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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1891)
nn ; ' i-PI ' (P TLp T icn J . jlJ J HJl ILJi J .11 J r ! KST1BL1SIIED FOB TBS DIMIISSTIO!! OF DEJO'EITIC PaMiriES, AMD TO Utt 11 10SCIT LITIJIfl BT TBItWElT OF till BMW - r- ' - - ; ' - r -f - -. - EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1891. NO. 6. G ARB. I ZU (Sugcaf City Guard. i (PUBLISHED EYEBY SATURDAY. IL CAMPBELL, l'iibliuer ud Proprietor. OTICE On theEart aide of Willamette i.. tt, botween Seventh and big-bib ntweU. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. -. rr aiinmu. .. . , ii Mi-nttis.... ' itrw ionths. . $2 00 . .7S OCR OKl.V tiATKS OP ADVKUT181NQ 4 aimrtiaenients inurtwl u fullowi: 1 1 in xiu&ra. tun line, or 1m one insertion 13; . ii h ubniient insertion $1. Cah required advauce. time advertiser will be charged at th ol- inn- rfttM! I turn Hiuar three month. W 00 i wmM tit month.., 8 00 Onninuar on. yer.; i... 1200 It .ut notice, in local column, 20 cenkt t,or hue tir Men insertion. A!v rtwinK bill, will b rendered quarterly, All tub work must be PAID ros ON oilitibt. CEO. B. D3RR1S Attorney and Counsellor at-Law, Wrtht PRACTICE ix the courts of the Second Judicial insinci ana L - l -.-a fniivf nt till. Ktutil. filial attention given to collections and mattiin in probate A. O. WOODCOCK, AUorney-at-Law, r.-.IISE CITY. - - - OREOOli OFFICE Romn 74 8 McClaren Building, nJ-Speeial attention given to Collection. and Froeate business. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, DUNN '8 BUILDING, jEugcnc, - - Oregon. E. O. POTTER, Attorney-at-Lavv, EUGENE, - - OREGON, Orncs- Kooin in Censer' Block. CEO. M. MILLER iLttornoy. and Ccnnsellor-at-Law', and ... Real Estate Agent. kugene city, - Oregon. Ofl Ice In Maaonio Temple. Kuykendall & Payton, Physicians and Surgeons, Rooms Over City Drug Store. A. E. GALLAGHER, Attd'rney "at-Law. KTJGEXE CITY ' -. - OREGON. fpei ial attention given to Probate business ami Abstracts of Title. Ofkici Over Lane County Bank. J. S. WALTER, M. D. S. DENTIST. - Eiiciie, Oregon. ' DenUl Room. Willamette Street, Baker'. Hotel. DR. J. 0. GRAY, QDENTIST. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN YOUNG'S block, Guard office. All work Warranted. , Laughing ga administered for painless ex traction ot teeth. MOORE & LINN, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Coffloa and Casket alwayi on hand. Pre paring and Embalming Bodie a Specialty. Xigbl call, prouipty attended. Rt-Hidenee, second house south of Hetno dlst Chnrch, Willamette treet. B. F. DORMS, ISSl'SAHCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. T H AVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE X i 'arm, Improved and Unimproved iown pmperty for sale, on easy term. Frrraty Eonted and Bents Cdlectoi Tt Insurance Companies I rpre-nt ar. c-v -r i the Oldest and most Reliable, and la I s 1 andEyurtiBLi adju.taa.nt of their --4 tsrasu SscosD to Nona. hare nf your patronage i. tohdted. C ' Infctrfaall. R T DORRLS. THE Eugene National Bank EUGENE CITT. OREGON. PAID CP CAPITAL.. SLHl'LUS FUND, ... ro,ooo .. 10.000 a general banking buninea. BiiBtor Dimctoi: P B D iDn, P W Oabnrn, J C Church, o K Xvra. i U Hodaon, C Law, i E Dan. .J -BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 18 YEARS.- Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry & Musical IlefclWUUo! Fortlani Special attention given to Repairing and Engraving by two first-class workmen. All work warranted. E. K LnckeylCo. DEALERS JJV DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, . Brushes, Etc., Etc. Prescription Departrnent in Competent hands. It. B. Cochran & Son, Real, Estate ..Agents. Eugene City, Orc'n. Will .tin In OAnnNil Vwn Eulatobiiainea nch as buying, selling, IrasinR and -renting farms and city property, etc. Office on south side of Ninth tnt. TLe Eugene Ciffnr Factory Keeot oonfltftiitlT on tiaml the 6n(st brands fit hritnA made. domeHtiC. aud Kef West cigar. Charge the lowest prices for cbow iog and smoking tobacco. Sell at retail and wholesale. McClaren s Building, (Opposite F. M. WUkina' Dru Store.) . ry ., , ' - - Ha. an extensive Stook of BTA"NDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, COLLEGE AND SCHOOL BOOKS, Mercantile, Fancy and School Station ery. Blank Books, Cutlery; Etc.'. , '. nrOrder for Book and Subscription to Newspaper and Periodical promptly at tendee to. Rnl Tmnbles. and Crump, Colic, or any Internal or External Pain. Ask your druggist for It ; J S. LUCKEY, CALEB XV Clocks. Watches, Chains Jewelry, Etc . .1-1.. ' . .1 KeDainnij i romjniy aiecuieu. tTAIMVork U'arranted.jeO J. S. LUOKEY bus WEE E. Scfwarzschild, Prop. (Pucoeasor to Geo. Collier) BOOKS, STATIONERY, MAPS, ' GLOBES, SPECTACLES, WALL PAPER SCHOOL, SUPPLIES. - Order by ail promptly Atcaded to. Ad- dreal Lock Box 119. '. f Cash. Low ' Prices, AT CRESWELL. From and after Feb. 1, 1891, my terms will be strictly casii. Prices Put Down to Bed rock. I win noi do Undersold. Hijhest market price Paid Hbr VrcKluce. If. not all.traded (Jut will pay balance in tah. H. Whiteaker, Creswell, Or. Manufacturing ex. 'X. trx MM:-X-Mx:m.m Jeweler. Instruments. . Keal Estatfl Transfers, v Amot 0. Hooker to Herbert C. Strong, lots iu Huddleaton' additloa; 275. ooBtno. JametT Breeding to Nancy E Breeding, lots 3 and 4, block 1, Delaney'a addition; $21)0. T BPRINQFIELD. B. J. Peogra to Geo. E. Lyne, lot; $1. COUNTKY. II F Newman to Kidney Horn, 83.76 Hcros In T 17 8, It 4 W; f i,m. Minnie M Schneider to Orvllle F Rohrcr, 2.3 acivs: $025. M H Lsflin to M M Cooley, 80 acre In Tp 18 8, Bl W; $150. Alexander Lamb to John Edward, 272 acres in Tp 17 B, B 6 W; 11880. Mr L Vile to B M Hendeo, 123.36 acres in Tp 20 8, R 3 W; 6U0. t M Howard to F B Howard, Interest in 320 acre in Tp 15 8, B 4 W; $3,000. Wm. Delaney, Sr., to Jame T. Breeding, lota 3, 4 and 5, block 1 ; $50. 8. B. Eakin, Sr., to 8. B. Eakin, Jr., 40 acres in Tp 17 8. R 4 W; $2000. ' David Morse, Sr. to David Mors Jr., 563 acres in Tp 18 8, B 12 W; $5. State of Oregon to Friedrich Nlcholai Toos, ICO aorei in Tp 16 8, B 8 W; $200. ' Daily Guard, Nov. 23. Maxwkll Wnx Casa This morning at 10 o'clock wa the hour set by Judge Scott for the bearing of the celebrated Maxwell will oaae. An adjournment until 1 o'clock was taken to allow plaintiff' attorneys lo file a reply. At that hour the reply w filed when the attorney of defendant aiked an adjournment until 3 o'clock to allow tbem to examine said Instrument, which was (Mowed. It 1 likely that aotn wit nesses will be beard thl afternoon. Mis Emma Dorri baa been appointed) official reporter to take the testimony in fall. Company Ona a kizkd. The Crouch Mnnuftwturiiifr Co., ettected per niuiient organization Kuturday, by tlie election of the following ofllcera: J. F. Crouch.prtttldent: W. L. Houston, vice president; A. C. Woodcock, aecretery; C. P. Houston, treasurer and awUtant aecrt-tary. The company will com mence at once manufacturing and In troducing their dynamo. Tbial Pw. The U. S. Court at Portland ha set Monday, December 7th, for lb trial of Mrs. Emma Spanlding, who wa recently indicted by the U. 8. grand jury for sending obscene letter through the mail. Sb ha entered a plea ot not guilty. mYssiimrius Aet ea a sew rtedple resale! (be liver, stomach ead bowl (are IU - - - na Hn mm' PtiMM Mdilw lorphlUm a4 (mump atoa. BmaTM, as How, nn BOloM,aOo KamnU trm at dratX. tTtiim M. K, RiawL M Bold by J. If. KECK LEY. When Baby wa kk, we gave bar 0tora Whm sb. in a Child, ah cried for Oori When she became HI, he duof to Oatrl When she had Chudrea, U ! Ceatorav Th Melrated Frencfc Curo, '"APHRODITINES I goLB OH 1 POSITIVaT QUARANTCI toenreanr fonsi of nervous dlwaM or an r disorder ol toe ftnrraU'ot (an. oi aimer sxv wbether arlalu f PT.m t hAMIWl T. i BEfCRE umoI wimaiaota, AFTER Tobacco or Opt am, or u roo h voaU fol lod I wrr V.uu. ovrr Induliroce, Ae ,.urha. Imaot Brala hiwCT, '.el-i.n(-, Bcarinf down Fains In U U' E,HeraiialealiiM,lljftterU, Kervowi fie tralfoa, Sc1urn (qiMiuiia Lencperau-a.'Dl. (Iucm, . Mor, Voaiof power od Iairo trwy.whuaifiK1trdo!traleadto (rcmatar U are aod loaaaltf. Price 11.00 a k"i, bou lorf itA hnt t v Biailonrr.iptof prior A WRITTEN it'AEAfTaB ! tfn lor rirrf l-VOO rrnlef rrlTrri, in rf vnl trt. moorr II cue i. not eaenea tlunaodsol tMtloonlai Iron old I rtnu.c.1 enr I. or .Berwa W Cm ead ioudc of bo(hMxr.wtohaTe bera prraaDnUr rarrd tyUMUMOtapfaiodlUa. Circular tree. Aidm THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Wesuni Dsaaca. HusZ7.Poaxxajia.Oav gold by E .B. LUCKEY k C., Drurit, Eok-me, Oregon. HOLLOWAY FRIDAY, NOV. 20. T. H. Hamilton ha bought another lot In lairmount. The new Junction bunk will be opened IXwiiukt Int. Qeo. M. Miller ha t ikru bis Florence property off the market. Two car load of fruit trm arrived her on laat night' freight Iraiu. Root. Oriffln of Cottage Grove bet been commissioned a notary public. Baker City, the boom town of Hunt- em urvgon is $HL',uuu in uetit. F. W. Chausae, editor of the Cottage Grove Leader, ha purchased a lot iu monnt. V. B. Bluehley, of Colfux, Wash., la vlHitintr rvlativea here, having arrived lust night. ( W bear of a marriage that will tak place about the holiday between two of Eugene i prominent young people. A couple of ox teams pinning a long Wil lauette street today reuiindrd one of old tinieiwben they were common. An axis of the Sprinpfleld butcher wagon broke off in front of the Court House tut morning. No other damage. 8. T. Jeffreys ha resigned hi portion a deputy .prosecuting attorney for Jlenten county aud W. E. Vates ha been (ppoluted to nil toe vacancy. A drunken man fell from his noise yes terday afternoon wuile passing rairmouut, and wa considerably bruixed. For a time it wa supposed be at killrd. The Morgan family, who have been hold Ing meeting at the Court House during the week nave folded tlieir tent, and ue parted for other fields where collection are better. Base ball admirers In Portland are rain- ts a purse of $10,000 to bark tb Portland team, winner of the PaoiCo Northwost League pennant, againM the winner ot the Call lorn la League pennant, whloh will be San Joae. Fairhaven IToralJ : Portland can no Ion rer boast of beiug chief wheat port on the Peoiflo Ocean. Already (hie season wheat shipment from the Bound have exceeded those from Portland by upwards of a quar ter of a million bushels. Heavy towage charges and the rinks attending navigation over the uolumuia river and aloug the ea- iseent coast are rapidly driving ocean com' meroe away to the broad straits of t act and the matchless harbor ol Puget Sound At the ChemawA Indian training school, lust north of Salem, the nwter of atudentH contaitm the mimes of a larger number than during any previ ous time since the cstubllrihnicnt of the school. The latest arrivals are from Bandon and Port Orford, and there are now 240 students attendinirtho school At the same time last year the attend ance was hut IS). Hie total enroll ment last year reached a50. The new buildings are completed and ready for occupancy. Lent Friday a young man in tba employ of Joseph Button, nesr Milton, named John Chamberlain, met with an accident whloh resulted in a badly fractured limb. He wa on hi way to Milton with a load of bay, when, ooming down the bill into Cache hollow, the horses became unmanage able, and, in bis effort to stop them from running sway, tbey were turned from Ibe road and the wagon upset, Mr. Chamberlain being thrown to tba ground in such a man ner that he sustained a fracture of the left leg below the knee. The lanrest salo of railroad timber land on the coant this year lias just been concluded by thersoutliem J'acinc Company. Tlio land In question is sit uated on what Is known as Jenny creek, a stream flowing Into the Klamatli river, uiHtabove me t aiiiorn- ia suite line. Pardee. Cook A Co., one of the largest luntlier firms of Michi gan, are the purchasers, and they paid $!r0,000 for it. In addition to this pur chase the Michigan company has aliout nn equal portion of government timber land Interspersed In sw-tlons le tween the tracts Just acquired from the railroad company. The object of Par dee, Cook A Co., is to run their logs down Jenny creek Into the Klamatli river and on to Klamath crossing. Four year ago a widow named Mary E. Dve. with ona son fifteen voars old. settled on the sooth fork of the Nooksuck, and a twig had never been out by a white man within five mile ot ber ranch. Her house hold good were brought to ber from Nook- ack, droning In an Indian ranoe. bb got a thanty np and went to work. For six month she saw only one womsn, aid tbat wa a squaw. She baa now several acre cleared, a garden which I the pride of boutb Fork, Iron tree atarttd, ana this year with only her eon to help her ha made 157 rod of good wagon road, chop ping down tree, hauling tbrm away and grubbing. 8h wield Ibe ie in a very certain and reliable way. She has oows, pigs, ebiokens, and her dinner are celebra ted all ilong tb river. FOR PITCHEtf 3 U 0 Cejtnrl prompt. TMgewtlrm, and OVM-oouwe i'laluWy, Coiutiition, Boor Btotnarh, Diarrhoea, and fereriahsMeA Thua the child 1 rurvWod huillhy aud it aleup xtavtsiral Caetorlai oontalna no korpUne or other narcotic property. adapt"! e cklMrao that I racouiiiMfid tt a. superior to any prracrtpuoa knuVD lo Hie." IL A. Aarosa. at. I).. 3 Portland Ave., Bruoklya, X, T. ?l vm Caatoria u my prartln. aed And k. apedaijy adaiatd Ui aflortJ.. ofduHrea." ' " AiM- hirra.., M. !., lie; ad An.. New Tork. Tea rarrica Co, 7T Xumj BL, R. T. f I ktk i r, SATURDAY, NOV. 21. A marriage license was Issued to J. Howard and Emma Thurmaa today. Auctioneer Klnsey sold a bull, taken op by the city, thl afternoon at auction. Kev. N. B. Alley has resigned the pastorate or the Christian ciiurcii. The people of Balcm pay S8' mill tat, which include their oily, county and state taxea. A plain drunk wa fined $5 and coat yeiterday. U. liquidated aud waa dis charged. Peter Boney, I improving hi reeldeno property on tbe corner of luia ana wutaa- .It street. W. W. Cardwell, a graduate ot tbe Bute University, hat located at Med lord for tbe praotio ot hi profession, the law. lloeeburg Review: W H. II. Oraut to far met with rather Indifferent (ueoee olioitlng for tba World's fair fund. Th ainonut are all email. An additional attachment was served Thursday on the Comstock Lumbering t onian,v, at the suit or me Willamette iron i onipany for $o73-i. Chief Engineer Potrue. of the 8. P. R. B. wa here the first ot the week in a rectal car, taking an inventory of th company' building, aide-uaokt, etc We were ahown a man of Florence thl mornins drawn by Mr. L. P, Prone. It i made on a aoale of 200 feel to the inob and ia indeed a fine niece of workmanship, It would be bard lo beat. ..... Deputy Sheriff McObelL on a warrant from Ibe IT. 8. Marshal, left thl morning for Wild Cat to arrest Walter White, for enttlus timber on government land. lie I a brother ol Wilton White, who 1 In the county jail. The banks of Umatilla county have a million dollars on deposit, while tbe county this year produced 1H for every man, woman and child within her borders. This is a gooii record or which any county might be proud. Friday's Oregonlan: Tb Ret. I. D Driver, who wa Ih pastor of the Centenary M. chnroh, wa In Ibe city yesterday. He waa on hi way to Seattle where he wfll deliver a court of lecture. Mr. Driver had just returned from Mew Mexico, where bt delivered a uooeeatul lecture sour. Rosehurir rialndealer: Eugene's steam laundry ia doing a thriving bus iness at home and la reaching tout for trade, even Into Hoscburg. V- m. Dyer, of the Palace barlier shop, ia agent for this city, and will two that all orders receive prompt and care nil attention. Th annual statement of the Dakar City auditor show that the oity run in debt $7000 daring the past year. It ha a bond ed IndebteduM of $00,000 and 133,000 ot unpaid warrant outstanding with $4300 on hand. Tbe Democrat commenting on tbe condition of affair uyc It will be readily seen that Ih oity i faat following In th footstep of tb county in th reckle at oummulatlon of Indebtedness and if tbe thing continue th whole commonwealth will be awamped into everlaiting perdition to deep that Ih devil himself will aevei be able to extricate it, Here n something for the Eugene boys who are never satisfied unless they have a cigarette In their mouth, to ,1.1.. I. A ....l.1l.u..l..M ilium uinmw J jiitniiiwi iuuiiumiij Iihs made nn analysis of the cigarette. Tho tobacco was found to be strongly Impregnated with opium, while the wrapper, which waa warranted to be rice paiier, was found to be the most ordinary quality of paper whitened with arsenic. The two poisons com bined were present in sufficient quantl ties to create In the smoker a habit of uslnrr opium without hi bolnir aware of It, his craving for which can only be satisfied by an Incessant consumption of clgarettca. Tho editor of the Walla Walla States man has been doing some figuring, and here Is the result: "The cost of raising an ordinary boy for the first twenty years of his life is here given: Per year for the first five years,all expenses, $100. or $500 In all; $150 per year for the next nve years; $aj per year ror we next flvo; $300 per year for the next three years, and f-VW for the next two, or a total outlay of $4,150 by the time the boy is or age and able to hustle for himself. We hope the (Statesman aub- scrlltcrs will remember that the editor has taken a contract to raise four bova. and by promptly renewing their sub scriptions they will greatly help us out I., !. A, ,,A ,.r .ui n in A..t I... in luimii,) wiu mini v. f iuiijw i,fb nam got to lie expended In behalf of those boys ueiore our responsibilities cease." Forest Orove Time: Th word "W.b foot," ai applied to Oregon, i a misnomer, especially slno it i generally used a a term ol reproach. Many states of our Un ion have more rain than Oregon, and do one .vet think of oalllng them "Webfoot." in August, issn, a reported by tb United State Signal Service, the rainfall was tV, Inche In Louisiana aa much a' falls la Oregon In tix month. By reference to ah Ignal lervlot reports, wbioa bv been pnb- lithed annually for nearly twenty yeare, H ill be aeen tbat tb averag rainfall ot Ore gon, on year with another, I not far from 42 ioohe. At Astoria it I 76 inches; at Port land, 60 iDcbee; at Rosebnrg, So Inob! at Ashland, 29. In Eastern Oregon Ibe aver age i considerably lea. Aliog.lh.r, th annual rainfall at th etat I it glory; tot it give a oeruioty ot crops, aa forty year' cropping In many localities amp ly atletta what Ihia mean a promotiv ol good farms, prosperous bom builders, suc cessful bu.ineiM men In all Ibe varied de partmenti of life end tb general oplitt and prugre of Ih tut along all lion eaaaoi be metsnrtd by feeble word. Tui LiCTPai.Tr. M. Mghiwindet. laot ture? pi the Firmer Alliance, a pf aa- noancement, delivered a leetoie an tba principle and ofcjeeta of thai organisation. t tb voart nous not. win, u a emeu audience. He I. a ready talker and clearly tat- hi point. II wa not tuooeesful Ii n organizing a uiiizao Alliance. Rxwasd Paid. The reward offered by th Tacoma Bauk for tbe information lead- lug to the appreben.ion of Albertaon, tbe ink robber, waa No. ilHh awarded and pa'd lo Sheriff J. E. Noland. Mr. ttok4 tberenpon divided the money with. Deputy W. W. Cocbran. Tbe task onoera were warm is their Praia ot the part taken in the captor of the robber by the Sheriff's office of Lane county. Not StaiocstT Hear. Dr. McKeoney returned from tbe McKenxie Nor. Such, He did not reach hi de.tiD.iW, as he met me'ouerI who Informed bun that la boy, Blnebaker, wa not ariiously bortt and tb.rtfor aoxgeoa waa noi and so Dr. Mckenoey returned. II appear tbat tbe ball followed tbe akia P Ih aid and did not later the cavity, MiatixD.-Ia Lane eoonty. Oregon, Nor. W. H91, by Judge O. W. Klnsey, J. M . Howard and Emma Tbarmao. A BIGAMIST. Samuel J. Sill, ft Eugene Carpenter, na two n ivea-iie snips. Dally Quard, Nov. 21 Muob to th rorpri of a number of Ea gen people complaint wa received her Wednesday from Minneipolii, Minn., to be erred upon one, Samnel J. Sills, who has resided here for Ibe past three year, his first wif having instituted divorce proceed ing againat him, Th. oomplaint charges whim desertion tor Ibe period of three Tear, bill bat a young wife here, whom he married at the age of fifteen rears, about tnree year slno In tb Mat of Washing (on. Since hie arrival here he hae princl- pally aubslsted from th mean of his aged mother-in-law, who ha been fortunate in receiving a large pen. too from lb govern ment on account of wound received by ber dead husband, and ahe ha worked hard at menial labor to provide for tbe tupport of oiua. a., a. uunn, assistant c Ity attorney ot Minneapolis, writing here, eaya: "Tbe plaintiff In thl ease (Sllla' Aral wife) quit poor. We are getting her divorce principally through charily, as sb 1 a very wuriuy wuj, loaceu. Aiter tbe papers were served on him rv to offloer Sill skipped the country, telling hi folk that h intended going East and "fixing" It np with hit first wif. If he ever returns here h will be arrested sod justly punished for bl villainy. ACCIDENTALLY 8H0T. Young Mnebiker, Who Lives on tbe AKh.eur.if. Kiver is toe Un fortunate. . Daily Guard, Nov. 20. tu. county nany weekly lurntabes a s of accidental hootlnff. Th last oaae happened np th MoKenxie across tb river from th Thompson place yesterday after noon at 4 o'clock. The victim waa a boy named Blnebaker, aged 11 years, who was found in the road badly lb Messrs. inompeon. upon inveiltuatlon. It wa found tbat Ih ball, from a Si-calibre Win chester, had entered th right aide and ranged upwards, H waa carried to hi home at B. F. Finn' residence. Tbe hooting waa accidentally, inflicted by himself. It we Impossible to learn further partlcalara from th messenger who oame lor a doctor. Dr. MoKennev left for the seen a of the hooting thl morning lo wsil upon th boy. New Sectional Map of Oregon. Th Oregonisn at great expense has pre pared a aeotional map ol Oregon, and offer la a premium for subscription to the Weekly Oregonlan. The map 1 oorrected up to date, l 40x50 Inche in size.; scale, six mile In th Inch. It I neatly finished and on roller, ready o hang op on Ibe wall. Tbil i th finest map of Oregon ever Issued, and should b in every houeebold in th atate. Anyone lending 13.00 will receive the Weekly Oregonlan for fifteen mouth (if the subscription is received pri or to January 1, 1892,f and one of these map a premium. The prloe of th map without the paper is $2.00. Address Ore gonlan Publishing Co, Portland, Oregon, How rr was Dona, A gentleman who oently visited Stanford' stubles in Cali fornia gives a Democrat man soma (uteres . ing fact in referenoe to the wonderfn I band of horse on Ih Stanford ranch. There r about 1,000 animal of all sges, 200 of whloh are in constant tralulug on man having charge of only three horaee. Tb epartmeot range from a kindergarten up ward. Tb aeoret ot the recent wonderful performsnc of th Btanford horses, psr ttoularly Bnnol, Arion and Palo Alto, I said to be because ot a avstem started rears ago by Mr. Stanford of breeding trotting stock with lb bet running stock, and worklns down tq trotter. Tb result ha been be yond tb moat sanguln expectation of the great millionaire.--Albany Democrat. Dkhornino, Oalney Matthews In forms us that he dehorned 07 head of rattle Nov. 'Mh, without any casualty. He places their bead in a stanchion and then uses a saw. A nutnlx-r of prominent cltlxens of Iane county have token advantage of this method, among them B. fc). Btevens and H. Jenkins, of Hpencer precinct, and II. Hill, of Junction precinct. A Bto Catuidsal. Archbishop Gross Is laying plans for building a cathedral on Ibe property recently purohaaed by him in on land, bounded by Fourteenth, Slx- ."VUtM, Vt BUM v., WU.UU Wm. f i The new building will be tb largt church on tb Paolflo eoatt. According to pre nl plana, It will b 100x200 feel long and fifty feet wide, with an archeplsoopaf resi deno ia th rear. Bust Pjuntkd IHiLY.The Junc tion Times aavs: The Euirune Daily Ooakd is the best printed dally that reaches mis oiiloe, Portland dallies not excepted. HUH there are a dozen or more business bouses in Kugcne that have no place In Its columns. Fortunately the rubber stamp mer chants are dying quite rapidly. CoRVALMM Recokd. The Times claims the following building record I for tbat city the past yean $r0.000 wagon ana carriage rectory, savsiu noici, J, 000 college dormitory, $10,000 oity hall, liu.uuo rounnry ana rutin implement factory, besides) 16 or 20 residences esti mated to cost fAOOUL Tbtal, $135,000. Akruai, BTiTSMiirr. The officers of th UcKeoaio, 8. 8. k D. Wagon Boad Co. aav flld their annual etetement of ra- etpl. and dlchnraewentt for the year with lae Uoanty tiara. Tb receipte amouni lo$1.0iW;dibnrtment, $767.75; estimat ed expense to keep tbe road in condition tor travel from now to April next, $XK). Discharged. Tbe trial of Elza Plckard, on the charge of driving over the Hpringtle Id bridge favter than a walk was concluded Thursday morning. Justice Henderson ordered the defend ant discharged, aa th evidence sliowed the young iuab waa not guilty or the charge, Ca:ai.-Tb. Eugen band gave a con cert on tb itreets Thareday at ft o'clock. Couiiileriog lb boor, a larg number of people w.r. present. Th boy are im proving faal, and ahoold bar tb encour agement ol the citizen of Eugen. Pabbosxd. Th Salem Stateiman aavs Cbarle Jarrn, of Lena county, (enienoe in the penitentiary has been commuted. He wa sentenced for two yean for the crime of larceny, and bad served evtateen month. Ajihmtkd. Deputy WierlfTCmucr arrested John Vineyard, the Lynx Hollow terror, at Creswell. Nov. auth. lie surrendered aa peaccablyM a lamb. Maaaitn. Ia Las. county, Oregon, Nov 15. m, bv Rev. O. M. Demmltl, U. S. Uarpef and Anna Spraguo. Cottage Grove flewg. Tho lender, Nov. 21. Kdltor K. 1. Thorp, of Drain, paid his rtupeets to the drove Haturday. Mr. I). P. lltirton moved his family to Drain Wednesday. He hiteniiii learning telegraphy tills winter. Miss Hattlo Thonipsoii returned homo Monday from her seven weeks visit with friends at Henly, California. There hits been a change made In the section divisions at this place. Welch's division now runs from Creswell to IL C. VeaU'h's place below town, and Boweti's runs from Veatch's to the divide. The chango was made by J. II. Waite the llrxt of the week. There will lie a public dlscusHlon at the Count Fork grange hall on Satur day, Nov. as. The subject Is the sub trenstiry bill, which Is now being agi tated by the farmers' alliance. A larim attendance is rxiwoted and desired, as uiis is n suujcei thai is creating quite a sensation at present iu political matters. The new church edifice of the Cbrii. tlan church here Is nearinireomnletlon. and will lie diHllmttil Sunday, Decern- 1 ital. ail a w. . a ... . 7. ik t oiu. r.uier navia veueii, pastor of tho Find Christian church of Portland, also onu of the editors of tho Harbinger, will preach the dedicatorlal sermon. A (hie Kiirhutr cliaH-l organ lias arrived, tho ladles have purchased the carpet aud lamps, and they cxiiect having a grand time at their dedication, and cordially In- no vverj ihhijt to intend. Who May Practice 1 Balcm Journal. The supremo court of Oreiron has rendered a decision of great Importance to physicians that of Wm. A. Bar more against the state board of medical examiners. TIIR CASK. Dr. Barmore hail lieen refused a wr- tlllcate by the hoard upon showing that ho w us a graduate of the medical department of tho unlvcrsit of Ohio and had a ilinloina from a legally char tered medical school in good standing, and was refused upon the ground that the Oregon state hoard had adopUil a rule which. defined "medical Institu- tlon In good standing." as used In the act, to mean "only those institutions which reotilred three reirtilar courses or sessions of three months each, extend- ing over a period ot tnree years time," and that the school of plalutlir, when he graduated, did not have such a three years' course. If Dr. l(annon had applied before1 the board, adopted this rule ho could havo been admitted to practice in Or egon. Dr. Harmoro asked a mandamus to comel the state Umrd to Issue a certl- tlcate and won his case in the circuit court. This Is now reversed bv the supremo court and tho state board of examiners sustained. He Wasn't a Hoy. The Spokane Spokesman is resnonsibla for th following: Senator Squire played a scurvy trick on Senstor John B. Allen on time. They were traveling from Wash ington It waa night and the train stormed at a station In Missouri, where a laree. heavy woman entered tb sleeper looking ' for a berth. Squire poked h la bead out between the ourtalue and seeing th ponderous lady aaid: "Madame, tbe berth are all taken, but If you wish yon can occupy Ih one just un der when my littl boy is sleeping. This was sstisfsctorr to tba Missouri Am azon, who removed her ahoes and then wring round into the bunk. Just about this time, the disturbed occupant attempted to see what the Intrusion meant. With one fell swoop of her palm h dapped It flruilv over the gentleman's mouth, saying: "There, little boy, don't peak. Your father said I could sleep h.r." Again the "little boy" attempted to rise and Ibis time be managed lo say: "Madame, I want to tell you tbat I'm no boy." "Who are yon, then?" "Why, I'm Senator Allen from tba state ot Wssbington" he exclaimed. 'Oh Lord," (he yelled, and sprang np and dashed out of Ibe car exclaiming to tba consternation of everyone but Squire, Oh Lord I what would Hiram say if he knew." Dally Guard, Nov. 20. A Tehrok. John Vineyard, who lives In the classic Lynx Hollow, about six miles southwest of Creswell, has been whipping nearly tho entire mala population of that place recently. A warrant was sworn out before the Cres well Justice of the peace, but the con stable was afraid to tackle the aforesaid terror. Therefore the J. 1. called on the sherltl's ofllee for aid. This morning Deputy fchcrllls George Croner and Wld McOhee started to that place to take the man in charge. It was tho Intention to have the trial at Creswell this afternoon at 3 o'clock, Attorney Potter going to that place on the afternoon train to conduct tha prosecution. The Maxwkll Came. Friday's Albany DcmiH'rat: Hon. L. Bilyeu, of Eugene, returned home this noon from a trip to Portland, where he had been In the Interest of the Maxwell will case, which has been attracting so much Interest in Lane county. The will was niado thirteen years ago, but a couple of years ago was destroyed. Two witnesses were found in Portland who saw it executed, and as well saw the stockings of money, aliout $5,000, tho old lady hid. lleuewed interest will result. Hnrr. Junction Times, Nov. 21 : While making up for the south bound freight Thursday evening, D. E. Drake met with quite an accident He was making a coup ling, when somehow his leg waa caught, orushing it quite severely, although tbe kin was not cot. By the lime the com pany's surgeon arrived tbe following morn ing nls leg wss swollen to twice ite natural eiz. It is not considered a dangeroea wound, although s verr painful one. Dr. Paine of Eageoe, the S. P. surgeon, wa here yesterday to dress the wound of Mr. Drake. Married. At Harrisburg, Oregon, Harley Morris, of Harrisburg, and Miss Mary Baker, of Junction. The cere mony was performed Wednesday, Nov, 18, lsai. Niobt 0?aAToa.-J. J. Chamberlain, who ha been action aa night operator tor ibe 8. P. a T.. at Salem has been trane frrred toKoseborg to tak a similar position.