Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1904)
Jayne’s Carminative Balsam JL * HERE AND THERE * —The Standard Remedy for Summer Complaint. Cramps, Colic, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach and Vomiting, also for Dvsentery, Diarrhoea or Looseness, Asiatic Cholera, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera Infantum. JAYNE’S CARMINATIVE BALSAM has been used with great success for 73 years. We will send Free to any person who will enclose a two-cent stamp in part payment for the mailing, a trial size bottle of JAYNE’S CARMINATIVE BALSAM. Writ« your Name, Town and State plainly to insure your getting the same. SATURDAY IS DAY. CIRCUS About the Total Vote, Tbe Sultan of Turkey dees not see why there should be so much discus Ringling Brothers are Com What will be the total vote cast in sion of a few broken promises. He has this year’s presidential election? Will ing With the Biggest plenty more on hand. it reflect the large increase in popula Show on Eartn. tion, due to naturalization, shown by Of each 1000 emigrants who reach the monthly census reports and in the ,gb" Address: DR. D. JAYNE (Sb SON, Philadelphia. America it is said there are only seven rops For Infants and Children. Saturday, September 3d, is Ringline courts, or will it be lees io 1904 than in girls who desire employment as bouse servants. Brothers’ circus day. The greatest the election of four years ago, as the A cotfsiN of the President’s, Maude COUNTY RECORDS Roosevelt, is, in the matter of etren- The Infant Czarevitch has already J show in the world will bring Its won- vote of 1900 was less than in 1896? In 1884 the total vote was 10.068,000. uousness, evidently a disciple of her Mattern of Importance Transacted at been appointed Hetman of all the Cos j dors to us at last. For weeks circus The larges’ sum ever paid for a prescription ' has been in the air, and now the In 1888 the total vote was 11,392,000, She contrib sacks; but bis regiments are now too o hanged bands Io San Franclsoo Aug. X). 1901. distinguished relative. the Court House. In 1902 the total vote was 12,150,000, i dream of day and ninht is to be real- busy for the first perambulator review. The tnmsfer Involved tn coin and stock 1112,- ute* to the August Lippincott's Maga a substantial increase, partly account- •00 and was paid by a party of business men zine the leading novelette, entitled I ized. The eighty-five cars used to A\fcgekible Preparation For As Isaac Meyers, of Neponset,' 111., Is real estate . lor a specific tor Brigbt's Disease and Diabetes ! carry the immense aggregation will ed for by the admission of new states. “ Social Logic. ” This is naughty similaliiig Hie Food and Regula - dead at the age of one hundred and hitherto Incurable diseases. Emanuel Poole to Linn K Park- In 1896, in an election ot more than draw into Medford early that morn tmg the Stomachs and Bowels of enough to engross without being four years. He had used tobacco since They commenced the serious Investigation of hurst, nel of set sec 4, tp 35, 3 e; 8500. ing, and it needs no prophet to fore average Importance and after a cam the specific Nov. 1&, 1930. They Interviewed naughty enough to repel. It is a tide he was twelve years old. 1N F ANTS /(. Hl L DKETM tell tbe crowds that will greet the paign of unusual vigor, the vote was scores of the cured and tried It out on Its of gay New York and gayer Paris, as it G W Mitchell to Johanna Beck, It’s said a Coos Bay railroad will tap splendid caravan. This year the 14,070,00. merits by putting over three dozen cases on lots 21 and 22, blk M, Ashland; 8300. follows the fortunes of two attractive thut section at an early date is an abso-' slo ws are twice as big as evsr before, ths treatment and watching them. They also In 1900 the total vote was 13,967,000, Ben S Inman to Geo A Jeffery, lots Promotes Digestion.Cheerfiil- go physicians to tame chronic, lncurabl girls of good family but small means, | lute certainty. And it will either fol and that fact makes comparison with a deoveise from that of four years tie- ness and Itest.Conlains neillier eases, and administered It with the physician who drift together tn a boarding 2 to 5 sec 23, and lots 1 to 6, sec 24, I low the coast to Portland or paralied J I any other show impossible, and Indi- fore. Opittm.Morphine nor Mineral. or judges. Up to Aug. tt per house. In devtoe and characterization tp 38, 1 w, 119 acres: 82200. the S. P. through Willamette valley. ; sent, of the test cases were either well or pro Miss Roosevelt shows equal facility and Since 19.0 no new states have been icates tremendous size. The grea» N ot N ahcotic . Geo E Weber to Camilla E Owen, grossing favorably. Col. Henry E. Dosch has been dec admitted. In several states since tent will seat, comfortably 15,000 peo property in Ashland; 81200. There being but thirteen per oent. of failures, feeling. She is at present finishing her E D Briggs to Mary Bishop, land orated with the order of the Sacred ple, and the menagerie canvas is the 1900 disfranchising election laws have ne^eafllU UeSAKCO-PtTCJUJl ths parties were satisfied and closed the trans- studies for Grand Opera under Mar Treasurer by the Mikado ot Japan. Urge-t ever made, furnishing commo been established through constitu aslion. The proceedings of the lnvea.igating ches! at Paris, and not very long ago in sec 8, tp 39, 1 e; 8300. FtmfJcui Seul' committee and the clinical reports of the teat ¿lx Senna • J. C. Smith to Clarence B Kennedy, The honor has been conferred for the dious room for the arrange meut of 108 tional provision. In other states new her name appeared in the James K i Hock.ll. Sdu - cases were published and will be mailed free I services he rendered the Japanese conditions of naturalization have ciges, lairs, dens and tanks. There land in I) L C 40, tp 38, 2 w. ¿w!wd e application. Address J ohn J. F cltow C o . Hackett theatre company touring in Hucertnint - W R Starr to Ezra C iGard, land in government during the exposition at aie 650 tine horses with tbe huge been provided. The acceptance of the i America. Hi CaitMluiJr Seela * shows,more than 200 of whieh are bred party primary a, a substitute for the Osaka in 1903. Iteci* Seed - Ashland, 81. in the purple aud h'ghly educated. I m ;—*— Hallied Sugar g g ■ I T he Prohibitionists are becomingac- becoming ac Geo II Andrews to W 1 and Martha Arrangements are about completed The zoological collection is incom election in those states in which one ItbiUcgnoci Hui tive. They have tiled petitions In 26 McNutt, lots 22, 23 and 24, blk S, at Merlin, Josephine county, for the parably the rarest in existence. It party is in an overwhelming majority A perfect Remedy forConstipa erection of a box factory there. Four exhibits two giraffes, the la>t of their often diminishes the total vote cast, counties, asking that elections be held Ashland; 8123.75. lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea tribe; the only rhinoceros in caotiv- the vie at the primary being larger, In November for local option,and mem mills will soon be sending their lumber J M Munkers to Martha C McNutt, iiy; a cetiuice baby elephant, Biby ueuallv, i.iidn the vole at the succeed Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ••I have bceii trouble« a great deal there, yellow and sugar pine. The Boo, American born, and only thirty ing election. v n ? with u torpid liver, winch produces constipa bers of the party are hard at work lot« II and 12, blk H, Ashland; $900. ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. i. £ M a tion. I found CASCARF.TS to be all you claim gathering signatures in support of John Wright to Condor Water A best grade is shipped East, but the inches high, unweaned and as playful fortheru. and secured such relief the first trial, as a kitten; aid the greatest herd of Facsimile Signature of that I purchsaed another supply and waa com- their petitions. In addition to this the Power Co, R of W tn rough D L C balance will not stand the traffic rates. Rheumatism. elephants In the world, forty in num plstslf cured. 1 shall ouly be too glad to reo- committee is arranging tours of the 58, tp38, 2 w, 81. The Victoria house of representatives Mnmend Cascarets whenever tbe opportunity ber. Twenty of these bulky beasts When pilns or Irritation exist ou In presented " J. A S mith . I state for their best orators, including R V and Ann M Beall to C W & p has eelected Dalgety, in Bombala dis Ierform amazing tricks in the rings. any pai t of the body, the application NEW YORK. 2920 Susquebanqg Ave . Philadelphia. Pa J. M. Glass of Pasadena, Calif., Dr. E. Co, R of W through D L C, tecs 11 trict, to be the federal capital of Two groups of acting seals are anoth of Ballard’s Snow Liniment gives feature. This Is tht most instruc prompt relief. E. W. Sullivan, Prop. 1 L. Tiffany of Rochester, N. Y., who and 14, tp 37, 2 w; 81. CAIMOY Australia. Tbe senate had previously er tive exhibition of animal training Sullivan Hou-e, El Reno, O T, writes W CATHARTIC will address a mass meeting at Or Sopheuia Ish Gore to C W A P Co. voted for it. Dalgety is 20 miles south ever accomplished. Many of the ac June 6, 1902: ‘‘I take pleasure in rec chards, September 2, and Col. John R of W through sec 24, tp 37, 2 w; 81. of Sidney and 12 miles from a railroad robats, gymnasts, equestrians, riders, t'lnmetiditig Ballard’s Snow Liniment equilibrists, jugglers, contortionists, to »11 who are afflicted with Rheuma Sobieski of Los Angeles, who will re P W dwell to C W & P Co, R of station. Its population is 300. EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. dancers, wire artists, myriad of other tij-m. It is the only remedy 1 bavr main throughout the fall campaign. W across Otwell orchard; 81 TRADE mamm BSOISTIWCO Roosevelt and Fairbanks, Parker feature perfoiiners are introduced by found that it gives immediate relief ” J N Smith to C W & P Co, R of W. and Davis, Watson and Tibbles, have the Ringling Brothers in this country 25-.. 50c., and 81.00. For Sale by Dr. MARRIED inswj ofsfj, sec 3. tp 37, 2 w; $1. all been notified of their nomination for for the first time. Tne progressive J. Hinkle, Central Poiut. of this Jamous amuse W II Patrick to C W & P C, R of President and Vice President by lead poli y Pleasant Palatable Potent. Ta^te Good. Ik ment firm is illustrated’ this year in Good. Mavar Sicken. W enken. or Gri|»e. 10c. 25c. 50c R usssell —C hilders —At Roseburg, W, in D L C 60, tp36, 4 w;81. ers of their respective parties; but what the production of a massively ornate ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Aug. 18, 1804, by Rev. C. H. Lake, Mrs Alice Kane to Mary I and E K about Corrigan and Cox, socialist la aud magnificently costumed specta tfriiMC Cnapaab CUffM". N»w York. «0 Dr. George Russell of Ctquille, and Hall, lots 3 and 4, Mathews Ad, Ash, bor, Debs and Hanford, socialist, and cle, Jerusalem aud the Crusades. I,-1 MA TA BIA Sold and guaranteed by ail drug* . OREGON 200 charjcters, more than twice the Miss Ida Childers of Salem. ■U* I U”DAv giaca to Cl KF. Tobacco Habit land; 8250. Swallow and Carroll, prohibitionist? number ever used in a spectacle be Notwithstanding Salt Lake seemed VZ J Ward to Thus F Edniundsou j We must tote fair with the leaders. J ones —H elman —At Yreka, (Jal., fore, are in the cast, and a ballet o' sure of securing the permanent head lots 10, 11 and 12, blk 49, Medford, 810. August 24, 1904, Fred Jones and THIS Chairman E. B. Palmer of the Re 300 beauties and singing chorus of 200 quarters of the American Mining Monmouth, Oregon . Sherry A Rodenberger to Martin add to the delightful charm of ttie Congress D. nver won out by a vote Miss Susie Helman, both of Ash publican state ccmmittee of Washing enchanting Begins its 23d year on September 20. 1904 scenes. More than 200 Hreem, land in sec 12, tp 37, 3 w; ton faces the charge of having solicited l«Dd. REMEDY Four term» itr each school year. afiordtng| daintily fashioned aud classically cor of 85 to 54. This is as it should be, <2700. equal opporiunttie» for beginning a course in A dans —B eck —In Jacksonville, Aug. campaign funds in the offle^Kof feder rect costumes are worn in the varied for llie Colorado city’s location is Scpteuiber.November.February and April The Is Sure To best training for teachers Is the Normal Course Joseph Zt-iyler to Maurice Good al officials. The man who is the noml- aud thrilling action, and the stage is more cent ral than aDy other’s. 24, 1904, by H. G. Dox, J. P., Oliver withits assurance of good positions at good GIVE heart, 15 acres in sec 14, 15, 22 and I nal head of tbe Republican campaign larger than the combined stage room Adams and Clarissa J. Beck. wages Write for new catalogue containing Salt Like ’ s delegation proved bard of 100 theatres. A huge pije organ, f 11 information concerning course of study L ee —S mith —At Anderson, Calif., 23, tp 39, 1 e; 82500. in that state is liable to a fine of 85,000 the only tortoble one ever made, ac losers and very much disgruntled Satisfaction. training in actual teaching afforded under real conditions in town and country schools, and Aug. 22, 1904, Harvey M. Lee, for John H Blalock toJohn Schallhorn, or imprisonment for a term of three companied by a selected band of 50 over the result, They iudulged io full details about the advanced course of study soloists, render the specially com bl tie.- with tbe additional advantages attached unfounded merly of Grants Pass, aui Miss 4 iut in Red Hill Placer Mine, upper ’ years or both. remarks and Ely Cream posed music. Address I Grave creek, 81495.22 charges. Bertha R. Smith. Governor Chamberlain has appoint- This production is beyond compari Secretary J. B. V. BUTLER or Balm officers f r the en- Tbe following John R Allen lo Blue Ledge Copper ed 400 immigration agents of the son the most colossci, artistically L ee —S herwood —At Los Angeles, President E. D. BRESSLER. Givis Fmir x Aug. 9, 1904, Edmond G. Lee of Co, 2 mineral claims known as Cliff Northern Pacific and Union Pacific pictured in costume .<nd scenic dis suing year were chosen: OXCB Monmouth, - - Oregon, play, instructive and exhilaratingly President—J. H. Richards, Grants Pass and Miss Nora Sher & Br<.dsliaw claims, Watkins min railway as honorary Immigration com plea-ing ever presenuv to the Ameri 1» cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives Idaho. wood of Los Angeles. ing district; $1. missioners of the state wf Oregon. can public. swsy s Cold in the Head quickley. It is ab First Vice-President The mas Ew sorbed Heals and Protect» th Membrane. They are located at various places J W Ingram to B W Houston i iut Med Recto res the Senses of Tsste snd Smell. Fu) 1 M c C lanahan —S ummers —In ing, of San Francisco. Herblae slseiOe , st Druggists or by mall; Trial.size ford, Aug. 25, 1904, by Rev. F. W. in U of nwj of nt i of sec 6, tp 37, 2 throughout the eastern and middle F ishing was suspended at the mouth i 10c by mall. Second Vice-President—Dr. E. R. Special Excursions to St western states. Their commissions Rende s the bile more fluid and thus Carstens, John McClanahan and w; 81000. ELY BROTHERS. M Warren St.. N.Y. of the Rogue river last Saturday for Buckley, of Bella, Mo. R L Burdic to D B Grant, 4 int in were granted by authority of an act of helps the blood fl >w; it affords prempt Louis. Miss Rachel Summers. 15 days. The run for the season has Third Vice-President—A.’ W. Gif claims knowu as ••Hoosier” and the legislature empowering tbe gover relief from biliousness indigestion, been good. sick and nervous headaches, and the September 5, 6 and 7 aDd October 3, ford, of El Paso, Texas nor to invite immigration. “Wolverine;” $1. BORN ove-indulgence in food and drink. 4 ------------------- and 5 are the - remaining dates upon Acting Secretary — J. F. Calibreath, . --------- - ---------- ----- The sugar yield of tbe Grand Ro: de Herbine acts quickly a di se after nt PROBATE. i which tickets will be sold at reduced M ormonism is cutting a consider 1 rates to the St. ‘ Louis Fair. These able figure in Idaho politics. At the Estate ot Amalia Brooks. Final re valley beets this season will be about meals will bring the patient iDto a of Denver. S mith —At Grants Pass, Aug. 25, 1904, good cordition in a few days. Directors—J. H. Richards, of Idaho; rates Bpply over the Denver t ana Rio ■ ~ to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith, a port made and bearing set for Oct. I. 20,000 tone, This will be the largest G. L. Caldwell, Ant. M. K. and T. E. R. Buckley, of Missouri; John Grande and Missouri Pacific. For the recent Democratic state convention in 1904. yield in tbe history of the beet indus- R. R., Checotah, Ind. Ter, writes Boise City a rt solution against Mor daughter. Dern, Utah; J. Frank Watson, Ore patrons of these roads special excur April 18, 1903: “ I was sick for over try in that section and on a smaller sion cars will be run through from monism was first voted down, then Estate of Emanuel King. Chas O B eall —At Lakeview, August IS, two years with enlargement of the gon; Thos. Ewing, California; A. W. Portland and St. Louis without adopted as a part of the platform,caus acreage than has heretofore been cul Kicg appointed administrator. 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beall, a liver and spleen. The deetvn did me Gifford, Texas; Wm. Lennox, Col change. Estate of Johanna Blecher. First tivated. One of tbe reasons assigned n > good and 1 bad given up all bopeof orado; J. T. Corn forth, Alaska; George daughter. See the many points of interest ing considerable comment and 111 feel is the fact that about two-thirds of being cured, when my druggist ad about the Mormon Capital and take a ing. The same question is agitating semi-annual statement of administra W. E. Dorsey, Nebraska. G rim —At Central Point, August 21, tbe acreage this year was under irriga vised me to use Herbine. It has made ride through nature’s picture galleiy. the Republicans and causes dissension tor approved. 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. David Grim, a during the closing months travelio in their ranks. tion and nearly all had been la tbe beet me sound and welL" 50c For sale by Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point. NEW CASES. son. the fair will be very heavy. If jou culture for several years. Gossip and Slander. contemplate going write W. C Mc State of Oregon vs. A. W. Roberts P ayne —At Ashland, August 22, 1904, County Judge Webster of Multnomah Bride. general agent at Portland for Debs Speaks at Portland. to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Payne, a son. and John L Casey; held to answer f r county has decided that tbe 450 shares the Denver and Rio Grande, for par- CENTRAL POINTERS. How much happier and better the r frvm lieuiars of these excursions. S tbwabt —Near Brownsboro, Aug. 2, larceny, A E Reames, district at- of stock in tbe Burrell Investmentcom- Eugene V. Debs, of Chicago, So world would be if allowed to say of 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Srewart, torney. pany, sold by Gordon Voorhies, as ad B y M ary A. M ee cialist candidate for president of tbe one another only the thing-, they < TEAMS WANTED. John R Smith vs May S Smith; ministrator of the estate of Rosa F. Bur a son. United States, is expected in Port W. J. Freeman speut Sutday with could swear to. Kleger*« CAllfonita Perfumes H yde —At Grants Pass, Aug. 23, 1904, divorce, H D Norton, attorney for rell, to W. M. Ladd for $40,000, are his family al.Colest in. Gossiping is the most vicious form Men and teams wanted to work on land September 26. He is booked for ■ad« la the Stat» where the choses in action instead of personal to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hyde, a daugh plaintiff. irrigation canal. Work commences a lecture in tbe Exposition building L. C. Rodenberger and family have of employment In which anyone may 1 August M J Brandenstein Co vs Kate J property. 1. 19G4,and lasts till -now flies. on that date. ■fewer tow« farm» in the ter. Under this decision the become residents of our city. indulge. Hones 37J cents per day. Mtn $1 50 Kellogg; to recover money. W I public beneficiaries under tbe terms of em M zr« located. Mr. De: s has long been known as a Many think that women are the j per day. Board and horse feed fur- Vawter attorney for plaintiff. r.Stnrel»1« sweetest odor» the will are recognized as having an in T. D. R< »4 made a trip to Big only gossipers, that men do not io- j nisbed free. leader of organized labor and is a DIED ... write Mary L Robinson vs H S Evaur, terest in the stock and may object to Butte last week, after board timb.r. dulge; hut tills is not true. There «« fnttfly tattled for these K lamath C anal C o ., I fluent speaker. His subject in Port administrator estate of John Holton; the sale and the amount realized. vta OMMt visit and seo and Klamath Falls, Dr. Prof. A. O. Freel of Jacksonville, are men, weak and low, who stand on land will be the relations between la- R ich —At Phoenix, at the residence of to recover money. jSrto and emeii the beautiful Their objection* will be heard October spent last week looking after his the street corners and by idle, smart bar and capital in the United States. rs .ZX. E3 T . her son, J. B. Rice, Jr., Aug. 20, Bowen eV tttto wcnder>ul Stets 31. property het«. or vindictive remarks ruin the; flenn we Ip KiiW* YóJ H1TÍ Hwurt fc,* As a great strike leader, and a man of 1904, Mrs. Rice, aged 74 years. O«T ww U»’ Mt arrived- Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured Representatives of the lumbering i prominence before the American peo Mrs. Elizabeth Russ, an old and reputation of a good young woman, or Vignata* rwn*t yee come and sea th» by Chamberlain’s Colic,Cholera «4 ple for 15 years, Mr. Debs can speak and transportation interests on the respected pioneer, is lying dangerous sink lower the name of one who has | fro® the West, Rieger's and Diarrhoea Remedy- and from experience, and is likely to have Willamette river are agitating the ly ill, with little hope of recovery. teen thoughtless or unfortunate. GaUfonta Pertum®! Perhaps a Life Saved a large audience from the ranks of question of purchase by the United Tue professional assassin who gee«! A full line of school books and “A short time »go 1 was taken with States government of the Oregon City school supplies at Dr. Hinkle’s drug forth at the midnight hour to waylay j even those who may not agree with A i a violent attack of diarrhoea and be locks and canal, a project which was Tor Infants and Children. his tenets. and kill is not more steeped in crime , store. ileve I would have died if I had not . coln»ons rug tore, brought forward some years ago but than is the man or woman, boy or ; n relief.” say« J. J. Patton, a The iufant son of Mr. and Mrs. WANTED. Tbi Kind Yon Have Always Bought gain Jacksonville, Ore. leading citizen of Pattoo, Ala. “A which was at that time abandoned by Wm. Kenney is dangerously ill, we girl, who ruthlessly, in mischief or in Live agents to sell Dr. White’s friend recommend« d Chamberlain's > tbe government owing to theexcessive- Bears the malice, would take from another his Eeetric Combs, patented Jan. 1, ’99.« Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ly high price asked by the owners. are sorry to say. Cure dandruff, tsair fallirg out. sick I bought a twenty-five cent bottle ana Mrs. A. Caley, who has been visit or her good name. and nervous • headaches, yet cost no “They say” lias brought a lot of | after taking three doses was entirely , Conditions have since changed and ing relatives at Pittsfield, III., the more than an erdiuary comb, sells cured. I consider it the best re med v there has been a large increase of traffic misery into the world, and lias caused , on sight. Agents are wild with suc in the world for bowel complaint.” ’ of all kinds. It is now thought the past several months, returned home more tears than would float a navy;; cess. Seud 50c fur sample (half price) last week. For sale by City Drug Store. government would consider the prop Write quick. The Dr. White Eiectrie Ed. Hays of Medford leased, the J. and “I’m not sure, but 1 think,” is Comb Co.. Decatur lit. osition favorably, if a fair price will first cousin to “they say". F ollowing the news that the Wright residence and will take DEVERS be named by tbe owners of the locks. In discussing people don't say “they ’ Standard Oil Company has declared possession next Monday. GBaraPterd to keep yo* say ” or “I think.” Wait until you : Iry. The beat waterproof WHITES another big dividend comes the an- J W. Merritt has a force of car know and then Ire silent. eioefciBf iu the world Get ouiy the gtuuinc— the nounsement that Rockfeiler has noti penters at work on his store buildings kind that wo., t crack, The only time you can afford to say peel or ..get atiefcy. AU fied the produce s of the Kern section Tbediurd's Black-Draught hn* and will have them thoroughly “(bey say” or “I think” or “it is aiiea, all «tries, for ail saved doctors’ bills for more than kiada of work. that hereafter be will pay 20 per cent, renovated. If ux at drak-ra. wri’e to rumored” or ”1 have heard” is when sixty years. For the common fam Under section 2,865, of Bellinger less for crude oil than formerly. As U. S. StWYB« A m*, Mrs. John E. Ross and Mrs. I. J. they say goad things, or you think ily ailments, such as constipation, THE GUARANTEE! e Mfr*., Rockfeiler controls the situation in and Cotton’s Code, as amended by F-aat CambrM-e, I m ». indigestion, hard colds, bowel com from Portland Purkeypile returned good things, of him or her who is be California, as well as elsewhere, there the direct Primary Elections Law, plaints, chills and fever, bilious 'r< Friday. ing thought or talked about. ness, headaches and other like appears to be nothing to do but to Attorney-General Crawford has held complaints no other medicine is T. M. Jones, O. R. Pankey and J. Ever reuifmber that calumny re stand the cut; but many of the oper that it becomes the duly of the clerks necessary. It invigorates and reg ators express the opinion that it means of the several counties of the state A. Mann and their families are em- quires no proof. ulates the liver, assists digestion, the ruination of the oil industry in that to open the books for registration on ploytd in the hop fields of Jo-epbiue stimulates action of the Kidneys, purities the blood, and purges the state, at least as far as independent September 20 and to keep the same county. Jacksonville, Oregon. Dowels of foul accumulations. It THE CHILDREN’S FAVORITE TONIC. Our school will begin a nine months’ operation is concerned. But of course open until 6 o’clock of the evening of cures liver complaint, indigestion, BCWARE OF IMITATION*. it means more dividends for the October 20, both dates Inclusive, in term, Sept. 5, with Prof. A. J. sour stomach, dizziness, chills, TH! GfNLMNK PREPARED ONLY BY Established in 1865. rheumatic pains, .ideache, back Standard Oil Company, and that is view of the forthcoming November Hauby, principal; Miss Dorothy Day, ONLY YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS Ballard-Snow Liniment Co. GREATEST STRENGTH ache, kidnevtroubles, constipation, TUX SCHOOL continue» the careful train election. Since the section referred grammar grade; Mrs. A. J Hanby, what we are interested in most. For Sample* of Cloth, Etc. nt . tome. mo . tog and thorough instruction tor which finest flavor and diarrheea. biliousness, piles, hard to wa« not amended until after the intermediate, and Mrs. I. J. Puikey- U to favorably known Sold by Dr. J. Hinkle. Central Point. ABSOLUT^ PURITY colds and headache. Every drug ALL-WOOL MADE TO last June election, the Attorney- romyx. TH« MUSICAL DEPARTMENT to always -j- f F o pl’e, primary. gist has Thedford's Black-Draught SUITS ORDEi la charge of competent and experienced— Bea -» the the Kind You Hava Always Bought Geueral holds that all of those whose in 25 cent packages and in mam NOTICEOF FIN A L SE TTLEM ENT »eachera Board and Tuition perSesalou names appear upon the books at that, Big-iat?.-» of Twenty Weeks, $80. Studies begin moth size for $1.00. Never accept time have been legally registered and The Medal Tailors September 8, 1902. a substitute. Insist on having the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE will not be compelled to attend to A Great Wheat Country. 69-71 Third St. Portland, Or. ror prospectus, address undersigned b»s tiled his tinsl account ac ad original made by the Chattanooga this duty again. Please mention this paper. mit totraior ot the estate ot Wm. h. Medicine Company. Cook, deceased, in the County Court for In Eastern Oregon and Washington Slaters of the Holy Names Jackson county, Oregon, and Hon. G. W. I believe Thedford’s Black-Draught it cvsts but little to produce wheat Dunn, the judge of said court, has fixed Taken with Cramps. Is the best medicine on earth. It is Thursday, the bth day of; September 1904. big quantity, as all the work is done at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court bouse good for any and everything. I have Win. Kirmse, a member of the by machinery. Six or eight horses at « m JacKson county, Oregon, as the time a family of twelve children, and for bridge gang working near Littleport, and place tor the hearing ot objectioes four years I have kept them on foot thereto and the settlement ot said estate w is taken suddenly 111 with cramps tached to gang plows break the LOCATEO a MILES NORTH OF JACKSONVILLE and healthy with no doctor hut Black- All persons having object'ons to said and a kind of cholera. His ca«e was ground, and the seed Is covered with account nre hereby required to present the Draught. A J. GREEN, llkwara, La. j Civil Engineer and Locator of OWNED BY A. P. ARMSTRONG, OF PORTLAND OREGON so severe that he had to have the disc, harrows on the same extensive same at sail time and place. -- » J Dated this 3d day ot August, 1904. members of the crew waiton him and plan. No one walks in doing farm Government Land, ROUT. M.COOK, Administrator. To Pick Hops in Mr. Gifford was called and consulted. J. R. Nm, Attorney. He told them he had a medicine in work in that country, as the harvest WIMER, - OREGON. ing is also done by the latest improv t he form of Chamberlain ’ sColic, Chol for hatching purposes, from Pure-Bred, High-Grade B irred Plymouth Reel, era and Diarrhoea Remedy that lie ed machinery. •••••••••••»■•a. chickens, is dirt cheap. The Barred Plymouth Rock is the la st all-round chic! thought would help him out, and ac Wheat can be raked cheaper in East Prices Reasons ble and Satisfaction cordingly several doses were adminis eu known; matures early, grows large — a good layer, and unsurpassed for t Guaranteed. --------- THE----------------------- : two miles west of Grants tered with the result that the fellow ern Oregon than in any other part of table. First come, first served. Order now, aud thus make sure of a start i: was able to be around next day. The the United States. It is estimated Pass. these superior fowls. There is money in them, whether raised for the maiket incident speaks quite highly of Mr. that four bushels to the acre will pay or for home use. It costa as much to keep a “scrub” chicken as a pure-bred Gifford’s medicines.—Elkader, Iowa These are the Largest Yards in Southern Oregon, where' none Argus. This medicine never fajls. for harvesting the crop, consequently and it is not worth half as much for any purpose. Call at the farm, or write Rough and Tioscd 1 i n Ur. uldn gs, Poors but the best hops are grown. Keep it ¡in your home, it may save the profits come easy. No irrigation E. R. ARMSTRONG. JACKSONVILLE. OREGON and Window Fun es . i d Ciriigs, 1 n cnsi< n life. For sale by City Drug Store. is needed, but there Is no convenient Picking will begin lu a short time Timbers—Eveivth ng C< n | ktt H i a Houte somewhat earlier than usual. timber in that country, and the wood Barn, Bridge or any kind oi W< < <\n Stnutme, Blue prints of township maps, show Is shipped In by rail from the Colum I Apply soon to ing all vacant land, fifty cents each bia river,slabwood selling foM3.75 per Furnished Promptlv. : : : : : JOHN RANZAU, Jr., For reliable information concerning MORMON BISHOPS’ PILLS havt beei In n»- government land write to Frank E. cord and body fir for $4 76. Grauts Pass, Oregon. over to year» by the leaders of the Mormon Church and their Alley, Abstracter, Roseburg, Oregon . 9 oo D Bright’s Disease. Bears the Signature ft ÍJ Lazy Liver Denver Wins Headquarters, State Normal School I I ’s California CASTOR IA THEDFORD’51 buckwü W THE GREAT EXCELSIOR BRAND OILED CLOTHING ^SLICKERS F â MI î YM ï DICINE Cream Vermifuge Registration for Election. WORM REMEDY St. Mary’s Academy, Send No Money $14. €tO«.SLT »Ot.w«RS N. D. YOUNG, 300 Wanted 15 CENTS PER EGG RANZAU YARDS IOWR LUMBER COMPANY VIM! VIGOR! VITALITY) follower». Positively cures the worst care» In old and ’ i e, dirsipatiou. cxeeases, or cigarette »looking. Cures’ ■t Power, Night-I.usaei >«, Spermatorrhoea, " " Ineotnnia, »»»■ m Hnek, Evil Desires, Meminal Emission*, , l.atne Back, Nervous Debility ’oadacbe, Inflin.u to Marry, Loss of Netnen, ” Vari- cocete, or Constipa- Cion, atop« Quickne** of Di*<iiarge, Rtop* Nervous Twl:elklag*f Eye- •Ids. Effects are Immediate. Impart vigor and yotenrv to ever? fuoctlou. Don’t get Jespondent, a cure is at hand. Restores sinali, undeveloped CENTS organ». Htlmnlatei the brain and nerve ce vers. Me. a box, 6 for L. a ) by l . u .1. A written guarantee, to cure 01 luone; .siuudea, with b boxes. Circulars free. '50 Art drees, BISHOP REMhDY CO., San Francisco, Cal 1'0 VOUMfipMtl ?O.”rwfra Twk« Calcarew Candy CBibarüc lu^ >r »g C C a teU <o oar» drue;u»u rUuet cun At A. P. Estabrook, Gold Hill. All nain banished bv I* Mlles Pain Pills Grove’s Tasteless Chili Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and fl Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Eadoaad with every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove’s Black Root. Liver Pills. QUALITY aud FINISH Second, to None Shipments to Any Point in the United States. Uiuh- est Market Price Paid for l umber Fu n. Ain Mill in Southern Oregon: : : . THE IOWA LUMBER CO., JJIGKSQhlViLLE, OREGON.