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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1881)
BBBSBMBBSBMBMBMHBSBWSS"eHBBHBBSBMBBBlBBl"eHBaBeWRSBfiMaeBBeSBSSBMBlBHeMMBBaSMSESHS OREGON SeXTLXEL. O reg ow Sentinel PUBLISHED SATURDAYS T KRAUSE & TURNER. ADVERTISING RATES. 0a iqi lOllnn or Nit Srt Inttrtloa.T I S tT Khtolxio.ntUtloi 100 " M S uonlhi 7 oo i m m , One-forthCo!onD3morti u . am MM Onokalf " J " 19 0 TERMS; & ec-pr. rx Tear, In Tmiev. On Cslinii 3 monlhi gg n no A niwnnnl lo Turlr AdTKHw. JACKSONVILLE. OREGOSEFEBRUAKY 5, ISS. VOL. XXVK--XOc 5. $3 PER YEAR f PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P. P. PRIM, attorney cUNselora.t-laW Jacksonville, Og., TTni practice in all the Courts flf Uic Stale. Offie in Mrs. Mc-Cully's bmld. icg, corner of California and Fifth streets. DR. GEO. KAHLER, pSYSICIAX ASS SXGZB5 jeacrniS.j o. DSce In dry Dreg Store, residence in rear 01 uie uran uuuk. G. H. AIKEN, M-D., tEYHCIAS AKD SURGE05, JXCCSOXTIIXX, OKX00K. ti-osn errant r. J. tej MARTIN YEGOMAN, M. D. pHYSICIAS AND SURGEON, jiccwxmxi:, oexgox. Office tip-stairs In Ortb's brick. Resi Keaec aa California ktreel. P.JACK.M-D, pHTSICIAX AND SURGEON, (ForsBcriy of Glasgow, Scotland) API-LEGATE, OREGON. OCc aad Drug Store at the Drake farm n Applegate right miles West or Jack snaville. Illers can be addressed cither to Jacksonville or Applegate. E. O. AUTENRIETH, 1 TT0RIEY-AT-LAW. jACKfOirvnit, occcok. TIM! !!. 1ILW v. . attaTM ci" ail- Will my cm. -n il. lM4t if th SltfA. TVomnt MTvmn nunii Bntir-iniiiis. -R.-- t-GWKLT TT8XSET'AT-LiW, JlCKSOXVIUX, OEEGOX. AHVvnaMt jHelmnTliJfni rwet" rrnrpt tttH. aS-Sp1'1 altMUWl J" tMt- Will, jackson, hEXTIST, JACKfiOXVILLE, OKECOK. TKETH IXIUCTED XT ALL imiltrr4.irJirt,rorliich trm Jtf itmti.. A. C. CTEBt. 1 . STKXWff. GIBBS & STEARNS, 1 TT0EXEYS AXB C0TTNSELL0RS, Booms 2 and A StrowbriageE Boiiaing, TOCTt-kXI, OtCGOTU VTOrrKtiw UUCtTirir 1Uirlotb StaJT Orv VtLbhiiit(mTei l IUU5. aftlimypM- .WALDO EXPRESS, Lrsvri Jacksorvjlie Vnndavs and nsTMUTK, lor aiao. lieares naiao nrsdavs and Fridars. FkstKbs seeoBwodatioM for paaaer- Exfeeei haTaeat -6aT ttcsied to bj K. M. UARKETT. XB.P.P.W11. KlmKllaPrlK Clearance Sals. AT PRIM'S MILLINERY STORE ! A large ock nTFall and "Winter goods 1XX is nfTiOTwl 1rsr vatf 91I nnr sinre al Ylt- Give bs a call lieforc parchasiEg else where. BIGBOTTESTEAMSAW MILL 7. P. r JlJULJL. to BtlTTE, i 1 i 1 : OGN. '.PS OONSTANTLT ON HAND taoed and snnlaaed Ssrar pine lnm- ' the bert qwlit j. ;esg, moulding, rustic, SIDING, FLOORING, SHINGLES, Era Lvaiber dreswd 10 order on bort notice and m.twble terms for those cocveoient .totbcXnL S3oontj Orders an GrecaWcks tak- 1 at par. METERS BMPORIIIM! Jacksonville, Oregon. J0IL MILLER, - Proprietor. DEALER IX ALL KINDS Or AGRL cultural implements, tools of all kinds and a general assortment of shelf hardware He also keeps the largest stock of, and all the latest improvements in GUNS AND PISTOLS, XXD X JXU. ASS0KTMEXT OF Fishing Tackle, powder, Shot, etc. AXJO LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, AND ALL KINDS OF OIL, Give him a call Mid examine llis stock before making your purchases. THE ASHLAND Woolen Manufacturing Co. Take pie t In announcing that tier now have o and, a full and select ttbet of "t j " i 3 NATIVE WOOL And or which tbrv will dirfose at Terr rea toaahle ratch Ordprf from a diftanc will reocive prompt attention. Send them in aud give our goods atrial. Aniuxn VToolfs M'r'o Co. SARDINE NURSERY. SITUATED ON SARDINE CREEK i miles Northeast of HOCK POINT. B. F MILLER, PROPRIETOR, A general assortment of fruit trees kept conttantlv on hund, cmsisting of Apple, Pcachs,Ncctarines. Pears, Plums. Cllcning, Prunes, Apricots, Quinces, etc ; also Ierri of all Tarictics and shrnblKsy &c EvervUiin:: sold at the most reasonable prices and all the fruit is guaranteed to be as represented. LUMBER, LUMBER THOMAS' SAW MILL AT THE UEiDOWS- PNOWFTLLTPREPARED TOFtJR aish the market -with every description ot lumber of a saapcriorvTOslitT- Thlsmfll is ae-w throughout and furnished with the latest and mod improved mac3iinerr,thcre br iarrinir the siwcdv fnlfillment of31. orders at most rcawiaable prices. Bills' sawd to order with disratch. SJ J SGire me a trial aad I rill -fwreH what I say, for satisfaction is guaranteed in every case. JEbbEii.TUU.VAS. Tat! Rock, Scplcsnbcr 3d, 18T0. ASHLAHD ASD UNKVILLE . aErKrzarrcws. H.P.PklUips : : : : Proprietor. TAX KOTT RHKNiyG ADAILT LTKE L between the above point, leaving Ashland with coach on Mondavi. TTednetslays and Fridays, returning next day. Oa Tuesday, Thursday aad Saiarday of each week a back board will start from Ashland retoraiog on the following day. FARE, (etli trf . . SS.OO. Connection nude at Liskville with backs for Iiteview. CITY BREWERY VETT SCHUTZ, - - Propritter. Tttopu) MosTEEsrrxrfrt'LLT ik. L.Tormtb ciurraiox -jAccpoirrnM and tkrH Tft, that thrj at Cod,t nTlini,atiirr Brmn, fkt hntlarn- v, la may cunitj tb Tdr ity itb Xj turf H mmimTttTimlet ni ay ron r Sry ia mitt. A-vSdt wfllplMM jr. Remember the New York Store hen joa wisi t buy goods, bec&Hse the best goods yoa can get for one half their real value. j I T. G. RULVES. .E. K. RKiMEfl, REAMESBROS., GiLiroEKiA st., JacksoHVille, - - Oregoa, AHEAD AS HSDAL 11 A CASH BASIS!! THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN PRICES -AITD THE LARGEST STOCK GEXERAL MERCHANDISE ! tna GREATEST VARIETY TO SELECT FEOM IX Any On Store in Southern Oregon or orth rn California. ALL FOR CASH!! . OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF FALL &. WINTER DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' DEEPS GOOI 5. CASirVlERES, AND DIG0NLS, SILKS, AND SATINS, P.OOTS A bllOES, CLOTHING, ETC,, LADIES' CAL., MADE CLOAKS W E CALL TIIE ATTENTION OF TOK ladies to the fact that we have now on band the Urjftt and bent wtlected a?ort- ment orLADIES' DRESS GOODS and FAN CT GOODS ol every description in Sonth- ern Oregon, and we will henceforth make this line of goods onr rpeciality and sell ihvtn at Cheaper than the Cheapest. To the crntltnni we will say, if you want A No. I SUIT OF CLOTHES jou must go to Keames Bros, to hay them as we claim to have the bet STOCK OF CLOTniNG In JackKon county and will allow none to un dersell OS. These goods were all pnrcbaed by a mem ber of onr Brra from FIRST CLASS Honnes ir San Francireo and New York, and we will wairant every article and sell them as cheap for cah as any soon in the county. We also keep on hand a tall slock of GROCERIES, Haedttark, Cctlekt, Glassware, CROCKERY. AFOLLLINE OF ASHLAND GOODS FAHKASB FRElSST-"R'ACOXJ Tlom, Qslss PIotts i Sulky Plows- In fact evcrjtliing from the Goesl needle to a tnrcshiDg-machiDe. Give ns a call and jodge for yonreelve as to our capacity of famishing goods as above. The way to make money is to save it. To save it buy cheap. To boy cheap pay CASH for yonr goods and bay of RKAMBS RR0S. DAVID LINN, GENERAL UNDERTAKER. AlTD DEALER IX COPnif TREHMiriGS. COFFINS FURNISHED ON THE short tit notice and cheaper than at any other establishment in Southern Oregon. Furniture of all kinds kept on hand or made to order. ASS rK DONNOLMP'S Yhst Pf DER! H 20 YEARS BEFORE THfPEOPLE- 1 liLsJ "vfe lhe BBilersiCTcd MervliMasd Job befs, ha,-c Ixrticlil and nold ,'a.p T HThKIa: PKEJUbM. YliAl POWJjS for the last tcaly years, and ran say witK truth tltat no other Yeast Pdwder Ss given more rencral satisfaction, both to the Trade and Consuiners. 'Wc liavc ued DONNOLLY'S YEAST POWDER in our families, and can testily to its VThole somenos and mcht. Castle Bros. Albert Man fc Co. Tillman & BcntM, Ronntrec & JlcOure, t. Ehnuan & Co. Haas Bros. Tabcr, Harkcr Co. Eggers&Co. lilglcy Bros. 31. & C. .Mangels. Jones & Co. W.-V.Dodrc&Co. Root & Sandenon, Tliilulss Jennings, Kruse e i.uier, Wcllman,Poek4Cd. SACRAJIENTO. Adams JIcNeill & Co. Hall, Lnhrs & Co. Mchius & Co. G. IV- Chcalcr, P. II. Russell. PORTLAND. llcn & Lewi. Wadhams & Elltotl, Corbitt & Maclcay. StOCKTON. R. 11. Parker & Co. P. JImto WALLA WALLA AND SEATTLE. Crawford & Harrington. Sclmabacher ilro's. Conehihcrs of Yeast Powder will please notice the above indorsement of DON- NOLLY'S YKAST POWDER, byncnilr all the Merchants of the Pacific ConM. The Enormous Sales of this Ponder in San Francisco prore its intrinsic merit, and llic reason is obvious Donnolly's Yeast Powder has stood the test or 20 years. It never fails to make the mot delicious, licht and sweet Ilread, Biscuit, Cakes, Lorn Ureac, &C. Io liousckeejicr who ever trietl this Pdwder will dowilli- CutiL Alwara ask fur Donnolly's tTcast Pow der, it never fails to give satifaction' oincjiy mre vream lanariiHu xjig. Bi-Cabh. Soda always on haad at the Lowest Market lriccs. " . .- D. CALLAGIIAN& CO. 113 & 121 Front St, San Francisco. reaBY for Business. "-52- THEMSONVILM'AM FLOURING rVllLll Commenced Manufacturing lhe best of flour on MOMni. m:pt. 30. ID0. We are prepared totWatl kinds" of Cus tom Work, in the way of exchange of flour for wheat, chopping feed nnd grinding corn. Wc have superior machinery lor manufacturing flour and wc feel safe in saying that we can d.i better work than any mill in Rogue River Valley. In exchange, we will give for good, clean wheat, :5(5 lbs. of tlour and 0 lbs. of mixed feed for ench Im-hel. McKENZIE in FOUDRAY, Proprietors. SEW STATE HOTEL! jACKSOXVILLti, Om Mrs C.W, Savage, Prop. HAYING reopened this, and se cured more rooms. I am now better prepared than ever lo offer to the public the best of accommodations. Good beds and well ventilated rooms. Board most reasonable. The C. and O. S. Co.'s Stazes leaves the house daily for Redding andltoscburg. " ' P. S. There is a first-class Bar And Billiard room In connection with the house. The best cigarsandliquorsalways on hand. .LiMl'HAE HOTEL? .LAKE COUNTY, 0N?;? W. C Gree&nsffit Prepriirer- -tkt r"PHE Undesigned takes pleasure in an JL nouncing that he has taken charge of this houc and that the management will be first-class in every particular. The table will always be supplied with the Ix-st the market affords. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. No pains spared td teet the wants of the traveling public. W. C. GREENMAX. CITY BARBER SHOP California St., Jacksonville, Oregon TnE UNDERSIGNED JS F.ULLY prepared to do all work is hk Km in the best manner and at reasonable priees. george sennvc p. Medical Notice. HAVING SUSPENDED MY tQUN. tain explorations, I offer my "pWes- sional services to the people m j settee county. James 31. liccK, X Eagle Point, Sept. C, 1SS0. VI tip trhitp. linpn nhirts nmtn , ot front, for 1 50 at tho 2s"ew York Store , Cl'U: Kills' IIRCAH. In TThlfh Billy landcrkirit Interviews St. rclrr. A reXrtr of the New YorV World asked on Saturday last from Uncle Rufus Hatch his opinion on the situa tion of the stock market, and was promptly informed "Everything on Wall street is at sixes and at sevens, and wah&d bejtterbecarefnjshall ea fie "atnhirtcchs and " aCeJaven&T5 However, I don't care to say anything about the stock market, as I am bo often misquoted." "You Say that dreamily." "That is because of my dream last Sunday night on the cars when I was returning from Vashington. And if the world dares to print it on my au thority, it shall have it. Don't you forget, though, that my morning dreams never go by contntrjes. I dreamed that I was the sdn of tun old commodorp who did not feed his flocks on the Grampian hills of Staten Inland, where for a long time I was a frugal swain. I dreamed that my father hod made millions of money by running steamboats and ferry-boats in opKsi- tion to other people, and that when he was gathered to his forefathers, at the ripe old age of 83, lie loft me about 5100,000,000, which in five years' tini I had multiplied to about $300,000,- 000, after settling with my sisters, aunts and cousins and brothers. I dreamed that I was in thn habit of yearly crossing the ocean-ferry, and purchasing real pictures, not chromos or lithographs of imaginary profits, worth in a batch 500,000, 'as the world wagR,' and that I bought horses on my return that cost 10,000 each, less or more, or 'L'Assomoir' or words to that 'Efnch effect I ttlso dreamed that I did not pay any faxes to speak oL That I purchased 3100,000,000 of jWTMwfent Bonds which were free ffawita ration, and thereby"sTingHKr the trouble of palaverins the "urban? President Wheeler of the tax commis sion. I dreamed that unheeded flew my hours, so noisless falls the foot of time that only treads on flower, or runs oer steel rails which cover divi dends at 3 per cnt with water under every tie. I dreamed that I builded magnificent hiahsions which Luculltts might have envied on Fifth avenue for myself and members of my family. I dreamed that my wualth the though' of which made the spirit of Cncsus un easily fly like a bat by night over the ruing of Persia and the swamp lots about Babylon continued to accumu late until the agglomerated weaUh of the Hoihschi appeared as only a wid ow's mite in comparison with my wealth. As I dreamed and tfiis was, mind, you, after a midnight sandwich and glass of Apollinaris at the Phila delphia depot I thought my life, as son and successor of the good old com modore, verged toward mortal climax like a share of Now Jersey Southern. I dreamed that at a ri5 old age 98 or thereabouts, and while preparing to celebrate my centennial having passed more than the allotted time of my race, and with all tho wealth and splendor that earth could give me, my transfer books opened and my stock ledgprs closed, and that I died. I dreamed that I got. away as the commodore's son and as owner of. tho houses that Vander" built, with a dress suit an ebony coffin with gold bar-handles pre sented by Flood of San Francisco, and surrounded with every funeral para phernalia that one man can undertake for another when that other is going to realize on his one share of ceme tery stock and is going long of all time bargains. I dreamed that I found my real estate when I was laid away the smallest that I had ever posessod. I dreamed that after some uncomfortable moments I sped toward the celestial regions with the sjieed of a 326 Patter son engine. Soon I arrived at the gt cf Paradise outside like Tom Moore's Piri, disconsolate, with a con funded echo saying as I spoke the line late' late!' To me an usher comes. I seem to have innumerable cards about me shaped like a Y, and all cur ioasly greenbacked The usher takes a card and disappears on a vaporish platform with a self acting gale. I look around and see only a fog bank without cushions, bat I sit down and take stock of my situation. Presently a celestial lackey posses and I ask whether I can see St. Peter I almost said St Paul and Milwaukee, but check ed myself on a stop-order. After some little disarrangement of my time table and apparent switching of trains on a cerulean railway, a little window near me opened precisely like a ticket window, and over" it the letters, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. in effulgent light I hail this as a good omen. Oat of the window comes a benevolent head, the like) of which by an old master I re membered as in my picture gallery la belled 'StPeler.' 'Are those lexers a compliment or a guarantee?' I axked. Those letters,' said tho saint in a per suasive voice, mean "New Tear Ccles tial and Heavenly Railroad," and don't make a mistake, my sweet William, of an earthly garden. But what do you want!' "I want to come in,' I respond, 'and to take a ticket with a return, if that be allowable.' "To which the saint responds: 'Who enter here do net leave hopo behind, provided they first give good refer ence.' To this I reply that I refer to the old commodore. Tell my father that Billy is here.' " The commodore is down stairs in the vaults just new shoveling coal six tee n hours per diem.' " 'What! You don't put a great millionaire in purga tory I' " "We do not here call the vaults by that title. We name them "Retribu tion !"' Then I refer to tho Astor of the millionaire flowpr beds of earth.' " The Astor is out collecting rents. Us built houses for the rich and not the poor. Ho leaves at seven every morning and returns, at six in the even ing.' '" Is A. T. Stewart present? ' " ' Yes, but ho is very busy keeping a dry s;oods store around the cornor. ' "' Can I se Mr. Lincoln, our late president, Mr. Sewanl, Mr. Greek or MrOrtonl Art they herel Why7Ti.crir! on anfexprcss train, "Without stops, I and they went right on to the best station in Jupiter's planet. Please re member that their li es were spent in benefiting mankind. Wo knew all about them before thny came. But have you no other references?' asked St. Peter. " ' Is George Pcabody here?' " ' Why of course he is here. He divided his money before departing the other life, and for the. benefit of the laboring man. He built houses for tho mechanics to liva in in London and left the rents to accumulate for their benefit. .He did all that ho could for his fellow-men.' " ' Whey,' I exclaimed in my dream, 'I spent 41,000,000 in 1880 and 1S81 to do that very iame thing, and where he spent one million I have spent twenty on the same lines of sur vey. Before I came away it was ar ranged that these rents should be very moderate, hot exceeding three jer cent on the investment, and this is to go on and multiply for ages and nges, to bo reinvested all for tho benefit of the laboring man who did so much to make my father and myself, as wealthy as we Wert. If Mr. Peabody can come in, I am certainly entitled to go in and enjoy all the privileges that he docs! " Well, Sweet William, said St. Peter, 'wo only had ono fault to find with Mr. Peabody, and that was he left America and went to England to die that ho might havo a long funeral. But my sweet William of the golden parterres of earth, if what you have just said is true I will seo that you have overy facility to provo it. I shall telephone down to New York and see if there is any one upon whom I can rely that will verify your state ment In the meantime, you can go out and look nt the pictures of the subtcrenean world, and if you get tired, as I know vou will, you can visit the Stables and select the fast horses and excreiso them, say, twelve hours a day to commence with, and as soon as I find your statement is correct I will send for you to return to this celestial ticket office. You know up here we are old fogies; we never re sign Or die, and we are very conserva tive and analogous to what y.ou man aged in affairs on earth; we constitute a close corporation. Now, you must excusO me I have no time to go into an argument of how you managed yodr interests upon Garth, but pleaso re member that you will have a fair show.' 'What, am I to go to purgatory?' " 'Please remember that I havo just is stated that we have no purgatory; it is only retribution. Some people work a hundred years, and somo a thousand with additienal hours to what they did on earth, to make up for the hard ships which they gaVe to men who amassed their fortunes for them." "Just at this moment," contimeof Uncle Uufus, "the conductor of tho' Washington train came in ahd shouted Ticknts!' which waked me up jUst Ve fore we arrived at Elizabath" on our" way to Jersey city." "Will you please pardon me, Mr"; Hatch, If I express my mindl" said the reporter. "Oh, certainly, sir, take a cigafy !ef it end in smoko " "I don't believe a word- of this' dream. You were wide awako at home." "Well, you may Ibinkn, but I can prove to you that I was in Washing ton Sunday. I can also prove that I bought a ticket for Now York; that I bought a sleeping berth in Pullman Palace car No. 161 sleeping berth No. 10; that I paid a porter Un cents, more or less, for polishing my shoes and brushing me off when I arrived at Jersey-city loiig befote chromo time was struck in the board. There were on board the train a lawyer and al Washington lobbyist, by whom I can provp; that we rodo up town' logdlhef' on tho elevated railroad. 1 can provi' that it was a very cold morning by the World of that day. Now if you want any further proof than this that I was asleep when the conductor came' in and called Tickets,' you will have to ask some one'bosides myself d if I was not tho son of the commodore' while I was asleep, who was I?" Capturing Turkoman TTcman. The capture of the Turkoman women is one of the great crimes of Persian, ruTcTBByirstriet .East. of the Cn-inian3A tn ciKet tojMMkOt theMT nors to the effect that no ssents hatP . J s - been forwarded to tho sfc n of late, and another governor may be found to re place him. Tho distracted governor who has already robbed, the jieople un til they horn nothing left to take, turns his eyes to the rich Turkomans, and sends spies to ascertain wfiero are eh camped tho greatest number of Turko man women and horses, and the smal lest number of tnBh. Then at tho dead of night he swoops down Upon his vi tims. Those Turkomans who are able' to fight are ruthlessly murdered, and the- old men, wives, daughters, and sis ters are brought back into Persia. Then commences a scone disgraceful alike td' humanity and morality. The young; and beautiful woman are sent off to the' Shah and other great men at TeheranY Those with tome defect Are kopt hj the governoi1 and distributed among5 his favorites, high and Idw, and the horses and other stoleh property are likewise disposed cf. But what! be comes of the old worrian and the little ones? Theie are locked up until somo Turkoman relation can buy their re lease for $100 to 3125 each each, and if this cannot Ixt done thny die of star vation. There is a regular season for these expeditions, commencing about April. To make the hair stay crimp take' two cents worth of gnm-arabic and add to it just enough boiling water to dis flolrd it When dissolved add enough alcohol to make it rather thin. Lef this stand all night and lit Mi bottle to1 prevent the alcohol frohi evaporating' This is perfectly harmless. . The anniversaries of weddings usual ly celebrated are: First, iron; fifth', wooden; tenth, tin; fifteenth, crystal; twentieth, china; twetity-fifth, silver; thirtieth, cottonj thirty-fifth, linen;' for tietb, woolen; forty-fifth, silk;- fiftieth, gold; seventy fifth, diamond. A Northern paper praises the "In dian Hair Restorer." He is a fraud. No Indian was ever known to restore any hair. He files it away an a cer tificate on which to draw rations on Uncle Sam. "Eugenia, Eugenia, will you still in sist on wearing tho hair of another woman upon your head?" "Alphonse, Alphonse, do you still insist upon wearing the skin of another calf upon your feet?" A son of Erin being asked which was the greatest debating club in Ire land, replied, "The shillelhah. And J it's alwsv foremost in the hottest con I U-ts,