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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1868)
. ttnAiS51fflfV . --"-- - - JOi : AMKRICAJf SAW COMPANY, viNTWcrunrM or EMERSON'S PATENT Movable-Tooth ani Perforated Circular Saws- Psrforsted Uulay, Mill and Cross-Cul Saws, with Adjustable Socket. SAW-QUMMER3, 8WAQES, CANT DOQS, ETC., ivt established mi office for tht tale of (he VboTt articles, No. 60S Fnat Street, San FranM. T-Descriptive Pamphlet will lie forward. to atyamo -giving ue tuelr add rem, . i . . augl5-3ni .' FRANCO-AMERICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, OPPOSITE THE Odd Fellow's Hall, Jacksonville, Orccon. Travelers and resident binrder will fine MADAME D" ROBOAM'S BIDS AMD SBDDZIfO Flaced In first class order, and In every Way superior In any In Ibis section, and surpassed by any In the State. HER ROMS ARE NEWLY FIIRNISIO, And ft plentiful supply of the liest of every thing the market altonls will b ob tained for HER TABLE. N troubled will be spared In dc-erre tlin pat rnnsce of the traveling ai well 01 the pernm Mint community. Jacksonville, March 31, 11106. tf ii 1 mm nm HI'KOIAL NOTICES. 5TAI10FTJIEUNI0JS CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTCnSIl Th'M4tlirimi tloiiMcti Hitters a rn'litlv) TtcUWa,aailltaiuni aire rjrl.uiuj TRY 1 i JUDGE THEM! FOR TRY ! YOUR THEMI r SELF! M nrtUnt. A r!e'ant twfc. aril s mt) jjrrc.blt diln'r, TionuiWl l !.itnl iwitil uutumouimiuuoundiiltjilt'llll ' Lltlllm,r.itiltl frswithapiirtaieilrsclacfisliulltiiotmUrirl ir.aoru. sro uniinnyrunpiMi w mm rpit .M.nwtl,.n,oMlu Hlpnurh. Iwrsrri ItowtK a n li ITM'!!'. leur. nuriiav,, r.of Aimtlilr. 'r. He. IVrrnletTrrlit. ; A.ix:li:iiAL'srN.H"ir.KMTA'-iirin, ( rr,?ninaA-Jrikroii.tanl ttri n -r w v wvv iillrtmctte nibcrsitg ; DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SUROERY. SESSION for Wb-0 will commence on tln fourth day of ftim-mbcr, awl cunt hint four months. The .Mrilicul Di-parimmt I. nnw established as u pcmmmiil Institution. The mean of llluatrutinn in c.icli depurlnirtii are ample and the course of Instruction llmr ougb aod complete. Material fur pmclinil Anatomy will be supplied. Bind-tils mi i.rrlv log In the city art requested to cull on J he Demi, who will give any infnrmallnn desired. I'l ten of Inquiry addressed t the Demi will rr. etWt prompt allention. Medical books can be procured in tin rite. H. OAUI'KNTKR. M.-n. Dean of the Medical Faculty, .8ilem,'Trt-gon. BOUND TO DO IT! D. C. MILLER IS BOUND TO WORK ACCORDING TO THE TIMES. nORSE SHOEING J At reduced price for cssb. Ten oer cent. dlKouat will be nade on all kludi of work where cash li paid. March JOlb, IBM. ch21lf To ypjiiwiirymen NO BLACKSMITHS. sSBkbt4 ant UtUtb COAL aod FIO IRON I Itara tad ASaat, fcr sU lr ill tad tit'faclic It, twi 1-roulMo. HiDKiiiDi:s: "PHI! BIOBKT OAHII PRICG8 PAID PHP A J,l, f ', ,nd delliflftt the marketi f'lk naiemyaed, in JaokaeaTHIe. JOHN ORTIT. DtetaWMIi IMC. K' I'SWWWS PRINTED AT TH eiowmilH. Oniea mkMl mt.ikaaamA. y'fa ttsxm vol. xiir. BUSINESS NOTICES. Peter Britt, PhotograJtric Artist, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Ambroty pos, Photographs, Cartes do Vislto DONE IN THE FINEST STYLE OF ART. Picture Reduced OR ENLARGED TO LIFEStZE. DR. A. B. OVEHBECK. Physician & Surgeon, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office nl lilf rciliU'iire, In the Old Overbeck lloapltiil, 1111 Ori'itmi Street. DR. E. H. GEEENMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE-Corncr of California and Fifth Streets, Jacksonville, Ogn. Ho will prnollco In Jackcoit nnd ndjaccnt cnuutlef, nud ultund promptly to nriIVlimnl cnlln. MM DR, A. B. Ot'ERBECK'S B-A.TI-I ROOMS, In tlio Ovorbock Hospital, WAIOI, COLD it SHOWER R ATIIS, SUNDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. r. Gitum:, m. d.j PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, OFFICE removed to California Street, South side. Juckionvlllo. Die. 'JIM. ItHi. ilrcil-lf nit. i,i:vus a a nunc, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON AND Ol3aitotrlolanf WII.T. nlli-nd tn any who may require bl fcrvlcei. Office niljnlnlne N. I.nnp-IV hw li(ip, on north Ido Cull Torn la Street, Jacksonville. nov2tf 1!. '. DOWI.I.1-, K. II. WAI80.V. DOWELL & WATSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Jiiclitonltlr, Ormolu Warren Locke No, 10. A. F. & A. M A 1I0I.1 their ri'Riilnr rnuimuiilcutlnn nit the Wi'dnerdny Evenlnci or precrd. V luu the full muon. In jaciiiiiinvim.k. 01.- Kims. A. SlAltTIN, W. M. C. W. SiVAQK.Sec'y- I. II. CB. Om S. A Fill E I'UOOF IIUICK HTORE TO RENT on n-atonablu terms. Anplv t" .plirVft I'. .1. ItYAN. JackouvlllK,OruKon,Sepi. 1'Jlli IHi Toams Wanted for Camp Warner. o N. aud nflcr the Urn duy or Oetoler, 1808. tlin nnilurtliriit-d Imvo di'ti'imliii'd to fell inr pnth i'vnliii.Ki-lv mci nt ii i.dii ni'clnl con tract. Those liid-blid In tlin llrm mnl p6l lively pny up, as ull account will Ih vlnsiil Oc tober JM. GLENN DUVM& CO. Hputr. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. NOTICE. lUvliig deposed or our Fc lory. e are now prepured to jtlvu eur, whole attention to 011 l.enther nnd I'lmlini; biislni'ss, tin baml, direct Irnin Fnuice. Calf & Kip, Uouiotlo Leuthvr, Doot Legs, etc. Jouk O. IIkiv. I L. Kavhk. I Joux IIkw, New York. furls, 8an Francisco. Adilre. II KIN .t ltltA, Sm I-raucfcco. , 4 Hi fliitlrry blnt'l EL DORADO, .Cor.Cal.&Oflii.HU.Jncitioi.vUU.O. S. M. FARREN. OLDIE' BOtTKTX. T HAVE RE(JKIVKI) FUOM THE U. fi. 1 Trnwury drafts for the bounty of the lollow liif; named jioiilli'mi-n : Uenrue W. Ashley. Clw.les S. Dulril, 0. 0 Hully, Uinrlp K, .Ulinppell. UitrreU Ootekel, Jiinirt M. Ilnx'e, Win. A. A, Humlltiin, Jo seph Jloran, Duvid A. Twylor und Juiar Weaver. There gentlemen nill pleoio call nnd get their pay. B. F.DQWELL. Jacksonville. Sept. 1st. 1868. Fins Xwidtnci for Sale in JacknouYillt. rytllE house and lot occupleil'.by Or, Robin li son Is for sale, cheap Tor Cfti. JVrsons wish ing to purchase a home in Jacksonville aro in vited to .Manlna ibe premises, For parttcu- ,laraM ' JOHN 8. DRUM.or Aaaewaun v JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1868. TAB OREGON MMIL I'UDMStlED Ererr Saturday Mornlns; bt B. F. DOWELL, OFFIOE, CORNER C te TIMID STREETS. TKIIMS OF HtUSCUIPTIUXl For one toAr, In advance, four dollars ; If nnt tnld within the llnt rx montln or tho mr. Hvi dnllar 5 If tint putU until the expiration ui uiuvunr, fix uonarR. TKItM OP ADVCItTtHIKO 1 One wiimro 'Wire (10 line" or 1es). flrt Insertion. three doitnr i rnch subn-qiient In-crtloii.'Jiivv iloUnr. A discount ol llliy pt-r cent, wlrf Sti mniic in mine wno auvcrtliH! iiy llieyenr. I.ij;iil Tenders received nt current rates. To Laurie. OM il iTi mjr IimM at tl tmmnt or rsrllnt. At I ten sit I rirl,t. tlni'i rorthl; lhlnl When I cUipri) lliy vrmm I .nil I cmiM it lb trr ttui Inc. Ami Oh I how the tarii4 hsn tliej mlnjlt with mint. Tlis tatlh lJ tnlrsiKtit nrnll Ilia Utnlnji of Httrio, Ah J raitlctl If lutll inrnns lilt In Inr wir Tlir till mi mjf ne, n'iii'jlUt.1, snil Tn Tut nlglit tlrnnt mt, an I dtik ni Itit dij, 0, dittm not, dcir lor.t n, mjr littrt t'tr togtMeg llijojrt nt lnorruw4, conl.l rumbl, from lliif) Our tmllti on I our it tr i.T a I l"jHllnc, Anj llr' cUoajliij; llnm Ml tit llito nJ fjr mt. Thin fcllei', riratlmt, for coHdut.r, win line Iftr born In tht ill-lnn-t hi cnlle.1 mt mnj Tti' mr luin!)- bran ftvn, and Hit hat tf v It n'lnllnf, tVbia we nittt, ll tht brlghur will It tht glt ilty, I. a a. Qrcoly on Seymour. Old II iraco Gn-ely ovMently ktiows our friend Ilonttio Seyinottr. Hear what lie ays ol him in tlio Tribune. lie Co re thu wnr brgnn Horatio Sey mour nn:uliil the RqinlilicatiH on fur iiui(in that tluy woiilil tamely ubmlt to disunion no bitterly n. ho did yestcr lay. He licensed them n ri'eklessly in 1801 itn hu does in 1808. He held them rosiiiiiiNihlu tor tlio consenuuncc? ut secession nud rebellion; nnd hudoes so todav. Rivers of blood hare been shed mountains of debt have been -... . piled up; and ho charges it all, not to ihnse who assailed but to those who upheld the Union. He declared thnt we would never stibduo what hu called thu South; but we did. Hu predicted that wc would bankrupt tho Treasury and confiscate thu property ol our peo ple; hut the farms and houses that he pronounced mortgaged tor more thnn their vnltto by thu war debt, nro worth ns much coin to-day nsthoy wire when his party quarreled ittolf out of power. And every dollar o! the debt, every drop of the blood, l.o would score up to our count, is lighteously clintgable to tho other. Ho talks to-day al though ho had been nil open instead of : covert traitor thioughout our greiit struggle. If it was light to maintain the Union by war, then tho cost of that war is justly churgable to those who sought to destroy tho Union. Wc never heard of a speech by Sey mour during tho wnr that was not chuckled over by avowed sympathis ers nt thu Noith with tho icbels; nud he spoke yesterday in the same vein to tho assembled Confederate Congress men and Generals in Tammany Hr.11.1 As usual, he blam'd the Republican for everything, tho rebols fcr nothing, . 1 ; , .1 ,, ,... nljIi0,!8 0 ollr c0 it. i r. 1 jliyilieii, wiiiiiii lyeiuwer.iej' iuiv rum, I'epublicau rule lint set free. It is 1 doming, mr uuire, 10 111111,111.11. hu ..-.!.! ... ... !.!. .I.. ...1 I slave-chains clank in nil our broad laud. He prate ol the Ielt; uut no'this form of repudiation 11 that the j loathes the lebt, because it represents 1 the means whereby slavery and Deinn 'emtio icbelllou were overthrown. Ho prates of liberty nnd equality, but inournu over broken :diackels nud the shattered domination of c.tste. For the first time in our history every man in our country enjoys the protection of equal laws; nnd for ih'u Seymour re ga'ids the Republicans with an impla cable hate. For, ,11 history shall re gard the last seven years as tho sec ond heroic ago ol our country, , what crwi it ay of Horatio Seymour thnt he should not hear with a shudder? They estimate nt seventeen millions of pieces the annual fabrication of cal ico in Europe; it has value to the amount of eigbtymillions of dollars, aud employs 3,500,000 individuals. If you do whnt you should not you piuat Jieitr what you $ ould. not tt&mtl al X From tht Cloclnnntl Dull Otitltt Repudiating tho Worklngmcn'i Wngci. The Republican party docs not pre tend to have the financial smartness requisite to pay immediately tho debt ot 2,500 millions latcncd upon the backs of the people by the Democratic wnr of recession, nor to change it from a burden to .1 blcsing. They propose to devote their statesmanship to the adjustment of its unavoidable burden, so as to lighten it ns much as possible, nnd at the same timo to sec that the party which brought this load upon their necks shall not ngain liavo the power to ruin the country. So vast 11 Democratic debt cannot be paid in n month, iiorinnycar. Un less wc heap on tnsation to an extent that would stop production, the r ay ment limit extend through tn.tnv To rediico tho present burden, so ns to relieve production, nnd thus continual ly to iiicrcw our capacity to pay, while we gradually reduce the debt, is the only since-c, honest and practica ble policy. Congress paed a bill authorizing the issue of bonds nt -1 per cent, interest, running forty years, payable specifical ly in gold, nnd offering the holders of the fi-20f the chance to cxehnngo them for these. The C-'.'Os nro 0 per cent, bonds, the interest specifically paya ble in gold. And at the time of their issue it was agreed by all department of the Government, that the principal was payable in gold. At any rate, the bonds promised to pay in money, and not in another promise. Should the public creditors exchange tlii'ir C 20s for the new bond, it would be equivalent to n reduction of our third of the debt, and it would have about i-calcd the debt to itoyoM value, rating gold ns high na fifty per cent. premium. lo tlioso who intend to Ml'a' honestly with the people it would ...; . seem inni the only question in this case would be whether tho bondhold ers would nccept the exchange, nnd abate oi.o-third of tln-irjiist claim. The ledttetlnti rf one-third of tho vastDeifi nctr.t'.u debt would f.etm to bo n grant achievement, t thing which would gtvatly increase pur ability to benrnnd ultimately pay off thu remainder. Rut .Mr. Johnson defetted tho bill by n poik t velo. And the Demo cratic organs nud speakers assail it, not because it is unpinctienble, not became ths bondholder would not nccept the terms, but beeatwo they think it too lavnrublu to the bondholders. And what do they propose instead? To take up tho 5-20s by issuing greenback legal tenders. And what is a green back legal tender note ? It is a prom iso to pay so much money. How nie thece to bo paid ? They say they do not intend to pay thebo. Then they Intend to change the bonds, which ate now in the hands of n comparatively small number of persons, into notes to be taken by tho people at money, nud then let the note depreciate aud die in the hands of the people. Thus the original Democratio policy of repudiating tlioleU in tho handcol the bondholders, is changed to a bcluiue to repudiate it in tho hands ot the pi 0 i)!c. All the depreciation of thi two thousand or threo thoumnd millions of . .. 1 t. . Ill .... . grceutiacKH, win como out 01 1110 iiock vti of the people. And tho woist of depreciation ol ilu money comes chief ly on thu laborer. The trader nud the dpUnlit-t can protect himscll by en' larging the margin of profits, and by speculation; but thu poor mai and the laborer can not. He mutt take for his wngri whatever ii cm runt i.t the form of money, nnd must stand whatever shave is asked on account of its con tinual depreciation, Tho Democratio systorn of changing tho fonn'of 'Jio'debt from bondii to cur rency notes is'titerefoixi a plan to tako the burden of tho debt off from jtaxn blo pioperty aud capital, nnd to put it all on the laborer. To relieve papitul aud other property from taxation to pay tho debt, tho democratio plan pro poses to plunder ih'o mass of tho peo plp of tho whole amount No such rascally schemk was ever devised to to mako tho rich richer, by robbing the laborer of bis wage. ' NO. 38 Political Equality. Tho f6llowing pointed nrticlo is worthy ol a ctrclttl perusal. Wo clip it Irom tho San Francisco Elevator, edited by P. A. Hell, a colored man: Copperhead papers and Democratio orators, syuonyiits for rebels, nro still bringing np the obsolete idea that the political enfranchisement of tho blacks will produce social equality. This un tenable theory has been exposed long since, but it appears to bo n favorite with the nbovo classes, nnd ns the campaign advances, they will endeav or to make capital out of it; heueo we will once more show on whnUa. base less fabric' thcljpi4lou' rest lo do which we muatueu pl-iiu language, which cannot bo misunderstood. The highest condition of social equal ity is sexual intercourse, nnd tho stale of society which the Democratic pnitv advocates, sustains and cticuiirugcit in discriminate ititercotirso between tlu races, 'i ho chic! corner-stone ut tin institution of slavery lias been adul tery, until n virtuous letunlo slave was almost considered an exception, nnd their offspring wuru fast becoming a race of bastards. The ndmirers of tin old tvgitnu in thu Southern Statvsiiave no objection to ndulterotis intercourse, where thu ncgress is made thu victim, but they nro greatly excited nt tin idea ot legitimate connections. Thev are willing that licentious whllo men should sedttcu our females, but they .! ..a are shuck wnit noiy mirror nt lite mere pnsibility of niggers marrying their daughters. The chastity of out wives, sisters nnd daughtes might be outraged with impunity, '.but thu pure Democratic blood must not hu sullied with n more holy alliance than crime. Social nud politicrl equality are sop ernto aud distinct from each otlur; neither aro they dcpeiidunt. Political equality cxUtH iu Massachusetts. TJieru negroes voto nnd hold ollice; but marriages between thu races nie rare, and coiiciibiual iutercourio al most unknown. In Louisiana, when slavery existed, social equality was carried out without let or hiudiance (torn law or public opinion. In the French and Spanish prcciiicts,:iuil in the second municipality, of Now Orleans, thu whites nud freo blacks mingled on term of peifect social equality, in bus iness, pleasure, worship and family re lations, but a moiety of negro blood was n barier against political equality. Wc have never mndo any claim to social equality. 0 do not desiro it; Wu nro content with our own social status, ami wu nsk no more. Political alliiiities will 110 more iuterfero with thu more intimate relations between blacks and whites than they now do between thu different classes of whites. The wealthy Democrat docs not feai that the poor laborer who jostles him at the polls will necessarily seek 11 fam ily alliance with him nor does thy la borer desiru any other association than political. A'IJonm:u Kiutoii. Tlio editor of tho Owyhcu Avalanche, by way ol describing his agteeublu vocation, us conductor ot a Ironticr paper, makes the following interesting reflections: "Oh, the felicity of editing n paper! Charming, agreeable, in n horn 1 Fas dilating, attractive occui n'.ion, but so difficult to appreciate. Row nicely and smoothly 0110 gets nlong without any 'onplcafautucss!' For instnuoo, In u recent lsuu wo icferred directly to a ruffian known ns Captain Prescot, and incidentally to a guerrilla named Al, Cage. Wo dill this in justluo to om selves and community ut large, The other day, while quietly seated in our sanctum, taxing our brain for 1111)1 e copy, -in responso to tnu cveiiasttngi . t a a . I cry of the devil1 .the two above named , halehet, nud tho other with n howlu IIIMIIII-, lllli- !' ll. Ill IlllllVlt 1111.11 u knife of large dimensions, inado n violent attack upon our person. The only alternative was to fight or die. Wo accordingly soizaA' largo knife about two feet long,-'sByor cutting papr, and bled ourjflHiiit pretty Irculy. Thoy sued brTpincroy, we spared their worthless lives nud told them to dust, nnd they got up nnd dua ted. Wo would take tills occasion to state that if over they or any one elso attack us with tho intention of doing 111 bodily harm, wo will shoot tjicni dead in heir tracks or cut t,heir throats, from ar to ear." I'liera la anrnntkJur in sickness th'at breaks down' the iirfrfu" of manhood ; thnt softens the heart and brings it back to tho feelings of infan cy. Who thnt has suffered even in ad vanced life, in sickness nnd desponden cy who thnt has pined on a w'.irj, bed, in tho neglect and loneliness ot n lorcigil land, but has thought of tho mother "that looked on his childhood," that smoothed down his pillow nud ad ministered to his helptcssiicss? Oil there is an endearing tenderness iuHhd love ofwnothcr to her son, that trails ecndethjl other affection of the heart. It is neiifbr to be chilled bysclflslinesj, nor dauiifjff by danger, nor weakened by worthfW?y,., nor stilled by Ingrat itude. ShiUtt'j.Jsjrifico every comfort to his camji ender every plr W will glory 1 prosperity him, hu vti fortune; r. his name, s slio pT in hit ovcrtako y his mis- tile tinon 5m cMcrlth him, nud if nil tho world east lilm off, situ will bu nljitlui world tohbi. n! den wits engaged iu defending n man who had been indicted for n capitOl, 'of fence. After an elaborate and power ful defence, he closed his effort by tho fnlow tug ftriking nnd beautiful ullogo 1 v : ' When Cud, in hf elcrnnt counsel, cancelled the thought of man's cicfi timi, he called to him the three minis- lei who wnlt constantly upon tlio thiuiie .ttiMice, Ttuih, ud Mercy and thus uddiesscd thnn: "Stnll wb make tnaiiV Then sntd Justice: 'O God, mako hint pot, for hu wtll tram- plo upon thy laws.' Titith 111.11I0' nn swer, also : 'O God make him not, for hu will polluto thy sanetunlieH.' IJii't Mercy, dropping upon her knees, and 1. ...1. 1 .1 1.. 1 .. s iwumii ui iimiiigii uer icars, exciaiin ed: 'O, my God, mnko lilm I u'ijl watch over hint with my care, through tho duik paths which ho may have to tread I' Then God mndo tiiuii, nud said to him: O man, thou nrt thu child ol Mercy go nnd deal wltii thy brother." The jury, when ho finished, wpro In tears, nud ngalust cvldenco and 'what must have been their own conviction, brought iu n verdict of "not guilty." 1 m 11 .S Lying i.v IJi:i. It is often a qtuttton among people who nro. unacquainted with the anatomy and physiology of men, whether lying with head cxnUell or level-with thu body, is the moat wholesome. .Most, consulting thvlr own case on thU point, arguo iu favor of that which they prefer. Now, al though many delight in bolstering up their heads ut night, nnd sleep soundly without injury, yet wo declare it to bo a dangerous habit Tho venule in which thu blood pastes from thu heart to tho head ate always lessened n their cavities when thu head is listing in lied higher than tho body; therefore, iu till diseases nttuuded with over, tho head should bo pretty nearly on a level with thu body; and people ought to accustom themselves to sleep thus, and avoid danger. Mtl, Jutir. , Pkioi: ou Wail Tho Democratio paity wits divided during thu rebellion into a wnr faction nud n peace farllorj. Tho war faction was at thu South and fought despei ntely ngalust thu G011 vera meiil ; tho peace faction was at tho N'oith and opposed thu war for the do fenso ol tho nation. Whilu armed re bellion lasted, thu Union men of tlio county wcro n war parly. Now, the re bellion being crushed out they nro fo'r pence, whilu tho enllru Democracy nro working In conceit to bring on another wnr. That is tl 0 issue. Every nion who desires anotlur wnr will cast his voto for Kej mo:ir nn I Ulnlr, nnd every man who waiiti peacu will voto fo'r Giant nnd CJ'ax, For the correctness of this it is only necessary to refer to the pi. it 'oi 111 find the declarations of leading iiicu of both parlies, Ofiyoii tn, " Will you have n DnilySurtu a newsboy to Mrs. Partington. , MWlll I have a daily con? Why, you ,Ut,u .enliectacii.i iiow duru vou In billll..,to ayail, l0llu Wonnn ? Xp, indeed, I guess I won't have a duijy soil. .My dear poor husband used, to gninplaiii nwully when 1 preseutsd him with ft yc'urly soi). A duijy. spn iudcud I llegopo you little upft)it?" And thopjd J.idy called (or thotmkej wing Inn to keep Jier from swoooing, , , m A wag, upon yisltlng a medical (tn'ti seuin, was shown soino dwarfs' and oth er specimens of mortality, al preserved iu alcohol. "Wel," said he, "I never thought tho 4"1 coujd be In 'suck, eplrttii." ' ' " TslieJKTfi7..i-V cnHinnu WIIISJBSJBJ 'Hk.cnJnyiff -THjujdb HH