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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1881)
Ul Okegout Seittixel. Oregoi-t Sentinel PUBLISHED SATURDAYS jiaanrniuicEswcanmr kecox KRAUSE & TURNER. ADVERTISING RATES. Oaaiq-iatt 101lnttorlft flril loitrtloa.7 1 t o4' " -ah-aaBtlnatrtI 1 M - a momm W I.... ., .ft. .... ...... Ona-fbt-rtbColnnaSmoathi..... " M " .. ou.-h.df 3 .. ..;;.:.;"; " 6 ' On C.loran 3 monlhi " 6 " :oo 10 00 74 MVO S00 ti 0 000 - TERMS: . I A P?L J""rl-rAdTertlaM. MS VOL. XXVI-XOa 7. JACKSONVILLE. OREGON: FEBRUAKY'lO, issi. $3 PER YEAH A , feg0it sP M$ l J J Jv JV I P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY & COUNSELORATLAW JCtOHTille, Os., 'Km prac-tice la all the -,nrts vf the Suit tffict Mr McCoHy'sbolM. nj-, corner ofCifoTpia-tad Fifth streets. DR. GEO. KAHLER, "pXYSICIAX ASD STJSGI0S, jtACKsoSTlU.T OEEC0X. Oftce U dw Dreg Store, rcMacncc in -rear of the Conn House. G. U. AIKEN, M.D., pSTSICIAS AKD SURGEON, JACJCS0XTlt.I."K, OREGON. g-OSo epi-OTlu T. J. J. yan" - "flARTIN YROlMAN, M. D. pSYSIdAU AITD 3URGE0N, jxcKsojrrnxK, oeegos. Office np-stairsln Orth's brick. Rcsi--ieacc oa California street. P.JACK,iLD, pRTSICIAN AND SURGEON. (Fonnerly ofGlasgnw, Sco'dani) APPLEGATE, OREGON. OBe-sand Dm; Store at rtt Date funii inniiiii -ir4ii mfles WrtS f Jack- navi'le. Lctle-s can 1-exaarcasca cither Xo Jacksonville or Appwp-Je. E.H.AUTENUIETH, 4 TT0RKE Y-AT-L A W- JACKfOKTHJ-T-, OREGON. wm.!.tlr-C'-rt"f,.; . r-rm. s2-ok oniiV in. inis. . F. D0WKI.I.,. . TT8X5EY-AT- LAW, Jacksostoxt:, oergos. ,tMIin. a-Sfiil aUratim' - i WILL. JACKSON, EXTIST, iACKS-IXVIIlK, OUKOOX. D f-nciTIl KXKUvrto i i.u I knm. lonrMnc r" ' mhiwrrP.W4-tr-,rrrti r &4 rUr rtiw t OlIToniU d srttl m. rr A.. C. QlBSt. t. . fTKAKSS GIBBS Jb STEARNS, A TTaBJfEYS AND COUNSELLORS, Rotmt 2 ana -I Strowbridfe's BaiMing, POKTLAXD, ORKOK. Itl rrtk ! M Ccmrtt .f Txxi Im lh QTr wip"m""- w p.j i"- tWvnt mtiM t IwiuM U F4rl Coort. WrALBO EXPRESS, vlnm Jackoivilie Vondays and Thnlay, for Waldo. Leaves TBesdars andFridtvs. Waldo FffitJa aecoGifiiodaliocs for p"ser- KxjKt WtncK protnotly attendfd to jT- R. V. GARRETT. MlraRllKPrlm Clearance Sale. AT PRIM'S MILLINERY STORE ! A large stock of Fall and Winter goods is offered for sale at our store at cost. Give us x call before purchasing clse "where. BlGBDTTESTEftMSnW MIU. J. T. PAUSED, 1IB BUTTEj 1 1 1 1 1 OGN. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON RAND planed and nnnUaed Sngar pine Inm ber oT-thr best qaality. "EDGING, MOULDING, nUSTJC, SI-DING. rLOOHIG, SHINGLES, E1XX Lnaber drrsed to order on short nntio ana rraxnuble teraat (or those coavesient torbe'MiU Ng"Coaaty Orders ao Greenback! tak es at par.' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HDXTKRS EMPORIUM! Jacksonville, Oregon. J01LT3HLLER, - Iropriclor. irAEALER IX ALT. RINDS OEAGIUU L cultural implements, wois oi mi kind-, and a general assortment of shelf hardware. Tic alo lccep the larp.--t rtock ot, and all the lutes improvements in GUNS AttD PISTOLS, and a rrn. assoutjikxt of rishiag Tackle, pcTxrJ jr, Shot, etc. A1.S LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, AND .VLL KINDS OF OIL. Give tzm a cull and examine liis stock lefore making yoar jiHrdiases. THE ASHLA3TD Woolen SlaiiufacUiriag Co, Tkr pie bave o rein nnonnoins that titer no and. a full and select flick l Maile of the Terr best NATIVE l?.fO-ll r- '." '"v-'ii., Aitd of ubidi tbrv wfll re sosuifle nive. Ord' m freni a dirtanc xrill receive prompt xtlottfcm. cs-ntl thtra in iid give unr goojs atrial. Asmjivn Woii.ek ir't Oo. SARDINE NURSERY. STTUATED ON SARDINE CREEK 14 miles Northeast of HOCK POINT. IJ. F.MIL.Li:K, PROPRIETOR, A general asorlmeat of frelt trees kept consvantlv on bund, consisilm; of Apple. IVvwitOTeelariiKw, IVansPltinu. (liemcs. Prunes, Apriorts, QHinces.dc ; alwi berries of aM Mirkties and hrubtry stc- EiRrylIime mM at the mil reasonable prices id all the fruit is guaranteed to be as seprexeHtnl LUMBER, LUMSER THOtAS' SAW HILL AT THK ;K.DOVS- TS NOWFTLLY PREPARED TO Ft R 1 nisli the market with evcrv description ot lnmberofa smerioroualitv. ThTsmill 1 is new throughout and tarnished with the latest and nios-t unproved inacu!itcry,tuerp by ensuring the tpwdy fnlrillmeat of all orders at "most reasonable price. Rills sawed to order with dispatclu JGive me a trial and I will prove what I sav, for satisfaction is cnarantccd itfrvwy cisc JESSE B. THOMAS. "Table Rock, September 3d, 1873. ML1D ARD LIPILLE II. F.Phillips : : : : Propiictor. T AM NOW RUNNING A DAILY LINK L bewem the above jMiiHt-. teavinp Afhlind with coach on Mondj. Wednefdajs and Kridayn.retorn'ns nextdy. On Tnerfav. Thnrrfiv and Saturday of each week atnek board mill start from .Athland letarjingou the following day. PATtK, (MitH xva J-). .. $S.OO. Connecti.m made at Linkville with hackf for Lakeview. CITY BREWERY. YEIT SCHDTZ, - - Proprietor. TW0CU MOST BESPECriXI.LT in. farm lb rittirn.of Jttoii".ll an tkt varll at larF. that U'cy caa Sod, at anr tlm. at ibt Rmrerv. th brt larrr liwr, la any aaatit-r lb r-archawr icaj 'wJrf "stylaoa H cnrren!.iitlrtte!M and layrwiat ar alvaja la rar. A will JWe rra. Remember the New York Store nen yon wisb to buy goods, because the best goods you can get for one half their real value. T. O. FEJU.ES. E. R. KEAMES. REAMESBUOS., Cu-iroRKiA sr Jacksonville, - - - Oregon, AHEAD AS USUAL ! ! BT ADOPTING A OASH BASIS !! THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN PRIGES -ASD TIIE A LARtSBST STOOK -or GEXERAL JlEaCIlASDISE I -TIIE- GREATEST VAR5ETY TO SELECT TECM IS Any On Store in Southern Oregon or orth m California. ALL FOR CASH!! OITRSTOrC nilN'SIST-tOF dt-i,-'r -E"' JrL'&wifttERDR vnwrir-. V-G000S, 1 FANCY GOODS, LAIWEs-' rtl!Ei GOnriS CXSUMEllES, AND ItI.G0NL5. SILKS. AND SATINS, BOOTS i &HOES, CLOTHING. ETC,, LADIES' CAL., HADE CI.CAKS WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THF iailiff in th- fact that we har no u hand th lrg.t and b-'tsclrctrd art- mrnt .TL DH-"" DR.K-SS GOODS and FAN CY OOODSo! fvery dr ciiption in South ern Orecon, Bnd e will hencif'irlh mk this line of goods our p-ciality and sell ihera at Cheaper than the Cheapest. To the c-nll'tn'-n we will j, if tou want A No. 1 SUiroF CLOTHES ynu'miin gt. lo Keaim-s Uros. to bay tbem a we claim to hive the U-.I -sTOCK OF CLOTHING in Jaclison connty and ill allow none to un drrftll ns. These pols we:e all pnrcha-ed by a tnem ber ot our firm from FIRST CLASS llou--ir "au Krancuco and New Tork.and we will -.airanl rrcrj article and ri-Il tbt-m as cheap for cash as aiy house ia the county. We also Verp ou band a lull stock of GROCERIES, Haedwakk, Cutlert, Glassware, CROCKERY. A FULL LINE OF ASHLAND GOODS FA tM AND FItCIGItT 1VAGO.S Ploivs. Gang Plows Sulky Plows In fact everything- from the 6nest nefdlt to a llireslnm;-machine. Give ns a cil: and jndge for yoarselve as to par capacity oS furnishing goods es above. The way to make money is to save il. To save it bny cheap. To bny cheap pay CASH for joor goods and bny of RKAMES BROS. DAVID LINN, GENERAL UNDERTAKER. AKD DEALER IX COFI-Eff TREKISSlTffGS. COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE shortest notice and cheaper than at any other establishment in Southern Oregon. Furniture of all kinds kept on hand or made to order. - ASK FOR- DONNOLLY'S 20 YEA.R5 BEFORE THS PEOPLE- Ve,i'lie undcrslgnwt Jlcrchantsand Job bers, Imvc boitRlil "aadlwld in large quan lilies DONNELLY'S CALIFORNIA PREMIUM YEASJ POWDER for the last twenty year5JBd can say with truth that bo other Tejial Jiyivder 'has clvcn moreij'BciaW aititS?PbsrsotU,to the l Trade and Coaiauufs. We have used DONNOLLVS YEAST POWDER in onr families, and can testily to its Whole snmeness and merit. Castle Urns. Albert 3Iau .t Co. M.& CM angels, Jones & Co. W.W? Dodge Co. Root & Sanderson, Thomas Jennings, Kruse fc Euler, ' Tillman & Rondel, Rnuntreei McCIurc, M. Elirmaii & Co. Haas Hn). TaVr, Marker & Co. Esp-rs & Ca Uigley Bros. W"cllman,Peek&Co. SACRAMENTO. Adams, McNeill & Co. Hall, Luhw & Co. Mcbius & Co. G. W- Cbeslcy, P. II. Rnssell. PORTLAND. Allen & Lewis, Wadhams & Elliott, l orbitt & Vaclcay, STOCKTON. I R. R. Parker & Co. ', P. MtiMo WALLA WALLA AND EA'H'LE. Crawfonl & Hanington. Scliwabacher llr's. Consumers of Yeast Powder will please notice the aliove indorsement or DON NOLLY'S YKAST POWDER by nc.irlv id! the Mercliants nf llie Pieific Coast. Tlie Enonnous Sales of thl4 Powlcr in San Francisco irove its intrinsic merit, and the reason is obvious-Donnoly's Yeast Powder lias stood ttic tesl of" iO years. It never fails to mate the moM delicious, light and sweet 1'rtnd, Uiscuit, (iikes Cora fircai!, &c No' housekeeper whoever triitl this Powder M do with out it. Always nsk for Donnolly' Yeat Pow der, it never fails to give satsfiiction. Strictly Iuro Creim Tasar and Eng. Bi-Cabb. SjhI.1 always on hand at the Lotvest JIarkct Prices. D. GALLAGJIAN & CO 119 & 121 Frontal., Ban Fninci.-:o. KEADY FOR EOSINES the mmm mm irjSg " M " "FLOURING MTLX Commnecd Macufnclurins the best of tlour on JIIIMV. SCIT.Sil. 1-SiA. We are prepared to do all kinds of Cu torn ' o.-k, in the way of exchange of floni for wheat, chopping f-d and giinding tiim. We hae buperior niaeliitiery for manufacturing tlour and we feel ufc in aying that we can d; better work than nnv mill in Rogue, River Valley. In cxrhange, we will give for good, clean wheat, 30 Ujs. of flour and 0 llis. of mixed feed "for each buslu-l. 3lcIvENZIE & FOUDRAY, Pniprivlon. NEW STATE HOTEL Jacksonville, On. Mrs O. W. Savago, Prop HAVING rc-oj-cned this bonsc, and se cured more rooms. I am now lutler prepared than ever to offer to the nublic the bcrt or accommodations. Gootl beds mid well entilatcd rooms, board most reasonable. The t . and O. S. Co.'s Stages leaves the house daily for Redding and Hoseburg. P. S. There is a llist-elnss Bar and Billiard room in connection with the house. The best cigars and liquors always on hand. LI&K11LLB HOTEL, lake county, ogn., 17. C Greemnan, Prcpriitor. piIE undersigned takes pleasnrc in an I nouneing that he has taken charge of this house and that the management will be first-class in every particular. The table will always 1 supplied with the liest the market affords. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. No pains spared to meet the wauls of the traveling public. W. C GREKNMAN. CITY MRBER SHOP California St., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon THK UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY prepared to do all work in his line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. GEOnOKSCHUMPF. Medical Notice. HAVING SUSPENDED MY MOUN tain explorations, I offer my profes sioml services to the people ot "Jackson county. James M. Buck, 31. D. Eagle Point, SepL C, 18S0. Fine whitft: linpnjshirts, open back or front, for- SlgOTatHhc New York .Store : '. 310KF. LtM). 'Georgesaid'old Air. Davdis, "ther'a that thesa farm of Vilsen's going d;r; cheap. Better buy it. It jines yours." "I don't want it," said George," I couldn't pay down for it I have paid the last dollar on this place and Lucy and Iarojtist beginning to feel com fortable? I don't want any more land anyway. Ve work hard enough now and live well enough. Have plenty to eat and drink and good plain clothes, and. the children arts all in good schools- YhatroorOCnnra man ask in life, Mr. si"--. -r-- ,-r . Davids!" 'Why, more laud would mnko you more money, George," said the other rather jicevishly. "You could pay for that land in a year or two just out of the crops if you lived savin-; ami did not waste your money on finery and furuitur' and sich like," as he caught the notes of i piano in another room. "But what do I wau't with more money V asked George, 1 can't eat it, nor drink it, and I can Ml you I fee) very much like a rich man with not a cent of debt on my place. I have tug ged anil toiled hard enough to clear that otT, and I cion't want to put my neck under the yoke again. It was the best thing at the time. I don't regret it, but still debt and I don't agree. I mean to pay as I go the rest of my life if 1 can, and tench the boys the same. Great possessions ore a great care. Now, is not that so, neighl-or? Just speak from your own e.xperieuce." "Young men are mighty 'fraid of work in these times," grumbled on the old fanner as he tried to straighten his rheumatic limbs and bent back, which had well nigh broken with overwork the prime of hii manhood, "I just come in to tell you about that place out of neighborly interest, but I did not ex pect to find you standing so in your own light." "Thank you kindly, neighbor, but I don't see the way clear to add to my farm. Sorry Vilson hasto sell,, but he u?Jcrtooktoc-f much, and no worder.Le broke down." "Keeping a hired girl is enough to break down any farmer's prospects. His wife must take hold and work, too if she want's him to thrive," said the other mercilessly. "She would have been in her grave if sho had not had help," said George's wife with some energy. "Oh yes," said Mr. Davids as he gothered up his hit and cane, "dread ful good for-nol 'ling set Aonng folks now-a days," and ho hobbled off down the walk, George going with him to the gate and kindly holding it open. "I don't want to In that kind of a rich man, Lucy, when I am old," he said, as ho sat down again in hi-s om fortablv arm chair. "And I don't envy his wife," said Lucy. Olive, in Farm ami Fireside. TJ-e t'n.r lirojiprd.. Not even a lawyer however skilled in cross-examination, can make a witness tell the truth, provided tho witness wishes to evade it. It is imos.sible to put a question in such .exact language that it will demand the desired answer. Indeed, nothing is more true than tlie statement of Talleyrand, that language is intended to cover up one's thoughts, and no one eu'r practiced tho principle contained in the statement more than Tally rami himself. It was necessary on a certain occasion in court to com pel a witness to testify as to way in .which a, Mr. -fin dth.J rented his, horse. "Well, sir," said the lawyer, in a sweet and winning smile a smile in tended to drown all suspicion as to ul terior purposes "how does Mr. Smith generally ride a horse?" The witness looked up innocently, and replied: "Generally astraddle, sir, Ibelieve.'' The lawyer asked again: "Hut, sir, what gait does he ridal" Tlie imperturable witness answered "He ne er rides any gait at all sir; but I've seen the boys ride every gate on the farm." The lawyer saw that he was on the track of a Tartar, and his next question was very insinuating. "How does Mr. Smith ride when he in in company with others! I demand a clear answer." "Well, sir," said the witness; "he keeps up with the rest, if his horse is able to, or if not, he falls behind." Tlie lawyer was by this time almost beside himse'f, and asked, "And how does he ride when he is alone!" "I don't know," was tho reply; "I was never with him when he was alone," nnd tho case wa3 dropped. i Detroit Free Press. AX ULI FKllLMt. One of tho brightest lights of the Galveston bar was standing on a cor ner of Galveston avenue surrounded by a groujie of admiring friends, when a man with a peculiar stride and close-cropjied hair walked np to th" lawyer, and taking one of his hands in both of his shook it as if he was going to wrench it from his body saying: "It's ten years since I saw you, but I knew you as soon as I laid eyes on you." The lawyer was embarrassed, but the rough looking stranger helped him out: "You did me a kindness once, judge, and if I ever forget it may my right hand cleave to the roof of my mouth. Don't you remember when you practic ed law ten years ago up in Dawson count) ? You did me a kindness I neyer si".t!! forgit." The friends of thfHawyer cast ad miring glances, and one of them said to the other that ho (tho lawyer) always had a good heart. "Yes," continued tho stranger, still holding on the lawyer's hand, "I had shot a man in self-defence, and the sheriff was going to lock me up, when you nobly volunteered tc go on mv bond, And you didn't know me, either." The lawyer said he thought he rec ollected the circumstance, while his ad miring friends said "Just like him." "You offered to go my bond, hut the sheriff said he would be dashed if ony little jack-legged shyster could ahovo a straw lind off on him, nnd, if you re member, Jedge, he refused to approve the bond, and I was locked up, but I was always grateful to you just the same. You tried to help mo swindle justice according to law. 1 broke jii that n'ght and crippled several people getting away." "When; have you been since r asked the Hwyer, seeking to change tho con versation. VI am. ji'st outof the Kansas pent fused to drink with me and I had to shoot him. Let's step across nnd have soincthing,n ami running his arm through that of his legal friend they marched across the street, "Jedge keeping step like a soldier, while the friends on the sidewalk swapped opiii. ions about what a bad eye the man had. Galveston Ni ws. Uratll. Rrazil, the only kingdom in Amer ica (area, 3,2R7,9G4 square mitus; pop ulation 1872, 9,700,187), is tho largest of South American countries. First occupied by the French in I00S, the country early fell into Portuguese pos session, afterwards passing tho Spanish rule, but reverting to Portugal in 1640. The legislntne power is vested in a a Senate of 58 members elected for life, and a Chamber of Deputies, 122 nieinliers, chosen for four vears by in diiect suffrage involving a property qualification. The executive power is vested in the Emperor and his Minis ters and Secretaries of State. For ad ministrative purposes, the I'.razilian Empire is divided into twenty provin ces, comprising G42 municipalities), each having a council chosen directly by citizens jiosscssed of an annual in come of $112. The army consist of n,942 men, raised to 32,000 on a war footing. Tho naval force embraces CI steam ves-sles, with 230 guns nnd 4,136 seamen. Free public schools supported by the Stato exist throughout tho em pire, and in some of the provinces in struction is compulsatorv. Rrazil has about 200 newspapers, of which six dailies aro published at the capital, Rio de Janeiro. The Roman Catholic religion is established, other forms be ing tolerated, though they may only be practiced privately, and dissenters en joy civil rights, except that of election to the General Assembly. Brazilian commerce is flourishing, and there are 18 lines of steam vessels, receiving an nual subsidy from the State to the the amount of S7."0,000; besides this, tho North American steamship line, runn'ng between Brazil and New York, enjoys a Brazilian subsidy of $100,000 annually. The imports in in 187G aggregated 586,630.000, and the export, chiefly of coffee, hides and sugar, 92,449,050. The young ladies of West Philndel phia have organized a Dickens club. All the young men at present feel liko going to the Dickens. lnDICAlTB. A Paris paper tells tho following touching jtory in its police court re port: A poor, pale seamstress was arraign ed for theft. She appeared at tho bar with her baby of eleven months on her arm. She went to get soma work one day and stole three gold coins of ten francs each. The money was missed soon after sho left her em ployer, and a servant was sent to her room to claim it. The sen-ant found her about to quit the room witfc-iha coins -- JL fli nrni I to the ser-ant, A. am i-oing to carry them back to you." Nevertheless, she wos-carried to the commissioner of police, and ho ordered her to be sent to tho polico court for trial. Sho was too poor to engngo a lawyer, and when asked by tho judge what sho had td' say for herself, she replied: "Tho day I went to my employer's I carried my child with me. It was in my arms, as it is now. I wasn't paying attention to it. There were several gold colrw on the mantelpiece, and unknown to me, it stretched out its little hand and seized three pieces, which I did not ob. serve until I got heme. I at once put on my bonnet, and was going back to' my employer to return theinj when I was arrested. This is the solemn truth, as I hope for heaven's mercy." The court could not believe thisstor. They upbraided tho mother for her impudence in endeayoring to palm off such a manifest lie for the truth. They bescught her, for her own sake, to retract so absurd a tale, for it could have no effect but to oblige the court to sentence her to a much severer pun ishment than they were disposed to in flict upon one so young and evidently so deep in poverty. Tho appeals had no effect except to .strengthen the poor mother's jiortiiia cious adherence to her original story. As this firmness was sustained hy that If til If Of tnnnponM tv1.?l. . .. ;:-rr.;, u rai roil qrimmai.can never co Ihe court was at some loss to consider what decision justico domanded. To relievo their embarrassment, ono o! the judges pro-msal to renew the scenn described by the mother. Three gold coins were placed on the clork'u table. The mother was requested to issuine the position in which sho stood at her employer's house. Thcirt was then a breathless pause in court. Tho baby soon discovered the bright coins, eyed them for a moment, smih d and then stretched forth its tiny hand and clutched them in its fingers with a miser's eagerness. Tho mother wa at once acquitted. Moral Vultures. It is a sad com mentary on the depravity of human nature that, in e:crr community, numbers of people can be found who take a coarse delight and satisfaction in everything that tends to drag down and degrade their fellow beings. Tho higher and purer the character of the man or woman, the greater their pleas ure in seeing it assailed, and, if -tossi. hie, smirched and tarnished witho foul slander and indecent accusation. Aud when local journals can be found to lend themselves? to this unclean work, no man's good name is safe front unjust aspersion. He may have lived a quarter of a century in the community as a good and upright citi zen, loved by his family and esteened -by-hh uuighberr and togietygenerallj; he may be regarded by all honorabla acquaintances as abovo reproach and yet to the moral vulturs of society ho is no better, no more entitled to re spect and consideration, than the veri est drab. That such henious wrongs can be permitted in society would sim ply be intolerable but for the fact thnt the victims thereof are usually aud properly cxa'ted in tho estimation of all good peoplo and the carrion birds, who would befoul them, held in great er execration than ever. The art of diamond-cutting is report ed to have Ixen developed to a high state of exeellence in this country. Tho report of the special Census Agent on this subject has thu statement thak our deaUrs are receiving the bea. Amsterdam cut gems from abroad, to bo recut here and returned. A woman accidently went to church with two bonnets on her head, one stuck insido tho other, and the other women almost died of envy. They though' it was a new kind of bonutt, , and two sweet fcr anything. fRl lOR O