. THIRTEEN WORKMEN mittee had not secured s schedule Turkish government has resolved to nornieg and a large arei is flooded In the house Webb, democrat of I Isho Sheepmen Will Csrry Up PRESIDENT SM.TH IS KNOWN TO BE KILLED North Carol in*. forcibly prevent the Russian Black Trains are running slowly across lung the arriving time of the train interrupted the Port Townsend, March 1.—It is Sea fleet passing the Dardtnelles Their Contention» to Hightr u 1 o'clock p. m^ as it bad hop-?d. reading of the District of Colombia THE FIRST WITNESS. the track in Yolo basin, but the now definitely known that 14 persons The defenses of the straits have Courts. appropriation bill today to present water is receding from the track and the change was heartily appreciated lost their lives in the fire which been strengthened, due to England's Sixteen Others Are in Hospitals— to the house a denial from Grover by the people of the county, patron til is safe again Boise. March 3.—John McMillan partly consumed the steamer Queen, threat to make a demonstration. izing the train. Foreman Is Under Arrest and the Cleveland that be had. while presi- president, and Monde B Gwinn Tells' the Story of Hi» Accession to about 40 miles off the Oregon coast, Contractors Cannot Be Found— <l«.i. entertained • negro al lunch ««reta.-y of the Woolgrowers' Anno Wild Horae Road. FARMERS ON THE WARPATH. the Presiden y. and of the Divine opposite Tillamook Rock, on Satur- tation. expressed the surprise fel- Russian Cniiaers at Port Said. Heavy Suits for Damages by Rela- eon. The letter said the charge is T. C. Taylor, member of the com Instrumental ty and »..ission of the day. a fabrication out of whole cloth The bv the association in genera) and Northern Pacific Has Ordered the mittee appointed at the last k . .eting Port Baid. March 2.—'lue Russian lives. Friends and Property Own Church, and of the 0 scovery of the A complete list of the passengers barge was made on the floor by by themselves in particular at the Mutual Telephone Lines Cut Where to ascertain the feasibiHty of the cruiser Aurora sailed today toward era. and crew has now been given by Scott, republican from Kansas, sev- recent decision of the supreme court Sacred Tablets by His Uncle, the Wild Horse cut-off wagon road load Bonskoi Candia The cruiser Emitri They Cross the Tracks. Captain Cousins, which shows that e.-al days ago, In defending Roose of the state against the sheepmen Prophet Joseph Smith—Committee ing eastward out of the city, report is permitted to remain five days for Colfax. Marin 1—Farmers owning three members of his crew were New York, March 2.—Three hund- velt for his action in entertaining in the iwo-mUe Putt law rase of repairs Room Crowded With a Cloud of dozens of co-operative telephone lines ed that the petition for the road Booker T Washington burned to death on board, 10 passen ve. Enos C Walling, respondent. would come before the county court red men worked all night in the Witnesses. throughout Eastern Washington, are gers were drowned by the capsizing Claries Bown and L L Ormsby, •P- today. ruins of the Hotel Darlington. on the warpath, because the North Smoot Investigation. of two lifeboats, and one passenger Threatening Vladivistok. pe Hants Perm» went Irrigation Committee. At 10 this morning five bodies uad a Mrs. Adams, of San Francisco, died The sheepmen appealed from the Washington. March 2.—Because It Wsshington, March 2.—Investiga ern Pacifc roadmastvrs have ordered St. Petersburg, Marbc 2.—A Vladi from exposure after having been res vostok telegram states that the Jap been recovered and the rescuers re was probable that the examination decision of the district court of El tion of the right of Reed Smoot of the wires of these telephone lines Dr. C. J. Smith called attention to cued from the water. anese fleet recently seen off that port eight more in eight, One is cut of President Smith would touch up more county, which awarded dama Utah, to retain his seat in the United cut, wherever they cross the tracks a letter received by him from mem bers of the Walla Walla Commercuzl on his personal affairs, his polyga ges to Wailing for depredations com States, be being an apostle in the of the company. The members of the crew port is believed to have been reserve cleanly In two. The country in this vicinity is cov Association regarding the appoint mous marriages to five wives wn<> mitted by sheep belonging to the Mormon church. t>egan this morning, were burned to death were waiters, vessels, and not powerful enough to The list of dead will not exceed his family of 42 children, interest in appellant and grazing within two before the senate committee on priv ered with n network of these farm ment of a joint irrigation committee named M. Cummer, H. Douglas and blockade the port. Private advices 13. and 16 wounded are in hospitals. the investigation into the Smoot miles of the plaintiff's dwelling ilege« and elections The room was ers' lines aud while they are elevated between the two cities, to promote A. Raymond. received at Vladivostok, says this The construction foreman is under case increased this morning. Mr. Gwinn said: "We intend to crowded with witnesses from I'tali on very high poles wherever they the cause of irrigation tn the states The Japanese The passengers drowned were as telegram, are that 2,40^ arrest, and none of the contractors cross the railroad tracks the com of Oregon and Washington. Presi follows: Miss Maude Steiner, D. E. have laaded at Chung Chang, north can be found. Open threats of vio senate committee room was filled take the case to the supreme court and representatives of various organ pany has demanded the removal of dent Boris will name this committee of the United State» ju»t as fast as with witnesses, counsel, newspaper 1 rations and others inter reled in •_ne J. Newberry, H. Buckley, A. Nelson, of Gensan, in Korea. The object Is lence against the contractors are men and spectators. all the wires from Its right of way at once, selecting members who will the legal machinery can be made to case Nelson, B. Frates, W. Herriman, A. believed to be tue threatening of made by surviving workmen and rel Chairman Burrows announced that do it. The question is different from . President Smith, the highest ofli along the county roads, and has par best serve the great interests in D. Donnelly, P. Nuhn and M Flynn. Hunchun, a short distance southwest atives of the killed and Injured men. in view of the charge that the 12 that of Sweet vs Ballentine, decided cial in the Mormon church, waa the ticularly ordered every line cut where volved in the duties of that com Fire broke out in the steward’s of Vladivostok. Sulu for damages aggregating apostles of whom 8moot is one, con a short time ago. It crosses the right of way There ri’tsrters and the entire aft portion ot first witness On tue lapel of >|S promises to be something sensa mittee 360.000 have already been begun nive at and teacn polygamy, the That case was one in which tres A letter from President Jefferson the vessel was burned away. The Reporta of Japanese Reverses. against the owners and contractors, committee decided It would Inquire pass on the land of the plaintiff was coat waa a button an inch in diam > tional doing in the co-operative tele My-rs. of the Lewie and Clark tbir cargo was saved. bearing a picture of his father, ter. London, March 2.—Again is there on account of the death and injuries phone business here Thls state commission, waa rand, in whlih Had the passengers remained on an absolute dearth of news from Port list, and a suit for >5.000 by the own Into the teachings aad practices of clearly shown and admitted. patriarch of the church. Smith hi- is one of ¿ceding sheep the apostles since September 26. latter case he recommended that the stop-over the vessel, instead of going Into the Arfthur or the vicinity of the Tain. ers of the Patterflon apartment ned lcstead of being sworn and 1890, the date of the Woodruff man within two miles of the ranch or wn examined by former Congre*>>- NEW MORMON ENTERPRISE. privilege« on tourist tickets be ex lifeboats, there would bars been no Significance is attached to this as in house adjoining. ifesto. dwelling of the plaintiff.'' tended to nil points in the North loss of life by '-'wnlng. man Taylor of Ohio. counsel for the dicating a possible fight in progress Two More Bodies. When Smith took the stand Attor President McMillan said that the Utah People Engage in Mercantile west opposition at Port Arthur. Several reports are ney Taylor asked whether to take a contention of the woolgrowem is Business on Large Scale in La taken Two more bodies had been PANAMA CANAL AFFAIRS. Thirteen New Members. current of Japanese reverses, bnt no from the rains at noon. One is Frank plural wife would be a violation of that the two-mile limit law ia in fact Smith said he bad been president Grande. confirmation. Thirteen applications for membe- It provides that at Salt Lake since 1848. and vas the rales of the church He replied class legislation identi- Durwalter, a plumber. Other La Grande, Or. .March 1—A new Preliminaries to Building Are Bsing ship were favorably acted upon, aad flcations are Farrell Frank. Freder it would; that cohabitation with a sheep shall not graze within two president of the church, snd a rec corporation has been organized in Attack Postponed. Adjusted. ick Morrell and Ella Starrs. Sever plural wife Is contrary to the rales miles of the residence of a settler ogrized prophet, seer and revelator. I a Grande, known as the IA Grande Secretary Robinson cast the unan* Washington, March 2.—Information al arrests are expected for alleged of the church, as -well as the law of while, bo far as the law Is concerned This same recognition was also ac .Mercantile Company, composed at tnois ballot of the association for the Washington, March 2.—Attorney- the land. « is received here from Japanese violation of the building laws. cattle may graze up to the very corded him by apostles of the church the following business men. most of following new members: General Knox gave out the following he W W Markham. Henry Harrison. Then, asking permission of the doors, The sheepmen, he said, were He believed he possessed eJi sources that a Japanese attack on whom have come in from Utah with this afternoon: Port Arthur peninsula will not occur ROUGH HOUSE IN THE CAPITOL. committee to make a statement. bitterly opposed to being discriml- powers and authority possessed *>y in the past several months: Alex George Hartman. Jr.. W. H. A. T. "Have advised the president he any of his predecessors in the office Smith said: "In regard to ths status nated against in this way. for a fortnight Nibley. F. S. Bramwell. J. C- Nibley. Wallace. Earl D. Borte, W. C. E. has authority to pay immediately to of president. Besides being presi of polygamists at the time of the Irate "Showmeiana ” Propose to W. W Berry. F. P. Hammond and H. Pruitt, G. W Bryce. Luke Hawley the Republic of Panama >10,000.000, dent of the church he was president manifesto, it was understood they Baltimora ft Ohio Wrack. Taking Back Track. Fight It Out P. Kimball The directors of the Winn Stewart. Dan P. Smythe, Fred as stipulated by the treaty, ratlfica- of many business institutions. would abstain from association with 3 — A March Cumberland. Md.. Port Said, March 2. — The three ompany are as follows; Alex Nib- W Lampkin, Fred Earl and A. D. Washington, March 3. — The "Show tions of which have just been ex- The Mormon cuurch was found»«! Tuttle. their families. He thinks the rale waa express Baltimore A Ohio Russian torpedo boats which depart ey. H P. Kimball. F S. Bramwell. Me" state was much In evidence in changed. by his uncle. Joseph Smith, who dis- Letters from the Northers Pacific was observed, but at the time of the morn- wrecked at Rowlesburg this .? P. Ferrin and J. F. Nibley. F. P. "Also, he is authorized to pay the ed this morning in the direction of the house cloak rooms this morning, passage of the enabling act for the Ing. Fireman McKenzie was killed covered the place containing .he Hammond will be general manager and the O. R. ft N. were read, tn the new canal company >40,000,000. Candia, have put back. Cause un when Representatives Cochran and fatally creed of the church, npw called the and F 8. Bramwell will be secretan which they promised to grant stop Hunt of Missouri, nearly came to admission of Utah as a stats, the and the engineer probably which under the agreement we are known. Book of Mormons, -«cognized as be over privileges on tourist tickets. only provision made was that plu No passengers were Injured, hurt. and treasurer. blows during a discussion of ths gu to pay for as its property, and have ing of divine authority. ral marriages should cease, as there C. L Whitney, of Walin Walla. engine, two express, the mall The At Odessa Dockyards. This company will deal in ladies' bernatorial candidacy of Circuit At notified the canal company #e are was no prohibition against cohabllo and baggage cars wtre derailed. Young Chosen by Revelation. furnishings, dry goods and notions dressed the meeting entertainingly Odessa, March 2.—There is great torney Joe Folk. ready to close the transaction. tion with plural wives who had The list of 12 apostles governing exclusively, ard have purchased the on the subject of beautifying the Hunt la anti-Folk, and expressed “The details in connection with the activity in the various Russian dock been married before that time. Will Build New City Jail. the church, were read by Taj lor. entire dry goods stock of the J. .M. city and country by planting tress, transfer of the canal company prop yards, as a result of orders that all contempt for his colleague, who Mr. Smith said there is a revela Portland, March 1. — Mayor Wil and includes Stnoot'i name. .terry Mercantile Ccmpany in this building good roads and laying out erty should not require more than 20 warships be placed in the highest comes from outside the St. louis tion in the Book of Mormon on plu Smith is identifi«»d as th" head of ity. This new enterprise will be public parks. state of effectiveness, ready for limits. Cochran hotly stated that ral marriages. Not more than three liams has recommended the expen days." diture of >1.000 by the Tlty in clean the central church, which consists ipened March 12. Library and Membership. only fraud could defeat Folk, where emergency orders. or four per cent of the members of ing up the old city jail, and has also of three presiding high priests con Presldert Borie then addressed the upon Hunt started to show Cochran. the Mormon church ever entered into FIGHT SEWER ASSESSMENTS. recommended that the present site stituting the first presidency, as Blown Up by Dynamite. aasociation on the library question, Champ Clark broke In and literally plural marriage. CONGRESS AND TRUSTS, Many thousands of the city jail be sold and the pro president, and two counsellors or South Bend, Ind.. March >.—Albert stating that the women's clubs had a lifted Cochran from his feet and car Baker City People Claim That the never accepted the revelation, never ceeds be applied to the purchase of apostles. The latter were at first Matt miller was uriving leisurely plan for its utilization under advise Ares Plan of Taxation Is Grossly Investigate Railways i and the Beef ried him out of the danger zone. believed in the doctrine, neverthe a new building. chosen by teve'.ation. but since then ilong with a box of dynamite with a ment. and that no definite action Hunt then announced be could lick less, they are members of the church Trust. Unjust vacancies have been filled by choice ap fuse, and was blown to atoms, would be taken in the matter until Washington, March 1.—Cowherd, the whole Missouri delegation, but and In good fellowship. Plague In Cal fornla. from the apostles' body, subject to vith the horse and buggy. He in- the exact plans of the clubs were Baker City, March 2.—The taxpay democrat of Missouri, introduced a hostilities gradually ceased. Sacramento, March 3.—The secre approval first by the president. er.ded to blast stone on his farm. known He recommended a vigorous ers are up in arms against the plan resolution in the bouse directing the Kaiser Is Going South, tary of the state board of health. G. In response to a question by Sen campaign for members among OLD SOLDIERS MUST WAIT. of sewer assessments adopted by committee on commerce to investi Berlin, March 1.—The kaiser leaves B. Foster, was notified this morning ator Hoar. Smith said the choice of Business men, and young men of HER BIRTHDAYS SCARCE. the city council aad many of them gate charges by shippers of live Bremerhaven March 12 for a trip to of the death of a white woman from Brigham Young as second president city, and appointed a special com are prepared to stand a trial rather stock that are not fairly treated by Supreme Court Decides That ths southern Europe to regain bls plague on a ranch in Contra Costa of the church, was the result of a di- Spokane Girl Has But One Birthday mittee on membership, consisting of than pay their assessments. Secretary of State Must Not Audit the railways of the West. I county. health. reel revelation. This to him was • the following? Party in Eight Years. The council adopted .ue area plan, The committee on interstate and Claims After Fund Is Exhausted. matter of certainty. “1 believe it Miss Cora Powell, daughter of Dr. Teutsch, Earnest Younger. which provides that assessments foreign commerce ordered a favora Salem, March 3.—The supreme with all my heart," he said. Powell, hasn't had a birthday for Fred Lampkin. A. Cohen and* A. L. shall be levied on the number of feet ble report on the resolution of Sec court yesterday evening decided eight years. She Is 20 years of age Knight. Doctrine of Revelations. owned by property holders, regard retary Martin to ask the department that the old soldiers of the Indian Smith said every member of the this, the 29th of February. She Is less of valuation. Standing Committees Appointed. of commerce to Investigate whether wars of Oregon, will not be able to church is entitled to revelations now visiting friends in Portland, Or . Fifty-foot lots in the outskirts of the beef trust is violating the injunc After the appointment of the fol get their pay until another legisla says the Spokane Press. from God for his own guidance, but the city are assessed at the same tion resting against It lowing standing committees the ture meets and appropriates for the The last birthday Miss Powell had meeting adjourned: no revelation through the head ?f price as 50-foot lota on Main street, purpose, the present fund being ex was in 1896. the church becomes binding or auth Walla Walla, March 3. — A special aad a long fight is expected in the jeimr.nent retention, and will, as Truck Drivsrs Strike. House Committee — J. F. Robin- hausted. She was bora iu leap year, but in son. Albert Cohen, George Hartman. eritative on members of the churh collection of the taxes. Kansas City, March 1.—Over three Those who are still unpaid cannot from Washington to the Union today soon as practicable, be rebuilt 1900 there was no leap year and no "For several weeks Senator Anke until accepted by a majority. He Jr. hundred union truck drivers struck get their pay by presenting claims says: FARMERS’ TRUST. ny has been having conferences with knew of instances in which a large February 29. consequently she miss Library committee—Dr. F. W. Vin this morning for ths closed shop, ss to the secretary of state, as he can "Senator Ankeny hae won his fight Secretary Taft and Lieutenant Gen number of members o» the church ed a birthday. She only has one cent. T. C. Taylor. C. J. Ferguson. the principal contention. Seventy not audit the account, because they Will Do Grain, Produce and Elevator policemen, hired by the Employers' belong to a separate fund, which Is for the permanent retention of Fort eral Chaffee and the matter finally rejected revelations, but none of re even four years as a rule, but in or Finance—F. B. Clopton. H. E. terminated this morning In an agree jection by a majority; but only der to equalise the days and nights Bickers. A. L. Knight. Businssa. Association, are on duty. not now In existence to meet the Walla Walla. ment on the part of the war depart those who accept are in good stand the whole century round it is neces Transportation—F. E. Judd. W. E. claims. Omaha, Neb., March 2.—The Far I The post, which was recommend- ment to take the poet off the list for ing. sary to satip leap year every 400 Brock. M. A. Rader Snowstorm In New York. mers' National Exchange met today. In response to Hoar the witness years Such was the case in 1900. ed abandoned by General Funston, abandonment and place it on fhe City interests—Dr. C. J. 8mlth, c. Killed In a Coal Pit It proposes to capitalize with >50,- New York, March 1.—The severest Mis* Cora Powell ia now celebrat C Berkeley. A. C. Koeppen permanent list for the purpose •tat- said it was his belief .iat the revela- Secretary and ordered abandoned by 000,000 to take the grain, produce snowstorm of the season has stalled Brestau, March 3.—Eight men per ed. The quartermaster general was tlona to the church bad always been ing her belated birthday in Portland, Public policy—L Cohen. W. il and elevator business into its own all trains between Utica and Oneida, ished in a coal pit owned by Prince Root and lue general staff of which notified by the chief of staff to pre direct from God. and any ons that re and it should be just eight times Jones, T G. Halley. hands. Stock subscriptions are lim where the fall la thru to five feet Donnermack, at Oieiwitse, in Silesia Lieutenant General Young was the pare plans for the reconstruction of jected them rejected th« direct com more auspicious to her than the Roads—C. J. 8mith, C Berkeley. deep. ited to 300 shares per member. today, by tne ignition of coal dust. head. Is now on the list of posts for the poet for four companies. birthday of the average person. mandmsnts of God. W H Jones. HOUSE WAS BADLY RAKED. N(W UNDER MARTIAL LAW. FATALITIES