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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1865)
i,. nrrr '"ff" "M "TrrWi.imiiMii TUB i w jp WE KNEW. If c knew the cure and crows Crowding round our neighbors wnjrj ' if wc knew tbe little lo-oes. Sorely grievous, day by day, Would wc thense often clildo him Fdr (lie luck of thrift nnd gain Leaving oil lilt heart a shadow, Leaving on bit bcart n stain ? ifwelmevtluillcnttior, Quivering Ibrougli the lienrt or pain, Would our womaubood dare doom tbem Back to bauutt of guilt again I Llfchiu many a tangled ciouing, Joy bath many a break or wo, And Ilia cbei ki, tear-washed arc whitest TliU the blessed angels know. 11 lis. reach Into our boom l-'orlhckcy to olber lives And with lovo t'wnrd erring nnlurc, Cherish good that still survive; So that when our disrobed spirits goarto rcalmi of light again, We may my, dear Father, Judge ui M wc judged our fellow mcu. CincfiT Couivr. The Circuit Cotirl for Jsckion countyhis Honor, l. I. I'rlin, Judge lias been In session tills week Tiie Docket is small. 'I'hc following Is the lilt of eases: J. V. It. Will vs. Jeremiah McKay nnd J. It. Itecil. Action nt Law In recover money. Dowclt for plaintiff. Cuiittuucd for service. Wni. M. llnllicws vi. J. II. Crawford and J. It. Crawford. Action nt law to recover money. Jacobs k Russell for plaintiff. Judgment for plaintiff. J. X. T. Miller vi. W. U. T'Vuulr. Action nt law to recover pcswslun nf the Intelligencer Ofllce." I-'uy for philutlff, Doivcll nnd T'Viiult for defendant. He ( moved to dismiss nrtiou became complaint was not stamped. Court ullow- cJ pl.iiiitifT to slump It. 'I hen defendant filed demurrer to cumplntut. Demurrer wa confessed by plalnllfT, nnd he obtained Iravc and llltd amended complaint. Do ftmlriit flled demurrer (n umendvd com p'slnt. Uemurrcr smlnlned In aui.-ni1rel' complaint. Leave was grunted to emend sgnln. 1 tXuiury Vtxltl Ifanmili Mucomlier ei. II. ii. .Mucomucr. Hill Tor illvnioe. Jacobs A ItuMell for plaintiff! Howell for Slide, CohI inurd for service. A Ijittgell vi. A. It. Sunup. Hill for nit iff. Jacobs k Ituircll lor plulnliff, l'sy for Defendant. Continued for report of itcferco. K. E. Gore, Adnilnlitrnlor nf the rslntc of Itutli Ann Jiuien, ti. Duvii Kenns, Ad tnlnlitratar of the tstittu of John Iv. Joncr, Hal. Hill for occoeiul. Dimell for plaint. IfT, Jacobs & Itusielt for defendant!. Cou llnard for report of Heftree. W. W.l'owler, tl John O'Hritn, r(c. Proceeding for nn nccoem!. Dow ell for plain HIT, Tny for defendant. Con tlnmd far report of Muster. TIioiiim C'havcfler ev. 1. 1), llnlncs.rt ah Hill to foreclose mortgage. Fay lor plaint iff, Dowcll for J. ILWulkcrv. Mury Walker. Will for divmee. (J 11. Durrls for idalntlfl.1 Ha,..ii r,. o. i. , .i i , ' Una ell for 8 Into. Continued service. , Orvll Dodgo w. Alicu Dodije. ltdl for IHvoree. Jiicobs k IIumcII lor I'JuiiiiliT. Ituirell for Slute. Uontlnued fur service, ftlateof Ore-(ionti. William Wllltinion. Iid'clnient for larceny. Dnwell for Slate. 1 Vault for defcnelaut. l'riMecutlon sub milled to a nonsuit on account of a varl nee between nllegnlioiii nnd proof, In re gard to emne-rsiilp of tjondj. Trlsoner ro taanded to prhon, en dcfnull of bail, to await the nctlon of another Grand Jury, GniKxiucK DctnsioN. "Wc learn from the ltevlcw that the case of Tux-payers vi. tbe Sherlircanie up for lieiilnp; on Ihe'lOlh inil,,and lbat Judj;e Slratlcu tifuted to deelde on Ihe merits of the cue. '1'lie fob toning cnlry In Ihe case wui mailo on lie Docket; Now, at Hits-day liiis enfc catne on to be heard before lib linn. It. K. Stralton, Ja(;e of ll.o 2d Judicial Ilistriet, on the lib dayor February, 1B05, on petition Air reluin of ssld Huley to the tillcrnative mH(fiimu and demurrer of applicants. I he Court decllnliie; to bear the iire;uineiit onlie-couiiK-l, tLcdnnurrcr was piojoima mmtuM. , ' As wo eiuderslathl It, this lenvcs Ihe ShtrifJ to collect the tuxes In coin, and fits the cote for Ihe Suprf roe Court, without a decision from tbe lower Courts. Fuli., Capt. Sproguo'a company, con slMing of the Infantry volnnleera of Jack son, Josephine and Carry counties, Is now ')l. A portion of tlic Curry county quo ta arrived on last Wednesday: the remain der will bo here tbts evenlner. Tbo p Itlzens of'thew counties ure entitled to much cred it for tbe energy with which theybavo acted In raising this company. They had to operate under peculiar disodvnnUges Jn not having a recruiting office establish. d here until long ader the call was, d not until tbe winter lains set In, nnd tbe miners were busily engaged In their occupation. Alie. Davenport r (quests us to say that there will be a collection taken up nt the Habballi School on text Sunday, lor tbe benefit of the Sanitary Commission. Tills "I tctloo Is taken up QVe,y 4tb Sunday, "d while it is adding a mite to the glorious e,itbDl,ing , lh0 mMi Q( tlje 1m i". lhat I,a,rio,I enerolence for DlcI Atnericans nre so fumej. 05FoCi,CO' "-. Tender,. ntiftH! Ellil.iri in Ml DHIJ.I UKMOK.XTW.V.- On lhe-2filh nn,..i .i. , Went. Col. C.S. I),t,, luOre2on m """,RI" "' '" rwignullou, to tul:e effect on Hie .Hit of Jnnuary. Colonel Drew hut been Identified with the Intere-ls of Souihern Oregon from Ha curliest st tleinenl. He n InaJe a nc live, energetic officer, on.l l,U 0M io lhc service will be materially felt. IR. planned nnd conducted the rxplorinjr rspeduton Io Ihe last Summer, bleb pr.mises . uc u. iJ8Iln8 uenelit to Southern Oregon He starli for San Prouoico In a few day, where expects to bo absent Severn! weeks. mhpmlcnt fays the California nre eel Oivybce. Thcvay to brnt that 1, to put on n line direct from the Dalles to Oayhec. road. bo will do It 1-Q,tBonian. The way to beat both tiwc contending partba to, to put on a Hit- of slogc direct from Jacksonville to Owyhee, over n route one l.nlf nenrcr nnd very much bttPr tU, illbcr of those route. Who will do it ? Mit. II. C. IIuiinii.winvnMingugcnt for the Ktigcne lltvicte, called nn us this week, uiixloiuly eiupilrtng ufier tic man who was "no bluclc." We linvc no elnubt bul bo will subscribe for tb llcviexe, If found. S.nov,-. On yesterday morning, nw In Sterlingvillo wni six incuts deep; In Jucls. ouvllle nbout Iwo Inches deep. Wc have linel elnnip. Uiangrccable wcutber Jitrlng the rullri! Ttcck. Wt: have now on linnd n few cnplrt nf .. II. Miller's Journal, or Col. Drw Owyhee Kxpfdltion, trlvlnr- n complete guide to the 01kc mine ; betides IuIiUh of dislances to other Impoitant iralnls ctitt of the inouiituliw. I'rlce SO cent. i It.tiN. On bul Wednetday iiljfbt we hud n fine Spring rain, nldcli guve the nil ncn a plentiful supply of water wldcli they hud bigan to fiel the uttd of Os ust Huturduy, the remains of .luck Keimetly were reinoml by the Odd Feb lows, to their new Cemlery, A .NOTicsiif a if cent sleamdmnt rxpln- mini in a w wierii puw emu n lultnwt : " The cupliiln swnm itilmre, S did the elwiiibwiutd; she was liuureel fur 91J, 000, ni.d Umded with iron." A silnnn Iwener m ptorrd (Iki follnwlne on lilt bulletin board : Umltnu'ii h urn lug to r-jtell ere reeniwled to uje yustfteltiyV nper." ' Iniluleno' prvarc tlic wny to inUry. imimmnn Horn. On lebruary, Uih. In Jueu.oi.villi, the wife of John Ortb, u dmiKhtw. -On I'ebrHarr IJih.nt Willow Fprlngs, the wife f f John nobt-rts, a son. to to XJiocI. lliionn:. ton or llwiijnmln and Ilorrkt l'liutli place, of dyplberin, Vvh, Sib, (c aged to yuarr, ten months uud 2.' day. 'As the sweet liowr that scents the ruorti, Hut Hit! er lu the rlslus due-: Thus lovely wns tills liifanti. dawii, Thus swiftly poHCd Its life nway." Ihnvin. MaHiiH. ofdyptlterla. IVb Id, '.a M'n?u ne vwu, iUlii uwuilw nnl 2 uayr. ikx uieu me saiur uy, or me- croup, naeel nine nicnlln mid 13 Iini..bli,lf ii n ui' uirfi .Miiioy iai(uiuii. "When Iboso vn uv arc snnteU'd away, Ily (lea lli s r s sties baud, Our hWU the niuurnfnl tribute py, That friendship must dsmand, mmwiuairivwwniMuaMMiwxuiMa Jldmiztiatrator's Wolico. N0TICU Is hereby Riven that I .tiers or eidiiiliiUtralbMi. vi Ills tlw will anx'd, on the Cflue of (.liBiles Allium Dull i!o I eease-d, lalniif J ackion county, Oregon, bare been emitted to the undersigned ; all per sons lri lug oluimt iig,iini m,u ilali-, nre requotled to prcsvut tlivm !tti I lie pruxe roiicberr, to the uudsrl:u(d, nt bis !! deuce, lu Jiioldonvilli-, wllhiii six mouibs from Ibis dle. and nil claims not pru'tntsd wllliln ten moiillis will Im furt-ei-r barred : nnd all peisons Indebted to tld iwtale are r - niitwted to lunko liniiiediate iKiynunt to tliu uudernlKiied. II. II GUIS, Ad'm'r. I'Vb. lnili. 16W, fliMn l Executor's IiTotico. "VJOTIC'K Is hereby piven, Ibat Lettoie li Testiimentary on tbe estate of U'illiutn tStuib, Into uf Jiiclikon county, deceniet), have been gniiilid to tin iindrtiueel. by the County Court ol said cuuniy; ull per cons iudebied to said eainte nre reipiiieei io make immediate niiynn nt, uim) tlins ha ring cliilins iiuiust snldentule wl prrfent ibeui. properly nulhelitlcuteil. 1st the liiHlelsiKned, at their rMidruce. In Stirllngvitle, within six muntlis from this date. HIlWAltDOItAL'I'XHlt, UUSTAV THOMAS, Kxecnlors. February llth 16C5. f.bllwt Application to soil Rcr.l Estate IN the. County Court of Jackson County, February Term. A. D. ISM. In tbe matter of the estate of James Mllcbel, ilu'emul. Nollcc Is hereby given, (bat Herman Helms, publio pilmliiUlr.itor. has (lied his petition tor on order to wll tbo real proper ly belonging to said estate, and tbnt Wed neiday, tho Sth day of Mnrcb. ensuing, has been designated for tlw bearing of said peti tion, am all poisons interested iu fcaid ci tato arc bere-by notified to lit nnd nppear on raid dav, and show cause, if any they have, v. by safd oidur of sale ihoiilJ not be made, Ur order of Hon. J. C. Tolnmii. County Judge. WJl. HOFFMAN Clerk. Feb, lltb, 1SC5. febllwi 33ufBSnZ-3:3a Dr. Ovcrbeck, bus lefitted his bath rooms nt tbe OVERBEOK HOSPITAL. Thowwbo v.lsb toludulgoin tbe luxur ies of a good bath, can Ijc accommodated by giving him a call on Wdnedys and uu. ija;e. febttf- A CARD FOR THE WINTER & SPRING Clothing Trade OP SAX FRAXCISCO. BADGER & LIXDEXBERGKR, Kos. 411, 413 nnd 415 Battery St., Cue-. Mi nit nu I, au FinucHco, hnporiers nnd Wholesale DEALERS. l'-imri' Aew und Fresh Stock. We WOUld Cnll 111- nllnnllnn nf PahkLv llorchnnts to our unutunily lnrK tui or Good. Our stock eoraprlscs ei try arti cle In the CL0TH1XG i FURXISHIXU LINK. We have constantly on baad tlte largest and arrentiHt enrlety of CASSIMKltK AND WOOL HATS ol tiny house In Snn Frnneitcu. nnd our pri ces for (Iivm good nru 1cm tlinu tbow of any Iioiim. as w rewlvu tbeiu direct ft-ow tbe manufacturer's cewgnmciit. Ourttoek . WINTHn AND SPRIXO GOODS I U wrllculily Htuneilve. and the rvt fen lure to lli. country iiiorebants Is tbe unusti ally low prlum less than tho cost of Importation,! We ulo kwp tbe ratiixalo Artioloa In the Dry Good line, evhleb Uotnls we bavi puruliuud In tbl iiiaikut m.itcr ilm l, m ,..... uud nre otlurlntj tbem at New VorU coti Wc piiblUb tlilncnrd In order that we nv make new ncimlntniiecfi. nnd luduee llio.'c v. bo liavi) not lisretoroiv purelmedjf us to call and examln our stuck. Gooel Articles u Low Prlcvs Art tbe prcnt liiduitiucnienliiueorrv'r to nil hIiu purclikH! to Hill utiwlii. Mvrukauti who buy uf us eaii make a k"h1 prwiit, nml sll tn cuni.inurs at u lo Iikiire, We i-e-main, iwjtee.iully, Your olK'dlunt srrvnntt, KADOKK A LlNDliNllKKGHR, WlKikawIe Clotliiiif und Hat Warehouse Xew. 411, .li:i nml -115 Hutlery street. Still Fniiiciseo. D.-e. 31 '64. jnnl-lmi! I.AI7DIS EXPRESS. ?ein-WikW line (if Stnfre-s fm Jsek (isirill'f to Un by vitlr and Wuhln, Oi rgtta. Ivpi Jucksoiullle ewry aieusihi)' !i TliuiMtav,-! A. ."I Itcturninp, leaies WnlJu citry Tuc((lnv&.Fililiiyut 2 P.M. Thremph wenffri' will tt furnlAi'd with (toenl MKldlvimrres at Waldo, for UreMfiit City. .IOK1AII A. LAXD18, IWr. Out. aBib,iet!l oethf GKAND BALL, AT TDK TJ- S3. 33C3T,E32L., ON THE 22 DAY'S FEBRUARY. .-A- &, T Ol'IS noitNLwIll glecnti Aiinhirsorv ' Jj tlal'. at Ibu Hlxieu tmtiKd tune and iUoe, In eoiiiiiKiiinratiuii of the Nulul Itay nrU'akliluctoii. 'ibis U'liiK tbe hut Hall of tlie m-hih)ii, no pains Mill bo sirred to makit It'lho cnmdvtt uiralr jet ulviii. UaolinusS: will 1 niuvidud fur tbe oe eiitlof., A Keuerol Invitation is cUtKm1 to All,' Tickets- I'lvc DiilUr. JiickMinjillle, Jnn i. 'tW. JauUtd TX tlie Circuit Cemrl, nf the Slute of i X Oregon, (or tbe County of Jucktnn. V. M. Matiirws is. J. II. CnAwroni) uihI J, It. CiuwroKD. Atllon ill I.av lu ltrruvir liini-. To lli above named defvndantu : You att lii-irby riiinmonid uud. require! to itp iwar lu the Circuit Court, of tlie felaio of Oregon, for tbe County ofJacknou, nt IK iii'i term thi-reof, to Ite held hi Jrthmvlltt, ' in Mild eu u lily, on tbe seooud Monday in j February, A. !., 1605, ami tbt-ie Mimir a complaint nn (lie In tb) nbove eutltbil ae-, tlou, or Jud(inHit will be lakeu agitinst you fur want ol un nnnur, far tbe; sum if S71M, , with llittimt thereon, nt tbv of 10 ivi i emit per numiui. (rum the iCili day of ' April, iMfi, ami me eosis ana expeuva oi tUlt action to be IumO. JACOHS & ItUSSKLL, 1'lalatiirs Attormys. Xov. 23d ISC1. dc3C NOTICK Is bereby given that tbe Unltwl State Iiitnrnaf Hevemio .Spvelal Tan List, of ihe 01b Division, Is now uihiii for uxamlnation, for ton duys, at tlie OrUce ot I lie AMlatant, In Jacktoiii'llb) ; alo. notice U gleeii to tbow who were hs setd cm tbe first of May, 18G-1, for I'ulud StatttS LiceiiM'S, niiire the into of web Li cense were InceuKd by the act of Juu 30lli, 16i-t, sucb Licences will be le-as-sebstd for a rateable proportion or inch In creased rates, from July 1st, 16GI, to May 1st 1605. AUSTOX JIILI. Ash. U. S. Asr. Sth DiY. Jucksenvill Xov, 10th, 16C-1. 73 dissolution Itfotico. NOTICE Is bereby given Ibat the co-partnership heretofore existing butneen Thomas Davis and N- Langell, uneUr the name and stylo of Oal& Co., Is tbls day dUsolvrd by mutual lorsent. All debts aiid.'aceovnti of tbe firm will be scttUcd by 'Ihomas 1 aru, at tbe store, on Applegate, wbeiebc will conlluuc In tbe mercantile buslucis. THOMAS DAVIS, N, LANGELL. CI-IEAP FOR CASH MAX MULLER,! AT TUR BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon and Main Streets, JncItsonvHIo, Jillt receivtd M n.Mlllon Is L: VTAS 11 roi foimer lar-u and nell selected fetoek of jFANOY. STAPLC & SUMMER DRY GOODS I? I J. rM t w b! ips4 O o "A o ol All at Reduced Prices. ONUand ALL ro Invited to fa vor Mm w!lb a call, as It cutis iiolb lug to sbow coOil, mid It is a pWas ur to sell tbem at prices io low that none ouu couiplslu. IHgliCH I'llco VnU for Pro- lWit Iti r.V1l tl ftrM fnit sfik.1 ' -i. a a m viae hi; siriint JEWELRY. CLOSKS, FANCY WATCHES, ARTICLES j& .'E2"leL'r-llC:H3"H.t5W NEW STORE! Xctt Uour to Sachs Itros. j T NUl'DKIt bs stocked bis new ttor. 1 .1 witb a lanee tend vnlualile nisorttiiMil o Utast hls miiI imtternsi'f ct sritixO AXl WKIOUT f&fcQ CLOCKS. M -m SILVKIl WATCIIKS. AXMj-ikill1 DIAMOXD JJiWHLKV, I'KAIIL. LMKltALI), CAMLO S1CTS TojfMtliiT Willi u splendid lot of other Ilrenit I'iiu, Ilrooclicfl, llar-Itiinjc, Finder IUnrs, IH'kets, Itueklet, t', Jlraeeilotn, Kleeee Itvittons, XvcklHCSH. Wultb-C'liuii... Cliuleloias and Seulf; A ln. oomp'ete U of lrwomHirub!e Quuvtoi Towolry, nianuluetiired Irons tb richest and iikhI lnliful smilmus of Cold Hill and J'ow lr (juartx. In udditlon to tlw above, mav be focud at lib store tbe but (jimlillw ol TAHLK AXI) I'OCKKT CUTLK ItV. I And, In hort, n gc.ncral eariely of j Nlch-Xacbii S. I'aiicy At llt-lcb ' All of which evil! be sold at low mucks ' and warranted. I Ittil'AIUIXU.-Clocks. Wulches ami I Jouelry repaired with prouiplDese, uud in r mniiner to guuruniest suiisiacllou, MAUFACiTJUiD to order, any aril. civ e( Jewelry, with nentnes nnd dispatch. ri .MII ...i.l ..... I.!- .,..,.. tl..l ... 1.1 , UZJm 1,11 UMV4 rV 1113 IIVM ,IWH, UV III I new store, on California street, next door i to Saelis liros., Jacksonville, Oregon. I JucUauvllle, Dec. IT, 18C2. If J. ROWS Oiarx St037 I Oppodte Lore & llllger's, California t., Jaeksouvillu, Uiegou. TOYS, TOYS, MS I HOLIDAY CIFTSI J. MOW Informs tbe olt'rons of Jaekion rillo mid tbe puMc generally tbat be bni jiift iceelved and oflers for tale bis tujiertor stock uf .. .IIAVAXA .t 1MITATI0X. ... &M.rtjL..m&&9 o A TOBACCOS, PIPES, FIQ8, CUTLEIIV, ItAISIXS, ' Stationary & School-boohs a ! CAXDY, NUTS, C I TUYtf. HUUAHij, AL1WMS, ICTO. Trices lo suit the tlmof. Call sao your money. ooovaox and O ! : ,,00000000000000000 oooooooooooooooo e. g 1 A lirice (end Fluo Assortment f g or Willow Ware (in lialiU, for g g sttc. . g S o "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO1 A large collection of lie Islist acd best Novels for circulation. Pee. 19,1663. J. ROW. i w; I1 a 'Si 10. O o CIS ssssrirr nf nuns we-jjiHj ig W 7ii?n&&6& I LARGE ARRIVALS sxx AT xxx SACHS BROS CIIG IP CASH STORK, 3STEW GOODS Of cy-ry dsxriptlon, and the Latest' Styles l rnshiens Suitable for FALL & WINTER JLJri-.3D3E5. k i -a Bel- -a csu f 9 0 n3 o S o w o a a ki s3g a Pm rJ2 s a o s o w S- s-j o 3 V11I lie the) LsO'wosi; I . Ibis i AVJ.-A.JeTt.Jslw, R', i'.C TEW fsJ- OUE MOTTO "QUICK SAIjK, SMALL PROFITS AND - DF2.iciLy 2Pxsr" WILLUU SniKTiy ADUUHUD TO. All are refpwlfully. Inelted lo give us a call. KAUIIb llltu'je. Jaeksoneill.'. 0, 1. I, 'H. o iltf Ni:V IN JACKSONVILLi:. Disiuwiv mw HLUOUfll I'A I KN I', With Wriiigoro Attached. ''fMlIS works tbe- same as by band, doing .1 urmucb v. oik In eiucdsy tlx uomeii, .llb Lquul e-b-aulln! k-is ui-ar to elulbrii mill uuu-kall Iimp Mp. A eluld leu j nils ulU ewi utirk this waeblue nllU ntv, vih.Ii' lug uiiy fuktlo fiom a thread tw a U1 ipiill. J bave purcbftkkd lbs ilubt lor ibe iiiau ufaelure anU salo of tbe above untied uiu cbluiM In IbUcouuly. 1 be luaebluo Is tor sale and can be seen at my shop, on California Stint, oue drur aboee IHuux't Livery .Viable. Cite m u ciell. C. F. WILSON. Vr!n;fM will be furulsheJ us svuu as bi-y arrive. IVotice of rinal Sottlcmont JX tbe Couiitv (,'o'irt, Juckson Feb. 'I'erin.iefii. county, Iu tle mutter of the estate of Iavi A. Hick, d.eejsed. Xotlee Is hereby given, that Mis 1'ru d'liee M. It v, adiirulstratrix of aid is tale, bas filed her (sbibit plitinii (ur tin; liiul SiUleuMiUt of wUl itui, end 1 1, .it Wedm-kday, I be (jib day of March liitu u', Iwt lieen set apart for tbe .t(leineiit uf Mid estate Miib tlie iwid adiiun.sirntrix lly order f Hon. J. ('. Toliiuu, Cuuniy Judge. WJl, HOFFMAN, ( bik, I'ebrnary lltb. 1886. fcblUl Woticoof rinaSottl ement IX the County Court, of Juckson county, 1 February Term, A. I). IbflS. In the mutter of tbe eel etc of Cius, !) MAIM., deceased. Notice Is beieby gnen Ibat Horman Hellms, public udinmistrator, has tiled hit fiiiul exhibit und ititlon fur Ibisl set lit msntoftaid estate, and Ibat Wednesday, tbe 6 Hi day of .March einuing, bat been set opart for said final Mltlemeut Milhtaid udmiukilrBtor. Ily older of Hon. J. 0 T Imon, Co'inly Judge. WM. IIOFFMAX. Clerk. February I'.'i hj H 06. ft bllw4 "WL7 asv ja: IJ VIJUV AM) sSALi; .STAIJIiL'S. Corner of California and Fourth streets. C L U O A G K k I) HUM, Proprietors V.n. THF.SK8TA11I.IS are Ite nvflc$ntrn"y loeatvel, und eon .t, u:. ivenlunt to the Colon llo- tel. Iloreuand roub will be kepi by (he day or w-k ut mudeiale charges. The proprietors lm. a uumlierof line JJUUOIBS AX1 CAItHIAOKS, For one or two boin-t, to Ut ou moderate terms. Also, Rood saddle hoise and raulcs, which tbey will let to go to any part of tbe country, on reasonable terms, llott broke lo tbe saddle or harness, Animals Bought and Sold, Tbe proprietors pledge tbrmselvet to give jatlsfMtioo to all wLo rosy favor them with a rail. Jacksonville Ogn. Any 31. JStf HJrMfnMsfffnM CHBlIt TM FOR m .il ioO A. FISHERY BROTHER, consea or si " Call to nil a 5. Orcsjoi) Jltrcria, . JACICSOXVILI.H, '' .nrgc Stork of S(ni)IcrFttcJ nnvnnniw. ULOTHIKUH "" 'a...., xt Mr. V uuuio, ncu It-AIU .A. I siloes, curgntv. mtocpnjjyi,t LIQUORS, CIJPOKKUT,, etc., cU., tic, .. i All will be sold at Zlocluooct 3?xloes, Jacksnnvllle. Jan. 9, 'CI. Jto)'(ir CUKKYOUKCOIiP H.vyi-; yovn lungs.", - NEWm'ULMOHAHV " ?; I t.n CiuiiI TIioiiisikI T - IK'D-a Xt "A7111 Oxxvo sroi. "A cough U generally tbe effect of a col J, which ba eltbrr been Improperly treated or" entirely ueitleclcd. When It prorrsobsll. nate, tktti U iIkmii tmImi rJ M t finis .fe, tbi' sbuws u )iuk slate of lb lungs, nnd Is often ihe forerunner of con"' sumption." lluclmnaii's Domestic .tedlclne" STOP TILvFcOUGIUNd . Some of you cin't, nd we pity you,'. Vim Imvo trleil ererr remedr but Ihs oas ilntlued, by Its lutrlfttlu tnerll, to iiipsrsrVle ull similar irvparullous. It In not iurjr Is- Ingyon stioiiid in., leiucuini io try sums lliliiir elfo efirr the luany eerirrlmets you Imvo mitdo of (ratby roMpeiuiids foltled eu im- jmuiic ns n wviiniu vmvj vui Ne well's -: .i.-il l Pulmonary SyrupJ Is regally the Vs.r llrair remedy ever corn. ' i..,.i.ui rn. ii.., ... ..f ......i.I ...ii. i-... ivu,iM,ii iwi ,y v,i,v ii vwwyur, wuifl, nw,n thnmi, atthmii, ubooplng cough, trqntliltls and cniiiiimpllon. Iheutands of pvoiiljln" Ciillfornla a'l Oregon have Utu alrfsdy benefitted by Its curalhe powers. ' " WHAT KILLED HIM? , i r ot Die. lie i.l,, In his 'Journal of Ilcsllb," Ipeakliiguriheelvalliol Washington Irving atks tho itbove rpiesllon. and adds:' He. mljlit licit haielematned with us for yisrs'' to come, bad It not been for advice kliidly iiitendeel, no doubt, bul gttcu In tbougll' leHfleu and reel leu Ignorsnee; 1IU HAD A COLDJ bleb, by tome (injudicious prcrcrlidlon, bad . been converted into in Mtbma. WLo given that prescription, or what It wis, Ibe oul-i ildu veorld may lioer know," Utiussny to 1'r. Hall, tbul thttt prvsvilptluu' nis.iiuts iVcwiil's Piilmoniiry Kyrupr Keep it in the ltoase7u UVrfily.glVi It to your ihiblteii upon tbe Bligbleit ludl ealloii of a cold, and you v. II I think wu speok o( It as all do who bare IxCOmo SCV iualntM with Its merits. UKDINOTOX .t CO., Hole Avent" 110 and 1IH Kronl street, 8a o Vraiiclicow undfur silly lijr all Druggists. tlecSinC,' JUST RECEIVED ;;; t ' eii8 Ilros oxu riiuuxAxn vns or avi'tiumk BLAOK, DRESS JSs.'i.liU,, Which will lie Soli! ii( n Grlat KaciUiro. NADUS ItltOH. 2si S5'000 ! NEW LIVERY- J? 4 U 1 8 T A IJ Ii B. On Oregon Hired, Jacksonville. Wevi OU llttUd uou ium.Iv Dr K.,1.11. i,? V ,0 ftl", " ,00n b''a wVr "utfglet. We aro determined to ileeiills, I'xtlon to all eho may favor us witb Ib'elr patronage, r A goocj supply of feeil constantly on bmd. mi I'LYMALUAHO.SB, Jactrsonvllle, January 31st, 18C5. tf iTWtfhtl B ,r Till: coparlner.hlp heretofore uit bg, ..,...' Mi'lirws UJT IUUHI1 COniSPl, I; V;.);.1';u ollecis tdt debts end psji all liabilities of said flnu, 1, f, WnitB"" K. O IIAHT'"'' Canyoiallle, Dec. 1, 18C(, ' 'deelowl! ' OUIMJlTlTl'ot7g7rilbJomsaDi; kj bad ckean. for euh. it J. n,'. r..i door above TlnHwr i, Y4, . lj-B -l - - - - --?;1' to purck