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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1891)
nn CITY G ARB. ill 1 KtTlBLlSUEn KOB TflS DlNHmTlOX OF DMOCRiTIC PBINL'IPLKS, ASD TO IM M HOXEXT L1TINC BT TOISWEIT OF ICI IIOI VOL 24 EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1891. NO. 4. lit gugrnt City Guard. (PUBLISHED EVERY 8ATUBDAY. I. L CAMPBELL, I'ubliaher sunt Proprietor. iiVTICK-OsthsEaet side n( Willamette Miart, t(WMu Seventh end Eighth Street. TiillMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. I Vr annum M-nth 1 lirw. lOolitll. $3 00 , LOO , .75 00 a ONLY HAI'KH OP ADVERTISING. Advertisement, (onrtail M follow.! t,i iun, ten lines or lea on Insertion Si -ach .ul-equent Insertion $L Cosh required u . 'renC. 4 advertiser will be charged a ths l- i ure three months...;.,, ....... 8 S? ' tar ill monim w art on Tear U W aient notices in local column, SO oanti , t for esch insertion. ertisin bills will bs rendered quarterly, i i ob work most bt ram roi on dbliviht. GEO. B. DORMS Attorney and Counsellor . at-Law, XVL. PRACTICE IN THE COURTS V of the Second Judicial District, and in bs Supremo Court of this State. Social attention given to collection! ana natter in probate A. C. WOODOOCK, AUorncy-at-Lnw, CUiSKXE CITY, - - - OREGON OFFICE-Rooms 748 Mcaaren Building. rSoeeial atteution given to Collection! and Probate business. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, DUNN'S BUILDING. Itagcnc, - -.Oregon. E. 0. POTTER, Attorney-at-Law, EUGENE. - - OREGON. Omci- Room in Conser's Block. GEO. M. MILLER attorney and Ccunssllor-at-Law, and Real Estate Afent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Ofllee-la Masonic Temple. Kuykendall & Payton, Physicians and Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drug Store. Irgallagher, Attorney-at-Law. EUGENE CITY ; OREGON. SpeoUlattention given to TroUU business and Abstracts of Title. Orrioi Over Lane County Bank. ' J, S. WALTER, M. D. S. C? DENTIST. Uiigcnc, Oregon. Dental Rooms Willsmette Street, Baker's Hotel. DR. J. 0. GRAY, ODENTIST. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN YOUNG'S block, opposite GOABD office. All work warranted. laughing gas admin!. tend for painless ex traction oi teeth. MOORE & LINN, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Cofflne and Casket always on hand. Pre paring and Embalming Bodiee a Specialty. Ni&bt cells prompt? attended. Residence, aecond house aonth of Metho dist Church, Willamette street. B. F. DORMS, irJHANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE rarae, Improved and Unimproved Town property for eel, oa easy term. Pnparty Heated and Eent Collected. Thelaeoranoe Companies I represent are auwng toe Oldert and meet Reliable, and ia the PbobfT andEoJJlTABLS adjustment of their eme Staso boqsd to Nose. (hai of your patrnstage it aoudud, UnC-tyM- g, . DORRI& cm. Uci. nM. W-1. MIT, CAsaisa THE Eugene National Bank EUGENE CITT. OBEOON. PAH) UP CAPITAL, WW suarLcs fund, w0 TraniaeU t general banking bornes. Bonn or DimacTo: F B Donn, F W Oaborn. i C Church, 8 H I I U Hodaon, C Laner. J Dana. &&m, warn, warn DUSIKEMS ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS.- Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical Instruments. lie U Select Stock South of Portland Special attention given to Repairing and Engraving by two first-class workmen. All work warranted. E. & Lnckey DEALERSM DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Department in Competent hands. R. B. Cochran & Son, Real Estate Agents. Eugene City, Oregon. Will .tfonJ In oannral Rsal Eatate buiinei inch u buying, selling, Icing and renting farmland city property, etc. Office on wuth ide of Ninth itreet. The Eugene Clgtr Factory Anni win (nit nn hand th. flneet brenda of home made, donieetic, and Key Went r.hniaa th lnweat nricea for ch.w- ing and amoking tobacco. Sell at retail and wholesale. McClarens Building, (OpponiteF. M. WUkln.'Drn Store.) -Hat an extensive Stock of STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLEGE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery, Blank Books, Cutlery, Etc. , tyOrders for Books and Subscriptions lo Newspapeis and Periodicals promptly at tended to. m firm Bowel Troubles, and Cramp, Colio, or any InUrnal or External Pain. Ask your druggist for it J S. LUCKEY, CALK IV Clocks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc ReovTinst t romptly JJ.xeou.iea. -A II Work Warrale.Jt J. S. LUCKKY v , E. Sctiwarzschilde Prop. (Fuooeesor to Geo. Collier) BOOKS, STATIONERY, .MAPS, QD0BE9, SPECTACLEfl, WALL PAPER SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Orders by mall promptly atteaded to. Ad dress Lock Bos Uk , Cash, k P rices, AT CRESVELL. From and after Feb. 1. 1891, my terms wiU bo strictly cash. Prices Put Down to Bed- ' . v 111 T - X. 1 Undersold. Highest market price Paid for Produce. If not all traded out will pay balance in Cash, J. H. Whiteaker, Creswell, Or. UnU; Bookstore Eugene imi Manufacturing Jeweler. Circuit Court. WF Gray vs. Cynthia Gry. Divorce; continued. J. M. Ilorn ts Henry Drew and 8. It. Williams Dismisxed at pllf's motion. W C Woodcock ft Co vs H F Johnson. Motion for leave to Usne execution; coo. tinned for service . Horace C line ts J C Goodnle. Suit in equity to cancel contract and recover mon ey; E0 Potter aopointed refeiee to take testimony; continued. E 1 McClanshan s L F V.ugban. Mo lion for leave to issue rxecutieo. Contin ued. 8 0 GarrUon s J C Goodate. To recov er money; continued. M M Marks vs Lena Marks. Divorce; granted. State of Oregon vs F 8 Phelps and Charles Baker. Indictment (or luroeny by Stealing two horses. Julia Uarpole plif va S B Crouch defend ant. Modification of divorce decroe. De fendant ordered to show cause Nov. 30th, why plaintiff should not have exclusive cus tody of minor child, Daniel Couch. Court made the following allowsnces: Bailiffs: Geo W Kinser 24, Htephn Jones 3C. Frank Oetcholl f 3C. Reportnl, Fan nie Harrison, $30. District Attorney Con Condon, $425. Court adjourned MondaVniorniog at 8:30 without day. Keal Ktat Trsiislern. BPUI NO FIELD. E Muude to L Bowman, 119x30 f.el;l40. COUNTRY, llobert Marker to SHmuel Trmrileton. 10 acres iuT 10 B, B4W;$10. State of Oregon to KhfttbeUi Bbiveiy, iw aoresinT 18 8. K6W;2UO. Htute of On'iron to Klinilx'th 8llrley, KM) acres In Tp 1H 8, 11 5 W: I'JUO. V 8 to John A AduuiH, 100 acrtu In Tp20 8, 111 W;$4.'i0. Jno A Adimw to K F Fuller, 100 aorw In Tp 20 S, It 1 V; f-'iOO. V. II Di.vIh to Will If DuvlaOtl. 5 oorvs In To 15 8, R 4 W: $1V). Ilnbt. Alovkry to Humuei -n-iiipiviou, land; $10. A Ue Hauler Killed. Sstist, Nor. 8. Yesterday a party of doom hunters went over into Polk county hunting. When they returned one of the parly was missing. Search wss msde snd the body wss fouud by a fence shot tbrongh ths head. His name was William Lannsen, aOermsn, and he worked in a briokyard. Ths Coroner's jury fonnd a verdict of acci dental death by his own bands. Alliance Mattkhs. lecturer F. M. KMiawamler, 8uturday nlirht or ganlxtKl t'oburg Farnierr Allianoe, with nine charter nieiiilH-re. Jaxper Wllklns wan elected Secretary and M. Wilkin, lecturer. Mr. NijfliHwander will lecture and organize an Alliance at Goshen Friday night and Pleasant Hill, Saturday. ?he Psby was sick, we gars her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried f or Castoria, When ah became Hiss, she clung to Castorla. Wbaa (he bad ChUdrea, she gavs tbaa Castoria. The 0elelrated French ta, "APHRODITINE" "fuXf Is Sold o a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to rare any I una e I nervous divM oraarCisurOvrof tiie sraert4v.r. gait. VI 4vurw;a, tietfier arl.luir BEFORt tueof stirauUuu. AFTER Tobacco or Opium, or throturh youthful lu't larrs tloa, ever lndulnnee, Ac , .ueb as Um of Brmla hiwer, W.kefiilarH, Dearlixdowa i-atnsUtiiO hs''k.rieminalWeatnea,H)rMerla, Nerrous ine tratloo, S'jrtornal Emlwloua, LenmrrlKra, siDMS,Weak ti.morr, Louef rweratMl Inipo trnrj.whtrblf DewkVipiolIen Vadto premaiuro o:a are and lnD:t7. I!. 06 a boi, Sboxes (url.S'A, Sent by aia'lire,fM of prtee" A WRITTE! Ut'ARAVTEB 1. ftvea for erry IMWorierreevrd, trefnml W. money II a mm I v finr4. v). k.a tliowu'linl lelmoBI.'.. ln,moM and ronaf. tl both mm who h.r. been p-rmanraUr etirwi bjrUwaMof ApbnxtlUa t Irraiar lem AddnM THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Wertara Jtranca, hua 27, fuaiLAjib. Oa. Sold by E. K. M'CKKY ft f. Krtroi. Eugene, Orepio. A Fire. About 8:15 o'clock p. m. No. 8, ths fir bell rang out an alarm.-' Ths Are depart ment responded promptly laying a line of hose from the hydrant at Day's corner to me scene oi ma Dre la ueorga it. rar- ohsse s rseideuea oa T'n street, between Willamette and Ooak. Loss than five min utes after the alarm was sounded the fir was extinguished, lihoo?U ths buildiug and contents were damaged as muou by wa ter as fire. In movini a lamp Mr. Purchase let it (all from hi. hands and in an instant the room we. In a blase. Ha endeavored to extinguish the flames with a blanket but was not successful, and Ine nrs department bad to be called. Ths building belonged lo Sloven 8penoer of Portland; was insured, in ths Ouardiau fire insurance romuany for f 7o0, lbs dam' age is $500. Th contents of Ih building wers Inaured for f 1,000 m tbe Union of Lai ifornia, and are badly damsged. By some misohano the hoe cart struok th piano which had born taken from the buildius. Ths fir department desorvescredlHor their promptitude In answering to summons. Dally Uuard, Nov. 7tb. OACIlHvsJ C Qoodulc. To re cover money. Jury weut out this morning at lo o'clock. Jury came In at 8 o'clock. Verdict for plaintiff for MM.fc' and owls. . Stat of Oregon vs It J. McDonald. Ob taining money under false pretense. Jury drawn for trltl of cause: Frank Jackson, Geo. Wbltaett, John Addison, 0. A. MoMsbon, B. Uolbrook, George Smith, W.4. Dinges, Geo Neet, Jos. Huddleston, James Sears, A. II . Fish, E. Whattam. Jury went out at 3 o'clock and In a few minute returned a verdict of guilty as charged. Amanda Walt vs John H. Walte. Divorce. E. It. Hklpworth apiMluted reft-rree to nport teHtiniony. Circuit Court will adjourn Monday morning. Eugene Public Schools. Albany Herald. ' Whil la Eneene recentlr w had ths rlesstrre of shaking hands with Prof. D. V. S. Beid, principal of th Eugene pnblio aohools, and lormerly school superintendent f Linn oounty. These schools consist of tbe central school, having an enrollment of 303 pupils and eight teachers and the Geary school, having an enrollment of 905 pu pils and eight teachers. Prof. Raid de serves great credit for bis eioelleot meth ods of school government, and lbs teachers deserv high praise for their untiring ef forts in lbs oanss of education. Tbe rooms ar well lighted and ventilated. And th sanitary condition of both aohools is looked after by Piof Beid petsonally. Tbe professor is an enthusisstic ssnatariat. Will Bicdbs Fsotoeics Geo. M. Miller & Co. inform us that they expect to devote inucb time and energy to securing f so lories from tbe East lo locate in Fslrmonnt. Tbey ar already to correspondence with a obair factory, a broom factory and woolen mills. Thtsoompany are offering to do nate eighteen aores of valuabl laud along tbe river front and adjotuing tb railroad, and it is hoped tbey may be successful. With tb display of proper snterpris w believe Eugene and her suburbs may be come a manufacturing oenter of uo small importance rs we w sr surrounded by al most inexhaustible quantities of raw ma terial. We sea no reason why a boot and shoe factory could not be mad to pay in tblsoity. Ths YorNO Ms KrtSiSiD. Sunday's Salem btatesman: . Adam Grens, who had bis son, Adam Grens, Jr., srrested for em bexzlenient, lives about thirty-eight miles from bur, abov Bllverton. Wben arrest ed, th boy, who Is a bright appearing lad, was working on th farm of A- Bond, two and a half miles this side of Irving. Tb boy's examination was oonduoled Yesterday and he wss released, his father failing to put lo an appearance to prosecute. The hoy spent three day In the county jsil and returns lo Lane oounty lo won lb same as before bis arrest. TixtBsa Land Fbaod. Bced, lbs timber land swindler, waived an examination befor U. S. Commissioner Walton Saturday after noon, and Sunday morning was taken to Portland by Deputy U. S. Uarsbal oiunotl. Ths U. 8. grsud jury having adjourned, bs will bavs to stsy in tb Portland jail until tb next meetiug of said body. ' 01 YtAB. Judge Pipes Saturday at 6 o'clock sentenoed B. J. McDonald, th man who was oonvlcted of obtaining money under falsa pretenses by receiving subscrip tions for newspapers for which he had no authority, to on year la tb penitentiary. Hbrrin Nolsnd took tb party lo lb peni tentiary on Ibis rooming's local train. . Pttir.H Fkmit. Prlnovllle Review, Nov. o. Hilly Itotw, of Henpner, Is here, and Is matched to fight Jimmy WcxxIh, of Prinevllle, on Nov. 2th for $100 a side. The tight to Like place In Glaze's hall. NUsbikd. In Eugeni, Oregon, Not. 7, by Rev. G. J. Travis, Mr. Ed. Fen too and Miss Effis Crawford, all of Lane oounty, Oregon. i n for pucker's Csorta yrwsa oi Pig tfow, and orercuuw FiaAuieucy, ComsUtsOion, Boot Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Frriabaesa, Thus tb child is rwdervsl healthy and fU sleep fxatwraX Cswtarla cootatoj Be) Morphia or otber narcotic property. "Castorla less weft adapted t ehVtrea the I reeommMaa to a superior to any prracMpuw kaovatoSM." H. A. Aacsiaa, H.U.. Portlaad Aj llnwkljn, M. T. I was Cauanrts as sty fwertfa. and Bad at apeolally ailspl ortlio of cfaitdr." AiA Kniimws, M. V.. K07 Sd At.. Iw Tork. Tmm Ckarrasa Co, TT K array gc, V. T. telii Frank VelsMe, the aaddler, Is now work Ing in Prinevilla. Hon. E. P. Coleman has lost bis teth. Tbs dentist got them. A marritse license was Issued Friday la J. W. Ross snd Ella Wlllson. Tbe gent.' waiting room at the depot was preseuted s fin clock lost week by J . O Walts. rrn lar.nn ik. ornrar. h.a a SI. Barnard dog, two years old, that briugs tb scale down to tli us',, notcu. 8tesmor Chanc arrived a' Florenca oa RiunUv lant loaded with soods. and In crossing the bar 14 feet of water was found P. L. Glinin. of Southern California, and Mm A 1. Ciifflu. of Newton. Iowa, ar visiting their brother O. P. Griffin in this oily. We are nleased to state that Mr. Fred r.elliuau is ripidly improving iu health. His omy trouble at prseut is th possess ion of a troublous lark appsttl. Tb hoard of directors of th Eugen school district bar made an order tbat lbs Dublin schools shall closs at 3:30 p. m. Th new arrangement went into sffucl Monday Au injnstlc has been don on of th hose teams by unfavorable criticism ou ac count of their runniug into th piano at lb fir Not. 5th. Tb boys were there to do business snd aav property. In Ihu ex olteinent the bos csrt was drawn against th piano, Corvallis Times: Tb first steamboat of th season, this far np, whistled today. It was th Hoag and aha will likely load with wheat. This Is nearly two months earlier than a year ego, but there is no like lihood of th water keeping at a good boat ing stage yet. Harriaburg Cornier: Several bears bar been killed between her and uouorg dortng tb past few diys. The city ooonoil last Monday evening sppointed a committee to select s lot on which to erect a olty ball Our city has long ueeded a ball, and now let us hop Ihst ws will soon b abl to get one. Albany Herald: The new city hoods were received yesterdny morn ing from Han Francisco, where they were nrlnted. Thev are ready to re ceive the -proper signatures and be turned over to the purchaser. The bonds are finely executed commercial paier. The sawmill cotnnauT at Mill City bas opened lis sawdust Annies sines Judge Uoise declared th sawdust isw unoonsu tnlional. and runs It into ths river instead. Th Santiam Lumbering Co. had already upended about $3000 in making a Duma to comply with ths law, but having been pros ecuted it has bow abandoned this nam snd runs ths sawdust into tb river. Statesman. The groiw value of property In Wash ington county IncrcHMcd from $4,800,- 1m In 1Qui4njl KTU ul in 1U(1 a flnA l,HF III join HF IV," II. .", w a..v showing. In (.rant and Malheur the awtewment was Ueereanea. ilie gross value of property In Marlon county is $11,070,320, tndehtedneMS$.'i,0!i3,363, ex emptions, $(178,017. The value of real estate mortgages In that county Is $1,402,200. Salem Journal Nov. 6: Tb second team fonnd in th camp of tb two Eugene horse thieve near Salem bar been claimed. 8. 0. Needbsm, from near Tan gent, Llun county, arrived Ibis morning and proved np on ths sorrel mare, and said the gray mare belonged to Tbomss Ander son, his neighbor. Us says tbey were stol en about thre weeks ago. Here Is the wnv the Walla Walla Journal dcscrHs a Into tire In that city: One spoiled dove; one little cigarette; one little match; one little curtain; one little putt of smoke; one big nre ncn; one sieiim nre engine; hooks and ladders; :Simk) excited apec tators. Fire. In a Hose street refort Wednesday afternoon, loss, IS cents. wt to tho city $ 100. Roseburg Review: Hardin Davis, of Wilbur called in to see us this morning. H bs an extensive peach orchard and. Is In terested In tbe project of starling a cannery snd fruit dryer hers. A rlslt to Eugene sod su inspection of ths cannery there con vinced bliu tbat Douglas eonniy ought to have on like it. Mr. Davis sold bis peach crop to ths Eugene csanery for two oent a pound, realizing $1.84 a hundred net. What Is known aa ltnv'a ferrv. below 8ukiii, was established by the Hudson Hay l oilman v in ini, it wing tne nrst one on the Willamette liver. In 1HA0 C. F. Itay was the only owner of a wheeled mail route in uregon territory, It being from Oregon City to Kalem. He Introduced the first Concord coach In the Northwest and built tbe first livery stable In Hulem. A nuuset wss found tb other day la Grant county tbat was as large as a ohild's bsnd and weighed $355. Tb Pendleton East Oregonian describing il ssys: Th big bnggel was discovered underneath a rook, by whloh it appears lo have been flat tened. It averages about four inches In lenath. two and a half Inches In width, and ons-quarter of an inch in thickness and w about as pretty a pleo of gold aa a man ever fessted bunyes upon. The Albany Democrat of Friday says: Chas. Miukler, a freight con ductor, and little Creteser were mar ried In ibss-burg Weanewlar. w ben the minister asked, aa usual, if there were any object Ions, a young man named Mauls, who bad loved ine girl himself, stepied up and said he bad. A sensation followed. mains was ejected from the house. Yesterday be boarded the train with them, and fwsHcd through Albany at noon, and nto Portland. At Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Mlnklergot oft the train unob served and remained, fearing a trage dy. A passenger told Manis they got ir at Albany and went to Yaqulua Kay on their way Ut Kan Francisco. He said he would take a steamer from Portland and head tlieui off. Hulem Journal. Nov. 8: Owing to the enforcement of an old standing rule, the Hulem druyliig firm will no longer pay freight bills. The custom for some time has Urn to allow the draymen to take freight and upon de livery of It to collect the wtiarxea and turn them over to the agent of the rail road company. The rule with the 8. P. Co., and all others It seems Is to require airenbi to collect charge before allowing freight to go-out of hand. It would seem to lie the tlieory of th comiranv that consdiriuo must come to the depot, liiNect the freight and de clare whether they will receive It or not, iy the freight and then send tbe dravman with the ntvlpted ex pense bill to get the good. Tit agent offers, If drayman or companies) will give a bond to cover him against pos sible low., to allow freight to be taken out, delivered, and then paid for. Ho the coutct stand. A Murderer on Trial. The trial of Frank 8. Ingram for the shooting of his half-brother was com menoed at Albany Thursday, Tbe Democrat says: The defendant la represented by Hon. J. K. Weatherford and Hon. W. K. lillyeu, and the state by District At torney (. H. Bingham, H. H. Hewitt and J. 11 Wyatt, Mr. Wyatt stated the case on the part of the state and Mr. lillyeu. on behalf of the defendant. John Oakley testified: Live 5 miles south of Lebanon. Mephew of Henry and Frank Ingram. Was at Frank's In bed when the shot was fl red. (Wit liens pointed out on map various object near the place of killing.) Went to bed about half-past seven. Heard one shot up towards Henry's. 8aw flash of pistol when I waa getting up. When I got up and went out I saw the man on the around dead. Frank wanted to tell the sheriff. Loudeu went to tell the sheriff. (Wltneas recognised two pistols.) Frank took the pistol out of the house that night He told me to wash the dlshe before he went out Frank took the shells out of the pistols. I found out who It waa that was killed when the coroner's Jury came out Nothing waa said about who it was that was killed when I wen tout Gun was lying about 8 feet from the dead man. His face waa turned up and hat under head. Just before I heard shot I heard some one say, "Oh I murder." It was just as I heard the shot that I heard some one say, "Oh I murder." Don't know whose voice It was. Hat looks like one found near dead boby, Vest, jumper and hat of deceased were ottered in evidence. Bhortly after killing, hired man left for town. Defendant just after killing went Into the house and began read ing newspaper. Witness staid on the porch. Uncle went out after reading a little to see what the doe? was barking at Distance to town waa Ave mile. Uncle read nearly all the time until sheriff came. He did not say anything about who the man was. When he went out the second time I asked him If he had killed a man. He said he had. Three men came out and Frank told them that he believed it was his brother Henry that he killed. Frank said for me to wash the dlshe and Loudon to watch about the bam and he would watch about the orchard. The night before when Louden came home he told tiui that there was a man about the barn. Frank went out I did not know anything about Frank going to Looney'a. Heard two shot the night oerore. va Baturuay nignt More th killing everythingwaa still. Nothing; occurred Sunday. i)og made noise Tuesday night Wednesday night all waa stllL Asked Frank If he was going far when he went out on night of killing. I was afraid on ac count of these trouble to stay alone. Killing waa done in Linn county, ure gon. . The following la the testimony of the deft. Frank Ingram la the murder inai at Aioanyt Am defendant Wu at Albany on Friday prior to killing. ' Went to pub lic, speaking. Came to town Saturday. Louden came to town with me. Told me he had something to tell me. , On the way to town he told me that a man had been at my house the night before. I did not know what It meant Felt that It meant mischief. Wltnesa reiieated the story told by Louden of following and watchlnt the man. Sunday morning found tracks in the Jarden and along the fsnoa. Went to Im Nauuey'a to look after sheep. After talking th matter over I con cluded I would prepare for trouble. w ent to DOio ror revolver, uam noma Monday noon. Monday night between H and 9 dog barked fiercely. He turned I ha dog loose. Dog run down into corn paten ana barked neroeiy. Feared to m down there, (The Wit ness polnttid out various object on map of premises of killing, naming di rections, distances and to.) Watched most all Monday night Everything was quiet Tuesday night I set up nearly all night On Wednesday night early went out to burn some straw, liumlng straw made much light Boy and I went to bed at 8 o'clock, (shortly after beard some one call me saying there is a man at the barn. It was Louden whom I had sent oft with the cattle. Louden took gun and went out to barn. Hired man followed and so did l in another direction. I fell down and discharged my gun. Louden followed some time but finally came back and said be saw two men. One waa taller than the other. One had something like a gun. We went back to house. We then went down to Hill Looney'a and bor rowed his gun. I watched at barn all n Ight I did not know what It meant Did not know what the prowlers meant whether to kill me or destroy my property. Went to John Hoott's to see ilm about Insurance on my property. Hoott told me be would eotue down in about a week. Came back and hitch ed up six horse team. Helped him to start to harrow. Cam to town about 12 o'clock, Went back home about sundown. Got supper. Called boys In to supper. After supper talked to boys about the trouble. Told Louden to take shotgun and go to barn and take any one prisoner and punish him accordingly. Witaess said he took position by apple tree near hog pen. Described the objects and localities of premises. Waa sleepy while standing by tree. Heard fooUtepa approaching and awakened. 8aw object coming. it was a man. laiiea u mm "nanus up," when he Immediately shot As soon as I saw the flash I fired. I stepped out and saw another man run ning away, iieara a snot tanner away. Haw movement of gun of man down on the ground. Hhot him in the head. I watched the other nun until he ran off. Then called Louden. He asked me where I was. Told him here I am. He and boy came out Asked me if I was hurt Told him no. Told him I had got a man. Louden asked me who it was. Told him I did not know. Asked me u U waa Henry. Told him it might be. Told him to look and see who It waa. Louden said no. we bad no right to touch him. Kent Louden to town to tell sheriff. Hoy and 1 went In and he made a fire. Hat down and read the Herald awhile. After while the coroner's Jury came. Before shoot In ir bad no difficulty with that man nor struck him on th head. Last time I had bad any eon venation with Henry waa about the first of the summer, lie warned me to work on tlie road, he being road supervisor. He waa not in tbe habit of coming to my place. Did not see either of the men on Wednesday night. Louden described them to me. Thought the men Intended to kill me, Tbe Maxwell Will Cue. Monday at 10 "oTlock lb JMaxwell will ease asm oa lo b beard befor Jadg Rodney Posit. Tbe defeadaal, John Maxwell by bis at torneys. Wslloa Hklpworth, filed sa sa wet. Ia brif II alleges that th will of Sarah Maxwell, dscsaaid. toad a short Urns befor her death, ia lost, destroyed or mis placed and aaaaol be found, although dill gsnl search baa ba msds for tb earn; liiat deceased did not appoint any one aa tecs tor, and did not leave or give any di rection aa lo who should bar custody of th will; that said will bequeath th prop erly to all her grandchildren, amounting to 3J0 aores of land; that said land wss all ths property that deoeaaed left; that deceased wss eilrsmsly weak la body and mind, and, la lb opinio el your relator, waa not la such a r eatal en ad Itloa that shs was capabl of making a will; that ths Talus of said land is not lo exceed $3,800. Tb soorl pre tb attorneys for (he plain tiff until Monday, Not. S3rd, to file their reply. Thea th matter will probably be referred for lb purpose of taking testimony. Cottage Grove Item. Leader, Nov. 7. RT. W. H. Younger, brother of our towBsmaa F. 8. Yoengw, and mother ar rived br oa Bandar's overlsnd from Tax es. Bt. Younger, delivered a very inter esting ssrmoa to a large sudlenc Thursdsy evening. Work on tbe new brick bank la progress ing alosly ia spit of Ih very relay weath er, th mason bar now reached lb first scaffold, sad with a lew mor pleasant days lbs work will begia to "loom np." Mr. Loss's asw resideae I also Bearing com pletioa. And th aew Christies church is aoos to b seated aad ready for ass. Hsmsnway 4 Boiwa's pack train came out fro Bohemia Wednesday having quit pack log for th winter. During tb past month tbey hav taken 18,000 pounds ot supplies from Sharp's ranch to "Tb An nie mine. No snow I reported as yet, aad lb quarts Bill is grinding sway aad it intended w eon t inn for eome months yet, or perhaps during the whole winler. Indictment! Dismissed. Tb Ire IndloinMots against Fred Reed, the timber land swindler, by ths grand Jury of Lea county were dismissed by Judge Pips Ibis morning at 8 o'clock oa demur ret. Tb judge bald that the parlies to tb ladlotmeal wsr guilty ol a eruninal set in agmlng to procure tb lands, aa tb only wsy Ibsy could get till le said lands was to eoaiaiU periury ; therefore, nndst tb stat ate, aa uuilotmsBt against lb deft sou Id net bold. Hs also said that it earned lo bus thai the partite wsr guilty oi consplr ing BgalBst the United States. After tb discharge of Reed by Sheriff Koiaod ks waa Immediately arretted by Deputy United States Marshal Slnnott, of Portlaad, oa a warrant from tbe U. 8. courts harflog him with tb crime of sub ornstloa el prJuf Bswie Woe. Bosebar Review: Sewer work is pushed as fast bs poeslbl whenev er lb weather will admit of II. Ba- Krlatendeol Kelly and Foreman Boldea lb seam to be indefatigable workers and aad anxious to eompUt the work before th rainy esssoa begins la ears eat. Prob ably $0 me aad quit a ausjber ot teams sr at work, aad three gangs ar laying the pips, work lag all day aad part of the eight so ss to keep lee to the ditching for. Tali tea ear loads of sewer pipe bare al ready arrived frees V. Clark Soas, and Gladding, MoBeaa k Co., Alameda. Cel. iforaia, aad ethers are arriving Try day Ths pip will eost between $4,000 and $7,000, aad tb freight a It sad also Ih wages ef lb woekiugrae is being advanced br lha First National bank el Ibis city. Th sitv board expects tbe money oa their hoads vatoa are now Ming printed, is a f.w day. Th sewers ar being laid prse lieallf (a accordance with tbe plana pub, lished ia the Bevlew la August, with ths exception last tbe grade ass been raised soeMwasi. ids lourmnis teams nirea Dy tb council of Mr. Holden ol Eugene, cost four dollars a day each, and that gentleman furnishes plows, scrapers ana drivers, which make it a very cheap outfit consider- srlng tbe work tbey do. No AnjopnUEO Tekm. Saturday afternoon Judire Pltx announced that there would be an adjourned term of Circuit Court, November 80. and ordered one Juryman held to that date, so that Baker and Phelps, the horse- thieves, oouia be triea at mat time. Uawma. Ifnnilu. rnnmlnn II annuh UVRPTCIf Uiwuiuft. ed to tbe Court that said prisoners would want more time, ne concluded to adjourn the term without day. Therefore the next term will be held in March, 1802. ' Aoa aim Yocra. Hugh Fields ol Brownsville well know U over tbe stsls ss se ex tens! v farmer, stock trow aad spec ulator, aa married recently to a Mk Btillmaa. Mr. Fields is credited with be- ine worth about half a bjUIIob. and aaa support bis young bride ia all th luxury lb may wlsh-Oehooo Review. Th ease Is somewhat similar le tbat el Beato coun ty's ball mlUioaalr, Mr. John Foster. ; . Owaias Tcawtse Ur. Thursday's Salem 8tat earn ant Yesterday W. I. Boyos was ia the sity from Lebanoa aad while aer iden tified as hi own bocm ol tbe stolen property ia tbe band el tbe two horse thieves arrest ed hare. The wagoa sad harness belonged to Mr. Boyoe, but a yet e owner eas beta found lot tbe second team. The Game Law. It le now unlaw ful to kill deer, the close season having com menoed November 1st Tbe spec ial law protecting Chinese pheasanU went out of effect the same date, but the birds are now protected aa grouse and other pheasant. To Bi IsfiTrnrriD. We under stand that a Knights of Pythias Lodge will be Instituted, by District Deputy A. P. Churchill, at Cottage Grove, ou the 18th inat This order seema to be growing rapidly. CsioN Bzavici. There will be a meeting of lb XBgea Christie Endeavor Union, eondactod by D. T. Aubrey, la th Baptist chare Sunday at 4 p. sa. Subject, 'The Caltiaa Harvest." Uiuin.1. Tj..m.hIv. Omm. Nov. 4, ltl, by Bev. W. M. Houston, H. A. bfiUstl aad O. 0. Go Use, ail el Lane oounty, Oregon. Makbied In Lane county, Oreron, by Kev. J. II. Howard, on November 4, 1S91, W. II. HaUce and Ethel Uiuckson, all of Lane County Oregon. Mas: kt. J. W. Boa to Miss Emm I Wuleoa. Nov. 6th, at C, F. parsonage. Rev. 'O.A.lUateeOdaung.