Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 04, 1863, Image 1

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    fttye rMim
AM -A CI It I!IB.'"TPPPtnWfcfi'
aiWMmwiiMnramMunmnnMf nliViiMK.u)
Olllec nt the Clly Drug XI.iit,
.f,ri.usvii.i.K. Oiit'iinv 41
Offlco wlih II. T. Howell. K.i Third trect,
Iai'Kiinvii.i.k. Ow-nos. 29
.lAi-i:o.vn.t.i:, Ouwio.v,
Will prnitico In llio tjujiriino mul oilier
(Vlirln l linn Ktute. March 4. '03.
.? Aci.xo.svfi.i.i:, OiiKiins,
T ILL prnctlec In ih -wv-im-uI Court or
Ilic i'irnt Judical Dlotricl, mid In the
Fnirciiii' Court. Odolier ill. 'I12.
J. it. iii.ru. i, imiiv.
J. II. Kl'.KI) having dcturmlucd tn con
tlniii' IIh' priictlce of liio prori-w-hiii. mn n--o-ciulul
Mr (lAMruN wiili linn In ImhIihw. iiml
llii'V will give tironint ntt.'ntliiii In iinv icinil
liiifiiiiiMi cutm-tcd tn ttiir cure, In any of
me i onrixii in i- iniiuii) i muni'!.
Ollle.c In mniu building fnrinerlv occupied
by .Mr. HimiI. Aiiirul 1Mb. '01.
d7f. do well,
Iaci.hu.vvim.k, Ohwiov.
Will practice in all Hit- Court or tliu Tlttrd
Judicial Dinlrlt-i, tin- Supreme Court of On--i;un.
ntul in Yriku,Cut. War Surlp prompt
Ijr colli i-ii-il. Oct. In.
J):ui'h Harbor Slni.
llclucen Ilriidlmry & Wude'uml III Dorado
K-aIooii, Culil'uriilii Mreet.
MI AYINVt.Hiilr-oultiug, Shampooing, Cur
ling and llnlr Dyeing. n hiitnl nml fur
n'e. n t(viiiiliiiMrtloli ol I'UIi'k Haiii Him
1'liotogruplilc ArtlM,
I prepared lii tnki- pi-Inn In i-ury tyli
nf tin- iiri. Willi nil iln- lain linpro-, .'incut.
If l'iilnri- iln not ghe KMiMiiotlon. no
cliarg. will In- mnile. ('.ill h! III new del-I'-ry,
on iln h II. 1 miiiiIiii- IiU )itvtiirM, mitl
fit for jour IiKi-iiivii.
Wutt-Iiiimlu-i- ami .Jcwolc:,
Ketw couMulilly on liniul u ,
line u-tnrlim-ut of Cmm-m nml (fe&,n
JrwkiM. uliivli liu utter lor clj -itt
win in u-ry low price, lor ,J, .,$
wit. KUl'AIKINU- CU&&12&2&-'
Watcher am' Jew. Iry repaired with prompt
in uml wiuruu'ril. Slij on Cnlilnriiiu
Iiti-I. luo (l.u)i h wert u l.ove & lltlgi-r'.
.luck-nut il, , (lily 2d: m
P. H. LYNCH, Prop'r.
Comer California nml Ou-on SlrccU.
Tlio lYnprli-lnr liu jut it o-l veil from Sun
I'miiei-en n chn.ee un-nrlmi-i.1 or iluu
Wince, Liquors, Cigaro,
j:tc, j:tc.
1ftt' limp in ami tot llii-ni. )-. ID.
l. W. IA I. II. . haimw.""
Poht onico jjiiU(iiiib-.
VTciIm'Mluj-H and Saturilays.
C i ) .S i I ( i X .M I . N T 8 h O I. J C IT I : I )
JucKMinviiii-.irii.il ism. rL.i,i i
J)l't;.V. &, WALL,
Illicit IlllllilliiK, for. I'l-mit tl I'(liU.
ciu:sci;xt orrv, cal
JIUU attend to tlio Uooi.-lvlng nml I'or-
imikiiui; oi nil liooiM eutriuiti-il lu
their earn, Willi promp
tuewiiiml ilitpilcli.
-wimMgninuuU kulicitid. .Mmclmudlio re-
kiilveil on Moume.
Orwciint City. April 10, 1S02.
N. I!. Nugoiiililelivix 'inti
1 Iho freight
ami char,:
--ii are paid
I'. X M .
LUUU AM) IMtOUUCK lukeu mix.
. rhuuiu- lor MurclmmliM-. nl
Jnlvla-ov M,X MII.LKHS.
M.Ot K.S-D.lL-rent style, good tlmo-
piece, lo bj Imd ut tho
October 21. VAUlKTi" STOKi:
I. 0. 0. F. lAfKHoxvii.i.K Loma: No.
10, holilulu n-Riilnr meeting crery .V. 1 7
VUHAV Kl'tiXl.W, t llielr Hull (Mc'-
CullyV Tbunli-r liilllilincVht 7 o'cltirV-.
Iliiillieni In pio.1 Mitudlns nru coidlnlly
nviitil to nlti-nd. Jau. M. SlTTn.v N. (J.
(iln. I.. DniiuiH It Si v
Warron Lodso Ho, 10, A. F. & A. H.
HOLD their n-milar cumtnunt
cation the Wnlnrivliiy KvimiIiiri-oil
or iircnillnK the full moon, In jack
II. Ill.o(ii. .Vcf'i.
.. o F
Will hold ll regular eommuntoittlon" nil the
i'ui nhi iiiftu)'i:r. ur Kii)-.,IimiiIi.
All Nijimniliii CoiniHinlon In eoud
Ktuudlni; uro eonllnlly IiivIImI 10 ntteml,
;. w.uhkkiui. i'.
L. Saciu. PfCy. il-8:-17
- ritAITICAl, -
lTUIiv nml iili Coiiimi reiul ulreul-.
between Mouliiomery ninU'inmonie,
SAX rilAXl'ISCO. ii-tijiimin Uook. 1 orvniii-: J. 11. ttnilh.
i.llliiilliiorev.ryilHN'rlpiloniifnllyl''r""','t City; Albert Uoullltle, Huppy
cxi-oiiIih ; Ilhiuk lloukii mini unci Hound to j Cmtip.
nny ilr'lriil pnlti-rn. Jl:y mmiuiinin). iii.inimjiima
DRrCH. DESCH, " I V'" ' Arf.
W'ai.wi. .lomii'iiixK L'iiL'mv. Oux. I Ppr'nc with her teu Himi-Hiid llnwrr.
Di. IIhm.1i I. ,.re,,nHl promptly to u.toml ' j ' Ll'tuUf ,&
to thu curiiiR ..r nil dlHVe. '.rwrJIiiB to V ,,(Kt L mh Uhi h
the irwunent of I'ror. I'. V. Uiiii., with-' Am " l "K '" uhm ""'"
out the iie or .Mereurv. ArM-nle. or nnv "l'h" tik liiid their ln(un br.uk,
MItniioiiH druifi'. l'or'lhe pint nine ymri Ami 1mm It- ilorinmil mIiluImt wnke
he bHK iH-n 11 prnotllloner or mnllolne 11 1 T"" lniic Iiiiprl'iimil frnnMiiCf tin re,
Crw.o.-iil Clly. nml l l well witl.lUM that he ' And eml it foiih to fri'lplit the nlr.
run Klvecpfiily relief In llw iiHIIcU-.! who Tlio rnllev, nml lt vnrl.il iihh.
limy on II on hlin. Ample urriiHi-im-iit lur Kiirolni in llnln uf cutiiilii-n biiev
C.1I1I. Wiirin. Hot nml Slemu lUlh., 1 Sprend like u limit! urn, It ee w,
I TO VA HI) ASdOCIATlUX, rlliuIF- j Ksd l' "",""",,",', """"'"'"""'"
It l.lmi.IVmm.- , MAWAn,m-iT-IlKiinntto.cl)KAi).-'lJl'.t!ir'-,i6irf''l,,,''
l-l..ry In uli t .iirylH.ni.-
" rgXlZZitr- j!" M.7Ar.P.Uld.w.MTrd..n.;
Stml Ohmm ,,'" ""' "w UNfiiiofy of kimlri.J liu It
Miillcnl Advlee plveu xrallA by It. Act- ,,""'l forever. The ivprenlntive of
Iiitf Suricron. ViiluubleitKii.MTi.oiinrKMMi. i'I" prl'L' mil hope of iiiioxinteil Iiihim
Toiiikkv or i-Kminai. WK.AkNK. mid oilier loM, .lepurtiii).', will return l inure.
iIImiiin-k f tlu'H'.viml orifimi', nml on Iln- The hull of ibe nruln-r, utiriirtnl lv liie
Miw iikviuiim riupliiiftl lu iliu I)ipwi-, i-IiiuIiii; nwrk. numbem ih.-m .iiimi" ,(t Oil
wry. Hnt In m-iiIhI letti r eiirlvjei.. Iiint of h-n. In the lull If of Hit: HetM. of Hull
ohm-p- Aililri-M : Hun. nf HnllV Hluff. of Himnobe Mmid.i.f
111. I L-'I-IITI x- I I fir i i...v" t
I'll. II. lll.l.l. I III IIIIIU.N,
Homird AmWiiUuii, No. ti hmiiIi Ninth kt.,
A pill it(i.:l.-.v I'lnbiililplilii. i'a
Assay Offloo
'piIH iniib-ri'lc nil. huvliig nH-msl nn
J Aiy 011km- nt .Sun I'mnebeo, would
IvniM-cllllliy Miliuil Hie mlM)iiui:e or .Mer
elimitn. .Mlm-r. Owner or Quui 1. 'iwl tun
Mill, win. may vl-ll Sun liuiicl-co, or who
iiihv r.-niu In-uniru then-.
We guuruutue the Gonectuee or our hk
miy", Mini will inuko rt-turii In Itar. or I'.
S. (iuld Coin, within i-l.v limn' alli-ril-p-wll.
We uli tiy ull klu.N ol On- mid MeiuU.
GREENBER0, EELENDACII & CO., 'd enUi.d .Wbuve vW with eiii-h ..Iher
li'2l SaorMiiieiitn "Ireit.u lew door l-e- in il-lii ol vul.-r. The Hug, who.- fclund
low Whul CIiih'i IIiiiim-, neatly opiylte ard bi-urer. flint down in buttle, lowed it
JWIlo MMI Stuu.hlp Co' oHUw, Sau I from hx dying ; luiml nrrvi-d by uniting
I ihiioImjo. I iwiriotinn, bun been cuught bv" the com-
ii;ciiui:i:(i, niixui.ini a ch.iwiiiii, rH.i,.uiiihu i,,,,, ha ei.Mii hi eye
Vi.l.n, ('iillfurnlu, fi.rlhelnt lime upon it Mill ry fold u
iji;(itiii:i:s ,-111.,
I'm Iluu. I, Oirgnii.
IHILbkUAUl, f V. j.
January i. IP(tt. jiiii'ilui:!
o2os:o2a 3X1-2:1x1.
'I'ilh umliriined having Ii-omiI iln-
l UlllllKtllU Mil." Ilvu lllllr Irnm
1..., 1. .. '.. ... .... , ,.
I hnvi opened i
Flour and Food Store
On (Jalifornliitlruct, opixinle 1'. liwuiV new
buildliiK. WM. J. AI.I.KX.
Jacktonvlllc. Juno 1-i lh(i'.'. "J.':tf
TTSTANTKI). -1,000,000 pounda cf l-'our,
M la i-Achange for goodK ut
I a if-irc 1111' s
J U41VI44 J..- w . j
""""" tuurouuiuy repuireu ii.,H.-inily. rurewell wiirrior. (titim-n. pu
mul bivoUhI ,,(,, (fri friwi.1 wlwiher Inilie humbhr
iMiw Ai Ituiirovfxl Mnoliimiryj.rankaorliiwrlnif ihe-jwonjofoiltwlalnow.
which, from my oxM-rltuiot in oourtnictiiis ,.r, wlo-ther privute. copliun, -uiraeon or
ihe Mine, iw well 11 lu iu.inu(BeiiiriiiKlUiur...,8i:m, fur u Hemf in lion hemy fkfht
HiirrmiwiMtiiMolnt'tbnttliM Oregon Jllll ,1MV6 (1H-i nUyiuuj uim) Jrelf !
Mm'!!!' Z . v M.r m' 1 ,4wfc Ur" mmt &P stwwiy " ' M
K hlt fc.A(k OF M FLOLIt ,! th right of uiuiikiml."
hxvkii KVi.nr mkhnkkiiw ami hiti'iiiuy.
IIKMIY nr.M.IMinil. InlVniitl PnipV
SflwriillTInv Onn i-nr. In nilrnnrn. I 'In.
' '',,l"f'; l' miuilh-, 1 Imp VUtk I nlif
' rcm-Hiil. nihti. will Ik) dlwontlnmil nl tlie
Dnllnrf; SW month, T lirco Dnjiurh I'lilrr
' ''iii "i nio iimu nir w men mry nine
, Ih.1-11 iIiI.
' ..E Z
AiirKiin.itMi one nittnrc (10 IIiiph or
), llrc-t Insertion, llin-e Dnlliirs: i-nch
fulrirjuilil liiKrtlon, Ono Dnllnr. A din
ctiunt of llfly per cent will be made to lliutr
wiio mivcrllM.- iy tlieywr.
lly nppllcnttnn In roilininliTK nnd .Mnll
Currltix. jtm run lenrn tlmt llivft-ml-wri-kly
Oiimiov Skvti.k!. Im- hy fur n larger ciicu
Iniiuii in 1 he pi'itnile" (if h'outhvni Ori'K'ni
nml lil Norte roiiuty. Culilornlii, tlniii tiny
ollifi mwr. Thin Inol fhouM coiniui'ml the
t-'KNTiM.'i. to you on ii Mipvrlor iiiedluin fur
I.wr ok Aiii'.sth. ho nre nulhorlxeil to
1 trniitict uny lmine-' enmvriiliiK thl- jki
I ptr. In thi mime of the pulilb-her :
I.. I. I'lfher. Sun r'niiieiMXi; WmlMvorth
'A Itaynef, Yn-kn: W-r Kmrv, Ai-lilaml; S.
C. Tiiylor. I'lurntx; W. W. r'nwh-r. Apple
i pile: K. S. Duuliip. William'l.iirc; -lohu II.
I I'rimlle. Kerliyrille: A. II. .MrlHulti.tt'iililo,
li.j. j-oiiK-f, nniiin; - r,. ,M. l.vnni. All-
Joi I Thorn. Cnnroiullli-: A. K.
: l'llnt.Jioirlmrg: Imo 11. JlonriM. r-'uluu; J.
' II. UiiIwwimmI, J.uireiiu Mlyi !. tliiiiliwu.
tOr - uou City: U. W. Wnkefleld. Allmiit;
---- .- -. -. -.. -.--
X'-w'.iera, of Wlm-biHier. of Voikiowo. ol
Williiiiinliurj.'. of W'oi I'uiiit, nf l-'ulr
()ak, 1 lit- liiillliri lKrorc ltivbiuoinl Jm-ii
.Micliaiiiii-ville In Multi-rn Hill, or -I.ir.it-i'
I-iluml. of Jlaimi Uiiuge, ol Cilar Moun
turn, nf Hull Ituu nguiii. of Cliuuiillr, of
1iff111iirK.il 111 North t urollna, of Kmith
M.iuntain, or Antietmu, of I'lederiekkburg
uml (.'iiliWiorougli through nil Ihe capri-
oiihm lurliine nl the wurtlio ii'iiiieuli.
of MuwuoliiiM'Uii huve Iii'iik- her ll-ig by
1 In H'lenf the bmmernf the Union. And.
Iii-yond Ihe Atluiiliu kIom, every b.iiile
field lui-i drunk liu blood of Iter khu, nur
lured 11111111H her liill and ainl-, Irnm
nbieli in Hilvenlurouii iminhiwul they turn-
..I .i....M .... ,-... . ... i... -ii-..., inu....
Hiioiiu-r iMro-muriyr el.ip-.eil llie i-pliiileriil
lull ami rereumi tiw t-ymoni nt oue ol
uountry und nf llieir lilornl'liriuvht fume
How oan Hn-iing word nf huiimu pruiM
gild ihe p cud of their glury? Our ej en
nfl'iiM-. with tear, uml blood retreating in
ihe iii-iirl. stirred with unwou'eil ibrlll,
fpeuk wiih the i-lrqueiioe of tuituio, utlir
id. but iiii.iiiii1. From tlw din of tlu
Ikill!... llu-v lmVH imiumI In liu. iuaii if
... ' ' I-- -
" Wuru by no wauling, lingering palo,
No eolil nntdatioo of duo-ty.
iKulli broke ut ono lltu ltul eliiiln.
Andlie.dhl oul the murwt way."
Ciikai- PosTAOK. Hy on Act of the
last CongrcM, thrco ccuU U made the
r-ingle letter ruto of postage all over the
I'nited Slate, including letlera from Cab
1 ifornla to tho Kiifl, 'IncActj o go in-
l. .in.... 1... tl. .!. r u. i.....
IV 11HVI vjf UK Ulftt VI UVAI -JUIV.
Tim HoisOIinka. Tlu-r.illowlmr letter
won writii-11 nt I'liiifrville, llolw iniiie. Iiv
Mr. .Miirlin.ln Huey Hivrn, of the l)iil!i-'
uml uilililifil in the Mountamttr of the
27th tilt:
You nro of couwe well nwnre Hint Pin
ccrville i n yminff mliiinp town, 'ilimtcil
In 0 mining ilislrict, in wlml in- be 11 nil lei I
the Hoin- lountry, but of its piccii"e loin
ration nml Hip cli.irncKr of the rurruuml
ius country, iln f;x, --rnwih nml future
prinKi-tyoii inn-Hie in n mcnuire ipno-
rnni. l-n. J will try In lei! VOU nlinlll It
I'lii- minim- region in which we nro lornled
wiilml appear llku n (Jn-iit Ilimiii. nbout
2ft tnilr lung, by about 15 to 20 tiiaml,
mid urrniitiiltil on nil -Ides but one, (which
iimtituto u kind of nutlet) by high inoiiti-
inn,!., mil 01 wiiicii, on mi uie un.i In ev
ery uiriciion, ure running mui mk and
gitlclH-. (ill ciinvcrging In Ihc centre, w hero
theV fnrm n iiimll rlnr nml i-mli ...i-..u 1,1
jinn 1 hi1 water ol the Hoiw-. to the rnt.
it In t tbi Imfln I do not think there i 11
liiiile rtrraiii (ami there mint be n-vcrul
hundred) or 11 ingle dry gulch (nml of
thiw.' tin re arc lhnuamM which would not
fay. win 11 the wiiti run. prniM-rty uppllrd,
umi cry oiiny ui incni me ninr.iiy pitying
with ti roi-kir. Many think- (but the ll.it
uml hill diugiui: lire evin better lluui the
i-mk. At uny rule, inanr a limn luif. to
inu rertnlu knowli'ik-e. made hit wintirV
irruli. nt the rule or Soil kt hundriil fur
Hour, P0 wilt er punnd for lucnti, Ac.,1
out or 11 veiy niiuill hull- In the hill, uml in
tntm-i-HM- m let. 1 tin 11 ten iluyV liine.
Xor iluu Ihi i-oiintry, like uiuiiv itln-ri
.i..u. 1.. il.:. 'c. t. . .... ', . '
I-'-vtb (ii nun , r(iii-y, Ulipiur III Ol- COII
Ilmil In ii production id gold, In particular
iiiiim iinu u-111: nui, wn-ie 11 u not ev
eiywbere Ihut it enn be Utiirk rich. I be
lieve there i no place wlure it ruiuiot bo
loiind in ufllclenl quantilie to eni-ouruge
mnrcli. The bulrock in in muni- p'nee
granite, uml lu other flute. The i-tctki
iircnionof themipiilu ihcp an nvrruue,
Ar Lu lu nf ui. lit f it ...,! . .... I 1 I
EdtTui ... .; , ; ;' x..ri
even, it In raid, 88 In thu p.m. but owing
to the H-umiii, nml the olmiMt cnnitinit no
cupailoii of miner with their gulch uhilm.
the em I. Ime Ikiii but nliithtly pnpt-cl-l,
but It U only rcusonuble to riipK)
that with all Ihe mil 'elder Ihut run Into
thi'in lhy immt ohm Im rlrh.
n have a ipiarlz leuil lure which llmtp
hIhi iu-ti-iii In knnw.MivU rich. If it
turn out In U worlh i.nyihlng.it will
inuke tbi 11 giii.,1 cmiip. II.11 miywuy
1 iH-lie,,. that in thhj M!i, 1,600 111.11 vun
lilHKu money lor I lie lie.vt two year.
Hue. mm- i 11 largo ton n.uud
if If
doe t.ot r.cciv.- fomi! ultiumte i-ln-ck, will
b-n ll.iid lurt-er than ibe ll.ille-i iie.i
Muv. It Is laid nut ill n Huh local Ion.
in ubout the cent, r of Hie di, til.-t, uml uur-
niuiHl.il nn all hle by mine t It nuw con-1
lulu i.xiy block or fight l.iU.ueli.
Ihe Mioiv here 1 ubout thn-e uml hair,
f.-el deep, but thu wenther I very nnlil.
'he irud i ojien. uml ivcry day Iraim
come in nml go nut.
(fen. Alvord, In-rej.ly to u ciiiniiiuti'cn
lion 'Voiii clliztTHioI C'orvulli, through (inv-erii.-r
(Mib, urging tbut the imikI ill Fort
llwklM tliwiM mil be nUndoned, wy :
It lu-alH-nitkclileiltliatodeliifhimniof
twenty or lliirly nun will lo left nt llwl
p.t. If Ihc conifmnv or Oregon voluu
Ifvr iio.v being rulwii by Lu-ui. Kiiiull, nt
Kugeue I'iiy.cun be coiupk-tnl, I think I
urn juniiil. J in taviiur tlmt they will Im
ntutioMil ut Fort llorkio. 'I'll., c'miiki
iiien vtutioiii'il ut Foil Yninlil I nml iliH
kiiw. M.iee liu-uiiliii. 111 i.f IHIil, were ruUed
in ChI.Iimiiiii. Oregon bu luriiUhe.) hivoji
couiianie Uililnriiu w vtn r.guoeiiU
llu. vnif liwun 'I'lu. .winiilnli.i,. i,l '
(.'ulifornia i not teu lil.i that ol Or. gnu.
I Iiiiiov well the jmlriotlu M-nliimniH nf
your J'.x.i-lliliey, am ft Hie 1114in.11 of the
peope of Uregon. I Know tlmt In ruruwr
vur 1 ne niii- ni ureg. 11 i.uve prnmpny 1
and gulliiiitly rnllird lor ll di-feii of Ha
friHilier. mill that ihey wouhl now coiiw
rorward if Ihey were iliorni.-lily ronvuioi-d ,
of thti iieeriiy. ('ulifiiriiia liu Mill Irooiw '
to Arueuiu, Nuw
'... l.......... IT..... 1 k I
.ie.ll-i. IJIMH 1111 KJir-
gnn. and her vnliinln-r liv
tlM, H. '
uehleve.1 11 brilliant vlrtofy nrer
dion 011 the kjII of Vnshin-to(i Territory
tlie -wiiih .So lea Indian uguiutt whom
troojM from thl iiiartcr will nperaic.
Tl-c traitor, Fliz John I'orti r. Is lielng
" dine.1 mul wined" by Iho copperhead I)
tnocraiy in the Atlantic Hiuie. Hero I
llw way the I'rovidenco (It. I ) I'otl, u
Jliinoer.ilic laper, coinpllim-nts him :
Fi'z .fohij 1'orler has fought moiobat-
tk, wi-n mure victor"-, nn-1 posses c more
uruiim ..ml
pjtrioiiMii than every other
nun 01 ii.ucourt who iricd Dim, mm tlie
houi.d HhuuMUilvtlluiu.
I mc ix Hiciimonii. DM bncon ii
' rnM nt 81 2.1 11 pound. "Plirri' U no new
iiiicon. im mere in not pint enoiiKli to vu'o
it. They plikle pmlc HkImI.v. but It will
not keep In wnnn wcullier. Iinl U olil nt
SI '.'."i n pnuiiil There in nn oil for light
nml for luhrientln), jmrpiw-s In he. nt in
the South, ntul Innf H u-nl liutriul. For
tills ri-ii"ii thin nrtirto in rapidly rinin-, n
miirh In ron-mupil for nmrhlnrry, In tlio
conl mlnc. n well n for light. Hultcr
rcll for 82 ftn n pound, moln-sos 910 u
t'lillon. mrnr fil 2S n nuunl, iwk wowl 82,r
n cord, pirn? wooil S20. LiiMirh-H nre nt
' fuliiilnui" price. Hair pin ute not tn bo
had in tin1 South. White kidirlovr ntouo
arc nli! nt rin-nnntilc rntr, iM-rnuro ug dim
wenr lliein. Calico ivIN at 82 SO a yard
Ihlit for Ihpi-onimoiiejt rpmlity. Whlnky
tiritiLTrf irlii n gniiop, ntul poor nt that, nml
' irniti iirinkir mnt pay open n giaM,
I Iidir' fhoc, nich n 0110 liny here for SI
1 !!B. eniiiint Im linil I'or leu I lint S'M tl.11
1 l"Ir. Common pocket knlvc lirlng 3D.
( omtnnn rnlt Imli". price 8-1 hern, k-II tbi-ro
for 825. Ill Mlcuil that there I net
I'loth enough In Richmond to niitko n frock
. eont, Herf rll lor SI n pound: llnum-IM
1 S-lfl Ihe b.irrel In lltrhmnnd. The poor
people live kiiii ny on ciirn, unn now nun
then n little ruty bncuii. Suit I held
' chrnn at 25 cml the pound. Till linn
- laHtn hi price: and (hi U the nnty nrtirh,
of conuinpilon which Inn gonn iluwn.
Kvcryihlng i-Im- cniiMlnnlly riM- lu price.
Hubnlllnlr for the army cot 82 500 1
hut It nerd much Inlluence In gel levi In
Iilro n ruliMllntc. Ollrn when n robber
'IU, cimni-it tinil ial.l n Hiitxtituti'. Ilia nil-
.1..1, t. t. l.t... .1 n...n.IK. l.t...
1 IHWIIIUP mi'H mill iili-l vui)Ft.iiik IIMU.
Auburn corrrrponileiit of the Jlountawtti ,
nl the 1 Ttli nil., fujs t
From IIoIm wo li-iirn that the pnrly of
vnluniecr iindi-r J (If Klnmlufir, found
sonic forty Indian in a tone lort on thu
entt mlu el Hoio ltivrr. Thu Indiaiu
- - '!''' '-'' w w w.
The battle lulled ovir I wo dnv, when thu
volunteer ndvuncctl Im-IiIii.I willow bundlci
they hud mailo,' uud klllivl omu twenty,
seven Indium., cup 1 11 nil thirty lx horK-i
uml brought back Dftccii u'ulp. O1111
niun nniong Ihu voluntit m wit wonulcd,
Linn coiinly tendernl greenlmcks In Iho
State reu.urer, In payment of lu Hum
J"' I he bill wi-r-relumil. nnd the Hum
"'UKt """t J ' Lircult Court o ricjv
' r '" u';"1, ' h0 '" T ,ri' 'aii )"'", '"
mid ufur nrgiiment by cuiu'el, .liidn
Unlet Heeliltil Unit, tlmugli 1 1 icy were it
' H'li'Ur lor nil privutu ik-l.t mi. tucli
P'lbHc dm u weru eniiiuemiwl in the net
iT " iriiillng lliem, lliey weio not
-a, ,rF11 w,uh'r "' P,y,1,t'"1 ( ,,,,u u"'
',,,,-,m'"1 ' llrelua' rcmlerul uguiiu-t
tki-county mr 81,000 In gold and mlti-r
"' '"'"""
The MiiiiiUaniHi of Iho 27lh ull., rayb 1
Alretuly have a lurgu uiiiubcr of Irnlim
Kturlnl for thu Cuuyon Clly nml Hoim
inliies. The nii-h nt prinent U for Canyon
('lly, the big lump-i lulaly brought tioui
Iluu lui-ulily having cuukhI iUiiu nn ex
citeinenl. Hoim- uml Canyon luirly ibvul.i
, trt Iruvul.uml outride lluo two mining
,' - iricl thno Mi-nn to bo nn IntereU
whateicr. Liter In lliefeuwiii.wo prei-uimi
FdhiUt river wi! loom up, but fur thu
juivnt Clinton mid liniM'iiiu ull lliu rugi,
Cakiiit at Lat. An Itliieriint Moiitnlri J!
win onimhl Ihe nllmr euiiliiK IiiIIih.icI if
lurnUblng whlky lo IuiUiii, by ' Ollvi r '
thu wuUIiiiuiii. Tim plan wai laid and Mr.
WhUky-M-lb-r wa..Ni-'of ludoubh- ju iU
IIiih. The diiMstor or thu " I'rolu I tn
Awoohiiioa ' liiivi Intti lu iliiruiico vib-
10 unoiiH-r worm : ai nny ria. 11 liu m- .
we iirniiiiH) nvrifr to b II hi nuiuu or wheru
he h.u gone, bueli 11 man or Iktui, d.-M-rvui
,uny pu .MiniHit llnl could n lnIU.tijd I-
111.111 imun. liUtitn .ip.
An Oiimion Iuvkthiov.-II. KJacoUof
IhUniiy ha lnvuul.il iiuchimry by uliu.ii
thrnc ride gr wagon fnlln nru dr.ilii
...... !... .n... . .nl ...l...ita lit... l. .l
' ,rn wirmi nHin-. imii..ii-ii.
One w inn Ihruugh thu uiatblnu ill 11 In
tin 1mm than llw mingle. Tin) work w
win nun... ,iir. jauuiM im huh 111 i.pi;
cutlnii lur 11 palinl. Thl Inveiition wil m
11 yteat labor avr. It l mIi! It will, with
oiiu inan to uttf ij'l It, do I h labor of twenty
num. -I'uil.iwt .lilivA
Dmiociiat inii't Imvu a perfect under.
atuHiluig with each oili.r. 'I hey inuu puil
tugclM-r ; flyit under Iho Fame luiimruml
for Ihe tuinu principles ; Hiuru ubki- in lh
dangers of thu b.itllu nml lliu glnriw ut
the vntury. Honoia J)tuucml.
Tliul's what Judu'o Terry thought, and
ho lm gone - lo fight under tho sumo ban
ner w.h tho -Kiiiocnitiv friciul in
ilule, "Why don't you? tala '(.