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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1863)
fttye rMim mitmi IrtttWfim AM -A CI It I!IB.'"TPPPtnWfcfi' aiWMmwiiMnramMunmnnMf nliViiMK.u) $5 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1803. VOL. VIIINO. 21. 1 Q. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AM) .SUIUJKOX. Olllec nt the Clly Drug XI.iit, .f,ri.usvii.i.K. Oiit'iinv 41 E. F. RUSSELL."' NOTATIY PUBLIC. Offlco wlih II. T. Howell. K.i Third trect, Iai'Kiinvii.i.k. Ow-nos. 29 II. V)I. IIIIITUITT, JAMKM II. KAY. DOUTHITT El FAY, ATTOItXK YH AND COUXSKLOItS AMI SOLICITOUS IX CIl.YXCKHY,, Ouwio.v, Will prnitico In llio tjujiriino mul oilier (Vlirln l linn Ktute. March 4. '03. R. 0. MORFORD, ATTOTtNKY AT LAW, .? Aci.xo.svfi.i.i:, OiiKiins, T ILL prnctlec In ih -wv-im-uI Court or Ilic i'irnt Judical Dlotricl, mid In the Fnirciiii' Court. Odolier ill. 'I12. J. it. i, imiiv. REED & GASTON, ATTC ) KNKYR AT LAW. lAI'KKONVII.I.K, U It KOI IN'. J. II. Kl'.KI) having dcturmlucd tn con tlniii' IIh' priictlce of liio prori-w-hiii. mn n--o-ciulul Mr (lAMruN wiili linn In ImhIihw. iiml llii'V will give tironint ntt.'ntliiii In iinv icinil liiifiiiiiMi cutm-tcd tn ttiir cure, In any of me i onrixii in i- iniiuii) i muni'!. Ollle.c In mniu building fnrinerlv occupied by .Mr. HimiI. Aiiirul 1Mb. '01. d7f. do well, ATTOUXKY AT LAW,, Ohwiov. Will practice in all Hit- Court or tliu Tlttrd Judicial Dinlrlt-i, tin- Supreme Court of On--i;un. ntul in Yriku,Cut. War Surlp prompt Ijr colli i-ii-il. Oct. In. J):ui'h Harbor Slni. llclucen Ilriidlmry & Wude'uml III Dorado K-aIooii, Culil'uriilii Mreet. MI AYINVt.Hiilr-oultiug, Shampooing, Cur ling and llnlr Dyeing. n hiitnl nml fur n'e. n t(viiiiliiiMrtloli ol I'UIi'k Haiii Him liUMTtv..iiud:riliiihiruW.Wir.-ir4 PETER DRITT, 1'liotogruplilc ArtlM, I prepared lii tnki- pi-Inn In i-ury tyli nf tin- iiri. Willi nil iln- lain linpro-, .'incut. If l'iilnri- iln not ghe KMiMiiotlon. no cliarg. will In- mnile. ('.ill h! III new del-I'-ry, on iln h II. 1 miiiiIiii- IiU )itvtiirM, mitl fit for jour IiKi-iiivii. L.' H. DEWEY, Wutt-Iiiimlu-i- ami .Jcwolc:, Ketw couMulilly on liniul u , line u-tnrlim-ut of Cmm-m nml (fe&,n JrwkiM. uliivli liu utter lor clj -itt win in u-ry low price, lor ,J, .,$ wit. KUl'AIKINU- CU&&12&2&-' Watcher am' Jew. Iry repaired with prompt in uml wiuruu'ril. Slij on Cnlilnriiiu Iiti-I. luo (l.u)i h wert u l.ove & lltlgi-r'. .luck-nut il, , (lily 2d: m EL DORADO SALOON, P. H. LYNCH, Prop'r. Comer California nml Ou-on SlrccU. Tlio lYnprli-lnr liu jut it o-l veil from Sun I'miiei-en n un-nrlmi-i.1 or iluu Wince, Liquors, Cigaro, j:tc, j:tc. 1ftt' limp in ami tot llii-ni. )-. ID. l. W. IA I. II. . haimw."" HAINES & JMVIS. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MJ5HCI-IANTS, Poht onico jjiiU(iiiib-. HIXJL'IiAU BALK HAYS. VTciIm'Mluj-H and Saturilays. C i ) .S i I ( i X .M I . N T 8 h O I. J C IT I : I ) ism. rL.i,i i J)l't;.V. &, WALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Illicit IlllllilliiK, for. I'l-mit tl I'(liU. ciu:sci;xt orrv, cal JIUU attend to tlio Uooi.-lvlng nml I'or- imikiiui; oi nil liooiM eutriuiti-il lu their earn, Willi promp tuewiiiml ilitpilcli. -wimMgninuuU kulicitid. .Mmclmudlio re- kiilveil on Moume. Orwciint City. April 10, 1S02. N. I!. Nugoiiililelivix 'inti if. 1 Iho freight ami char,: --ii are paid I'. X M . LUUU AM) IMtOUUCK lukeu mix. . rhuuiu- lor MurclmmliM-. nl Jnlvla-ov M,X MII.LKHS. M.Ot K.S-D.lL-rent style, good tlmo- piece, lo bj Imd ut tho October 21. VAUlKTi" STOKi: SPECIAL NOTICES. I. 0. 0. F. lAfKHoxvii.i.K Loma: No. 10, holilulu n-Riilnr meeting crery .V. 1 7 VUHAV Kl'tiXl.W, t llielr Hull (Mc'- CullyV Tbunli-r liilllilincVht 7 o'cltirV-. Iliiillieni In pio.1 Mitudlns nru coidlnlly nviitil to nlti-nd. Jau. M. SlTTn.v N. (J. I (iln. I.. DniiuiH It Si v ----'" Warron Lodso Ho, 10, A. F. & A. H. HOLD their n-milar cumtnunt cation the Wnlnrivliiy KvimiIiiri-oil or iircnillnK the full moon, In jack NO.SVIM.K, (IIIKdOV am:..mautlv.v.m. II. Ill.o(ii. .Vcf'i. OIIKCOX CHAPTER A'O.l, .. o F KOYAL AHC'II MASONS, JAOKMX 17..;. OHMJOX, Will hold ll regular eommuntoittlon" nil the i'ui nhi iiiftu)'i:r. ur Kii)-.,IimiiIi. All Nijimniliii CoiniHinlon In eoud Ktuudlni; uro eonllnlly IiivIImI 10 ntteml, ;. w.uhkkiui. i'. L. Saciu. PfCy. il-8:-17 alexander""buswell, - ritAITICAl, - rsooEC-xjxaxnoDnr. I'AI'HUItULKIt, uml HhitiU-IiiHiU Manufacturer. lTUIiv nml iili Coiiimi reiul ulreul-. between Mouliiomery ninU'inmonie, SAX rilAXl'ISCO. ii-tijiimin Uook. 1 orvniii-: J. 11. ttnilh. i.llliiilliiorev.ryilHN'rlpiloniifnllyl''r""','t City; Albert Uoullltle, Huppy cxi-oiiIih ; Ilhiuk lloukii mini unci Hound to j Cmtip. nny ilr'lriil pnlti-rn. Jl:y mmiuiinin). iii.inimjiima DRrCH. DESCH, " I V'" ' Arf. W'ai.wi. .lomii'iiixK L'iiL'mv. Oux. I Ppr'nc with her teu Himi-Hiid llnwrr. Di. IIhm.1i I. ,.re,,nHl promptly to u.toml ' j ' Ll'tuUf ,& to thu curiiiR ..r nil dlHVe. '.rwrJIiiB to V ,,(Kt L mh Uhi h the irwunent of I'ror. I'. V. Uiiii., with-' Am " l "K '" uhm ""'" out the iie or .Mereurv. ArM-nle. or nnv "l'h" tik liiid their ln(un, MItniioiiH druifi'. l'or'lhe pint nine ymri Ami 1mm It- ilorinmil mIiluImt wnke he bHK iH-n 11 prnotllloner or mnllolne 11 1 T"" lniic Iiiiprl'iimil frnnMiiCf tin re, Crw.o.-iil Clly. nml l l well witl.lUM that he ' And eml it foiih to fri'lplit the nlr. run Klvecpfiily relief In llw iiHIIcU-.! who Tlio rnllev, nml lt iihh. limy on II on hlin. Ample urriiHi-im-iit lur Kiirolni in llnln uf cutiiilii-n biiev C.1I1I. Wiirin. Hot nml Slemu lUlh., 1 Sprend like u limit! urn, It ee w, I TO VA HI) ASdOCIATlUX, rlliuIF- j Ksd l' "",""",,",', """"'"'"""'" It l.lmi.IVmm.- , MAWAn,'lJl'.t!ir'-,i6irf''l,,,'' l-l..ry In uli t " rgXlZZitr- j!" M.7Ar.P.Uld.w.MTrd..n.; Stml Ohmm ,,'" ""' "w UNfiiiofy of kimlri.J liu It Miillcnl Advlee plveu xrallA by It. Act- ,,""'l forever. The ivprenlntive of Iiitf Suricron. ViiluubleitKii.MTi.oiinrKMMi. i'I" prl'L' mil hope of iiiioxinteil Iiihim Toiiikkv or i-Kminai. WK.AkNK. mid oilier loM, .lepurtiii).', will return l inure. iIImiiin-k f tlu'H'.viml orifimi', nml on Iln- The hull of ibe nruln-r, utiriirtnl lv liie Miw iikviuiim riupliiiftl lu iliu I)ipwi-, i-IiiuIiii; nwrk. numbem ih.-m .iiimi" ,(t Oil wry. Hnt In m-iiIhI letti r eiirlvjei.. Iiint of h-n. In the lull If of Hit: HetM. of Hull ohm-p- Aililri-M : Hun. nf HnllV Hluff. of Himnobe Mmid.i.f 111. I L-'I-IITI x- I I fir i i...v" t I'll. II. lll.l.l. I III IIIIIU.N, Homird AmWiiUuii, No. ti hmiiIi Ninth kt., A pill it(i.:l.-.v I'lnbiililplilii. i'a Assay Offloo AT SAN l-'UANCISC'O. 'piIH iniib-ri'lc nil. huvliig nH-msl nn J Aiy 011km- nt .Sun I'mnebeo, would IvniM-cllllliy Miliuil Hie mlM)iiui:e or .Mer elimitn. .Mlm-r. Owner or Quui 1. 'iwl tun Mill, win. may vl-ll Sun liuiicl-co, or who iiihv r.-niu In-uniru then-. We guuruutue the Gonectuee or our hk miy", Mini will inuko rt-turii In Itar. or I'. S. (iuld Coin, within i-l.v limn' alli-ril-p-wll. We uli tiy ull klu.N ol On- mid MeiuU. GREENBER0, EELENDACII & CO., 'd enUi.d .Wbuve vW with eiii-h ..Iher li'2l SaorMiiieiitn "Ireit.u lew door l-e- in il-lii ol vul.-r. The Hug, who.- fclund low Whul CIiih'i IIiiiim-, neatly opiylte ard bi-urer. flint down in buttle, lowed it JWIlo MMI Stuu.hlp Co' oHUw, Sau I from hx dying ; luiml nrrvi-d by uniting I ihiioImjo. I iwiriotinn, bun been cuught bv" the com- ii;ciiui:i:(i, niixui.ini a ch.iwiiiii, rH.i,.uiiihu i,,,,, ha ei.Mii hi eye Vi.l.n, ('iillfurnlu, fi.rlhelnt lime upon it Mill ry fold u (JOLiuumi iji;(itiii:i:s ,-111., I'm Iluu. I, Oirgnii. .IHKKMIHIIII. I & V)W4W, A- UUJ.WJITII, IHILbkUAUl, f V. j. January i. IP(tt. jiiii'ilui:! o2os:o2a 3X1-2:1x1. 'I'ilh umliriined having Ii-omiI iln- l UlllllKtllU Mil." Ilvu lllllr Irnm 1..., 1. .. '.. ... .... , ,. WAKRAXTF.D "A XO. 1." I hnvi opened i Flour and Food Store JN JACKSONVILLi:, On (Jalifornliitlruct, opixinle 1'. liwuiV new buildliiK. WM. J. AI.I.KX. Jacktonvlllc. Juno 1-i lh(i'.'. "J.':tf TTSTANTKI). -1,000,000 pounda cf l-'our, M la i-Achange for goodK ut I a if-irc 1111' s J U41VI44 J..- w . j """"" tuurouuiuy repuireu ii.,H.-inily. rurewell wiirrior. (titim-n. pu mul bivoUhI ,,(,, (fri friwi.1 wlwiher Inilie humbhr iMiw Ai Ituiirovfxl Mnoliimiryj.rankaorliiwrlnif ihe-jwonjofoiltwlalnow. which, from my oxM-rltuiot in oourtnictiiis ,.r, wlo-ther privute. copliun, -uiraeon or ihe Mine, iw well 11 lu iu.inu(BeiiiriiiKlUiur...,8i:m, fur u Hemf in lion hemy fkfht HiirrmiwiMtiiMolnt'tbnttliM Oregon Jllll ,1MV6 (1H-i nUyiuuj uim) Jrelf ! Mm'!!!' Z . v M.r m' 1 ,4wfc Ur" mmt &P stwwiy " ' M K hlt fc.A(k OF M FLOLIt ,! th right of uiuiikiml." Til 12 OKKCOaV SKXTIXliL. hxvkii mkhnkkiiw ami hiti'iiiuy. IIKMIY nr.M.IMinil. InlVniitl PnipV SflwriillTInv Onn i-nr. In nilrnnrn. I 'In. ' '',,l"f'; l' miuilh-, 1 Imp VUtk I nlif ' rcm-Hiil. nihti. will Ik) dlwontlnmil nl tlie Dnllnrf; SW month, T lirco Dnjiurh I'lilrr ' ''iii "i nio iimu nir w men mry nine , Ih.1-11 iIiI. ' ..E Z AiirKiin.itMi one nittnrc (10 IIiiph or ), llrc-t Insertion, llin-e Dnlliirs: i-nch fulrirjuilil liiKrtlon, Ono Dnllnr. A din ctiunt of llfly per cent will be made to lliutr wiio mivcrllM.- iy tlieywr. ADVERTISERS. lly nppllcnttnn In roilininliTK nnd .Mnll Currltix. jtm run lenrn tlmt llivft-ml-wri-kly Oiimiov Skvti.k!. Im- hy fur n larger ciicu Iniiuii in 1 he pi'itnile" (if h'outhvni Ori'K'ni nml lil Norte roiiuty. Culilornlii, tlniii tiny ollifi mwr. Thin Inol fhouM coiniui'ml the t-'KNTiM.'i. to you on ii Mipvrlor iiiedluin fur lulverll-ln. I.wr ok Aiii'.sth. ho nre nulhorlxeil to 1 trniitict uny lmine-' enmvriiliiK thl- jki I ptr. In thi mime of the pulilb-her : I.. I. I'lfher. Sun r'niiieiMXi; WmlMvorth 'A Itaynef, Yn-kn: W-r Kmrv, Ai-lilaml; S. C. Tiiylor. I'lurntx; W. W. r'nwh-r. Apple i pile: K. S. Duuliip. William'l.iirc; -lohu II. I I'rimlle. Kerliyrille: A. II.'iililo, li.j. j-oiiK-f, nniiin; - r,. ,M. l.vnni. All- houi-e; Joi I Thorn. Cnnroiullli-: A. K. : l'llnt.Jioirlmrg: Imo 11. JlonriM. r-'uluu; J. ' II. UiiIwwimmI, J.uireiiu Mlyi !. tliiiiliwu. tOr - uou City: U. W. Wnkefleld. Allmiit; ---- .- -. -. -.. -.-- X'-w'.iera, of Wlm-biHier. of Voikiowo. ol Williiiiinliurj.'. of W'oi I'uiiit, nf l-'ulr ()ak, 1 lit- liiillliri lKrorc ltivbiuoinl Jm-ii .Micliaiiiii-ville In Multi-rn Hill, or' I-iluml. of Jlaimi Uiiuge, ol Cilar Moun turn, nf Hull Ituu nguiii. of Cliuuiillr, of 111 North t urollna, of Kmith M.iuntain, or Antietmu, of I'lederiekkburg uml (.'iiliWiorougli through nil Ihe capri- oiihm lurliine nl the wurtlio ii'iiiieuli. of MuwuoliiiM'Uii huve Iii'iik- her ll-ig by 1 In H'lenf the bmmernf the Union. And. Iii-yond Ihe Atluiiliu kIom, every b.iiile field lui-i drunk liu blood of Iter khu, nur lured 11111111H her liill and ainl-, Irnm nbieli in Hilvenlurouii iminhiwul they turn- ..I .i....M .... ,-... . ... i... -ii-..., inu.... Hiioiiu-r iMro-muriyr el.ip-.eil llie i-pliiileriil lull ami rereumi tiw t-ymoni nt oue ol uountry und nf llieir lilornl'liriuvht fume How oan Hn-iing word nf huiimu pruiM gild ihe p cud of their glury? Our ej en nfl'iiM-. with tear, uml blood retreating in ihe iii-iirl. stirred with unwou'eil ibrlll, fpeuk wiih the i-lrqueiioe of tuituio, utlir id. but iiii.iiiii1. From tlw din of tlu Ikill!... llu-v lmVH imiumI In liu. iuaii if ... ' ' I-- - " Wuru by no wauling, lingering palo, No eolil nntdatioo of duo-ty. iKulli broke ut ono lltu ltul eliiiln. oul the murwt way." Ciikai- PosTAOK. Hy on Act of the last CongrcM, thrco ccuU U made the r-ingle letter ruto of postage all over the I'nited Slate, including letlera from Cab 1 ifornla to tho Kiifl, 'IncActj o go in- l. .in.... 1... tl. .!. r u. i..... IV 11HVI vjf UK Ulftt VI UVAI -JUIV. Tim HoisOIinka. Tlu-r.illowlmr letter won writii-11 nt I'liiifrville, llolw iniiie. Iiv Mr. .Miirlin.ln Huey Hivrn, of the l)iil!i-' uml uilililifil in the Mountamttr of the 27th tilt: You nro of couwe well nwnre Hint Pin ccrville i n yminff mliiinp town, 'ilimtcil In 0 mining ilislrict, in wlml in- be 11 nil lei I the Hoin- lountry, but of its piccii"e loin ration nml Hip cli.irncKr of the rurruuml ius country, iln f;x, --rnwih nml future prinKi-tyoii inn-Hie in n mcnuire ipno- rnni. l-n. J will try In lei! VOU nlinlll It I'lii- minim- region in which we nro lornled wiilml appear llku n (Jn-iit Ilimiii. nbout 2ft tnilr lung, by about 15 to 20 tiiaml, mid urrniitiiltil on nil -Ides but one, (which iimtituto u kind of nutlet) by high inoiiti- inn,!., mil 01 wiiicii, on mi uie un.i In ev ery uiriciion, ure running mui mk and gitlclH-. (ill ciinvcrging In Ihc centre, w hero theV fnrm n iiimll rlnr nml i-mli ...i-..u 1,1 jinn 1 hi1 water ol the Hoiw-. to the rnt. it In t tbi Imfln I do not think there i 11 liiiile rtrraiii (ami there mint be n-vcrul hundred) or 11 ingle dry gulch (nml of thiw.' tin re arc lhnuamM which would not fay. win 11 the wiiti run. prniM-rty uppllrd, umi cry oiiny ui incni me ninr.iiy pitying with ti roi-kir. Many think- (but the uml hill diugiui: lire evin better lluui the i-mk. At uny rule, inanr a limn luif. to inu rertnlu knowli'ik-e. made hit wintirV irruli. nt the rule or Soil kt hundriil fur Hour, P0 wilt er punnd for lucnti, Ac.,1 out or 11 veiy niiuill hull- In the hill, uml in tntm-i-HM- m let. 1 tin 11 ten iluyV liine. Xor iluu Ihi i-oiintry, like uiuiiv itln-ri .i..u. 1.. il.:. 'c. t. . .... ', . ' I-'-vtb (ii nun , r(iii-y, Ulipiur III Ol- COII Ilmil In ii production id gold, In particular iiiiim iinu u-111: nui, wn-ie 11 u not ev eiywbere Ihut it enn be Utiirk rich. I be lieve there i no place wlure it ruiuiot bo loiind in ufllclenl quantilie to eni-ouruge mnrcli. The bulrock in in muni- p'nee granite, uml lu other flute. The i-tctki iircnionof themipiilu ihcp an nvrruue, Ar Lu lu nf ui. lit f it ...,! . .... I 1 I EdtTui ... .; , ; ;' x..ri even, it In raid, 88 In thu p.m. but owing to the H-umiii, nml the olmiMt cnnitinit no cupailoii of miner with their gulch uhilm. the em I. Ime Ikiii but nliithtly pnpt-cl-l, but It U only rcusonuble to riipK) that with all Ihe mil 'elder Ihut run Into thi'in lhy immt ohm Im rlrh. n have a ipiarlz leuil lure which llmtp hIhi iu-ti-iii In knnw.MivU rich. If it turn out In U worlh will inuke tbi 11 giii.,1 cmiip. II.11 miywuy 1 iH-lie,,. that in thhj M!i, 1,600 111.11 vun lilHKu money lor I lie lie.vt two year. Hue. mm- i 11 largo ton n.uud if If doe t.ot r.cciv.- fomi! ultiumte i-ln-ck, will b-n ll.iid lurt-er than ibe ll.ille-i iie.i Muv. It Is laid nut ill n Huh local Ion. in ubout the cent, r of Hie di, til.-t, uml uur- nn all hle by mine t It nuw con-1 lulu i.xiy block or fight l.iU.ueli. Ihe Mioiv here 1 ubout thn-e uml hair, f.-el deep, but thu wenther I very nnlil. 'he irud i ojien. uml ivcry day Iraim come in nml go nut. (fen. Alvord, to u ciiiniiiuti'cn lion 'Voiii clliztTHioI C'orvulli, through (inv-erii.-r (Mib, urging tbut the imikI ill Fort llwklM tliwiM mil be nUndoned, wy : It lu-alH-nitkclileiltliatodeliifhimniof twenty or lliirly nun will lo left nt llwl p.t. If Ihc conifmnv or Oregon voluu Ifvr iio.v being rulwii by Lu-ui. Kiiiull, nt Kugeue I'iiy.cun be coiupk-tnl, I think I urn juniiil. J in taviiur tlmt they will Im ntutioMil ut Fort llorkio. 'I'll., c'miiki iiien vtutioiii'il ut Foil Yninlil I nml iliH kiiw. M.iee liu-uiiliii. 111 i.f IHIil, were ruUed in ChI.Iimiiiii. Oregon bu luriiUhe.) hivoji couiianie Uililnriiu w vtn r.guoeiiU llu. vnif liwun 'I'lu. .winiilnli.i,. i,l ' (.'ulifornia i not teu lil.i that ol Or. gnu. I Iiiiiov well the jmlriotlu M-nliimniH nf your J'.x.i-lliliey, am ft Hie 1114in.11 of the peope of Uregon. I Know tlmt In ruruwr vur 1 ne niii- ni ureg. 11 i.uve prnmpny 1 and gulliiiitly rnllird lor ll di-feii of Ha friHilier. mill that ihey wouhl now coiiw rorward if Ihey were iliorni.-lily ronvuioi-d , of thti iieeriiy. ('ulifiiriiia liu Mill Irooiw ' to Arueuiu, Nuw '... l.......... IT..... 1 k I .ie.ll-i. IJIMH 1111 KJir- gnn. and her vnliinln-r liv ireenily tlM, H. ' uehleve.1 11 brilliant vlrtofy nrer dion 011 the kjII of Vnshin-to(i Territory tlie -wiiih .So lea Indian uguiutt whom troojM from thl iiiartcr will nperaic. Tl-c traitor, Fliz John I'orti r. Is lielng " dine.1 mul wined" by Iho copperhead I) tnocraiy in the Atlantic Hiuie. Hero I llw way the I'rovidenco (It. I ) I'otl, u Jliinoer.ilic laper, coinpllim-nts him : Fi'z .fohij 1'orler has fought moiobat- tk, wi-n mure victor"-, nn-1 posses c more uruiim pjtrioiiMii than every other nun 01 ii.ucourt who iricd Dim, mm tlie houi.d HhuuMUilvtlluiu. I mc ix Hiciimonii. DM bncon ii ' rnM nt 81 2.1 11 pound. "Plirri' U no new iiiicon. im mere in not pint enoiiKli to vu'o it. They plikle pmlc HkImI.v. but It will not keep In wnnn wcullier. Iinl U olil nt SI '.'."i n pnuiiil There in nn oil for light nml for luhrientln), jmrpiw-s In he. nt in the South, ntul Innf H u-nl liutriul. For tills ri-ii"ii thin nrtirto in rapidly rinin-, n miirh In ron-mupil for nmrhlnrry, In tlio conl mlnc. n well n for light. Hultcr rcll for 82 ftn n pound, moln-sos 910 u t'lillon. mrnr fil 2S n nuunl, iwk wowl 82,r n cord, pirn? wooil S20. LiiMirh-H nre nt ' fuliiilnui" price. Hair pin ute not tn bo had in tin1 South. White kidirlovr ntouo arc nli! nt rin-nnntilc rntr, iM-rnuro ug dim wenr lliein. Calico ivIN at 82 SO a yard Ihlit for Ihpi-onimoiiejt rpmlity. Whlnky tiritiLTrf irlii n gniiop, ntul poor nt that, nml ' irniti iirinkir mnt pay open n giaM, I Iidir' fhoc, nich n 0110 liny here for SI 1 !!B. eniiiint Im linil I'or leu I lint S'M tl.11 1 l"Ir. Common pocket knlvc lirlng 3D. ( omtnnn rnlt Imli". price 8-1 hern, k-II tbi-ro for 825. Ill Mlcuil that there I net I'loth enough In Richmond to niitko n frock . eont, Herf rll lor SI n pound: llnum-IM 1 S-lfl Ihe b.irrel In lltrhmnnd. The poor people live kiiii ny on ciirn, unn now nun then n little ruty bncuii. Suit I held ' chrnn at 25 cml the pound. Till linn - laHtn hi price: and (hi U the nnty nrtirh, of conuinpilon which Inn gonn iluwn. Kvcryihlng i-Im- cniiMlnnlly riM- lu price. Hubnlllnlr for the army cot 82 500 1 hut It nerd much Inlluence In gel levi In Iilro n ruliMllntc. Ollrn when n robber 'IU, cimni-it tinil ial.l n Hiitxtituti'. Ilia nil- .1..1, t. t. l.t... .1 n...n.IK. l.t... 1 IHWIIIUP mi'H mill iili-l vui)Ft.iiik IIMU. TVE.NTY-IKVKS IMIIAN KlM.KII. All Auburn corrrrponileiit of the Jlountawtti , nl the 1 Ttli nil., fujs t From IIoIm wo li-iirn that the pnrly of vnluniecr iindi-r J (If Klnmlufir, found sonic forty Indian in a tone lort on thu entt mlu el Hoio ltivrr. Thu Indiaiu - - '!''' '-'' w w w. The battle lulled ovir I wo dnv, when thu volunteer ndvuncctl Im-IiIii.I willow bundlci they hud mailo,' uud klllivl omu twenty, seven Indium., cup 1 11 nil thirty lx horK-i uml brought back Dftccii u'ulp. O1111 niun nniong Ihu voluntit m wit wonulcd, Linn coiinly tendernl greenlmcks In Iho State reu.urer, In payment of lu Hum J"' I he bill wi-r-relumil. nnd the Hum "'UKt """t J ' Lircult Court o ricjv ' r '" u';"1, ' h0 '" T ,ri' 'aii )"'", '" mid ufur nrgiiment by cuiu'el, .liidn Unlet Heeliltil Unit, tlmugli 1 1 icy were it ' H'li'Ur lor nil privutu ik-l.t mi. tucli P'lbHc dm u weru eniiiuemiwl in the net iT " iriiillng lliem, lliey weio not -a, ,rF11 w,uh'r "' P,y,1,t'"1 ( ,,,,u u"' ',,,,-,m'"1 ' llrelua' rcmlerul uguiiu-t tki-county mr 81,000 In gold and mlti-r "' '"'""" The MiiiiiUaniHi of Iho 27lh ull., rayb 1 Alretuly have a lurgu uiiiubcr of Irnlim Kturlnl for thu Cuuyon Clly nml Hoim inliies. The nii-h nt prinent U for Canyon ('lly, the big lump-i lulaly brought tioui Iluu lui-ulily having cuukhI iUiiu nn ex citeinenl. Hoim- uml Canyon luirly ibvul.i , trt Iruvul.uml outride lluo two mining ,' - iricl thno Mi-nn to bo nn IntereU whateicr. Liter In lliefeuwiii.wo prei-uimi FdhiUt river wi! loom up, but fur thu juivnt Clinton mid liniM'iiiu ull lliu rugi, - Cakiiit at Lat. An Itliieriint Moiitnlri J! win onimhl Ihe nllmr euiiliiK IiiIIih.icI if lurnUblng whlky lo IuiUiii, by ' Ollvi r ' thu wuUIiiiuiii. Tim plan wai laid and Mr. WhUky-M-lb-r wa..Ni-'of ludoubh- ju iU IIiih. The diiMstor or thu " I'rolu I tn AWIKIHlilon IUIVB HUH III IllirillICO VH'- ' Awoohiiioa ' liiivi Intti lu iliiruiico vib- 10 unoiiH-r worm : ai nny ria. 11 liu m- . we iirniiiiH) nvrifr to b II hi nuiuu or wheru he h.u gone, bueli 11 man or Iktui, d.-M-rvui ,uny pu .MiniHit llnl could n lnIU.tijd I- 111.111 imun. liUtitn .ip. -. An Oiimion Iuvkthiov.-II. KJacoUof IhUniiy ha iiuchimry by uliu.ii thrnc ride gr wagon fnlln nru dr.ilii ...... !... .n... . .nl ...l...ita lit... l. .l ' ,rn wirmi nHin-. imii..ii-ii. One w inn Ihruugh thu uiatblnu ill 11 In tin 1mm than llw mingle. Tin) work w win nun... ,iir. jauuiM im huh 111 i.pi; cutlnii lur 11 palinl. Thl Inveiition wil m 11 yteat labor avr. It l mIi! It will, with oiiu inan to uttf ij'l It, do I h labor of twenty num. -I'uil.iwt .lilivA Dmiociiat inii't Imvu a perfect under. atuHiluig with each oili.r. 'I hey inuu puil tugclM-r ; flyit under Iho Fame luiimruml for Ihe tuinu principles ; Hiuru ubki- in lh dangers of thu b.itllu nml lliu glnriw ut the vntury. Honoia J)tuucml. Tliul's what Judu'o Terry thought, and ho lm gone - lo fight under tho sumo ban ner w.h tho -Kiiiocnitiv friciul in ilule, "Why don't you? tala '(.