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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1881)
OREGON SEHTIHEL! JJIKWtniLLKi SATrjCBAY, FeBSCART 12. TSSL Annex to emu. The Standard has collected and com- piled, from exchanges but prindjiallv J jointed in Multnomah county atid j from the New York Herald the fol- j sui brought againit ths railroad com-1 lowing advice to girls, which is beingjpjmy for $5,000 damages. The auit j . - 1 J:.!!..!! ... t.miliM tn I . - .V C. . ? ?. -I i extenavelr distributed in families in the Eastern States. Don't go with a bu that is a fctranger to jou, or with whose character rou are unacquainted; look at the footprints of time, and see Low many of your sex have been driven to a life of shame by ignoring this rnle. Avoid all Sunday, and Sunday night dances, and particularly the drinking of wine. In marrying, make your match yourself, and wait until you are old enough to choose sensibly. Do not marry anybody to get rid of him, or just to oblige him, or to save him from threatened destruction; nor let yourself dream of reforming a man with bad habits. The man that would m And Muliwn Mftinnt. rnn. will fo J, UU..1.. -.WW-, j , D- "thre with you, and be very likely to take , tlnnr. Remember it is for life you are contracting, and that your future happiness dependr upon the, kind of husband you get, and that he will either make your heme a house of joy or a home of sorrow, und hence, be sure that he is as equally pure, as your self. Men, when they look for wires, acck sobriety, virtue and purity in a woman; and why should you not do the same thing in looking for a maul Do not marry for a home and a living when you can earn a living for your Relf. Do not go or associate with a licentious, man, nor tolerate his com pany, for his words and habits, will ultimately prove as the bite of an ad der and the sting of a serpent. Be ever kind and true to your own sex. If by chance one should fall a little out of the circle that your sense of propriety approves of to-day, do not ahun or avoid her, but help her. she may be up again to-morrow. Never allow your father, mother, or any other relation to sell you in marriage for saoney or position. Remember, you may by so doing pass into bondage, tears and life-long miseries which you, and not they, must endure. Never meet any man clandestinely; it may be to your sorrow. Do cot place yourself habitually in the way of any suitor until you will marry him. Human minds are weak. Get away from all other influences exrept those of your good mothers, and settle the question and decide for yourself. Re member the counsel and advice of a good mother will do you no harm; she is the endowment of purity, holiness and heavenly grace, and the most per fect combination of modesty, patience, devotion, affection and gratitude that you can take as your model of loveli ness into that high and holy state of matrimony. Portland Standard. BrmarltiilileCoKrrtfclon f Faith. Here is Bismarck's confession of faith, extracted from a late number of the North American Review: Were I no longer a christian I would not remain an hour in the King's service. If I did not obey God, if I did not count upon him, I should certainly pay no homage to earthly masters. I should have to live, of course; I should be in a good enough position, and should have no need of them. Why should I fret and toil un ceasingly in this world, and expose myself to pnrplexities and ill-usage, if 1 did not feel that I must do ray dutyl I have a firm, unshaken faith in a lif after death therefore am I a Royalist, otherwise I should be a Re publican. If I did not believe in a divine order which has destined the German nation for something good and great, I would forthwith go out of the diplomatic business, or I would never have entered it To wh;t orig inal to ascribe the sense of duty I know not, except to God. Orders and titles have no charms for me. The firm stand that for ten years I have taken against all possible absurdities of the court, I owe purely to my de cided faith. Take from me this faith and you take from me my country. If I were not a christian and a firm beHever, if I had not the miraculous basis of religion you would never had inch a chancellor. Give me a success or on this basis, and I retire at once. Take away from me my relation to God and I am the man to pack up to-morrow and be off for Varzin to grow my oats. I hav then no King, and why 1 If it were not God's com mud why should I submit to these Hohenzollersl They are a Swabian family no better than my own, and I ahocld have no interest in them. (Read 1 John T, 45.) Heavy Canton flannel undershirts nnd drawers, for 63cU at the New York Storw. Bamacc K MmliMd. Jade Dadjs Petition. AHout two Tears ajjo one of the Judge Deady's decision iiv the case "Rigq" fuilr, who lived just Est of of D. Calm ts. Eliblia Barnes, practical Jacksonville, an unfortnnate half de-1 ly settles the question as to the validity tnented kind of creature, a accident-' of tlw title of the Willamette Valley lj drowned in stepping off the ferry and Cascade Mountain Wigon Road boat of the O. J: C. R. R. Co. at Company to the lands acquired from porUand. An administrator was an-' was lost in the Slate Circuit Court and in the Supreme Court to which it was appealed and new proceedings instituted by the filing of a liliel in the U. S. Court. In order to com mence this suit the Probate Judge of Jackson county apjwinted a citizen of Marion county as administrator which j Judge Deady finds he had no authori ty to do. He then proceeds to try the case, sums it up in an elalwrate decision, holding that tht plaintiff is entitled to 1,000 damages and then dismubes the case because the letters issued by the Probate Judge of this county are void and gives the librllant no standing in court This is a good deal like hanging a man fint and try iug him afterward and seems to indi cate, quite clearly, the amount of dam Mges that may be expected if an ad ministrator is properly appointed. We don't know much about law but it does seem singular, from a lay stand point, to see a case tried when the Judge is so clearly of the opinion that one cf the parties had no business whatever in court. Crlllns Alarmed. During the week a prominent farm er, whose fine ranch lies about two miles from town, expressed the opinion that before long, united action on the part of the town authorities and tho farmers in the middle of the valley, wonld be necessary to control Jackson creek and prevent serious damage to property. Tho gentleman referred to is Jacob Is.h, a person noted for cool, sound judgment and good practical common sense, and his suggestions are worthy of consideration. Mr. Ish holds that it is the duty of the town author ities to confine the water as near as possible to its legitimate channel, thus conducting it past the town limits. After that, he says, tht farmers will, at their own expense, undertake to con fine it so that it can do no damage, either by flooding or depositing tailings on valuable land. It is about time something was dona. Several valuable places right in the heart of town have been destroyed by the deosit of tailings and the next board of Trustees should take such steps as will prevent further damage. Heretofore there has been a doubt as to the advisability of confin ing and carrying a body of tailings past the town limits to endanger the rinches lying Mow, but when farmers concede the propriety of such course, there should be no longer any hesita tion. Jk Kallroatf. A. conference of railroad magnates was recently held it Sacramento, dut ing which Leland Stanford stated ex plicitly that he had no intention of con tinuing the line north of Redding. There is something definite in this an nouncement and the people of this county may as well stare the fact, that that they are not going to haTe a rail road at present square in the face. There is another thing to be looked at, that is, if we are too idls or too jxor to build about forty miles of wagon road to the coast, capitalists would le fools to invest in a railroad through this country. Stanford says that it is the intention of the C. F. Co. to push a road into the big wheat fields of Eastern Oregon and Washington Ter ritory and haul wheat clear across the continent to a Gulf jiort This is of slight importance to us, however, and our farmers may as well put their shoulders to the wheel and help them selycs if they want to. Thai Land Cranf. President Stanford having declared that the C. P. Co. will build no further North from Redding, aliandons all claim to the grant along the proposed route. The refusal to connect with the Oregon road renders the grant in this State valueloss also and it seems non sense to ask Congress to extend it, al though, on this side of the line, no un earned lands have been withdrawn and the grant is doing no public injury. Could Congress be made to know our wants the portion of that grant lying" in this county might be offered to any company that would build a narrow gauge road to the coast and no outrage be done to any one; for we have repeat edly Lcwn that the land is of that class that will continue to bo valueless until made accessible by a raiiroah The alternate sections would bo worth something to the government and, al though publics sentiment seems to be against further grants of land, it can be clearly shown in thu case that the public domain would be actually en riched Instead of impoverished if a road ere built the Government in the construction of the road. In 1866 Congress granted the State of Oregon three sections per mile of the public lands, to aid in build- - 1 t ill .. .. 4l.A ing a wagon road from Albany to the eastern line of the State, said lands to be selected from any public lands with in six miles of the road, as the same might be located. On the 24th of October, 1S66, the State transferred the grant to the Willamette Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Read Com pany. Iu August 1871, said corpor ation conveyed the premises thus ac quired to H. R. W. Clarke, who duly conveyed the same to D. Cahn, Sept. 1st, 1871. Plaintiff sues Barnes for the posession of section 3, township 15 south, range 1 6 east of the Willamette meridian. Defendant sets up a claim to the northeast quarter of the above named section, and pleads title thereto under the swamp land act of I860. Judge Deady holds "That the defendant has no title, and cannot prove title in the State under the swam) land grant, because the State, is estopped to deny that the premises are within the wagon road grant" We have condensed the statement of facts as much as possible, as we have not room for the decision in full. Judgment was rendered in favor of Cahn and against Barnes. This will serve to settle all disputes as to title in tho lands acquired by the road com pany in the construction of its road, and indicates that tho lands still claim ed under the grant must be patented to the party or parties now in poses sion of the franchise. Albany Regis ter. Harbor of Erfnir- The report of Prof. Rodger, of the TJ. S. Coast survey, on the subject of the proposed harbor of refuge, is in favor of Trinidad, a point about forty miles south of Crescent City. The Prof, calls attention to the fact that between the straits of Fuca and San Francisco bay, a distance covering nearly eleven degrees of latitude, al though there is not a single harbor, of safe access, to a vessel in distress dur ing the southerly winds of the winter. It is next shown that any harbor of -refuge located with regard to the interests of any port or fleet on on this coast, should be placed to north of that port or fleet, for the reason that the storm winds are always from the south, while the return of fair weather is marked by northwest and northerly winds. In other words, the storm bound vessel should be able to run to leeward for safety. Similarly, it is noted that the first local requisite of a harbor of refuge should be the gen oral safety of approach from seaward. After completing his general argument, Professor Rodgers furnished statistics of trade and routes of Pacific coasting vessels, and proceeded to maka a de tailed comparison of the different lo calities proposed for the harbor of ref uge. Finally, he recapitulates the conclusions at which he has arrived, as follows: As compared with Cape Gregory, (at Empire city), Trinidad would be more commodious, would he much iiearer to the bulk f coasting commerce during southerly gales, equally easy of general approach, and much more readily entered with southerly winds and departed from with a northwest wind. An equal expenditure would enclose a more protected area at Trinidad. fcrw Paper The "Northwestern Farmer and Dairyman" is the title of anew month ly published by D. IL Stearns, Port land, at 75 cents per year. It is de voted to the farm, dairy and poultry yard and is "dirt cheap." From it we clip tho following sensible suggestion which is very applicabls to Jackton county: "Rrag is a good dog, hut hold-fast is a better," is a saying of the language. It was never more applicable than to the Pacific Northwest. Instead of spending our breath in bragging about the resources of the country, all the while waiting for the people of other countries to come and buy us out, we should earnestly study how best to de velop those resources with the means at commandand bend all our energies toward making its destiny that which we proclaim." California Legislature propose ask ing for an amendment to the Federal Constitution, providing for the election of the President by the popular Tote. The Toting capacity of the South is rather too extensive at present with a slight improvement in counting roa chinery, Alabama could elect a Presi dent, on a pinch, herself. Let well enough alone. Ven'K suits worth $15.00 sold at the New York Store for $9.00 only. GURES BY ABSORBTW, TVATURE'S WAY. p "Lung Diseases, vJI slJl 1 THROAT DISEASES, -.. .J' ' JJII Ll.l 1 111 tU llfbUUKIt It DRIVES INTO the system curative agents and healing purposes. It DRAWS FROM the diseased parts the poison that causes death. Thousand! TrMiry to l( llrlnc. YOU CAN BE RELIEVED AND CURED. Don't despair until vou have tried this Sensible, EaMlv Applied and RADICAL LY EFFECTUAL remedy. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of priciC&J, by TIre-KeSlynLung Tad Co., ' WILLIAM BLOCK, Bcthoit, Mich. Fend Tor Testimonials and our book, "Three Millions a year," tent free. ASHLAND COLLEGE AN"D NORMAL SCHOOL. REV. L. L. ROGER-. A. M., Piie'IDEst, Professor of Xalural Science, Mental and Moral Philoiophy. REV. LaDRU ROYAL, A. M.. TWcr of Latin and Greek Languages and Lit erature, MRS. A. A. ROGERS, PiiECKrntKss Teacher of Elocution, Principal of Pre paratory Dqiartmcnt. MISS ELLA M. SCOTT, Teacher of Piano, Organ and Vocal Culture. MISS KATE THORNTON, Assistant Teacher. 23xponsos. TUITION.?" a month, ?lo a quarter, $40 a year. One scholar three years, or three, "in same family, one year $100. In strumental Music or Voice Culture 5 a month Vocal mu.ic in clasft:5a quarter. Board $3.30 a week. Rooms or Cottages for sclf-lioarding $2 to $5 a month. Tui. tion in all cases payable in adrance in cash or acceptable notes. Oournos of atixcSy. Course in Englih Langnasc and Lilcra. ture. Reading, Elocution. Enp;lNh Gram mar, EnpliMi Analysis anil Parsing. Kng. tish Composition, English. Literature, Rhetoric, Ancient Iliflory, Mediaeval His tory, Modem History. Itusiness College" Arithmetic, Book kreping, Bankinjr, Civil Government, CominTrial Law, International Liw, Po-liti'-al Economy, Algclira, Gi-jmetry, Eng lish Grammnr and Rhe'rir. Course in I.'tin. Lr.tin Grammr. Lst in Itaiding, Caesar's Commentaries Vir gil, Cicero's (tbtum-s Livy, Tacitus Cic cor de Officii. Course in Greek. CSrccU Grammar. Greek Reader, An:aUais Gnxk Tcl.i men:, ?rrTi-nibiiia, iiomiT, Hcrodilus, Demosthenes.' 0iions. Online in Matluinsti". Arithmetic, Aigvhra, Geometry, Trigmmiactry, Sur vcrying Mechanic., Aoustic.s, anJ'jplies, Astronomy. Course in Modern Lania. French Grammar, Ffn'-h Rentier. Corinne, R.i- cine. German Grammar, German Reader, Goethe, t-clnMcr. Course in Natural Science. Gcognphy, Physical Geography, Botanv, Zoolocv, Natural Philosophy, Astronomy, Chem istry, Mincralojy, Geology. Course in Mcnls'l arid Moral PhilosO nhv. Ethics lVycholozv, Logic, Esthetics, Moral Philosophy, Theism, Butler's Analo gy. Christian Evidences. "Normal Course. En dish Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, PhysicaPGeogra phy. Physiology, Alcebra, "Zoolozy. Ge ometry, "Rhetoric, Natural Philosophy, Botany, Ancient History, Modern History, Ihemistry. Astronomy, Mental Philoso phy, Civil Government. Book-keeping. English Literature, Evidences of Christi anity, Pedagogics. 33cs70oo. The degrees of A. II. and A. M., with Di plomas will be given in course to those completing the following described courses; Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Kng lish Language and Literature, Mental arid Moral Philosophy, Modern Languages, Natural Sciencccs antl Business. The degree ol B. S., with Diplomas, will lc awarded thoc completing the cour of English Language and Literature, Modern Languages, Natural Sciences, Business Mentsl and Moral Philosophy. Diplomas will be presented those com pleting the Normal and Bnsiness course. MECHANICS' PLANING MILL AXD FURNITURE, SASH, blihds m mm AXD Moulding Factory, ASHLAND, OREGON, L. S. P. BXAItSH, Prop'r. ALL KINDS OF PLANING, NOULD. ing, Turning, Circular and Scroll Sawing, FURNITURE & ORNAMENTAL CARVING, ETC,, DONE TO ORDER. Furniture, Sash, Blinds, Doors and Moulding constantly on hand and made to order. E3T"T will contract to design and erect all kinds o. buildings. When desirable to thoe craplovicc me, I will furnish all the material required for the construction of anv Mtiltlinsr, rcadv for occupancy. Cu: ire Back Ache And nil diseases ot the Kidncv, Madder and Urinary Organs by wearing the ImpM Excelsior Kidney Pad. It is a Marvel of Healing and Relief. Simple, Sensible, Painless, Direct, Powerful. It CURES where all cl-e fails. A RSVE-L.-vTIOVand REVOLUTION' in Medicine. Aborptinn or direct application, as oppos ed to unsatisfactory internal medicines. Send for our treatise on Kidney troubles, sent free. Sold by drogsUts, or sent by mail, on receipt of price, $2. This is the Original and Genuine Kidl ney Tad. Ask for it and take no other. Address, Tho "Only" lung Pad Co., "WILLIAMS BLOCK, Dethoit, Micm GREAT SLAUGHTER IN PRICES AT E.JACOBS? STORE Oregon Street, Jacksonville WIIKKR A COMPLETE AND msgiirncient aMortiuent of new poo.U has juft been received, cojiUng in part ol CLOTHING, DItY-GOODS, GROCERIES, FANCY GOODS, BOOTS .t SHOES, SCHOOL HOOKS, .HATS AND CAPS, TOKACCOS Ji CIGARS, HARDWARE AND CARPETS, TINWARE, ALL KINDS PAINTS. -ALSO:--csrx2src30T7u- o-xss GitocnniEs. A FINE ASSOUTJ1 E N T OF LADIES' ITATS AND FLOWERS, tt' In f("l everything ti J" fmvJ In a ftrt-cU-s flick ol ( MerctianJiic, nrliicl will Ih- ml 1 tit pricr That Defy Competition. The bigh't price allowed for cuunlry pro due. r fj:re r til at mv rti!i!!hnieiil In this Mi :ilc ixiiMing at.d be convinced tii I tbire i. no Ini'iibtig about tliir K I V OltS LATEST AERIVALS -of TVSi: "."W CTSCdBa3D5CB'5i AT BRECK2:.iTFEL1)'S ryUE UNDERi-IONEl) T.4KE; PLEJ3 L ure in announcing to the public that he ba jtit rrceirad a complete and firt claf Bnxrlmnt of Rfnt'a Fnrihinp (iOod'.uch tit IUt, Shirlf. Underwear, etc. bcft brand of Cicr and Tobacco. I'ipm. Notion". Kancy flood. Gla'marc. CrocVerj Vluicil ntrumrnt. Bird Cage, Stationm-rj I'ockrt nnd Titbit Cutlery, .-tlhum", Toyt C.imlie. Nuts He., which will be fold a' the cheap-'t rtei. Gue m a call and ee for yi'tirwlve". F. rtrtECKF.N'FEl,P. THE S. P. VARIETY STORE, UXTJEU THE -MAXAOEMEXT OF LITTLE & CHASE, JACKSONVILLE, W ILL RE KEPT VELL STOCKED with the choicest CIGARS, JEWELRY, CANDIES, NUTS, TIPES, CARDS, NOTIONS, CUTLERY. STATIONERY, ALBUMS, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, Gent's Furnishing Goods And everything usually found in a flrst- ciass variety store Our coodi are the best and currantecd to be as represented. Prices low, as we do not proprtM: to lie undersold. CST'Gne us a call. LITTLE & CHASE. Wei De Meyer's CURE. ONE DOLLAR! The unprecedented success of this re markable preparation, justifies Dr. Wei Dc Meyer in reducing the price to $1 a Package, and six packages to $3. iT cents a package and new 4 cent stamp Pure, will be given by us and by Wholesale Drug, gists, in exchange for the 6 cent stamp Wei de Mever's catarrh cure. D. R Derv & Lo 4G IVr St., N. Y llfllll K.KUB.LI, Odd Fellow's Bnildin; JackionTllIr, DEALER AND WORKER IN TIN, SriEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD Pumps, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, NAILS, A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF 3T0YKS HARDWARE, TINWARE. POWDER OF EVERT DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, WOODEN & WILLOW WARE. ROPE, NAILS, Paints. Oils, Varnish, Glass CUTLERY, WIRE, Shot, 3r ushs, Chains, Hose ETC., ETC: I have ff enrf d tbe erricr? of a flrt-ctas Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair ing promptly and in raperior stjle. N CONNECTION VITII TITE ABOYF i I am receirlnp and barn rmiMantl; band a full and flrtit cIjm stock of GROCERIES, DET-flOODS, CCM ROOTS, T0ACC0 nCADY MADE CLOTIII.VG, GLASSWA RE. CROCK ERY, c. EB"ETerjthIr.(; o& at rea'rmhle ratcn. K. KUlil.l JackfonvlIK March. S 1878. ASHLAND HARMcSS SHO? C K. KLUM, MAXUFACTUUER OF, AXD DKALER IX Saddlery and Harness, ASHLAND, OREGON. KEEPS A GKNKRAL ASS good i in hid Hue of tradt ASSORTMENT Or trade. Lndle', Hem ami BnjV hultllcr a Apeclal'r. TEAM, BUGGY AjYD PLOW IIABJS'ESS, WHIPS, ROBES, DUSTERS -j-AXD-r IIORSE BLANKETS. ALS0- "l-cESTE, Rr.rKATixo RirLns (commonly cdlctl Henry Rifles) of model of 1S66, 1873. and 1876. Pistols, Cartridges, Etc. "Wheat taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for good. M RUBBl Maker op STENCILS SEALS HENRY T.HUDSON DEALER IN RIFLES, $IiOTGU.S,FISrOLS, Etc., Eta, NO. 33, FIRST STREET, Or. EVERYTHING in my line will here after be sold at greatly reduced rates and parties ordering by mail will receive none but first clas goods. Send for catalogue and price list. NOTICE. Those who are indebted to the undersigned by note or book account are hereby noti fied that an immediate settle ment must be made, as I intend to go East to buy goods, asd I musthave money. G. KAREWSKI. flfe WtSaZJmffiM JIM lauri SS v LARGE SALE! Closing Out ATTHJC Hew York Store, THE ENTIRE STOCK OT GENERAL MEPCHANDISE AT COST ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE EL Mensor. J A CKSOXVILLE, JiPrTfcr G. KAREWSKI, DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, HARDWARE, DRY GOODS, Agricultural Implements MACHINERY, GROCERIES, ETC. Also Agent for the justly Cele brated Fish Bro's Yagon, The best Wagon on Wheels for the following reasons? 1. More cure is taken in the selection ot stock; only good, Milid butl-cul timber tieing ucd. 2. The W heels arc all soaked In Boil ing Linseed Oil. It. Every part is strongly braced; ami inslciitl of being lioltctl, is I'lipjieil, so that the full strength of the wood is secured. A. The Tires are securely bolted, after being thoroughly anil carefully net. 5. The Skein are he.itcd U'ftre-rh"iTM on, anil vet in White Lead; consequently, when cooled, contract, making a perfect fit nnd iinpo'ilth to work loose. It is the onby Wagon on which "Holmes" Patent Sclf-Oilintr .-keins" are med, thc wholo right antl title baring lieen pur chased. The principal points of superior ity over all oilier Skeiin, are: 1st. Hear ings are perfectly straight, which does, away with side-draught. 2d. Has a per feet titling tand Rand. Hd. Unnecessary to remove the wheel to oil. 4th. Will re tain oil longer, haingan oil-chamber, ant) soconMructitl that oil cannot runout a, the point. r)lh. Hound llracc is clippetT on, bringing the purchase neartr the wheels. And many others, too numerous, to mention, but which can lie readily seen upon examination; and we cordially in vite our many customers and all othrr who contemplate purchasing a Hrst-class Wagon, to call anil get prices before go ing elsewhere. LUMBER FOR EVERYBODY STERLING C Milts South of Jackjoatille, TS NOW UNDER FULL HEADWAY X and is prepared to furnish the market with every description of lumber of a supe rior quality at the lowest rates. lull sawed to order and satisfaction Guaranteed. All orders addressed to us at Jackson ville will rcreive prompt attention. FIELDS & I'.VHK 1 j?"