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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1893)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, .APRIL 14, 189S. HSU ED CVCRT FRinT MORXUIS (T FBAITK CONOVEB, -w83CFIIPTION RATES ra ?r....... fr Mont .1 TVirM Uoi-.ha Stalls Cop-- Sim fear (wUod oot Mid la advance).... ..HM .. 1 00 .. 7S .. 64 , IM the nmiiRisa sea question. Ihe cases and counter cases in ...the Bearing sea matter were simul taneously male public some days ' norn holn in llio ITiiiffxl Nt!itfs anil . irrpr. itririiTfi iwa f.Kt fit t I h United States sets forth that prior IJ HIO .-.SMIUM ll IU Lilt United States, Russia asserted and exercised an exclusive right to the seal fisheries in Behring sea; that Great Britain, not having objected to such exercise of exclusive right must be regarded as having assent to the same; that Behring sea was not inciuuea in me pnrase xraciii, ocean as used in the treaty of 1825 between Great Britain and Russia; that all the nshts or ltussia in re- ' a. j - ii. i i: : : . . tj -1. spec, to me seal nsueiies in rea ring sea east ot of the water bound- arv esiaonsneu ov uie treaty 01 I il. - 1 L-- C March 30th, 18G7, passed unim paired to the United States under that treaty; the United States has such property and interest in the Alaskan seal herd as to justify the employment upon the high seas of means reasonably necessary to pre vent the destruction of the herd; that compensation should be made Co the United States by Great Britain by tho payment of the Amount of the losses of lire United States, and that in case it should be considered that the United States has the full property or pro perty interest asserted by it, it should then be decreed to be the international duty of Great Britain to-concur with the United States in the adoption and enforcement against the citizens ot either na tion of such regulations, to be de signed and prescribed by the arbi trators, as will effectually prohibit and prevent the capture anywhere longing to the Alaskan herd. Great Britain starts from the claim that Behring sea is an open sea in which all nations of the world have the right to navigate and fish, and that ihe right cannot be taken away or restricted by the mere declaration of any one or more nations; that no mere non user or absence of exercise has any effect upon the rights of nations in the open sea, and that in the exercise of these rights the subjects and vessels of various nations nav igated and traded in that sea with out interference or control by Rus sia down to the year 1821. The Russian ukase of that year at tempting to close the sea, was the ease continues, protested against by the United States and Great Britain, and in the year.;i824-25 Russia withdrew her pretension and concluded treaties with the United States and Great Britain, which recognized the rights of the citizens of both countries to navi gate and fish in' the non-territorial waters of the sea. From the date of those treaties to the time of the cession of Alaska, the case adds, the right to navigate, trade and iish in the non territorial waters of Ihe sea was recognized; the cession et Alaska did not alter the rights of other nations in the sea and, in fact, no attempt to interfere with those rights was made until the VAO 1 0? ' Thk finding of the boats of the White Star steamer Naronic leaves ery little doubt remaining that this vessel has gone to the bot 'tom. The actual fate of the steamer may never be known, but the theory generally advanced is .!. i. l n:.i.i m. tiui- one una cumuvHi wuii uue i the large number of abandoned 6hips that are known to be floating about, and gone down with many precious lives. These renegade wrecks are almost all loaded with lumber and I hey keep afloat for a long time. Floating icebergs are another danger which constantly menace shipping, and no one will probably ever know whether these, or a dereliet, or a broken shaft, or some other accident, sealed the fate of the good ship Naronic. Ik the evolutions of recollections' throughout the state Richardson, the Rice Hill "hero," is turning out to be quite a hydra-headed scoundrel, Astoria people at once recognized his phiz as that of a persistent house burner of that city, some montns ago; and now a Salem, woman has spotted him as a figurer ia the terrible Lake La bish train wreck of a couple of years ago, . The old saw, "murder will out" may have taken a pecu liar turn in furnishing foxy Mr. Richardson the ropetohang himself . with. , - . :-- - - fihildren Cry for Pitchers Casttw'a. The opening day for the world's fair draws near. . The railroads have so far come to no arrange ment as to special rates, and their reluctance in considering matters to that end indicates that no gen eral scale will be decided upon. It may be that no material reduc tion will le made by mutual agree ment, but the season can hardly pass without a cut rate war that may be carried to disastrous lengths on the part of the railroads, and have a tendency to run them down to where efficient and com fortable carrying service will be impossible with them. There is a medium basis which would be fair and satisfactory to tho public. People could be carried to the lair and back in decent shape at such rates. Below that basis the railroads would either be ridden to demoralization, or the service they must furnish would be worse than poverty stricken. Meantime the little repartee going on be tween Chicago people and the railroads, to an outsideris some what interesting. The former criticises the latter waspishly for not making low rates. The roads retort that the Chicago c'enizens make no rates for visitors that are not calculated to "hog" every cent they can got, and still they expect the roads to reduce fares to pal try rates to allure larger crowds into the "hoggin";" precincts of Chicago. That's about the size of it, by the way. Heub are some census facts that may be of interest to American workmen: In the decade of 1880 and 1S90 more than half the Ital ian immigrants, nearly 60 per cent of the Hungarians, 35 per ceut of the Austrians and Bohemians, 40 per cent of the Irish, 20 per cent of the English, 18 per cent of the Germans and 10 per cent of the Scandinavians who came to this country during that decade re turned to their native lands. 'Pi l e 1 : l iucse peupie ui uuuise, Uiu iiui come here to become citizens, but to earn a small capital and carry their savings home with them. In their native countries a compara tively small sum constitutes a com petence, and they acquire it not by demanding and receiving Ameri can wages, but by living in filth and squalor, saving every dollar that they earn and contributing nothing tothe support of prosperity of the country that enriches them. What a funny figure our "protection" sys tern has cut in the light of such work as that. A touching episode in the world's great drama is noted in the death of Nellie, daughter of Sena tor Vilas of Wisconsin, while her father was away on a fishing tour in Florida and could, not be reac Il ea, .bora man logo fishing is one of the most casual of incidents. To return and unexpectedly find a dessolate void in Ihe family circle, and a new grave embracing in its dread folds the form of a be loved child, must be an incident to impress the heart with a pain that 13 not blotted out of the memory while memory lives. When Russia was the owner of Alaska her claims upon the Beh ring sea were well established and duly recognized by the powers tak ing any interest in those water?. That was before American enter prise and capital had developed the seal resources into a munificent line of commerce. Now Russia sees the matter in a different light. If the United States shall be de feated in the arbitration now going on, Russian influence will be main ly accountable for it. , "Tub entrance into Portland har bor of a ship direct from Antwerp, discharging in part at Redondo, Cal., and passing Astoria unchal lenged, with the blood red signal of danger written by our consul across the face of her register, is an outrageous menace to the health and safety ot our community and the people of this coast," very cor rectly asserts the Portland Wel come. An important question if J where was that pampered "health officer" down at the mouth of the river abont this time?- Last year we used in this coun try 149,482 tons of European beet sugar at a cost of probably $12, 000,003, which we could just as well have made at home. j On the 1st day of July next South Carolina takes the saloon business under government, di rections. All retail establish ments such as saloons and bar rooms will be in the possession of the state, and no private individual can carry on the business. With out further information as to the details of the law, what opinion can one form on such a novel and radical system as is suggested by the bare statement so far having reached remote parts of the coun try? We can figure it only from an alogy. Evidently the "bar keepers" must be appointees of the state government. Will they be under -civil service reform" regulations, or will they be simply another branch of beneficiaries added to the "spoils" system? It is gener ally understood that there is noth ing more potent in politics than the saloon influence. If that be true, what a powerful leverage it may be made, as a state institu tion, for the party that has the ap pointing power. It may be that bar-keepers" will be more trust: worthy and exemplary for the commonwealth than they would in private station, seeing that a "public office is a public trust," but the chances'are, if the success of a political party was in any way connected with it, such party would be very likely to win honor or no honor.- Still, this is speculation in the dark. It may be that the South Carolina law, in its true; inwardness, is all right, re spectable and judicious. Yet it seems that there is, above all, a practical figure possible to be drawn under it which can hardly harmonize with ordinary moral logic. If a man, in a drunken freak should commit some crime, go to the penitentiary, and after wards be pardoned, the same hand that signed the pardon would be the one that bought the whisky and sent it out on its mission of crime, and that would be none other than the hand of the man the people of the state had chosen to be their governor. As a mat ter of reciprocity that would be compatible enough, but in the light of righteous ethics what sort of a figure would it cut in the name of civilized government, any way? What is regarded by democrats as a very extraordinary ruling has just been made by the postoffice department. It is that fourth class postmasters are supposed to be appointed for a term of lour years, and they are permitted to serve out their terms. From time immemorial fourth class post masters were simply appointed to serve at the discretion of the department. A Great, scheme is on foot in which the Union Pacific company appears to be preparing to build into the midst of the rich coal beds of iheNehalem country between the lower Columbia river and Til lamook, with the evident intention of developing the same on a large scale.- There' millions in that project, both for the company and the country it will affect. Business failures in the United States during the past three months, as reported to Bradstreets, number 3. 069, a smaller total, with one exception, than has been reported for eleven years. At last accounts the mechanics on Ihe wor 's fair work had all been called off by union orders on a strike. The contention was for an 8-hour a day schedule. . CENTRIC. "Pap.-', if yon want your little boy To have his h art just full of joy-, Give to him five cn' or ten. So he can buy a CENTRIC PEN." For sale t the Gazette 'stationery .tore. Vatnre should be assisted to throw off Impurities of the blood. Nothing does it bo well, so promptly, or so safely as Swift's Specific CURES IIAURIAL poison LttJS HAD NO CHARMS. For three years I was troubled with mala rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and life lost, all its charms. I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but to no effect. I could get no relief. I then decided to try f?V A few bottles of this wonderful UmmJ medicine made a complete and permanent core, and I now enjoy better health than ever. J. A. Rick, Ottawa, Kan, Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga, rt- Possoii 's Seeds HE" ALSO HEADQUARTERS FOB BEE SUPPLIES. FERTILIZERS. SPRAV PUriPS. ETC. NOTES FROM OUR XEIGHBOS. Eugene's recent city election went '-saloon license" by a small vote polled majority. The total was 732. The schools of Lane county cost the people- $58,468,95 the past year. Th roughout the valley there has been an unusual amount of rain the past two weeks and the ground cannot hold all that has fallen. The river has raised sev eral feet, something unusual for so late in the spring. . There occured a freak of the fire fiend nearMt. Scott when the fine residence of John Matz, at Tobas co, was partially destroyed by fire Saturday, evening during the ab sence of the family. It appears that a lamp must have exploded but t he fire did not get on the out side of the house. The rooms were tight and there was no draught. All the furniture in the room was burned or charred and the fire ex tinguished itself. When Mr. Matz returned and opened the door he found the inside of his house a blackened ruin. His damage is several thousand dollars. CHOLEKINE IX PENNSYLVANIA. Swickley, Penn.: We hail an epidemic of cholerine, as our ptiysiciaus called it, in tin place lately ami I made a great hit with Cuamherlains Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remedy. I sold four dozen hot ties of it in oue week and have since sold nearly a uross. This .Remedy did tb work and was a big advertisement for me. Several persons who have been troubled with diarrhoea for two or three weeks were cured by a few doses of this medicine. P. P. KNArp, Ph. G. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by T. Graham, Diuggist. MARCH WEATHER SUMMARY. The following ia a summary of the weath er for March as furnished by John Ful ton, volunteer observer, of Oregon State Weather Service, at Oregon Agricultural College: Elevation above sea level .319 feet Mean temperature.... 44.3 Maximum temperature CI. Minimum temperature (Mar. 1) 26 deg. Mean maximum temperature. ... .51.8 deg. Mean minimum temperature 35 3 deg. No. times min. temp. . . .32deg or below, 8 Total precipitation.... 4.45 in. Prevailing direction of wind SW Total movement of wiud C02(! miles No. of cloudless days ..; .....4 No. partly cloudy days No. of cloudy days 19 No. of days on which rain or snow fell. .19 Date on which hail fell ,8th Dates on which snow fell 9ch, 12th Date of light frost, 13th Dates of killing or injurious frost. . .1st, 2nd Date of lunar halo .' 2nd John Fultox, Observer. ORUSTS AND SCALES Hair and Eyebrows Fell Off. Doctor and Many Remedies Mo Benefit. Entirely Cured and Hair Kestorcd by Cutlcura. My wife has heea troubled for yenra with dry crusts and scales on bcr bcud and eyebrows. After seeming to lie dormant for years tn her system, it broke ont over a ear ago in all its fury. Bar hair cam out in big patches, Iter eyebrows all fell off. and she pre sented a pitiable condi tion. 'W e tried almost everything, but sbo continued to gt worse. Then we tried one of onr best phy. sicians, out sit io no purpose. Finally ray wife believed that tho Cuticura Remedies would cure her. After she bad uned Dine boxes of Cuticuiu, ana aoout a aozen cakes of Cuticuejl Boap, and fonr bottle of Coticuha Resolvent, she was cured entirely. Her hair came on again, and to-day she has as fine a head of black early hair and as smooth skin as any lady in Allcntown. Der eye brows are heavier than they ever were, her scalp is free from d and raff , and her nealth is ezce llent. Sow for the benefit of those suffering with same disease, orto those who may doubt tho truthfulness of this statement, write me, inclosing a stamp, ana J will cheerfully answer. I am sure that the Ccti cuba Renames eared my wife, for she need noth ing else during the four or five months she used tnem. (KutMAfi eiuisKfiK, 225 pourt Street, AUentown, Pa. Cuticura Resolvent ' The new Blood and Skin Purifier, internally, and C'UTictJRA, the great Bkin Cure, and Cuticura Boap, the exquisite Bkin Beantifier, externally, in. stantly relieve and speedily cure every disease and humor of tho skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of nair, from lniancy to age, irom pimples to scrornia. Sold everywhere. Price, CunctmA, 50c.; Boap, 25c.: Resolvent, (1. Prepared by the Pottes Dbco and Chemical Corporation, Boston. tS" " How to Cure Bkin Diseases,' 64 pages, 60 Illustrations, ana testimonials, manea iree. DIDV'C Bkin and Scalp pi Oku I O by cuticuba so inrified and beautified oaf. Absolutely pore. WEAK, PAINFUL BACKS, Kidney and Uterine Pains and Weak nesses relieved tn one minnte by the Cnticarsk Antt-Psln Plaster, tbe only iffftnrrtPivfMT pain-killing plaster. EC. Gr. 3DA.VIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. COEVALLia, OBEOOK. Legal business promptly attended to in any part of U1D OIAW, - Office in Postoffice Block, B. S. MARTIN, , Kotary Public and ; Conveyancer. Especial attention given to collections of every description. . ; OFFICE IS ZIE ROLF'S BLOCK, CorvaUis, : : Oregon. WALL J?AJEIR - 10 cents per doable roll. Send 2-eent stamp for sample. - -- - SCHOFIELD & MOEGAN, iws iniru m., roruana, w. flPjf This "ad" sent to us with a request for Catalogue is good fox 0JetOO&-wwr I This "ad" sent to us with a fifteen cents on your first order. And Inspect the New While competion is blinking' its eyes and wondering what we're goinjj to show next, we beg leaee to inform, the public that we THE FINEST LINE OF FANCY & ALSO A FULL LINE OF SMOKERS AUTICLES. REMEMBER, we have no Compeditors IN PINE TEA-S, COFFEE, AND SPICES. 11 goads warranted to be as r THE PIONEER BAKERY -Until further notice will tSUCCESSORS TO SCHLOEMAN & HALL It willl be onr aim to keep on hand on a supply of VERY SUPERIOK GOODS usualy kept by first class bakers. It is our purpose to give our patrons Good Clean Food and as much of it as we can for the Money. "LIVE AND LET LIVE," SHALL BE OUR MOTTO. 13" We are going to try and run this business right, or not at all. We ask the people for their patronage and assure them that we will give them full value for thei; money. DR. TAFT'S Instead of flying to the door gasp ing for breath, seeming as if each one would be your last, voa have only to take a few iosm Astfamalsfla whan the spasn is fewkaa, tiMtoea&ln beeemes easy and you feel ac if an angel of mercy had wn4sed the iron grasp cf the finpers of death. The haprJest moment of your life wrM be whew you have uaed a few bottles of Dr. Taff ASTHUALENE and it has cared yoh of gaa mn and prov . Asthma. We mail to any Asthma autfarer atrial bottleVsm R m ftfel That It dots sold by druggists. Dr. Taft Bros. M. Co., Rochester,n!.Y s 1 easi Baa cure MORE GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY AT THE New Clothing- Store. WE LEAD, ALL OTHERS FOLLOW IN STYLE QUALITY ill PRICE We have the finest line of glove fitting clothing ever shipped to the Pacific Coast. Every article a bargain in is self, call mid ex amine find be convinced. We have a fine line of samples from the best tailors in Chi cago, call and get measmed for a suit at a much less price than you have heretofore paid. A good fit guaranteed or no trade. Call for Bonaparte pants, all wool and sewed with silk, no others better. WE HAVE COME TO STAY. Fisher's Block, CorvaUis, Oregon. FISH & STOVES, TINWARE, Plumbing and Tin IN All Roads Lead to Chicago. THE CHICAGO,! ZIL LEAD S THE VAN. Excursion Rates to MADE TO ORDER Our New Spring Samples for Custom made Clothing have arrived, c- We take meas ures for Suits and Single Gar ments and guarantee a good fit or uo trade. Headquarters for Men's Outfits. CLOTHING request for Catalogue is good for Goods being displayed by have on hand, and constantly arriving STAPLE GROCERIES IN THE CITY .presented. V;i esale tn-1 Retail. be under the management of- F. L. MILLER, Dealer in Clothing, Men's Furnishing Co.;t.s, Sec. MURPHY, PLUMBIFJC, - Work a Specialty. WAUKEE & ST. PAUL the World's Fair. Main St , Op. Cameron' Store. . A qmet room. Good Books. Current Pa pers and Periodicals. Tbe public invited, strangers especially welcome. Per Order of W, 0 T. U. OTurnished rooms (op tain) to rent. '.'It is worth the rice to pverv Derson who even reads a newspaper. "Darlington Jour nal. - - THE JOURNAL BEFEB3 TO BY -A.. GK XvTE-VIITS. A Pocket Primer for the use of Reporters, - Short, simple iind practical rules . for j making and editing newspaper . copy, .and of equal valun to all who wish to write correct English. - -Sent on receipt of wire. Price. 10 cents oerconv. ALLAN KIKSIAN. Publishnr. H7 Nassau Street, New York, - ,. kit!?' I iw c u reI il An nirreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by mail. 25o, and $1.00 per package. Samples free. TfM TV Aft Tbe Favorite TOOTH FOTOU JU 14 W for tho Teeth and Breath, i&o. For sale by T. Graham. : : T-BATST Y NURSERIES ALBERT BKOWN ELL (Successor to HymaB Jt Browaell) Proprietor. CFFI1 AITC PACKING GEOUKDS, clf aula southwest of the City. ' I would call the attention of my friends to ths tact that I am better prepared than ever before to tarnish everything in the shape af . FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Small Fruit Vines, etc., At either wholesale or retail. My stock is first-cl-aa, guaranteed true to name aaa FUEB FROM INSECT PKSTS and my prijss lew. Come and see me or write for free price list to ALBERT BEOWNELL, Benton. County msnx ex c:o. Complete Set of Abstracts of Bn1a County. C.-73jtig I Perfecting Titles i Spuitfy. Money to Loan on Improved City . and Country Property. J. I mm I CO., - Froprielcn. MAIN ST.. COKVALLIS. J. M. APPLEWHITE. M. D.. reni'lcnce North 9th Street. IL & P-KNoT. It D., re-irionc 4th street, ta door Burth of Opera . Applewhite & Pcrnot, P..Y.GiaNS 1HD SURQEO-iSt Covallis, Oregon, Offices over J. I). Clark's hard ware store, and at K. Graham's dniii store Hours: 8 to 12 a. m , 1:30 to 5. and 7 to 8:30 p. m. FAEB A & WILSON. Physicians, Surgeons and Ac coucheurs. S" 0 ili ice up-8tairs in Farra and Allen's Brick. Offiice hoars from 8 to 9 A. If., and from 1 to 2 and 7 to S P. M. Calls promptly attended to at all hours; either day or night. A. F. PETERSON, ' ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. Special attention ivon to Joli work, stair baldlaf Store snd office fitting. Keeping? on liauil a choir 11m of room and I'ti'turo mouldings. I am prsparsd t Id rders for ail sizes of picture franics with rsatuss an Hispatch Satisfaction uianteed. Give m cal 'diue tad shop two blocks southwest sf pablU The Sower Has 'no second chance. Tbe first supplies his needs If he , takes the wise precaution of i planting 4 Ferry's Seed .Ferry's Seed Annaal, for 1893f r contains an me laceat ana oasc ' information about Gardens and Gardening. It Is a recosnl-ed . authority. Every planter should have It. Bent free on reaueat. ' 0. M. FEKRT A CO- Detroit, Mtefc.1 -Benton. County PLANING MILLS AKD ??fi$H flfip Poor Factory. VV. P. MARTYN, Proprietor. Doors and Sash kept in stock or mad to order. . Mouldings of all kinds in pine or cellar. . All orders will receive prompt at tention. I guarantee all my work to be 6rst-class. West of 8. P. depot, Corralli, Oregon. 8-8-tf. JOSEPH CASKEY. Blacksmithing & Horseshoeipg KNIGHT'S OLD STAND, COKVALUi, - - OREGON. . All work in the line done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. CC. 7. JO LYtlAHj House, Sign and Or namental t xx t o HFL 2 All work warranted first-class,. and prices to suit the times. : r Leave orders at the office of the Hotel Comllis.