Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
THE LARGEST SHOW ON EARTH WILL EXHIBIT AT Timber Values in Oregon. Medford, Saturday, Sept. 3 INGLING W^SS»EST & 7 yt-X X THE GREAT A ONLY I PAIR / OF eldreds i\l M GROWN IGIRAFFIS IN ^CAPTIVITY. EUROPEAN NOVELTY > RIDERS. - T he B iggest S how on E arth ■ H TO wrucn is HOW AOOUO without as , A lx lmooh , w Rwao«. ttus McuuiMu »RfaciACLe copyright no » arri« couru ^N«« W faff FULL — It THE CRUSADES A I FW .1 «200 AND CHARACTfRS IN Twc CAST 300 DANCING AA S faM AT A GIRLS 50 MUSICIANS 200 CMORuB SifaQERS, 68'STOP PiPt ORGAN. 2000 COSTUMES- co Mirr«io.M.x W 4 . ‘J 5 / r 1 1 pío 1 ABSOLUTELV AN AD DITIONAL TRAIN 08 CARS ARC REQUIRCD TO CARRY THE SCCN- ■ RV. WARDROBCS. AR MORS. WAR IMPLE MENTS. ACCESSORIES ANO PEOPLE OP THE NEWLY ADDED AND ENORMOUSLY GRAND SPECTACLE OP 85 SCARsh Æ L$e ELEPHANTS 1280 PEOPLE 1108 CAGES 650 HORSES WE CLOWNS JERUSALEM CRUSADES $3,700,000 CAPITAL!$7,400 SLÆ » -■ ■ AND TH«----------- . v St'ii d i g on 1 he bridges that span I the Mississippi atMinneap ills, Minn , one can see thousands of saw logs in that, river. Minneapolis is a great lumber city, but that industry is rmw nearly at. an end. To a man from Oregon it is a genuine curiosity to sp nd a day aiming the booms and nulls in that city. L g* that me "Mire tr un five inclies to nine inches in di ameter furnish the main portion of tl e lumber product. There are a few logs that measure eighteen indies in diameter, but only a few. The writer spent several days aiming the booms, and did not see a log to exceed eigh- to n ii eh s in diameter. The smaller logs looked t > an Oregonian like Or • g. -n In ps ¡ ole*. The mill men admitted generally t hat t iris was a < katiup and with two or three ( xceplions the lumtier biter c*!s would move this f ill,a* all timber in the 1 orth was a thing of the last. In sreaking f the timber interests of the Pacific coast he predicted in a few ir> the price of standing t in- b. r here would climb to a phenomenal v.-.lue aid alvlsed all who c uld ti taK > a timb.rr claim and hold it. stated that with t he except ion of tiinb" I the'South, which isgre.tly over-ts imi'rd, and if North we: tcri- Cimida, is greater than tile Pacific C’. ast belt, tiiatat the pnsent rate of consumption all this will be ¡>r ctically a thing of tlie pas' in an- ollie: decade. In ten years from now the man who owns a few million feet of standing t imber La* a sn ail for- turn’ of hl» own. Another thing of interest in t lie tuib* of t he E ist is that all slab* that will make any ki.:d of a loaid a* big a* a lath are carefully worked over. I In* leave* the slabs from the mill as only t utt ends, knots arid sliav ngs. II re in Oregon we throw away mor» lum'er it, ur slabs than many if the cistern trees will produce. z «M & Lc i> Eh\. Ì >1 I 7/ Fv ßA*-1 J erusalem ; SCENE OH The State Fair. - h^£5£2^’ERs-6-T< Vy——o AREd^- 3 LONG MILES OF NEW l il Hl i A u ■ I k PARADE More Sheep Slaughtered. A HORTICULTURAL EXPERT. The New President of the Mlaaouri State Horticultural Society. Among the most widely and favora bly known state horticultural ' ielies of the country is that of Missouri. Of this society I)r. John C. Whitten is th« newly elected president. Country Gen Ft ¡day night, at Piairie Summit, 40 mile* east of Prineville, a d<zen masked men with blackened faces rode into a band of sheep belonging to Morrow & Keenan, killed or wounded more than 500 and scattered marly as many more over the bills. Tlie shee p were in charge of Percy K. and one herder. Tlie former a ;.s ho.tnd while I lie slaughter lasted ana tlire.iu.-ned death if he of- fered any resistance. The herder fled through the thickets. The loss amounts to several thousand dollars. Other outbreaks in the range war are ti <w feared. Death of Rev. Kuykendall. Ho! For St. Louis and the World’s Fair! WILL VCUJ BK THERE? Nature’s Art Gallery ol the in addition to the attractions at St. Lcuis 7 cai; ci Ij 11 dor t by g« ing errtturnir g via the “Sei Mt I if i < 1 the \\ oku >/ NRIVALED Scenic Attractions NEQUALED Dining Car Service NSURPASSED in Eflorts to Please Write for illustrated Locklet of Colorado’s famous sightsand resort« cCC U J. W. Kuykendall, a venerable di vine of toe Methodist Episcopal church, died in San Jose, Cal., Wed nesday, Augint 17, at tlie age of 60 W. e. McBRIDE, years. U .1II1 was due to an an ident, in which t he reverend genth man re I2U, Third Street ceived a blow in the stomach by a b ■ nd projected from a planer. De- ce ised began his ministerial career in Browusvi.le over 30 years ago. He w is a member uf the M. E. Conference during his r sidence in Oregon. Lit r iie rim iVid to Southern Ore gon. It was under iris ministry while there that R» v. T. L. Jones began his work as evangelist. Later Rev. Kuy kendall was transferred to the Cali- DH JOHN 0. WHITTEN. fo' uia conference. Deceased leaves a tieman, from which the accompanying wile and tour children. portrait is reproduced, says of Dr. W bitten: A ' weet Breal h lie has been for eight years professot Is a never failing sign of a healthy of horticulture in the Missouri uni ver sity. He lias studied at the South l>a - unach. When I he breat h is bad kota Agricultural college, at Cornell. at tu- -t< inach is out o' order. There is the St. Louis Botanical garden and a'. no remedy in th1' w< rid < qual lo Ko rt i Dy-pepsia Cure f a cut ing indue«- Halle-Wittenberg and lias tile degree ti-'ti, dy-jiepsia aud all stomach dis of I’b. D. from the last named uuiver orders. Mrs Mary S. Crick, of XVtitle sity. lie Is a Maine man by birth. l’.an*, Kv , write-: “1 have been a dys;,epi ie for years; tried all kiuh of A Natural tltcnina Gum. remedies but continued to grow worse. The spruce and the sweet*gum are Bj tl, use • f K do'1 : egan to impr ve not the only plants that afford a nat- at. yti' e aid alte taking a few bottle* ural chewing gum. On the western am fuily re-t red in weight, health strength and can eat whatever I prairies the rosiu weed (Silpbium Incin and like.” Kodol digests you eat latum) exudes a resinous substance and makes the siotuach sweet. S>ld that after it hardens may be used for all druggists. chewing. Country boys are wont to ¡mH the flower bonds from the plant and to return later for the hnrdeir-d Are You Going to S . Louis P juice. This same silpbium is familiar to many by the name of compass plain ■ nd it is probably the s:>e, ,<•> 1 > w lia-i Longfellow refers in "Evangeline.” It* leaves are ns large as the largest learo-s of the burdock, but cut soinetlimg like an oak leaf. Tlnse great leave- «re always held aloft with their eilges in I want to see the turrin cities all along the track, stead of their sides turned toward the 1 want to go through Paris to Jerusalem and back, suu.- American Bmauist. l*d like to see the bull of it—1 think I'd jest as soon How to Manage the I’ie. Gerri Portland, Oregon Take the submarine to Hade* and the airship to the moon. 1 don't care how 1 get there, friend, but when 1 make a »trike It'* me Ier old St. Looi* jest to live along the Pike. l'em. To assure symmetry mid graeefnl —“A Ballad of the Pike,” by Wallace Irwin. Copyrighted by Collier * Weekly. PuDliahed by permission. proportions, the Pierson fern should be l' u k !• this t'm ‘ of the yetr and grown ou raised stands or suspended How About Your Summer jt e <• • ar«-.r alt u Slake for ; OF ACTING STALS ANO COSTLY froui the roof of tlie greenhouse, aud Vacation? ACROBATS I»1 < r $2<0t) j.u s . Ta«re are the results will amply t- pay th.' grower entries in tf.e *2000 2.17 tn t. In i who aims to pixulm-e fine *peeimeus. Newport on X’ quim Bay s the L> ■> >• indt'taik Stake there aie This fern should not l>e slradivl except ideal sea-ide result «file North I’ai-i- TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 2 AND 8 P. M. DOORS OPEN AT 1 ANO 7 P. M. • ntr. -. I the Rural Spirit. Sta in the hottest midsummer d lys. wL»-n tic Coast. il-mr.d trip tickets al 2:11 pace for *1< od. ttieie are 18 ent r es a slight wash on tlie glass 1:...y be greatly r«<iucort rate* on -ale fri m ail | OWE 50-CENT TiOKET ADMITS TO EVERYTHING. CHILDREN UNDER I2,HALF PRICE June 16,17, 18; July 1,2, Ji August 8,9, log txpumber J, 6,7; October <,4, 5. In Hie Inland Empire Si. ke fur 3 needed to prevent burning. It is a S ait Ii tn Pae fi.' I» mt* n O egon, Oil and a trr Jum* 1st. A-k agents for Return limit, ninety day«. j> a -old pacers for i-7X) there are 11 gross feeder and is happiest when ix»t tin tiier itiioiiuali in and a hatids(>mel) bound aud given liberal stimulant, with i n ri .*, anci there are besidts II othei illustrât» d souvenir b oklet, < r wate The Rock Island System offers two ■aei g and tr ttiug rac * to say noth cool culture, abundant light and plenty t 1 * : w.n S' me, Mam ger C. A* E R. of room. If these bints are f<u. wed IL, A J any. t)._g.. or W E C >man, G routes to the World’s Fair City—via i.gof the running races, of which there will be little or no tendency to P. A. s. w. C >.. P irlland. St. Paul-Minneapolis, and through there wid be at hast t we> each day. “revert to type." Gardening. Scenic Colorado. No change of cars, J he <•: inplng ground has been fixed Ogden to St. Louis aud St. Paul to up and streets laid out and ouiued, How to Hull WalnuiM. • rp : r* I St. Louis. it .. ILL L ’ Ilulliiig waimit*^ - form L-auips numbered and in charge of a ed is a dirty and di-agri “ able :. -k. for L amp grand mt<s al. who wi 1 look Full information on request. i in* -.•ttee of the j if t-r t be matters t here day and night the juice stains the hand* a d< 1 p brow 11 Call or write. n<>!st< : .11 of Amer- iWref i a- teen piped into tlie very hard to get off. There is. how ever, a cleaner and easi» r way of re A. H. M c D onald , General Ag-*t, vs-< to breed ica I* tu around* and other imt r>\< m’tit* 140 3rd Street, cor. Alder Street, moving the hulls. 11 Mr. W. W H -i.-in Friesian er* xi! I made, m king it one of tlie best camp Ashe has called the editor* m.entioii. Portland, Ore. ■lai effort to cattle ing gr> ur.d* in the »late. Take your It is simply to bore a boh - zatiy iar 1 di-] ¡■Jay of that ward ✓ I Al the deaf mute school, while exca whole human, family ho finds that family and a lent and ei j y a week >' ger in diameter than a liull.-d walnut brei-1 HERE AND THERE. Ill-xt September, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION vating for a septic tank, a spring of there aro 3lk),uu0.000 buttons worn, alt *"I «l comfort, to say nothing of lhe through a piece of maple or other hard The <s s - i.- -d of six prom v rib W. J. Gillett of A peculiarity of the current bank water with a strong flow was tapped at useless. No one has discovered e iucati 'nal advantage*that you and wood and then drive the walnut lnent b U nited S tates L and Orrira, Roseburg, Oregon. June 18. lMk statement is that the places showing a depth of eight feet that contained a the necessity for fourteen or sixteen the children will get at the fair that through It This not only removes the Rosen I». Wl . as chairman. hulls, but does it quicker than any Notice is hereby given tLst in compliWM» ink« - ib<' following ref The nd. 1res increases are almost without exception large quantity of petroleum. Water pockets concealed in men's clothe*. t hey never could get any place else in other way with which we are acquaint with the provisiors <g the set ot Congress of erence to tl the w : Id’* fair prizes of- Junes, 1878. entitled "An act tor the sale of Hie same t ime. In the West, wbile'an tqual number in left in a bucket over night contained a This is the limit of superfluity. Umber lands in the states ot California, Ne ed.—American Botanist. fered by the Holstein Erie .in assocH All train* t f the S. P. Ii. R Co heavy scum of oil and had a strong pe vada, Oreson and Washington Territory,“ aa tie East report decreases. tlon: The shortest line between extendeo to all the Public Land States by set A Summer Cold -t p at the grounds during tlie week. A Useful Shrub. ot August 4. 1W2. Mrs. Emma H. W illlaaa, Doctors everywhere reeonninnd troleum smell. Salem people are now • Ti:b’ < di-eui and tl:»- merits of ti.r Minneapolis, St. Paul and of Spansway, County of Plerre.State ot Wash '1 lie street railway system into A sun.mer e■ ■ Irf is r ot ou'y atmoyinir. Berberls thunbergil Is one of the Holstein l-'ii. *ian breed demand that a Harper XX bukty ier the enervating firmer in their belief than ever that inKton. has this day 9led in this offloo bar Chicago but if not relieved Poetim< r ia will be Sa i m has been thon uglily uver- most useful shrubs a landscape artist effects of hot ard as a safe crude oil abounds in that section. sworn statement No. 62*24. for the purchase of the prohanle rw-ult by I all. O ,e oauied. n w car* puichared, tlie track can have. In winter Its berries are at most creditable show of our cattle be the SWj, of Section No. Toanship No.40 guard ma.alia—became of its pres 'irt at this groat exposition. Real S Range No. 3 W., Willumette Meridian, A St. Petersburg dispatch says that Minute Cough Cure clears tlie phlegm, purity. Sulci by E. H. Helms, Jack tractive; In spring the leaves are a and will offer proof to show that the widenr <1 to *ta daid gauge, and the lxlug the imp »rtatice of a representative draws out rite ii.flimm ition, heals, one of the acts of grace signalizing the land sough*, is more valuable for its timber er sonville. sothes and strengthen* the lungs roach d improved allowing tlie com- bright green, and the younger ends are exhibit of II ’ sh in Erieslans nt St. I.ou stone than for agricultural purposes, »nd *e birth ot an heir to the throne will bo usually a lighter color than the older Tbeie is always teem at the top, but establish her"claim to said land before the is. tl.- Holstein Friesian Assoviatlon of and bronchial tube«. One Minute pinv n make a 6-minute service and Register and Receiver of this efflee al Rose the young man who a aits for a spec- the totol abolition of corporal punish Cough Cure is au ideal remedy tor the p > i jly shorter. The pavilion and branches. The coloring in autumn is ' ea bM offend apeclal prim for burg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th day of ment in the prisons of Bussia A num exquisite. It never grows high, is children. It is pieasaur to ti e ta t Sept , 1AM. be names as witnesses: J. ■ exhibits of its cattle, wldcli. together tally coretiuctcd elevator to lit his Gardner. W. A. McCrcsson, all ot Roseburg. and perfectly harmless. A certain cure gr> tn d-w ill be lighted by iocaades- well adapted for border or edging and Oregon, Mrs. Clara J. Wise, L. A. Reed, all at rare will never leave the gtound floor. ber of other reforms are promised on fi r Cr- up. Cough and Cold. Sold by c«nt electric lights, this giving 8 does well on terraces to edge a stair with the regular prizes offered by the the christening of the young heir. Tacoma, Washington. exposition, make a sum to be competed Forty yea’s ago there was tot a There are thousands of poor people City Drug Store. Any and all persons claiming ad Tersely Ro mb-h improved light service. way.—Gardening. for in amount never l>efore offered at above described lands are requeateo to Ito sitgle te«>iaptr in Jupan; Uday the throughout Russia who will wish that their claims in this office on or before said (th any live stock show. It will be seen Things Doing In Forestry. day of Sept.,llMM. has 6(0. This speaks well for the the Czar might be blessed with twin Why Ice Stays on Top. from the arrangement of prizes offered J. T. B ridcbs . Register. CENTRAL POINTERS. It is stated by D. G. Fairchild that that the large and the small breeder change trim the old order of things to boys as often as possible, as it malroa the route of the famous some species of bamboo will stand a have an equal chance of winning some WANTED. the new. It i« one of the most extra- rdinary him so humane. temperature of 6 degrees F. It is be thing and that it would be hardly pos « BY JUSTICE. Live agents to sell Dr. White’s things iu this extraordinary world, Two alleged claim jumpers were The famous Bodkin murder case, ' Mr*. J. Purkeypile 1« visiting ID lieved that there are in California, Ore sible for any herd of ordinary merit to Eectrie Combs, patented Jan. 1,’9D.s wrifes Henry Martyn Hart in tie gon, Texas and throughout the gulf show at St. Penis and win nothin» fouLd dead tear St. Mary s, Idaho, one which has been dragging in the courts Portland. Cure dandruff, hair fallirg out, sick and southern states many localities Great tilling* are ex|>ecte<l of us, and with 13 shots in Lis Udy, std a third of San Francisco for several years, has Outlook, that water should be the sole and nervous headache*, yet cost no Mi** lb rtha Cox lias gone to P< rt- suitable for the culture of bamboo. iLanisaho m stiig. Claim jumping is boen disposed of finally. Mrs. Corde exception to the otherwise universal mure than an ordiuary ci mb. bells the 1 lolstoin-Eriesian association ap Attention is being directed to the peals to its breeders with an.urgent re on sight. Agents ate wild with suc risky business in that »rate, as well as lia J. Bodkin, convicted of the mur law that ail cooling bodies contrac* 1 uid, where her folks live. cess. Send 50c for sample (half price) John E. Ro-s came down from Port pine lands of the south and to the pos quest that the display of our cattle .and therefore inerea-e in density. in most any other locality. der of Mrs. John P. Dunning by means Write quick. The Dr. White Electrlo sibilities of scientific forestry in pro ■hall far surpass any previous exhib1 “The Train.for.Comfort” land Monday, tovi*it. his mother, who Water contracts a, it* tempira ’ ure Comb Co., Decatur 111. The‘divining rod,” also known as of poisoned candy sent through the moting forest production in the south tlon." every night in the year. “ward of Mercury,” or ‘ rod of Aron,” mails, was sentenced to life imprison falls ard therefore becomes heavier is critically ill. He has since sent for ern Atlantic coast states. The neces Kind of Dairy Cows Wanted his wife. and sinks until it reachis 39 degrees. s*o vare ; ;uUi>n Fort»ec sity for the protection of the present laafoiktc. brarcb, u»ually of hazel, ment. Judge Cook, in pa-sing sen Before starting on a »rip-no matter It Is tlie herd of sp.s ial purpose dairy »¿e C&fcarets C...................... .• ortau G II. Perkins, who fell from a bad forests from fire, destructive lumber where—write for interesting information sometimes of irou or brass and copper, tence took occasion to say that the wo At this tempera! lire wa'er is the ."tin lai w nnra ir-i cows we want and not the herd kept to about comfortable traveling. heaviest. This is the point of its ing, etc.. Is recogulzed, and the possi of hay si me time ago and broke In by which minerals and water are sup man should have been sentenced to bilities of handling the forest so as to furnish chores for the owner or hired H. L. SISLER. Gen’l Agt., posed to be discovered beneath tne sur hang and 'bat the jury erred in fixing niiximum densily. From this point arm, Ins almost recovered. man. Dairy type is not an accident; it produce a continuous crop. 182 Third St.. Portland, Oregon. it begins to expand. Therefore in F. M. Amy and Ji s. Wright, who is not something that just happened. face of the earth. Suspended by the punishment to life imprisonment. T. W. TEASDALE, Gen l Pass. Agt. The leadtng problems in New Hamp winter, although the surface may be v.eul to the mountains la*t week, St. Paul, Minn. two pitugs or between the bails of the Blue prints of township maps, show freezing at a temperalure of 32 de- shire forests are said to be the refor There are good reasons for every jxrliit of makeup. It 1s advisable that every accompanied by their wives, have re thumbs it Is thought to show by a ing all vacant land, fifty cents each esting of white pine areas and the grtes, th* water at the bottom of the turned. maintenance <vf the spruce output. Re one engaged In dairying should procure clear inclination the spot where a mine For reliable information concerning a pure blooded sire.- M. L. Thomas In ol is six or teven degrees warmer. government land write to Frank E. or spring is bidden under ground. lb'v T. M. Jones and Jcc Mann, cent statistics show that nearly 2,000,- Hoard's Dairyman. Ailey, Abstracter, Roseburg, Oregon Suppose that water, like everything 000 acres of land have reverted from wirii their families, Mr. aid Mrs Character d boiest Reserve Scrip fo A Fresno, Cal, dispatch says within e!*e, ha* jjone < n contracting as it Unproved farm laud to an unimproved To Cure a Cold tn One Day. — FOR sale, in large or small quantities, by the next two week* 250 Chinese of that cooled unt’ it reached the freezing B (>th Lee, Mrs. Mann and others, state, and much of this is adapted to Taking Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. have goriu to the Lioptields. Frank E. Ailey, upstairs over Land the growth of white pine. Forestry au All Druggists refund the money it it fails to Office, 1 lose burg, Oregon. Will place city will cut off their queues and put point. '1 he heaviest water would W. H. Patrick, who has been one of thorities suggest the planting of areas cure. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. | their shirts Inside their trousers. This have sunk to the lowest place and same for non-resident purchasers. there become ice. Although it 1» our leading citizens during the past ,'1'on which no reforestration bus taken You can gel most anything in Ore was decided at a meeting of the Chi true that eight pints of watsr become several years, will in a short time pl ee, thinning when necessary, refor Railway between the gon, and with less effort, than in any nose Empire Reform Association. This here | ests ? the cut over areas and extending is the first definite action in a move bine pints of Ice, and therefore ice move b :ck t<> h is farm between the forest area over all lands which other slate in ibe Union. For instance, ment that Chinese here claim w'dl end bergs flort. showing above the sur »nd Tolo. are not ?dapted to agricultural crops. in Josephine county, a man has an or Rev. F. XV. Carstens of Medford, in tbec'ipping of queues iu every city face rm eighth of their bulk, still bad chard of ten acres of apples that yields and j of the state. The Chinese concerned the water when at the bottom turned the popular Baptist minister, will on OASTOXTZ.A.. him a lot of money each year; in the __ Th« Kind You Hart Always Boughl are members of the progressive polit- into Ice the stones would have locked Friday t vening, Aug. 26th, deliver Bsan tho winter be takes out all kinds of gold I leal party that aims to overthrow the It iu their interstices and held it one of bis able lectures in the Baptist Signatare The Modern Remedy for Women *beneaiL hi» orchaid, and when be gets • Empress Dowager and introduce mod there, and b, f ire the winter wa* over church of Central Point. short ot apples aud gold he amuses K EXICON A has Cured some ot the the whole p<ol wonld become solid ern customs in China. cases ot Tlie Chicago Portland Special, tlie himself wirti catching salmon from a A WONDERFUL INVENTION Special Excursions to St. IVby are there two buttons, or even ice, and all the poor fish would be en most luxurious train in tire wprld. OVARIAN and UTERINE Disorder* TO SPOKANE. ST. PAUL, DU- stream with which he Irrigates his or Drawing-room «sleeping cars, dining The tomb'd in clear, beautiful crystal. one, on the sleeve of a coat? Louis. LITH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO, chard and wfien be gets short of ap It is interesting to note that for-1 car, buffet smoking and library car positive cure for LEUCORRHOEA ST. LOUIS, ALL POINTS EAST ncu- ' wrder took a census ot his buttons aud tunes are frequently made by tlie in ples, and gold he amuses himself catch (barber and'bath). Less thaQ three and SOUTH. .ZV -i ‘ j T* - a -A. . hlch I found that twenty of them were un- Septi mber 5, 6 and 7 and (>ctober 3, vention of articles of minor import-1 days Portland to’Chicagri ing salmon irum a stream with wl----- !.,j Haw Aif Hearn ;ue 4 at d 5 are tlie remaining dates upon ance. Many of-the most popular de ' ----- He is particularly auxiou- T he R exicona C o . Overland Trains Daily o he irrigates his orchard and washes as to the «two buttons behind on a 4i en» tors which tickets will be sold at induced vices are those designed to benefit the Lady Agents Wanted 1 <an |n(-. i'a| The Flytr and Fast Mail. bls gold. Great country, this. rate* to t.iie St. Loni* hair. These people and meet popular conditions,' Send tor Booklet i <••' JvSC, VOI. 1 frock coat. Taking a survey of the rates ai ply over Hie Denver and Rio an i one of t ht most interesting of ------ im I»?- Grande and M issouri Pacific. For the I these that ha*ever been invented is Splendid Service, Up-to- patrons of these roads special excur-| the Dr. White Electric Comb, patent son cars will lie run through from ed Jan l 94 These wotideiful combs to Chicago are operated daily via the date Equipment, Courte Oregon Railroad & Navigation Portland and St. Louis without positively cure dandruff, iiair falling ous Employes. out, sick and nervous headaches, and change. • Company, Oregon Short Line Rail S. e tlie many points of interest ! when u*> d in connection with Dr. Daylight trip across the road, Union Pacific Railroad and DIGESTS WHAT VOU EAT White ’ s Electric Hair Brush are posi about the Mormon Capital and take a Cascade and Rocky Chicago A North-Western Railway Th, »100 bott!«contains 2'4 «ma,th, trial *1:-, '■ ich se! »for 50 centa. f rifle through.nature’s picture gallery. tively guaranteed to make straight mountains to Chicago from 1 rtland and points rXIPAXKO O8L.T AT TUI LABORATORY CF During the closing months travel to hair curly in 25 days' time. Thou-' in Oregua. E. C. DeWITT fie COMPAlpf, CUICACO. ILL. the fair will be very heavy. If you sands of these electric combe have! l>ailv «nd personally conducted ,x- Tickets, Rates, Folders and full Informa rout m i late going write W. C Me been sold tn tlie various cities of the* cursions in Buhman tourist sleepiM tion, cali on or adress cars hom Portland, Los Angeles and Bt l ie, general agent ift Portland for Union, and the demand is constantly : H. DICKSON, Sin I ran - o, through to Chicago lut ncKet Agent, 122 Third St. Portland, Ore. tlie Denver and Rio Grande, for par- Increasing. Our agents are rapidly t rures Grip without change. S. G. YERKES, G. W. P. A,, becoming rich selling these combs. ' 1 ictilars of these excurbions. West Side. 612 First Avenue. Seattle, Wash. A C BARKER. in Two Days. R.R. RITCHII: They positively sell on sight. Send. Gen '1 Agt . »S3 Third St.. Gen’! Market St roKl LAKU. OU Í» for sample. Men ’ s size 35c. ladies ’ 50c SAN 1- KANU IS Medford. (Ore. O z ?-. S T O It I A . —half price while we are introducing Soars the YouJIavHlways 80113 them. See Want Column of this Chicago & Nurttb Western Ry Boars the Open Nights ügnutore pa|>er. The Dr. White Electric Comb ßigüature. Co., Decatur, Jll. tt " zfy klf // 1 1 1 / / / MT? ■ tt -SUCH AS THE R hino ^ WORLD MAS NEVER a ' L in captivity ^¿iSEEN BEFORE PARADE GLORIES FREE UPON THE STREETS EVERY MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK To St. Louis and Return ADMISSION TICKETS and Numbered Reserved Seats will be on Sale Show Day at Haskins’ Drug Store at Exactly the Same Price Charged at Regular Ticket Wagons on the Sho^Gromids. Medford, Saturday, Sept. 3 Crow Flies” North- Western Limited co hi ASK THE ACENT Tickets Mothers and Daughters Try REXICONA y 2 Missouri River Chicago TWO Through Trains DY5PEÌ Weeks & Baker funeral Directors and Embalmers To Cure a Cold in One Day um*» S. Double-Track *''a I