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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1865)
Howard Private MEDICAL INSTITUTE Ho, 031, Coaenitrtlal lrtl, 3rx"xxoii co. Consultation by Letter, on onnmmsK, whs. fJiSTAIlMSlir.O for Hie cure ofiHeais Hi- or a prlratc nature. fc-icli a" donor rhea, Syphlll. Spermeatorhia. Mercurial Complalnti,Olcet,Slrictnrc.?emiiatWax ness, Impolency, Itlicunullm lever and Ague, Skin dlrca-, Seminal Illusion, and all diseases brought on by Indulgence or by accident. THE HOWARD IXSTITITE , I under the Immediate cbargo of DR. I' i I OWAim, ww m Mm jn.r - - , N. ,,, ,0 ,1)a, ,,wkt w, aw noH. . led by bit successful trcaltncnl cf disease. ; J wW r , M,.nMltt embracing a m. "m." mi - ., . . complete assortment l nil of the al-ive ! Francisco with ureal care, by .1 member of in re-openlng this oM anil popular fnjll- j cur nrm , km had i residence ot thlr tiite once more to the people or the lciflc itcnjear In South' m Orsgim, and well Coit, the Doctor I" governed not only bv jjnon, t),c uant or Ibl locality. ilciire to alTonl an asylum foribcallUied, Confident that we cannot be undersold lij but loSUlM'KKS QUACKLUY, which has, ,,ny houto In Jekott county, we pledge of late to boldly and Impmlcnlly coin be- Mr pntron that our prices shall b fore ibe public. They eUlm lohwecerlll- j cUs of remarkable curt, or sou before "Cheap as tllO CnoapOSt." unheard r distinction", or foreign teillmo . ny, of European education, aad losropMii I Thanking; our former patrons for the fa remedies; tbui misleading the affliclled. TOri heretofore extended to our home, we who are not aware of the utter ulne I would respectfully solicit n contluuauce of f foreign remedies and pracllcc. when sp-t thttr ptlronage. filled to diseases in IDI vannuie climate. Of tuch pretenderi' tie Doctor warns lhe ecklot; medical relief to beware, for tbv neck but to deceive you ami ruin jour faealtb. To his old pattens and tli: public In cen tral the Doctor would ay: They can rely an hit known skill and Integrity. a hereto fore, with every assurance of a speedy il permanent cure, In all ponltle cases. The Doctor" charges aro moderate, and sailed to Ibe mean of tbc pitlcat. THE HOWARD INSTITUTE Is located In the center of the city, awl l fitted up with erery convenience for the comfort of the afflicird. The mtlent will here find everything to bl mMi. andean Xntn and lanUit InMutt tfi(Atifr c pi tftvalim. Tenon residing in the Interior, "ho may prefer being Cored at Home, by Miwllnii n careful description of their diteafc. locelli er with a ttaiemrnt of the length of time they have been aRlletcd, can have their med icine carefully put nn and sent to any part of the 1'aelAc Coal by I.'tnreM or mall, to gether with full and explicit directions m i to enable them to bring ubout a speedy and permanent cure, without entailing up on them the necessity of visiting the city. All letters sliotilil lie niltlrcn rt, Dr. I'. HonaruS Howard Institute, No. 63:, Commercial Street, San Francisco, California. The Doctor himself opens and amwers all Ittttrs, and correipondents can rely on tb strictest KCrecy. Consultation by utter or otbcrulsc, free. TO THE LADIESJ IVbcn a Female li In trouble, cf itliltv er nature, or aflllctril with a dlseaie ixicli l weakneas of tbc back ami InnW, ruin in the head, dliuncii or sight, loei or mus cular power, palpitation or the heart. Irri tability, nrriousncF', derangement of lh digestive runcllonr, general debility, llill- cmc or me nomu, nistrria, aierlllty. ami alt other diseases peculiar to fiiiult. Iliey should go at once, or wrlle, to Dr. How. i ard, athls Medical Instltue. It nofal" aeucacy prtveni you, inn appiy iwineuiate t ly, and save yourtelf from palulul wffrrlng, I ., . . . ... ana premaiure qriu. The Doctor' oftlec l so arrangeil that he can bo consulted without fear or dhcoivay. ' Tir. Ilmvni'il'v Voinnln lUHc Are univcraaiiy acxnowjrugtil to IV the only compound to U- depcuded uion for , .iiv iviuuini vi nil tales Ui iljjjKIMj Qf if, regulirliy, or of olietructlons or whatcicr ' nature and or however loon stamllnir ladles having reason to belleu-they art pregnant, should tin careful to avoid using them, at they would surely causo a miscar riage. They will bo forwarded to any part of the Pacific Coast, upon tbc receipt of t' per box. CONSULTATION 11Y I.ETTUI.Oi: tOTliniyVI3E, FULL. ' All Iclfert rauit be addressed to "DTI T. HQWATIII, HoairdlnTiTlute', No. 33.', Commercial Street, San Francisco, California. epUmJ ADAM'S GERMAN TONIC AROMATIC BITTERS. TJieit bttlcrt are blsblv refined, emiltful I to tbo taste, warmlni-.strtnul.iln.;.! i. Tlgoralliig to Ibe debilitated iittem, Tbey re inorougniy niMiic"tfl compound. I powerful and concentrated, aud baeUeii brought to their preeent state cf perfection by nearly twenty year evperiecce, and am beyond question, ouo of Ibe best remedle. for all diseases of the dlgctltro organs, Where the system has been reduced by Fc rer, etc., they will prove one ef the luoit Ltirr'ot,r.r.,ve,,,sy."Dd r,frwa-1 "JifiS nt r, 1 ? 'u-0 , II drugTw.and (octn ' lul' II aruggim anil lirocers. 0Ct(ini3 ,l" " I" N the Counly Court, for Douglas Coun f It Oregon v "" HOlomon AUrahim and Ilrmin Abraham . Martin Jlonouon aodliabclla Mqu- oboo. To Jlirtin MoDOlon and ItibelU Mono bcu, the hove uamtd ekfeodanu, yon arc kcreby lumtnoned to be and anWaf the ' ltd Court, on llio first elay of the March ' s.rm shprJir in uli il. rih .t .. r u. I , n 'Tii:J.,,.tmh A. I). 1865, and answer the plainlttrj com. pla nt, filed against you or said plalntltfi ' wjueaao juugcuieiie uguuisi yuu tur luevum of three hundred dollars in gold coin, with interest at ten iwr cent per onoumn and tbrir costs and disliurscmcats iu this cause to be (axed. Hy order of the court mado Jan. 2.1 '63. ti. V. OIIADWICK Atfy lor pla!nl!!T, KtbargJD.'33d, 1803 jsn23w6 'tfraciDury waae5 California St., Jacksonville, Wholesale Retail Dealers in FANCY AND STAPLE DRYIGOODS, Clothing, JMiofa nml Shoes, (Jroccrles, Ilarelware, Iron anil Steel, Af;rlciiltnrnl ami itllniiii; Implement, 1.1 iinnr, Qni'cmvtni-c, 1iish u'are, Coal Oil l.tuiini ami Chimney, Tobacco ami Cigars Stationary, I'lioto prnisli. Alliums CiirtcaJeYia ctc, etc. XO TRQUM.K W SltnW GOODS. Call ami glva in your Daf anJiiXca mult. iiiiAnnutiv wadi: Jacksonville. Ok.. Oct. IS. 'lit. ocltSlf XH BW . J. i CW J . AX tW J I I KREUZER'S lOTirW- STORE, Ilclwccn New' f aloon and Ilradbury .V Wade's, Jacksonville, is stockki) coMPurnu.v wirn Sost Cigars and Tobacco, nuvsii cani)1i;.s axi .nuts, NEWTOYS NOTIONS jitiisii fiiOits, l-rrc, '.tc. """" j .. . . , . ., I Mr. Krcnzer havlns purehated lh. ntve store out door aoiith of llradUiry A i, ealN the nttenlliin 6f flit iHibllc to 111 coin plett itock or imoklngand ch-nlng tobacco. AIhi to lilt various brands or clears, from the common lulf-iwnlb to tins most fr.v Krant lUvana. All told at tho most liberal prices. You can be Iwsl supplied with any arti cle In bit Hue, and tare money, by giving blm a call. December 1st. I MX Kttntiiiona. IN UwClroult Court uftsx.- ilaleof Or gnn, for tbo county of Jaeksou, June Term, 180S. James Henry Walker, PMntlir n. Mary Walker, Dcfe-iidint. lllll In I!iiiU)-for Dltorcr, To Mary Walker. Defendant: you aro nvreoy niminwti anu rotiuirni m unnearln wld court, nl JackH'iiville.Jtok ton county. Oregon, on the m-oml Mpndvj 7 - - -- .r -.. ; -.... In June, Ihw, the I3IH iliy or taxi nionin , rind deleihl the suit fllvd In raid court .... ., .... a .. ' . ..' nalnst you. Anrt you are lurilwr nflliilMI ihat unle you file your nnwer or demuir- er. with the clerk or said court, wlibln leu d.iyii (rom tint dale of eervlee on you. If served In the county, or within twenty I diyn'iom date ofsrvle on you. II n-rvnl without the county, Judgment will bo taken I ngaintt you for want 01 an answer, ami me prayer thereof will bo grnntnl by tho Court aim ine LKHlll" Ul IIIHirilUUliy ujl.lliiJi vr- tween you ami raM plalntllr, will ledU wived, and the plalnlill will be adjudged. lo liiivc llio oare unit custo.iv oi rruneiicu Klleu Walker, daughter orilieiuM nlvlutlfl and defendant, und defendant will be ad judged to pay the colli aud dtibuiKimuti of Milt. Ily iuvler of tho Coirt, Hon. P. P. Prim Judge. O. Il.UOUItlS, Jaii2rVvO Sol. for PlalntIB'. 1'innl Hettlcincnt. IN tho County Court, Jackson County, Jan. term ISM. , In the matter of the ntate of (icorgo aud Margaret Long, deceased. ! Notice l hereby glvi-irf that Herman ' Helms, Public Admlnlilrator, bat niwl his account for final icltleinvnt of sahl estate, I and that WeilucUy, theSth iliy or. Febru ary, UC3, ha len set apart for sold final settlement or raw etlale. "7 ordtr of Hon. J. U.toluian.iwouniy Judge. WW. HOFFMAN, Clerk, fill. 1SC3. 4 January To i)onntion I.anel Claimants. Laud OflWe, ItoKlmrg. Ogn., " z; df nwwlly to perfect llio permanent r.cords of lhI onec..n.l to determine tbc validity lir n-..Mllv nf .Innntlnn el.ilm. In 11,1. .11.' iH-cemiKT 1'Jth, ibui. Irlct, many or which arc Irregular, and J? ma ToM I ""'' 'WnB(Iwntlal to the fioverument.o well ns to the general inter. eit or the coiumuulty, tint alaiuluni dona lion tUtm, mul thwt nnrl lj tnoilul lulu, should bo brought Into market at at early n day ai posslblo ; tlnrefore, In pursuance of Inslructious, wo hereby notify all douallon clluants, their nssigueea or legal represen. U.U.T"' wbobavo nrtdlcdlu tbiaoDJc proof i , rrT ?Kr(T",r' ? "'lved by Act of 27th Sept.. 1830, nnd '"enumeut, to do to wlthlfwir Jert, frm m,. ttnil aU W10 uvo not taken the oath of alleglauco nnd paid for Inning final cerlllkatea as contcinnliteel bv the Clh fee Hon or tho Act, or 30th May, 18G2, aro re spectrully requested to "comply as early as ponlblo. To avo expenso and trouble to lho8: lUlug at n dlslanco from tho said oRlcc, It Is hereby announced that tuoit If not all or said business can bo satisfactorily traniactedibroushlhe mall or express, JOHN KULLY, ItcgUter, Aumson IL Fiint, Utcorder. wC. 1-HAHLll-AllltKIUH HUltL MU HUli Opposite llicMcOully Buildings, Jacksonville Oiusgojx. Madame Jeanne Be Boboam. The Madame takes lliis im-lliotl or tcmlermg lior tlianhs to the public, for the patronage which 1ms hitherto been ex tended to her: and would respectfully solicit n coiitimmnce. llrr Tallin, are always under her Imni dlate control; and by her long experience In the bti"liits "Ini reals confident tint slit will IfWe cullrv ralltfaclteit,lo all MEALS WILL BE SET AT ALL HOURS. Jacksonville, Oregon, January llth, 1800. BOOK STOSE, AT7IIR POST OFFICE BUILDING JACKSONVILLE OIIKUUX. Tlio latut itrics of Sihool book will be found on the rirtlve: to wlncli udditiuns are being cornlnntly nude. STATIONKKY of the rnc-iT hiaUTT, ConsMliig of lUncrofli UvUbratul Linen Writing IM per. .'' II n other kind. KSVIiLOIMiS of all kinds, rorlt niwl slrr, Conv bonk. Uil. blue, blink, copying c,inUr ,, ,,wk inkMnml-. Ink and pencil i:rner. I'cti Knir . 1'ap.T Kolder. Lead pinclli", duiiilirsHHcili. Dniwm petn-lls nml urauing WMr. c. c. Bancrofts 'iJiarics for 23GG Containing ll.t of Ump dull, and oth'r uefnl Infiuniatloii. Ilntc dUilei nrw I1h Hni'.t uimI Hie most coinnltlc thlue vl the Llndeier got up. A gol mpply of I'aw books, l'oektl ami i alphabet irtemorarHlumt. lui'terti iimyxiintM ai eonuc pollers kept con'lanlly on huml. A OIUCTL.Vn.N'i l.llllt.KY of new and wlrct Nuiils, to which additions art mailn by ercry steamer innll. I )rder for any tiook or lxxk not on band, promptly ftllul'ln ttn da nolle. CALL and get a llti. nrwl If there U nouo, buy iual-rlal and write one. thervhy rKilronlMlug Win l nci" !miii ami , K. j: JLANKS Be anre anil SiiIimtIIic for .1. T. llt'itillmH llirv or Tins (Ihkm IliHKU.lux j llio tiiusrautheallc ami Impartial work a oil the prncut war In the Culled State : showing the eaMi', lire and pr0fffw., or tBC (Ulielllon : the tiptlilng and J1,li..,lM 0r . i...pnl. the Patriotic lib tr.illiy ami cnrernil niiinteering at tut Not Hi aiid U'ett. lb linm-nif mlllisrr ami rtiiinclal rrxmrci-A of the (.'iivermneut ; Hit rals-lng, oranlxlng, ami furnishing both Annies nml Nailttsle etc. It l KnibelllshM with orfr sixty first clast steel engravings, ami oier forty Por traits of officers, prominent in the war both North and Scutb. Tbl work la sold by SoWrlpllon. ouly. ' 0. A. DAVIS Canvassing Agent for Southern Oregon. N. I). TbU work can b bad in cllkir tiur nun or Lugllsb. Jackaoinillo. Decemlier !3l. Ivrl. tf Administrator's Stnlo NOT1CL It hen-" given, that by virtu of an urdvr, wsle b.i ik CVinly Cnurt. I will K-ll fr cash. I', ike highest b'ddvr at auction nt th- court bmi..i door.ln the emnli ... ... ... . 01 jueKtou niwniateoi ijmgi,iiio.iiuiiia.i the 3lst hut . tlei tha hours, of niiV ilMl o'clock A M . and Imir P. M., all llio real ' projKrty belonging in tho e-slale of the luie kiv. J. F. (inij.UreManl. sllit.vtul In the nforvivld county aud Ptute. Iwlng claim No. "I Intownslilp 3", seitilh of I!. 2, wet. be- Klnnlnn nt tho N, W. comer, on bouwlary of claim No, C7, th Ihe s.Hilh cnee ninth 20M0 chains, tlmioe oast iiO:(l) ehalti", thenct north 20 ;l'.' chalus, theuee ne.t 7tl:ft chains, to lh plci of beginning ; contain Ing lOLBI-IOUaciTt. LMi:it.-i)N i:.r.'oi:i:Aiiiu'r ilec!0-4 PlmnlxDiK- Mli. IM',1. LG1&$7"1Ea9 Tin: Sinndnnl Sowing .Machine or t Vr O XiXi X), From which all others durlve tbtlr vllalllv All others pay license to Howe, Jr., tht original Inventor aud patentee. Ihese justly celebrated nyielilnrs oomUne thedssirablc riuallllii or all olbrli. Mid will sew cotlea. llk or thread with etiual facility - from the llilckuctiof Hue iniiillii to harness ltath-r: they run light and raiddt make mat lock stitch, alike em bold sides; nerer drape studies: will gather and sen- on nt Ibtsaiaa time. They ore very simple, easily undsr stood and managed; are durable, Ixlng of great strength aud of perfect, iiihhi correct aud ecicnlltlc mcchauleal prlu- FOR FAMILY USE Tin-: LETTER "A" Family machine hat no evjual, It doc tbi entire range of work In tho most approved manner. Price $00 ()(), with ihlutcs complete; aud wllh cap lo cover tht ma chine pari, locking securely, $(15 ()(), Prico of tho "A." pearl finished uiaehiae, with cop, 373 00; Letter "II" light manu facturing machine $03 00, and with cap, $70 00; Letter "C," heavy manufacturing, price $K3 00; "D," cylanderm.6liioe,3UJ; ):." large cylander machine, $U0. We also bavo for Mile the Improved Llltle Giant inachlno HO; the New- Uuglandua-chliie-S14. DIMMING K CO, No. 3, Montgomery Street, Sin Fancisco. Solo agent for the Pacific Coast. San Francisco, Oct. 8, 18CI. octliin JOHN NEUEER Agent, , Jacksoiivillc, Omi. I I T7LOnt AXDrnODUOKUIcfnlnex. I X cbmge for Mercbandise, nt . Julylo.27 MAX ML'LLKU'S. liar ! '' Unnm, nn lllrd up In tin tno"t com fortable style; wiled t" lh nccinimwlMlii of BliiRle oc cit'.uit, or fnmllira. llr b4 art alwayi kept cUau tf if C)llJjXJC)X. Post Orrui! Dir'T. WaniMTroV Cnr, 1 OctoU-r I2tli. Itjltl. 1 I'nmiMAM will lie recelitil at tho Con IratlllMpK nf 1I 111 rmtlllll'llt lllltll II I'. M, ol MartliTdb. )m!3. (IoIjo decided b.v the IStb.yfor conieiliu- the Mall' of the I'll!-' ltd Stale, In llir.VHt.' ol Oregon, from July M. lWi. to Juno 0lh, lMii, nn the pnuiis ntid by tht! fehnlille" of elepailurvt nml nrrlinl herein speellk-d ! being nnilea elabllhiil by Act or Cougrvf.npproicd J u no SOiu. ldW. (and other.) I.'.o.';, 1'icm PoilLmd. by Trior's 1'crrv am) (.'In h tleni Cap. to Uilnyelte. SOmllei A lack. oner n wwk i lean- Portland Mondv at (I h m : arrhv at I.afAj tllo by C p in : lisave liliyilt'- Tiii-l.iy nt li u m ', arrive at Pol Hand by 6 p in. l.Wi From Lnfuyelte In Tillamook Val ley, in mill- bihI U'ck. oncif n w k I lenve . t tt .. . ,u.i. ... . .. . . ...I... ... -rill. ' lllHriiv .'luimuy ill u n in , mil.' n. 1,11- nmook Vnlley by (', p m i Imve TilUmiHtk Volley nt Cam; urine at Iritfiiyitte by ti ) in. MM" From The Dalle, by Canyon City ami Imlrpn.d'-nc) to Ihlse City. Mho, 3tM mile i nd back, once n week. IlidiUrs In propo n Khcdult of dMrtur nml arrival. IWttfi From Hi.n-l.itrg. by Ten-Mile ("rek. Cninai Valley, .liincliun ol Middb- xl .V,.iuli Fork of (.ViiilUe. Lvtilurrl' Prwlrli-. and Six Mine, to Purl 120 mile" tig.J lwK. oucenwevk. Jliilders vril projiuM scbeeliile of depvrture." nnd arrirnl l.'OI!) From Jacksonville, by Hock Polut Daiihiullf., I.elaiid. (ialerllle. Noilh Can vonvllle. Myttles Cr.ik Uotcbur.'. Wllmtr. Oakland, Cngne City, Cottigc (i"oe, Cor alll, AlUiiy, .Salem, Jellersou, IlelMtl, Auroin Mills, Oregon City, and Mlkniiklc. lo Portland. :'90 m'le and Uck, dally, leaie Jtcksomllledailv nl2 a m : atilic ul Porllaad, from 1st April to 1st Dec. ralr In three diyi innalnderof the year In tiro day : leiivu Portland daily nt fi'a m ; airl-' Jacksonville, from 1st April lo 1st December. In Ore iliy. If S'rvlce on this routes, nnd I I'JH. Ca'llfnrnlo, lie let, that on , rout It9l3,l7ulllrnh, will not Us j DM" mnst provide for Ike conveyance of Ibe null wllh -certainly, cilerlly andicciirl-, I w'iitni lie I fir hit t IriA 1h i . "r v " ' IW f.rm f i,r.MM,l nral. .,,,1 .,. tllknle. and for Imlrnclli'iii. leimlniiuli . ---- - - i --I-- r ....,., Ae , ,,e l,ldder arv r ferred In the m pldct wtwttl'inietit of tblt dale, at Itw Klnclrdt Pt Omv W. DKNNI30N, Poslmnster fieniral. RECRUITSWANTED! A few Young men of good character to All up Ciinmaiiy (.'. of the First IL-glmtnt, Oregon Volunteeri, (iorernnient lionnt)', $110; BMaxto Xlo-wtxty, JIOCJ. I'lullilng nllueHiic p,r iiiunili, fr.l.H. Hono nnd borm e-epilpmenti, arms and iiccoulreuivut-, will lie fiirnlsheil by fiuvcrn nienl. Suni it nt gm d nnd w liolewmie Pro vuioui, Miditint ami Medical ntlendaiicii will al) be provided. Fur further Kirlli Isr' apply lo M. D. C. l,'iel--r.i 1, or Ser geant L. 11. Mortc, at Jackrouvllle. Orcgon Wm.KL'LLY, Capt IstCav.. Ogn. Vol., Com Company. Purl Klamalb, (uogou. Smjaiil I. :. Votorans Sb Rocniite. r"pill. last Leglelaliiro elves a bounty or J. 8l.r)0 to each recruit In lh regiment now being raised. It alto voted L'ivo Dollar", ner month evtrn nav to m,Ii ,r.n 11..,.,. .... -. i', ..."!::. .r"T"- ,N .u . e.uj legiaiwe cuiisieei lyrec , vtwrsaco. Ihise amuunu in 1. ...1. In blato Hond". Those wishing tbiet ljadd' would do well to call on Jacksonville, Jan. 12, 'c, JauMif 3POr Sctlo! 10 Copies Harpers Magaiine, coramen ciiijc with Juuo number leCL endiiig witli .May number 16G5. 10 Copies New Auk Mer comnisn dug July 9iu,18GI. A IO Harper', Uslie's and Demorcit's Iilas Irnled weekly papers. Nick-Nox, Yunkec Notion, Mcrryman's Monthly, Phun, Fact and I'oucy, iludgct of Fun, I'liuiuiy Fellow etc , etc. CircuIatnK' Library of new and select Novels, aeldillons by every Steanwr's Mail. .v large loe 01 n ar Jlaps. X number Of superior Lithographic Km; ravings, SIWOXJ,!-, cbool Hooks 1 and Stationary. 0 Post Office 11 At Tho Post Office Hul!,nn .In), 1 8li I. If. Dissolution Copartnership. Ii w i eur. I, iiereoy g cn tuat Ihe copart- IX nershlp hereloforo existing mUd I Jeanne De Itoboam and W. Malbel. I this I day solved by, ho mnlual con,, of Jacksonville. Jan. 9, 03. j w Ww , News Dealer, ud Bootoo'lon, Head nnu licmenmor. STKATilIAW, j. Wliolcsnlo Acws-Wcnlcr, Pack, and f-minnl till llio Dally and Weekly NewsjMpur, Jlngnj nc. Mo.. o nil parts or the ciu.'ilrywllli (Ircnt Dlspateh, I SELL AT PRICES That Defy Competition I ! livery New Ncl received ni won m ptlblWlt'd. I have special nrr.ingenieiilt with nil tin different publisher", itatloncr, etc., and furnish llio tindu with Books, Stationery, lllatik Hunks MuoJCi POUTHMT.S, PIUNTS. MEDALS lVIolninotypoB, otc, in okat vaiiiurr. ILaienntMualetl facilities, aud guaranlce ilealcrtlhtfclosi'st alUiitlnn, jttr?end for n price list, and give int a trial. ' JOHN STKATMAN, SAN FUANCISCO. American" Flags! iwt.i. r.,11 nnititAmnt nf Stnril nrluted on Muslin do Lalue, Imitation of limiting. ! In Fast Colon nt the POLLOWINQ LOW PRIOCOl (3Iae, lfoot St 00 perilozcu. ' Sire, 2fel 2 SO pin own. I Sine, .T lee i u ivi u. dlM, -P.' Inches iw ou per emen. , BUNTING- FLAGS, Or all slie, Iront sixty cinli to oni dollar er loot. UNION BADGES" AND PINS, 111 llrml Vnlltty. J HI'IIATI'ON, M"Jor First California Artillery. Dnplre New" Depot, iitrlheast corner of Washington and Sansoiut streets, San Fran lico. Rfiliitlion III rrlffJ to SuLicflbtn. ATTHNTION l called in the following lilt or Aincrlm and foielgn Perlo.ll ewls. Tor which 1 recilve iilcrlpllnii. Permanent nrrHiigtinenli bao bvrn timde by the L'ulti-l Hlnte' (ioveriiinenl for the J , .. .i.. Will r...... il. eilMtiit,, I rnrryiiig i uin i" "" .v lale by simmer. lhre limes n month, I lam enabled to recehe iiiUeilpliotn nl a I much biwer mte than fiirnitrly. Tin Miie care and nltenlbm will bv jiid l" Hie for 1 wutdln ir nil lweknaes. for which thla e- m gained such an em (able , reputation throughout tbc Pacific Coat Atlantic rciitsellculi. a tk. l'a llirner' Konthly Hagiiln 5S ,i0 (iily' l.ndy'l (look Atlantic Montlil y Leilit'i I'amlly Hsruln? S iO Knlcke'lKkrr .Magailnc (.initlnent at MihiIIiIv Pctrrion's I. miles' Migatlnr. Arthur' llotnt Mugaxlne 3 00 Ladles Uepodlory 3 311 Talei 01 lllC pay... SOU Uiinlhly Nimll'tle 3 00 liilecllc Magazine t 00 Hunt' Merchant's Magiilnt,.., f 00 llanker's Mugasini C 00 Le Hon Ton 3 00 llrnwnion's llevltn '. ,3 00 nrallhnallii llelroip-ct 3 00 j n..P It... 1. 1.. i....di .'"'' - JJ 1 00 2 30 2 .Ml 3 Utl 2 Ml 2 .Ml 2 .10 iiAlliMi ilatnilnt Yaukse Nolloiit (evietUa) Leslie" Hudgel of l-'uu (esnmlc) Ni Nx (comlo) ! Comic Monthly rnuniir 1 enow (comic) New YmU Wtwkiy Herald INtllwtiiutte 3 on I 3 30 i Hipper , 3 40 j iiwr rfmirnni d mi Weekly TrfUmt 3 ill iMlHelay AlUt 3 All " Tim 3 30 Z Dppvlcl 3 30 Mireury 3 30 " Courier 3 30 Weekly Tlinei 3 30 Workl ...,.. 3 30 Journal of Commerce 3 30 Independent , 3 30 Leader 3 30 Ledger 3 00 Leslie's Pklortal 3 30 Harper's Weekly 3 3ti llliistratrd Nawi 3 30 Leiflle'i Zlelung ((icrmaii). 3 30 Demokrat 3 30 Criminal Jetting 330 Family lllatUr 3 30 Vanity Fnlr 3 30 Iilsh American 3 30 Selrnllllc American 3 SO Wllkca'Siilrit of tbo limes 3 30 C01 nlrV ii.iihVin.'n 'l? Weekly.. !!..!.!" j 30 Merenry !!!!!! V.V.V.'.ir . 3 30 Herald ol Priwrvi" . ' .1 .mi 1 utiles 3 30 3 30 3 30 Sonlllsh Amtrwau Journal. A nn Albion c ou lSOirilalia(lliillan) 8 Ul) U Croabjii (SpnnUh) U 00 . ... p.rystwii lopn 11011011 eKiy Jourua 3 30 .130 3 30 3 30 .1 30 ijiuL of ,. ijn m ' ' .. '..'r ol our union.... " Pllut " Wuvcrly Magnilnc " llannernf Light... " True Flag 3 30 " Invtsllgalor 330 " Literary Compvttlo 3 SO " Lltleir. Living Age 7 00 Philadelphia Forney's WnrPrciv... 3 30 " Dollar Nonsjiatier... 3 00 , i" J."",'ay kwJiib Post. ... 3 30 laltlmoro cckly fe,,,, 3 so Loulsvlllo Weekly Journal 3 50 Cincinnati Weekly Commercial 3 00 St. Louis llepublican 330 roi-clgtt l'uriotlicals. London Illustrated News with mp. plemeuU $14 00 " Weekly Dispatch 1300 " Illuitralcd Vews or Ihu World 11 oo " Illustrated Times 12 00 " Weekly Times 10 00 Atbemcum., p' On " J!uncl'"..-. Hu ;Ifl,,,'yilmer.lSmVth'VT'liuVs.. 1.1 00 ouuiiii .laeion,. .. Cornblll Vint,!,.!,,.. 13 00 C 00 Tetnple Uar Magaiine! ',',','.'.', bfr James Magazine O"--"., .,,.,....,, u uu I .. -am j(ixaiinc , c 00 7. w", V V i? ' ' l " uu I fh.,i,.i i " IiIm'- - 6 Oil S f Slf V TM V.," '. " '" 4 00 I tM7jlTJimUa' ,B 00 , ..vuuvii i.nitei,. C 00 I "fi' ; ;;;- g go glrs 00 Tthc four llvrlcwt nml IllnckwuvU" j oo j:C!3iilicrlpttoin received for all tl 8au Fniiiclsco. dalllc. nt 1'iiMlilier'i prlcti Any Newirmmr. Mugnztno orllovlew.nol mentioned In tin nlmve Hit will I, (nrnlnh. rd to nreli-r. Onlers Tor tlonks, Mnsle Fa. cy Arllclu, etc., tilled promptly ot tht low. ml iinrhot rale. Subscrlptloni pantd, luiarlnbly III ndvancv. AddroMi, J.STUATJIAN, myjltf Lews Agent, Sau Frnnclsoo JLO VE & BILGEK rnlifoxuln Slrnl, Jackioinllli, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN TIN, SHEET IRON. COPPER, LEAD AND BRASSj HAVi: Just received from the AtUslle Hlalri and Sun l'rnnclco. a complete "lock nl ciery thing In their line, and will knepcoiiatatitly nn band nil Morlmnlof the bet Tin, iJliert-lrnu nnd Copperwiri. Ilrnsj I'll"'". Ilyilmullc Nozxles, Forci Piinii,Clmlm. Lend Pipe, Host, lIAUIiWAlii:, UUTLKUV NAILS of all slice: Itar. Plate nnd aiorld Iron j I'alnli. Oil. Hlif nnd (Haw: All ipiallllei of Pmvder j Shot of nil number" j Jlnislifs of every variety, olo.,oU Stoves. Al.n.iitiwtmmi liftiul. n birifn hit ur.l,.... ufnorlnl "lici. " lltiek'i Potent Cooking I Stove," and tho " New World Stove." tht 1 twu very lie-it and approved patterns In Ihi world. Parlor, ffllco nml Cubln Hlnitt, fuiicy nnd plain, coiKtntclril on Uteil fast. I i..vIiik plum, llollcri, Ivetllrs, Pols, Pns. mid Aiervlliiiigconnrclcd with tbttt Iotn, warranted durable nnd jwrfecl. All article! mild by llwm or mannfn lured. WAUICANTI.'D. Ttit-lrwork Isrusdt f Hip best material itnd nf choicest patterns. fcV.Onlera utteiidrtl to with dispatch, and filled according to direction. In every thing, their tnck li the lnrget mil U ever briittght to .Tnck'niivllle.niul tbiy art determlneil to sell nt utvr mifsw son cttrt. Cull tend cminliio their stuck lieforo pun clia'lug e-Dewhrre. June 23, 1HR0.-23. Agent for llnlllday Si Co'i Wlreltopt. Watt's Nervous ANTIDOTE. Tho moat Rcmirkablo lledlcine jt Dlscovorcd I o'iVoaw of "rift: California. ' One nf the grealent cheinlenl eliicovetlct ofiniMleru llui' I" Wutl'r Ncrvoui Anil dole, The tmidicliie Is pirfeclly hirmlss In lit ell' cl. but nt the amo tlnn acts so powerfully upon the aervou ystm tbil the worst cac of nervoiit dltordert art I completely cured In fNevada Trance lit. n very itioii limt. I ll is noi like inn iiiniisnnu nnu out reins- i diet olT veil to the public, that curt eviry 3 AO I thing, but It 1 i)ccll)c remedy fur ill 3 20 ' cues arising from uenroin derangirasat. 1 AU , In merits have been proved in nuanrvui la 3 AO j slauccs known to in. from various caiisss, 3 00 and iiiiiuy n bl r'llib'ii Invalid hai been re ' storitl in lienllli - I roller (inieiir, 1 This Is oueof the pitent artlile" tf tbt inj ivuico li rtniiT wn noun; ui i wu- I Ihlincc of the public, and Juilly entitled to the popularity It enjnyi.- 8. F. Herald. II it the beet thing wo bare yet found to produce n ipiltl nnd rcfreshins; sleep. Ntrv out penoim should try It by all means: It will hurt no one, and 1 good for all. American UigU. If Iho edilon or the L-rn ncwspap.n arc lo Ik- bvllewd, this Is nn cxtraordinsrr coinpouiid. It Is said that II will curt lb worst caret or ItheunutHn, Neuralgia, and alldUenscs arising rrom a ilcrangeinenl ol tht lit rioin syilem. .Van Jose Pntriut. Watt's N'ervon Aiillilnto Im tha reputa tion of JM-Ing one of the wonder of Ihu ags. Paslflc (.'iiniU'tluiid Pii-slitlerlan, it lm been known In cure.- Ithtumallsm cf lung ilauiling. even nflcr the case had bom given nier ni hovleM. Oakland Newt. ll It a grtal diteavery, n lliuii.ands llivt have been relieved by it can bear testimony. - Napa lliiorler, ll l ii splendid prepHrntlwi. Amador Dispatch. It l iiiiipiestlnnably tho grt-ntrsl medical disenien of Ihu age. Monterey Gaxcilo. Dr. Wntl' Nerriius Aiilnlole cunt morcnervotkdlm'av than all the phynclsni uu tho Pucitic Juckon (Oregon) Senllncl. Hiim'Mitisu.- This terrible and plnfal dUease I very readily cured by Ite uc of Watt N'erinui Antidote." it alTordt Im mediate relief and cure completely In a ftw weeks, .Van Jnc Pntrlnt. TLI nuTaiknblc luidltlur doe not con lain niiTlliniL- liiinrloiit Iu Ihe sviteni. being I composed ol vegetable subvtanco entirely. I It cuiilulne no mercury or opium, and ytt ! Its llfi-els are like iniiglc; under tha lslla l-nco of II, Ihn imlient iirrves Ucoint 'I1'1" B,lJ ' '"' asleep.-Solano Press. I'wsons who have stlllercd for yean "ilk H'Ioal doblllly are rwli'ved nt onco by Ut "" of this mulicluc. and In a hort llmesrt j completely rtwtuied to laalth and slgore- rOnlner 1 iiIaii. 'I lie Antidote will euro llhetimallim.niu. rajgln, and In fuel all ell?ase-s arising from derangement of Ino nervous yitem. ll'l ccivllie Democrat. Ten drope of Walt' Nervous AnlMolc will 'pllut n crvltig child in two minute. Th Medicine I H-rfeclly hurinle', aud mothers m-eil not be nrraid lo try It. Santa Crua 'vnliuel. It Is tho grcntet rcmeily yet discovered for lhcciirflofnllilleii.-iea arlslnc fr',n ileraiigemcnt of tho nervous yslcm. Woed lnud News. CIIANL A llltlOHAM, Agents, Corner Clay nnd Front l. San Francisco. For sale at retail by nil Druggist, dccllm ronsALE attiir City Drug Store, .larkeimvllle, llcKnl- TN tho Circuit Court of the Stale of Ors- -ge con. for the County of Jackson, Hannah D. McCombcr plaintiff, w. Henry II. McCombcr defendant. IIIII fur llltoice. To II. 11. McCombcr : you are hereby summoned to appear In nld court, on the 13th day of February, A. D. I8C3, lo ans wer n complaint on llio against jou In said court, In the nbovo entitled cause, and you aro hereby notified that If you fall to ans wer said complaint, as nbove required, the nlalnllnulll In llm rmirt for dtCrCf. dissolving ihe bonds of marriage existing "M0,T"K m "onus or marriago Isetwicn tho ald partlea ; nod for cosl eMn,w ot l,U " to "x,, . lly order of P. P. Prlm, Judge of VU". aid Court. JACODS A nUSSELU Allorueys for plalnlliT. Jacksonville, Jan. 12th 1863. wCHi