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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1896)
T GU A H JDj uu 0 USTiBLISIIED KIR TQE DlMEimTIOS OP DEMCRlTir. mMlrtK!. m TO RIH.N IN COS ERT LI BY TDK SWEAT OP Ol'R BROW EUGENE, OR., SATUUDAY, OCTOBER 10. 18. NO. 44 i 1TJ I VEEKLY EUBENE GUARD. I 1, cAnpnnLL, publisher. tlffl 'K -K ul il'lu ol WllUmi lltf b (wn-u pcjth nJ KlKlilh Street. TKKNUOF sTU-Hittl'TI N': , Mantst. J,t M inim, J : i 12.00. 1.00 60. 'dvartising rates made known j on application. ,,.t all bulli"s lottcri to liL'A It l. m. nreoa. S. LUCKEY DEALER IN , ocks. vVatches, Chains. Jawelry, Etc. ! EI'AIUINO PROMPTLY DONE. I lliuork Varrotited.-?H L. W. BROWN, M. D. Iivslcluii and Suruoon. O'.Vx and rwl'lruw mer p.Mtoffii'e. a 'J . ui.i 12 to 2, t! to tip. iu. llmm: UNITE AND MARBLE WORKS. a Dnliiu. and New Price. In foreign and Uom-lic Marble and Ursolic, Monument.. I leadloue null Cemetery work ot I all kinds for 1A ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! Ilam.-Mc Street, uaar IVrtofflce. Kugvne, Or i C. WOODCOCK, Attoriicy-iit-B.suv. ' mca-One-hslt blo'k south nt flirUnisu's xtk, EfGKXK, : OliKIJoy. I. tf. KlNSKT S. K. MAiiKmr. Insey & Markley, Attorneys-at-Law. Commerclsl ami Probstc DuIiiom a Beo uilioe tn Chrltiimn llloek. LE. 4R0WN. t'rttldtnt. B 0. PAINE. F Vici Prstidtnl. TUB W.OSBURN. Cathlsr. )m Loan and Savings BANK, ' ugen8, Oregon. CT'tllS-D. A. rl". J- J- K Usvls. B. I). l'ln. W. K. Brown, J. t. Koblnson, K. W. Onbiirn. rjiiDpj: : $50,000. l Cneral Banking Business Transacted. I i..ti.i .llnu.xl on time deposits. i ,. ii. Hinn viuriiited toour care will receive it i(t sltentlon. r. CLlliRORiUiis, S.B Kaki.1, Jr., CmIiiai rrfsi.Unt. M Um Bank Oi Eugene. . Id up Us!i C&pltal 50,000 rpius ana rrouts, ou,uu jgene - - Oregon. V ireneral baiikimt bunlnsM dn n '"J' drills. Sitfht lrft n N KW HvK, itWUt). SAN KUANCISt 'O and l'OUl- OUEOOX. , . .11. of;. sold on f.-ujn oonutri;. iu received .ubjoot to clfck or certth of.lsiixit .,, . 0 enllwtion ootnuloJ t ' will nxi npt attention ine County Bank. 5 (KiUblUhed In issi) EUGENE, OREGON. A general Banking business 'all branches transacted on vorable terms. A. H. 1IOVEY, President. J. M. A BRA MS, Cushler J A. O. HOVEY, JR.. Asst.ta-shr. J. L. PAGE, -DKAI.Eft IN- Having a Large and Complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries bought in the bet markets, EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, i en oiler the public U-tter price thttu any other hou In Eugene. ionr t w I h !- eol ill mil at Mirltel Prices. MONDAY, OCTOBER fi. Stu'e I'm I r i imenec Wednesday. J I' Meeker, ii Sulcni lii buyer, win ill loan today. Black i'i liiii-1. in diii-,1 in it raw at Lil (iriimlo Sal u hi iv. A large ill Suml.ivcd In the country jVslerd iy. Susan Heave, i f Liiii" county, ha la-en granted u it or i i ti ti I soldier POU kinil. 1 Mr I, i. inli nf I nlimnuiil liM.k a I mil i'i Iculhor to (orvald today Eugene lainn rv. for tho ' The remainder nf tin. delegate to tin Y M C A couveii: Ion nl On-iMi C'lt.v united Inline uu Hie afternoon train. The postolllce Hilt Hi Alma, Lane county, Du blin, ha been moved two iniln smith, u-t of IN oi l locution: Eim-st Pugh, postmaster. II C Dodd, of Portliitiil, ml reused tle citizen of Irviiii; Saturday night. A MeKlnley iiml Hoharl club wan organized with ii membership of 7(1. I'.iille Montana Free Silver Advo cate: F I) Bnnv of I lie hurt' lion law linn of Bruce & Multi-son, Iiiih been III Dillon fur I lie past wwk mi legal business. Cum Mull irk iiml Harry Hidden rode (o Juiieti.ui my on n tandem yeHt' rtlny. They maile the run from ; that city here, 14 inilc, In -i t iiiinnlea Rev Wire the depurtini; pastor, and Rev Ahliett I ho lieW pus I or, toget her with their fuuiilles were tendered a Joint reeeption ut the M K chlirell Fi iilay night. The moon fill's to light up thestreeta Ibeie niifhts and the belnted resident bus too teel his way through the l:irk ne. However, the uioon will simhi be on duly again. The Woodmen limit and sup per lit Spllnglleld lnt week was qilile sticwssfiil. One side scored 3!t) points and the other l-M. Anotlier hunt ill probably Imj giveti. The county court convened this morning to try several civil ciwb. A ureal deul iif'iulice I'ourl and cir cuit court work Is now It iui taken In to the county court. S M Yoran, r 'publican candidate for pn sideiitlal eh lor, will speak in Ynni hill county on Oetols-r 10, "JO and lil. Hit will be in Washington cotinly OclokT '22, 'J3 and 4. Repr-selitatlve-elecl J M S inier will canvas Lane county during f't' week eomuicncing October 5 in favor of MeKiuley. Dates will be nrrangea by the county committee. The wichil kIv" I" 1110 I O t t hall Stiturdny night by IlelK-ccn bulge was tirirely iitlelHl.'il. All exceueiu inn- ary and muih-al program was render- ed, i.fter which a 8 cial time was had by all present. Sunday's Herald: "Air Al lioi.ieu of Eugene, representing llo-st uros., hop buyers, In in Hie city, ne uougiu a coiislileraoio quaiiiiiy i tt iJentoii county honHJ i cents. Albany IK-iiiocral: A man named Hlllegis, a lifelong republican, ufti r hearing Mitchell al Eugene, deeland for Rryan, anil there Is some talk (J his iHBklug for l.lm. Senator Mitchell has done g'Miil work for Hryau In Ore gon. Albany Democrat: 1 resident Mil ler, of the O A C is utlending strictly to business. He has started for tt tour of a number of Oregon cities with a Htereopthon. The views to be pre sented .ll relate to the O A C and It work. Vice-President Stevenson delivered an able address to the democratic clubs Bl St Louis Saturday in favor of Win J Bryan. It U also announced that Ex Oov Campbell, of Ohio, will take the stump for the young eoinmou er, Wm J ISryati. Portland had a $J0,5iH)flre yesterday. The Oregonlun lays the blame to the re organized lire department, but 1 d not hiiv a word derogatory about t e imutH) DaveCamplK-ll tidier mill tire a few months since, whtn the tie parlmeiit was niiamanaged. x.iiiiIhv's Oreiroiiian: Mr A IUirch, of Salt 'Lake City, mlil"R engmecr ..iriwnr la in Portland, for ....... ....iT. Mr. llurch ha been engaged lit making patent surveys at A..i. ..m and the Ulue niverur.iiiiiK properties under the management ol W R Lawltr, tho well-ktiowa mining ' The college V M C A at Oregon City .i. ....... i ii... r,,iliiunnir olllcero: Presl- eieeien o ,, . , , .i...,i I.' (Minimum I. r . in i"iiiii, vi.'i.iesi.leuts, J D Letcher, .,t ii,u .ii.tu university. r.Ugene, L C Caples of Oregon City; secretary Aiiu.rt iinllv. of Salem; assistant sec- r..inrv. J 1' raltee. in v iiviii", i----- ,rin4 a.MTi-tlirV. JOIII1 H .iiv, - . j,- ....... ..,.!. ..r l'nri nnu. Ashland Record: As an evidence ...... i..i.-i.,l..v u w u tlie paners re uilmt "an oiler to is-i i""o LIIUL ..1. ' . . .uuin lei.iuH , - .,..,! , .pl, that llryaii w m noi - posted III Asliianu ior n " ... . 1... .nil i.wn tHken vet. ilils gets to Portland all the tlu-lmms lul ,.. ......i... l..,.bfM enun- !u ' .Srd. Ther- 1 S,t.wTjent.;rAHhl....I.r of Jack ' ... .?..,. .v Unit I ns anything like that : r..r that purpose. lltllOllllt I" n 7 CliHHI Iiml .... r ...i .1... i n..n nrniiose na.i me . n,.r i. . . f-n iuui it ii im lupin vi'"' wanted t30. would " :' Ilihford a 1 1 1 Ui 1 1 1 5 e i k ' ' r . f e x uji slve PXtH-rience arrived here Sunday after lo weeks visit and in-sc- of the Rohemi. district. Mr llochford Is here in th interest of h rge cai alilists with a iew of Inves Uug and hi. visit is of considerable sign nca .ee. es,s-cllly In view of the fac but Mr Rochford as very favor ably impressed with the pr.-p. c . and conditions of the country. t I. In tention to return simn, and there is likely to be-, ouie interes-ing develop "T.rJFHen.I, ....... i ....i.. i.r Ki-i t l!a. at ,..1 luesnnj "."- u-,ville. 11:30 o cloek wus isirii Teiiu., M M-iV 7. H-'i. beslddie.1 nie.i. ' New Orleans in IhM and lJ ,e totbvCoa.tinlV,3, realdiniC e Z Califortiiaand I cine In and came .i.ti.. ... ,.w":1 . . . - Iioitedfrom the Wil lllllllOI. I IV H" , - He re- I. I ii.versliy 'o KV1. .-. ., fa l.HIl l!,ell sid.1 in Canyon ity u." In Ilauoii and in ... Harri-ourg wheie lie atterwni-j r. -.1 ru .i.letl. He was in ". wife and one daughter i,....;- ,.f All.miv survi Mrs li. i surviving him- 'e '""" " ,.rl.liliellt a was a man "i ""i. i - . . local writer and in -.fui, nd leaN- a good record as a citizen. 1'ersoual. Pall" Guard, October 5. Hugh Hum Imi gone to Salem. Rev C M Wire came up from Albany toilny. Alva Mattenn of Fall (.'reek It in Eugene. L II Lusell ol Harrlsburg was in tlie city today. Miss Fiitinle Ileyman went to Port land today. Dean E C Sanderson returned from Corvallls today. W II Spangle, of Florence, vran In EuKiMie today. Cliurlle lirlllln returned Iroiu Cottage Urove ye.terday. John Hew In employed In Atnly 'fay. loi'a barber uliop. Ed llaumm vUited JunetioD with bin best girl yeMerduy. Ed HaiiNon paid Junction City a flying vlxit yesterday. M S Hubble made Snloiu rliort bunincHu trip yesterday. Rev Father Illiick left for Florence on t It lit morning's Htage. Mix Lueile DorrU went to Salem to ilny to visit with friends. Col (ieo () Yorau went to Albany today on military business. I M Smith expects to remove soon to Roekford, IllluoU, to reside. Mrand Mrs Hert Vincent have re turned from the Portland fair. Al Holdeii retinoid last night from a visit to points down the valley. President Chapman was a passen ger to Portland on the local this morn ing. Mrs N K Frn.rr returned this after noon from a short visit to Llnu Coun ty relatives. Dr and Mrs C W Lowe arrived on theaflern.Miii train and will remain In Eugene a few days. Eli It ing-i, proprietor of theSitislaw stage line, accompanied the outgoing stage this morning. Miss Marv Haines returned on thif morning's local from a visit with friends at Roseburg. H E Owen has gone to Coyote. Ha w ill have charge of Wlls Oweil'i hop yard the coming season. F A Rinkin went to Salem yester day and will remain until after the fair. His horse "Bessie Rankin," will be enter. d at the races MiM Emma Edwards left Harrts burg yesterday for Arlington, where she will sK'iid the winter Willi her sister, Mrs Alice (lager. Rev I O Knottg of Florence left on this morning's train to attend the Willamette presbytery of the Presby terian church at Aurora. Sunday's Salem Statesman: Mrs James Olinger returned yesterday from Eugene where she has been the past mouth visitiug Mr Olinger. Prof J I) Letcher arrived home ou the early train this morning from Ore gon Clly. w here he had been attend ing the Y M C Convention. Saturday's Salem Journal: Dr I V Driver, of Eugene, came down this firifrnnon. He suvs lie Is still lis strong for silver-American silver as he ever was. Henry McClure, nor a practicing attorney of Seattle, Washington, ar rived on tlie cany train yesiernuy morning and will visit with his folks in this city for a week or two. Aninnir those who have been attend ing tlie Portland Exposition who re turned home today were Edis Mat- link and wife. Miss Jterllia aiatiocK, Miss Addle Rang, and H M Harrison. Dr T W Harris returned from Port land Saturday night. He reports that the operation on DrewOriflln was suc cessful and that If he continues to Im prove as expected ho will be able to return iiome in a.siui i" Jerrv Coh I we 11. tor years ono oi uie city reporters on the Portland Oregon- Ian, gave tins oniee a pieasunv em. ni morning and ye niiiwwuu. number of his stories. II la oil on a short vacation and will godown tiie valley on the Springlleiu raiiroau to morrow. p.ily, October. 8 M Yoran Is home agalu. W W Ppaugh is In Eugene. A Wheeler went to Albany today. J F Trotitman of Albany Is In the ell . C R Allen and wife of Prlneville ore In the clt v. Mrs T W Shclton arrived home tins afternoon. Harry 8 Keeney, of Japer was In the city today. Miss Hattle Walton returned from Portland today. Mrs Drew Clriflln arrived home from Portland tills afternoon. Miss Annie Sovern is confined to her home with sickuess. W H Hnfi'iuan and wife went to Salem May t visit the fair. M L Campbell left this morning on a ten-days trip down the valley. Mr Simpson of Oarfleld, Washing ton, Is here looking for a home. Claude Davis recently made a flying trip 4-i miles up the Willamette. Ask him why he went. Mr H C A Miller, who has been attending the Portland exposition, returned home today. Misses Edytbe Vincent, Nellie Clure and C H Keeney visited at Jasper last Saturday and Sunday. I ll Chambers was able to walk ,i,.un town with the uislsiance ! . . . I crutches this morning. Mrs E H Ingham has gone w.-ek's vi-it to the Covswell on a Fish Ranch, up the McKeniie. Mrs Abide Frye. of Ubanon arrived from Albaoy ye-fr-'ay a blcyc e and Is vi.illng Mllh Miss Alice Kriedlali.ier, oi f--. . c, daughter of Manager l-rei.i-n.W of the Columbia theatre, is clsci i.. ...i. visiting in the city the guest of tlie Misuses Lauer. s unuel Pellet of Yreka, Cahiorula I Vl-en v,.itl., wllh hi, si'ter MrsBFDorris, left for home Co Ueo O Yoran returne.l from AII.anvt.sJay. He wMwmlnl byCo. '-"l ' wVlfbe Company C tonight. MaJ Collins I. also In attendance. NAII.KU IN A I.IK. How the tioldhuir PainTi Tiling A rou n .1. Turn The goldhtig ress litis di-torted tho record of the New York llookuiukf rs until it is scatcely recgiiib!e. It makes It appeal that MeKiuley Is tho favorite hi nearly every state, when ll Is the other way. The boiling aeenrd Ing to the bookmakers, says the New York Join mil, is about us lolious: Alaiiauia .'! to 1 ou Bryan, Arkansas 1, to 1 on Br,an. California 8 to I on Bryan. Col rndn Ill to 1 on Bryan. Florida 7 to 1 on Bryan. IVIaware even on Bryan. (ieorgia 5 to 1 on Bryan. Idaho II to 1 on Bryan. Illinois & to 4 ou Biyaii. Italians 8 to 7 on MeKiuley. Iowa even ou Bryan. Kansas '2 to one ou Itiyim. Kentucky 8 to 5 on Bryan. Maine 10 to I on MeKiuley. Maryland '2 to 1 ou Bryan'. MasaehU-sels 10 to 1 on MeKlnley. Michigan Id to 7 ou MeKiuley. Minn. sola 7 too on Brymi. Mii-Mii o to 1 on Bryan. Missouri H to 1 on Bryan. Molilalia.') to 1 on Hryau, Nebraska - to 1 on Bryan. Nevada 4 to 1 on Bryan. New Hampshire o to 1 on MeKiuley New York even on MeKlnley. North Carolina even on Bryan. Noi th Dakota :i to 1 on Bryan. Louisiana H to 1 on ltryan. Ohio 2 lo 1 ou MeKiuley. Oregon even on Bryan. Pennsylvania 10 to 1 ou MeKiuley. Rhode Island - to 1 ou MeKlnley. South Carolina 5 to I on Bryan. South Dakota - to 1 Bryan. Tennessee 4 to I ou Bryan. Texas 17 to I ou Bryan. Vermont (1 to I on MeKiuley. Virginia 4 to 1 on Bryan. West Virginia '2 to i on Bryan. Washington ll to I on lirvan. Wisconsin 10 lo 7 on MeKlnley. Wyoming 3 lo I ou Bryan. General result, for Bryan. New York City two I ou Bryan. UusMu'tJ Wheat Crop. The official organ of trndo and in dustry, says a St Petersburg dispatch to the London Times, givesthe fol lowing account ot the croiis down to the middle ol August, The wheal from autumn seed has now for the most pait lieeii gathered In, and there can be no loiigei any doubt as to the poor quality of the harvest. The uu satisfactory harvest or spiing-sowu wheat extends over nearly the whole area aftllcted by the failure of tho crop of autumn-sown corn a slight ex ception being observed only in the north province of, along the coast of the Sea of Azof. In the basin of the Don and the greater part of the black-soil region the yield for spring sown is below tho average. In the Crimea it is only middling, In the Causasus very unequal, and in general less satisfactory than the yield from autumn sown wheat . D.ilr October A. (Jus Aciii.KNT. Ira Johnson, a young man, aged about 20 years, met with a gun accident whllo out hunting on tlie Ingham farm near town yester day which caused him to lose a toe. The young man placed the muzzle of the gun on Ills right foot w hen It In some manner was discharged. The charge, a load of shot passed through the foot, tearing away the middle toe and mangling others. He came into town about 1 o'clock yesterday after noon and Dr Kuvken.lall amputated the middle toe. It Is thought the others can bo saved. I'.ilr uu.r.l, October .V 8 8 Ei.KCtioN. The regular annual election or tlie First Congregational Sunday school was held yesterday. Tlie following ofllcers were elected: Supt.RH Huston; a sist supt, Miss K Wold; sec, A E Wheeler; assist sec, Miss (irace Mount; treasurer, llaivey Delisinore; librarian Ml-s Ellen Loom is; chorister, Mrs It C Brooks; assistant chorister Miss Ellen Loouils; organist. Miss Lizzie Uii'lln; cornctist, (leorge Frazer, Daily Guard, Onotr . Will Pi. ay Footiiai.i.. After a stirring speech by lice Travis at the U ofO assembly tula morning the stu dents subscribed a little over one hundred dollars to pay for a football coach. The athletic chili at noon to day telegraphed lo Mr Frick the coach of Oakland, California to come al once and takechargoof the team. Hols expected here the last of tho week when training work will commence In earnest. About $l.r)0 is yet needed and subscription will lie pushed to raise Ihe remainder needed. Ullr(iurd,0. lul.r Fkkioiit Movkmkms. A carload ..i ...,..iii1Ik srrlved this ruing. T D Llnloii Iibs loaded a cur in i s r..r v.. York Citv. and (Ieo I Hall & Son are loading three cars for A J l.u. e k Company of Portland for shipment to Milwaukee, ineywiu u m,t.v tomorrow morning. A M ihtak K. The OtJAltl) a few A a VI Hi III I...I an Item staling Hint Dr ' C W Lowe would soon remove to San Diego, Cal, from the McMiiinvllle Transcript- lr i.owe iniornis us mui .i.i.i.. luke. as he bus no linen to... uvlnii.vpr of desertluit this Held, u l.ere be has built up such a large huslnrs. cm.. . u- Ir rich. A letter from ItoHMlaml. B C, state that (iivens Day, . i..-,.r ll M and llessle Day, lias located a rich mine, and that hir D and his partner recently refu-c.1 t'), (SN)forlt. (iivens Is well know n n Eugene and his many friends will Is delighted lo lo-ar of his goo I ld"k. p.ily i.u.rd, M"ob..r '. A HkaW IiAli.-Bangs' big four horse stage c a. li was sent urn, n." Mt K. liZie route this morning with a heavy load of freight. priliey-Hy for the Lucky Boy mlm-. Mr Bangs w has charge of the MsKu.zie route as far as P. plot's, ) miles from Ku- KEHKISfcO.-Judge M L (Jlni.tcad has resign. d as .no of the Hryau i- ...I W II St.augh. f Lane Iwiuiity. has la-en M decled to fill the vacancy 1 n in 1 1 o.i " .. r.iiliiws: N I. Butler, K electors i' Harry Watklns and W H Hocfcr, r-psugh. i iiv: ni. i k i:it.h .mixes. Au Inr. rc.ilinvr l.' tier-lb velepmeiit Work Kiipiill- (inlug On. Ill t't; KlVHt, Sept 'j:, IMS!. I'.liilnK iiMi: -Thinking that ll might ls of Interest to you and your readers. I will try and give you a small ".lose" this evening concerning lb.. il..v. .I.iiiini. in if tin. I.nekv ltov mine and oilier hnpiciiiugs of this camp. Ihe Micky Hoy is me oniy claim I have been ou tills fall, so I will coullne myself principally to it. We have a crew'nf 33 men al work ut the present time. Including Ihe csik ind he Is the mainstay in ice wnoic business. There are seven men work ing on the liieht shift, some are tun neling and some are sinking shafts. The shaft is about olHI feet from the tunnel, and thev Intend to connect 1 1 n-ii i mid lice the shaft for an air shult. The miners have already run their tunnel in about 100 f.vt ou the outside of Ihe hanging w all. They did this as it w as mm h easier work ed. Ou the L'ti insl o practical miiieis ar rived from lirnss alley, Cal , and they are at work on the "cro-s-cnl to the west, where tlie ledge lies. We are lushing the work "ou lop" as fast as poihlc as we tear thai stormy weather will set ill. We have now 4 new building t up and another under way. The arehll.ct of these build ings Is DeWilt RoIktIs, and they are all well constructed. We have a Hint class nssayer here and a neat little olllce lilted up for him. He dm-s con siderable assay Ing nil the Lucky Boy claim, but how the assays run I am unable to slate, us mat Is a ,'rivaie huslnc-isof bis and the company's. There iir two young men cutting wood forth.1 stove-i, some men getting out tunnel timbers and others doing one thing and unother. Our foreman Mr White, keeps the wheels turning in giMid shape. Thev have a track laid In (he tunnel uii.l have a cur which holds l,(iU0 -mhiikI-). The second load thai was run out Jack-thc-Klpper let the car go over the .lump ulsitil 20 feel, liny tied a rope to It and by calling "come liovs." no quicker saui man done, the ear was lauded on the trnck right side up w ith care. I he bovs all appear to ciioy tiiein- selves. Mordie Keeney and Mason Croft have been hauling material for the buildings, while (lid Folist and Pony A brums are getting out the tim bers. Mas, u and Mordie say that while they only work 10 hours a (lay here they would ml her put In 10 hours at some other kind of work. Ihey haul the building material ou theil shoulders, and one day they iicled as iiaek-hiir.-u s. II ! Child Is working oa the night shift and "whispers" at 3 o'clock in the morning w hen going tn lied. Mr Sparks' two boys are busy packing In supplies, tools and other things which are needed. 1 must say that Micky Hoy ruy lias more lilo tliau several oi ine nine towns, vlz-llrownsville, l rawiorus- vlllc, llalsey or Rowland. Messrs Mct'uulcv, Bcckeiier, Dyson, Slamllsl! and M.Miro luive a line prof peel on a claim lying west of the Lucky Boy about three-fourths of a mile, on which Mr Dyson and Stiiudish, will com mence development work again wueu thev return. There are several other claims In the camp which show lip well, and I think next summer will tell llie lain of this camp. This Is about all the news or tins c imp at present. I am the cisjk or the camp al present, nun nuveii t much lime, not even to slug "How Tedious Ulld Tasteless the Hours," for It tnkes me from 4 o'clock in the morn lug until after 7 o'clock ut night to do my work, and I never could slug and work al l lie same time. J. W. Moo KK. Comity Court. p.llr (, October A. Couiitv cotltt commenced In Ihe court house this morning, present County Judge 10 () Poller and Hherllf Johnson. The following urors were drawn: J M Sloan, W W McMurry, Frank Hay er. A llrown. i; rarson, r, iv rrnna, W M UiKslmiin. 1" D Button. M JJ Mo- (lulre, Ed Howe, J II (l.Midman and S J I'.lwood. The following cases came up for hearing: C has II Do.ld l.o vs i varren and P J Jennlng; to recover money Dismissed at the nlaintlU'a cost. W II Davidson vs E Smith and L M Miinllre; to recover money. Tho following iury was drawn: A Krown. K H Frank. W M (Joodman, Crunk I level. J J El wood and C Par sons. Verdict for plulutiir for tm.i, o i nrd ol the Joseph Itobber. I. (iiiAMiK. Or. Oct. 4. No fur. liter news has been received hereof the whereabout! of Cy Fllzhllgh, the rnl.U-r. who escaped with the money IhU.-ii from the Joseph bank. It Is .iimioseil ho had escaped Into Idaho, and il will probably bo several days lufore he is overtaken. Cntiitkf-r Albany Democrat: A I'lnimre In Ihe lunnllig time of tlie overland Is being contempluted. The Democrat is in favor of one that will tuk the over anil througli tills un .llr.lHMS.'ll vallrv in the day time Shustu has had her share. Perhaps it ...ii.lit I. iirraiiL-eil for both to lie favored. Ii.ily, Ocbits-r f.. i.'.m. vvi.i i. Paktv. Mr and Mrs f ( Mm 1 1 1 1 who Intend leaving Ksiii r,.r iIih l .a.t to reside werj tendered furuu....ll imrlv bv about I'i ol their frbonls ui their resilience on Fifth and Jcllerson streets lut nighl. I he party was gotten up hurriedly but was very plea-ant ullui r. !'lir l.ll.r.l, lii't'.ls-r V ii. v ! i . a I' ,ii -John P Hargsr, iiii.iiiig.-r of ihe Oregon Slate Joiimul, while riding (low u Fifth strict on his w heel today at noon collided with a dog and was thrown oil' on the hard sidewalk. He now carries a black eye and Is bruised up considerably. p.ilf Oiiard.Oc'.ls-ri.. KK.ovi.lUNO.-We are pleased to atate that Drew (irllllu, who had a aUecesHMll I'ls-rntlon lor aipelldlcltU p,.rfr I in Portland lat Saturday Is recovering nicely and Is thought lo l bo out of .lunger. Bi.KV-Iii this OetoU-r 4, WM, to the w ife ol II M Mauville, a duugh- er. TWO KXtilXES I'KAMl TOUEIHKK. .4 Cmiiliictor's Mistake Cost Two Men Their Lives, Willie Two Mi re Are Kadly Mulmt'd. Iiatli Uu.M, ociotwr d. The engine Isdonglug to the South- nil Patillc soullibound San Francisco overland train No 111, and a special engine crashed Into each oilier ! I ween Iloseburg and llrwn s station this morning. Two men were killed and two more wounded. The killed lire Fireman McOoneglean.t Brakeuisn lop. The wounded are fireman 11 I: HapiH'rselt, both legs broken, ami En gineer Porter, one leg broken. Others were wounded more or less. Particulars are meagre, but Irom what can be learned ll would seem that the wreck and loss of life Is due to a conductor's mistake. Tlie heavy Sail Francisco overland train left Roseburg at A:'2A this morn ing on time, In charge of Conductor aid. Roseburg forms the end of a division ami when conductor Tynan of this division surrendered the train to Conductor Wald, he forgot to trans fer the tickets to It i lit. When well out of the slaliou Conductor Wald dis covered that he did not have the tickets, and as there was no other trains duo for some tlmo, he decided to sidetrack his train at (Irseu's station, three and one-half miles south of Rose burg, ami run back with his engine for tho tickets. To do this he must run back without orders, which under any and all circumstances Is strictly against the rules of the company, but ho conclude! to risk It. As there is no telegraph olllce at Oreens he could not communicate with Roseburg by wire. Iu the mean while a special engine was started out or ltoseuurg wnu orders to overtake No 10 and deliver the tickets to the conductor. Roth engineers supeed they had a clear track hlicmi ami nail tue inrouies oi Ihelr engines well open, and some where between Iloseburg and Oreens they suddenly crashed Into one an other with the results above named. l'he engines were not derailed but were completely telescoped. The dead am! lulu nil were taken to Row-burg where medical aid was se cured for the wounded. A wrecking ralil was sent out from Roseburg and It wa thought that It would not take long to clear the track, as neither of ihe euglnvs Icll Ihe rails. No 15 the Portland overlain! train, Is not due at Roseburg until 1 1 :4o tonight and it will probably not 13 delayed any. A MISTAKE. (Joy Penuoycr Hill not 8peak Hero as Aonouiiceu. Dallf (iuarU, October . The ClUAiui announoeit yesterday, on authority of the Portland Tribune that Kx-Uoyernor rennoyer wouiu speak here ou OctolsT -0. We learn that this Is a mistake ami his many Irlcnds must be disappointed. The Tribune of Monday evening says. "The only appointments by Mayor rennoyer to speak during the presidential campaign are as fol lows: The Dalles, Oct 8; Pendleton, Oct 0, and Spokane. Oct 10. 1 hese were given as tlie only oiiicuu naics ny the mayor this morning. He Is unable to make many speeches owing to hi! position si head of the city govern ment, which require almost his enure time. If the mayor had an assistant with whom he could leave the olllce In charge during his absence, he could canvass the state thoroughly and do unlimited good for the aliver cause." A HOLOCAUST. Woman and Her Three Children Ilurued lo Death. Hiwclal to th (liuan. Summit. Or.. Oct 0. Nora, wife or Thomas Savage, elding two miles east or Summit station, ou the O P R R. was mimed to death with Her three children. Bert Jones called at the house this morning and round It destroyed bv fire. He called neigh bors, and tney round me uouy of Mrs Savage near (he foot or where the bed had been, limbs burned on and trunk drawd out of shape. An Infant In her arms wan burned to crisp. On anrthcr bed wa found the lady 8 two boys, one wuu ins arms around the o.her, evidently Haying been smothered before burning. A coroner's lurv was empanelled by the justice of the mace and round that death came by fire; cause unknown. t'llf fcleclloa In Ho. .burs;. Robkiiuko, Ob., Oct 6.-The follow I in persons were elected to the olllce named at the oily election hero today: Marshal, J H Cannon; treasurer, J A Perkins; recorder, F M Zulgler; coun cllmeii C W Park, F W Dlllard, I) Moore, William Perry and J V Alkeu. A light vote was polled. Coliogs Urove Sckool. Cottaob CJkotk, Oct. 6. The pub lic school oienel here today with a very large attendance. Professor W. II. Powell Is principal. The addition that wa authorized last spring con sists of four more rooms, and two large halls. The house now has eight rooms In all. This la the beat public school house In Lauo county, Its design being somewhat llxe that Iu Oregon City. A ill V W. Mr Khitoh. For October there Is no sjuu-Ksuieut. For the following ouarter no dues. We are glad to be able to stale that this order Is not ex tensive when we take Into considera tion tho certainty of 13100 at death. For twenty year ll has been aoiiu. so discount ou IU contract. Medical examination free. This Is the time lo Jolu. bans uu .ol, octubor . Joist Deiiatb. The MeKlnley and Bryan clube of the University of nm will have a lo lit debate III :.' . . . i . i.....i.. Vlllard nail rriuay evenuig, 10, iu which they discuss the money question. The debaters elected by the MeKlnley club are L It Alderman, L Higglus, and F M Templeton. The liryan club's debaters are Ie Travis, MrlloltamlUAFjuitland. The ad mission will tie free and a cordial In vitation will be extended to the pub lic to aticnd. . six .. ' THE EIST SPRING MEDICINE l Simmon.; i.iver PrctxATOR-doa't tMfrt to talis it. I lu l.lvcr fcrts llugglih duiiiu t!is Writer, j;i t hKe all nature, n i l th: sv.t.-:i l.Miiit; i linked up by the .-uvuiim!.!!. J s i- :,', v. hkh bririK on M.i!.rii, I cwr .-ml A:'.t;e and Kliruma tisin. V i,i v. .mi t w.ike t:p your Liver now, I , t h; Mir' . u t.;ke blMMONS 1 IViK l.: !LXAIOU tJ Jj it. It also rc.;ul.iu t.u Liver-Loop it properly at vvtl;, wiu .i vot:r svlem w ill be free from poNun and Vu v. hh. Im K Invigorated. You g.'t Till: HiISVliLOODwhen your svite.!i I 1 1 Al cond.tkin, and that w ill only fx wlisn tlie Liver I kept active. '1 rv a I.lviT li'i!iei!y once anj note the dul. rciue. But t.ile only SIMMONS l ivlk KiuitiLATim it is Simmons I Uhi.iUi.ATou k makes the diltiretue. Like it hi powjer or In liquid already prepared., or make a tea of the powder; hut take SIMMONS I.IVER REGU La rou. You'll luiJ the UbL) Z on every pjik.ic. Look for it. al. li. lllu A Co., l'laiadelxiUU, Pa. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0. New moon today, A frost this morning. Florida Is holding her state election today. Mark Hanmt claims New Jersey by 4tl,no0 majority. (let your wood undercover. It will rain one of these days. The II R annual conference meet at Philomath October '2'2. A car of hops w as loaded at 8 II Frlcndly's warehouse today. Wm J Brvnn addressed monitor audiences in Ten nessee yesterday. A marriage license wns Issued to William Lynch and lierlrude Barnuui. The Lane county circuit court con venes In I'iugcne, Monday, uctouer Mtli. A nolo from Hon Bun Ilsy.len, saya he will bo hero to sicak Saturday aftcrn.Kiu. Several Palmer and lluckncr cam. palgn buttons nro noticeable on the streets. Rev I I) Driver mad' a political speech at Olcucoc, near Portland, last night. Dr Oglesby organized a Bryan club in Lake Creek precinct Saturday with 40 inciulicrs. Dr Oglesby will address the Sinlth fleld ltr vitn club Saturday evening Oct 10th at 7:30 o'clock. A Bryan rally and barbecue I be ing talked of at Juuctlou to take place Saturday, October 17. Connecticut held numerous town election yesterday. Republican gains are reported by the Orcgotilan. Pendleton E O; Elmer Cleaver has gone to I'omcroy and oilier points In Eusteru Washington to sell shoe. John F Illume, of Pleasant Hill, has beet) granted au original soldiers poL siou by the department at Washing ton. J O Rhlnehart had a orate of pom egranetes on sale at Ills store till morning. They are rarely seen Iu this market. Presidential election four weeks from today. The people generally will be glad when the struggle Is ended, how ever It may tie decided. The Epworth Loagua will give a t reception for the student at the M E church this evening, Oct 0th. All student and friends are cordially In vlted. Chicago Tribune: "What would you think ol a man who had one wilo . . .1 Ull -1 I....1 - . . ,.. I. Jlt, 1. I, ...I ami yei marrieu .ioiiiuh mi a she put usldo her paier. "I should admire his nerve," he replied. Hon John M Sinners, of Llnu county, spoke for MeKlnley at Spring field lust evening. He speaks at (loshen this evening, l'lsasunt Hill Wednesday, and Creswell Thursday. Wm J Bryan a few days ago had made U' a-echcs, In IT'i towns anil cities tn 'JJ states, traveling 80J2 mile. Mr MeKlnley had made 73. Many of tho siK-eche of Mr Bryan were two minute remarks ou piatiorius. Mlsst.ualla Brewster, who Is en gaged III teaching the school at Jasper has returned to her home In this city for a brief period, the school having been temiMirarlly ehaied on account of some or the pupils being atlllcted with scarlet rever. The democratlo national committee claim 317 votes absolutely certain for Bryan, and the republican national committee '2H alwolutely certain for MeKlnley. A -J I will elect till In dicate that both will be elected. Then wo will have prosperity for certain. Financially Emiiabkasskd. Solo Press: Tho proprietor of our creamery Mr E R Calterlln, ha gradually fallen behind with those who have been furs uishlng the milk and a meeting of the patrons wa called last week to adjust matters. Mr catterhn asked for a few days' lime In which tn raise money to meet the ilellclency, which wa grant ed, Mr J A Bilyeu being placed In charge of Ihe plant teinpoiarlly. Mr Caturlln Is hopeful that ho will be able to make collections and arrange ments whereby he can continue In charge of the plant, aud we sincerely hope he may succeed. Sitkkmk Coukt. In the matter of 8 A Huddlescou, administratrix, ap pellant, v tho city ot Migeue. el al , iesp.iii.leut, It was ordered that ap pellant have 'JO dry from October 5 to hie transcript and abstract, aud 40 day to serve and tile brier. Respond ent wus given DO days to serve and tile brief. Au opinion lu this cuse will de termine six other agniuat tho defend ants, and order as above were made In each.