Image provided by: East Oregonian; Pendleton, OR
About The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1904)
W EEKLY edition ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WEEKLY EDITION. £♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦£ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Unswaye d by fear, unin fluenced by favor, the East Oregonian will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about county, state and national affairs, is fair, absolutely fair, those who differ from views, as well as to friends * PENDLETON, UMATILLA CO., OREGON FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2«, 1ÍMI4 ORGANIZATION EFFECTED weaving from watching the spider at bis work. Taking this idea, man first used pieces of bark and strands of hair and other things In making a rough effort at weaving, and from C. W. Mallett, of Ontario. Preaident that has evolved the weaver of .he and T. G. Hailey, of Pendleton, present day. Secretary—Many Vital Topics Dis "We are al) weavers In the hu cussed— Idaho Law. or Riparian man life, and the world is our loom, with all its possibilities. The wa.*p Rights Said to Be Latest and Beet we use is the natural endowment* of Thought. the man. the brain, the most won derful thing in the world, Portland. Feb 24.—The first meet "The memory is more of the warp, ing of the state irrigation commis with Its subtle power of retaining sion was held yesterday evening nt for years the impressions of life. the offices of Snow A McCammant. which The reason, another strand in the Concord building, at which a sifts out from the whole the part de permanent organization was effected sired. Imagination, the force that London. Feb. 25.—Dispatches from wires under today's date that nine London, Feb. 24—A dispatch from by electing C. W. Mallett, of Onta constructs and builds. the Far East today indicate that the Japanese warships were seen at 10 Chee Foo to the Evening News d» rio, as president, and T G. Halley, "The senses are more of the VIRY LARGE AND HIGHLY morning near the THEY BLEW THE SAFE AND horizon ciares the Russian consul there con- Japanese vessels sunk in the harbor this of Pendleton, as secretary warp—five great railways running firms the statement that tour Jap- at Port Arthur were mere hulks, After remaining in the vicinity an The commission consists of C. W. DELIGHTED AUDIENCE. into the union depot of the brain, DAMAGED THE BUILDING. in the fog. brought for the purpose to make a hour they disappeared anese warships have been destroyed Mallett, of Ontario; T. G. Hailey, of carrying to it their precious freight at Port Arthur. The tattle occurred blockade. The fact that no account This fleet will probably prove to be Pendleton; Zera Snow, of Portland; of impressions and Impulses The London. Feb 24.—A dispatch to of the affair has at any time pre- preparing for an attack on Vladivo- early yesterday morning. H. F. Gates, of Hillsboro, and Henry Reuter's from Wet Hal Wei state* The Government Lost Fifty Dollars' Steps Taken Iqpuring Putting a will, the great engine of force which tended to give the names of the stok. Rushing the Harbor. whom Ankeny, of Eugene, ail of that four Japanese battleships and is in you for go«! or evil. ’ The so- be Japanese vessels supposed to Field Secretary or Promoter in the rial nature of man with ita I power Worth of Stamps, While the Post Another Chee Foo bulletin bulle- nine cruisers passed were present at the meeting. there today Theory of the Last Engagement. sunken, is regarded as almost con The commission discussed briefly The vessels are evi Field, Nearly One-half the Requir to love and make the world beautl- tin to Ixindon »lutes that the Rus bound east master Lost Cash and a Gold elusive confirmation of this claim. London, Feb. 25.—In the absence many vital topics to come before its ful and the improvements with -ian consul deciares the Japanese dently part of tbe fleet which has of further definite details regarding sessions later, but tool? no decisive ed Funds Being Raised Last Nignt which man has wrapped the world fleet began an attack shortly after I been concentrated about Watch—Watchman Was Bound an0 Port Ar the engagement of Tuesday it is be action on any phase of the irrigation Rusaians Bottled Up. thur. "We are each a shuttle In God's midnight. —Eastern District Gets the In Gagged and Hurt by Falling Down lieved by experts here that follow believed Ixindon. Feb. 25.—It is Passengers .rrivlng from Cbin- question. great loom and our round of labor is Russian Bends Decline. crease Banner—Great Increase m the path mapped out which mak-r* wangtao say continuous firing was Stairs While in That Plight—Indi that instead of a Russian victory at i ing the daring attempt of the Jap Two of the most important sub There is a severe depression tn all Port Arthur, another successful feat anese to blockade the Port Arthur jects discussed by the commission heard off Port Arthur between 1 Dr. the pattern of God’« weaving. Each Societies and Membership cations That Robberg Are Experi European gove*nment securities was accomplished by the Japanese entrance, the Russian cruisers prob were the record of appropriation of has an individuality and works in a ard 4 in the morning of the 23d again, reflected in a number of fail ably came out a short distance to House's Superior Address. enced. in partly bottling up what is left of water, and the proof of use of water different way. God loves variety, There was no moon nnd the condi ures here today and three la Pans The Japanese then by irrigators. the Russian fleet, and that the Rus reconnoiter. and has made the rivers and the tions were ripe for-a surprise They due to the decline in Russian bonds fired at long range and the Russians sians did for the Japanese what the The riparian right came in for a brook*, tbe mountains and the declared that undoubtedly the Jap The Christian Endeavor conven The postoffice at Cayuse was bro Expressions of Ruerian Loyalty. Japanese intended doing themselves retreated back into the harbor. This brief discussion, upon which subject plains, the desert and the forest anese were trying to steal through 1 by sinking the four condemned mer in a measure is confirmed by pri the commission accepted the Idaho ken open last night. John McNerny. tion closed last night and today the Each man has a different (ace and '.he entrance to the harbor when St. Petersburg, Feb 24.—The eaar elty is deserted by the crowd who chant ships in the mouth of the har- vate advices. voice and action, so that there is they were discovered and defeated. today, replying to an address from law as the latest and most lucid who was sleeping in the house, was for the past three days have been irkutsz expressing loyalty, said bor. nothing commonplace in life. There crystallization of thought on that bound and gagged and robbed, the A Further Confirmation. A great many British Cabinet Meeting. safe was blown open and robbed and here in attendance such expressions as these, ^omlog phase of irrigation legislation. fore, a good motto is. 'Be all you Copenhagen. Feb. 24- — A report i of the delegates left for their hom?a London. Feb. 25.—The cabinet Japanese Again Attack. sat is one side of the building blown out at The commission expressed can be.' Believe in yourselves—not from St “ — Petersburg this evening as- from al) parts of Russia are a great the time of the explosion The rob on tbe trains of the early morning, egotism, There arc setts that four Japanese He but egoism St. Petersburg, Feb. 25.—Not ae- met this morning with Balfour pre faction at the unanimity of opinion warships consolation In times of trouble. “ and more of them on the various concluded with expressions of opti many 1 Longfellows and Wh it tiers were sunk off Port Arthur. among the individual members on bers got about »50 in cash and an failure of siding. % terred by the apparent equal amount in stamps, the post daytime trains, so that tonight but and Hawthorne* in the cemeteri.-s held a the general needs of the state. French Minister Cambon the attempt to blockade Port Ar- - I mlstn and in invoking divin« aid Japanese Protectorate. master's gold watch, and went a few who are the guests of friends sleeping unknown, foreign long conference with the because they again at- D «ease Among Russian Troop*. thur. the Japanese fleet through the letters in the office in in the city remain London. Feb. 24 —A correspond Mr. Lansdowne declines never uttered the great thoughts tacked, between 1 and 3 this morn- minister. RUSSIAN BEEF 6AFE. Vienna. Feb 24— a Neu Frei They the hopes of finding money, The first part of the meeting lati ent of the Excbange-Teleggpph in that surged through their brains. ing. They were repulsed at every ' any information. Press dispatch from Warsaw ■ays and then made good their escape evening was taken up by the song Believe in yourselves Josh Billings Paris today, wires that advices are American Shipment Eluded Jape snd point, according to advices tele thia service of the convention, and tbe I has said. 'It is not the number of received there that Japan has de dysentery is raging among the Rus have not been located up to Six Vessels Were Lost. graphed by General Pfug. The dis Arrived at Hong Kong. tian troops in Manchuria. time, nor has any trace of them been music that was rendered was of a fall* a man ha* that determines sis clared a protectorate over Korea. London. Feb. 25.—A dispatch from patch making this announcement San Francisco. Feb. 25.—The ship found. Japaness-Korean Treaty. class but seldom beard in this city Pon Arthur states that one of the haracter. but the way he gets up.' Europe Mostly Pro-Rus«ian. states the details o£_the engagement ment of beef for the Russian army The choir tad been trained (or the at- Japanese steamers sunk in the Washington. Feb 24—The J W. Flaack. the postmaster *t No one has success without many will be forwarded later. The extent London. Feb. 24—Careful invest!- tempt to enter the harbor, now lies that left here two months ago on the Cayuse, came into Pendleton last evening by Proiessor E Ray Jones, falls. department this morning rec. of damage is unknown. ,ation shows that the European pub behind Golden Hill fortress, An- Occidental and Oriental liner Cop night and was the guest of Mr. anl and its work was delightful. The "Quality, not quantity, is what the ic as a rule fIvors Russia in the advices that Japan and Korea have other lies near the sunken Retvizan. tic did not fall into the hands of the Mrs. Charles Brownfield. He left in work of the double quartet in the world want* today in our wearing concluded the negotiations of a Fighting in Progress Now. resent conflict while the third and fourth are be Jrpanese. as was thought. The beef bis place at the postoffice Mr. M~- 'Heavens Are Telling.” by Heyde. treaty guaranteeing to Korea her in What is the reason that the church France is closer bound than ever. Paris. Feb. 25.—A dispatch from tween the channel entrance and Is at present safe at Hong Kong, Nerny. who was to sleep in the being especially appreciated. integrity It is of today 1* losing Its grip on the Vzstria laterally favors the Mosco- dependence and St. Petersburg states that fresh Liao Tishan. Two are still afire. tut the Russians are presented with house and see that all was right, supposed that under its terms Japan -ommunlty and has not the influent "Field Secretary Assured. ite. Germany is pro-Ruaaian and fighting is going on at Port Arthur t'»c problem of transporting the sup Mr. McNerny went to bed at an At the close of the song servl-e It had when our father* were young* Italy is bound by th« drelbun-l. Lx allowed to 'emporarJy occupy the and between Admiral Togo’s fleet plies to Viadlvoetock News of the early hour, after having locked all Japanese Papers Apologize. country with troops, with tbe under the matter of the field secretary for is it Uck of number«* No; we have Spain favors Russta. the Russian forts and battleships, San Francisco, Feb. 25—The sate arrival of the beef at Hong this state was taken up. and pledges aot tne character of our father* for England is a staunch friend of standing that the close of the war and that the engagement is very steamer Doric arrived this morning Kung was received here today in a of the doors and made the place cure. He went to sleep, and was were asked for by the delegates i nod. The church need* quality f and S«eden is becoming with Russia will be the signal for spirited. from Japan When the Dorric sailed cablegram to the shippers awakened this morning about 2 from the societies over tbe state member*, more than quantity. r re so on account of the Finn! in their immediate withdrawal. The Coptic carried more than 300 o’clock by two men who were stand out of Yokohama 16 days ago. news This mote, coming as it does cn “A* the ahuttle leave* behind Sts inti Russian feeling. The pledges were made condition?! War News Bureau. had just been received of the vic tent of mess beef for the Russian ing over his bed with a couple of re ly. as tone of the delegates bad -ontributlon. *o we each have worn- the heels of the protest tiled yester Washington Trying to Lay Low. St. Petersburg. Feb. 25.—Minister tory of the Japanese in the first en army, and it was the intention uf No one is day by Russia. il regarded here as a volvers covering Um. As soon as been authorized to make promt*»? •fleet on those we mee' of the Interior Pievine has establish gagement at Port Arthur. The town the shippers to hsve the consign- Washington. Feb. 24.—The reply most effective answer to Russia’s be was awakened he was blindfold of money, but It is a certainty that x blank; each has some power fot ed a press bureau lor supplying war was wildly excited and the people ment discharged at Nagasakl and ed and securely bourd and gagged. all of them will be met when the -ood. or for evil on those with whoa i' the United States to Russia's pr> re pre ten t atioaa that J upan rioiatsd news to correspondents. est against Japan is expected to be the neutrality and integrity of Ko- gave themselves up to a general then transshipped to Vladivostok k. The robbers went then to the lower object is explained At thia time •hey meet. lo’ more than an acknowledge rea holiday. The Japanese papers con The Coptic arrived at Nagasaki sev part of the house and drilled the . “And tn the weaving sometime was promised for the work To Attack Vladivostok. ment of its receipt. State officials tained long apologies for the action eral days before the outbreak of the safe. Their work was a success, as and it is thought that it will be but be work is Interrupted by a broke Banka Failing. ., . . London. Feb. 25.—The Vladivostok of their government In precipitating war. and local merchants believed. til ¡announce they will keep out if pieces and a little matter to get the rest of thread. So it 1« tn life; but ther- the beef fell into the hand, oi ’ hc . d< f, r “ Vienna. Feb. 24 —The Roes quin that correspondent of the Central News hostilities. 1 »ained easy access to the contents | 'he 81.000 to ensure putting a man ue two sides to the work—the righ* he ¡mbroglio in the Far Eastern Rank closed its doors today on ac the Japanese It now appears that it u at ion as much as posrible I and the the side tn th* wrung, and The side of the house next to the ; into the field for th* advancement of count of the depression tn Rwsstan of 63 to 126. defeated Burton's mo the shippers, fearing that the beef safe was blown out. making a rag the work of the Endeavor movement I «ight of God shows no broken ends Royal Family in th« Fight. bonds ‘ a failure is also announced woukl not arrive at its destination I if the work is done in the spirit d tion to strike from the naval bill building. red hole in the 4 —Grand Duke Cyril. | from Lyons. Franc». Nice. Feb all over the state. owing to war breaking out. cabled I truth and desire for good. Only the provision for a 16.000-ton battleship. _ ___ __ of ____ ___ ____ _____ Mr McNerny. after the robbers Rev C. T Hurd, of Salem, led th< agent the ___ Coptic at Nagasaki are visible. A motion by Kitchen, of North to have the beef carried to Hong I n»ed* wape. enc- tbe devotional services by reading a ['roses of the pattern "The weaver'« work is inspected make a long speech tn general op- < Carolina, to strike out the appropri Kong * I "ceded in getting out of bed an I nassage from Corinthians, which ne I 'or God. the giver of the loom, has position. The 700 tons of beef carried by I •© down to give the followed by an lnvocation. I ation for two first-class armored I a right to see what it does. But If cruisers, was lost by 65 to 126. Divide State of Washington. steamer Korea I alarm He fell at the head of the the Pacific mail Banner to Eastern District, we do our best we will I have no fear Water Supply Expert. i The house committee on judiciary -hich was to have been diacbarged stairway, however, and rolled down, I of the inspection. We will see God After a sung by the quartet mes- Grunsky is a native of California at Nagasaki, wiil also be carried to ’«’Ing unable to save himself owing I as a father and not as a judge, and today authorised a favorable report and since 1878 has held positions In some Chinese port, unless the Jap-1 to the way he was bound on the bill dividing the state of He at sages of good will were read from I Se not afraid Which wiil he be 'n CANAL TREATY SIGNED the states of Washington. California the state and municipal engineering anese secure proof that the meat is|la*t succeeded in getting rid of his Washington into two judiciary <Hs- I rour sight: the father or the judge? ” BY PRESIDENT TODAY. departments. At present he Is city intended for the enemy and seize it I bonds and gave the alarm, but by and Hawaii, following which Presi- tricta, and the creation of a supreme At the conclusion of the address j dent J. A Rockwood presented the engineer of San Francisco and is as contraband of war court for the Indian Territory. The steamer this time the thieves bad vanished Chinese banner to the district hav I a short experience meeting was considered one of the greatest water China 1« now loading more than «00 The bouse committee on territor-1 Tbe robbers gained access to the I held, after which tbe Christian En increase in Ing made the greatest Appropnation Made for a New Bat- supply experts in the country. tes today heard D. McKenzie, of FOLLOWS REPUBLICAN tons of beef for the use of the Rus-1 house through the side door, sawing I deavor benediction. "God watch >e- The membership during the year Alaska, and Benjamin { tieship and New Cruieer, Opposi- “All that Ain’t Ready, Holler *1” CONVENTION FIVE DAYS. sians. and it is stated that the ship a panel out and turning the key banner was won by the eastern dis I tween me ar.d thee while we are ab Co!d Foot Millard, of Valdez, in favor of a bill from the Inside, They took their All that now remains to be done ment is to be taken to Shanghai tion Being Tumed Down by a an advance sent one from the other," was re providing for the maintenance of trict. which had made time at the work and were evidently peated by the delegates and the con Vote of Two to One in the House to place the construction of the ca roads, establishment of schools and old hands at the business, from the of 44 per cent. nal actually in the hands of the Two Burred to Death. consists of I rention was a thing of tbe past. Tbe eastern district —Hearing Before Senate Commit-1 care of insane in Alaska. thorough manner in which they president, is a formal exchange of Resolutions were passed Indorsing 25—A Union. Baker. Wallowa, Grant. Mal- Colorado Springs. Feb. tee on Proposed Eight-Hour Law— ratifications between Hay and Bu- Third infantry to Panama. went through the place. The »50 in heur and Harney counties, and had the action of the congress in passing avenue cash and the watch were the prop Government Counsel Argument in nau-Varilla. of Panama, which will 1 xlging house on Cascade Washington. Feb. 23—Orders from I the Sunday closing clause of the of aeren new societies vas destroyed by fire this morning. an Increase take place tomorrow at the state I ola Smith, aged 15 years, and an erty of the postmaster, but the rest It comprises all of tbe territory east I Lewi* and Clark fair and thanking the war department today ordered Grafter*’ Caae. Infantry. of the booty belonged to the govern - I their entertainer* for the hospitali the Third United States department. unidentified man. were burned to of Umatilla county. The other dis- ment. now in Fort Thomas, to prepare Un- Hearing on Eight-Hour Bill. ty shown and the press for the cour their gains, are as fol death. tricts. with Washington. Feb. 25.—The presi The telephone wire was down be I tesy extended to the convention an! mediately to proceed to the Isthmus The senate » today. today, after minor lows: dent this morning completed his se it will sail from New tween this place an d Cayuse, and no matters, resumed consideration of Northwestern district — Multno tbe delegate*. A resolution was also of Pa: ama Clara Barton'e Homs Burned. lection of members of the Panama given to the sheriff could be a few days. alarm York within I passed expressing pleasure in th, ’ mah. Clackamas, Columbia. Clatsop. Bedford. Ind., Feb. 23.—Clara Bar Portland. Feb 33.—At an eothnsl canal commission, by determining the agricultural appropriation bill. The troops will relieve tbe ma- until after Mr. McNerny bad been Tillamook counties. 10 recent closing of the gambling The house committee on labor to new socie was tQn ’ s summer home near here attic meeting of th« democratic upon C. Ewald Grunski of San Fran- on a handcar, rines who have been on duty •ince brought to this city houses of the city and expressing cisco as the seventh ember. Gruns- day beard opposition to the eight- I'estroyed by Are at noon today. Losa when the notification was given. He ties. 16 4 per cent. November at Panama. Colon and state central committee at the par West Willamette — Washington. tbe hope that they would be kept ki is well known hydraulic engineer hour bill. Several representatives of ¡ j »20,000. points along the canal route, 8>'me lors of the Imperial, yesterday after wax badly shaken up by his fall, I closed Yamhill and Polk counties, six new in many the National Metal Trades’ Associa and has been identified otherwise unin- marines will be withdrawn to Oiau- noon. it was decided to bold the and bruised, but is societies. 12 per cent democratic stat* convention la th* large enterprises on the Pacific tion made arguments. tanaroo, the remainder will jured. He thinks that at least four Centra]—Marion. Linn. Benton city of Portland, on Tuesday, April coast, Senator Perkins assured the brought home and possibly more men were in the and Lincoln counties. 11 new socie Diseuse Naval Appropriation. 19. the republican convention being president Grunski would accept deal. The sheriff has no clue at ties. 16.2 per cent. Washington, Feb. 25.—The house called for April 14. and th« Cattle The other members slated new ADAMS TIRÇD OF LIFE. present upon which to work. Western—1-ane and Douglas coun men's convention for April 16. both stand: Admiral Walker, General la- today in committee of the whole Mr. McNerny thinks he could pos ties. no gain. vis, Frank Hecker, Detroit; Profes continued naval appropriation dis- Umatilla County Boy Attempt* Sui in Portland. sibly Identify the two robbers who Pacific — Coos and Curry counties, sor Burr, Columbia University; Wil cussion. The basis of repreaentaUoa vas cide te La Grande Lodging Hous«. came up stairs to tie him. as he got one new society. 14.3 per cent. liam Parson, engineer of the Now a glimpse of them just as they plac la Grande Feb. 24.—Harvey Ad- I fixed upon the vote cast for Gover Jackson, Southern — Josephine, MAXWELL MILL DESTROYED. York sub «ay; B. Harrod, New Or- ed a handkerchief about his eyes. Klamath and iAke. two new socie- ama, of Kamela. a eon of John Ad- > nor Chamberlain in 1903, and the leans. win consist consist or of 1 273 dele- ams. of Meacham creek, near Bing- convention win One of them was a heavy, dark. ties. 10.5 per cent Snowslide Sweeps Mill and Camp Signed Canal Treaty. bam Springs, attempted to commit K* 1 **- appointed as follows: WALLA WALLA OFFICIAL swarthy fellow and the other a me Sherman, Columbia — Wasco. Into 2,000-Foot Gorge. 'tticide at the Blue Mounuin bouse Baker, 13; Benton. «; Clacksmas, dium sized man. with a light mous- Wheeler, Crook. Gilliam and Mor- MANY DEMOCRATS VOTED At 11:40 the president signed the NOT TO BE PROSECUTED. Boise City, Feb. 25. — Reverberat I tache and red face. Panama canal treaty. Senator Kitt- FOR. BUT UNDER PROTEST 'ast night by swallowing a bottle of ill; Clatsop, 7; Columbia, 4; Coos, row. four new societies. 26 6 per | 6; Crook. 4; Curry. 2; Douglas, 12. They left two O. R. ft N. pay 1 cent. laudanum. ridge, of South Dakota, was present, ing like thunder from the heaven climbing hills of the western escarp He came to town yesterday even- Gilliam, 3; Grant. •; Harney, 3; checks belonging to McNerney, on and was given the pen used by the Umatilla—Umatilla county, two County Clerk Haeurbaclt Gambled ments of the Baisley-Elkhorn range Four Members of ths Canal Commis ing and engaged a room in the lodg Jackson. 10; Josephine, 5; Klamath the table near the safe, as they fear- new societies. 12.5 per cent. president. , Away »1,125 of County Funds— of mountains. 18 miles southwest of sion Have Been Decided Upon — ing house and went to bed. Short- 3; Lake. 3; Lane. 13; Lincoln, 3; ed to handle these and risk being Conspiracy Proven. The advance work of the union Baker City, a tremendous snowslide Formerly an Exemplary Young I caught. They took about »15 in Entire Personnel Will Be Known ly after he came down ; talrs and Unn. 13; Malheur. 4; Marion. 1»; shows a great increase over that <-f Holmes Conrad, special agenr. in last Monday swept the mill of the Morrow, 3; Multnomah, 4»; Polk. 7; Leave Walla good watch from Mr. Man — Will Now change and a last year, there having been a gain tbe Government-Machen-Groff-Lorenz Maxwell mine on Rock Creek to the In a Short Time—Third Infantry ■»aid he had swallowed the drug, summoned Sherman. 3; Tillamook. 3; Umatil when physician 3 were McNerny's pocket of 39 societies during that tlm» Walla. case continued his argument this very bottom of a 2,000-foot canyon. Will Be Sent to the Isthmus—Im and pumped it out of his stomach la 13; Union. 11; Wallowa. •; Was John McNerny has been O. R A During 1902 the state gained 14 per morning. He said he had come to Miraculously there was no loss of portant Decision by the Supreme and he is resting easy today, al- co, S; Washington, 9; Wheeler 3; N. section foreman at Cayuse for cent In membership, which is not so the conclusion that there is not suf- life. The slide missed the boarding Walla Walla. Feb. 25.—There will the past 10 years, and Is one of the He Yamhill, 8. Court Leaves Alabama Ccnstitu though he had a clos« call. large by quite a margin as the n- ficient evidence to convict Samuel and bunk houses but left the big be no prosecution of ex-Coun'y 'ought arainst th« doctors and Mid Governor Chamberlain arrived late Groff, the inventor of the fastener, mill a total wreck, piled deep be- Clerk Arthur Haeurbach on accouut I most popular employes on the line. crease of the year just closed. tion Unimpaired. I This is his first adventure with J>c wanted to die. end was greeted with cheers from but that Diller, Groff, Machen and neath a mass of debris in the gulch of the shortage in his office, because House's Address. Dr. (He is well known tn Pendleton, the committee and the guests. In tbe thieve« and he says he don't want Lorenz have been proven conspira below. of an agreement between his friends a government job. If these escapades Following the presentation of the Washington, Feb. 23. .—The Paus- havlrg lived most of his Ilfs near corridors and lobby of tbe hotel. tors beyond a doubt. and the county court that the mat- go with it. He baa often accommo banner. Dr. House, of Portland, was ma canal treaty carried on a vote of Bingham Spring* and on the ema Tbe state centra! committee will Bound to Have a Navy. Dirty dollars are not cleaned by I ter would be dropped If the short dated Mr. Flaack by sleeping in the introduced as the speaker of the tlila river. For several yean past meet In Portland on April 18, tbe 66 to 14 at 3 o’clock. The house today by a rising vote giving. He spoke on the subject age were made good. evening, he has worked in 'he woods at K«- day preceding tbe state convention, house during the latter’s absence in Consideration of the Panama ca- __________________________ Yesterday evening friends pledged this city. He will remain In Pen- of "Weaving Our Destiny." and said mela He is a brothcrln’.aw of (or the purpose of passing on th-j morning. As the remainder of the amount of i dleton several days, resting up from in part: nal was resumed this Harry Swart. O. R. ft N. operator at claims of contesting delegations and II" Hl A n I 11 r BITil funds embezzled by Haeurbach, the the shock and recovering from the "According to the old Greek leg-1 tms wa8 the day for the closing de Singham Springs.) to recommend temporary officers *or I lUliKulUI r 111 I II total shortage being »1.125. His bruises he received in his fail. end man first conceived his idea of bate several «orators from Southern the convention. IL UnUlInlll Lil I U downfall is accredited to drink and Floods on Sacramento. states went on record as personally Chairman Samuel White, of the gambling and hi* bad habits have San Francisco. Feb. 23.—The Sac- opposed, but willing to vote for rat state committee wtll not accept the come upon him recently, as he was -amento river at Marysville reached fa- ideation, as thejr constituents position again, as be expects to oe 19 feet to hieh water mark and con San Francisco, Feb. 25.—Railroad higher than since 1862. The track formerly an exemplary young man. vored building the canai. a candidate for re-election to the from Marysville to Oroville is under | a graduate^ and later a teacher of tlnue to rise. In the central portion be Teller, of Colorado, opposed officials predict the highest water in office of district attorney in his dis water and no trains. Railroad em Whitman College, an elocutionist of cause he believed a lock canal not of the state a further rise is looked trict and his time will be tally occu- many years. The expectation is of for. No reports of serious damage places are high ability and a prominent and bankmenta in many feasible. pled. • stories of broken levees and flooded threatened. The Sllverthorn popular young man in the communi- _ ferry- . The galleries were cleared and at have been received, but the low % Ex-State Senator Alex lands are «uttering to some extent ranches to relate all along the Sac boat broke loose last night and was p7- 12:30 the doors cloaed and the con Portland, is looked upon as the He will probably leave this city sideration of amendments begun in There is piactically no rainfall most logical candidate for state ramento river. The Yuba, Feather carried down the river, past Red- ¿¡ng. and engage in business or take a Indications south of San Francisco, and American rivers are full to their Spokane, Feb. 23.—Spokane ship- passed by a majority which repre-1 executive session. chairman, and his election is almost position elsewhere, not desiring to The first to be acted upon we.-e for the country south of Tehachapi certain, if he will accept utmost capacity, and the Upper Sac “ •! perg have boycotted the Great ‘ North sents 95 per cent of Spokane's remain here, where his unfortunate for continued fair weather. Oregon Train Turned Back. I those previously sugg< 'ed by the are ramento river is reported in the ern and Northern Pacific railroads in heavy shippers. Umatilla and Baker counties are relations committee, but Sacramento, Feb. 25.—The storm actions would be a constant obsta favor of the O. R. & N. until satis same condition. The following resolution was pass- foreign among the banner counties of the cle in his path, although he is thor- Probably Fatal Saloon Row. which were subsequently withdrawn. The first serious accident due to has apparently broken. The river is. factory rues are made by the two ed: I.a Grande. Feb. 23.—"Silent" state, having 13 delegatee each and .1’ _ of 7 Bacon, on behalf of the democrat*, the situation occurred last night slowly rising but no danger to the | oughly repentant "Whereas, We know that rates former lines. Rowan and a man named Silke, are being surpaaaed by but two coun near Keswick, when the Portland ex city is anticipated, Heavy rains In Yesterday a mass meeting of the freight to Spokane from Eastern again offered one, increasing United In jail awaiting trial for beating ties In the state. Multnomah, with foothills during the last 24 Cattle In Good Condition. justly exceed States control over Panama and Co the press was caught in a slide. The Spokane Shippers’ Association was points should never John Keller almost to death in a sa 48. and Marion, with 17 deelgnte*. R. H. Patton came In from his called for the purpose of taking ac prevailing rates to terminal points, Ion. It was voted down without di- car In the middle was nearly burled. hours, The American river Is very loon row here last night. Keller Is lJnn and Lane also have 1» del» Two Japanese were injured. Only high and more coming down. The Birch creek farm last evening, tion and unanimously decided to dis plus 25 per cent of the correspond- vision. gates anothor not expected tc live, being in an un Mr. Bacon . proposed _ the mail, express, baggage and one Feather and Yuba rivers also, but where he has been for the past criminate against the Northern Se ing prevailing rate from terminal conscious condition. amendment, for the exercise of good coach came on. The rest were dug most of the water is running out in-| month, looking after his cattle and curities roads, until they fix a trans*- points back to Spokane; Largest American-Built Ship. ___ __ to Yolo Basin. farming interests. He reports his continental rate which will not ex Therefore, be it ________ resolved. That offices between Colombia and Pan out and sent back to Keswick. Killed in Coal Mln«. Norfolk. Feb. 23.—The new Paci Three miles below Marysville the stock in fine condition and the grass ceed the coast rate, plus 25 per cent until such an adjustment of freight ama to compensate the former for Heavy rains prevail all along the Sheffield. England. Feb. 23.—By flc mail liner. Mongolia, the largest mountains from Dunsmuir to Placer track washed away for 500 feet, and starting in many places. His sum of the return local rate from the ter rates can be effected without in- loss of territory, and providing that vessel ever built In America pasesd creasing any rates now in effect we [the United State« should guarantee an accident in the Aldwark colliery mer range is in the Starkey prairie minal point. ville. The Floriston paper mill dam the Oregon train turned back. today six miners were killed and out the capes today for San Francis agree to give all our business to the such payment. It «a* defeated. Anxiety on the Central Pacific has gone out. ______ , . is felt for the levees be- where hie stock will be taken ue A ringing resolution setting forth co, via Cape Hom. to many injured. R. ft I Mr. Morgan then proceeded I soon as the snow in gone. The American river at Auburn la i low Colusa. O. R, ft N" N the demands of the shippers was O. • AT PORTLAND YESTERDAY. POSTOFFICE IT ATTACK BÏ THE JAPANESE The “Warships” They “Lost in an Attack” Turn Out to Have B°en Hulks Purposely Scuttled and Sunk. Perpetrated by Four Men, Choir and Congregational Who Escape, Leaving No Singing Was Exceptionally Fine. Trace to Be Followed. SPOKANE BOYCOTTS NORTHERN SECU RIT1ES ROADS IN FAVOR OF O.R.AH. They Lose Four Warships in Port Arthur Harbor—This Will Lose to Them All Previous Advantages.