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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1881)
Zsa.'v of23'etcaiaioras. Miaillmtnc)niiau nolle to Ireotitrarj. ecnmimi srildnta csiatiiia' lr astbaeriftttoas. X, IfasiyrobsanTssa-sWtba tillauan 1 0, u j.. sl MikT sa7 swrtiuo to iMftemranilillinMntMin mM. S. Ilsalinxnirra tucVctcr rptals thrlr .i).tra tb la srhich tby am 4i .t4. tfc1 Ma tWm it iiwM tmH lb3 nm aMOsd D S IK. not orferad tfa dcoi.tnia ! lnmc M3jrmn tbrItrs T "! tWr rjr-4Jrict,5bT:''""l,,,n- . . TliOwirt - tbmt rrfl-lnrta taW wnapniMi iss fiur. r rmirtne mat ! IXlbrainnlMtnr.h jirnnafaae mineral in- IftttltHMl Trad . Tbr Iiiiht 1 iwstVcts ti err steal ti ceribemstrtfa npilUtt frraatb ier j imm4t atfr iinfd tefchn. isliaMetatbtrsil abT fartbr AMTTtssi fa-sue. a ccvnxr ho en. To 1 Iwidral tws 5cw3 o"tmp Krrses jietnaper enterprise. This f est was MEornrflished by tie Boston Daily Globe on 2ew Year's day, -when sa Impression for Jannary 1, 19al, tvas seal oat to sH its patrons. The chtngeso a century as dissolved Ly tie current news of the day were start in. Theioase of Delegates of tie Irifch Republic after a lirflliant debate in which reference was made to tie land agitation of 1SS0, had passed a resolution voting 5,000,000 in aid -of 3,000,000 English tenant farmers. The Irooeedings of Coagress related to tie s.poInUncnt o! a chief of planetary sig nal ooreac with headquarters at the equatorial station on Mars, repeal of lie expatriation x growing out of tie imperial iaKurrectioa of 1920, and a sxclisidy to flying machines carrying the mails betweea Boston aijnpitcr and letweea Havana and Ursa jtajor, and were participated in hy delegates tiam Cuba, Canada and Australia. The re view of the year showed that there were already 139 States in tie Union, and that if tie applications of Brazil, ChSi and Pern for admission should be favorably acted v-ocld contain tants. Arson; -were a caHisien aerial cars oa tie London anS Boston route, tie success of tie new p'a "Hyper-Evolution, Bases press with OOi newjpapers nmn nristl ligenoe, neat to ly means Socti Sea Republic and popular exi InUoasof lis visiograph; tie message of the President of Greece favoring an xtxatioa to the United States; the lev fHing I the Rocky mountains, the 11 Jar anof theGulf of Mexico V a Rev -. t,t .:.. csi i.ini4re uc ueKsejs vaaj wtttns rosmd c Vtt MJti t'fin Ti Avmmnn a -i V savn ! vostt a av. VV of Harvard students to the Pyraisids. a trip vhroogh the crater of Vesu vine made by a larty clad ia aLestos vcits; a tr&tdng natch for borne that 1 - . . ., - ra.ri.i- ni ' iwwra u uhs oj o; uicuwwaw Iw of great iatcrcft a hnadred years from now. All inrcatR and guardians laving cnor their charge promising rnfaats, who are KtcJy to live to see the tree date of usee, should send fer a. copy and file it away to await tie ceateaaiaL JNew York Tribune. X forts) -iTn! rirtairr- Every now aad then th CSty Coun c3 is prddoned to declare some 'anfor- tuntile & "common drankird" slier mi" ordinance which forbids any one to mJl or pre to such persons alcoholic drinks ender penalty. It k & sorrowful pic txre when & rnaa tanks KolowinhUown sloem tad in the esteem of his fellow '-"as ss to radi foj- f legislation in JasLehaK. W-re is the case of a thiih who once stood high a . citizen, witli x repetition ts a. rnecliaaic gursxred by none, blessed in a. loving rife and ciildra to mxte his home happy, be eorning addicted to ihe fiewiag bowl, ad by degrees crowing worse and WOTse, tiH t length it might be truth raHy said of him that he 'never drew a. sober breath." His family were at Vngtl estranged, friends and forSi6 deserted him, and now, in his old age, with a body all sxteraled with poison, diseased in mind and body, the law steps in and forbids that he siaH even wyoy the one poor pleasure that is left to him of aM the food things of life the pleasure of pouring down his puch cd throat the poison that robs nitn of reason and places bim below thehrates! If it is right now for the law to step in and deprive him of drint, why in God' name can not the Itw step in aad save men before they hare reached such degradation 1 Albany Begister. Alor H things in this world,"' Kid av Tout! xrlio staaos on the strw t cornerK for & living, o I -vsJne the lore of xnr oVix tnother." 'God bless jon, young maa, for those aoble senti nx'nts,' said & rnissionirr. Harinr k moch rrspect for s. Tnother, tou ntd 1 no oiier reooninendation to socoessful Wtti, who wiS aid von.' -"Yes," con tinacd thevoang rnan, "rrother feedi Jrre, clothes me, does aj 'rashing, and has siren doing it for twenty-five years. I dost Vnow Lex- hatlshooJddo'anthont anon, me auon ioaic. a Ifuli B I" . miuestetl i AMAnnnnn ;nvt.;. JTKT. k ft B r.".vB JP i ana thos; i,vwo,vv,w ..- - bK 17 W-J. .:iC. ..e.i . -II ., ., ....- 5J-La & K5s H W-5V.,5 """ j me "jocai seusauoub - tt r-v g ai-. vV-s Si I to m in midair Lotween I Vgr P Si e- o .,r a ,n. of Life," and tie invention of a 5 0S"S B Ga01 V S CCUWI & MK1' -i r r: in i v Vl ' Ei v rt j E .- acapaaij or prsuungu, ' iv.e3' Afj, tI? EX a2 In pursuance of an order of the an lionr. Everv col ' ..i)1. tJvW S Km .A Court of Jackson Countv, Oregon, -,i . 3- r.i if &"vfV' M F P? i,(i i I uersigncu executors oi me tiaic oi es with extraordinary mte4 Sa6 rV-iv fc K if- Pa..8l.r.-5 it-T. .1 ,i :n r-, . ., such as the leginnins of a oew ,c.C8,& S SjJJ P5" o Vc sale, at the Court House dtxr in save the Old New Old South j o' H H "a d: A, S '""' XZ.r.u- . r T 41 at,rTW;rtT.c fVnTi. tlv. 2 V R -sT 4 s SX Cx -. 2 at 2 o'cltJck. 1. ii the rollouinz V -vs 1 v&vra.aavHU auva-a . -- aaaa, TvT. KW II' 11 W i1 T fciJ King of the Blood Core aS Scof olncs aifrciia&t and dimrers ronlt lap Trosa Impurity of the Uosd. It u twedleas to peat all, M the sufferer can cwxallT perceive thar cam. tmt .Natl JOnm, 7tav&s. Clem. Tmrnon. Gitn, JSweStwc?, aVc are the most comraon. aa veil a many attcctioiu fcl the Heart, Utai, Liver a&dtoaaca. SCROFULA. IX. Karoo. Sox k Co.: Tot the hcnrt of all troubled vsth Scrofola or Imrmre Blood in thta-afavms-l hereby irconrewpd Kmp of the BlooA. I have been troubled lth rerofula for the part tat: ycara, which ao mSrebei jnj ryrt that I wa eoa pleterf hhad for kit racmlha. I -was recosuaended rotrj-Kingof IheB)wd,irhlchha Trored a great I Jcaxmf to me, ai it hat complrtdy cured xnt,aai IchptrfulljTccoTsiBCiKjit toaU trocbled as I hara been. Yours truly, Slxs. . fTEiTEESunr, Sardinia, X. Y, 3L.OOO wQl be paid to any Public Hospital to be ranto ally aread irpnn, for erery certificate of this medi cue Ttobiiabad by us which u not gcxrome. Its Ingredients. To show ocr faith in the aaf ety anA cxraHeaec of the K. IU, upon proper personal applicatioo, when aattaSed that no imposition is intended, ire irill cnretlie nasneaof ail its ingredients, br afiidant. The ahoTeoffrs were nerer made bcferrVy the pro. jinetor of any ether family Ileduane in the world. Vany tratlmontavla.fizrthrr information, and f nil directions for uswc; will lie found in the pam phlet Trextie on Iwears of the Blood," m whtcheaehbonleitanclowd rnee$lpcTbortleeon tamin?12 ovnes or 40 to SO donee old by drur cists. IX Hixscas, Sox i Co, rrop'rs, Buffalo, K.Y AittvniitMtv OLD AND RELIABLE. Sasronos Lttes Ixvioonj JDk. Sastohd's Lttes Ltviooiu.tok5 Jlis a Standard Family Remedy for ! 'iv"efi'. S) ,' c,5 5 ;.EBtf VU. 001.8 ?:4tFte& t.v-,,,- . - .p.i"-.'-, 5,flS51Vs:sV'i R 5i'.W,:..fffi iV'i" 8 vS ,' K" IiiveiS S.aO a t InvigoratorS lias been asedj ia my practicejl."- lv the DnbliM.S -for aiore than 35 years,J ; 5 with arprecodented results. SEND FOR CIRCULAR.! '"inCf0hUl K,U,lEWTOBJtCITT .rf - TTRTaCTwniTOiTorrrsrmTiTiov J AUUUMtM)iUiUUtMUtf i 'r- r f.-T cti I , , ,. . . d ft anaxKnrcis. it is mreay b I jjVagetable. It never j TlJ JDebihtetes It is V;f 1 H wti i v-ii t: 3 "-. t-xr: t n r a-.- i ..- &Ti KftTiS.-jB' i - ZtKyailliitMiiUlU i Z tX Uik' f i 11 at sspaaw. l n. taw I - 11- .lill" CW a- 1J a sr- lli"ll or tne rnyscai W,8',W ,.' -7111137 rTT- - m n.p. -"? pt East an w D" m . v. i-:i r. . r-W im V i.9 Bj H" .fW . liVJ. Ulil-Ml, ! iun ni ! -. MI - -t -i n .fcL" 'i .-.- - - ----- -- -- ;- ? Bef0Y:v!! a n - aVl 1 " . - II "rt WTJ- tat S ".-!8 Iflt i, ..sotf-r s , J li' I" C" if'sgo' tas 5 rtfp, ". ".P". r:viB . ftlt 5 , v-a J J I Jf tS U sssCH I fins SKi4 MP aT- a (at E at &. - r-l fV O tt i Z. lJ s. 3 -: s - ? H S n 'J J r 6 m r 2 I S O o ca a S, P. HANNA, WAGON-MAKER, sTacksonville, Orgon, PCROVKsHU.BR'j: BTILOrSff IS IS tssa f a lal. aMsrtrfil uf material sal nvsMresl 4 a; tcmV in bi line on Jawt sMier aws" r a scwkmanlike manner. Vebielee4 eter dtcritiHin ciadt to or Vt Tenns reawialAe nai a;isfaction gnaren teel Repsirrnri a tpvialty s r. HASSA. jHly!4,ISS0. NOTICE. Our Descriptive Illnstrmtrd Price), or Dry Goods. -tc will be lened stbont March 1st, 1881. Price quotes) In So. 28 will remain rood until that date. Send ns your name early for 5opr of No. 19. Free to any addreaa. jioxtgomeut waiid & co, S3 4 A 238 Under bhirts or drawers wot th 1.00 each sold at die Xew Yoit ttore for , 50 cts cack Snminoiis. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Jackson. Sarah A. Ilcnry VIS. vs. Qias Henry Deft. Suit in equity for divorce. To Charles Henry the above named defendant. " i IX 1 nE NAME of the Slate of Oregon, you arc hereby Tequircd to appear and answer the complaint filed aqainst you in Uie above entitled suit in which Sarah A. Henry is plaintiff and Charles Henry is defendant; on or before the firt clay of the next term of said Circuit Court, to wit, the 14lh day of February, 1SS1. And if you fail to appear and answer default will be taken acaint you and for want of answer the plaintiff will apply to said Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint, which is fora divorce of said Court dissolving the marriage contract existing between said plaintiff and defendant, and for the care and custody of their two minor children and for co&t and disbursmcnls of this suit. B. F. Doweu., P. P. Pnnt. Attomies lor Pl'ff. Byordirof non.IL K. Hanna, Circuit Judpe. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of Josephine county, latc of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of James dark, deccasx-d. NOTI E IS nEKEBY GIVEN Til T the administrator of sid estate has filed in the County Court tor Josephine county, Oregon, his final account as such administrator, and bv order of said Court, Tuesday thc5lh day "of April, A, D. 1831, at the hour of II o'clock, a. m., is set for hearing objections to said final account; and all persons interested in slid estate are hereby notified to appear and file his or her objections to said account on or before stid d.iv. Published in the OnEnox Sextixkl by order of Hon. Thos. F. Floyd, Judge of saiu uourt. Wst. BtinoMAN. Administrator. Dated, January 24lh, 18S1. Administrators Notice. In the matter of the estate of George Brow- ley, deceased. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that IN the undersigned has leen appointed by the countv comt of Jackson county. j Oregon, sitting in Proliate, Administrator ui iiiu siHit; ui uti. iraje uouin.-u. persons indebted to said estate arc to settle the same immediately, having claims acain-t the estate present them w ilh the projwr voucher p at my residence near Aslilanu, Ore within six months aflcr the first pub ion of thisantiec. Dated Jan. 2G, 1S31. J. P. WAI.KETL Admini'-trator. Countv the un- U.S. ublie Jackson- descrilied real estate, iKvlonginc to said Estate, to-wit : Tlie Kit'ortlic AV ofliOt No. 2 in Block No. Sin Jacksonville;tlie undivided half of N 4 of N E ,', S 30 T 33 S, K 1 W and the undivided half of Lot 4 of S 23, T ;50 S, II o W", 22, 4Ti-l00 acres. Terms cash. THnoiwmc Camuiox, "Wil. HOFFM.VX. Ex cutops. NOTICB. Laxd Oftice at IloEnrRR, Oosn Januan-21st, 1SS1. Xotice is licrebr riven that Uie follnw- inx-named settler lias filed notice of his in tuition 10 uixKc final pnxtf ia Miport oi bis claim, and secure finiil entry tlirrfof oiaturday,Feb.2(i,lSSl,lKfon-theJud)p' or Clerk of Josephine county, Oregon, viz. 4. t. Forbes, HomcMcad Aptilicstion Xo. 4S5. for the XV li of MV if. SW if 1 XXV U. .cc30. T 35 Sltr, West and SK if ofXE i( and XE 14 ot SE 1-1 Sec 25, T 3-" S H C XV , and mines the following as his witnesses viz; Abram t'oic, Oliver Jolin on, A. 'ole and Jamc Xtely, all of G rant's Pass, Jaclcson countv, Oregon. XViL 1Je j.vmin, Register. NOTICE. Land Office at RoKnrnn, Cos., January 21sl, lbSl. J Xoticc ibereliy ri-cn that the lollowing named Kdtlcr ha filed notice of his inten tion to make final prool in support of his claim, and secure final entry tliereot on Tliursdav, March PkI, 18S1, lK-forc the Judgcor Clerk of Jackson county, Orejjon. viz: J. II XV'amcr, llomcstead Apnlicii lion Xo. 2.2S5 for the SE K of XW 1-1, and XE I-J ol SW 1-4. .-cc 2 and SK 1-4 of K W of Sec 3,T : S It ' W , and names Hie following as bis witnesses, viz: M. M. Daridson. James Jourdon. Henry Boat, tt'm. McXcw, all or Applegatc, Jackson county, Oregon. XVm.Benjwis, Herister. NOTICB. Laxd Office at RoEnmr!, Ocx ) January Kill, lbSl. ) Xoticc is herebv jriven that the follow-inr-named settler lia. tiled notice of nis in tention to make final proof in suporl of lii claim, and secure nnal entry tltcreoron Tuesdav, March 8th, 18S1, before the Judge or Clerk of Jackson county, Oregon, viz: Arthur Milson, Ilomitead Application Xo. 3,S, for Lot 2 Sec 8, Lots 8, 1. 10 and 11 Sec t), and Lots'!, 4 and 0 Sec 17, T 37 S R 1 W, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: J XV. Plymire, Charles E. XYilkinMin, 11. F. Crooks and XX. R. Cum mins, all ofJacksonvillc, Oregon. XXi. UiAJASii.v, Register. NOTICE. Laxd Office at BosEmmo, Ock, ) January 21st, 18S0. f Notice is hereby given that Hie follow ing nnmed ttlcr has filed notice of his in tention to make final proofin support of his claim, and secure titu.1 entry thereof on Thursdar, March 3. 1SS1. before the Judge or Clerk of Jackson county, Orcpon, viz: llenrj lioat, liomcstend Application No. 242X), for Uie SE Ji of Sec 4, T 30, S It 5 VT and names the following as his wit ncsscs, vir.T M.M. Davidson. E. B David eon,CT. D.ividon and .1. II. Warner, all ol Applegatc. Jackn county, Orecon. W'm. F. 11EN4AMIX, Itcnibter. Notice. Laxd Offick at ItosKnmo, Oox. 1 January 31, 18S1, J Notice is hereby given thai the follow, injr named aettler"has filed notice of his in tention to make final proofin support of his claim, nd ccure final entry thereof on Saturday, February lOih. 1SS1, lcforc the Judge or lerk of Josephine countv, Ore- . .... ..... .... vj .rvBl, . iviui'in'll .r ciaraiorj ciaiement .o. ,t.-). lor uie ata 1 of SEij or Sec f, T. 37 S It C aiid I names Uie following ns his ttitnesses, viz: j Orr Brown, P. Clausncr. A. 1 Valdron, 1 and w. 1L Stockton of tt ildernllrvloseph- . ine mntr. Orcmn j Wm. F. BEXJAMis.Keiisttr. 3s?jf-Hiajartt 3IMIo3Bm.ii 3CjBa.a.-.!i-3s.-y J01)!E& lASDitfllJmS AM) -LTT31Y DESCHIPTIOX or- UBDiHT, ii till m 55 HAVING THE FACILITIES AND SUPEU10K KNOWLEDGE OF THE manufacturing of everything in our line, we arc prepircd to furnish on short notice, the verj best of custom made work, which we mike a specialty, and at the VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES. ERcpiirin5 executed promptly .in I with feouUiem Oregon to cximine our siock o-iorc lnenry Judge will take wheat in payment" for all bill due" him, for which he will pay the highest mnrkct price. JUDGE & NUNAN. Jacksonville, Oregon, Miy 3 J, 1830. IMMENSE QUASTIT1ES 0F- NEJfjf GOODS ARRIVING DALLY AT 2ST. FISEDBRS, Comprising a lull line of General Merchandise, The Finest Assortment ot LADIES DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, EATS, ETC., ETC; Ever Brought to this City; AND TUB- LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS AND V,rlLL BE SOLD AT PRICES NEVER TTEATaD OF. NEWMAN F1SIIEH, Jacksonville, Oregon. UNION LIVERY SALE AKD EXCHANGE ssrj2.",-"svaei-jii5: Corner itli and Calitornia Sfs, onEoos. J. A. CARUWELL PROPRIETOR. mnr. rriorniETon IMS I follj-rel-oilt ana refitted Oil. sellVim etallhrient, amt hs -ale extemlre snJ emritsble adili- llnr.. thereto. I lisve the Terr test hore. kncciie aniliTerTtornmtfallkltiil. Mr stock of rwls tsrs cannot be excleJ In the State. Horses Boarded n resMnsMe ermstaa4theht of rare and atten tion bestowed opon tLem Ulls unJer uij charge AIss Horses Rniislit nml SI-I. I am atisfil that I can give s.itisfaftum and guarantee the simc. XV ilh tins jm predion I have no hoitlion in soliciting patronage. ROSEBURG HOTEL! M A. OAN'AN5 - Propr This hotel, on the comer of Oak and Rcse streets, opposite Wright & Carton's "table, has recently had a good and com fortable addition, Inch nukes it second to no hotel in the city, and furnished with double or single rooms. Families will find it to their comfort to give us a call. a good nnrj-r?.ooF safe for valuables jileals.. ........... ........... ."KJ Board and Lodging per week o Roseburg, Ogn.May 31, 1SS0, F.RITSCHARD, PRACTICAL Watchuakei: axd Jeweler, California Sreet, "l"AKE3 A SPF.CIALTY OF CLEAJC lj ing and repairing watches and clock". Charges reasnnablr. Givehmia call. UNION HOTEL, KerbyTille Ore: on, M, Ryder, Propr.. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION CAA alvrays be had at this house at the most reaonabl mtcs, 3rrAL ezcpllent stable connected with lb hotel. NOTICE. F.MR "WARNING IS HEREBY Given, thai mv liooks arc in 'Sfjuire Hurler's hands. l"hosc indebted to mc the first day after next election, will have to bring a written excuse from 'Squire Huf- ler. txcuses puuliMieu. I M.VRTIS VR003tA j Jacksonville, Aug. 31, 1SS0. NUNAN. GEHSRAL DEALERS IH cn L Ofl sitisr.i-iioi. Va in-itc the people of senuin, inoir mincy aw.iy. SIXTEENTH YEAR. SSM&ZAxiY'S ACADrrylY, CONDUCTED BY. THE SISTERS OF THE IIOLY XAME. TMIE SIIOLAST1C YEAR OF THIS X sxhool will commence ntouttlio end of August, and is divided in four sessions, ol cloven weckeacli. Board and tuition, ijcrtcrm, ?10.00 Bed and Betiding 400 Drawing and painting 8.00 Piano H.00 Entrance fee only onte, 5.00 SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Primary, per term, 0 00 Junior," " 800 Senior, " 1000 Pupils received at tiny time, and special attention is paid to poticular studies in lwhalf of children who have but limited time. For further particulars apply at the Academy. CITY BAKER J AND SALOOK, Ix Masonic Building. Okeoon St. JAtlCSO.NVII.L, l)(... --plIK U.VIlERSIONEn nEREHY DE L rires to nnnounre to the public that they are now prepared to fill all ordeta for cakes of evpry i'i-cripiion. nch at wedding cake, cales lur parties, wine cukw; also brown and rye bread, ginger snaps aLd crackrrs. A ltinch lione willa!o he k?pt nt thi place, h(re opsins iu aii gtyli. Limborcet anJ Schweitz r chepe, can be bud at all !i-ur of the d y or niyht. KiyFrpsli brfnd every dy. I'ni icaiuuable auJ satisfaction guar ant Led. GROR i ULRICII. Calu'orxia St. IT, Picke, roprietor, f 111IS WFI.L KNOWN MAKT. OPPO- 1 ute Kanlir t ilnie'-tnre U bet bcl pnb- ler p-eiiaml th-iu ever In fnrtiieli lie wiih the clmicet-t iualit of the FKESII KEEP, PORK, VEAL, ilUTTOX, HAM, SALT .MEATS, BACON, Puper'or, SAUSAGE, LAUD, ETC., TIip mot favorable inducements offered to pattniM. ad no elfurt ill be ppured to ward giving general t-ati.facttnn. X. FICKE. P. X)OjTEGA.ISr GENERAL BLACKSJIITIIING AND-e- BSORSE SHOEING. "on., or Second and Califokkia St. LL KINDS OF MARKKTABI.K L produce takto in exclmnae lor work. P. DONF.CJAX. RE-OPENED ! JACOJLTMEYER, riD.NKEU AVACOV.M KKIt, H AS RESUMED BUSINESS AT the stand of the lute J. Ij. Badcer and i prepared to pjecttte all work in his lin vmh prnrnptnt'S3 and dispatch and at very reasonable rates. All Kinds ol vehi cles contracted. Repairing a speciilty. t'ood work and low prices trnaranteed. Give me a call. J. .MEVKR. NOTICE. AH thoc who know themselves in debted to the firm of Hughes fc Adams, saloon keepers, Kerbyville, Josephine county, Oregon. The accountsand liooks of the above firm have lx-cn p'aced in my hands for collection and settlement, antl you are hereby requested to ctill at my office at Kcrbjrillc, and see the figures. W. L. FOIIIIEK, Receiver. EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPn WBTTERER, rroprlstor Oregon St., Jacksonville. Tiif. nnsTOF LAor.R beek always kept on asnd aod rfdj for sale by the kes or glans Tlie Lost Japaneso tea 75c SOc and 35c per iound at the New York Store. EXCELSIOR LIVER Y2S ill FEED STA15Ii33. Corner et Oregon and Cautorma sts., Jacksonville. OT. J. PLYKIALB, Prop'r. --v7-0CtI) REarrcTTOLLT inform the rnu- W He that We hat a fios stock of Horses, Buggies nnil Cnr inges And he Is prepare! to fnmfh his patrons anJ thepnb Uc generally with Fine Turnouts As ran he hsil on the Pacific eoflt. SnMIe horses hired toga toanj part of the country. Animals Bouslit and Sold. IIore sross to work single or donhle. Ilornes hoarded and the het of rare bestowed nnon them while In my charge. A lileral hsre of the public patronage is solicited on reantfualle term?. DR. SPifMNEY wo. 11 ksasksst st., Treat nil Chronic nmt Vpeelnl Diseases WnO MAY HE SUFFEItlXG FROM the efffCt" of yi nthftil fnlliA or indis cretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boon evr laid at the altar of mfferiiif; hnmanily. lift SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit SoOO for every case of Seminal wetknc or private difeasj of any kind or character which he undertakes and Tails to cure. MtDDLH-AGKD MEX. There aie miny at the age of thirty to i.vty who aie tmubltd with too frequent ev acuation of the liluOder, often accompanied by a lipht martins; or bnniinf: wnation, and a weakening of the fjleru in a mnnncr thepatient cannot nrconnt for. On exaruin ir.R the uritmry deposits t rop7 fedlmpnl will often he fnnmi aid (ometimcK email particle" of nllximen will nprx-ar, or Ihe colnr will be of t thin niilkNh hue, aain clianing to a dark mid torpid appearance There are many men who die of thii Jifil cnlty icnorant of the cau-e which U the pec- ond ftnpe of eeminal wcakuer! Pit. S. will guarantee a perf-ct cure in all ncb caen. ami a healthy restoration of the genito-uri uary organ". Ufmck Horns 10 to -1 and f. to 8 Sun day" from 10 to 12 a. m Consultation free Thorough examinations and advice, 5. Call or aildrt , DH.SHNNEY.tCn. No 11 Kearncv St., San Francisco. f RANCO -AMERICAN HOTEL &. REST.IBRAST AXD G EX Ell A l. STAGE HOUSE, Opposite 0JI Felleas' Hull, JAClUIIWlLliG UKKI3).. MADAME IIOLT, Troj. rletre's. TswELKn? Xxn i.ihhknt rortrnr.? ill An4 the Mot n n frrtsl lo h.lfihi:. st tMi hn.e tele met attltahjaWre inth4s imt wf th State. The Kt.Is and Heiltling Wlllaltrar" 1-e fMiml ef Sf.t-el" character u& krt in a neat as! elean owUiikM, Ule The tioonii srenewlj fnrnlhel ant will atwits Inrest sh1 IWiiie Hke rowHttoH. A fJstlllisI .upplyuf the best of ererjlbihg the UiafLetaKHtlsalll bo Spreail on Her Tnble. Her hon KI iw kept open ill "SQC W.T. MK.ll. cnl oVtaiifel at aj boar vf Uie tlir or night. OYSTKKS PRKPAP.KI) IV KVKItY STYI.K. nl lanclif. lobelil Nt khj tlmr. SMfe pit-if (Cti m lir l nrtny ! m fat nt it.iclit caukI-wuritfl-! xmn1 fir, hoi mUal g"I bel at th!hn. NutmlilF wiP liifrtrM t.lrTt th pnrmnic of flit trtTelH-' n welt iw tbe triiKtiittt vummu nit j Gliem elt TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STKEET, WIjXTJEjT and HELMS, rnorr.iETons. THE PROPRIETORS OF THIS well known and populir reiirt would inform their ftiemfs nd the public 2tntrullj that a commie nrnl first etsi-s etnek of the best brand ol liquor'', winrs. cigar.-',Ic and porter, etc., are eooslmitly kipt on baml T'y will be plned to have thiir friends "call and fnufc." . CABINET. A fnbtnet nf Corinsitirs may aIo be fonni here We nniild ! plciftd to have pprsniis pne!(Tff cnrioiti( and sperimens brtnsrlietn in, and we will place them in th! CabiiKl fo ipapertion. WINT.1KN& HELMS. "iUontctj at .Sattf, pORTIyVND.OlOIt S Ami Jacksonville, Or ego GIIIHS & STEARNS will attend lo all buiues; la Portland. Wholesale Liquor House. Tlie undersigned offers Whiskey for sale in quantities to suit customers nt $" per gallon or $1 per. quart, nt the Eagle Brew ery. Ligcr Ifccr ibr sale and delivered at the usual jiricc. 31 us. J. Wetterkti. IMens hoots worth S3, for $3.50, nt the New York Store. IHIOIil I Gur.lry Order Department, To Old Friends and ne-vr we are Determined to- please all. We snare Neither time nor effort todcsc&e the successive claim. EXPERIENCE IS BETTER TIIA5? DOUBT, AXD FAITH IS STRENGTHENED BY TRIAL. WB HIT8 BUT m PRICE .VXD SEIJi FOR CASH ONLY ! AND .llark nit CixxW In I'lulu Flsnrr AND VIM, OllDHKS AT TUB same: low prices; FOR WHICH Wc sell nt Our Counlers. OUK STOCK UMUKACK3 buy (jnons, oi.nnuxt., noors.siioKs. FUUNISIIINO (00D3. II ATS. CAPS. ETC., KTC. OUP. IlOOTSAXl) SHOES HAVE XO cHhI for price and durability. Tlio HI House Kip Iioot, nii'ii'a mid btiy't. It Imt no imnillrl: nrnintfd two peonine Milen ('ilniHti's Slanilrtnl screw lioot is niHile of Iii-Hvy I'Hlf, nitli tap sole. Wc nl-o have on bund ctry varietj of Calf, . lexN Tit-M, ISmfmns nnd Plow slioesjtnd LuliuV -ml Children's shoes. Srrlrc tlt Sent I rce-W AiUIross: RED HOUSE, SaerMiucnto, Cal. ASHLAND Livery, Sale & Feed Slablo Main St., Ashland. rilE I'NDI'.RSIGNl O TAKE.? plMt I lire in aimiiimcing he has pur. chntl tht" slnhlt's ami will keep con. stuutly on hand the very livst auiii.kii him-:-, uyiitiiKs aud CAUUI .(IKS, And cHii fnmi-li mycuslomcrs with a tip. top turnout at any time. hoicks no iniii i On reasonable tenns, and given the liest atletition. Horv-i Ixmght and sold and -HlicfuclKin guurantet'tl in all my tran ictions. HENRY NORTON. BLACKSMITI-IING -AND HORSS - SHOEING-. Barncburg j" fun caul. HAVING LEASED THE SHOP FOR mcrly oecupiid by Jlut. Shannon wo ask a sliar of the public patronage. Staple produce or Cth taken for work. vAt BACC& COUGHS. rRHEU?viATISM.rl e3S9X?3 CA?CIKE P3K0r3 PIASTER. .mi4Hoi. v -t ni-l at onrenml ennn where o'her p v m ?tl c ti Ut rUwvw. It contain gr?9(n-n 'rcp''T'r-" Iim.nriOW.ntf.BtrentflW ra'tifa Irn-nt'v y wrd tMhtmt'.) comraoi poriHipLa-T -r, f! J i t ri-ajxT'or t liiiinvirl ami t'M Kr-rn!' ,1 rNrtr-tol nj-f'tfliiccs. It 1 ppoclt yr "oninicfi,lf -rtlw alovo oUrrM-nt, .wo f r 'JnI and lil-'tiry ('nmplalntn. rirnr.j. Srlnll-n nnil nil lornl.rhrnntl Tain. WImuciU. rin ym w ! (lo-rrHtoUVT cvi a M Jr. n t pnt-'Hn l'i ft arltch. Po not & .ot tnjr otlnr iIHUr lo N ml-.lHtr,l for If. Sal hy ail li-rntqiw. Br rvnr JtJouHiOTi n 1-Jatt Htrstt, Now Yort, rroprlctors. Criterion Billiard Snlcon! CALIFORNIA ST., Nolaml &. 3IcDaniel Props. TIII3 rorULAR RESORT, UNDER new manajtiment, is furnishing the belt brands of liquor", winra and clfrars. The reading table Is mppllrd with Eastern peri odicals and leading papers of the Coast. G've us a call Hats worth S2.50 each sold at th New York Store f r 81.25.