Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
Bemooratie firnes Printed Every Wednesday, by Times Printing Company C has . N ickell , Editor and Mgr. TERMS: One Year, in advance... Six Months .................... SECRET RATE CUTTING Railway Discrimination Fosters the Trusts. THE FARMEE MADE TO SUITES. 91.SO . l.ou Utiles With Pacific States Telephone Co. Ryan Building, California St. » fow Promise» of Reform by Repub lican Candidate« Are Evaded. Farmer«' Organisation« Shonld Pat This Question to the Front. Judge Gaynor of New York stated it as his belief that rebates and secret rate cutting to favored shippers has led to the creation of trusts and com R ussia refuses to give up that she bines and that if the law was amend is whipped, but likely within the next ed to punish these discriminations the 48 hours the Czar will change his mind, trusts would be curbed. Perhaps Judge for within that time Port Arthur Gaynor is a little too sanguine of the effect that putting all shippers by the probably will have fallen. railroads, be they great or small, on THERE la one thing the Oregon pa the same footing would have, but per» are a unit on, and that la mlstak there is no doubt that taking from the Ing a human being for a deer. With trusts and combines the discrimina one accord they use the strongest lan tions by the railways In their favor guage at their command In condemna would abolish one of their great mo lion of It, and If they had the making nopolies. of the laws there would be one In Ore To the farmer of the west it does gon with pitchfork» sticking out from not matter which trunk line carries every paragraph. his wheat or corn to the seaboard or whether it eventually reaches New York T he declaration of Judge Parker, or some other city on the Atlantic or that if he la elected he will not again some port on the gulf of Mexico. The be a candidate for the presidency, interest of the farmer ceases when he meet* the approval of most Americans has sold his grain to the buyer at the It suits their ideas of government. In nearest railway station. But it does fact the constitution should be so make a vast difference to him If he amended as to make the presidential ships a carload of grain or cattle or terms six years and prohibit the re hogs to Chicago or elsewhere that the election of the occupant of the presi freight rate charged him shall be no dent’s chair. A chief executive who more than to the elevator company or could not look forward to re-election the big cattle buyer. It is also of the would be independent to servo the utmost importance to the farmer that people, and would not work in the be should have an equal opportunity lu being furnished cars like other ship interest of the politicians in order to pers—In fact, that no discrimination In secure a second nomination. rates or opportunity shall be made against him. T he whole crop of Italian prunes is As nearly all the railways are Inter so small thia year that the fruit ought state corporations It Is necessary that to bring a fair price, but the present federal legislation should be enacted to outlook is dark for prune growers give the interstate commerce com nils California prunes are now being offered slon power to punish railway officials for future delivery st as low as 1( who disobey the law. The present law cents for the four sizes Everybody as amended by the Elkina bill makes connected with the prune business it a misdemeanor on the part of any person or corporation “to offer, grant appears to be in a very uncertain or give or to solicit, accept or receive mental condition as to what the future any tebate. concession or discrimina has tn store for prunes. It la evident tion in respect of the transportation of that In California as well as In Oregon any property named In Interstate or present oondltions will tend to confine foreign commerce at a less rate than prune culture to those districts that named In the tariffs published which are peculiarly adapted to the and filed.” But the law does not provide for a production of prunes. way to punish the lawless railway offi I n these days of atreouoslty in the cial and is therefore secretly and often openly violated with Impunity. The political field, when greed for office Republican majority In congress have and inordinate desire for power lead always refused to vote for an amend public men to consult the interests of ment to the law giving the Interstate capital rather than of men, and to commerce commission the necessary study policy rather than principle, It power, though the Democrats have la well to turn often to the advice of time and again proposed such an that greatest of all advocates of popu amendment. The same opposition from lar government—Thomas Jefferson. the Republicans prevented the monop So long as we follow closely the prin oly breeding tariff from being revised, though the Democrats have struggled ciples laid down in his first inaugural to reform It, but every Republican in address we can not go far wrong. congress has stood like a stone wall Whenever we habitually vloiate any against even reducing the tariff on of them It is time to call halt. The those products of the trusts that they public weal should always be upper sell cheaper abroad than here. Republican candidates for congress most. and senators may declaim upon the T here is no certainty of Judge •tump and make promises that they Parker making any speeches in the will favor reasonable revision of tariff West In connection with his St. Louis rates, but their votes show they had no 8»ch honest intention. Some of trip or at any other time or place. them seek shelter under tile plea that He has no faith Lu the utility of speech In a caucus of Republican members of making for !ta own sake, and will make congress the majority decided to stand no speeches anywhere for the mere pat, and they had to keep within party purpose of appearing in any given lines. That Is an ancient dodge at locality. He believes a stumping trip Washington, for the trusts and cor by a presidential candidate to be lro porations always have a majority of proper and he will undertake no such the Republican members ready to do tour. The only condition upon which their bidding. If the fanners will pass resolutions he will make any speech anywhere at their grange or farmers’ clubs de will be the fact that be has some manding a pledge from the candidate definite thing to say and that he is | for congress that regardless of party convinced by his own reason that lines he will vote in their interest some given time and place best suit* and declaring that otherwise they will vote and work against such candidate’s the saying of it there and then. election, there would surely be a ma A VERY IMPORTANT factor that Jority in the next congress that would political managers appear to overlook pass the relief demanded. In figuring on the result of the present national capaign is the number of new THEIR EYES OPENED. voters who will go to the polls next a«*«kU«i Voters of Wisconsin fall—native-born persons who, since Learn Something. 1900, have reached the voting age, or The Republican voter in Wisconsin foreign-born persons who have taken must be getting a bad opinion of th® out naturalization papers. Il is ex leaders of both factions into which his tremely significant that in 1900 the party Is split If he believes tbe evi total number of votes that was cast for dence produced by both sides to prove the Republican and Democratic Candi their opponents are utterly unreliable This proof of the total political de da too for president of the United States pravity of Postmaster General Payne, fell about 175,000 short of the number Chairman Babcock and Senators that was cast in 1896. As a ruU, there Spooner and Quarles Is no news to loan enormous gain io the popular those who have been long upon tbe vote every four years. It is note watchtower and observed the trend of worthy, too, that the popular vote of these leaders toward the corporations the prohibition and other minor politi and combines. The common people are cal parties made no particular gain in to them but sheep for the shearing and 1900, as compared with 1896. All told, geese for the plucking. That the Re this vote did not reach 400,000, al publican voters of Wisconsin—and oth though there were six minor electoral er states, for that matter-have so long •hut their eyes and voted tbe straight tickets in the field in 1900. ticket has been a wonder to political observers. How many of these voters Wi are sending missionaries to will “take to the woods” or cut the Christian • Japan, but Japan Is still ticket now their eyes a^e folly opened a pagan nation, while Russia la a remains to be seen, but there should Christian Nation; yet Pagan Japan be enough to bury the trust party In has taught the world a leaaon which Wisconsin and elsewhere beyond hope should make Christians, at least, hang of resuscitation and a new deal be in their heads in shame. When Christian augurated. Ruasia’» warships sunk a Japanese A Sussestion. transport loaded with soldiers, that it If President Roosevelt will only con could have captured, and when Chris tinue his lessons in Jlu jltsu until fall tian Russia’s warships saw the transport he may learn how to enact the part of go down they steamed away leaving the under dog with the requisite ease thousands of fellow beings struggling and abandon. — Jacksonville (Fla.) in the epen sea, where they finally Tlmes-Unlon. were drowned. No offer of assistance was made. When Pagan Japan’s Tbere is more Catarrh io this sec fleet met Christian Russia’s fleet the tion if the ccuntry than ail other other day and engaged In battle. diseases put together, and until the Pagan Japan's fleet wm victorious. last few years was supposed to be In Christian Russia’s fleet was put to curable. For a great many years pronounced it a local disease rout and one of tbe vessels, the Rurlk, doctors and prescribed local remedies, aud by wm sent to the bottom. Pagan constantly failing to cure with local Japan's warships saw Christian treatment pronounced it incurable. Russia's vessel go down and the crew Scienee has proven catarrh to be a disease and therefore struggling In the open sea; but Pagan constitutional requires constitutional treatment. Japan's vessels did not go away leav Hail’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by ing the unfortunates to drown,. On F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the contrary, tbe boats were lowered the only constitutional cure on market. It is taken internal and the Russians were rescued from the ly in do-es from 10 drops to a tea tbe water and taken to Nagasaki, spoonful. It acts directly on the bkx>d where they were well treated. In the and mucous surfaces of the systtm. words of the Pagan Japan’s Admiral, They offer one hundred dollars for any it falls to cure Send for circulars his country returns Christian Russia’s case and testimonials. living for Pagan Japan’s dead, and Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Tole thus Pagan Japan gets her revenge. do, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Pills for constipation. I Cure Sick Kidneys, 25 Bladder and Ovarian diseases, and all weaknesses in either sex with Cal ifornia Yerba Lip Tus, a simple herb of great potency. Don,t delay. Send 2 cts. postage for free treatment. P rof . H. W. H lll , B ox 731-A, L os Jkngeiea, Calif. CT Knierad st the Po.ioffice at JscksonvP'e, Ore., as Second Class Mall Matter SK i: G"» |N1SC All Ein FAIL*. Srrup. T«MaaGuud. L'«e O Sold by druxxHu. •4 RAISrW MEN COMBINE. BRIEF MENTION. PERSONAE MENTION California Companies Unite in • Trust J. Fitzgerald of Spokane, who is in F II Green was a Jacksonville visi With a Million Capital. terested in the copper belt, was in our tor Thursday. riyers Your Heart In accordance with a resoluti <n New York, Aug. 25.—It was learned adojfted at lhe last meeting of the city Tuesday, accompanied by a friend. Mr. and Mr*. H. E. Ankeny left for In the wholesale grocery market yes- Stale Good Roads Association, held 8 H. Kinsey, the miner, and his Klamath county Friday morning, terday that a combination of all the May Be Weak. One in Portland last year, President leading raisin seeding concerns on the I family, who have been at Cinnabar I Harry Wilcox Is at Jacksoavllle, Person in Four Has I Scott has announced lhe personnel of You know the medicine that Pacific coast had been formed to con during the past several weeks, re- employed in Al Learned's variety store. a WeaJL HeaM. makes pure, rich blood tbe legislative committee, the pur trol the output and regulate prices and turned to Grants Pas< Friday. Mies Montgomery of Agate has re Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Your One of the surest slfns of a week po-e of which will be to draft and of that as preliminary to this the new Dick Donegan, who went to Harney turned from a visit off Thompson heart Is Shortness of breath after exercise. mother, grandmother, all your fer to the legislature such legislation trust had bought from the Raisin Yopr heart Is not able to pump the Growers' association the entire carry county last spring, will return aud re creek. as is deemed best for the good-road* folks, used it. They trusted blood fast enough to your lungs. over of last year’s crop, amounting to sume his position in Nunan’s mercan- m< x< mt nt In this state, as follow»: Miss Olive Boone, the school teach Some of the other symptoms of Heart i tile establishment. 1200 carloads. er, is visiting relatives living in Roxy Trouble are: Pains In the Side, Back M. A. Miller, of Lebanon; C. J. Smith, The combination is to be known as J Hop-pickers will find Ranzau's yards, and Shoulder; Fainting or Weak Spells; of Peiidieton; W. W. St.eiuer, of Fos precinct. the Consolidated Raisin company, and situated a few miles west of Grauts Dry Cough; Swelling of Feet and Ankle»; sil; J. H. Albert, of Salem; M. A. Chae. J. Meier, of the Gall’s Creek Cold Feet or Hands. has a capital stock of >1,000.000. Some Pass, an agreeable aud remunerative it. Their doctors trusted it. Wertz, of Grants Pass. No one can afford to allow a weak mines, spent several hours in Medford of the firms which have gone into the i place to work Your doctor trusts it. Then heart to go without medicine, because Am mg matters suggested to the combination are the Griffin & Skelly Thursday. trust it yourself. There is Jas. R. Kearnes, a pioneer o( weak heart means poor circulation, and company, the J. K. Armsby company, Mies Lulu Jones, manugur of Jack poor circulation means weak lungs, committee, to cover which it is pre- health and strength in it. Southern Oregon, who has been lu a the Phoenix Raisin Seeding aud Pack sume I hills will be drafted Tor pre- spent an stomach, liver, kidneys, etc. sonville ’ s telephone office, I suffered terribly from Indige.tion and i -serious condition for some time past, is ing company. Guggenheinier & Co., thin b:ood. 1 found no relief until I took If, therefore, you suspect heart trouble, mentation to the legislature, is ihe hour in Medford Friday. Ayer'. bar.ap.nHa, Four lurtlle» pertua- Rosenberg & Co., the Fresno Home said to be Improving slowly. begin taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. ma't-T of public rose) construction by ueutly cured me.” Miss Ethel Fleury has returned The Heart Cure will do you good, as It Is Mao. F. R. H abt , »ft., N. Y. Packing company, Nladdison A Bonner, Jos. B. Wetterer has succeeded W. convict labor. gl dOabottie. J. » aykr <<>.. the Pavlln Packing company, the J H Green in the management of the Iowa from Baker City, where she went for a splendid tonic for the blood and nerves, * K — 1 Otl er prospective la ws is ooe per and will revitalize your entire system. Inderreldsu company and the Castle for her health some time since. LumberCo.’s yards at Jacksonville and Finally, remember. Dr. Miles’ New milting the county c->uit to < on- Brothers oompany The directors are Miss Nina Kame has returned from Heart Cure Is sold under a guarantee dernn p operly for t he purpi se of H. Gartenlaub, William Griffin, War is giving geneiai satisfaction. Steamboat, where she has been teach that the first bottle will do you good. T. K. Bolton, a prominent druggist reu Gregory, X. B. Rosenberg and D sleaigbtetiing ou> r< ads, and au tin r If It doesn’t—your money back. L. Guggenheinier. of Ashland, was up before Judge Berry ing a successful term of school. “I was afflicted with heart trouble for for tl e [uriose of requi'lrg petition Ayer’s Pills are gently laxative II. L. White and his family, who three years. 1 would be apparently all ers for the establishnr nt of new r ul- They greatly aid the Sarsaparilla . Wednesday morning on a charge of and without a moment's warning WHSAT TAKES A SLUMP. j breaking the liquor ordinance. He haye been residing at Ashland, are at right, would fall as though shot. The attacks to pay the costs of survey and view were frequent, and a terrible dread pos log their home in Rock Point again. sessed me, as I never knew alien or Damage • Reports Believed to Have pleaded guilty and paid his tine of $100 where, nor under what conditions I and costs. PROFESSIO'AI CARUb. Chas. E. White of Klamath county, would be attacked, and whether I would Been Greatly Exaggerated. About Education. survive them. I consulted and was Benton Bowers, as will be seen else who has been looking after his affairs treated by some of the most eminent Chicago, Aug 25.—Yesterday was bargain day on the Chicago Board of where, has many hundred cords of in this section, went home lately. fihyslclans of the state. Not finding re- Soul hern Oregon Is boasting of a F. R. BO 4 L »SOX, M D. ier from tills source, I began taking Trade. Wheat for the September de excellent cordwood, of different kinds, J. C. Rutenic of Klamath Fails, tbe Dr. Mihs’ New Heart Cure, and began ' first-class educational institution, The livery was marked down from 4J.08%, for sale at his farm near Tok). It will well-known attorney, nas been in to improve at once. I used ten bottles, j teaching fraternity throughout i he Ph>slclan and Surgeon. which entirely cured me, as I have not I state are speaking in tbe highest prai- • where it was at the close of the ses be sold at a reasonable figure. had an attack for five years. ” — MRS. Jacksonville on professional business of 'be opportunities offered and the JOHN PRKSHAi'K. Leipsic, O. slon Tuesday, to >1.03%. There was G. T. Salsbury, the miner,’ was In Mrs. M. Matthews and her daughter, TTJT7T Write to us for Free Trial work done iu the State Normal Scheel Office in Orth’s Building. an even greater cut for December de Hour»—2 10 5 and 7 to 8 j-. m located at Ashland. New buiiding-, XVJhXj Package of Dr. Miles’ Antl- livery, which sold down to >1 04%. as Medford Saturday, on his way to Ash Mrs Chas. Duffield, who live near X Paln Pill», the New- Scientific Remedy oe* apparatus, a new system of water compared with >1.09% ©1.09% at the land. He informs us that his uncle, J. Rock Point, were recent Medford vis for Pain. Also Symptom Blank. Our works, a large faculty composed of Oregon Specialist will diagnose your case, tell W. Ingram, is sojourning at Bybee’s itors. previous close. specialists in their several linos, a Large you what is wrong, and how to right It, New York, Aug. 25.—The public’s Springs, near Wimer, for the beneti Free. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., appropriation from the state lor main Mr. Libby, the affable special agent LABORATORIES, ELKHART, IND. A. E. RI AMLS, session of big profits in the New York of his health. teuance. all speak for the recognized Bureau, has been of the U. S. Pension ATTORNEY-A T-Lâ W merit of lhe school. The departme nt wheat market was disturbed yesterday I. N. Henness, late of Ilwaco, Wash., of elocution and oratory and tbe de by one of the most serious declines has taken charge of the Blazier placer in the valley this week, on special Jacksonville. Oregon. partment of music, both vocal and business. the market has had in weeks, amount mines, located on Applegate and instrumental, last year reached a high op- Ing to more than 4 cents a bushel. The awOffice in Red Men's Building. J. J. Cambers of Ashland will plant degree of usefulness, and a large num break was caused, apparently, by a perated by Frank Mengoz, that he 100,000 catfish in Buck Lake, a fine ber of pupils were enrolled in these A special car containing 22 member* rush to unload on the part of longs purchased not long ago. He was ac body of water located in Klrmath HOBT. G. SMI1 H, of the honorary btard of the Filipino departments. The school has three who were overloaded. The market companied hither by bis wife. good pianos, and an experienced In county. Commissioners, who have been visit closed little short of demoralized and »tructor of Instrumental music, also ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Messrs. Malone and Hamilton, prom President B. F. Mulkey of the S. O. ing the St. L mis Expotitii n, passtd I of vocal music. at the low point of the day. Decern inent citizens of Crescent City, Calif., Grant a Pass, Oregon. Manual training, school gardening ber sold at >1.08%, against >1.12% last who are interested in the Blue Lead, S N. and Prof Starr, one of the tbrougli Medford Tuesday, en route and a kindergarten are among tbe night faculty, spent a short time in Jackson to San Francisco. Tne members of important features of ths coming year practices ali Ite court» ' in Bank arrived Thursday and will spend a fe* ville Thursday. tne parly had been brought from their Tbe moral and s > *ial environment, of building up slaìif days here and at the copper b it. MUST NOT INTERFERE. John Cameron of Talent, the ener home* in the various inlands of th« I Ashland are of lue best. Tbe hea th Hundreds of the residents of this Strike Breakers May be Lodged In getic farmer, aud Grant Rawlings of Pnilippine archlp.lajo and bad been conditions are euch as to enable the u. M. KLENE. D. D. S. pupil to do a maximum amount cf county will hie themselves to Josephine Chicago Packing Houses. Climax, the slock raiser, were in Jack touring this c >uniry at the invitation work with a minimum ol outlay of Chicago, Aug. 25.—Judge Theodora county and tiud remunerative employ sonville not long since. and expense of Ucc e Sam. Tney enet gy and time. DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY Bretano has issued an Injunction re ment lu the hop fields, which will pre Last year 283 pupils were enrolled -PARATIVI Oiaees m the Adkins Deuel block Prof. S. P. Robbins, principal of the were accompanied by Arthur W. Fer- straining the city of Chicago from In sent a lively appearance for several ' in all departments. A greater atten guson, executive secretary for the Jacksonville public school, and his wife terfering with th® lodging of non weeks. Oregon I Philippine island*. Several of the! dance for next year is a.ready assured. Bedford, arrived Wednesday from Chico, Calif., School opens Sepumbur il'.li. Cuta union employes tn the packing houses The R. R. V. R. will run excursion commt-siocers weie quite young men, io,.u s are cheerfully sent, on applica at the stockyards. The city announ trains to Medford oi. circus day, Sept. where they have been visltiug. P. P. PRIM & SON. uone were pa t middle age, and as tion to THE PRESIDENT ced that an appeal would be taken to 3d, leaving Jacksonville as follows: 7 Jas. Burns of Gail's Creek, a Well- they strolled up and the ¡plat ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW the* appelate court. Known miner, is in Medford, looking The Injunction was issued in a test and 9:45 a. m.; l:00; 3:30 and 7:15 p. m. after Major Andrus’ interests while form, at Ashland, their quick assim Sure Spray for Uodlin Moth. Jacksonville, Oregon. ilation of American habits and cus case brought by the G. H Hammond Trains return after the performances. be and his family are on an outing. Round trip, 25 cents. company. Seven additional petitions toms wa> apparent la their manner ■W Will practice It all court« or the Slate. Ol In two gal! ,ns of water di».-olve one Ringling Brothers World’s Greatest Mrs. Thos. Collins is being visited of (walking, their c< stume and mat fice In tue Uouil Bouse la«i door oc the were at once filed, following the de rirbt freo, e ut rao ce cisión of the court .’or an extension of Shows employs 1,280 men. women aud by Miss Martie Perry of Roseburg. ter of fact way in which they made p ui.d of will»e vrseuic and tw » pcur.d» the temporary injunction to all tbe children; have 675 ho-'ses, use 85 They left Thursday evening on a visit themselves at home witii their sur of sal seda; boil 10 to 15 minutes and A. C. HOUGH, packing companies within the stock- double length cars, exhibit monster to the McDonough farm, in Willow roundings. Nearly al, of them speak you have two gallons of arsenite Of yards. with the exception of the herd of forty elephants in the largest Springs district. soda. attorneyat - law English intelligibly and eas ly, and it Omaha Packing company. In the menagerie on earth, and have a spread In a birrel containing 25 gallons of • rant’s P jss . ... breton, B. H Harris got back from Port is said that a number of them have Hammond case the court found that of canvas that covers fifteen acres of land Wednesday. He is arranging to acquired the language since landing io water stir thoroughly three pints of office over Hair-R.ddie Hardware Store the building in controversy is not make a short business trip to Michigan I San Francisco, ou May 27ih. An in the above mixture, io a second bar within the fire limits and cannot there ground. The constitutionality of the new tire soon. Speaking of a railroad to Big telligent J oung fellow from trie is’and rel also containing 25 gallons of water fore be regulated by the fire or build- H. D. NORTON, ordinances of the city. Judge Bren gon local option law is to be tested in Butte Falls, Mr. Harris thinKs tbe llo llu wa* approached by a Tidings stir thoroughly six pounds of fte-li tano asked that the additional peti the courts of Multnomah county. The prospects of it being built are good man and asked about his txperieoce slacked lime. Unite tbe two and you TTOR NEY ANDCCUNSIKR a T LAW Hons be left with him so that be could fight against the new law will take tbe Miss Elva Galloway, the popular in this country. He bad spent three have 50 gallons of spraying ruiterial Grant’s Pa.*», Oregon. look them over. form of a suit to enjoin the county educator, was on the s?uthbound months here, he said, one at the First spray ing a week after blossoms clerk from submitting tbe question to train Thursday, en route to Klamath World’s Fair and two in traveling fall and at intervals of thirty day» •WOfflce above S P. D. A. L. Co '« Siore. THE PURE FOOD LAW. the voters of Multnomah county,as pe afterward. Fal s, to teach school during the en about tbe co .ntry. The weather had titioned for already, at the November This is recommended by Prof. Ked- been very warm at St. Louis, much suing year. Miss Della Picket accom- Ohemical Laboratories for Examination election. sieof Michigan Agricultural College warmer, he thought, than in his na of Imported Products. vanied her as far as Ashland. and by Prof. Slingeriand of Cornell Dr. J. F. Reddy and bis associates tiveland. lu his journeys about tbe Washington. Aug. 25.— A chemical Mias Frances Barnes, who has been University. laboratory for the examination of ini have built two substantial bridges visitiug in Medford and Jacksonville country he had visited if Urge :ities Hon. K. L. Smith and David Stars ported f-x-d products will bo opened in across Elliott Creek, which will open had “gone up to New York,” »nd had the Appraisers’ stores building of the that district, that has always been in during the past four weeks, left for seen uearly all seclioos of the country, of H’>od Ki ver have u»ed it and .-aved J acksonville Treasury department in New York by accessible during the winter, to travel the north Thursday evening. After coyly evaflit g any exuberant expres 98 per cent of their ij - i le crop. spending a short time at Gold Hill and lue department of agriculture on Sep tbe year ’round. This improvement, Sam's Va:ley she will go to Portland sions as to his impressions of tlie tember 5. Five expert chemists will be taken in connection with tbe road to If the Ba'oy is Cutting Teeth, Installed, having been selected through to assume an excellent place in the power and wealth shown by an obser special examinations by the civil ser Joe Bar, will prove of much impor public schools of the metropolis. Miss vation of his country’s extent and re Be sure and use that old and well- vice commission. This Is the first of tance whenever the copper belt is de B. is a successful teacher and will source*. When asked about the con tried remedy,M rs . W inslow ’ s S ooth ing syrup , for children teething It a number of laboratories to be estab veloped. doubtless give satisfaction In her new dition of affairs in the islands he soothes the child, softens the gum», lisbed to prevent Impure food, the prod said: “ We have perfect peace, but The Grants Paas public schools will position. allays tbe pain, curts wind colic and uot of foreign countries, entering the open September 5th. Prof. R. R. Tur ecooomic conditions are bad and will is tne best remedy for Diatrluet United States. Congress will be asked ner,tbe new principal, has arrived He Abstracts made to Titles of be until we have railroads. The gov Twenty-live cents a bottle. Found 50 000 Old Peonies. lor appropriations for such laboratories Lands. ernment is encouraging the buiiding LEGAL DOCUMENTS. at Boston, Philadelphia.. New Orleans, will be assisted by Miss M. Estelia An old nail keg was recently un Goodin, Stella Paddock, Mary E. Day, earthed in one of our western cities of railroad*, and when their construc- It Will Be To Your Interest. »11«.nd drawn up especially pertalaloc to Ban Francisco and Chicago. t Ion is once accomplished conditions tbe »ettl rrent of estate» * The foreign pure food law has been Alta Schneider, Winifred Cutler, Mae by workmen engaged in tearing down will te improved.” an old building. Upon opening itthey in force more than a year, and is re Bisbop, Blanche Crane, Lucy George, If you contemplate visiting Hie Accounts Silicited, Frompi Remittance. became very much it was lull garded as beyond the experimental Calla ¡Heslin, Alice Pool, Mrs. Mollie of MONEY LOANED. St. L uls Exposition, to secure reliable pennies; tut their joy was soon stage . Belding, Lillian Hogan, Minnie Tuffs, turned to disappointment, for on information as to railrotd service, juvstnjent securities » specialty. Jacksod tlie lowest rates and tbe best routes Jounty ».crip bought and sold. Edna Parker and Frances McWilliams closer examination they were fou d have a complete set or maps or all surveyed Also as to local conditions in St. MURDEROUS DOG CATCHER. to be commercial pennies, used during Prosecuting Attorney Reames re and» in this county, and receive Abstract« th- war, and of no value now. The The seventh annual meeting of tbe Louis; hotels, etc. monthly rrom Roseburg Land Office, the Land If you will write the undersigned, Shoots Man While Trying to Save fuses to liberate Joseph Williams, the above lias also been the experience of er the O. X C R. u. »nd lhe State American Miniug Congress, held at stating what information you desire, Oepartment Laad Department at Salem or all new entries man accused of the murder of Florence sickly meu and w men who were de Daughter’s Pet Canine. made I am thus prepared to make out tome- San Francisco, Aug 25.—With the Wells In Grants Pass several weeks ceive] into trying various remedies to Portland, was much of a success. the same will be promptly furnished. ?lL-Bdrt?.Sper* tBke proofs “>vrecn. Also I If we do not have it on band w ill impression of his daughter’s affection ago. At the preliminary examination restore them to health; but because Tne attendance was very large, secure it for yr u if po-slble, and with take filings and proofs of timber lands, aud s?,ve P» the eipeise of « trip ate kiss still warm upon his lips touch lhe evidence secured was hardly suffic they contained no merit were sadly nearly 2000 delegates from many dif-1 out any expense to you. Address to the Roseburg land office v disappointed. Not so, however, with ferent parts of the Uaion participat ed by the hand of death, caused by a B. H T rumbull , ient to justify Williams being held to tbo»e who selected Hostetter's Stom h"’nAG.UKibeo of F,n'F•r■,• •»*«» bullet through his body, fired by a Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Desirable Propertv In my hands f«r ach ¡litters to cure Hrem of belching, ing in the proceedings. appear before the circuit court, but the Portland, Ore. hodlum driver of a pound wagon. Ru heartburn, indigestion, dyspepsia, or One of the most important arts of dolph W. Schultze of 1183 Fifth ave district attorney deemed it advisable to malaria, fever and ague, for today the congress was the location of rep’*? made to all let tert. Chara- d “ Aeoordance with 'he times nue south sank upon the steps leading bold him in hope of getting more evi they enjoy perfect health. A trial Refers, by permission. Uon H. K. Hanns permanent headquarters at Salt Lake. Low Rates to California. will convince you, too. tc his front door and expired. With dence. lodge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any El Paso captured the congress of business house tn Jacksonville. the words "Kiss me, Ethel” still ring Peter Applegate is about to install a SILAS J. DAY 1905.* The Triennial Com lave of Knights ing in the little girl's ears, the father water system and furnish Jacksonville Templars will be held at Sau Fran sank down with a groan and expired with pure water. On ThuiiKlay he About the most interesting event of cisco September 5Ui to 9ih, and the at the feet of his child before she fully ordered two miles of four and six inch NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. this congress was the presentation to meeting of the Sovereign Grand realized what had happened. Only a Lodge of I. O. O. F. , will be held in President Richards, on behalf of wooden pipe from the representative of Cattle and sheep raisers cannot look U nited *S tatbs L and Ornes. moment before she saw her father Jacksonville board of trade, of a mag the same city September 19th to 25th. Natto. i. .RoseburF- Oregon. June 13 imm shot through the body by Gus Scherf, a Portland firm, which is said to be to the immediate future with any as For these occasions the Southern Pa « oh . k b<‘reny given that 1B compliance driver of a poundkeeper’s wagon, as quite reasonable and serviceable. Mr. surance that prices of beef and mut nificent gavel made of manzsmta by cific Co. will place in effect the ex with the provUiqna of the act of Cbtutrea» of June S. 1878, 'An act for the sale of David Linn and b< und with gold from tremely low rate of one and one-third timber lands entitled he was attempting to rescue her little Applegate has an Inexhaustible supply ton will materially advance or even in tbe States of California. Ore fare for the round trip, not to exceed Rich Gulch, the first mining camp es of water, which he pumps into a tank gon, Nevada and Washington Territory “ aw pet dog from the other attaches of the hold up to the present values. The to all the Public I and State« by act from a big well. The county-seat is ranges aie well stocked, and it will be tablished in Oregon. In presenting iv •25.00, the rate from Portland. Those extended vehicle. cLtif «V *!*4’ ^>Pea A «^-ofTaco^ who are planning a trip to California county of Pierce, state ot Washington baa to be c )ngratuiated upon the installa necessary for owners to unload a con B. B. Beckman, a well-known attor should take note of these rates. DETROIT WINS TROPHY. »1»» office h.s sworn stateinenl tion of so importan t an enterprise. purchase of theWc,of E4 of siderable amount of both cattie and ney of Portland and a native of the San Diego, Aug. 25.—The second SW U No Range No. pioneer town of Southern Oregon, As to the much mooted point sheep in order to reduce their herds Merid» n. and will offer proof race of thirty-foot yachts for the tro made the prettiest, if not the most tor ’he aDd H“u*rhl <» more valuable phy presented by Sir Thomas Lipton, whether tbe famous Briggs discovery ar d (locks to what can be cared for for ils limber or stone than for agricultural claim to "nd resulted in another victory for the De is in Oregon or California, surveys have during next winter. And this con eloquent, address of the session. Im bef?,re Register and Receiver ot this Judge Richards responded feelingly, troit, Captain Gould of the San Diego .shown E. T. Staples, who has it dition prevails not alone in Oregon Koseb“rK-Oregon. Thursdav . the »th es1 MrVci^. 15? H«,na®«’g »a witness- Yacht club. The Detroit having taken bonded, that the ledge runs from but all over the range country there and in a few well-chosen remarks ex ? r „rs-yara J., of I'aeoma. Wawhing- two races, the third will be unneces southeast to northwest and that the fore there will be large numliers of pressed the thanks of the assembled AND ’ b- J*rs 1-mma H W illiatn-«. or Spatiawav J ' H' Gardner, W. a MeCrosaon sary ,and will not be sailed. delegates. property is partly in Oregon and part animals thrown upon the market. all of Roseburg, Oregon * Any and all persons claiming adverselv thn ly in California. When he and his O.ving to the strikes in the eastern above described lauds are request^ tj file THE TACOMA ACCEPTED. aih'o c * “ls, 'u this office on or before said Washington, Aug. 25.—Announce companions ¡are gathered about the packing houses the demand will be 8th day of Sept., lv<H. Bla ment. Is made at the navy department dinner table in their camp one of them limited, and consequently prices must J. T. BRIDGES, Register. mat tne cruiser Tacoma, Commander is seated across tbe line in California, be low after the strike Is settled and Of any Township in the Nicholson commanding, has been final while the other three arj eating in po-sibly for semetime afterwards. By G. W. Smith, formerly county judge Roseburg Land District. ly accepted from the Union Iron Oregon. The Wounded Buck claim, reason of the strike the packers have of Klamath county, which section he NOTIl E FOR PUBLICATION. bilixg papers Works, San Francisco. which is a continuation of the Briggs lost large sums of money, and they did more to develop than anybody U nitbo S tatks L and Ort ica Prepared for Filing on Home discovery, is almost wholly over the will, when the market opens up again, else, died at San Diego, Calif., Aug. Notic« i« *, ,seburE.Ore., June 13. lWi’u with th« K1VCD ’k“1 couipllanoo DeWitt la the Name. stead or Timber Claims state line, Bays the Tidings. s ek to make themselves whole by 22d, aged 62 years. He had been a pro'ihions of ihe act of Concr^tiM Ot June 3, 1878. entitled An Act for the’sliZ keeping down prices of live stock. When you go to buy Witch Hazel fll^rbpecial Attention given to Blue-print maps of any townships sufferer from fatty degeneration of the Salve look for the name DeWitt on Roseburg, Oregon, 'Land District, Therefore stockraisers may expect heart and removed to Phoenix, Arizo Matters in Connection with low prices to prevail for many months every box. The pure, unadulterated showing all the vacant lands, for 50 the Ü. 8. Land Office. t • come. na, a few years ago, in the hope of ben Witch Hazel is used in making De cents each. If you want any informa '1 atonia, County of Pierce, State of Washiur « PHONE 415 Ä Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, which is tion from the U. S. Land Office, ad efiting his health. Judge Smith was a No’fi-^t 10 ,hJS the test salve in the world for cuts, dress Title Guarantee & Loan Co., man of much enterprise and force of NWu.r ,or 1 hc Purchase of the Raage*No rti" "w V*’ ^’nteip No. «J Marks Bld.,Roseburg, Or burns, bruises, boils, eczema and Roseburg, Oregon. character, and handled a very large piles. The popularity of DeWitt’s Captain Webb, who was the first to sum of money while engaged in busi Witch Hazel Salve, due to its many cures, has caused numerous worthless Introduce to the public performing The annual reunion of tbe Southern ness. He is survived by his wife and counterfeits to be placed on the seals, is exhibiting the latest results of Oregon Pioneer Society will be held several grown children—Mrs. Alex. market. The genuine bears tbe name his patient study and training these at Jacksonville next Thursday, Sept. notice for publication . Martin, Jr., of Klamath Falls, W. W. E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. Sold curious beasts lu a marvelous act with 1st. An excellent program is being Smith o' Biy, Geo. H. Smith of Eu at City Drug Store. Oregon. Mrs Emma 1 William. „Ro8«bur<. U nites S tates L and Orriea Ringling Brothers’ World’s Greatest arranged therefor, which will include gene^ Horace E. Smith of Merrill, and ki »• 1 k woseburg, Oregon, Juue 2- luiu Shows this season. The perform- an address by Hon. K. G. Smith of I Dick Smith,the noted ball player, Mrs wHh *S hTll’y ghen lhul " with the provisions ot ’-Au the Act act f.?r nr <-555- “>• iSfs. entitled rhi8r17 au s ? above “lÄnd;1^’^ ance requires two big stages, and the Grants Pass, who is a native of the W. C. Johnson of Santa Cruz, Cnll( , Junes, Timber Lauds lu the States of California*o ° f and Mrs. T. F. Miner ol Phoenix, Aris: seals enter into the spirit of the acts pioneer town and a speaker of ability. Son. Nevada and Washington Teirmt,' Mb day of September, 1ÄM ^roro extended to all the lbibltc f arid Bs with obvious zest. They juggle, play The dinner tiiat is prepared by the J • T._ BRUX. MS, Register. of August 4. last. Elwvn “ ct One of the industries of Southern musical Instruments, balance balls and ladles belonging to the society will, A Perfect Painless Pill thUff i^?n tl^lT-e^1“ Oregon that should receive encourage drum major’s sticks aud feathers, toss a» usual, be one of the features of the Is the one that will cleaase the NO. «»0, for the purehie ot ^¿NEWreXi ment is the drain-tile factory of Stickle footballs and conical hats to each oth occa-ion. Several piominent inem- system,set the liver to action, remove No. 20, Township 37 »outh of raiilk«*0**0c and will otter proof to »how 'ie,t* Bros , located near Gold Hill. Al er, jump through fiery hoops, dr'll, beis have pa*sed away since tie last the bile, clear tbe complexion, cure sought U more valuable for iu ti£t*r , though yet In Its Infancy It gives em- waltz,spar,fence _____ __ _______________________ for agricultural nurnoae. •“d gt°ue and even run through leunion, among whom :ie E D. Fou- headache and leave a goed taste in then the mouth. The famous little pills llsh his claim to said ?anTCfori?he employment to ten men and turns out ' the droll incidents of a broad farce, dray and C. W. Kahler. and Receiver of this office Yt », „t ««Kister for doing such work pleasantly and gon, on Saturday, the uith dev Sentemh?’ a large quantity of tiling of a splendid The performance presented by Captain effectually are DeWitt’s Little Early wtteereesT . Bob.Moore of Lafayette, Ind., FraSumLd “.?aînés rM»' *** quality daily. By patronizing Messrs. Webb is original and is the most sensa Risers. Bob.Moore of Lafayette, Ind., You Kuow What You Ara Taking ’ Stlckel you not only help a deserving tional example of animal training When you take Grove’» Taatelees Chill Toole says: ’’ *" de“cribidr?2d»Cirre enterprise, but save the freight charges, brought forward for public entertain oeoause the formula la plainly printed on every r?.?? L?d1blCoen’ liottle,»bowing that it 1» simply Iron and Out Little Rxrly Ribera are biuipiy ter- which are heavy on this class ol goods. ment In the present generation. day of September. lKM. *fore said loth nine <n a taateleaa form. toe. No Cure. NoPay feet.” Sold by City Drug ¡Store. Sarsaparilla Rich Blood Filipinos Homeward Bound. Silas J. bay Notary Public Agent and U. S. Commissioner for Jackson County. American Mining; Congress. Outlook Not Flattering. FRANK E. ALLEY ARCHITECT ABSTRACTER Death of a Prominent Man. £ TuX? The Next Event. w'TVA.*™’"’.,!- S Keep Your Money at Home. J- T. BRIDGES, Register. Mediord Furniture Co., HouBelurnishers and Undertakers. JohnH. Butler, Funeral Bi rector. Day Phone Main 353. Night Phone Main 251.