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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1893)
THE. COll VAULTS GAZETTE, FIIIDAY, MAIICII 10, 188i AV ASHING TON LETTER. ftv hi h.f ffA!tf-ff RED HOT DSUOOZACr. (' ver-K r Fennoyer, to curry cut hi-; well known sent imcnts o;i th-3 i'i:tugnralio:vc,.uiiKm". ba.4 nes ordered the ami lo bo placed .1 NUT TO CRACK. Two newspapers of ilillsboio, Washington county, have boon discussing tho lfe'Y assessment sul.j--.ct. They drev their iihulr:.- AA'AduiNiiXo:i, Fel.-y 27, 1S93. Tho president is not !ocoij?j; any sleep because of the failure a( the sen site lo ratify tho Ircavy provid ing for the annexation of Hawaii, SEEDS :Z::. Onr Foods prow. Wo war rant Uicm puia und IrueJi. isijL-eo tv:;p.t rir.n BO&sraa ar ttuRsow' r;o:i rate 3 We nr? CooEt rscnts for A. I. Hoot in (.his line a ad e&a uru irib his. o:xlrt i-l;e-i( cr iliari oa Could lay tbtra dosa lor direct under 2'arl of tho inilitia. That i ti!V3 011 local grounds, bat each BEE SUPPLIES. FERTILIZERS aid of the report (hat nearly one- U .,r was done. Inauguration mormn-i sprca-i a pieiure win cover . ,f of tll0 SCi)ate ia 0l,I)0scd to iU E " 1 J' wasdouo. Inauguration jaornia.-; 3pto:i 1 a picture that win cover from the taowiy. , VI t-n-ce Aim y Car.'lvJ 1UI' I iO.l iia lay C'J Uiu.i iJiu.- i pujacnv jaiiiiuiiuw.i, auuicui - We m-ikenll 1 inda Youctm't ZK. iYl-: Hn;:ueo under -;.:ird of musketry at! i way il:vy went at ii: j mostly republicans because they) . PORTLAND, -OS. fTti ., , , , r:-r.r- r - , I Tf'. Ti.irr.f.?)!!, .. ssv.' ? doubt the IsdciU of jmmedsate: Tl.,'ft, I U t.- TA HI 0. A- ickg; M you wiU wnd us ca.'.ua and found the coveted crd (f) : I clock work has roiled :rre;';nl. i.i i. n.-.'j a I guarl steps on!; ihe new steps m. Benjamin Harrison retires U 01 i- vale life crowned '.viili the laurels of an uiright, wise a;id honorable career which cannot be d burned by the slings of partisan aspm-ion; Grover Cleveland stops from the common ranks to Iho nat ion's pinnacle of sovereignty, proud in 1li8 over towering etreiifdh that backed his elevation and buoyant in his se!f-coufliIeneo to wield tho wand of chief mugistry even more wisely, more prosperously for the nation than his predecessor lias done. Inauguration day in this in stance had its pomp and niauiu ceneo and, vainglorious displays bout a3 other inauguration days have had; the same groat crwd of witnesses at tho capital, so- anb- ling aiid jousting each other and paying fancy prices to get prefer red positions; the same mawkish parades of not hi agues-? and exud ations of; and the same blazo of gew-gawism, snobbery and tawdry gentility. These fea tures, however, ligured most con spicuously "on paper." Tilings have moved on amng t'10 plain, substantial yeomanry as though nothing had happened. Ihi.?ii:o: s lias gone on at the oid stand the .,.., lr (- ,T.-l.,,i.f I It UUi liuittl.-. llii-i"!!' ' I a jar or interruption. Even that 1 "thrill1' which enthusiast!:: demo-j crats happily predicted would stir the country oa tho -.Hii of March did not 'liiiill'' perceptibly ex cept perhaps that little 'thrill" at Salem, which it had been far more rational and creditable for Oregon had it never happened. Reflecting upon tho event in L . i OUrsO of reviesv the mind Will I naturally revert to other instan ces of its kind. Thirty-two year.; go tho republican, party took hold of the rei.n of government. How different from Ike circum stances of Mr. Lincoln's going to Washington are those which at tended LIr. Cleveland. 55r. Cleve land went with an army of friends fttxl admirers, befitting tho great occasion and in decorous keeping with tho great event. Abraham lincoln, tha first republican exe cutive, on hrs way to the capital city, stole through Baltimore like a hunted fe!ot, wrapped in a loak, with tho Scotch cap, now historic, on I113 head. What had fee done? Ho had committed no crime save in tho eyes of some of being elected president ot the United States. There are no hints of war now from republican-; no hurried so cession conventions' gathered in mad moments and stifled to se eresy; no forts have been dis mantled; no arsenals pillaged during the past month with which lo strengthen the armies of van quished republicans. In fine there Is no contemplated Mexicaniza tton by the men and their offspring ho helped make history the grandest, the most utilitarian and the best that any thirty-two" years of history on earth can equal, muchi less rival. We allude to this in no spirit of rancor, but in that spirit of pride, and gratitude to the repub lican party, whoso first years of power having been contested by shot and shell and armed re-bel-lion, made Mr. Cleveland's ad ent to power and patronage not only possible but pleasant. It is a glorious heritage in itself to have 'participated in, and to even recall 'these things. - A Washingtos dispatch says: The Rev. J. R. N. Bell, of Rose- "berg is in Washington and is look irig over the field. He says very Candidly that he will assist "Mr. Cleveland in running the next ad ministration. He is a democrat and perhaps he has in his pockets just what lis needs to make Lim fhe distributor of democratic pat: j ronage for Oregon. verier IVuaoyor. Threats there ! were of burning and h::og!ng him in el'igy. About 2 o'clock, how ever, thing took a Inippy turn for the 10,000 ctuhusjastie Cleveland ifo.r. They ct the cannon. They ' took it by a cute piece of strategy. It hud been recently repaired in a blacksmith shop in fact was taken horn there j SOi;.y one force him to H i by the Jiulitia. A writ of replevin j Higlo-v wanted a home ami Bij; on tho blacksmith's bill (or repairs! low got ids deed, and the home is secured for the hosts of celebraters Itosscssion oc the irun. It was fired. 22 times, and amid ppeeca making, baud music, cheering and general jolliticatiou the triumph ant populace poured out their souls in a mixture of spleen against their governor and adulation to the nnuio of tho great dispenser of ''hit lakes'" at Yashing'on. Tho fob )-.g group 01 ncry resoiunons whs loptcl by the crowd: ;:r.i.-i( .f i'-A.r.'-SIT 1 in (,x;:rt;ii-iui tuti L'liiwrii .i 111.;: ;i-.v.;r in r-- - f um::iu cuiiti'in tn tiio ic!;i; f ti-,o o (if ( )rv;;oi! to 'iro u'l iMU'ii,'.: t ti'jii l.-w ;im ui"ii!!'iti ' :('il. S. Ij. !,;i; .f.-i t.'.kc yirsos fi.Oil i,l LIU r-.ilC'J Cliiil'.m i.l-ii i:i.v iiuii.j be u-d i.p.'y f; ir !.!iiit;iry i;-;.-.-;;-.s' lis a ii--nrja'.i'iu -f power :t d-f-..v;ii-t by lw or oiiUiHi: r.;id u ui!i'rucoi-.-.a.vd ia t!:e lii.t uy of our lin'.iim and id di-'r. :;r.i .-.nd liOin:atl tho dignity atid honor of r--.y Amuriouii of "i:t!S:d'e.i, second, tti -.t. S y ko (hnn; be has in tl:s 09"i:i.tii:i of I'-rnccrata Uia-St-aeed tho liigh p.tid h-r-t-li pv:tim to whii.ii ha ' elovatcd tn t t-.a-jti-d by th? dci!H'TH'.-.y of Uivjion, t-xoMiiilihcd lion :i!t I ms a traitor 'US cras.k, a -isaU v. -th-iiit p:-.ity j jjratitsidi." or Amtrri:a;s f-o!;i;,;, void of tho baractvriatics ol liui.-i.-tf. tiuu t ill ol venui, ;:')k".,u, Mi. and otwikh.JU .'tin to iir. tl.:!.'v tur.vt.rthy' t" i-.o:.t tho an id . , .- ... - , , , , . " c ro'i:isila pofel: 10:1 !iO t-i at tho hamls of tiii-!oi.-K:r.-y . tU "It: -3t-l C'l, l.'iH'.l, lllli.- V., l.ii-3 M.Ui"lt'.K:jr of M'srion c itiuty, tjr. t--'.. hi S.t'.or.i, lliu c-istl, asseiiiiik-.l on Ilia 4i.' dfty .f JJaruli, i.S'.i-'., i' lo h;t:i.i- lo o il- mi.jjiatr.ttf, (Itvver ;:lvolaii-.l, pru-v;-tnt-sUct f tha t7iiit-.-:l ialw, .-TO ircvi-iiluil i:ii!i so floitu; !y the iiit-r-rvoutina (.f n: ol-.-.r iueiote 1 mi.', id.uoi? liy tliia '.nu IV:.;i:. r, t-ovtrnor if Oregw, irc-. tnta us fr-.-ia -) Iviii in :m;ch'1-Mtti-j with t lt asiil esUhU-iho'l etiat:;n of tho Aiaori-.-an pooiilo without regard t-jpurty, th'.-rcfwe, lo it t'uijiJiiiti'-atty ';.j3iilv::J, proitlaiwcd !y ' r,a!,,y tuut -o .,.. 'y-r as a dw5tf;ti, u-:urii-, um, tyrant, trtut- w, irat c'raak, id a u;m f.RWrt!iy the- iiiSiy tlutt MX .kii-.::w 1 (.linoyt.r respect of tha peoplu ad pnblwaiy ):, our fnith I wo rcnoiv an Riid ndmiratioii o! Orovi r C ;.v-.:iai.-i ami ivel0.rej, -..,. io.-.m il i v.-iil''l i l li'irfv iiorcuy i;oni..iiii.i'.j io.o .1.41.1 WAiuiR.-;t symfiatliy r.t:d j.)ad.j hi.i f-ar nc--ivvorvim; l.yalty and si: ; u fc uti hit coming admii'isU'iViou ciit 1 I't'f.: it t--;:y hy frnuJit .i.h o'.mI to n.o ;-L'.pio ot tiinac Uuitud Stales. 'JI;olvud, Fourth, Thiit- vd rofjisoat the democrat!-; and rcpn!iii'Ji: iii'uw f Oregon t pnbli.-!i itiosu r.jaoiut.ioii, .i.o-l. thut tmpitia tho-eof ln foi-v.-i'.rdod to o!.-V(.-l;iud and ( iovenwr I'n;: ,-yur. The governor -in the meantime was in I'orllaiiil, where, during the demonstration he was tho re ciipout of tiie following ciisp dis palch: ''We got your gun and are tir ing over your political grave hi . Wilson plaza." I 1 . . ... I .. t. I . ., 1 !.;. I CONanViVilOSL HAKES-up. The present roll cali of the sen ate shows . -forty-four democrats, thirty-eight republre-ins, one pop ulist, one independent, one farm ers' alliance, and three vacancies. The . vacancies are one each in Montana, Washington and Wy oming. Should tha republicans eventually fill all these vacancies, which can scarcely bo tho case in view of Beckwith's appointment in Wyoming, it would gtvs them -forty-one. Should the third party senators tho vote with the repub licans (an unlikely supposition), tho same would still be a tie, with Vice-President Stevenson holding the controling vote. The composition of the house, as shown by unofficial returns is: Democrats. 217, republicans 128, third party 8. At last, the Spokane district, it seems, is going to have some chance for its life. Spokane is to be hereafter treated as a jobbing point, and a low railroad rate is to be established, making: the city a terminal point. A tariff has been prepared quoting lower rales from St. Paul to Spokane than from St. Paul to Portland. Hitherto Port land and Seattle merchants have been able to get their goods from tho east and ship them back to Spokane as cheaply as the mer chants at the latter point could land the goods in their own city. This reduction in rates carries out the announced policy Of the Great Northern road. Childrsa Cry for PitcbaHs Castoria,' bearing 10 cent;, iulc-rest- tin- der the new law, he p;ys turves on the premises he does not own and he pays taxes on the note pays taxes twice." To which the democrat respond- ied with the followiug pertinent remarks: 'Nov wiil the Independent' as kindly ieil us why liigiovdid it his until the mortgage is foreclosed, and no doubt Biglow thinks that interest and taxes are as cheap as rent, to s:iy nothing of advantages of ownership and the increase of value in property. When will people stop crying there are no considerations for their indebted ness no vaiue received? Irhg'ow is thy owner of I lie earth, and let Bigiovv pay the t arses. Now, crack this nut. John Hoe bought a stove o! li. Cave and told him to .! .-1. if O ; 1 ' J I - i it : -1 gOi.-.iri, e (d i lav,-, hut hi: Uii:- I owed i;ave was (ledticled as in debtedness from the property he owned, before he bought the stove, ami Cave took the value of the stove out as his imlobiedncss to the wholesaler. Where did the county get oliT' A UHELMS. COSORXS. The congress just adjourned has been more useless than the major it3r of thoso that sat between 1374 and 1SS8. It has left no record with which the minutest contemp orary annalist need concern him self. It has enacted no legislation of permanent or even of temporary value to the country. It has not even been able to repeal existing legislation which intelligent and honest men ol both parties agree is bad. Its record is blacker in contrast with the mass of ef fee live legislation accomplished by the nreeediuir congress. Of course ''$ asori lor this is a at the con- " r J control, and the efforts of one house has been obstraoled rather than aide;! by the other. Another reason is that the democratic par ty, being less homeogeneoua than the republican, is less 'effective as a governing machine. The last congress was helpless, because il vas divided between the two par ties. The presnt will bo nearly as helpless, because it is divided be tween tho two democratic factions. The legislative record of the 51st congress is not likely to be equaled for many years to come. Oregon ian. Tii :" number of persona who "view with alarm" the possibility of fruit overproduction is not di minishing; nor does it seem to be much on the increase. Whatever chances there may be of an over supply of fruits, it is certain thai there will always be a lirst-class market for fruits of fine grade. If, therefore, tliose who fear over production would talk less and do more to improve the quality of Benton county fruits, they will add a mite toward increasing the demand and widening the market for our fruits. There is little dan ger of overproduction of first-quality fruits. Let us guard against glutting the market with inferior grades. The Tillamook paper has the floor. The parvenu's defense is, "you are ignorant, and I am smart;" the blackguard's argu ment is, "you lie." Hence the Tillamook paper is entitled to the controversy undisputed. Still, it is noticeable that the Tillamook paper has not the hardihood to re peat its statement in figures which was .the real question in criticism by the Gazette. Appropriations of the Washing ton legislature, it is said,, will reach $4,500,000. Of this 2,000, 000, is designed for a . new state house. The expense of the legis lative body is stated afe $700,000. That goes Oregon's legislature sev eral better. Washington's soJons seem to fly high. - bearing 10 percent, interest. Un not wish tho credit o! aecminnir the id-suds to go to the republican a-'imniisiraUtui. has don.'.s h-ai sir. Harrison eoiiociveu to ie his duty in negot ating tho !reai and in Keudiaga mocyago to 5he senate recommending that it he immedia'ely nmfied. When tiial was done the ro:-poi:si;;i!ily was traurl'erred from him to the senate and. there lie is willing lo leave it. idr. Cleveland may not have tak en a hand in this business, but the sudden change of mind among the democratic senators, seme of whom were only a few days ago clamoring for prompt action, is o say the least suspicious. 801110 people, but your correspondent is not one of them, believe 'hat- Judge Ores-ham is responsible for the failure of the senate to act, and that ho i-: opposed to aniie--:-atiou for no better reason than that it is favored by Id r.' Harrison. Unless there is a radical back down on the part of the friends of the .Sliernisv. amendment to (he (.ii.iury eivd appn.prua.on oui. authorhsmg I lie tecveiaty of tho treasury to issue 3 par-cent bonds, if he considers it necessary, an extra session of congress will have to be caliod. .ll!S Oi is now u;i- ing considered bv the iiouse, and ? fhe ultra diver ni-n are apparent ly determined to kill tho whole bill by filibustering if the Sherman amendiuonf cannot bo defeated in any way, and it ean iofc be, unless its friend. a majority of the house, wiil c:as:; to its defeat, and there is no present indication thai they will do that. Republi cans do not favor an extra session, because they do not believe that it will be.. advantageous to the re publican party. The president has issued the usual proclamation convening the senate in extra session at noon oa the ifh day of March. Tin's extra session is called to act upon Hie nominations made by the new president, but it may in this case also act noon tho Hawaiian an nexation treaty, unless Mr. Cleve land withdraws it or it shidL be noted upon before then. .Secretary Foster made, on Sat urday, a supplementary report, on the condition of the treasury to the house ways and moans eommillee, in winch a reduction in his previ ous estimate was made. He said that when he made his previous estimate ho had not allow ance for the payment of the Choc low Indian claim, v,hich will take about $8,000,000, and that receipts from customs had a! ready fallen below his edimalo because of the expectation of early changes in Hie tarih law. He also told the committee that he thought it prob able a deficit would exist in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1804, and that if he were to remain at the head of the treasury depart ment he would like to have an ad dition of 50,000,000 to the bal ance, $20,000,000, of which he would use lo maintain the gold reserve. The secretary takes no stock in the wild talk about the danger of a .panic, either now or in the near future. Such talk has been persistently put forward by those who expect, to benefit by a financial scare and. it3 consequent effect upon the commercial inter ests of tho country. It is credit able to America that the most of these financial jackals and vul tures are foreigners, without inter ests in the United States, further than the money they can make. Speaker Crisp was guilty of a bit of usurpation the other day that would have been oried from the democratic house tops had he been a republican. It came about this way: The house committee on elections decided by a party vote the contested election case of Miller vs. Elliott in f;ivor of the sitting democrat of course and instructed Mr. Paynler, of Ken tucky, to prepare the majority re port and Mr. Johnston, ot Indiana, the minority report. Mr. John son, although sick in bed, prepar ed his report, and took it down to the house, although advised against leaving his room by his physician, only to be informed that the majority report had not been prepared, and would not be until this week. Knowing that to mean that tho majority report would probably never be made, Mr. Johnson presented his-report to the house and it was by a vote, ordered . printed. He -was sur prised an hour later to be inform cd by the printing clerk that Speaker Crisp had issued an or der forbidding the printing of the report" until the majority. -report was presented. Mr. Johnson was naturally indignant, and he went """"""V -MAASuaui., llV c"" to fcpeaker Crisp and called his tentioa to the tact that the .Ii0UHjh..(j uruVrod his report priut- .,,i (U.!f ti,n ..,wl!.-r !-d 110 air horhv lo supiuess it. All the Uio speake r did suppress 'it. is that for (Ja.irisiii Ho Fea some lime the names of the gentlemen called to Mr. Cleve land's cabinet, wilh'lhe exception of two, have been known. Ike T&caiieies are now filled, and tho cal-i net stands : Secretary of state, Walter (J. Gresham, of Indian:; secretary of t ho 1 reasury, John O. Carlble, of Kentucky; Postmaster General, Wilson K. Bissell, of New York; secret-try of tho interior, Hoke .Smith, of Georgia; attorney general, Richard Oinev, of Massa chusetts; secretary of war, Daniel S. Lamont of New York; secretary of the navy, Hilar' A. Herbert, cf Al-ibiima; secretary of agriculture. j. irjteriing Morton, of Nebrraka. li' is held by many best ac quainted with the situation that a disastrous struggle will ensue this season between the railroads of tho country and their operators. Labor argaubaS ions are so federa ated that they hold the key to the situation, 'ih-y can tie up the business of the entire country if thev lake a notion. Some writers think they step in the taking the initial witch mens' demand tor hiejier wares in Chicago. The o American commune right along. is coming A HiiCEXX appointment lo a circuit judgeship, a newly created office in Portland, by the Gover nor, is Hartwell Hurley, of that city. Here is a selection resting upoii true worth, ability and fit ness. During an acquaintance of over twenty years the writer has learned the sterling charaelor of Judge Hurley, both in bis person al life in-1 as a u-.must and at torney, and feels no hesitancy in speaking of h::i iu terms of high est eommonda- inn. TiiK Asroiian raises a half col umn roar about tho way the news papers are giggling at that Iiip Van Winkie Columbian postage stamp with whiskers on it. Such things ought not to be trilled with, says the argulst. Correct. Boys, behave yourselves. Axn iiov up bobs a law in Cal ifornia basing tho privilege of hunt ing on a $25 license. Of course that would squelch hunting among poor men but would place the rich nabobs decidedly "in if' Would n't thaUtage? you foi tristocraev? BABY OHE SOLID SORE Triol Everything without EcUof. TSo Rest Niglit or Day. Cured by Cutlcnra Remedies. My baby, when two months old, had a breaking out with what the doctor called eczema. Tliirhead, arms, feet, and liands were each one solid sore. .1 tried everything, but neither the doctors nor any- imngeiseam neranygood. we could iret no rest any theia, for I had ricvor efc;u thera-tried. To my fre.-it erpri&e, ia one week's time after beginning to use tho CL'TICirEA Kekbdizs, tho sores were weli, but I continued to use tiie Ha solvent for a little while, and now she Is as a baby as you would like to Bee, and as sound as a dollar. I believe my h;rby would have died if I had not tried Cutichra Heu Enics. I write this that every mother with a baby iifce mine can feel conndent that there is a medicine that will care the wont eczema, and that medicine la the CUTICUBA ItHilBDIES. Mbs. BJSTTIK imilCfEK, Loekhart, Tesaa. Cuticura Remedies Care every humor of the skin and scalp of Infancy and childhood, whether torturing, dieliurinp, itch ing, burning, scaly, crusted, pimply, or blotchy, with loss of hair, and every impurity of tho blood, whether simple, scrofulous, or hereditary, when the best phyriicians and all other remedies fail. Parent, save your children years of nientul and plivflicsl suffering. Bein now. . Cures made in childhood are permanent. CimcunA Rsueuies are the greatest f kin enres, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times, are absolutely pure, and raav bo used on the youngest infant with the most gratifying success. Bold everywhere. Price, Ccticuba, 60c. ; Soap, 25c; RBBOI.VENT, SI. Prepared by tho Potts a Daur and Chjsjiic'AX, Copogatiox, Boston. a Send for " How to Cure Skin Diseases," 01 pages, 60 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. - njaPLES, black-heads, chapped and oily Bids ImVi cured by Ccticuba Ueuicated Boat. FREE FR0& RHEtfF.1ATIS!5 tyr t . . i nyw in one mitrai r-f . Anti-Fain 1'luf.t An pud in: ti i v tut? vuururii JiSniatic, sciatic, hip, kidney, chest, and 4 r mascular pains and weaknesses. The first and only instantaneous pain-killing plaster. '2.1a l'Ju&ter reu&ves rneu- WOOD FOR SALE. - First-class oak aad maple 'wood, dry, for sale at reasonable tiricos. Enquire of the fSte II,:. CI .m,-.intf Ti-nvft nrr A hW gwerV -Jom ' - ' SWWPKA or niKin wan nc-r. zn my tt'CW extremity I tried tho Ct!- fi4f V TICUB4 KE3EI1IES, but I 85' 8 confess I had no fctih iu Eend for A San Francisco Paper V, Would Form an Interesting AdditS to 9cur Winter Reading. : THERE ARE MAtlY, REASONS WHY bkly JS THE BEST PAPER IN THE WEST. Q RPPt SPECIAL PREEIIUMS VALUE, $135,000 S.yUU GIVEIi AWAY ' - It Is brimful cf nore from nil pnrta cf the world, and ita Literary Department is supplied y Um foremost writers of the day. la addition to its great news and liierary features, IT GIVE3 TO EVERY SUD3CRIOEn HiO CHOICE FROM TWO MAGNIFICENT WORKS OF ART, The Examiner's Art Album, Consisting of eight beautiful reproductions from masterpieces of the world" great est artists, tho whole collect'.oa bound ia a handsome bamboo lealherotK ease; Or a beautiful reproduction, la ail of Us e-rigtoal colors, of the faraaia Ji!odcal painting, 2x23 inches, Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella.' Aad besides ollthia, TH3 BZA?:IH",2. will this year distribute an-.onjf its subscribers 9,609 STo-fcri-oms, ag3rcatias in Vila, the stupendous sum of $133,003. This is the fourth annual distribt tlort, and the list of prenil ams is larger cud more valuable than ever before offered. Remember tisn t tics'e premiums entail no additional expense to the subscriber -whatever. They are absolutely fTca. Xiia cost of the VTESIO.Y SSiiSHtEn, together with these niocaificeut premium c3eM, is , li III OHLY SI.BQ.PEH YEA Jf.s regular subscription price. Oct tha full particulars of tlilo grand offer from the ESASHHECB 6ixtecn-Pn ITernium List, which we can supply to j-ou, or you can procures one from your Ifovt qiaster or Newsdealer. Then, havinj; considered the matter, call oa us and place accmbinatiou mb. crittoa fee X23 WEEKLY and jraur bom paper, and so scv aotacthijjj; of the cost. iplgSiipiiife trr-w.-i IS?28YKCaT3. (0 EL'SFWSufif. fi'SUcnro Wit boot Mt.l-nio nil tfauurM rssjlftnir rrom ore; taiatlou of bidJc, rcrvo or iad'.atretU-u, us eftual exhfcatioi, dr:tini, !ose njiTir.a i; : t, ItfftBePfi, iitjfi'ir, rfieaautl-ai, k:rtu'.y, liver tvzd b!au4.r co'i!ain?j, iiui, lsiiii'fj.go, tciallcH. ;;t.;riif i::-tKb, eii. 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At !H.!-:-'i.;:i -'.ir. i.. rrj : !'.- ;.!ik th Sfc-jt. fi.i::.oi', :j i'.. t&Af b . ii.-i.i-j n-jtih it iM-n iioosa. lii l'u i-i ill , l.k - - I '-!i-.;.:;v, Oi-f:jO?l, over .1. IS. Clark's hard-a;.-- slore, and at li. Graham'a rng stove.' floar.-: S to 12 a. m, SO to and 7 to 8:30 p. ni. NOW READY! MFU AX'L WORK CP Co BLMME By Prof. John Clark Kid path, I.L. l.. Ait!:riia's (ireat.-t liviuL' fi'istoria; ted Creii6'.-il Se.'den (niiiir, cx (Jovernor of Maine, and Mr. Maine's life-long and hosii'm friend. Tho only Authentic Work Fublislied. On Vl.ioli tho authors have been engaged for ovtr a year. Sold only by SubscrrptioiL We sincerely want book oanvasSwra and the public ajf.iii'Ht a!'owinj; theniselves to b led astray and cheated by any of the "catch penny" so-called "biographers" of th (;reat StaUtsinun which will be thrown on the market withio a very short time, nd which consists of nothing but a collection of old and unreliable newspaper clippings. 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