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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1893)
THE QQLi VALLIS GAZETTE, FRipAY, APRIL 14, 1893. for Infants "Castarla ie to well adapted to children thai I rsgommend It as superior to any prescription i to me." IL A. Ahcheb, M. P., Ill So. Ozford St., Brooklyn, N. T. - " Ta use of 'Caatoria' Is so universal and its ram-its bo well known that it seems a wits: ot supererogation to endorse it. Few are the swtelligwnt families who do not keep Caatoria witfcicaasy reach." Casxo Marty, D. D. , New York CKy. Lata Pastor Bloomlnsdole Betormed Church. Tax Cijttaur : TAQUINA BAT l . B ater Front Business Lois, Residence Lots overlooking (he grand Pacific Ocean, II NYpm' ?B OTS m HY OF THE ftPDITlOHS To Yaquina City, or Tracts of from 1 to 5 acres on or near the Bay Also several small improved farms, where vegetables growfresh and green 12 months of the year if given half the care required in any, other state in the Union, at prices that will . ASTONISH THE NATIVES ! All those wishing to dispose of I heir properly can't put it in better bands than ours. Those wishing to invest will make money by call ing bi or ad dressing MES ROBERTSON & CO, NEWPORT, Benton County.' OREGON. W-f-fHiWr-. REE GOVERNMENT LKNDS - Viae as bba choicest iu California arc watting to be taken up lb the beautiful 1T-T S JL..JL oney Lake 7 Lassar. County. Cal. ttsayh fcHinli, ttshjaaosi aateaa a a Esaey Iak Tafley L&nA and Water CK av flXPLAMATtCm pHE BEAUTIFVL TlOKEY Z 49 larg area of One. level, loan j jf, - rotind4 and Kitchens, bjr fnuntaitvc, and ba a fine, miM climate jf, 1 mic jwmx annuN. riuncy -J-aicc hi a noay nctn water covering one btMM4rd statue w)4is. The N. C. O. Railroad has racaotlr been built into i tlx ValUy, and lite Great Sati Lake road through Backwith Pass wik aiao cress k. The land is easily cultivated and prodM extra targe crops whrat, oat, barley, hops, corn, alfatfa, re et tables, fxuit and stoox, Wcod . jS and water are plentiful1 and lumber cheap. The land can be tafcen p with j- - out residence under the Desert Act, in tracts of 40 to 30 acres by a mu -jr ft or woman, married or stnfile. ff We are building a large Water Systeoa far the irrigation of this land. . if We wane to get custom on lor the water we will have to sell, so will help X. js. you to got a picoe of k. The land will ut you $i-5 an acre to the Gov-rr-inent, s cents down, and Ji oo in four vcars. lhe Water (a Dcrneuial J6. rigrh and gooa snppJy), will cot J-6 3 B- and $$ eo oti delivery t the land for is asttfnoea so lor ciucoraers ey us w-unouc extra caar;e, a no toe SHngs if. under she lesert Act as recently amended by Congress, must show a water M eufaply hewe they wiH be accepted. HOHEY LAKE CI I Y. the town we are eetabhing, oilers good Jr eimnras for the establishaient of new businesses, and is well wcrth in- THESE LANDS CAN BC ' TAKEN UP WITHOUT RESIDENCES Under the Desert Act, affording a chance for the speculator $U well as the homeseeker. . . $ EMPLOYIVIENT AT Por Men and Teams oa the construction work, if you desire to make a J J home RE&TEMBER that these Lands are rich soil, on railroad now built, and : free, htmber cheap, and water plentiful. Good local as well as outside .4 markets. .The irrigation of these lands rSatelv orodttcuve. Send 4 cents in stamps Honey Lake FRED W. LAKE, Secretary Offloet 6 Hood Building, t SPECIAL EXCDRSIONS it i it' ARE BEING RUN FROM SAN FRANCISCO. and Children. Caatoria cures Colic, ConRtfpatfon, Sour Kiomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills 'Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, "Without injurious medication. For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and sLall always continue " do so as it has inrariably produced beneficial results." Sown F. Pakdes. H. D-, M TbS WlBttrop," 12Cth Strsot and Tth A7&, Now York CStJ. CosrpAjrr, 17 M or rat Stsbit, Krw voK. B t h-K 55 K -Mr ii ti tt LAKE VAIXEY OOWTalJfS A lniH!, all ready let- th plow, m mm- m. an acre to the Company; duwn its irrigation. All laud csBce business & 1 1 GOOD WAGES there level, all ready for the plow, with on line -of another, building. Fuel is makes them immensely and imme- J T 1 r X for full information to it V SAN FEANOISGO, OAL. tt- n i Yalley Land & Water Co AT REDUCED RATES WASHING ION LETTER. Washington, Apri! 3rd, 1693. Democratic senators are figura tively moving heaven and eanh to prevent the investigation of lhe charge ol" criminal embezzlement, made against Senator Itoach, of North Dakota, directed by Senator Hoar's resolution.. They first tried a bluff by slating that other sena tors were in the same boat with Iioach, and intimating that Power, of Montana, was one of 'their. That didn't work, not even a lillle bit, for Senator Power promptly denounced it as laise and demand ed the nio.-t searching investiga tion, two things v.liifh Roach lias n t done. The democratic sena tors have good reason to tear ain- , thing i hat promises to expose the true inwardness ol the election of Roach to the senate, which was brought about by special and ex plicit directions from Senator Gor man, who was chairman of the democratic senatorial "steering" committee. There is good reason for the belief that the actual facts in the deal by which Roach be came senator would, if made pub lic, cause a national scandal with more or less disgraceful ramifica tions in a number of states. The democratic senators are now mak. ing personal appeals to the mo.-t easy-going republican senators, to let the whole matter drop, because whatever the result of the inve. ti!l gation so lar as Koacn is concerneu it will bring a scandal upon the good name of the senate that will cling to it at home and abroad for many years. 1 have no authority to speak for republican senators, but I violate no confidence in stat ing that a number of them Lave made up their minds that some thing has got to be done, and if Roach doesn't resign before the senate gets through with the cases of the appointed senators, now un der consideration, they propose to have some action taken upon Sen ator Hoar's resolution, or to let the country know why. It has just been learned that the new pro gramme of the democratic senators is to force an immediate adjourn ment of the senate as soon as the cases. of the appointed senators are disposed of. They are perfectly willing to postpone the election of the senate officers until the meet ing of the extra session, which Mr. Cleveland has decided to call in (September, llie excuse given is that it will be impossible to keep 1 quorum ot senators here alter these cases are voted upon. It has been suggested that if the senate fails to act, Mr. Roach may be ar rested and tried in the criminal court lor embezzling the funds of the bank of which he was cash ier, but such a proceeding is not probable. . The break between Mr. Cleve land and ex Speaker Crisp, which last week looked as though it would result in bringing forward a new candidate for the speakership of the house, in opposition to Crisp and backed by all the influence of the administration, has been, how ever, it is now understood, patched up by ihe administration ol an ex tra heavy dose of humble pie to Crisp. It was not, however, forced upon him, but he went to Ihe white house and asked for it. Un der this agreement, which is much more humbling to Mr. Crisp than the one made ia New York just before the meeting of the last ses sion of congress, the Georgian is to be elected speaker of the house again and to draw the salary and perioral the routine duties of the position, but the real authority is 10 be exercised by Mr. Cleveland, who has already determined that Mr. Springer, chairman of the ways and means committee, shall not again be placed at the heads of those committees. The reason why Mr. Cleveland has not appointed a commissioner of pensions has leaked out. He has so far failed to find a man who comes up to all his requirements and is at the same time willing to pledge himself to do certain things which are to be required of the new commissioner. It has been, so those in his confidence say, de finitely decided by Mr. Cleveland that the commissioner must be an eastern man who does not belong to the G. A. R., and that he shall be willing to inaugurate a pystem of handling applications that will place as mauy restrictions and as much humiliation upon the appli cants for pension as can possibly be done by sti etching existing lan s to the limit, in the wrong directior, to say nothing to treating pension ers already on the rolls - as frauds who have 110 right to be there. Democrats are making a mare's nest out of the pretended new dis covery that ex Secretary of State Foster, who is in charge ot the in terest of the United States : before the Behring sea arbitration tribu nal, made a liberal allowance for expenses to the employees of the government who were ordered to Pans in connection with the arbi tration proceedings. This is a pop py-cock, pure and simple Would any business establishment send its employes to a foreign country without making .them an allow ance in addition to their salaries, t y pay their expenses? And is the wealthy government of the United States to treat its employees with less liberality than private firms? Common sense can have but one answer to these questions. AMEEICAN ISTEKTIOSS IX INDIA. Something- of Interest to all Ameri- - Cans. " K A Calcutta letter says that American In ventions and discoveries are &tst displacing the older ones of English manufacture in the Indian Empire. Thus, a few years ago, the American harvesters and reapers were en tirely unknown, where now there are many. The American telephone has been introduced in most of tho large cities. Stranger than all, the old-fashioned, huge pills are fast giv ing place to Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, or " P. P. P.," which were firs introduced in London some years ago by their American proprietors. . Every Englishman who enjoys good eating, must have his dinner-pill, and it is not unusual to see distinguished persons drew from their waistcoats a tiny little vial of theoo Pellets, and take one with their wine. After taking on you fool well, of duious ana consEipetea ; your sick Bseameae, dizziness and Indigestion aregone. It's done mildly and easily, too. These are tiny, sugar-coated, but thorough in results. One Pellet's laxative, three to four are cathartic. They regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels quickly, but thoroughly. They are guaranteed to give satisfaction. HOW'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars Ueward fur any case f Catarrh that cannot be cured ly Hall's Catarrh Ciire. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, O, We the undersigned, have known F, J. Chern-y for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry nut any obligations made by their firm. West & Truaz, Wholesale Druggists, ledn, Ohio. Walding. Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale, Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per hots tie. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials tree. SUMMONS. la the circuit court, of the stato of Oregon, for the county of Ber.lon. Jane Harris and A. E. Laws. Plaintiffs. 1" ti. I Suit in equity to R. C. It. Youujr. Mary E. Young, -foreclose mort- Davic H. Young, J, C. Sim- j gage. mons and J. M. Simmons. Defendants. J To R. C. R. Young, Mary E. Young, David H. Young, J. C. Simmons, and J. M. 8immons, defenJ. cuts. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled juit, within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upen you, if served within this county; or if it be served within any other county of this state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you; or if you be served by pub lication of summons, then on or before Monday, the 10th day of April, 1893; it being the first day of the resrular April term of said curt for 1893. And if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will, apply to the court for relief prayed for in the csatplaint, namely: For a decree, in favor of Jane Harris against R. C. R. Young, for SHOO, U. S. gold coin, with interest ia like gold coin, at the rate of ten per cent per annum ram January 2nd 1891, and for (100, as attorneys fse; and for a decree, in favor of A. E. Laws against E. C. R. Young, for 81000, V. S. gold coin with in terest, in like gold coin, at the rate often per cent per annum from January 1st, 1391, and for f 100, as attorneys fees; and in farorof both plaintiffs for the costs and disbursements against said defendent, K. C R Young; and a decree in favor of plaintiffs, and against all of said defendants, foreclosing the mort gage set out in the complaint, and decreeing that the mortgaged premises therein described, to-wit: Beginning on the bank of the Willamette river at the north-east corner of Samuel Gage's donation land claim Ko 67, situate in township 12 south range S west, running thence west, along north line of said claim, to the center of the state road; thence north, along said state road, to the south-west corner of the land conveyed by Harvey Young' and wife, to G. B. Smith by deed recorded in voL "E", at page 613, of the deed records of Benton county, Oregon; running thence east, along the south line of said Smith's land, 85 chains and 86 links, wore or less, to the bank of the Willamette river; thence southerly, following the meanderings of 3aid stream, to the place of begining; being a part of Harvey Young and wife's donation land claim, situate in township 12, south of range S west, in Benton county, state of Oregon, be sold by the sheriff of Benton county, Oregon, in the manner prescribed by law for the sale of real property, on execution; and that the proceeds, arising from said sale, be applied first to the payment of the costs and expenses of such sale, and of this suit; including the attorneys fees allowed and decreed therein, in favor of plaintiffs. And next to the payment of the amounts decreed to be due the said plaintifis respect- ively, herein; as above prayed for. And it said prem ses do not sell for euoueh to satisfy the same in full, then, that the same same be applied prorata to the payment of the said respective amounts decreed to be due plaintiffs herein; and for the deficiency, that they may have excutien against any other property of the defendant, R. C. R. Young. That at such sale the plaintiffs, or either of them, have the right to become the purchasers. That the defendants, and all persons claiming through or under them or cither of them, be forever debarred and foreclosed of all right, title, interest, estate, lein, or equity of redemption of, in, on, or to said premises, save only the Statutory right of re demption; that the defendants, J. C. Simmon, and J. M. Simmons pay and deliver over to the purchaser at such sale the rents and profits of said premises; and for such other or further rule, order or relief as tot be Court may seem meet and equitable. This Summons is punished tn trie uortauis Gazarrs, fur six weeks as to the defendants R C. R. Young, Mary c Young ana vavia n. zoung oy virtue of an order of the Hon. J. C.- Fullerton Judjre of said Court, made at chambers at Roseburg, Ore gan and bearing date February 23rd. Ib93. F. M. JOHNSON, 1 Attorneys tor J. R. BRVSOV. Plaintiff. Da i 4 February 23rd, 1893. j NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roskburg, Oke. IE. ) THAT March 8th, 189: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T the folli wing-named rettler has bled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the judge or county clerk of Lincoln county, Oregon, at Toledo, Oregon, ou Monday. May 1st, 1893, viz: William Keidy, on Pre emption V. a. Pio. 7470, tor the lots 2, 3, e of nw and ne of twj sec 31, tp 14 s, r 11 w. lie names the . iollowing witnesses to I rove his continuous residence upon and eul'ivntion of, said land, viz: B H Barwich, of Newport, Lincoln county, Oregon; D E Fm iietf , J P Wolfe, and A. Murk, of ('c ao View, Lincoln connty, Oregon. Jons H.'Shdpb, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons con cerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of M. J. Brigjs, deceased, by the County Court ot Benton county, Oregon; and all persons having claims against said ettate are hereby required to present the same to me, duly verified, at my office, at Corvallie, Oregon, within six mouths from this date. Dated March 3, 1893. J. R. BRYSON, Administrator Estate of M.J. Brings, Deceased. - MOTHERS RECQM M EN DATIOJI. We are acqcainted with many mothers in Centerville who wonld not be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house for a good many times its cost, and are re commending it every day. From personal exp3rience we can say that it has broken up b id colds for our. children. Centerville, '' South Dakota, Citizen, v 50 cent bottle for V M EBfl W IBS BK W .ffe'.ink M -m. J Swi-T rot UkarVM V. Vi Mete., BOcta., and SLOOper Crup promptly; relieves fFJtooying Caaah and SMksu. F'ir CeaMpia it btw bo rival; has tiupedth0uuda where eUaUiaM failed; will curb too if takeo in tuna, gold by Druggisis on ariuuwitee. Fox Une Bock or Chest, use BflHOH'i) risxHu. 45 oti iave Tmi iif u y-T-li TKt.Mm.,4. I.. toed to eure you. Price 60 eta. Injector frea, For sale by T. Graham. WE WANT YOU to act as oar agent. We furnish an sxpensrrc outfit and all you need free. It co.u iietninf to try the. business. We will treat you well, aud help you to earn ten times ordinary warn. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work ia spare time, or all the time. Any one auv where can earn a great deal of money. Many have mad Two Hundred Dollars a Month. Ko class f people in the world are making 10 much money without capital as those at work for us. Business pleasant, strictly honorable, and pavs better than ay a any other offered to agents. You have a clear field, with no competition. Wc equip you witsi everything, and supply printed directions for beginners which, if obeyed faithfully, will besug more money than will "any other business. Ia prove your prospects ! Why not ? You can do se easily and surely at work for as. Reasonable industry only necessary for absolute saecess. Pamphlet circular giving every particular is seat tree to all. Delay not in sending for it. GkOROIE STINSON A CO.. Box Ko. 488, Portland, Ke. HERE'S THE THAT GOES WITH A 35 Purchase -OF- iKziLiEiisriErs- All goods marked in plain figures, and each article a bargain in ituelf. To tlie winner of the horse will be pre sented a SADDLE AND BEIDDLE. Call atthe busy big store and get particulars of the drawing. The Rptrnlator of Low Prices. XT- IB- VOG-LE, Practic -al Watchmaker. BO WEN LESTER DENTIST. Office upstairs In Farm's Brick. Strirt'y First-class work gorantd. .--vTifsi .-. - Oregon Dr. J. M. Campbell, 3DE2STTI ST. Oorvallis, - Oregon. Office over First Nat jonal Bank. I. M. JOHNSON, IT0RIJEY AT LAW, 2l CORVALL1S, OH. JsyPnes a general t ractice in all the courts. Alec .real for all the first-class iusurancc companies. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons concerned that the undersigned has lieen appointed, as administrator ot .the es tate of Solomon K. Brown, deceased, by the county coart of Benton county, Oregon; and bas dnly qualified as such administra tor; and all persons having claims agaiust said estate are hereby required to preseut the same to me duly verified and with prop er vouchers, within six mouths from the date of this notice, at my' residence at Brown's bridge, about 2J miles south-east of Philomath, in Benton county, Oregon.. ':. S. K. Brows, Ad. of estate of Solomon K. Brown, dec. WARNING TO BICYCLE RIDERS. " All persons are hereby . warned not to ride bicycles ou any tide walk ifi-the-city Tof Corvallis. i . " : V Jotttt SertAFrOKD; . - . ' """.70 CBief of police. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CQR vallis Gazette, lite oJ4est pa per in Benton co. One year. $2 '-'.f mr -i swb k j - s ii-Nja CURB A new and Complete Trea- consisting of Sup positories, Ointment iu Capsules, also in box and Pills ; a positive cure for External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles and many other diseases and female weaknesses ; it is always a great benefit to the general health. The first discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary hereafter. This Kerned v has never seen known to fail. SI per box, 8 fur $5 ; sent oy man. way suner from tins t-rr bio disease wnen a written guarantee is s'ven with S boxes to re fund the mosey if uol cured Send xtauip for fre sample, uuaraniee issued tir oodahd, (JLiRKK 4 Co., Wholesale and Retail Drugtrits, bole Ajcriits. Poitland, Oregon. For sale liy Allen & Woodward anu oy uranaia s woruiam, Corvaliis, Oregon. THE PORTLAND SAVINGSBANK OF PORTLAND, OUEQOJT. Paid up capital Surplus and profits $200,003 . 00,000 Interest allow! oo sewings deposit as ioiiows: On ordinary savlnra books.... 4 per cent per annua Oa term saviug books...- par cent per annam for three months.. 4 per cent por annum ror iu raotiLiis d per cent per annum zer twelve mourns o percent per annum tllAiMlY Dl'.HljM, rresiilent. D. P. 'rH)Sll'8l)X, Vice President B.C. STtlA'rrOM. Cauier. H. L. Taylor, FROFRIBTOR OF THS Little Band Box Baiter Shop, Corvallis, Oregon. 2f"Sliaving, Lair cutting, dressing, dying, and shampooing. DISSOLUTION OP CO-PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore' existing between H. W. Hall and August Scholeinnn, doing busi ness under the name of Suhoelman & Hall, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Au gudt Schoelmau retiring from business. The business will hereafter be conducted at the old stand by H. W. Hall, who is authorized to collect all outstanding ac counts and assume all liabilities. August Schof.lmast. H. W. Hall. Dated, Ma-ch, 20, 1893. In retiring from the late firm of Schoel man & Hall I desire to return my sincere thanks to the public for the liberal patron age bestowed upon us m the past, and to bespeak for my successor a continuance of the same. August Scuoelman SANDER'S LATEST PATENTS WITH ELECTRO MACNETIC SUSPENSOfiY. BEST IMPROVEMENTS. Will ears Without MIUina .If ITMtaM. renltlns from o.erlax.tiOD of brain, n.rv. f.rewtexe.s.M or lBdlienti.a, u .exa .xhaaitioD, drmin., loc, nr.oa. Cvbilllj, il.rp. less..., luieaor, rb.uaiAtifm, kidney, Urer ul bl.d.w complaint., Imme back., Mi.tie senor tll-h..lia, te. Tbi. .leetrte bole wntaiD. W..J.rrnl Iapr.,.M..t. ov.r all otbera, and givu a current that im lnitantly r.t bj th. wearer or we forretft f 3,U0O, and will nr. .11 of tb. alv. diieaM. or a. pmy. Tbonaaoda kave bean cured bj tkli mar v.l.u. inrentiea after all other ramedles fallod, and w. gir. bundred. of In thla and every other atat Our powai-r.l UirUUVkD ULCITBIC SISPEKSOKT, th. matestboon erer offered it men.FHES WITH ALL SBLVS Health and vigorou. atre.gth tit ABANTKSD in SO U SO D.ti. tor Uluetratcd ramphleta, mailed, ...led, fraa. Addrae. aSJajKTXSXJXBT ELBCTRIO CO, Wo. I7S First St., PORTLAND. ORE. OME INDUSTRY! Fins Buggies and Carriages. will amply pay anyone for fieir time to go to THE CORVALLIS CARRIAGE Sc WAGON CO.'S FACTORY And see their Iare and extens've factory at Cor valli., Oreiroti. where tou can buy BtTGOIKS, CAR KIAGES AND NPRING WAGONS which, with proper care, a'ill last a life-time. T'hey are made of the finest tecond-growth timber and the best of ether material by that factory, where each piece i f maWial is taken from the rough and shaed in th s factory by machin sry designed for the purpose. Kach vehicle is finely painted in the most elegant style. All Joss ars Mads asd PutTooetiibr in Dry Sc m ra Wkatukk when tne timber is thoroughly dry, wbieh is not done with Eastern jobs, as mi'St Eastern riira shipped to thi. country arc built in winter and etriy spring when the weather is damp. Tne beauty of all these jobs js tbat they are all FULLT WAR &ANTI and sold at such REASONABLK PKICE8 at there is no excuse for anyone to ut t hommaisrig. C GIVEN TTftWflYTl ST"TnE CELEBRATED Rand, McNally !t Co.'s UNIVERSAL ATALS. The Hiatesty ilVtost Reliable, IVIost Complete ATLAS Published in the United States. For particulars address . - - J. STKVENSON, ; Gen. Agt. Pacitic Coast, Local agents wanted. Corvallis. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, sad all Pat . ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. - Oar OWoa is Opposite U. S. Patent OMes, and we can seenre patent in less time-than those remote from Washington. " Send model, drawing or photo.; 'Wtth desertp. tiori. - We advise, if patentable or not, free of . charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. - A Pamphlet, "How to -Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free.'- .AddreBS. - c.A.snow&co. s- Opposits Patent Oflce, Wssbtngloa, D. Or. 4 Scientific Ameriou Ipi" Atjeoey fCO2SAVsTr' : TRADS tBAJUL CAVbTAYIL 1 TRADS SBABksV I DtStCst satmt4. I aaa fm Handha. illXSt A OO- ail Baomwir. - Oldest bureau for seeurlao' nataata I Bvary patent taken out by w to BJSMiokti sua peblie by a notiee cvea fsee at etuwos iAicrett circulation of asv irfaniiflo r world. Splendidly Illustrated. HolS rear; S1.SU six months. Address UVYTftSaZ gUBi.THTiBaa, 31 Bro&away, A'sw Tetk Os. EAST MB SOUTH VIA , THE SHASTA ROUT OF THE Southern Pacific CompaiV Express Trains Leave Forllaad Doily. SOUTH. Lv Portland . . . . T:00 p. in. Lv Albany.... 10:23 p. Ill, Ar Sail Frisco 8:lfta.m. eats. Lv San Friee..,tyM fiSSyss Lv Alhany.. Ar 1'ortiaud Abnve trains stoo only at followiuir statlei of Koscbtirir. Flast Portland. Oreiron City, burn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Bhedda, Balaay, risburg, Junction City, Irving, l.ugene. Roseburg Mail Daily. y Portland 8:30 a. m. I Lr liosiburg.. .Tj y Albaur. ...12:45 p. m. Lv Albany 126 -:.r ?6 Ar Hoseburg.. .6:60 p in Ar Portland. ...4:SS Albany Local Daily Except ady.. lsavb: Portland.... abbivs: .6:00 p. .ni. f All sny t:S Si SS) n. f Ai n. l Lebanon Branca. 8:10 a m . ..Lv. . . Albany .. .. Ar. ..3slB y SSJ ; 9:00 a m. . Ar. . .Lebanon. ..Lv. . .S:N f 1 :20 p m . . Lv . . . Albany . . . . Ar . A9JB . sf 2:09 a in. .Ar. . .Lebanon. ..Lv ...ffaSOss) BS DINING CAPvS OX OGDEN R0UT& Pullman Buffet Sleepem- SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAM, Attached to all through traiusv -' itSlisIiylaiso. BETWEEK POUTLAVD AMD VORTAIUaV KiilTniL. r ;IzMpt Bulsy. " LRAVS. ARRIV Portland 7:30a. in. Corvallis... ,...1S:M . Sja Corvallis 12:55 p. m, Portland...... t-M p, B ' At Albany and Corval'is connect with traiaaf ts' Oreptou Pacifie Railroad. . ' ' Siprcst Triin. Sally Except Buday. t LKAVS. ARRIVB. - ' Portland 4:40 p. m. IfcUinnville... fftp. t M.Minnville... .5:45a.m. Portland, 8:i0s. tm THROUGH TICKETS- To all points in the Eastern Statas, CaBJuIja and Europe can be obtained at lowest rassjat from A. K. Milner, agent, Corvallis, ; , E. P ROGERS. Asst. O. F. & P Acs R. KOEIILEK lianaver. Portland, Origoa. OJNLT ; LINE RtfNNINS THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leayins Portland 8:15 A. If. 7:30 r. Jd. DAYS TO CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to 6t PaiV tZ Hours Quicker to CMcajtV 40 Hoars Quicker to Ornate" and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleeper? . Free Reclining Chair Cars Dining Cars. For rates and general information call on or adsVtM W. II. HUKLBUKT, Asst. Genl. Pass. Pass. A 264 Washington Street, eor. Third, PUKTLANO. OsV THE EBFOOT KOUTE Oregon Pacific Ballroad E. V. Hadley, Eeceiver, and , Oregon Pacific R. R. Co. STEAMSHIP LINE. 235 Miles Shorter; 20 Honrs Less tisssy . than by any other route. First class . through paastnger and freight lias f rests Portland, Eugene and all points in the Wis- . lamette valley to and from Sau Francisco, Cal. ' TIME SCHEDULE (except Sundays.) Leave Albany 1?30 p. m. I Leave Yaquina ' 7 a. Bf. Leave Cm vallis l:i)5 p . J Leave Conallis 104 " ? Arrive Taouina 4:35 p. ni Arrive Albany 11:13 a.J. Southern Pacific trains connect at Albany audi O rvallis. The above trains connect at Tannins W1MS the Oregon Pacific R It. C'o.'s lin. of steaunhips IrS- .. tween laquina and San Francisco. From Taqninn. Steamsliip "Willameite Valley." March ' 30th, 9 a. in., aad about every eight days. Frenn San Francisco. . ,-r Steamship "Willamette Valley," Apr 4ih. ri This Connauy reserves tlisiight to chsntfa sallins; t dsvs without notico. jl, B. Passengers from Portland, ': En- ? ifeHeandall Willamette valley points can t'y make close connections frith trains "of th;' Webfoot ronte at Albany or Corvallis, sort- i if destined to San Francisco, shosld arrange -. to arrive at Vaquiua the evening before dais) of sailing. , ' ' -: ' '-' ' Paseugr and freight rates always the) lowest. For informstion apply to-"-,.. . . It. K MULCAHY, Gen'L Ssp't.,' Oregon Pacific R. R. t'o., 7 -Corvallis, Orsi-on, D. E. VAUGHN. Genl. Agent, v No, 4 Sea Wall, San Francisco. Cal - - 82 w sale by T. Graham, Drngrmb