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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1891)
I Eugene City Guard. tUTUBDAY NOVEMBEB 81, HS'Jl The Eugene public schools main- lain a high standard oi ewx-uwiuc. ttrnzil'a revolution seems to be flourishing. It will probably cm in ilia recall of the kind old cm peror, Uom Pedro. A republic cannot be founded on ignorance. The New York mugwump wil be in sorry fix at the next prctti dential election. All parlies are inn eorrunt for him. It matters little what he docs, as his numlx is small. Eugene has excellent summer streets. Hereafter our energies should be directed to securing winter Hrwt. The nrescnt is good time to mako observations and see what is needed. It is evi dent that nothing but cleun gravel should bo UHcd for the top dressing. Where half the material is loam and rutii 1 cwxl winter roads may not be expected. Almost any street will answer in summer. There is nothing so unprofitable as tho old-fuHhioned dirt roau. ii r. Tonon TV Pnttar. Secretary of the New York State Roads Improve Association, has written an admirable articlo on this phase of the topic which opjiearB in the November numlcr of the Forum. IIo makes an assertion which will hardly bo denied by any ono whose experience enables him to contrast good roads with bad, that "the American common road may right fully assert itself as tho most ex pensive and by all odds tho most extravagantly maintained of all tho publio institutions." He says further, and it is equally true, that "an amazing share of this cost (of hauling farm products to tho near est market town) is made up by tho difficulties of wagon road trans portation, necessitating scant loads, long delays, mud blockades, break downs and extra trips." The profit of good roads is at onco realized. England and Wales maintain their system of roads for 4,000,000 a year. Franco main tains 190,000 miles of road at 118, 000,000. At tho rate of expendi tures for highway purjroses, in a isnglo town of Westchester county where tho roads are very bad the annual cost of maintaining 130,000 miles 'of common dirt road would be more than 70,000,000 This indicates sufficiently tho public profit from good roads, whilo the pofit of individual property-owners is almost incalculable. Eugene. Florence West. ; ' Ono year and a half works wonders even In the Improved appearance of a elty. After a lapse of the alvo men tioned period, we return to Eugene atiej ore OHtonlMlied to be unable to set any bounds to the eueroaclinients made on familiar BtreeU by rojrnHlve men. There were new brick blocks on main thoroughfares, wooden structure for bUNlniDM purposes 011 otnor streets, ele gant residences in all parts of the elty, uro lights, street railway and boys ery lng: "Yer dally evening Uuakd," anil the whole situation of little over a year ago became changed. Perhaps the greater change of all Is the.largu num ber of strange faces to lie met with on all streets and engaged In all avoca tions, while artlstlcully fitted store rooms and mammoth stocks of goods where Improved nietropolltlon methods are adopted for their sale cause the alwentee of so short a time to wonder if this Is the Eugene of only a few days ag I Then we bear new railroad and telegraph lines talked of as a necessary adjunct to present and future develo ments, and when these plans are con summated, It will render Eugene wim ble of being a commercial center and distributing point for a much larger territory, and the proposed railway to tho sea at Florence, when completed, will place Eugene In a position to la come powerfully aggresHlve when she cornea to try commercial conclusions with her sister towns In the valley. Already Lane's county seat has reached an ascendency In tho councils f,k. -iiiu lnt. miriiiU thn nunt flir- vi lira niv ,. - - - - reaching consequences In her Import ance, iiul BUU iu livr niivuuj .ui..l.llul..4 irnrntiliuul mill Illlllll'lU'O 17II4IUIIOIII V t " ...... " direct rail communication with her own tine harbor on the racino, aim -i. mi-ni utmwl rmlv tnnxNort herself in all that pertains to state universal greatness. Eugene has Just reached 1 1, a linn f milliTnllKMl PX 11111181(111. RIUl she is certain to make greater strides In the future than ever she has In the past, A Disgraceful Row. ("InnaLlarald ntcitament iu canned about 8 JO o'clock Baturday evening by a oouple of pistol ihott t the boas iltnated on the eoraet o! 0 na via otreeia. ii mm 11. V..,n.ll a annrtlnn vnnth o( the tin- bora perauaaion, bid been caiinht in a r tranaSKllnB and had OODcIuJM lo skip the town. 1U wont to the bouts in tnr hit olothlnr . aod while there I..A .Il.rn.llnn with the WOtlllin With bom he hu bean ooneorting. He struck her, and ah drew a revolver and fired at bim. nuking a ml. About tht time Nlgbtwetch Witter eauie along and wing Ken oll in flight, called on him to stop, and to euforoe the order fired into the air. Fn Dell ttopped and waa taken in charge hj Witter and locked np. lie Rave bail in the f am m .naoM lha oharaa of disor derly conduct this morning, but concluded that hie preaenoe was no longer deaired in Eugene, wieety took the precaution to for feit bail aod kipped on the Monday morn ing OTerland train. Eugene can readily get along without euch characters. The cir eanetanoee leading np to tbi trouble eel! for a (tricter enforcement of the Ttgraul lav. of Dt OlUCACIo'S RKCOHli llKATEN. Ill 20 Team 81-' illvorwa were crank! In Multnomah county, said to I a nwrtl which plaeva Portland ahead of Chi cago. Take the country over, from to 10, the divorce granted were 84,718, an luerwu of 1"7 per cent In that twenty years, while an Increase of only 60 per cent. In population Is paiMed to our credit in the same Inigth rf time. Ho that the tm" will I mxa to tie geueruL Lane county has been doing her share. lilue River Items. No. J8, 1891. The toll gate won thrown open Not. 3d. B. C. Hiniih went to Eugene Tues day. Snow foil to the depth of two Inchei on Gold Uill last uigbt. Un nllcnan of McKen.le Bridae i l ing at J. W. Wyntt'a. J. W. Wycoffeud wife are ijiendiug few duvi in Eugene. J. Tirown. of Euucne. Dade a baaioeu trio to the mines last week. Mia Dean Hartwig is slopping with Mn J. W Hiekeon for a short lime, Char, cold weather tb pait two days with a bard frost Monday uigut. Mrs. FrUsell, P. M. at McKenzie BiWtje, haa rtaianed iu fuvor of Oleo Powers Pater Knun of Foief BprinKa ba sent In bis reaifjoatiou as P. U. in lavor llarr. 1 Tknmnl and ann of Carno Cteek pre- Alt. ft WAFA in th in vi.-initv the flrnt of tho week. A S Pnvnra and son Lew. of McKuczle Dridae. euioyod a tluanaut trip to Eugtoe last week. Mrs, George Frizzell and Mis Alice Tut. tie will leave for California nut Buuduy We wish tbem a pleatant trip. Mr. TUtamVa eonditlona is no worse li 1,. I,.n for mn time: be Si'euit nniia aininna to ritnrn til bis old botue in Honolulu. All Unnt ooU that flitters." but from H, lutrmat tbut in tnkeu iu the Dlue Hivi-r ftiincii nna wiiuld Imlce llnil 'the iuiu(a duel something wbirb they lliiuk in gold. Quite fortunate for us that lant Monday nnt "oronmlhuff day." else we might have been deprived ol we pnviiigo oi m. inn iha mn iiraiu fur six weeks; even the borsts were fii(jhtufd at their oviii abad- owa. V. aar. niav Martin and Lewis I'elcber, after a three weeks visit witu relativea ana friends iu Tac.mia hnvn deoiJeil to return to tliii Dlace to upend the winter; they Mill arrive here next Friday. John W. Hicknon. died at bis residence Nov. G, of Bright s disease; tbe remaina were intered In ihe Simmon's grave yard, Saturday, Nor. 7. The nrrowing family have the ayropatby of their many friend in their sad ullliction. Owing to the condition of the roads we think it would be well to ooustruct a boat for a transport and let each one paddle hii own canoe, fossiuiy uarry iirimow wouiu assist us in tb is, as be travels the road every day, aud would prepare to navigate the "so called road" than to drive a team over it. "Where rumor is afloat gossip flmli smooth sailing," but we doubt not the ve racity of the rumor tbat a certain young man is soon coining to prove bis own. Just when the catastrophe will rend the thread of gossip, we are not prepared to say; however, we ufTur oongralnlationi in ad vance. Intercstlny Springlleld Letter. To TutEniToaor Ecoknc Guahd: Think ing the many readers of tbe Uuakd might feol interested iu the prospective city of Springfield I make a few jottings of what is going on. The new hotel built tbls au miner by Messrs. Walling and ltobinson has been leased to Messrs. Emerson and Howard who have uewlv furnished it in a neat and tasty way, and are running it in good shape. Washbnras & Bon's fine roller mill Is rolling out flour at tbe rata of seventy-five bairela each day only ruuning about nine hours a day. A second meat market hag beon lately started by Messrs. Bowman and Morgan and tbey make a one display oi meats. Tbe old drug store and post office Is be- in newlv fitted up with shelving, oonnters, eta , by Mr. h ring le for a ganeral merchan dise store. ,,- Tbe sawmill now owned by Mr. Whoeler runs steadily, turning out daily about twen ty thousand feet of lumber giving employ ment to a number of out citizens as well as teams. Mr. Wheeler fluds time to manage the affairs of our town as well as bin private business, beiug mayor, he and the town oouncil are doing a good work making im- rovemeiits, tu tbe way of Improving streets, building bridges, sidewalks, eto. I lliiuk I am voicing the sentimeuts of the citizens generally when I say we have a very able mayor. We have verv recently organized a choral anion for instructions and practice in voice culture. Tho sncinty haa already a tnem- bershin of nearly fifty which will be in creased by quite a nmubur. Mr. E. T. Jobuson was elected leader, ana. i.ou l en gra aasiataut leader, Mr, lioatly, secretary and treasurer aud Miss Hattie Stewart, or gauist. Tbe society meets every Friday eveuing in the Baptist church, and is going to be a source of much enjoyuiout to lis members. A meeting win held by our Methodist friends Monday eveuing to make arrange ment! tor some kind of an eulortaiiitnent Thanksgiving eveuing, aud a basket sooial ws, decided npon, wan a literary ana mus ical euturtainnient to p recced the sale of baskets. Everybody youug and old are an ticipating a happy time. Hoping all your readers may eujny this great American day of national and personal thauksgiving, I subscribe myselt. J. 1, Cottutre Grove. Oue of the prettiest and most flourishing towns in Lauo county ii Cottage Grove aim ted ti miles south ol Eugeue ou the line ol the Houthern l'acitlo railrotd. At the point where it lies the valley formed by tbe wet fork of the Coast Fork is about a mile in width, with foot bills on either side. The soil is prolitlc aud supports a alurdy yeomaury whose hospitality la proverelal. Cottage drove has made eitraordinay progress in her niateilal iuterestt during the past two years. Two neat churches, a school bouse, aud numerous residences have been built that would be a credit to any towu A flouring mill with a capacity of 75 barrels daily la iu operation, and an other one will beat work as soon ae machin ery can be put in place, i torn all iudica' tiona tbe town has a prosperous future be fore it. - Juvcntus Lodge K. of P. Deputy Grand Chauoellor PeavK of Portland, iuatituted Juvetitua lode No. 48 Knight ol l'ythia at Cottajie Urove ed niwdav uiubt with a nicuibernhip of SO, The following ofllcera were elected and in stalled: K. M. Yratcb. 1'. C.i J. A. lien aon.O.C.;Dr. Geo. Wall. V. C; L. F. Woolnv. P.: 1). UrMow. M. E.; J. P. Cur rin, M. F ; W. P. Lock wood, K.'U. S.; J. 8. Medley. M. A.; A. O. Wager, I. Q.; E. b. UoMcrtuan. O. G. A number of Knights were present and assisted iu the work which waa not con plotfd until Thnraday morning. A fine lunch was spread at the Tborton House at midnight. The material in the new lodge is excellent and it commences with fair pronpects of auvctaa. 1IIt Guard, Nov. IS, ITvtutiTSi nr.- 1-TI1IAB IxiIXIR. A loitjre of the onler of Knlghta of 1'ythlan will be orgnnred at lXtt);t (irove this evening. The Jmlge will start w it la a rueiiiUrhip of sevenUvn, all of u horn will be luiuctl thnniirh the ranks tonlu'ht. A luimlaf of the Eupne Kuiglits will OMl.-i iu the wurk. They will return on tlva Usui In the morning. Tliowe gv log from here are J. Mitchell, J. O, Vatts - Jones, J. T. Whitcomb, A. 1. Churchill, F K. llenderwrn, C. I.. Winter, A. H (iullugher, F. M. liluir, E. 1. Tool aud Itobt. Johnson. Price Mi. I will pay th. highest market ca.h price for Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Etc., Butter and Eggs, Veal Calves, And other country produce. ALL K 1X1)3 OF WILD GAME BOUGHT Eighth street, near Olive, Eugena. SID HORN. A CARD f 1 : III! RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can always be successfully treated with Ayer'sSarsaparilla A cure Is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. I bei to Inform the peni'le of E'lRene and aur roumnnaa, that atiie. 1 have been In hew .or J ijyXZWZZ'Zi ha7 oiliera wuu wi-n, hi uiu". - - - - t - , lllfh. IriKllie reiuly money on hand, I bavebouKhl aii'laliipM RwKla which 1 aui now It i. l Uon to .npply the people at pncn that will au t evervlKKly. filve nie a call and you w " cme vliiiid that W. bamlera la aellluil gooda cheaper than any other atoru iu tne iowh. A partis' t of nrlcea for flrit-claaa gooda: JteuTa eulta, ood gooda, good value forM Men'aUauUa, diagonal gooda, good value, 111, price, n.ii a ami. , (irand Armv aulU. fine goodi, good value.115, price, a ault. , . , And low of other clothing at greatly reduced lloya' aulU, good g'Hida, ll.0.', 2.11, 2.M, 2-. UrKe quantity of lioya' heavy ahoea at (13 oeuta a pair: gooil value, ll.ii. Jlcn'a aolld workiug pauta, 63 ccnta, 73 ecuti, Meii'a'underwf "e quantity on hand, good value, II ai 'Iria aud drawers, price (ii cetita a ault. Udiea' liongola M Ihoea, 1.83, 1.7J, 'ijiMittne hoea,butun,galterand lace, 11.57, 1.67, 1.7H, l.'JUa pair. . i ... i n 1 . I, . .... to nfl a nalr. Mcu'a work ahoea, 1.01, 1.13, 1.33, 1.09,2.13 a ""lien and Boya' haU and capa, 15, 21, 21, 37, 51 and K3 ceuta. . Idlea' hone, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 21 and 23 centa a pair. , Uenta' aocka, 5, 8, II, 14 and 17 centa a pair. All Goods " Marked in Plain Figures. I'.eturn ail gooda not approved of and I Will Refund Tour Money! WITH PLEASURE. Youra, anxloua to pleaao, W. SANDERS, OppoaltcPoatofllcc, Eugene, Oregon. Flax, Freh Timoihy, Orchard Grass, Bed, White and Alsike Clover, Alfalfa, Velvot, Cheat, Grans, Kentucky lllue. At GOLDSMITIl'S. Kje, BBS. I. W. k JENNIE S. BARNARD, Physicians. Itcsular and Llvor Olacaacs, PI'ECIALTIES Kidney Gynecology and Obalulrica. OFFICE at reildenco on Olive atrect tictween 9th and !0th alroeta. NOTICE TO CREPITOR3. Notice Is herehy given that the uuileiA'ned haa been apiiuted Adininiatrator of theea tate of M. J. Wrijiht, deceased, by the county court of I.ane county, Oreirun, and all persona holding claima against aaid estate are request ed to present the aame to me in the law olHoe of L. Vilyeu, in Euitene, Lane county, Ore gon, within aix mnntha from the date, hereof. Dated tbia 12th day of Nov. 1801. L. Bilyed, C. H. ZUMWALT, Attorney. Adminiatrator. THE UNIVEESITY FOR EDUCATION AND UNIVERSITY : : ADDITION For Elegant Homes You Want Both. Tho University for tho family, and a Choice Location for your residence.' Lota are largo, on a nice elevation and naturally well drained. Boil rich and WELL CULTIVATED You can turround your home with FRUITS AND LOWERS- Call aud get prices and terms and have the property ahown you. 1 H. N. COCKERLINE. Oflicc, Rcgistor Block, Eugene EVIAIViKViOTH STOVE EMPORIUM. STOVES, Tin and Granite Ware, PUMPS, PIPE, HOSE, Etc., Etc. ? j falling, Tin and Sheet Iron Work .-.-.i : l . 1 A SPECIALTY. Supcrio I' ll ASD FOtt TUK LN'DIANA STOVE M'OKKS. JACOB MITCHELL (Odd FelW Building), EUGEHE. OR. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. We are the people that give bargains tn MEN'S, BOY'S AND CHILDRENFALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Furnishing Goods. Furnishing Goods. Such aa Negligeo, Sateen and Woolen Shirits, Dress Shirts, Underware, Neckware, Socks, Etc. HatSe HatSe ' - Capse Caps a The latest atylca and shape. 1 We alM hare a Tery fine line ntnianketa and Flannels direct from the Salem Woolen Mills. Everything marked at Hgurea that cannot bo under sold, t'ouie and see us. HOWE & RICE. Opposite University nook Store. '"' F. L. POSSON &rSON, By far the largest dealers ou the Coast la L GARDEN GRASS & FLOWER TrBBS,FertillzBrs,Biiliis,RQSBS, fl.LRQOts Bee suxtpiies. We are Northwestern Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed Growers and Dealers in the World. F. L. POSSON & SON, PORTLAND. OREGON. LINN & SON, Furniture Dea ers s. FAIRMOUI Fairmount ia the ceiter and "in the swim." Think of it; 31 New Buildings Constructed the First 1W " A !'. X. MAP. op. j rA.f I Eugene, Fairmount and 0 jiJ ! ' ' Bprlnglltld are faat grow- 1"' Hjl . ' H lug Into one large city S ftJlllllllllllllll S . LyC-J 1 , M with Fairmount In the J IJ FAIRMOUNT la In the center ol the com ing city. The war the rallroada are now built will make Burlngtlold a riral point lor bualneaa, sud Eugene, fair mount and Spring field are growing Into oue Urge cltT with Fairmount In the cen ter, l'roperty In Fair mount lor thla reason will advance In value faster than any other locality around Eu- ''FAIRMOUNT haa made (aster growth the past year than all other auburbe ol Eu gene put together,and will make still mora rapid advance during the years to come. You can't get around it ""a 7J- acbfc,,;tr alnani, . i tlT t ln.fb''5V,i oi'i2',i en down.tiu; and , ffM woitiwttii; POPULATION INCREASED FBOIVi 7. TO Over $15,000 worth of this property sold the first year. Prices will advance $251 I on January 1st. More lots are selling now at $125 than were selling six months Sj 100. Getinthecenterifyou'wanttobuy to make money. Pustoflico with iM ., m j i : j i i e. mailS. I WO UUIiy jjassengej. iiaius, jiiiu iiaa iiuiso uais ninuu iuui uiUCKS, : ALIj seoubed in ONE YEAR.: A motor line la certain to be built through FAIRMOUNT lu a vory ahort time connecting it with Eugene and Hpr!n,ceui isju!1! n 'fly J IN THE CENTER. T. G.HlHPBICKS, President S.B. Eakiit, Ja., Cashier. First National Bank Of Eugene. Paid up Cash Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits, $30,000 Eugene City - - Oregon. A general banking business done on reaaou alile terms. Sight drafts on NEW YORK, CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO and PORT LAND, OREGON. Bills of exchange sold on foreign countries. Deposits received subject to check or certifi cate of deposit All collections ertrused to us will reoelva prompt attention. BAT & AND Under FURNITURE DEALERS. Eugene, Oregon. Bill H WORKS, 9th STREET, EUGENE. OREGON. Opposite N. Y. Racket Store. If iiifiWprl. Kpiirl fnr fflklniriift! A PULL UNI OP Gnus nnd Sporting Goods And dandy repair shop In connection. Dr. R. L. WILLOUGHBY, DENTIST. All work Warraitel to Glre Satisfaction. Nitrous-Oxide Gas and local anesthetic (or iho painless extraction of teeth. OFFICE-Otct Matlock's atore, Kugcne, Oregon NOTICE. U 8 Land Ornn, Rossbueo, Or., November 14, 1191. 1 inmpiatni nsTicaneen enterea at this offlce Dy ueo n I'unci sgalnst the belrs of Rarraj l'ailKett, deceased, for abandoning the home stead entry No. 474, ol the aaid Harrey Padg ett deceased, dated March 11, ISM, upon the Lots No 2, a ami 4 and N C of N W y. of 8eo. 84, Tp 17 8, R W, In Une county, Oregon, with a Tlew to the cancellation of aaid entry: The aaid partiea are hereby summoned to appear at the office ol W. R. Walker, county clerk of Lane county, Oregon, at Kugcne, Oregon, on the SUth dayof December, lssil, at 10 o'clock a. m. to re spond and furnish testimony concerning aaid al leged abandonment Hearing to be held at thta office on the teatimony so taken on Saturday, January , 18vi, at 10 o'clock, a.m. JOHN. H. BIU TE, Register. A. M. CRAWFORD, Receiver. Sufficient evidence having been filed to show that personal service cannot be had It la hereby ordered that service be made by publication ac cording to law. JOHN. H. BHrPK Register. A. II. CRAWFORD, Receiver. J. L. PAGE, -'-DEALER IN- GR OGJERIES. HAVTXQ A LARGE AND COMPLETE aiock of Staple aad Fancy Grocvrisa, bought U the beet marketa EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, Caa offer the publk better prices thaa any or ar house EUGENE- Produce of all kinds takea at ararket ptica. GEO. M. MILLER S CO. JUST AllHIYED 75 Pairs 4 WHITE BLAIE1 I: Direct From tie 1.45 A PAIR. $10,000. $10,000. SELLING AT COST. L. D. SCAEBEOUGI At Creswell, Oregon, For the next sixty days, Dry Goods Groceries, Boots and S. Wallas rainm, uii8, vmgB, Hardware, Tinware, woouenwnre, .-- i c And everything In the merchandise line will be sold at cost until the entire itock i ro produce, wheat or oats. Call First and Secure Bargain I Older to iettle with ifr. William Tiflany, whose time is up, It become! ' " iMMtyicu UCBsl UJUOfc LHJ LftalU 1 iUlilCUlU WIJ i i must do paia lmmcuiaiciy. L. D. SCAKB.R01P. CLOSING UP SALE. I am now offering my II STOCK 0 11 AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES- have a large atock of DIES' SHOJ3 Which I win close out BELOW COfT. Other Shoe Wear at Away Po11 J. D. MAT