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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1876)
5 "" .1 ; J Ml i it ' (..; ' ' ; established fq& the sisseimatioj of BsxdctiTic principles, md to' obi u honest umr. bt mmn ok ocr brow 1- . .( !.'-(' EUGENE CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 187(5. $2.50 per year IN AOYANCE. 7 I, 1 PI' YA I 1 7 V MLYllii I'i tot OUB ONLY tlATE9 ' OBT ADVERTIPLVG. advertisementa inserted u follows t HSAlara, 10 Unci or lew, oat Insertion 1; each attteiuenttnaertionli.' Cash, required In advance Tin alvertier will be cUarjed at the fallowing rrt"11" ' One eqaar three month" ' ..... 18 0D " "i : aixrnontlia. ...... ... SIM) " 11 onejreur ...... U 00 Transient notice in local column, to centa per line tf tck iaaertion. . iaVertislhg bille will be renderfcd quarterly. All lob wV)r must b tkt Hon rm dAivkbt. ,, ,r . ,f ,POSTOFFICE. , Ofle Ho'im-Vrom J a. m, to 1 p.ra. Buadays fri.ttoS:Jp,m. -.. - . Hail arrives from the aouth and leuvoa iroing north 10 a. m. , Ajriivee (rrnii the north ami Inarm guing south at :3 p. m. for Mukmw. ianun ana douu; T itn. eleM at I a.H-' on Wednea 'ay. 1 or Crawt'oida Villa, Ctuap Creek and iiruwiuTilie at 1 r.u. .... Letter will be nsulv for delirery h ilf an hour after m rival of trains, tattera should beleftaith. orHoe tmehourbefure muila depart. ' A. 8. PATTERSON, V. M. 1 r.f. ; .-") , t : camciits. BeVi C.imxif.-H. (J. Daveltport, pa?lor. Sori Vheaererf Hnnduv at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in, Sunday Pfhool at 4 p. m. Prayer meeting eveiy Friday wVeniiiJ. V. 8. Chdech A. 0. Faimhila, Pastor, Bervicea M, IQ:3U a.m. and 7:50p.m. . CniTiu-O. il.. Whitney, Faator. 6ervicea by pedal announcement. . " KOCi Euokkr Lona mi a A. F. and A. M. .Veetaurat and rlnesdaya in eaok , month. ... (jois, BfKMrrn ijcttk ujno iio. w i. u. ' eneeta on the 3d and 4th Welnedaya in each month. ,GEO.B:l)ORRISylin ailoiiEi: in ; CQCsmioiu at. law, Office on'VVilianietie' street; Eugene City. Ml 0;i;A.:. MILLER; DENTAL. EOOU3 IN DDNS'8 BUILDING. ' O.'SIshll EuRewi.City, Or.i'; . ' 'j . i Profenei.JIEJITISTBT: AXD ORAL SURGERY BR. JOHN HERRBOLD, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, Underwood' Brick Buitdinjr, Up Stnirn. aijrv Respecting offers his services to ka, V:v:. the citizens of tli plaennd viein UjffTTTr it v. In all the branches of his pio ssion. The latest Impiurements In Plate Work cxeunted In a satisfactory manner. BTOCK IS CASH, and AU Work Must be Paid r on Delivery. DENTAL. DR. P. WE13H lian opened Dental rtoom perirantl In Underwmid'a building. EiiRene City, and respectiully aollciu a share oi the pb- patronage. Inference by permission, Dr. J. K. Oardwell, Tortland, Oregon. A. W. PATTERSON, PHYSICIAN ' 'AND SURGEON, .'i $:"! l": -"i. ..; '.I OflI Ninth Street, opposite tbe St. v Charle Hotel, aud at Hcsldeiice, JElTGi-KNIC CITY.' orkgon. 0R. GE0. W. COELL. Office Up Stain, first North or Astor IIoiikj, . . EUGENE CITif, OKEGON. , Tor eoawnienee of aelf and patrons all hooka mi aoeounU will be left in charge of O. M. COOPER, Eaq.', opponite the aume itore; who is folly anthor iiei to colltet tbe aame. ' It la tully erpected that all acoounta for aervicw will be prunterl for pay ment ia thirty days, and oollected in aixty. ; u(ene City, April 4th, lb" 5. , . Chas. M. Horn, PRACTICAL G UNSMJTII. ,deal;:r iN guns,, "and Materials. Uepariring done in the neattiv'e a'id Warranted. Semlng Machine", sales, 'LocU. rlc , ttepmred. GunJ loaned and ammunition furnished. Shop on Ninth Street, opposite Star Bikery. J liWELRY ESTABLISH ENT. 'J. S. LUCKEY, Clocks, Watches,' Chains Jewelry, etc. , Jiepairitj"; Promptly EvicuteJ." . ' rj-lUWerk Warranted.) ' J.S LU''KK7. - ', TOST OFFICE BDILDINO, , WilUnelU 4 Eighth 8t., Eujene Ciiy. . ;' Fr Sale. TWO GOOD ' - Dwrx-i-nfa houses, X Whkh an Biurly lootJ and will be mji at a bar rain. - Terma et-.y. Kaquii at nirw oft . " .... ..... , i. B. USOEUWOOD. i M and POST OFFICE BCILDING.'EUGEJjrE CUT. I have on band end ss comuntly rweivisg an swrtmentof the Bt Kchool and Misoelianeona books, BUtiooery, BUok Books. Portf'li.,'rd Wallets, Blanks. PartmennaM, etc-, etc.- Ur ders, promptly dilled. A. 8. PtTTERSitX. - OPPOSITION ... . is THE LIFE OF TRADE ! ; SLOAH BROTHERS TTTTLLDCt VOBK CHEAP EE than aay otixr TT shup la tKn- . H0KSES SHOD FOR $150, Witk botp saaaerial, M round. Seaettiaf aid aboea I V aaiu. All warraated t fit aal ltrf'fi ' EHop oa Eighth st, or?uiw Ham : . parey'8 .Stable. BEN. F. D ORRIS, !.. , r ... . r . I.,.,., I " : DEALER IX' ..!..! ! , : : -v.-.,.- . i. . .!.!: Stoves and Ranges, ' "' ; ;; ; Tin Ware, PLAIN, FANCY 4 JAPANNED 1 "I i 1 Shovels and Tongs, ; Fenders ft Fire Dogs, Cauldron 4' Wash Kettles. ' Hollow, Iron and Copper Ware, PORCELAIN, TINNED ft BRASS PRESERVING KETTLES, Driven Well & Force Pumps, 1 j. , . Lead and Iron Pipes, . Hoso "pes and Hose IN FACT, llverything belonging to hiy bom xet, all of which I will sell st the ' " : E0 WEST- CASH PRICES. 5 t job: wobk O A Of all kinds done promptly and In a satisfaction1 manner. WELLS DRIVEN PROMPTLY ..'. ' fi ' AND ' ! .- ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. , By attention tn husitisMM snd honorable dealin hope to merit a share of your patronage (0 i i v. ; DRN. P. DoriRis. ,! All pet tons khowintf themselves in tlcbted c me wi'l please cull and , SETTLE WITHOUT DELAY. . 3.KD0RRIS. ' THE ; HAYEXER MARKET ! ' " BECKER '& BOYD, Proprietors. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, I1EEF, VEAL, TORK AND MUTTON. ' Dried Meats of all kin ls. laitl, Tllow,to. Will sell ikut m chunk, lium 3 to 5 cents. GEO. 8. WALTON.-. JVEW . t AAGON LYNCH. FIRM AND , . NEW GOODS. In Doris' Brick Building. Walton & Lynch Have formed a copartnership for the purpose ol carrying on l general ' ' Grocery and Provision Buviness, and wil' keep on band a general aa son ment of 3'v J Groceries,.' Provisions,!' Tobacco, Cigars, 1 "' ' ' Nuts, ' Candies, ' . .. Soups, ' . Candles, " ' Crockery, Nutlon .'' r Wood and Willow Ware.' Green and Dried Fruits, i i rr,i-r 'jEWj Etc. ! Tbey propose to do business on :i CASH BASIS, Which means that Low Prices ' are Established : Goods delivered without charge to Buyer ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED For Vhich WK WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Eugene City Brcwcrj. i MATH IAS MKLLEIl, Pio'p. I now prepared to fill all orders for LAGER BEER r'-Or A SUPERIOR QUALITY Come and sr for youraelf. A good article needs recommendation. t ASTOR HOUSE, B. C. PENNINGTON, . Proprietor, rpm? TV:XT,-OOWN T.tyDT.OrD bis a?ain L uVm'hanorthAHrOR HOl'HE. and baa ie-uttal and rr-iiiiaisliel the same, and will kep it aerond to no house in the Mat. You need not fear to (-ire bi.-a a .all. tor his table will l utplK1 with the Imt the cuimtry afiords. Charges rrasonabk' Come one, -ome oil. Real Estate For sale. gEVEX OB EIGHT HCSDRED ACRES OF ' Farm and Grazing Lauds JFor Sale .Qn E.'wy Terms. Also, HOISE AXD LOTS in EufenaL ' . ' Iaqoire ot , i ' j ;'' , GEO. II. TIIVRSTOX. Carding and Spinnin 19 fTATINS PURCHASED the Maehinery owned II by C. Goodcbild. I ata now prepase ( ke all kinds of YARN, BATTS, &., Per enoir At the Lowest Living Rates. W1I, IEV1KC, EUGENE QITY. 0REG0Niie7n "rebel", to designate southern' . . . V. 'l ' I ' lJ i ' I WASHINCTO GOSSIP. ; ji i.'i," -'.J h:u .'.T-! n -i tl. Wasuisgton, Marph 27, 1876. i( jrarh, the .ranch abused , ond long desired witness has returned from Canada.! He arrived on Wednesday and has been before the Judiciary Committee. lie, does not seem en tirely assured oi bis safety, for in giv ing his testimony hi is restless nfd uneasy. Tliis is the result of the lo tion ol President Grant and Attorney General Pierrepont. . Marsh says that Mr. Clymer did not tell him to go away and that bn had no intention of leaving the country . when he left Washington, So that it appears that all. ti e abuse headed on Clymer for Marsh's disappearance is mere radical venom, . Mrs. Marsh has also testified and there is sucL a chain of evidence from a cloud of witnesses testifying to substantially the same fuels, that the conviction ot Belknap is assured The committee, it is said, w.ll report tbe articles of impeachment on Wed nesday. ' ' ' : ; Ex-Senator Stewart's testlmouy be fore the Committee on Foreign At lairs in regard to the Emma mine swindle is the most amusing and in teresting ever given sinco Sam Wel ter testified in 'the great case of Bar dell' vs. ; Pickwick.' (See Charles Dickens' reports.) i The ex-Senatoi clothes hi answers in useless verbiage that would require the ingenuity of one of the proverbial "Philadelphia awyers" to discover the meaning. He evidently believes with Tallyi and, "that words were invented to conceal thoughts." Ex-Minislcr Schcnk is here but up to to day has been (so he tiiys) too unwell to appear before the committee. The Kitchen Cabinet organs have delighted: in harping on what they call the want' ot action in the House, yet tiny say nothing about an act which origiuated in artopulhoiu Sen ate a few days ago and which for ut ter stupidity, impracticability and want of statesmanship, has not had its parallel $inoe the session began. I allude to the bill of Senator Ilaniliti regulating the tranbinission of third class mail matter. It will be remem bered what a faux pat tho earao gen tleman made last session when he raised the rate on that species ot'mat ter from one to two cents per ounce be now proposes a elidiug scale. making the price ot this class of mat ter depend upon the distance it is car ried, and the postmaster is to be judge of the price. It adopted, such a law could only result in total confusion, besides offering inducements and jp portuni'.ies to 'postmasters to steal. Every newspaper jo the country' is ridiculing the proposed law, and its author's name will be handed down as the champion bluuderer of the limes. Our post office Department must bo wretchedly managed as there is a deficiency oi ten million dollars. It is expected that the Patent office will soon . receive the atten',ion of a committee. It seems to be admitted that no reduction should be ' made in the force in this office, or in the pay , of the clerks, because tbe office is more than self sustaining and the em ployes have to be skilled men who are entitled to good salaries. ..Tbe work of the committee will be to dis cover what dinpoHuion is made oi the large S'liplus received every yeat. It is thought that some interesting de velopments, of money paid to outside parlies, will be made. The law re quires that each department or bureau shall publish each year an exact slate ment giving the name of each em ploye and the amounts paid to each, together with other expenses incurred. This has not been done in the Patent office since 1861, and there is proba bly "a large sized bnj under ' that chip."' Senator Cockling has violated another bur by appearing before the appeal board ol the Patent office and arguing a case ol interference between patentees.- Oi course the Senator, vrboM bare word could dism'ss any member of tbe board, gained the case. The insolence of Blaine as the Repub lican leader in the House Las become almcat unbearable, aod il received a wholesome check on Thursday from Mr. Yeatman of North Carolina, who deprecated the cont'nm! ufe of the men in ' the Confederate army. He claimed for himself and bis southern compatriots as much patriotism and love of the union as was to be found among the Republicans. He showed that no sooner did a scuthero man become a Republican as Ilolden of N. C. and Longstreet hadd one,, thnn at once they were no longer rebels, all taint being removed, and that the only reason for the use of this term was that the people of the somii would not accept the teachings of re publicanism. In other words that they were "rebels" against Republican domination aod not against the coun try. Nothing of interest has occurred iu either House. Tho legislative ap propriation bill is being discussed and will bd passed as reported. The Sen ate will not agree to it and a grand fight may be expected. Peso. We print in another column, says tho New York Jmtld of the lCth ult., a detailed history ol transactions as scandalous as any which have lately shocked and disgusted tho courtrv. The scene of these transactions is ro distant that remoteness may have its usual I'ttect in blunting public inter est, and the perpetrators perhaps re lied on this Very remoteness to cover up and conceal their misdoings. The company, which, six or seven veal's ago, was awarded a monopoly of the ! tur trade in Alaska is making money by millions, nnd could have afforded to pay roundly for the illegal favorit ism by which it was put in possession ot its bonanza. By law this lucrative monopoly was requited to be uiven to those who would make the highest bid fur it; but, in detiauco of law and against the official opinions of two successful Attorney-Generals, Secre tary lioutwell awarded it to the par ties making tho lowest bid. Nobody knows the reason for Mr Boulwell's illegal decision: but anybody who ex amines t!ie fuels will see that it is a decision lor which the favored party could have afforded to pay a largo sum of money. It is certain that the bid most favorable to the Government was rejected, and that the Alaska Commercial Company, which put in the lowest bid, was awarded the piiv- ilege lor twenty years, in defiance of law and the official opinions ol Attor ney General Hoar and Attorney-Gen eral Akerman. It is the plain duty of Congress to investigate Mr. Bon'.. well and give him an' opportunity to ex- uiaiu mat illegal transaction ami clear himself of the suspicions which naturally arise out of the fact The let.uled statements, supported by documentary proofs, which wo print this morning place tho ex-Secretary iu a light in which he cannot afford to stand. ... , , The price of admission to the exhi bition in Philadelphia will be 50 cents, payable in one note. The receivers at the recording turnstiles i will have nothing to do with the notes, except to decide whether they are good or bad, and to drop them into the boxes, where eacl) one will register "itself. An exchange office of the Centennial National Bank .will bo established near each entrauce, to change money lor visitors not having 60 cent notes. This money changer will be expect ed to have no more and no less .mon ey when his work is done than when he began. The Centennial Commission after much inquiry and careful con sideration, concluded that the whole stem, absence of season tickets and all was cheaper and more secure against fraud than any other known. In order, that the cash in the boxes may correspond with the indicators, a dollar" jiote will not be received at any gate for the admission of two per sons, nor two twenty-five cent notes for that of one person. ? .No intelli gent visitor, however, with the facili ties afforded, need get into the "cue," an arrangement to keep in single file those about to enter, unprovided with the required note. In the event of a resumption ot specie payments prior to or doing tho exhibition the rule- will be amended to meet demands. This is "just how il is" in the New York SW . opinion: Tho United States Senate, with its Radical major ity, aftt-r years of discussion, has fi lially rvjs-cled lite claims of Pinchbaek tc a sent in that body cm the ground, deliberately stated, that the pretend ed Legislature which went through the formality of electing him was a frand. Now if this legislature was a fraud, it i plain that KetlogV pre tence to be Govenor of Louisiana is equally fraudulent; yet on two differ ent occasions President Grant, with out any authority of law, has used the army of the United States to keep this dishonest usurper in power despite the electors of the State, who twice rejected him at the polls. The T-phnliji who fava thirty abnr-m-'i!i in tha BlunMnbTir njoatur to i P.f Cmror In h.l rl..n!i.Lluli. W4 Pfof. c,Ds8er.vilie,hDdwritinsxr-rt. UliX LEU AlTIstl UbTTYSBCflG. A Letter to JTeflerann'1. Offering to steal a ii. 'jont -'A ; of Smret Itiatoif" !h Serlbner'a Aiouuujr. Camp Oka nob, August 8, 18G3. Ilr. President Your letters of 1:8th July and 2d August have been received, ami i have waited lor a loisuro hour to reply, but I fear that will never come. 1 am extremely obliged to you for the attention given to the wants of this army, and the ettorts mado to supply them Our absentees are returning, and I hope the earnest and beautiful appeal made to the country in your procla mtition may stir up tho whole people, and that they may see their duty and perform it. Nothing is wanted but that their fortitude should equal their bravery, to insure the success of our cause. Wo must expect reverses, even defeats. Thoy are sent to leach t's wisdom and prudence, to call for'.li greater energies, and to prevent our fulling into greater disasters. Our people have only to be true and united, to bear manfully the misfor tunes incident to the war, and all will come right in tho end. I know how prone we aro to cen sure, and how ready to blame others tor the non liilhllmenl ot our expecta tions. This ia unbecoming iu a gen erous people, nnd 1 grieve to see its expression. Tho general remedy for tho want of success in a military com- i . . i i fin- i iiiiiuuur is ins removal, una ia uuiur- al, and iu many instances proper. For no matter what may bo the ability ot tho officer, if he loses the confidence of his troops, disaster must sooner or later ensue. I have been prompted by these re flections more than once sinco my return from Pennsylvania to propose to your Excellency the propriety of seleuliug another commander tor this army. I have- scon and heard expres sions of discontent in the public journals at tho result of the expedi tion. I do not know how far this feel in j extends in the army. My broth er officers have been too kind to re port it, aud so far the troops have been too generous to exhibit it.. It is fair, however to suppose that it does exist, and success is so necessary to us that noth ng should be risked to seuuro it. I, therefore in all sincerity, request your Excellency o take meas ures to supply my place. I do this with the more eamostuess because no one is more awaro than myself ot my inability for theduliesol my position. I cannot evon accomplish whist I my self desire. How can I lullill tho ex pectations of others? In addition, I sensibly feel the growing failure ot my bodily strength. I have not yot recovered Ironi the attack I experi enced the p:ist spring, I am becom ing more ami more incapable of exer tion, and am thus prevented from ma-J king tho personal examinations an. I giving the personal supervision to tho operations in the Held which' I feel to be necessary. I am so dull that in ma king use of the eye of others lam frequently misled. Everything thjre toru points to the advantage to be de rived Ironi a new commander, and I tho more anxiously ur;e the matter upon your Excellency from my belief that a younger ud abler man than myself may readily bo obtained. I know that ho will have as gallant and brave an army as ever existed to sec ond his 'i Hons, and it would bo the happiett day of my life to see at its head a woitliy leader; one that would accomplish more than I could per form, and all that I have wished. I hope yoar Excellency will ittribute ray request to the true reason, the do sire to serve my country, and to do all in my power to insure the suoce-e ot hur riglhioiis cause. I have no complaints to make of sny ono but mysell. I have received nothing but kindness from those above me, and tho most considerable attention from my comrades and com panions in arms. To your Excellen cy I am specially indebted forunifoim kindness and consideration. You have done everything in your power to aid mi in the work committed to my charge, without omit'ng anything to promote the general welfare. ' I Cray that your eO'orts may at length o crowt.el wiih success, and that you may long live to enjoy the thanks of a grateful people. With sentiments of great esteem, I am yery respectfully and truly yours, It. E. Lee, General. His Excellency Jefferson Davis, President Confederate States. The warfare between the Pacific Mail Snd the Panama Railroad Cnmpwn- is waxing warm. In consqnenca of (be indubteiJoesi of the former to the latter company, the Utter demand payment in advance; for freight transported across the wlhmos, and the rales have been increased. This erip- .lf the interest of the I aciDC Mail Lorn paoy, aod iher bate (rone to law about it. The Hoom Appropriation Committee) have struck the Bail ou the bead at last, by Miihk to appropriate moner for the con pU-ti-.n of the Navy and War Departments, .i llalicock ha anything to do with hand bnirth.mnnpv an.l in ronaennene. Uab - exk i expected u resign bis offices about Wishitiston. LONCr T0H. MrWati ra. i. . On the 19ih of June, 1875, there appeared ia tho 'JuarO a paragraph relating to some slight "Informalities" tn a Sunday school and t po.'t office oa Long Tom -'but what of these trilling informalities I " Tbe week fob lowing tbe publication of thit paragraph a thin skinned Individual the Ooliatb of Long Tom and champion deputy rushes into print with much more soul than truth and violently assailed the good came, character, honor, honesty snd behavior of a certain den izea and P. M. on Loot; Tom.. Hear him t "There is a resident in the bogs of lbs Coy ote an idiotic pcnny-a-lioer who see mi to be terribly Wroth over tbe establishment of post office at this place. Who de lights to roust upon me wrongs and sorrow! he may engcudtti1, is ever and anon creating discord by eeuking to destroy the rights of bis neighbors. 1 1 last effort Is now being nmdo to deprive a large body of bis fellow c'nizena" (lllotic penny-a-liners, of course, in the bogs of Coyote, eh T) "of mail facilities or force them to pay tribute, etc. . . This thing seems to think that ibis part of the county should have but oae office as llii'te is but one person capable of running1 It. In suylnjr that n Long Tom there is (was) postmaster who swore in his own deputy, be averted wlnit he knew to be absolutely miai, a.u., ai. uiv, air, nuiio- a wuum much rather be the subject than the author : of such stuff, I bare s word o two to say : in e.vp a lation. The patigrapb of June 19, , 1875, wua true to the letter, yot "Truth" , how ironical asserted that part of it was absolutely falsi." Knowing tbst deputy "Truth" was angry and ignoran of soma1 fucu in this world wise as he is I con eluded to let him cool and then ssk bira to.: explain his charges quoted above, privately. In the meantime he discovered (bat there' were and bud been othur deputy postmasters on Long Tom bosidus his honor. In due lime 1 informed him that I thought' bis charges very broad and unjust, lis replied thai ha would ruly upon the allegations ' made, etc. 1 informed bun that bis allega tions were entirely false. To this he replied that they were'well established' facts, some ol them of common notoriety. Thereupon I . made this proposition to bim ; That I would leave the question ol the truth or falsity of hia churges to my neighbors tbe Very per-' sons whose rights 1 hud beeu seeking to du-i; slroy as hesuje aud that be might choose six, twelve or twenty of them, as he bsw fit To this be replied like a true tiuuday school; champion, thus: ' . .. "Ma. Dam onu-Oo west, Touuj rinn.go weat- "P. b.-Ooto'I..'" Now if "Truth,""suronined J. G. II d of Cheaher pnstoffice were only an ordinary cit izen 1 might bear bis calumny and contume- : ly meekly; but he is not, fur besides being, the champion of tbe Sunday school ol sixty' scholars, deputy postmaster, tbe Goliath of all the enraged deputies on Long Tom. who' sought my scalp last June, and a professor, ol learning, he was a candidate for School Superintendent before the 'Tndetendeutoon' ventlon" two years ago and the nominee for that position ol the Democratic convention' the same venf, Now, cons d. 'ring all the' circumstances, ( leure tbe public to decide whether bis assertions or mine wore and are. true.. Tbe statements I make and have' made I stand ready to prove, aud 1 also stand ready to prove what l eave quoted of Truth's communication, to be utterly, shame-, fully false, unmuhly and unprovoked, for he, is comparatively a stranger here ant! neighbor of mine, knowing little of or about , me, except what lias beeu stufitid into hit malicious bead by persons who would rather ' hear him tell a lie about me than bear me tell the truth about him. I may have com-, nutted many errors in my lile, yet I claim to have manhood and courage enough to face my enemies and to tejl and defend the IrutD and to denounces hypocrites, dupes and cowards whenever I ffud them. Yours etc., Lomo Tom P. M. Tli. House of Craat. The New York World is writing the chronicles of the House of Grant : These are the generations of the llouso of Grant: .. Grant begat Delano, and Borio, and Williams, whoso surname, also, was Landaulet, and Boutwell of Groton, and Crcsswell, aud Belknap; And Delano begat Chandler, and Borie Legal Robeson, and Williams, ; whoso surnaruo, also, was Landaulet, begat Pierrepont ; (Aud the sons of Pierrepont. Bliss and Sherman. Ia those days, also, i were letters sent to the rulers of tha Provinces that they should seek to'1 establish nothing at the mouths of the witnesses; , Even as it was written : Let no guilty man escape;) And Boutwell of Groton begat Richardson and Saw yer, and Cresswell begat Jewell, and the offspring of Jewell was Hester. Ihe sons of Grant, r red and L lya ses, and his brotlier Orville : Ard Dent, aod Cramer, and Casey,, which were brothers-in-law, aud Mur p iy whose surname was Thomas, who sal at the receipt of customs ; And Corbin, and Leet, and Stock ing, and McDonald, and Magaire; and Shepherd, also, who was the Boss,, and Durrell, the wicked and unjust Judge, and Babcock, and Luckey; Then begao whisky thieves to pre vail upon the Face of the earth. . In that ni?hi, a! jo, wis leiknar, 1 Secretary Of ar, lmpeScUed These are the generation ' House oi Grant thar