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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1896)
(jUA j n. in ft in . a n j I o CSTABLISUEII MR THE DmEscllTlOa OP DEMCBlTif miM'LEX INP TH FU3 1 RIISEITL.T.M BT TDK SWEAT OF Ol'B BEOW Vol 28 EUGENE, Oil., SATUUDAY, OCTOBER .'5, 18 NO. 43, imi, M'.r 1 . :s. , I.,....., ' I llrsuUill, iimililjjlniiur I'mirl ' WEEKLY EUGENE GUARD. I L. CAHPBELL, PUBLISHER. oKFI''K -B"t lUe- of Willamette l ivv.-.ii alb and Klghlh Street. I TKKVHOF SUBSCRIPT! X to ' . k Month. ! tfM Monthl, ! (dvertising rates mads known I on application. inn.- Slate I $2 00. 1.00 .60. J'ln sa s. S ill i, ill iimsiii: Mi.-l cf 1 1 lulli'll down. in- in t week. t - I i t 'l V lias r,. tlth-ll! ',V , C f , i i r..l; ny l ave boon ,'dre all builu bleu. Oregon. loiters In (il'AKIi, S.LUCKEY jft .9 11 WtWA DEALER IN Efc42 Jocks, batches, Chains Jowelry, Etc. i o.., r'. ,,a l"" """"" I 1KPAIKINC PROMPTLY DO XI Willamette street rceei til ii cleaning I Ii It llltilnjng. ihe CipiviiIIis iigricui.i.ral college Ojtciiid Willi .', .,,, Mrviii, silver -: ii h.ivi. 1,.,, , rtfll. HI. Ml ill Jiitielimi City it ti. 1 Liiii); Tom. The I It : : i club i.f ..r-iiif now ha u im-inU-ihl,ii or l.iii; i!. McKinlev 1 n t . 117. The A () I j i'aliy (iunl. .S'liU'intur . i Sc it 11 I l-!,V,L1', n, of Thurston. Wi in i r.lnn A Kuv com., for pauiter.Ud 'nil steam wood UJ."" ' '.v. ! j Mct'lung pauper 4 I.) I (union Stllitll returned In SmIi-iii on J I. 'i. .,.l..r i.niiu.r .i,...l,.,. j the early train this morning, t M J Rabli nuntiiiK pauper....!'.'.'.'.'.'. J uo J M O'Neill, of Portland. iiir..i,t for r.leclrle Light Company Aiiini.t tin () R A; X Co H the city, service- Miss Anie McClure. of Lamar. Cola. I V?". 's" l'tt"lM'r "M'l'l"'" rnilo, ii visiting Iriend In UiU city. ii O Shiloking, the S.ilein Imp buyer win mi arrival lv this afternoons train. It II S) U.'-i lit roll')' Fid.KY I lor Sl'IHNo. Sept 2.1, '11 AllitNY IHwoikai: If votl will KAUMKKH UKAO THIS. W w ill Imve no hssis far-All Work WrrnteJ.-4S1 L. W. BROWN, M. D. physician and Surnecm. litti.- ami miilvnc over MtoHi. II,itir: to tf a. ni.i 12 to 2, 6 to 9 p. ui. t HANITE AND MARBLE WOKKS. Dcilfni and New Prices In FurvUn and 4 liomeatlo Marble aud Granite, Monument. Ileadntonei and Cemetery wnrk of all kinds for W,. ALL WORK GUARAXTKHI) ! tllamelle Street, near Poilotllpe. Kiiguiiv, Or i i C. WOODCOCK, I .Vtlonicy-at-l.:iv. I Orrtci Ono-half block aoulb o( Oirinmnu'a KL'GKNB, OKKUO.V. ,W. Ki.mset S. E. Vai.iley. linsey & Markley, Attorneys-at-Lav. Commercial and i'robato Dultu'. a Sk'C ity. Ottloe Id ChrUmnu Block. W.I. dROWN. s t'rttldent. B. D. PAINE. F Vict Preiident. THE W. OSBURN. Cithiar. iii'enc Loao arid Savings BANK , f Eugene, - Oregon. 1 1CTOR3 D. A. Plnc, J. II. Ilarrl. J. I J UstIh, B. D. Paine. W. K. Brown, J. K. Kobluiou, K. W. Oaburn. .Fall Ud Capital. $50,000. i General Banking Business Transacted. r n ' U1 r ir allowed on time deposit. Oollf ttlon entnuted 10 our caro will receive ! 'i t attention. 0. HtJIDRIClCH, i I'MwiJent. 8.B Kakim, ., i'aKhior ii:: Hational Bank i Ol Eugene. . lid up Ush Capital 50.000 arplus and Profits, $30.1100 lugene - Oregon A ireneral banking bualnoai Jons on revu Jetnna. SMit drafu on NKW OltK, HICAUO, SAN FKAXCIriOO a I l'i l 1 AND, OKEGOX. Hill, of szobanK anld f'rels'n countruw. lHiu reoelyed aubjeut to rh:k or rortiti tteofdevoait AUoollactlonaeotruatwl Hi" "l "1" icinpt attention 4 : Lane County Bank. J (Katabllihed In li) I EUGENE, OREGON. A general Banking business fn all branches transacted on ivorablo terms. A. 0. 1IOVEY. rrvaiil. til. J. M. AHRAMrt, fnHhli-r. A. 0. 110VEY, JR.. Awxt.ta.Mlir. , (I'm i. ... . , u urn io it ou.iu) pat ty lo IJe.iliiiniiil s (Viry on i lie McKiiizie : ythifiii.iy. Mttt t I onini.ii.iHT D.iyli- in I, nil, I lliKUiit'W plitroriti u ., stiltnvnlk In ; iront ol Hit- nty hall. i Ati.T.ii r,nir-iiit!is (,r tiiv property .MilHI .Ml MIITIII KIM' ;ilH UlUTII IOtl IH'I ill ity ihf iMiuiity. i 1 lit. IviM Oregon pri'livtiTV ttill j foilVt'tic in I-.nlfi rif on D. li.liiT ami iMiutititie till 1 1 io titli. i Tin' linn ri'itiiro. hy the rnivHil :ilur,.iy fVeiiini; lo liavi l us li-n-tli wai ju-,1 i li;ht nil, tiles . i lie r lou nee J.ry.'in nun .MeiMiiley el u I ii u ill litive ti ilrkite on free hilvir Di lot'ci- 1 1 1 h nl J p in in liul city, 1 In- Anki'ny le.'.l.letiec U bcinjr ptilntH.i. it m expeeteil t In- n-jily loroiviipani'y In nit.iiit trt u wm k. The Xitrlhwot Miners' Atsoeinlio'i iiit't I ill iok:iue (li'tolK-r ( 7 tui'l 8. The Spokane Irtiit Inir opens there Hclohei (i. A waon loailiil lieuvily with iip pllealeit or tlie I.ueky Hoy mine this illuming (j'lite it lot of xliovcU win a pnriioii of the IoikI. The Oityoiiian s ivs reii ildioail u- iiti in tixsincil in L-tne county. That Hlalcmeiit will even make many re publican miii i le her-. An inlilitii li will le I tiilt on the rear etui of the rri niiiciy liuililitiK nnil a chopper p'titiri tlurein for irili iiiK nnil elioppiii).' fdain. An , K.'iitle.n in I' ll fioui a wiipin tit Klcvenlli tiinl lli;h slru lM Vcfteiilav afU riliKiii. He h-i kllnckeil clicle.-.i, htlt foon ivcovereil. The proprielorof the hit am merry iii roiitul Imve K'lthercd up tlieir liflnii inn Mini will ihyai t fur Junction Ciiy on this eVcninn'H frei'lit train. liatvey Silinniei villc ha taki'li a 10-thntl.-iiiitl gallon tank to lib farm helow C'ol.iirjr. Th tank will It- nseil in I'onnectioti w ith his water nyslem. The ItiMiicit Isotui's r-poii liavini; done tin excellent litisinot lat Satur day. Many of tin in took in more money tliun'on the Fourth of July. Tealcr (iluhiniisij ) Ye-e-f! Thin liatiimoi'k will holii two; hut it would he awfully dure work. .Matileti (ipiickly) I'll take it, pleast.-ruck. Truth: "U'liv do you Ltnli at hin stale Joko?" "If I did nut hitieji lie wotilil think I did not iiiilcrliiuil the jokts, and would try lo explain tliem. The nuelini: Kile of property to nutis fy the elaitiiH of the tMiuuty for luxea was held nt the court homo door today hy Shei ill' JohlHon uud Deputy Sent I. Very few buyers were present. Al Hij!Kin 11 relative of Prof (.'on don's uud who lit one time vIMIoil Willi the family in tli'm eity has been elected preident of the Iiidl una Htate leayue of lepuhliean fl ill 8. "Nn't that n very clow I, nice of your'."' "Well, lie inii't mtii'li for .-peed, but he's insily fi inbteiied and run- away n nond deal, no he ireis there jti!.l the wiine." Detro t rne i'icm. "Mosipiltom are hateful, aren't llicC'' "Yis; 1 don't miiul tin ir eal lni:'nie if they didn't k' cp sueli un evirlntititr complaint ubo'it l'ie way I taste." C'liicao liecord. 'Ihanks to lion John ll.irretl, U S minister to Slam, lor several copies of the Sitim Otisi rver. Mr Harioti will be reinemheieil by a number of our citizen w ho delivend an addrei-H or two in this eity a couple of yeurs binee. Kdilor (leo Alextindel one red mil njiiiinst one of l is deliiiiptenl mh. wribers last week, f.r b.iek mibseiip tin li The dear mbscriber "dtljrup." If more publishers would follow Mr Alt xaiiiUr's example Iheie would not be m many "dead heads" on our lisl. There are some people in this wor d who me liberal w ith their cash and ea'.liettd wealth. Tin re are also ot hers dollar so hard that the uiiddi'-s of hberlV gets blue In the face, 7. i.,. ,i, . ,r It is all riuht to be savimr, bill it don't pay to be to blamed I ( ri).,k t.uilly I'harlie Levis ol HarrUbi.r returned hoine yesterday after a abort visit In this city. Jas M Abramsiiud Attorney Wood cock made a trip to Douglas fount v ye-li-nlay. Will Uk'e who resided fot a will In in this eity Is nii'vat Kustlund, HritUh Colombia, County i-ehool superintendent C" S limit becaii hisrcuular annual visits to eoiin'.y rchiHils today. Mr Le .Masters, a Divinity student, rem rui il from a short visit to Muddy in I. inn county today. Dell Johnson relumed to Siilein In day, after a short w ith relatives and thelitis in this city. Dean K (' Sunder-on returned to day from llalsey where he held relltt J I his ser lees yesterday. County Sto.-k Inspector Young went lo Crcxttfll this afternoon tu inspect a baud of sheep' lor shipment. Mrs Wils Owi n iiiul ilatiKliter, Miss Krilline. went to Haillevi ill vi.l. r- d.iy In visit a few davs w'ltli friends. Screlar.v of State II It Kitieald re- iiiriieu in .-saiem to.iav utter ins reit ular Sunday visit tit his home in this city. Ileibert Ci ndon r, turned to Cnrval- lis this ninriiiiii!. He whs aeeoiu pained by Ins sister. Miss FunnleCoii uon. Rev M U W ire a::i wife relurne ibis morn im; from KoMlnirtr where they have been mteliding the M K conference. l'rof K S Dunn, of Salem, delivered an address tK'fore the M K Conference at Hoseburi-Saturday mulit. It was Highly conipMiiieiite t. Miss Vellu Haves, of Harrlshuru. who hat lieen vtsitiiii; with filenils in tills city and at i'leasalit Hill, re turned lioine yesterday. Rev I) K Loveridce reetor of the St. Mary s Kiibeopal church in tills eitv arrived huuie yesterday moruinir from an extended visit In the I'.ust Willnrd Miller, of Paisley, arrived Siilurday often. (ion. He will L'ii to Miitiiiioiitli in n few days to enter the lute iioriiuil school Hi that place. Siiiiilay s Salem Slatesman: Aliss tuny Youiiir, wlm has U-en the uuest f Mrs Mary C'autleld and son, Thomas utilleiii at the (.hemeketa street hoine, returned to Kue,one yesterday Mr and Mrs A Yeiineton went to 'orlluml on t lie U;-U train tndav. Mr YeiiiiL'ton, w ho Is a member id 'he stale board of pharmacy, will attend meeliiij; of Unit body tomorrow, I hey w in also visii iiiu exposition. Mr and Mis II K Holh nheek left on the eat ly train tills moruitiK for Xew York City, where Mrs Ilolleuheek will take n special course in piano music. They will be absent two years, the last year of which Mrs Holienbeek may spend in Kurope. Col it F Alley of Raker pity, editor of the KveniiiK Republican, w ho slop ped oil here while on Ills way homo Iron i Rnsebtirg where he had been at tending a meetiiiK of Mio board of trusti es of the soldiers' home, resumed his journey homeward on the U;'-tJ t rui ii today. I'aily Guar I, SepteinlMT I'ostmiisler Shiiintite, of Wultervllle, was in Kmienu today. DrJF Heiidrex. of Hurrisburir, is 11:1111 (I n m; i rnusly III. Mrst'M Younir went to Portland today l'i visit with relatives. Ray Frank went to Portland on the excursion train this after noon. Robert Hayes returned to the hop yard at Creswell tills afternoon. Hon Frank V Drake, of Portland, speaks in Junction City tonight. H K Morris, of llarrishurir, was transacting business in Kugciie today. A-si'ssnr D P Ilurlon went to ()t-lajr-' (irove this afterno in on a short liiisiness trip. K X, of Salem, who for.nerly cotitlticled a howling alley In Ibis city is here on a short visit. John P Ilaruer, manager of the Ore gon Stale Journal, exscts to leave for Unite City, Montana, on the overland tonight. Mr uud Mrs KoUtI Johnston of the Minnesota hotel lift by team yester- lav eveliinir on a business trip to JO IH :t : :t .Mi :i iki 1 IKI 1 I K Peters pauper supplies i iv reters lerry supplies J 1 Starr cleaning Jail eloct Henderson A Llun paiiH-r sup plies, claimed fl.") "0; allowed. . j 1 llailey eoiinty commis sioner J F Cullisoii ivunly coiniiila- i sinner W Sanders rebalenu lax eerllll ' call's Nos. 17U mid l'.'l of the j year lv'i (ilass J: Prudlioitime stationery.. L S Pem:ra expenses of self uinl llat'ie Iteiijamln to Porlland I At this lime ufler due deliberation . the court rejtcted all bids uitide fur nllnw' iiie ii brief apace in your p:is r I win try to i;ivi ynti a lew items 1 1 mil our camp itt Foley Springs: Theie art at present IS eampa eoiti tioseil of ls Nrsoii, this includes I ivanler lit the Foley Hotel. We have live states represented, Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Ohio and Mlllllrsotn, iilsn N natioualitiiN, AitiiT- mr lean, Duleli, Knglish, Sttitcli, Irish, ,J ; Jew, Swede and Chinese. Ti. ......... ....I i.. n t tin, p me ntinii;r,i in pin-t-i, ii'tnii'K ii(v oi-niiiiiiii nppt-ni iiiiix-. Isj Ihey preparing; ownership b,sk for Line eounty. In the matter of the county road on Southworth lane. At this'time the matter w as considered mi Hie iH'titiou of C Washburui' uud one bundled o:her peiiiioiiers of junction City ami vicinity for an Hppropilalion of f.i'il) (Ml 'iy the count v for the improvement of said road. Ii Is therefore ordered by court that said ctitlon Isj grunted lo the iiniouiit of f-liil 00 o:i the ex press cm, d it ion Unit Ihe clll.i lis sliall stitiseribean udditiniiul sum of $100 IK) in money oi labor to be exisuuled under the direction ami personal super vision of III' Mill It. At this time It was ordered by the court that J-'ioO (HI will be appropriated by the eounty toward the repair of eounty road iH-lweeti tlieCurrHi Iiriilge on Row River and Frank ilrass ford on same liver on express condition Unit the eitietis of that vicinity sub scribe f.'iK) t)0 in addition thereto, lo Ik' expended under Ihe direction and (HTsomil supervision ol P J Jennings, At tills lime it appearing to the court that the assessor litis not been able to complete tax roll for l.stMl, it is therefore ordere I that the lime for completion bo extended until the lot li lS'.Ki. At this time the eletk was ordered In nilvertl-e for bids for keeping the paupers for one year Including clothes and all burial expenses of any who may die. Rids to be opened at Octo lier term of court aud right reserved to reject any uud all bids. jti on I Tht't'niuii eroiuiiU are the lluest to i fitind in the Ca-eade iiiouutiiins, tiro very dry being cleaned uioriilng by (he management spring. There Is n second Niagara Falls sit uated alsuit Hint' mile south, called llnnu Cri.-lc full Tilt u-nter IHlllrtl 1 over a precipice tumut M) firl In height 11 00 ,,, : oo Important liijuticlloii Suit. Albany Domoeral: "The Southern Paeilic R H Coinpany have brought suit by (heir attorneys, Wciilhc rlord it Wyatt, asking for an Inltinctiou restraining the city of Albany from improving Ninth street on their prop ertv where the railroad track crosses that street, just northeast of tint depot asking for an order declaring h lieu (J f ,l 4.i in all on. the property of the road, cniii-lsllng or severul siHillled lots, for iissessuient, null and void. "In the complaint the plalntill de clines (lint (he properly lias never been dedicated to public use except for right of way ami for depot grounds, and (hut it is private properly. One defense is (hat the eity falsely and maliciously and In fraud of the rights of the plaiutiir recited (hat due notice hud been given, and Ihe itssesments against the plnlutiir was with out law. Ihe complaint covers aiioiit twenty typewritten pages. The suit means a big expense to the city." ballj Guard, September i.. To T!IK PoKTI.lNI) Faiu. The sieeial excursion truln to the Portland exposition reached this city at 1!:I0 tills nltcrnooii. Toe train carried eight passenger coaches, all of w hich were I! I led with iieople when the truln reached here. There wus a consequent scramble by the Kugeiiu 'Contingent, niimlH-rlug over ao la-opie, lo get aboard the train. Among those who went from liere were tliu following: X K MarkU v. F L ChamlH rs, T U Hen dricks, A K Wheeler, Ueorge Ilarger, Itert Vincent and wife, Sidney Scott and wife, Kdis Matlock and wife, 1'. D ool and wife. Drew (irlftlu und w ife, Miss I.otlu Johnston, Miss F. Siillz- man, Miss Hangs, Miss Henna mul lock. Miss Stella Rowland, R Harrison and wife, W K Loughmiller, John Mo Clure, S M Harrison, Oen Lung and family, A ii Hovey, Dr C ltlllinglon, W (J oran. From mio point a I nut I miles north you can mi- from Mt MiaMa to Ml HihuI, on n clutrday, making one of Ihe liuesl night to be seen. here U an abundance of game such as deer. U ar, groue and llsh. To give you an idea of the amount o game killed in one day, on last Tiles tla du re were li deer, 7-H trout, grouse ami several pigeons killnl, the , writer catcliing 170 of (he trout, which I is (he largest enteli of the season. One j peri-oli, Rev Frank UiMslell of itlckre j all, caught 17 trout and killed '2 deer iu one day. On Inst Satiirbay Judge in Clark, of Porlland. while stroll lug lack of camp came suddenly uimiii a bear ami nnd two cults, w hich lie dispiitched In a few moment. Harry Craw, of Albany, w hen lie left home brought two liul along, but now neither w ill III The cause Is that on the first lUhlng trip of Id life lie cap turtd Its) or ll.c speckled beauties One of t ho most laughable events of the (rip occurred on last Monday w lilt Ii was i llsh eating contest, won by Jiiinea Nulrn. of Italston. He do vourciNil mountain (rout, but lie lias not eaten anything since. MrXatliHii Ilurtcli, o' Riekreall, ar rived here two week ago lust Thurs day. Ho was so crippled with rheu mutism that lie had to bo carried from the stage. After taking (lie course ol .1 ha'lis Ik has entirely recovered and ha in w taken (he contract lo supply nil the w blows alsuit (he camp with llsh, which he lias succeeded in lining so far. The evenings are passed aw nv in concerts, dancing and (iillV nulling, the day Is sim iiI in hunting, llslilug and tiiountulii excursion. In alt it Is the most pleasant outing ever spent by the writer. Hiding you good night I remain respectively, 111 IX SVKKM stint:)'. Seattle, if it cannot reform the social eiil, Intends at least to control it. Chief of Police Reed and Ills force lire bus) now notifying nil womu t bad repute that at'ler October 5, they will not be is rinilted north of Yeslcr way. They w ill then tie forced to remain in (lie south end of the city. Scin Press: We are in receipt of a notilie.d ion from County Clerk Mon tague that bid will be received for the printing of 10.)0 white and l'J.ilMI col ored ballots, to ! used nt the col g i.l.ciion. vVe believe rial inn is J. L. PAGE, DEALER IS ROCERIES, ,i.l tiiiciimiitiia ale! u n F.U-'i lie w lib be sev- end weeks 1 fore she w ill be aide to a-stitne her duties. In the mean time Mi, iina Craiu ha charge of tier de partment aud Is gjviu,' exOL-lletlt ser vice. .... ,t . . , , ,..,. una ill brngrcr ... r ... . , ...... line i " i r.. i . . X 11 ...... . 1 1 r n.u.P l.M. lutlltrilt .... j w.npio auu tmuvj vt....-- I., .,,. ,,f I be ll Miss D ihson, a private In t he local Salvation Army went lo Portland to day (o enler the Army traveling school in that city. Rev Moore and wife, w ho have been attending the M K conference nt Rose burg, stopiHil oil in this city this morning to make friends a short visit. J II M cCliing mid K Klloinlerson hunted grouse at Thurston Uood pastuie's place south of town this morning. They secured four of Oregon's nutive song birds. I I... If., t.n.l anil furiiilv ttf llrsl instance in the ln-lor "' 1 " piH"ly who have heel' visiting with county w herein the printing of elect "11 , r(.j v,. ,, I,Hne eoiinly h ft for borne tickets has been let to the lowe-t r''' , tmlnv via the MeKei ie foii'e. They ipolisible bidder. look" a large load of supplies with Junction City Times: We learn, them, (hut Mtss Darelius, one of the letieher Charles F. McChire, of the class or empl ycil to teach in the Hist inter-1,. (( iniver,ilv f Oregon, went to iiiediuU' (leparltneiit of our Ihmi Is , i,,r,.M t'ie early train tM morn i..i... i .... I I,, li'ii 'tlie ulth . . n.,.1 .1.....I Cilliniie'l IO uei -' " ------ jt(t oi),, ivin fun-, '. in. t,it.,ii , - uietitoftbe Lnivernty ol Oregou in Not KM OK THE Hoi'. Salem Sillies- man: ctirislensou s nop nouse six miles south east of Uervals, on Howell ruirle, was destroyed by lire Sunday morning. Tlie bouse and contents were totally consumed, the loss la-lug over tl(XX). Tlie last kiln was on having U-en put In Friday evening, and was an unusually largeoneund slow In dry ing, which probubl.v accounts for tlie origin of the lire. There was t-VlO in surance on tlie building and Its con tents were covered by a similar amount thejpolicy being wrilten by the (I M 'Heeler agency. Ilerren & Levy hud contracted the hops lost The hop harvest in tlie Uervals district was concluded yesterday the total output being 1,800 bales where lust yeur it was 3,'JOO. However, the hops are a a better (piality thl season. The heavy frost of last Saturday allecled the crop all over Marion county to a considerable ex'enC, much of the hop U'li.g ruined thereby. Suks koii Divoiu k. J A Ricks bat brought suit In the circuit court lo nli. 1 an u divorce from Ids wife, M A R'cks. The couple were married in I.'ine county June .1, ls"7, aud their marriuge has not Isi-n fruitful of chil dren. The complaint alleges that fur the past year and a half that the coup le resided togeather and defendant made life burdensome for plalntltl. She cur-ed und swore at him uud inn, It life unbearable lor him. On last Jan uary I'uli detendaiil w ithout chusb or proviK-Htioti cursed uud awore at pluiu tiir, calling him l'r aud oilier vile term and dually left bis home aud lias not resided with hi in siin-c. I'aily litianl. St plemlifr ."). Clash Ili'si.vKsH Mkktimi. The das nf'!i7, II oft), held lis llrst mret- Ing tlii yeur at the home of Miss Ada Hendricks lust nkbt, and transacted its llrsl business, Permanent ollleers have lint been elected yet. Miss Kel ley wns chosen temporary president and Mr Yaiidiiyno lemiiorury vice president. At the meeting lust lllghl !l was ilei ltli'il to holtl a class reception III tlie near future. A class Hug was decided on, the color (o ls yellow aud purple. Tho class nlso arranged to give a picnic to Cold Spring next Sat- uriiii). ine lollowing are tint iiiein Ihts ol the class: Misses Hello Itrown. Carrie Matlock, Ada Hendricks, Ilarbra l.nuer, I.uurti .Miller, Kate Kel ley, Lntt.e JohiiKton, Margaret irnderwiMid, Doru C(Hiier, (lertrudo Wldiner, Kdith Veu.le, Stella Robinson, Ida Xoll- singer, Kutu ralterson, Ida Roe, and Messrs Owen uiiuu viie, I-e Iravls, Clinton, Wm(Ixiii, Fred Flsk, Homer Kcciicy, Liftlne lligglus, Stuart J I ti ti int. Julian McFaddeii, Lincoln Faringtoii, Karl Church, Fred Tem-pletnn. Iially (In ird.S'pt.J. Shot a IHmi. One ('has Roberts wlm resides ill Southern Oregon was given a trial before Justice, Drury of Coburg precinct, Saturday on the charge of hi, noting from the public highway. 1 he Jury lound defend ant guilty und lie was sentenced (o thtce months In the county Jail. When the prisoner was brought to this city a ix-titlon for a habeas cornus was Issued by Ids attorney, J M W il liams, on the grounds of Irregulur pro. ceeding. The tietltinu lor a I nls'S corpus wus Kru"tcd by Judge Poller and the defendant wus permitted lo continue on hi way. The prosecution was brought on account of defendant shooting a dog in the public road. The aulinulliuil run out from u houses they were pushing by and attacked dog bclnngliiK t defendant. Nkaiii.Y Compi.ktki. Oukland item In RoHcbtirg Review: "The road leading to (he Itoliemla tuinei la fast Hearing completion. John Kvans tho teutiisler enguged In hauling supplies to the men vngaged In lis construction saya Hint several of the mines can be plainly seen on the npp mite sldeof the canyon from Hip present cum p. There are just seven mile to be built and then we will have wagon road connec tion will Bohemia City and the rich depna t of precious ineluls that are found In Unit dislrbd. Tho Oregonian of TucAiIuy pub lislictl this libel on tho farmers of Oregon: "It it said that firmer of tho slipshiKl cUa throughout tho i I -lainctto valley are for ltryun ami populism 'to a man.' Tho political opinionH of this- class aro revealed in nagging gate, dilapidated worm fences, careening door8teps,orchards hearing an abundant crop of moss, barnyards in which sorry looking cows and ewe-nocked horses stand mi lit tliHir It n ties in liiiii.l iinniiri every vr ; of the during the rainjr season, poultry roosting in trees, harness mendcil with buckstring thongs or roiic-yarn, and wagons that creak ai.d gro.ui from lack of axlo grease Having utterly failed to do any thing for themselves, they potto as abused and neglected citizens a republio that has utterly disro carded its duty toward thorn, and are strong in the determination lurco the government to recognize and provide for their wants. With out doubt farmers of this typo will to a man voto tor llryan. It re mains to be seen whether they are numerous enough to carry tho rural precinct of the several coun tics of the Willamette valley for free silver and populism, in accor dance with the exultant cxpecta lions of such disinterested patriots as I cnnoyer, llourne, bhrelller et al." The farmers of Oregon, year after year have been growing poor er, while the Wall streets pluto crats have been enriched by thoso men, are now called every do spisatilo name known by just such organs as the Uregonian. Harvey scott, while ho sua in his mag nificent million dollar building lo catcd on Sixth street in the city of Portland, llnishcd in marble and the choicest of woods, little knows or cures for the patient toil and hardships endured by t h farmers of the Willamotto valley and the foothills many of them forceJ tJ live on tho plainest of food and clothed in a rai mcnt that barely covors their bod ies. Still if bo would reflect for just one mom nit ho must know that they are the people who tnado it possible fur the Oregonian to oo cupy and own the grandest news paper edifice west of New York City. u days gono by, when such mon as Dwyer and Hill were its editors, it was the friends of tho common people. . A change has occurred. It is now tho organ ot the capitalists and corporate interests of Amer ica, and lends whatever little in fluence it lias left to further crush the yeomanry of our country. Every man who tills the soil should carefully road tho extract quoted from tho plutocratio organ. t will make their blood boil with indignation and if they have a spark of manhood left in thoir bodies, they will carefully consider why they are thus insulted. Gentlemen, you make it possible for tho rest of the Miop!o of our grand country to exist. Y hen you stop tilling the soil every business enterprise must a.aa t . I A cease. Did you ever consider mix For years you have permitUd the aggregated capital of Kurope and America to frame every law, under which you havo year after year grown poorer. Now because a man has dared to advocate your interests, William J. llryan, the young commoner, and you are about to cast your ballot ur him and thereby save your homes for yourself and children,you are insulted and traducod by every plutocratio organ in the land. If you permit theso men to con trol your votes you are deserving of eternal enslavement. REGUUfog,7 Having a Large and Complete stork of i in the best markets, I EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, l can ofler the public belter prices ! than any other house In Eugene. i 'Tol3;.iiralUiii.Jtaa!i il Hirkst Price. ,n, of liurns, Harney county, ' "4-' "" "' ,7 .7 , l,v the u nne of Anderson, abstract ed from the pile of g Ivini! oti the table. ami a gone tld an! -liver coin a t'.'il gold pbC ', bef' to tbe players reu- 1 1 ....i u i ... i lonl Is en done. II pursued and ei.plurrd U-fore goit'K very f ir by D''l'Uiy Mieritis it 1 1 1 Ijeorge .-)i.--iii"iv, and he i w as (eiwatl liroiiglil held for that city Albany Democrat: Dr Wire, nt Ku gene, at one time pnsiding elder of the Portland district, was placed by the Row-burg confereiu' at Albany, while RevJ T Abltett will go to Kugene, TE Iical. Salem Jour- both Albiiny and hugeue w ill gel More rumors are alloat iioiiiitii giHul men. jog the remuval ol the Salem It sal John McClure, who Joined the ex- from its regular run helweeu (Ida city ctirsion to Porthmd this afierqoD, ! and tbe n.irthwest iiietros,h. me... will attend a meeting of ihe executive , lion of hi, h a was made III U.e c mm ti e of , ,e L A W In that city Journal several week, a.noe I Is now om. rrliw. be ts ing representative at rep.ted .hat ,,,, he U t of r , . 11,1. .1,1. lltirilttf , I l. iih.hi "in ItOUint.,..,,,.,,.., hftkl. I I tl,. MrlCitdeV headiiuarter 111 it ' .... .. t i i ilt Iruin will be (its-rated SnMison .1 nave cnaign "i - - . Kit-ley headiiunrters in tiiis.uuui - crowdi, ClI AMiK ok PahtoHATK. The Rose burg fimfrreiice has appointed Rev M C Wire of tills city to the pastorate of the M I! church at Albany and he and hi family will remove lo that city. During the time that Dr Wire has been pastor of the M K church ill (hi city lie and M estimable family have found a warm place in the beait of all who know them. While Kugene re gret to lose Dr Wire, she congtatu laic Albany on getting one for a pas tor and r, op-it w ho Is so thoroughly capulilf un I learned. lly (liiartl, Keptemlur 'io Rimontiii.Y Mkkiini The bi monthly Hireling of the city F.udeavor union was held In tlie U R church lust evening, Ix-ing largely ultended. The udilresa, a very earnest aud practical talk for eiiileavorer. wa delivered by Rev Rose of the Christian church. Fixkii Xow.-IIarry Walklns' pa per a a candidate for presidential elector of lbl- stale In I half of the "free republican" ere tiled yester day with Hiate Secretary Kincaid. Theatututory -tition In the case had M) names upon its face. Dally Uuard, Heplember t). 17 OP O IiHV AN 1'I.tIBOKOANIZEU. A first voters V of O llryan club was organised In Villard Hall this after noon with .11! charier members. It Is expected thai the total membership of llrst voters in the elub will number llfty. Ollleers elected: L M Travis, prssldeiil; Fred Flsk, vice presi dent; J X MoFaddcn, secretary; Mil Day, treasurer. The club will meet Monday nights. The organisation an copied a challenge from the U of O McKlnley club for a debate, which wl l be arranged for In the near future. THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE is Simmons I ivcr Pbt.ulator don't forgt to take it. J he l iver gets sluggish durtii the Winter, ju?t like till nature, anj tlie system bctctncj chokej up by the .iicumul.iti'j w.istc, whkh brings on Mjl.irl.i, I ever nnJ Ai'.ue anj Rheuma tism. You w.intti w.iUeup your Liver ntw, bet b sure you take SIMMONS LlVbR Ki:ul'l.AIOK t) do It. It also regulates th Liver keeps it properly at work, whr.i your system will be free from polion anj the whole t-,.!y invigorated. You get Till J It I .S T 1 1 LOO I w hen your system Is h A I condition, and that will only he when the Liver is kept active. 1 ry a Liver kemejy once and note ths dillerence. Hut t.te only SIMMONS Livik ktigi'latok it is Simmons l.ivtu KLiiUl-Arou which makes the dillcreiue. l ake It in powder or In liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR. You'll find the KhU Z on every package. Look fur It. tl. IL ZelUa Co., I'ldladelphU, Pav Correspondeuce. TuitKHToN, Or. Hept 30, 1890. FniToK Uuahii: Will ynti grant a little inure space in your valuable pa per for a McKlnley man to make a few remarks In regard to tbe vote takeu at the Cellar Flat saw mill, as some of our Irlends think, ami have said with in my hearing, that It was to tlie best interest of those men that cast their votes that day, to vote as they did for McKlnley, In order lo Hold their job. ll lias also been said mat we would not hire any populists to work for us. I will state that we have hired more populists and democrats to work for us than republicans. If a man Is a good hand politics cuts no figure with us. More than that, if I knew that any man voted against his own po litical views, for McKlnley to please us, lie would be the llrst man I would turn olV, for ho would not be an honest man. I have the kindest regard lor all men lliat vote as they think best. Tills would nut be a Hue country II we were hampered lu our political views. iiespeciruiiy yours, K F Chapman. U ok () Attksdasck. The attend ance of tho University of Oregon this year Is a little over :i00 students being a Utile lighter than at the opening of tlie school lust yeur. llcfore tlie reg istration was completed It wns thought thai tho attendance wutild ihs pjucti larger than it was last year. This was because ol (he largo percentage of new student i. While the Increase of new students is quite large there Is a per ceptible, fulling olt of old students which cuts the average attendance down lower than It was at the open ing of the school last year. However students are still arriving aud the at tendance may yet reach tlie standard of last year. Dall j Uuard, doptoniber M. Dantino Cmvh Orhanizeh. The mem Urn of the Kugene Social and Dancing club met last night In the Armory ball and reorganized lor the season. I lie. dun starts out Willi a charter membership of 05. The follow- ollleers were elected: President W V Ilrown; vice president Howard Davis; secretary I'.d Davis; treasurer, D K Yoran. w w jirown, ur J J riniey and Howard Davis composed the ex ecutive committee. Music for the club will le furnished again this winter by Link's orchestra. The first dance will be held Saturday night, October 10th. Pally ou.rd. September 3U. Fob Hounding Dkkk. M O Wil kin, deputy llsh and game protector made a visit to Ivlsou, on the Wild 'at, Sunday and aa a result, A b Davis called upon Kx-olllclo Justice of the 'eaco R F Dorrli, In the absence of A K Wheeler, and plead guilty to the charge of running deer with hounds aud was mteu aim costs uxiay. Davis Is said tolhave been violating this section of tlie game laws for some lime. Owners of houuds should take warn ing, as Warden Wilklns intends to en force a strict observance of this section of the game laws. WU 10 Allowed. The W A Wil liamson loss on the barns and their oonteuts has been adjusted and Mr Williamson allowed (0H 10 by the Continental Company. Tbe barns were insured for IUO0 and the OUAKD was hi error when It stated that the full amount bad been allowed by the company, having been wrongfully In formed. Ream Killkd.-A-cii Terrell killed a large black bear, near his residence, six utiles southwest of this city yes terday. Mr Terrell Is the boss hunter on Spencer Creek. An Oltooknarian'8 Death. Tuesday's Albany Democrat: Mr Mary Jane Cox died at the home of her daughter In this city last night, Hept 2Hth, 1HOU, at tlie age or ei years ana 11 months, tier nusuano uieu in Chi cago many years ago. She was a pio neer resident, or tne county, niguiy reiected by all. Three daughters. Mrs U al ivuox oi tins city, Kirs ui Knox and Mrs Rachel I Campbell, of ortlaud. and a son, Henry Cox, of this county, survive her. UailT Uuard, B.pleniber 3D. RlHTllHAY CKI.KHKATKD A toVf friends ot Miss Kmma Wold met at her home last evening to celebrate her birthday. The evening was spent in conversation and guinea aud at a late hour the guests departed, leaving with Miss Wold their U-st of wishes. Those present were: Prof Riirlght, Mesdames MoMurphey and Link, Misses De Lashmutt, Condon, Loomlsand Dens more, Messrs McMurphey, Wilklns, Carlton aud Humbler. Cole's Airtight Stoves. 8 L Long has a new space in the Dally and Weekly Uu A KU In which he ad vertises Cole's Airtight stoves. These stoves are a new lot just arrived and are a great Improvement over the or dinary stove. They are airtight pre serving all the heat and consequently burning less wood. Call at the store on Ninth street aud see them. Guardian Appointed. In the matter of the minor heirs of Isaao Cook, deceased, Minerva T Cook, wid ow of dt'Cented, has Is-en appointed guardian, with bonds fixed at 000. The minor heirs are Clyde C, Pearl M, Ermal L, and Hattie C Cook. buck to town, w here trial. city.