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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1868)
tw.. .... i..ii-iJt-n,m w?i2SS"' -. tmiwa-t'., " , a- M1; AMERICAN SAW COMPANY, lUMincrontM or EMERSON'S PATENT Movablo-Tooth and Porforated Giroular Saws- perforated Mulay, Mill nnd Cross-Cut Saws, with Adjustable Sockets. 8AW-QUMMERS, SWAGES, CANT DOGS, ETC., havo established an office for lbs late ol tbo above articles, nt No, COS Front Street, 5nn Fmnclsto. s" Descriptive- Pamphlets will be forward' d to any ouo glvlug ui Ibclr address. augttV3ra. FIIANCO-AMEKICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, OPPOSITE THE Oai-Fiellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Oregon. Traveler! anil resident byardcr will flnr 3D' 3EDS AND BEDDING Placed u tint uIiim order, nnd In every Way superior to any In this section, and surpassed by nny In the State. IIRR ROOMS ARK NL'.VLV .PIIRXISIO, And i plentiful supply of tbo bert of every thing the market utliird nlll bo ob tained for HE It TABLE. No troubled wilt Ih sp.trcd to ucrve tbo pal rnn.a1 of tbo traveling as well as tbo perma nent community. Jiicknnvlllo. March nt, lSflC. tf P. B. C OK FIN, HOUSE PAINTER, I A NOW IN POSSESSION OF TI1K ENTItlE 1 Hock or materials mid tnoli formerly l IoiikIhK " Cmlcllo &. Odin. Mr. Co'lellii Uvins wllliiliiiwn. P.ll. CuMIn will continue the btiluvi. nml Ciiii xi IimmmI l III shop, Comer r C ami Thrill Streets, prrp.ircit to do work In n workmanlike ninnncr rmdinablo rnli-s. . Jacksonville, tlct. 13. 1667. octlOtr EL DOHA 1)0, X.i:.Col.CI.Ji)il.HH.Jullncmlll-,. S. M. FAFIREN. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. NOTICE. HiwIiih disposed of our Fac tory, we aro now prepared lo glvo our whole attention to our Ualber nnd Finding business. On hand, direct trom France, Cair A kip, DomeiUe Leather, Iloot Leg, etc. Joux 0. IlKiy. I L. Favrb. I Joux lliur, New York. Paris, 8an Frenclco. Address, HUIN 1IRAV. Sao Frauclico. tin B.utery Street gillnmettc thisbcrshV, DEPARTMENT OF MEDIOINE AND 8UflOERY. SESSION for 18G8-9 will commence on the fourth day of November, and continue (our juonths. The Medical Uepanment ia now established as a permanent Institution. The means of Illustration in eucli department are ample and tbo cour.Q of luitruotlon Ibor ough and complete. Material for practical Anatomy will beiupptied. 8lnd-ntion nrrlv. top; in Die city are requested to call on the Dean, who will (i)vo any iuforination desired. Let ten of Inquiry addressed le tlio Deoa will re ceive prompt attention. Medical books can be procured irlhts city. II. UAttPKNTER. M. D. - Dean of tbc Medical Faculty, Salem. Oregon. Teams Wasted for Camp Waraer. ON, and after tbo flrt day of October, 1868. the undersigned bav determined to sell for cub exclusively exqept upon special con tract, Those indebted to tbo flrin must pol Ively pay up, at all account will on closed Oc tober lit. r GLENN BRUM 4 CO. epl2tf, secret OF BEAUTY USE . w. LAIRD'S nmin Senders the qikin soft, smooth, clear, and beautiful. Will remove rJhn, Freckles, and all oilier discol oraliom. Sold at all Dmggists nnd Fancy Goods dealers every where. 'Mweo th, 1858, m'ch tt$0U VOL. XIII. BUSINESS NOTIONS. Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OREOOS. Ambroty po 8, Photographs, Oartos do Vislto DOSE IS THE F1SEST STYLE OF AIIT. Pictured Kcrinccil Oil ENLARGED TO LIFE SI'.E. DE.A.B.OVERBECK, Phy rsician& Surgeon, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON Ofllco at lit residence, In the Old Overbeck lloipltnl, on Oregon Street. DR. E. H. GREENMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Corncr of California and Fifth Streots, Jacksonville, Ogn. liu will nracttcc In Jackson and adjacent counties, and attend promptly to professional cnlli. iciraii DR. A. B. OVERBECK'S BATH ROOMS, In tho Ovorbock Hospital, WARM, COLD &SIIOWEK BATHS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. 1 Gil U UK, M. I)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE removed to California Strcot, Soutli lido. Jacksonville. Die. 2lt. IBliT. dcCil-tf I)It. LEWIS CAM'XC, PHYSICIAN SURGEON AND OT3totrlolnu, TiriM. attend to any who nny requlro his V services. Ofllce mlJiilnliiL' N. LincclV shoo Imp. on north side California Strret. Jacksonville. iiovZlf I. O. G. T. a i.odoi:, no. 1,1.0. c. t., holds lis regular mi-vllng on Tuesdai evening nr rncb week, nt thu District School llnni', In Jacksonville. I.ODOI! upt-n nt " o'clock. Di:(;uuuMi:iniNas tho lum I'rMn, or each month. All licmbore of Ilia Order In good standing nrecoriliniiy tnviiiM in ih prr'nit. 0. W. KAIII.UIt, W. 0. T. J. It. Wjidk. Sec'y. Jacksoutllle, Fell. 8th, 16(16. fcl.8 tf "Warron Lodco No, 10, A. F. & A. M a UOI.t tbolr regular coinmiiulcatloio y on ,uc Wnlnewlajr Kvonlugn or preccd- r Ing tho full moon, In jacmh.n)ii.u:. oh- koox. A. MAltTJN, W. M. 0. W. SAVAQK.Sco'y. SOLDZXilL'S BOUKTIE. T 1IAVB UUOEIVKD FKOM Tilt: U. S. 1 Treamry drafts for the bounty of the follow ing imnieu goniicmcn : Ueorco V. Asliley. Cliarle S. Bulrd, Hillv. Clinrlen K. Chunnell. Gnrrett Cr rontt. n. Jo- James M. Iloxle. Wni. A. A. Ilumlllon, with Mown, David A. Toylor ond Jimifs Weaver. These t'entlcmci) will please call und get their pay, ' ' B. P. DOWF.LL. Jacksonville, Sept. 1st. 16G8. pairsjmsisMUHafnowiMsaMM Sl'KWAL- NOTICES. STAB OF THE UNION CELEBHATfcD 8T0MACHB1TTER8! Tlif dclicioiw lonucU Ditttn re entirely Vei(Ublc,uafte frwraalccUoUua i)Uryurt- TRY I 1 .JUDGE THEM! A - FOR TRY L Y0UR THEMlhT SELF! fill InereiUfnl A plcsitnt tonlf, and a most, utfrecible dilnV. T.m market U (lJta lln HolKinoutroinpouuJii but'I IIEHKbUlen.nud Amiii. ..iir. ki oitiMj-tti.r nimble root. bark end herb., am idailrablysdipted to tho tureof nfll.fl Mrilnieh. KitlOtMI.I ltrftDd lloel. sv-h ryi. Teir, I)tarrLai, Lo of Aiietltr, etc. elo. for eale en (twUrc. I LA. rESKIIAl'Si:. Bout lAcrcinim ( for.Knwme : Jackion, fcm rrtnelwo Tio JBovi.a.cixyxxxoxs. AND BLACXSMITHS. CufflberUud and Ublgb COAL and l'lO IRON - 1,000 VCoum, ,D8lM-DaAfl0-Uur"j.V.DOYI.E, 413 aad m'l' 3 San Fraaclsco. Vebl'Ij HIDES! HIDES! TnE HIGHEST CASH PHIOEa PAID FOR Hides of al kludB, delivered at the market of tbe .undersigned, In Jacksonville. PcvesmWr fith IM JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1808. TUB OREGON HTINEL. ruUMSUED Kverr Sntnrdnv Mornlnc by B. F. DOWELL, OFFICE, COnSER C fy THIRD STREETS. TEltMH OP Ht'BICHIPTIOXt not paid within the llrst six months of the year, fire dollars ; If not paid until tbo expiration or the year, six dollars. TF.rtMH OF ADVCnTIMINO t One rnuaro (10 lines or lcs). flrit Insertion, tbrco dollars ; cncli-niWquont Insertion, one dollar. A discount ol fifty por cent, will be made to those who advertise by Ihcycnr. filrl.vga Tenders received at current rates. Letter From Washington. ritOM OUIt SPKCIALCOKKKSl'ONRCNT. Wasiiikoto:.-, Sept. 7th, 1608. rim xtost:criAN8-m:tJi:i. manifksto. In my Inst letter I mentioned that Hobt. E. I.i'c, Alex. II. Stcpliuns, Hu re gam, uov. 1'iekens, itov. hotelier, anil in fact, iicai I v nil tlio lendinir ivbels. ly at ibki1 all wero nsseini) eil nt lute sulphur , Springs, West Miginia, where they in- uuigcii in n graun uau on. ine . iin oi , noiiuuiiy jiruviuis uniting inu itepnun last month. Gen. HosccrntiK, who won ' cans every it here. Their prospects the reputation ot being n good militnry I wciti never better not even in 1804. man, but Is pronounced by those who j when Lincoln swept McClclInn and know him intimately, the most crack- Coppeiheadihin almost out ol existence, brained of nlltlic olllcers who served ) Judging from ircseut indications, the in thu arur', instead of going on the . Copperheads will not carry a single mission to Mexico, to which ho wns re- 'State for Seymour and lllair on this ccntly nppointcd, took it into his head ide ot thu Rocky .Mountains, except to enter into a consultation with tlio Kentucky. Maryland nnd perhaps Del rebel render, and accordingly isited aware, either Not th or South. Even White Sulphur Springs, where he spent in Delaware it will bo a close light. several (lavs with the rebel mnmiotes. Rosccians' object wns to make capital (or tho Copperheads, and iuluru Geu. Grant, against whom ho clieilhhcs u, bitter animosity. Hu prepared u pa per, in the form oruletturoverhisowu signature, and addressed it to Lee, in which hu cuveighs against thu Con gressional plan ol reconstruction, and expresses great coulldeuee In thu hon or, veracity, and patriotism of the "trusted and beloved leader ot thu Confederacy," as ho aflectionately styles the'iehel jGineral, nnd 'that body ot brave, energetic, und selfsacri ficiug men" who fought to destroy our Govt ruuicut, nnd propounded to them cerium questions to which no request ed n reply. They kindly consented to lurnlsli t'lio 'defired inlormntiuu, and appended to tho document their pre cious names, to give weight to its statements with the Northern people. Thirty two oi the lending rebels sign ed tlie douiimeul, commencing with Lee, Uiircgunl, Stephens, und nroeecd. lug down to the tail of "that bod of brave, energetic, nnd soll-haciilicing men." They inlorin thu Northern peo ple, and the lest of mankind, that thu ux-reliels ot tliu South aru thoroughly loyal to the Union, peacibly inclined, vury patiiotie, nnd only ask to bo "let alone." It they could only get the Southern Stale 'Governments out of tho hands of "carpct-buggero" nnd "nig gers;" and get them in their own hands once mure, they think they might get along llrst rate, nnd would bu willing to io nhe not to reduce tho negroes to slavery again. They say "tho idea that thu Southern peo plo uie hoslilu to thu negroes, und would oppress them it it weiu in their power to do so, is entirely unfounded. They have grown up in our midst, and wo have been accustomed front child hood to look upon them with kindness. Thu change In thu lolatlous of tho two races, has wrought no change t in our feeling toward tliem. They still con stitute tho important part of our labor ing population. Without their labor thu lands of the South would be com paratively unproductive." They still "look unon the ueirro with kindness," as they did when they showed their affection by pursuing him with the lash and the blood-hound. And they assuro us that "tho change in tho rela tions of the two races, has wrought uo change in their feelings" towards their former slaves. But they aio willing that theso men shall enioy their kindliest in tho futuro as in tho past, 1 ! t.. .!.... ,.l ..,. l Ullil couiiiiue, no iii uiijo ui jvmv, constitute tho important part ot our laboring population," because "with out their labor the lands of tho South ...A..lfl linnnmiinfiltL'nk IJfl)u?llM !" How kind, how choughtful, how can did, and, abovo all, how cheeky, are theso "brave, energetic, and self-sacri-ficiug men," and their "trusted and beloved leader 1" This rediculous cor respondence, between W. S. Rosecrans and thirty-two "brave, enoigetlo and Bolfsaoriticing" rebels, was inadu pub lio last Saturday, tho 0th inst., and is now being paraded in tho papers all over tho country by tho Copperheads as an electioneering dooumont for Sey mour and lilair. Rosecrana would be delighted to sec Gen. Grant and tho Union party that saved our Govern, ment, defeated by tho rebels and Cop pnrheads -that "body ol brave eaer- mtittel .rfSiiW. gctic, and self-sacrificing men," wlio tonglit to destroy it but lio will not liavo that plcasuru and will find that ho had all liis pains ior nothing. THK VKUHONT ELECTION. The Republican majorioy of 27,000 in Vermont at tho Statu flection last Tuesday, has cast a damper over Cop- !' pcrlicndft, bciifg a close gam ot 7,ooo votes since last year. A day or two beloro tho clec'tion tho Jlotton Pott said it would result in a "largo reduc tion ol the Radical strength," which ' would "act electt icolly on tho snbsc- I quent elections in the other States." And it declared that "tho result in Vermont will establish tho fact ot the tendency nvry whuro else," and predfc- ted that "Manic will heed tho oxamttlc and hasten to put it to good use." Tho 'Nutv York World claimed that tho Republican majority would be decreas ed live thousand votes. On tho 14th inst. "Maine will heed the examplo" ot Vermont, and "hasten to put it to good use," bv giving n Republican "majority ot trout 15,000 to '.10,000, instead of 8,000, which flic gave last year, nnd I that will "net eleeliieolly on tho sub- qucnt elections in other States." Tllj: rOMTICM. Sll CATION IN OTIIEIl STATia. In every .Not hern atato numerous poiiiienl mnss-ineetiugs arc uelug held dally. Great enthusiasm and complete 'Ml the .M'tv r.uginiiil Slates aro cer tain tor Grant nud Colfax by a largo majority, except Connecticut, where the otu will bu closu. Thu Kcpubli cans count Nuw York absolutely cur tab lor theirState ticket and for Grant. IsxPensylvania they are sure ot twenty or thirty thousand uiajoril v, and in Ohio at least i.'0,000. All tliu Western Slates will give heavy Republican ma jorities. The Canvass is ono of the most exciting over known in thu his mry oi mo county, in iiiuiuunpoiis k . A 1 If I the lie uiicaus held a inas-mceliut! last work, which surpassed anvtlilnir of the kind ever held in that Statu be fore. Fifteen thousand torches march ed In thu procession, nud thirty thous and people participated in thu grand demonstration. 'I lint is only a sped. ot the kind ct meetings that a 3 ncetiriug nliuott daily all over thu country. Thu soldiers aud sailors will hold a grand mass convention m mil. idelphla on thu llrst and second ol next mouth to which all tho Republi can Governors, and loval ox-Governors who served during the wai, nro invi ted. It is oxpested that 50,000 peo ple will bu present. I'OMTION op tiii: CAHINirr. It Is now stated positively that Secre tary McCulloch is supporting Seymour and Blair, aud will throw whatever patronage hu may havo in their favor. Rut hu denounces all thu financial planks in tho Democratic platform, and Kays if it wore to bo cariied out it would certainly bring financial ruin on the country, lie says thu only objec tionable plank in thu Republican pint- lorm is that in relation to reconstruc tion, but us that is paramount nt this time to everything else, hu prefer tho Democracy. Velles and Drowning taku the tamo side, and Randull tries to go between, taking caro to givo the Copperheads a lilt whenever conven ient. So ward and Evarls keep silent, and Schofleld is openly for Grant. It Portland and Humboldt Railroad. Thu following is a copy ot Mullory's Dill as it was amended 111 tho Commit tee prior to 2Ud of June, 1808: Jie it enacted by the Senate and Jtouse of Jtepretentativei of the Uni ted State of Aintricu in (Jonyreas at saubkd, that W. S. Ladd, Hunry Fail-in-', A. C. Gibbs, Wm. II. Odcll, S. Ellsworth, J. A. Chapman, 31. P. IJer ry, Geo. L. Woods, Samuel E. 3Iav, John II. 3Ioores, John Kelsay.T.3IcF. Patton, L. F. Foster, J. It. Daily, A. J. Thayer, E. L. Applegato, A. A. Skinner, E. D. Shattuck, C. N. Carter, P. O. Lounsdale, J. J. Hodman, C. F. Lewis, J. F. Gazloy, John Fullcrtou, Hardy Eli', Thomas Croxton, J. D. White, B. F. Dowell, P. P. Prim, John 3IcCall, John E Ross, E. D. Foudray, C. C. Luther, James T. Glenn, J, C. To! man, C. C. Deekman, F. B. Spraguo, G. L. C'urrey. Jl. it. luncaiu, Joseph It. Willis, S. F. Chad wick, J. F. Wut sou, is. Herman, a. nose, j. o. omuii, E. N. Cooke, J. II. Mitchell, John Kel ly, A. G. Hoovey, Jacob Kummor, Joel Palmer, W. II. Wfttkms, L, F. Grover, John V, Miller, It. P. Boise, J. W. Nesmith, D. P. Thompson, Jas, iloBride, Thomas It Cornelius, IVb, A. Gray, SS. Humphry, tseorge Humphry, Thomas D. Edwards, J. B. Underwood, T fT T irr..,,l....r. T. V Mstulilm. W I NO. 87 Starkweather, aud Cyrus Olney, of Oregon ; J. P. Raymond, Josiah John son, Daniel Hammond, Henjamin R. Crocker, S. D. Smith, ol California! W. N. Loot, Kugcuo Ditucr, A. I Pago, A. K. Saflbrd, J. K. Winters, 11 F. Rice, E. S. Davis, J. II. Mills, V. A. Tridlo, E. P. Dunn, ot Nevada : Chauncey Vibard, C. E. Tilton, A. E. Tilton, ot Now York City ; Alexander Mitchell. Edward Lewis E. Webb. John Herscy.M. M. Davis Joseph Harris, of Wisconsin: nnd all siicu persons who shall or may be assn- aro hereby created and erected Into a body corporate and politic In deed and in law, by tho name, style, and title ot tho Oregon lirouch of tho Parillc Rail road Company; and by that namo shall have perpetual succession, nnd shall be ablu to sue and bo mind, nli-ml nnd bo impleaded, defend and bo tie- feuded, in all conns of law and equity within the United Statos. and mnv make and have a common seal. And said corporation is hereby nntliorued and empowered to lay out, locate, nnd construct, furnish, maintain, nnd enjoy a continuous railroad and telegraph line with tho app.urtennnecs, namely : Section ono: Ileglnnlng at or near Portland, Oregon, thence in a souther ly direction to soino eligible pasi In tlio Cascade mountains, in tho vicinity of thu Klamath Lakes, to bo fixed by tho survey of said Company, theneo to or near tho uoith cud of Goose Lake, aud thence on the most elegililo route, as shall bo determined by said com company, to connect with the Pad lio railroad (running from tho .Missouri river to thu Paci lio ocean) at the north bend of thu Humboldt river, in tho Slntu of Nevada. And the said com pany, by and with thu consent ol the legislatures of tho States of Oregon and Nevada, aio hereby vested with all tho powers, privileges, and immu nities necessary to carry into effect tho purposes of this net as herein set forth, l'hu capital slock of said company shall consist of eighty thousand shares of two hundred mid fifty dollars each, which shall In all respects bu deemed personal property nnd shall bu trans lurablu in such manner as thu bylaws ot said corporation shall provide. A iuiiun.y ui uiu corpointorii Herein 1 !.. .. f " iiameu, ciiuer in person or by proxy, shall nave power to select niuu of the r number who shall act as commission ers to transact tho business of thu cor porators as hereinafter provided, nnd shall bo called the board ol coininiis loners ol thu Oregon branch ol thu Pa cific railroad; ami thu first, meeting of said corporators herein named shall bu held at Portland, in tho fU'.u of Oin. gon, 011 tho '.'3tl day ol Juno eighteen grant ol laud may assign tueir inter liuudrcd and sixty-eight, or at any est to llio said Oicgon branch of thu '. . . limu within threu months thereafter. as any ten ol thu corporator herein named of thu Stntu of Oregon shall designate, uotlco ol which shall be giv en by them in at least ono daily news paper in tho citi' of Nuw Yoik, San Francisco and Portland, oucu a week for nt least six weeks previous to the day of meeting. Said corporators, when thus convened, shall organize by the election ot president nud secretary of said meeting, and proceed to thu elec tion or appointment of thu board of commissioners herein provided for, Said board of commissioners, so soon thereafter as may bo found convenient, shall meet In thu city of Portland, Oru gon, aud they shall meet every threu mouths theiealter until thu company is fully organized by tho election of directors, and so forth, as hereinafter Lirovided. Said board shall orgauizu y thehoico from their number of a president, vice president, secretary nud treasurer, and they shall rcquiro from said treasurer such bonds as may bu deemed proper, aud may from tlmo to time inoieasu thu amount as they may deem necessary. Tho secretary shall bo sworn to thu faithful performance of his duties, nud such oAh shall bo entered upon tho records of tho com pauy, signed by him, and tho oath ver ified thereon. Tho president and sec retary of said boards may call special meetings, naming thu tlmo and place thereof, It shall bo tho duty of said board of commissioners to open books, or cause to bu opened, at such times ana 111 eucii principle cities or omor places in the United States as they, or a quorum of them, shall determine, within twelve months alter the pass age of this act, to rcccivo subscriptions to tho capital stock of said corporation, and a cash payment of ton per centum 011 all subscriptions, and to receipt therefor, and shall havo powarto meet any necessary liabililietJJJMmcnse incurred so soon as fjBBMisaud shares shall in good faitfAjBjPMorib ed for, aud ten dollars perimro actu ally paid into tho treasury of tho com pany ; tho said president and secretary of said board of commissioners shall appoiut a tlmo and plaoo for tho first mooting of tho subscribers to tho stook of said compny, and shall give notice Llmrcnf in at least ono uowsnancr in eaoli Stato in which subscription books havo been opened, at least forty days previous to the day ot meeting ; and sued subscriber as shall attend tho so called, cither in person or' bv law Tnl proxy, tueu ami there shall elect, by ballot, nine directors for said corporation: and in such election each hare of said capital stock shall entitle tho owner thereof to ono vote. Tho president nhd secretaries of tho board ol commissioners, nnd in caso ol their nbsence or inability, any two of tho ofllccrs oi said board, shall act m in spectors of said election, nnd shall ctr tlfy, under their bauds, tho unmet of tho directors elected nt said meeting. And tho said commissioner, treasurer and secretary shnll then deliver over to said directors all tho moneys, prop erties, subscription books, nnd other books in their possession, and thereup on the duties of said commissioners and the otlleeis pruviouly appointed by them shall ceaso aud determine for ever, and theioafter the stot ktuldora shall constitute said body ptlitiu and corporate. Annual meetings of thu stockholders ol the said corporation for tho choice ol ollicers and for the trans action ol business, shall bo holdeu nt such tlmo nnd place ami upon such no tice ns my bo pi escribed in tho by-laws. Sue. '.' Inif he It further enacted, That tho said Oregon branch ot thu Pnoillo railroad shall havu tho same privileges, tights Irnnchlics, iiuinuni- I ties, nud subsidies per mile, that havo in character and amount been granted thu Central Pacllio Railroad Company, by tliu net incorporating saul company 'nnd telegraph line front thu .Missouri liver to tho raeiho ot', ami to sc enic to thu government thu use of tho samo for postal, military, nml other purpose, approved tho first of July, eighteen hundred nud sixty-two, aud all thu amendments thereto, except as otherwise provided In this net. Aipl that thu bonds to bo Issued to said Oregon branch of thu Paeilio rallrOad shall bu the same in amount cr mile, west ot thu C'.iiadi' mountains torn ilNluuco ot two hundred and fifty miles, n provided tor tho Central Pa cllio 1011 to In thu S.icr.imuuto valluy, and tho samu amount lor each milu ol mountain country to tho uvtenl of one hundred miles, us Is piovldud for the Nevada mountain, nml thu samo amount per mile lor thu route from tho eastern huso ot thu Cascade mountain to thu point ot connection with thu Central Paeilio railioad as N provided per milu for the Cen'ral Paeilio Irom the eastern base of tho N'ovadan to Hitd connection; and tho said Oregon brunch ot the Pacific railroad shall bu subject to nil thu limitations, restric tions, nud disabilities of said Central Pacific Railroad Company, except a otherwise provided in this act. Si:o. :i. And tm it further enacted'. That II thu lauds hereby granted to thu Oregon branch of tho Paeilio Rail road shall bu found included in the grant to nny other railioad, to aid in thu construction of which lauds havu heretoforo been granted by thu United States, tliv amount of laud heretofore ( grantJtHihall bo deducted from tl iiniout granted by this net, unless tho samu shall invert to thu United States, in which ease the said lauds shall pas to thu said Oregon branch ot thu Pa cific railroad under thu teiiiis of tho act: J'ruvidtd 'urthrr. That tho rail road company iccclvluir tho pilvious . . 1 . 1 r. . ..- .- - . . f their Pacific Railioad Company, or may consolidate aud assmiato with said company; nud it shall bu tliu duty ot thu Oicgon branch ol tho Pnuiilu Rail road Company to permit any olhor railroad, which shall bo authorised to bu built bv thu United States or or by which thu leuislatiiro ol any Statu ill thu samu may bu situated, to form run ning connections with it on fair aud equitable terms. And tho said com pany is uulhoiicil to accept to lt own uso any giant, donation, loan, powur, franchise, aid, or assistance which may liavo been granted to nny other com pany by tlio Congress ot tho United Slates, by thu legislature) of any Stntu, or by any corporation, person, or por tions, either by consolidation, associa tion, or pin chase; nud said corporation is authorized to hold and enjoy any such grant, donation, loan, power, franchise, uld, or mudstanco to its own uso for thsUiurposes aforesaid. Sue. -i.Knd ha it further enacted, That thu diiectoi chosen in pursuance ol tho first section ol'lhs act shall, so soon as may bo after their election, elect from their own number a picai dent and vicu-presldunt,uud said board ot diiectors shall from tlmo to time, and so boon as may bo alter their elec tion, uhoosu a treasurer and secretary. who shall hold their unices av urn " and pleasuru of thu of director. Thu treasuier and setielary shall gl tmcli bonds with such security us tho said board Irom lime to tluio may rc quiro. Tho scorutury shall, beloro en tering urou his duty, bu sworn to tho faithlul disohaigu thereof, und said oath shall bo inadu a mailer of recoid upon tho books ol said corporation. No person shall bo u director ol said company unions ho shall bu a stock holder and qualified to volo for direc tors at tho election at which ho shall bo chosen. Se. 6. Anil ha it further enacted. That thu president, vice-president, and directors shall hold their olllcc for tho poriod indicated in tha by-laws ol said company, not exceeding threo yoars, respectively, and until others aro chos en in their places and qualified. In caso it shall so happen that an election of directors shnll not bo inudo on any day appointed by tho by-laws of Baid company, tho corporation shall not for that reason bo doomed to bo dissolved, but suoh election may bo holdon on any day which shall bo appointed by CONTINCEI ON FOUHTII VAGE. mcctin