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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1868)
ESSSSb AMERICAN SAW COMPANY, ?"ff-J-fllffffj"--- jUxcrAorunicns or EMERSON'S PATENT Movable-Tooth and Perforated Oiroular SAWS- Perforated Mulny, Mill and Crow-Cut Saws, with Adjustable docket. 8AW-QUMMER5, SWAGES, CANT DOGS, ETC., lhave established an ofllco for the sale ol tho wbovc article, at No. 606 Frenl Street, San Francisco. Descriptive Pamphlets will bo forward a to any one giving ua their address. augt3-3m. FUANCO-AiMEKICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, OPPOSITE Tiin Odd Fellow's Hall, JHCksonville, Oregon. Travelers and resident boarders will lino D' BSD AND BEDDING Placed In (lift das order, and In every Way superior to nny In this section, and surpassed by nny In the State. HER ROOMS ARK .NEWLY FDBMSIIKII, And a plentiful supply or tlio best or every thing the market nirord will bo nb- talncil for II Ell TA1JLE. No troubled will In' spared to dif-ene tin' pit ronagu or lliu (nuellug ns well u lliu peima ncnt community. Jacksonville, March .11, lfi(3. If P. B. COFFIN, HOUSE PAINTER, TS NOW IN I'OSSICSrflON 01' Till: KNTIUF. I Hock or material' and tool formerly !.' longing In Coslvllo .t Cunin. Mr. Co-lello having withdrawn. 1'. II. Collin will cmilliiuc the business, and cm In; found at hi shop, Corner nf V mill Tlirlil Streets prepared In do work In n wnrklnanllko Ninmivr aartal nafon.ible rales. . , Jacksonville, Oct. 13, IM7. octiatf EL 1)0 It AIM), H.J!.Cor.Ciil.AKii.MI..IcKoinllU-.( S. IYI. FARREN. UlffE! LIME! BUH.DEKS. AND OTHKnS WHO D13IIU: lime, will llnd a constant mpply, ol llio best quality, In quantities to mil, t my liop on Main street, between Oregon ami Third, on poilte Muller & Hrentauo'a store. Iu my ab aence, Mr. Alex. Martin will wall upon custom era. f STONE "CUTTING AMI Stone Allison Work done on terms to mil tho time. Order from tbo country will receive prompt attention. JOHN R. PEACOCK. Jacksonville, April 20, 1607. np27 summons! fNTIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB 1 SU(o of Oregon, lor tho county of Jackioo. James T. Jones, Plalnllir, vs. Wm. II. Pee bltr, Defendant. Salt in Equity to qulot Title To William II. Peebler : You are required to appear In aald Court and answer tbo com plaint of laid plaintiff filed against you, with in ten days from tho time of the tervico of this summons on you, If served within eald county, or if served on you within any other county in this Slate, then within twenty days from the time of service, or if served on you out of the State of Oregon, then It is ordered by the Court fbat publication bo niudo for eight weeks In the Orecjo.v Kkntinki. prior to tbeW Monday In November, A. I). 18C8. And you are notified that, if you fail to an- n. ri ja.m.. Intnl. na nhnvp rpnnlrril. Ihft plaintiff will apply Tor the relief demanded thereto, the Wat, "kmi ""wlvo icerew, town : lor a uecree to qmei me hub tnt premiss uescriueii in nam tami- ai, ana costs ami uiiuuraeinenia ui wm aii ir Ka tarrui liven under mv band this 24th day of 'Au gust, A, D 1808.. 0, JACOIJS, Att'y. for Plaintiff. August 29th, 1868. aug29-w0. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. . NOTICE, Ilavlng disposed of our Fac tory, we are now prepared to give our wholo attention' to our Leather and Finding butlitcM. Oa bind, direct from France, Calf &. Kip, DoetIc Leather, Root I,vg, etc. John G. Uttx, I L. Faviik, I John Diut, ' New York. Paris, San Francisco. Address, IIKIN & MlAY, Sau Francisco. 410 Battery Street, fegoti VOL. XIII. 'nu:1.:- I1USINKSS NOTIOKS. Peter Britt, Photographic Artist, JACKSONVILLE OREGON. Am brotypos, Photographs, Oartos do Vislto DONE IN THE FINEST STYLE- OF AllT. Pictures Itciluccil Oil ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE. DR. A. B. OVEEBECK, Phy sician & Surgeon, JACKSONVILLE, OIIEOON. OIHco at lil res Idence, in the Old Ovcrbeck, on Oregon Hired. DR. E. H. OREENMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON, OFFIOE-Corncr of California and Fifth StreoU, Jacksonville, Ogn. He will practice In Jnckson and ndjncrnt counties, and attend promptly to professional call. i on.' 1 1 DR. A. B. OVERBECK'S BATH EOOMS, In tho Ovorbock Hospital, WARM, COLD & SIIO WUR RATI IS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. r. cui'iti:, im. i)., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE rcmovort to California Street, South tido. Jacksonville. Ike. 21it, 1807. dcc21-tf 1)K. U:VIS (5AMTXG, PHYSICIAN & SURGKON AND OXamtotvXolrvxx, TXT'IMj nllcnd to nny who reni T v irr iCfc, Odloe nilliilnliiu N. LanRel's shoe Hinti, o lucU'iinvllI';. north tldu Culirornln Street, nnv2lf I. O. G. T. a i.oikii:. no. i,i. o.c t.. holds li regular meotliigii mi Tiii'nI.ii evening of ciich week, at llu llhlrlcl School llniie, In Jnckronvllb'. 1.011(111 ihmi at 71 o'clock. ii:(iiti:i:Mi:irriN(isiiio it i-'rid, or each inontli. All iiirinlN!ri nf lliu Older III good landing uro cordially Invited l Ih proent, 0. W. KAlll.IIIt, W. C. T. J. u. WjiriB. fieo'y. Jackfonvlllc, Ic, l'cb. 8th, 1808. fel-8 If Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M A UOIill their regular cnminiintcationr V" ",u Wedneiday Kvenliig or preced- fr Inn the full moon. In Jjk-kiiiinwi.i.k. oii. 4 M 1 IM'IM 11- ,M. 0. W. SAVAOK.Seo'y. SOLDZSR'S BOUKTZS. T HAVi: UKCKIVni) FltOM Tin: U. 8. 1 Treamry draftn for the bounty of tho follow. Ing named Kenllemeu t tlcorgo V. Aililey, Charles 8. Halnl, 0. 0. Rally, Clurlea K. Chappell, Garrett Crocket, JnniH M. Hosle, Wm. A. A. Uumilion, .lo seph Jlorun, David A. Tuylor and Juinea Weaver. 'I'hcso gentlemen will pleaso cnll und get llieir pay. 1 H. F.DOWELL. Jacksonville, Sept. 1st, 1808. ' . ' ' . . ..' 8PK0IAL NOTIOKS. STAli OF THE UXIOK I CELtHHAItU 8T0MACHJITTER8! ( Tli ilellrlimii Iiiic1i Jllltew aro mlirtly f VrijctaUv, tiiU ffi frwa Uwhol ami i try hurt- TRY THEM! TRY TliUlI JUDOE FOR YOUR SELF, (rut inafri lilcarant Unii',auit wp'O xeawajau rink, Tl,rt ,..rLa-t U fl.Mkltxl VtltUS iw.ltnuarniiiianin(lill)UlllirJir01UllSauMOii VaiMajaii nu w """. ...:.V.... - l.f frointliopiutoxlrattiiorluiUjrootittliri.iil r.t lierb ra admirably 4vlptM to tho euro o II atft.tlAnti .if tl.n ktiilnaU'll. KltlUTf.Ll t T HU 3 iLtuoia tiwii a niwi.ift. revt-r. PUrrboia, i I Lots, of Amtlt. tie. lo. for MJTcp bent, l A rrihiiAunrf, b)imiavav i OUr. iDKOHIG 1 CKaKU D"II I Bill l J fvsr'm Xio Founclryixxoii AND BLACKSMITHS. CumlicrUml anl LekUU CO.M, ana I'lO IRON 1,000 Toanw, la Store awl Afloat, tot aale by J, It, liUYljI.ii 413 and 416 1'ncJao HI, San Vrautlaco. Ifebl-ly IDES! HIDES! THK IflG-UEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR llldeaf all kinds, delivered at tbo market of the undesigned, In Jacksonville. UtcemlierStb I860. U JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, THE OREflON SENTINEL. PunMSHED Every Snttirilny Morning by B. F. DOWEL.L, OFFICE, CORNER 'C tf THIRD STREETS. TKUM3 OP MUllSClltPTIU.Vl no y I wit If not paid within tho llrst six months or the year, lire dollars ; If not paid until tho expiration of tho year, six dollars. TKUMS UP ADVKUTIMIKU I Ona square (10 lines or less), first Insertion, thrco dollars ; each subsequent Intertlon, ono dollar. A discount of fifty per cent, will bo made to lhoo who ndvcrtlso by the year. pO"I.ogul Tenders received at current r,ntcs. CHILDREN. Harmless, b.ippy llttlo treasures, Full of truth, and trust, and mirth, Ulchest wealth, and purest pleasures, In this mean and guilty curlli. How I lore you pretty creatures, I.amb-llku flock of little thing, Whero the love that lights your features From the heart (u beauty iprlngs 1 On these laughing rosy facss, Thero arc no deep lines of sin None of ponton's dreary traces, That betray the wound within. Hut yoitia Is tho sunny dimple, lUdiaut with untutored milieu ; Yours the heart sincere, and slmptu, Innocent ofpellldt wiles; Yours the natural curling trestcs, Prattling tongues, nnd shyness coy, Tottering steps and kind c.trestos, Pure with health nnd warm with uy. The dull slaves of gain or pisslon Cannot luvu you ui they ihould ; The poor worldly fools or faction Would not love you If they could. Write tliem childless, those cold-hearted, Who can coru thy geneious boon, And whiKi) roiili with rear liavo smartid, Lett Thy blessings come too toon 1 While ir.j hath a child In lore him, No nun can bu poor Indeed ; Whllelio trusts a Krlcud above lum, None can sorrow, fear or need. Hut for thee, whoso heart Is lonely, And unwarmed by children's mirth, Splto of riches, thou nrt only Desolate mid poor on earth : Alt uuklmd by Innocent U-.miI, All unloved by gullelcti heart, All unheeded by sweetest duty, Childless man, how pour thou art I Appoal to the Hoys In niuc. The lullowiiiK is front Ilciiilijimiti'itf SoUlk'nt' und SitHocu' Ntitioiml Hojmli licnn Kxcculivu Coiiiinittec, at Wash iiigtnii: atti:mion! hovr i.v iii.ui:! wm. in J CoMit.Di:: Tho tliu of battlo has ceased, hut tho couiliet of ideas Htill coutiuties. Tliu shook ill arum ended with ihoHiirrciiderof Aupotoinax Court House, hut tho Btntgjjlo of principles still yoes on. Had Ahrahain Lincoln lived, doubtless our labors and tolls, cro this, would have been over and past. But tho bullet that carried Andtow Johnson into tho Whito llouso revivifi ed the dead rebellion and ballled tho advnuco of peace. Since then tho na tion's Ufo has been ono ccasoless strug glo with Copperheads and robuls. They have filled thopubliooflicos,thoy havo swarmed over tho land iu places whero only loyal men should go; North, thoy havo been nn oyo-soro and ofiunco to every loyal citizon ; thoy havo op posed reconstruction and equal rights, and now organize their Ku-KIux-Klans, in defiance ot the spirit nnd civilization of tho ago. Tho Doinocratio party, unabashed by its unpnlriotio and sbamoful cottrso as a party throughout tbo war, now again confronts tho coun try with a platform and a candidato which aro at onco an insult to overy living soldior, a mockory to every dead soldier, and a reproach to ovory patri ot in tho land. On tho otfior hand wo bohold tho Hopnbliean party, with their shining record ot patriolio deeds, tho banner of our country floating prqudly over them, and tho great leader of our conquering army as tliolr chosen champion. Thoy were our hearty steadfast Iriemls throughout tho war, thoy sustained us in tho field, tho dofended us at home, thoy rejoiced over our victories and mourned over our defeats; thoy fired no rebel Imllots, thoy roorultod no reb el armies, thoy gnvo no robol votes, 1 and now thoy ask us ngam to mu in s aiaiii mtiitel 18G8. carrying tho nation forward tokits nat ural and logical destiny; to help Bcntiro the rich fruits of tbo war in nil its full ness, to assist in grounding tho Repub lic nt last on the immutable basis of loyalty and justice antl equal rights for all. h Soldiers, in UMaajii Tl riur'n- the Democratic party havo a fit cnndidntei a representative copperhead nnd rebel In disguise. In our ovrn U. S. Grant wo havo tho simple honest soldior nnd loyal defender ojtlio TJ,nur The ono represents rortJlion', ttio other progress. Tho ono sympathised with tho Confed eracy, tho othor fought for tho Union. Tho ono stands on the platform of Na tional Repudiation, tho other of Na tional Faith, invioluto and inviolable. Tho one summons you to tho defense of class and caste, tho other declares for tho rightB of man, as man, for loy alty and liberty, for equal nnd exact justice to all men. Comrades, tho is- stio is plainly mndo up, and now choose 'C' Soldiers, it is tho old cause, and tho hosts arc again gnthcriug for tho cou iliet. The Old Flng is again unfurled und Grant again heads tho column. II o is tho Kniiiu bruvo patriotic soldier that led you to victory during tho war. It is tliu eanio flag you supported so gallantly on many a bloody field. It is lliu sauio glorious cotiso for which during tho war, so many of our brave comrades laid down their lives. Shall it bo said, that wo fought all iu vain, and that our dead died tints iu vain? No; you will not. roverso tho record of tho battle-field, no; you will not prove falso to your slain comrades, no; you will not now dosort tho old causo nnd turn your backs niton your old chief iand leader. You will not forgot the ah tiling record ofDouuelson nnd Vicks- burg, of Chattanooga and tho Wilder ness, of Petersburg mid Appomattox Court House, no I Hut ns tho men of Lexington and Hunker Hill, of Valley I'orgo ami Princeton, of Trenton and Yorktown, afterwards with their bal lots made Washington tho first Presi dent of the New Republic, so you, re membering our common victories, will by your votes, innko Grunt tho first President of tho restored Union. Tho Tories and Cowboys of '70 of course voted against General Washington, but what truu soldier of tho Revolu tion would not have blushed with shame at tho thought of easting n voto against the savior of his country? So tho Rebels and Copperheads of to-day, will oppoio Gen. Grant. So will the deserters, tho bounty junipers, and draft sneaks, but surely, no soldier or patriot will follow their ignoble exam ple who wants it said of him iu future years, who would havo his children, nnd liis chirdren's children stiller tho reproach, that iu '08 ho voted agaiusa tliu great soldior and honest mnii, who iu 05' crushed tho Pro-Slavery Rebel lion nnd saved the Union ? Surely no ono who loves his country, or is proud of his country's proudest history. Soldiers, Grant will again be victo rious. Tho omens aro all auspicious. Ho has never yot been defeated let itfi then again form lino mid movo into battle. Lot the drums boat and tho bugles sound; ndvanco tho colors along tho wholo lino; nnd now, with God's help, and iu tho namo of Humanity and our Country ,Jut us ov ery whero ohnrgo tho cuomy homo. By order of tho Committee, II. A. RARNUai, Chairman. P. P. CIIIPAIAN, Secretury. WILL. A. SHORT,) ,.o. .TAJIKS T. SMITH, ) Jlmmn( The Reason. "Why is it John," asked a lady teaqhor of ono of her pri mary classes in botany, "that the flow or of a daisy ia always on the top of a stock looking up? "I can't toll was tho decisive answer. "Next" said the toachor. ' don't know," replied tho second. "I guess I'vo got it," said an urohin nt tho foot of tho class. "Well, what do you say, Ralph ?" "I thiuk," said tho boy, looking down upon the, floor, "it's for tho same reason that tho school-marm's waterfall is always on tho top of a stalk, looking up: 'cause it's the fashion. A man's foot is liko a barn wjien there's a corn. Sin there, NO. 36 i Josh Billings' Essa onto Hogs. Hogs nro gcnorally quadriped. The cxtrcmo length of thoir nntiqut-ties-has never been discovered; they existed n long timo before tho flood and hev existed sum timo since. ' There is a grcqt deal of ititornal rev onow in a hog; there aint much more wnsto in them thnu in nu oyster. Even there talcs can bo worked up into whissels. Hogs nro good, quiet boarders; thoy alwur. cat what is set before 'em, nnd don't ask any foolish questions. Tho hog cun bo Unit n great tnonny cuiiniu things, such ns histing tho front gate oil' from tho hinges, tipping over the swill barrels, n finding n hole in the fence tew git into a com field ; but thnr aint any length to their memory, it is awful hard work for them to find tho same hole to get out at, especially if you aro anyways anxious thoy should. Thoy novcr hnvo any discazo but tho measles, and they novcr hnv that hut onco ; onco socins to satisfy 'cm. There is a great many breeds amongst them. Somo nro n closo corporashnn brood, mid ngin somo nro bill more apart, liko a hemlock slab. Thoy can all ruto well ; a hog which ran't ruto well hcz been mado in vain, Thoy nro n short livid animal, and generally dio as soon ns they get fat. They used to hov a breed in Now Knglnnd a Jew yenrs ngo which thoy called tho striped hog breed ; this breed was in high repute with the landlords; almost every tavern keeper bed one, which ho used to show travelers, and brag on him. Somo arc full in tho face, liko n town clock, and somo are as long and lean ns n cow catcher with n stccl-pointcd none onto them. Hogs nro very contrary, and seldom drive well tho same way you are go ing; thoy drivo most tho contrary way. This hns novcr bin fully explained, but speaks volumes for tho hog. The Union as it was. Schuyler Colfax said in 180-1 : "Rut they say wo are for tho Union ns it was. I, too am for tho Union ns it was, and the reason I denounced the speech of Alexander Long, and the reason I opposo tho roe oguitition of tho Confederacy is bo cause I will not consent to nsinglostar shnll bo plucked from tho azure bltto of our national baiinor. Thoy uro nil to bo there, and every stnr to represent a State. If you wnnt any of those stars plucked out and your flag tram pled under loot, you should select somo other man for Representative, for never, no, nover, shall I consont to it. Dut it these men menu by tho Union as it was, tho hanging ot men in Texas for daring to voto for tho President of their choice, thou I am not in favor of tho Union ns it was. If thor mean the right to mob and murder mon from the North becauso thoy boliovc iu tho Declaration ot Independence, then I nut not in favor of tho Union as it was. If thoy mean by it tho right to commit all manner of outrages on pcacable, law-abiding citizens from tho North becauso thoy happen to hold ditl'eront viows from them, then I am not iu favor ot tbo Union as it was. DituNK. -Young man, did you over stop to think how torriblo tho words sounds? Did you over think what misory nnd woo you brought upon your friends, when you degraded your manhood by gotting drunk? Oh! it is a fearful thing to tramplo under toot tho claims that God and man hath up on you. Drunk 1 How it rings in the nnm of a lovinf wife! How it crushes out the hopes of u doting father, and brings reproach aud shamo upon loving sisters I Drunk ! Seo him as ho leans against somo friendly houso. Ho stands ready to fall into the open jaws of boll, unconscious ns to his approach ing fate. Tho wife, with tearful eyes and aching heart, sits at tho window to hear hot- husband's footsteps ; but, nlas I thov como not. He is drunk ! Tho husband, tho parent, is drunk, ( as-iAtwli'rir' li'a limn n arl mniiAtr wlinn 1, ul.nnfil lua.nt. l.nmn nnlnvinrr tbo pleasures and comforts of tho family HIIUHIH tj" -. J wr cirolo. Drunk I Ho is spending tho mcanB of support for liquor whito his family is starving for bread, his chil dren suflbring for clothing. Drunk! His reputation is gone, gone! His friends, one by one, are reluctantly leaving him to his miserable fate. He goes down to tho gravo "unlipnored and unsung." A Geo4 Wife Whore indeed, can th6 noieat tod earnest virtuo of n woman, tell a etrtni' gor story of its worth, than on the dawning habit of a child ? Where can her grneo of character win n higher and a riper effect, than upon tho action of her household ? What mean tatw noisy dcclaitncrs who talk of tho fee ble influence, nnd ot tho crushed facul ties of n woman ? What school ot learning, or of mor al endeavor, dopouds more on its teach er, than the homo upon tho mother? What influence of all tho world's pro fessors and teachers, tells so strongly on tho habit of a man's 'mind, ns thoso gontlo droppings from a mother's lips, which day by day, and hour by hour, grow into the enlarging statute of bia soul, nnd live with it forever ? Thoy can hardly bo mothers who aim at. 8 broader ami noisier ncia ; inoy nav forgotten to bo daughters ; thoy rausi needs havo lost tho hopo being wires. Bo this how it may, tho hoart of a man, with whom affection is not, a name, nnd lovo a mere passion of the hour, yonrns toward tho qnict of a home, ns toward tho goal of his earth ly joy, and hope. And as you fasten there, your thought, and indulgent, yet dreamy fancy paints tho loved im ago that is to adorn it, and to make it sacred. She is there to bid yon Godspeed 1 and nn ndiou, that hangs like musio on your car, ns you go out to tho every day labor of life. At evening sho is there to greet you, ns you como back wearied with n day ol toil : and her look bo full of gladness, cheats yon of your fatigue; nnd sho steals her arm around you, with a soul ol welcome, thai beams liko sunshino on her brow, nnd that fills your cyo with tears of a twin gratitude to her, nnd Heaven. Sho is not unmindful of thoso old fashioned virtues of cleanliness, and of order, which give nu air of qulot nnd which secures content. Your wants nro all anticipated; tiio firo is burning brightly ; tho clean hearth flashes un der tho joyous blazo ; tho old elbow chair is in its place. Your very un worthiness ot nil this, haunts you like an ncciising spirit, and yot penetrates your heart with a now dovotion, to ward tho loved ono who is thus watch ful of your comfort ! Sho is gontlo ; keeping your lore as sho has won it, by a thousand name less modest virtues, whiuh radlato from her wholo Ufo and action. Sho steals upon your affections liko a summer wind breaking softly over sleeping val leys. Sho gnind a mastery over your titcruor nature, by very contrast; and wius you unwittingly to her lightest wish. And yet her wishes nro guided by that dolicito tact which avoids con flict witli your manly pride; sho sub dues, by seeming to yield. By a sin gle solt word ot appeal, she robs your vexation of its anger; and with a slight touoh of that fair baud, and one plcuding look of that earnest eye, she disowns your sternest pride. Sho is kind : shedding her kindness as Heaven sheds dow. Who indeed could doubt it? least of all, you, who aro living on her kindnoss day by day, as flowers live on light? There la norio of that officious parado, which blunts tho point ot benovolonoe ; but it tempera ovory action with a bless ing. If troublo has como npon you, sho knows that her volco beguiling you into cheerfulness, will lay vour tears: and as sho draws her chair besido you, sho knows that tho tender and confiding way, with which jho takes your hand looks up into your oaruost face, will drivo a way from your aunoyanco all its weight. As sho lingors, leading off your thought with, pleasant words, sho knows woll that she is redeeming you from care, and soothing you to that sweet calm, which such liome aud such wife can alouo bestow. She is good : hor hopes live whero the angels live. Her kindness and gentleness are sweetly tempered with tho meekness and forbearance, which nto born of Faith. Trust' comes into her heart as rivers como into the sea. And in tho dark hours ot doubt and foreboding, you rest iondly upon her buoyant faith, as the treasure of your common life; and iu your holler mus ings, you look to that frail hand, and ' that gentle spirit, to lead you away from the vanities of worldly ambition, to the fullnessB of that joy, which tho good inherit. Somo weeks ago, during a severe thunder storm, a lady friend was tell ing tho children not toj bo afraid ; that God held thunder in his band, and would not lot it hurt them unless ' Ho thought it for tho befit. She had 1 W hardly oouoludcd whon a very loud clap was heard. "There, now 1" says a Jour-year older, "God has let go of it, and has gono home out of the raiu 1" Somo wretoh of an editor says that another twist to tho present mode ol "doing up" tho ladies hair would tak thom ofl their feet.