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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1893)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1893. BRIEF LOCALS. Sewing machine headquarters at J. Wm. Will's. Novelties in the stationery line at the Gazette office. Ladies' and children's hair cutting a specialty at Taylor's. Attorney McGinn, of Portland, is in attendance at circuit court. Furniture at cost price for 30 da- s Srt J. A. Knight's furniture store. New spring wraps, capes and jack ets, at Klins's. Nobby styles and low prices. The Yamhill river, like most strean s throughout the country, is reported on the rampage, For picture frames and fine mould- r ings go to J. A. Knight's furniture store, the cheapest and best place in town. J. B. Eddy, of the state board of railroad commissioners, favored the Gazette with a pleasant call Friday . last. Daniel Bailey, an Oregon pioneer of '44, died at his home in Tillamook March 29th, at the advanced age of 90 years. Inks, pens, pencils, blank books, en velopes, plain and fancy writing paper in great variety at the Gazette sta tionery store. The worlds' fair strikers have all gone to work again without gaining their point and everything is moving along swimmingly. Bert Johnson wields "the scepter'' and other quills and things in the Cipicity of deputy clerk during this terra of circuit court. Thomas Eglin is back from his health-seeking sojourn in various parts of California lor several months, con siderably improved by the trip. Ladies wanting a sewing machine will do well to call at A. Knight's furniture store and examine his new style "Davis Sewing Machine." Lawyers and clerks can find exactly what they want in the Gazette sta tionery store. A specialty made of type writer supplies. ,' Ford Potter of Independence, rep resenting the Talniage flouring mills of Chat vicinity, spent Sunday with friends in Corvallis. The vault that was used in the old court house has been sold to the county of Lincoln and was shipped r ti i - a . t., 1 t..c - iur X UICUU UU OitbUluaj mni. . Thia Friday, April 15th is Arbor day and will be observed by the pub lic school with appropriate exercises commencing at 1 o'clock, to which every one is invited. . For anything in the sewing ma chine line co to J. Win. Will. He keeps the largest assortment of extra parts, attachments, needles, oils, and Id e best of machines at the latest re duced prices. Wakted Everyone to know that Peterson keeps the fiest moulding and makes the finest picture frames in town as well as turning out the best job work. Shop two blocks south-west of public school. There is every indication that the narrow gauge road will be widened out to a standard gauge during this season. The company is now at work putting in a new standard gauge bridge south of Monmouth. Some people who own dogs in this eity ought to read section 5 of ordi nohce No. 30 of the newly published code especially that part beginning with the second line of that section. Due observance of that provision may save trouble. j Services at the Congregational church on Sunday at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Rev. R. C. Kantner officiating. Sunday school at iO a. m, Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. m. The Willamette association of Congregational churches will meet on Tuesday of next week at 2 p. m. Dr. H. S. Pernot arrived at Corval- li Sunday last on his return from the east. Having graduated from Belle- vue medical college, New York, the doctor will . now resume practice as formerly in the firm association of Applewhite fc Pernot. He is warmly - wolrnmorl hff lim muntf t I'lAIKl 3 in flue .city. There arc various cranberry marshes alonz the coast districts between the southern line of Oregon and the gulf jot St George. The Nehalem sec tion of the Tillamook coast has long been noted among local residents for its cranberries; and from just north of tfie Columbia river, in the Shoalwater bay country, barrels and barrels of the sfavortte fruit find their wav into the markets of the world every season. . In-the personnel of circuit court ingeraeit at its present term the absence of two familiar officials is strikingly noticeable. B. W. Wihon who as clerk has officiated continuous ly for the past SO years is kept away in this instance by ill health. C P. Blair, who has regularly acted in the eapuci y of bailiff for the past 32 years, is' also absent being on a rfojourn with relatives in Pendleton, Umatilla county. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastoriX AT HOME AGAIN. Mr. W. E. Paul gave his children and friends in this city a neat surprise on Tuesday last, by suddenly gliding in upon them without a word or a sign of forewarning on hjs return from his eastern trip. The graphic letters of Mr. Paul in dited froir. the homeland of hi fathers in New England, as well as elsewhere on the lines of his travels have been read with interest by read ers of the Gazette, an l the fund of incident with which his vivid ob servation has stored his mind is made all the more attractive as his friends receive them through personal recitid. Going by the Northern and returning Wy the Southern route Mr. P.uil made pretty much ot a cir cuit about Uncle Sam's domains, visit ing most points of interest and seeing a'l that was to be seen. At the na tional capital he inspected the great naval yards and noted all other points of progress that have taken place dur iiig the past quarter of a century. Within his panoramic imagery rise the colossal day structures of magnificence at Chicago, beside the modest old home of Washington at Mt. Vernon. From the benumbing blasts and mountain snow piles of New England it hurries him out into the withering sun-heat that registers 100 degrees in the shade upon the arid deserts of the Rio Grande. From among the varied conditions and characteristics of this natural American museum, he has brought many typical nioinentoes to exhibit as trophies t the trip that to him was an enjoyable ovation around the nation's Although a live ly student in his country's march of progress and lacking nothing in patri otic pride for the greatness of her in stitutions, Mr. Paul comes bac.k in spired with the feeling that the United States is really a bigger tiling than it used to be, and is destined to be a great deal bigger than it U now. He i3 warmly welcomed home by all ac quaintances. PEARLS. AMUSEMENTS. Two men named E. and P. Fagan, who have been prospecting this coast For some time in different mineral pursuits have now struck upon a lead which they think will yield tliem hand some results. .They were in this city Tuesday with several bottles of pearls such as are found in shell-fish and varying in size from an ordinary pea down smaller. They say they got the supposed jewels at the mouth of the Yachats river situated in the south western corner of Lincoln county, and it is surmised that they took them from the large, antique shell piles which abound in that section of the country. The prospectors were " on their way to Portland to have their trophies submitted to scientific test, and if they prove as good as the men imagine they will, .the deposit from which they came will prove a veritable bonanza for many people to take a hand in. It is the opinion of experts here, however, that the Yachats pearl will hardly supplant in the markets of the world, the gem of that name from the South sea islands. THE WItECK AT YAQUINA. A reporter of the Albany Democrat a day or two ago met one tof he sailors of the wrecked Alice Blanchard, now on a sand spit at Yaquina, who was on his way to San Francisco. The inau's version of the matter, an 1 he seemed to know wh it he was talking about, was that the boat was not very sea worthy, in the first place, aud the boiler and engine were too small for tha schooner. He was the only sailor on board. Three men who knew nothing obout salt water, were taken on at Tacoma to pay their way through to San Francisco. The b nt became un-m-mageab'e and simply drifted into the bay. There was no steam up at all, and no chain out of order as re ported. The vessel has not been got ten off, and probably will not be. The wheat is practically a total loss. .Richardson's examination at Rose burg Tuesd iy resulted in his being held in bonds of $5000- The opinion is expressed that no jury will ever con vict Richardson unless stronger evi dence is obtained. The next term of circuit court convenes the fourth Mon d.iy m June. CORVALLIS OPERA HOUSE. T. E. WILSOX, MANAGER. "ROSE DERUI, or LIFE'S STRUGGLE.' SPRING-! PBINGr! Friday, April 21st. This splendid attraction is a border drama, portraying life on the border during the mi. ing exoitemcut or California iu '49. It em braces humor and pathos, with intensely in teresting and witty dialogue, and splendid scenic effects. The plot is decided and requires some very good acting. The play is produced by amateurs, each and every participant being abundantly able to carry ont his part. Sea the cast of characters in next weeks papers. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE NOTES. The students have at last settled down to their studies of the new term, and good work is being done all along the lines. Cauthorn hall is now crowded to its full capacity, there being 94 persons preseut at meals. The base bull game with the Albany college nine has been postponed for a short time owing to the unsettled con dition of the weather, but it will un doubtedly take place in the near future. Marvin Chandler, a very popular student, returned to his homo in Baker City a few days ago. His leaving has created quite a gap in the ball nine, having played a prominent position in it; the I and will also miss him, both in regard to his musical capabilities on the bass and as president of tliac or ganization. He is mourned by the Athletic association and Ciceronian so ciety, having been president of these bodies also. RIVER NOTES. The Hoag maae her seaond trip of the week to this place yesterday morn ing, bringing a good load of general nil rjhaudis)', wagons, etc, and suite p tatoes. The river is at good boating stage, and traffic all along the line from here to Portland is unusually lively. The Bismarck is in Portland under going repairs, and is expected back up on the upper river about the 20th inst. At the dock in this city is a largo accumulation of freight for Monroe, consisting of merchandise andfarm machinery, awaiting shipment by some of the boats which ply above here, when they get back npon the line. The many friends of Aunt Eliza Starr the first of the week received with sincere regret information that she had suffered a stroke of paralysis and at last accounts was in a ci ideal condition. She is 83 years of age and has been iu poor health by spells for some time. EBBFfiofBgSiKaEa- Onr new Spring Stock is now arrivro?.. We will show this season a much larger and more attractive stock that ever before ! So much depends on the quality you use that in it akins your purchases it is -well to consider the nneRtirtn - WHERE IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY V Our Goods are reliable and satisfactory. Our aim is to produce the BEST GOODS, and the reputation that we enjoy fully attests the success of our efforts. gtr-'Ye want your trade in MEN'S, YOUTHSVBOYS' and C II I L DRIB'S CLOTHING! that you may need, and our prices are consistent with the quality or grade. Our Men and Boys' Furnishing (ioods Department is very complete. Full lines of Overs hirts in Silk, Madrass Cloth, Cheviots, Silk and Wool, Sateens and Bedford Cords ; Underwear in Silk and Wool, Summer Merinos, Balbriggan, Cotton Flannel, Lisle and Twill ; Fine White Dress Shirts. High Grade Neck Dress, in all the new shapes and colors; Col lars, Cuffs, Hosiery, iu Silk, Balbriggan, Lisle, Merino and Wool; Suspenders. Shoulder Braces, Tennis Belts, Night Shirts. Etc., Etc. Every day or two witnesses a new "fleecy mantlo" on the hills just west of the city, while the mountains loom up a picturesque back ground just be yond, decked in their blending shades of emerald and the ermine in sightly contrast. The general verdict is that "its sort'o pretty; but its awful bindin' on craps" and jeople. PAY YOUR DOG TA X. All owners of dogs m the city are hereby notified to pay the tax on such dogs and get collars (or the same at once, according to the ordinance now order ed to be enforced. Pay taxes to the city treasurer. J.' R. Scraffobd. Chief of .Police. J. L. Underwood, photographer over postoffice. J. G. Fehler and Mrs. Mary Noble were we lded in thisicityj Monday eve ning, 10th inst., County Judge Huf- ford officiating. The First National bank ot Corvallis wants to loau twenty thousand .lollars more 10 its regular patrons- 111 the usual course of banking. Deposits received from customers in the usual lines of business. Exchange drawn direct on the principal cities of Europe and America. Call and get a circular explaiuiui; the benefits derived by osing our "Auxiliary safety deposit banks" at your own home. FIREMEN ATTENTION ! A department meeting will be held at the hall of Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, on Mon day evening next at 8430 o'clock, to consider the matter of dedicating the new fireman's hall, to appoint committees of arrangement necessary for such occasion, etc. B. R. JOB, Chief Engineer. A NEW DEI' ARTTJKE. i Brine your lvitter. poultry and essa to "Wheeler & Laogley and they will give you in- return fr tnein, groceries, crockery, glassvtref dry goods, clothing, hoots and shoes, cutlery, hardwire, furniture, sewing machines, etc , in lace anything trom a (ish hook to a threshing machine. Ira Bowers, a former retident of Corvallis but now of Tacoma, u back on a visit with friends in the city. Looking Forward. Judging the future by the past, no Baking Powder in the near future will in any way approach the superior qualities and purity of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder The Queen of all the Baking Powders in purity, strength, wholesomeness and efficacy. The favorite in every kitchen. Dr. Price's is a Pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder, and so pre-eminently superior to every other that it must remain without a rival in the future as in the past. SPEGIAL BARGAINS! HOTN CLOTHING! Ts aT Trunks, Valises and Satchels FOR THE B0YSt- We have purchased at a Big Discount from a local merchant (who has retired from the Clothing Business), his entire stock of Hsa's, Young Hsn's.Bojs' and Childrens Cloth's We now offer the same to our patrons at prices never be fore approached in this section. The following prices will give buta remote idea of the IMMENSE BARGAINS offered To fully understand and appreciate them every wearer of masculine apparel should call and see them. t5f35 to 50 per cent, under Kegular Prices. Men's fi 00 suits for 33 75 lien's 7 60 " " 5 60 Men's 10 00 " " 7 50 Boys' 1 50 " " kneepants 1 00 Buys' 2 00 1 50 Boys' 5 00 suits long pants. 3 50 r .11 Finer Grades at corresponding prices. HATS. Sin all the new and nobby styles,) Sfor Men, Boys. Young Men and) SChildren. JfWe can fit any; isnapci neac, witn tne appliea- Hion of our new French Hat Con- )formeter, With each Suit, worth $3 00 rr mnro a give free a Bat and Ball. WE ARE AGENTS F0Rn- James Means' $3.00 Shoes and Gold and Silver White Shirts. jShoes and Slippers. )Our Shoes are all lioufht direct) )from the Manufacturers. Fine) )Shoes, Medium .Shoes, Heavy) )Shoes, Baseball and Bicycle) JShoes. The prices and styles) jre correct. WHEN YOU VISIT OUR STORE Ask to see our Men's All Wool Suits $10 00.- CORVALLIS P - v. si vims HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOTHING. COUNTY COURT. At the April term of the county court of Bentoa county held last week, the following proceedings were had: BILLS ALLOWED. S L Kline, jumpers v .$ 2 75 O J Treese, hauling wood 7 50 Wheeler & Langley, paupers ... 3 05 A F Peterson, furniture c. h. . . J 7 50 A Hoils, paupers. 2 50 W W Hill &, Son, paupers 10 00 Buchanan & McKisson " 10 00 John Bier, ceiling room in court house basement 13 50 Frank Conover, printing 7 G5 Simpson, Huston fe Co., road supplies 11 50 Glass & Prudhomtne, bocks and stiilionery 35 50 City Transfer Co, drayiige ..... 2 00 Times, printing 19 50 Win Graham, doctor paupers. .. 11 25 Frank Turney, janitor March . . 35 ( 0 R LCasteel, supervisor 16 00 E Emi-ick, paupers 82 75 Corvallis Electric Light Co., light for March 27 00 Corvallis Water Co., wood c h. 22 50 MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. Boundary line between road districts 23 and 25 was changed m accordance with petition therefor. John H. Ricknrd, district No. 24, and B. Franlz, district No. 8, were ap pointed supervisors to fill vacancies in those districts. Adjourned. It will be to your advantage to step into Nolan's store and see the stacks of goods already there, wnile' many more are constantly arriving. One is thus assured fo the fact of which he was well persuaded before, that the proprietor has stated the truth in chiming to have this year the largest and most attractive stock of mens' youths', boys' and childrens' clothing, fhrnisdiiiig goods, hats, shoes, neck ties, etc., ever brought to the city. There are a lot of "special bargains" in clothing, which for. prices on the quality of goods defy the record of the past. It will pay you to call in and see for yourself, examine goods and be convinced. ON THE RIGHT TRACK. We are railroading our goods on every train. There has never been a time in the history of the busi ness of Corvallis when ONE DOL LAR wouln buy a? much as it now does at Kline's. Here are a few of our prices we hare othors to match and lots of more coming. ;ood s on hand HERE'S THE LIST. CONDENSED STATEMENT -OF- First National-Bank of Comallis, OEECJON. At Close of Imm Huh 27th, 1393. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts. j.. SH1.-184.68 U. 8. Boudg, lour per cents 14,500 Furniture and Fixtures 3,739.52 F.xpenses paid 2,013.21 Cash on Hand and 8ight Exchange. ...... 31,252.34 Due from U. S. Treasurer 562.50 J173.552.25 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid up. 50,000.00 Surplus 2,000.00 Undivided Profits 6-931 31 Our National Bank Notes 11,250 00 Denosits 104,354.32 Due to Banks Pearline, 2 pkgs, for $ 25 Axle grease, per box 10 Dr Price's baking powder, 1 lb. can, Soda crackers per box, Sapolio, 3 bars lor Bird seed, 3 pkgs. for Extra quality roll oats per lb 19 lbs. granulated sugar 20 " extra O 20 " No. 1 Island rice, 25 " beans, 4 papers Arbuckle's coffee, 2 cans choice corn, Choice tomatoes per can, Japan tea per lb., Price's or Pioneer bak. powder, 1 lb. cans, each Matches, 2 pkgs. for Eagle chocolate per lb. Star or Climax plug, A. & II. soda, 4 lb. pkgs., Clothes pins, 4 doz., Pie fruits, 8 cans, Box soap, 20 bar., " raisins, All other articles at equally low rates. We want your patronage and know that by giving you good class of goods at prices above named you will only serve your self by buying of us, as by so doing we will be able io continue these rates. Now is the time to lay in your spring goods at THE BUSY, BIG STORE. FREE TRIAL. TTT 1 H Suffering from youthful er- W CCMk UJLClirorg, loss of manly vigor Varicocle, etc. Dr. DuMunt'a Nerve PHU will effect a speedy cure by its use, thousands of eases of the very worst Kinn ana 01 long standing have been re stored to perfect health. 15.000 testimonials from all over the world. Price per package $1.00, six for $5.00, trial package sent securely sealed for 10 cents postage. - Address lr. K. DjMont, 9S S. Halsted St., Chicago, 111., U. 8. A. 40 GO 25 25 05 00 00 00 00 00 25 10 25 1 00 05 25 45 25 .10 1 00 1 00 75 Fine, new col tage, nicely situated, with four lots two of them water-front lots on Alsea bay at Waldnort : a so. 1 20 acres nf land on tl Vahofr river, 2 miles from the ocean beach; considerable bottom land, bal ance heavy green timber, comprising fir, spruce and cedar. For ten days or less the whole combination is offered at half the going price of such property. -Wilhout. blowing or humbug here is a chance tor t lie bet real estate bargain ever offered in this section of the country. For a few da-s only call on or address the Corvallis Qa zettn for particulars. INCORPORATED 1851. Massachusetts has the Best insurance Law in the United States. THE- MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. hPand' ra?dra"P gSsues the most .Liberal Policy of any company. jH?See that your Poi:'cy has CASH AND PAID UP VALUES ! CfiyOuaranteed Each Year. AND TAKE NO OTHER 1 Write me for particulars. tecs Insurance after two years. Cash dividends paid each year. Take no other till you see thia H. C. COLTON, Cen. Agt.,242 Stark St., Or M. S. WOODCOCK, Portland Or First National Bank, Corvallis. url,anB' w 0 jS8yIIave you seen those Have you seen those, 16.62 i $173,552.25 ladies' tea. Is a pf asant drink, which will be borne l.y the stomach without nausea or criping. It acta thor oughly on the liver, kidneys and reproductive or gans. " A gentle physic, efficient diureiic, and is m-wt cse'nl in scant or painful mensuration. It aids oige tirm. and reduces corpulaniy; clears the complexion, rendering it fair, and restoring the natural tone of the skin, for it removes tUe bile which, by accumulation, produces the sallow, mud dy complexion, peculiar to tlic constipated state, bold by all druigpsts- s LAD ES ONLY. D1. DU MONT'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS are always safe and reliable. 12,000 testi monials from ail over the world. . Beware of danger oussubstitnt s and imitations Price 32.00 per pack age. Sent by mail securely sealed from observation. Address lr. R. DuMont, SS S. Halsted St , Chicago. 11L, U. a A. GLOVE S'ALE AT KLINE'S. An entire line of 50 & 75 eta. cloves re. dujed to 25 eta. per pair .to close oat tbe I EAUTIFUL HRESS HOODS ! --A.T- x J n 1 A r TJT TD 9 O ' fs-teTfe Everybody says lie lias the Nicest Assortment in the City ! WHY t will pay you to 6lep in and take a look. He has a beautiful line of Black and Colored Sateens, IPlain and Fancy Ueiros?, Brandenberg's Shallies and Tanle Veilings, pHe is still the Leader in Kid Gloves. OHANGHD HANDS! Having purchased the Stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware of SISlSrSalX.E & BELL I am prepared to meet and. deal with the people of this vicinity upon the following piatfoi-nv I will not be Undersold; Everything in Stock First-class and Fresh; v I shall deal on the square fn all cases; . . Call and examine my Stock and Prices SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED CUSTOMERS FOR 30 DAYS. E. 33. HORjSrTJSTG