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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1893)
A new anl Complete Trer.: consisting oi Sup positorie-i, ointment in Cp"tlei, also in bo ami rilU; a positive cure for K-terr,;'.!, Internal, l'lind nr Bleeding, Jt:Mni;, (.'bromo, it':-c?it or H:r;fi;try I'ilcfi nd many other diseases im.l female -sakm.-M("s; it is al rsys a great beneht to the general health. The first discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation with tie knife iiiseee.-iry hereafter. This Remedy bos aevar een known to fail. $1 ptT brat, fl for Sft; aunt by mail. V!y a?r from t!ii terrible iiim whan a written gvannlec u (iven with botoro tumi tbe maaey if ot oared, id -lifi n.p for free saiopla. (guarantee issued by Woobikd, UUAWiS & Ca , V.'boloaale and K.eta'1 Druggists, ,.le Avj-ntn, Portland, Oreirin. Tor sale ty Allen & VTou-Iw.'rd end by Grihsm ii Worthai:-., CorvulIU, Oregon. riZOi'iUK! OV TEJ5 X ii STUDENT Details of the Tournament at the Agricultural College. A SrLENDID DAY FINE CONTESTS A Full I.lnt ot the Charnpioas Bevlew of tligir Kioe BliaVlor I.nrge Attenri-ancCjnjjiliiaentHi-y Tliroughont. py - V 4 , And. Dealer in Choice Is acd Faiicv Groceries. nm WW Ml LiQCOBS Fresh Bread, Cakes, Piea, Crackers, Etc., kept constantly u Laud. Oorviillif--, - Oregon. )HLY rjs &tm st RiJHHIHG T THKOUGII DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland 8:45 A. M. " " " 7:30 P.M. 03 AYS TO CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul. 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hoars Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining- Chair Cars Dining Cars. For rates alid information eall on or address W. H. HUKI.IJUK T, Ait. tJuiil. ras. Pa?. Att 2-r4 Witshinjjtuii litrt.-et. -r. T;i.-d, Pi):tTI.ANi. (Ift. HIE FORTLAlfB 5AY!SGSDA!tK Off rOUlXAKD, OKittJOJT. Paid np cayusl Surplus and piutits . . . . . SO, fC Intarofct"l eu airing" !jOEit as follows: Oa ordinary srnHnrs V.v.-V $. . . .4 ;w t-:'t j'Cf thi tjnu itavuijjs i.-joUs 0 trfeo!it j:or aituuru On certii'.irs! J f cc;:ov.t; Por thr. 3 u;.ml(:,s 4 -cr cnl vvr (t u:vm Ior Kix nio;it". -r .-r '-'.-iti ;-cr sciiiini lr twelve aioii'-o-; 0 ,-v-r rftt .-r F;iiXS ii.!a:i1r rr-i.ieu'.. J. i'. K!;:.", Vif rr:.-:des:t ATHLETES at F"ze as he gave his wheel barrow a shove, when close to the out come, and turned it loose. Unfortun ately, Umdy didn't get there with hi3 wheel-barrow, The next on the programme was iho three iegged racs, with two entries; Ready and Herron winning, and Bur nett and Cooley second. The Knapsack race now took place, with two entries; Kcady md Herron winning, and Burnett and Cooky, after a few fulls and back jumps, taking 2nd rlna at a walk. The potato race, 50 yards in length, with i potatoes placed 10 yards apart, was now run with Herron, Keady, Ed- The athletic tournament that has occupied so many .students so busily in training and preparing for it, lias at last taken place, and now for a short r . , w ire's and Loolf Last Saturday, March 4th, was tne dny set for the contest, and as the day was fine and no bad weather forecasts wera heard, tho tournament came oft' accordingly. Profs. Berchtold and Lotz were the judges for the indoor Bports, and Messrs. N. J. Rowan and W. F. Pomeroy were the judges for the races, etc; Mr. Robert Johnson, referee: E. G. Eirsmett, clerk; Prof: Lotz, starter, and Messrs. il. Waggoner j MnrI V.. CMiiu ron wero t'.mckeeners. i Several inarsliais for the day were ap pointed to keep order and to prevent too much noise about (Jauthorn ha!!.' The first performanca was on the horizontal bar, with G. V. I', If, Leonard, 1'. A. Baisley snd J. SIo ciiio contesting. 5tr. Palmer was the favorite from the start, and tlui real contest war, between tho other gentle men for the 2nd priEe. ft was finally de cided that Mr. Baisky had won 2nd prize a nd Mr. Palmer, the first prize. Mr. Leonard would probably have won the 2i:d prize, but unfortunately in one of the tricks lie caught Ids fo.. t ia the mat, and fell; hurting himself ju'ue serioii.-dy. Tho next on the- programme was performances on the flying rings, be tween W. L-'. Kendy, E. Aberncthy and L. W. Orcn. 'dr. Abernttliv took 1st and Keady, 2nd. Clu!) swinging came next; Orcn tak ing 1st prize, and Haisley, 2nd; these were the only tnlt ies. Tumbling was the next in order, with two entries; Calmer winning lt prize, and H. Leonard, 2nd prize. The boxmg oontrst followed, with 4 contestants; e.ic'n pair to box 3 three minute rounds with ue and onediaU minute rests. Tiie best in one pair showing tlie most points to receive 1st prize find the best in the other pair to receive 2nd prize. G. V. Palmer and P. Nash in one set, and J. Herron and B. Burnett in the other. P. Nash received 1st prize, and J. Herron, 2nd prize. li8 r- -CorvaUia, Oregon. ggTShaving, hair cutting, drccsinj, dyiug, and hampooinrj. Nesfc on the programme was the high kick, with two contestants; A. J. Buxton taking 1st prize wiih a kick ot inches: W. VV. Smith tak y tjutei-ed. JCtady won the 1st piTzc, Cooky being a close 2nd. The last race was a, bicycle race, 250 yards in length, between W. A. Wood and Brady Burnett; Wood being- an easy winner. This race was run along the college walk. When returning, the two contestants 'came back at full speed, Mr. Burnett's bicycle jumped the walk, when ne;s;!y back, and threw him into tlie crowd, but fortunately with ii ). worse results than a few bruises and a cut Hp for Brady. The results of the tournament were now summed up; 10 points being al lowed for each first prize, and 5 for sec Oiiu. It was touu'.l that i'.lr. Keaiiy had won G first prizes, 2 to be devided, and ' second, giving 1dm G5 points, and entitling him to the r)ld medal. Mr. Palmer had made GO points, win- n i" G fi..-t prizes; this nave him the Siiver ineoal. Mr. . 1 lerron cane next with 4.0 points. The several victorious contestants next assembled on tlje college steps, and received their badges; first prizes taking. blue ribbilmi with appropriate lettering on them and the second prizes taking led i i!,bim.;. The x boys that were proud possessers of badges then forme;! a gr.-jup at the bottom of the st ALBERT BROWNELL (?ucecsr to Hyman & Brownell) Troprielr. C7TII : AND PACSmS 5B0TJ1TL3, cas-half mile Ejatiiwest cf tio City. I wml calljtho attention of my friends to the fct tIM 1 an better prepired tbau ever btforo to furaisb OTarytkiay in tbo shape of F RU IT, tS H AD E AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, 7 feet 2;id, with a kick of 7 feet H inches. The standing high jump came next, between G. W. Palmer and W. Kcady. Fabnei- took iLc first prizs, clearing the bar at a hight of 4 feet i inches. Tne running h.igh jump between P!nier and Harron wan decided in fa-v-jr of Palmer, Hes rou failing to corue Up to Palmer's jump ot i lcet inches. The next performance was standing long jump with two contestants; Pal mer taking 1st prize with a jump cf 11 feet fi inches, C. Owsley took 2nd prize. Thi3 jump was made with weights. The running long jump was next, be tween Palmer, Keady and W. Harrison. Palmer winning 1st prize, jnnipiug 16 feet 2 inches, and Harrison taking 2nd prize. Afior an intermission the sports were resumed at 2 p. in., on tho new race track, made by the students, in the college campas. A. 30 yard dash came first; P. A. Biislcy, J. Herron, B. Burnett, L. W My stock ia first-ells'!, p-.'.ar.viteed true to name and FlUtR FROM INSECT I'KSl'S ami my prued low. Cemeiand nee me or write for trw price list to ALBERT BBOWSJELL, HOMEWISTRY! mail Fruit Vines, etc., At either WholCSalO Or retail, i Oren, W. F. Keady td J. Cooley en tering. Herron took 1st prize; i$ sec onds. Burnett and Keady tied for 2r.d nlace. Kcalv. upon ruuninu: the tie i 1 w off with Burnett, won 2nd prize. Tho next was a 50-yard dash with the same entries as at first, excepting Herron, who was ruled out of all the other dashes, having won a 1st prize. Baisley also dropped out, so that there were 4 to run. Keady won; timo 5 seconds, Oren 2nd. The 75-yard dash was between Cooley and Oren; Cooley 'winuingj timo 9 J- seconds. In the 100 yard dash, Burnett was the only entry, all the rest having been barred because of winning a 1st, or two 2nd prizes in the other dashe3. Her ron finally ran with Burnett, Burnett coming in first with a small margin to spare; time llf- seconds, The hurdle race came next; it being 100 yards in length, with 8 hurdles 10 yards apart. Keady, Herron and Oren contested in this race, Keady coming in first and Herron second -Oren fall ing at the second hurdle, ' Then came the wheel-barrow race. Burnett, T." E. Edwards, Keady and Herron entering. Keady passed the string first, Herron being 2nd. Brady ps and had their pictures taken. And this ended tlie first Athletic tcurn ament of the O. A. C. A. A. At the meeting of tbo college ath letic association on rjaturdny evening, March 4ih a unaniuvius vote of thanks was passed to the judges and referee! f.r their efficient and well rendered services during the tournament, and to Prof. Coote for his kindness in lend ing tools and rendering all the assist ance m Ins power to the committees appointed by tho association to make the necessary preparations for tlie tournament. It was also decided at this meeting that an athletic exhibition bo given at the opera house on March 17th. with the aistauce of tlie college! band, and committer, to make all' nee essary arrangements were appointed. This exhibition will-consist of perform ances on the horizontal bar and swing ir.g rings by G mcmbei s of the associa tion; lii-li I'-miblii:'.-, fencin-x and wrestlin.:-; a sparring exhibition con sisting of 3 sets cf th:ee-rou;,d heats; nd Indian clu!) swinging both in class and individually. The band will as- ist with several pieces and overtures. and there will be several quartettes and vocal solos. I'Hnvf do 1 lrTetn That da- uoon bow you f cr 4. you're pufferies from fr.Tietioiial dia- J? t-rha,ncc3, lrreg- y jj) utaritioa or vrcaS-iiZr-: li ljorses, you're sure y - ' to " lock it." And Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prozcriptlon ia tfco romody. It builtls up tba'sj-stcrn, refruJates and nromotos tlta nrotmr functions, end ro- medicine, not a bovcracro: Turolv vegetable, I perfectiy harmlesa, end nuido eipdcially lor I woman's nooda. In tho euro of efl " female I complain to," tt"o piiar an tatd to give saastac- I tkas. or tiia mosjejr la r-tiurVd. M? yjther 1 meOictDO lor -wcaea ssia try. iwa ui that, wbea tho dealer Eya S'jnictiiing I (which pays hira bcttei ) Js "just ub gocxi " Timrsj havo cbangi Bo bave motloda. ' Tho monVm hriDrovc-mfiita fci T;ilki oj'C Dr. Piei-cu's Pioasan Follofs. They help Katura, iiih-tcad of fiihiiiiq with hr. Sic-k and nsr vouh headacha, biiiousivs. cosUvema, and all diT.mementa cf tho liwr, sfer&iA-b and bowela ere yrcveuiea, rcnevei, ana cui'oa. fla Buggies and Carriages. will amply pay anyon for tlicir t'.mo to go to THE CGRVA.LLI3 CAEEIAGE & WAGON C0.S FACTORY And aea their large and xtom!ve factory at Cor-Talli-5, Orejron, where you can buy BITOG1KS, CAR BUSES AND SPRING WAGONS which, with proper care, will last a life-time. They are made of the finest ecoad-ffrowth timber and the best of ether material by that factory, where each piece oi material is taken from the ronirh and shaned in th s factory by machin ery designed for the purpose. Each vehicle is finely All Jobs a as Mads asd Pct Tookther is T)rt Scm- ItKR Wiathkk when the timber ia thoroughly dry, which is not done with Eastern jobs, as most Eastern rio-i ahioDed to this country. are built in winter and ewly spring when tho weather ia damp. The beauty of all these job is that they are all FULLY WA R B ANTED aod sold at such REASONABLF. PRICEa at there In no excuse for anyone to WANTKI) TO KXL11ANGE. Two lots, 100 by 100 feet each, ia Wood stock; one of ihc bt.t suburban tracts to PnrtUud. Lots within two blocks of elec tric car station; cars leave every thirty min utes for Morrison street; five cent 8 .-fare. For a farm, 40 to 80 acres, not. over six mile3 from Corvalhs, at least 20. acres ready for the plow; small house fit to live io, a small barn and water couvenient; enough i timber for fuel, some good standing green timber nrefered. -will pay difference in cash in ona year. Address TKOS. r . FAIlf BANKS, Woodlawn, Multnomah county. Oregon. BOcta., and tj M a f j eSj Cures CoagbJL, HoarKH:c, Uxi 'iroat, Crup fn-omptly: reiiovta WfcoojlsT CoipUt end AjitbsiB. For Co li.wir'Z MUu t, bss ao rival; has saved LhooraadsvbersaUotbws failed; vill CURB TOO i tcica ki tsar.o. Soil by Drufrerlats on A fniaranWi. 7or X-taxd Ba i ' T..oit tU,ml,f tW l, c,r.r,nhl hnvn . Hay you Catarrh ?TnM remedy isaran- li rl tn assss ri c m E u y. , pr m f!tgf Jfnjeetor Iraa, o on CO 3 GO o en pt p CO CD MM i GOVERNMENT LKN.DS Fiae as tho choices in CsAiivrcifi ar v.-ciiii!jj to b tfik'iU i! T 'ST - " it cat. V alley i BSAUTffVL 0fftr VJtUJf.Y rfi?9 A -ZSjZtj i and iAdtert by aofcij,, e:iJ !ih a fins, fciiid cHinuie A. H" ti- !" Vr areaad. Hooey fj.fc t a fcadv of wctt vjrrv; cjie 4- & jj. ciwiuj-LH! filiate w..3i. . r-. O. Ittrciad ii a re sonify Wa bj!t iiAo j r M ;'l,-'. au4 Ortt Sail LrJwread ir.rou.,-h Becl-w-UU Pu3 will aiso A f i.ts rf. lit fcrnij s eas:)- cnoivMcii ana i,rarws cii., crasj bat, oau, barirf, fcctx, cure, Ufatfu, vegrsUcK. fu't bi w'.J jj. sd u .e ptotiftd uzA ium!-r coaaji. IS: iaw! can U- C-tta up ivitU- X j otM rtiuSence u.Vcr lUe t!sit Aot, iu traris cf a t ju acrui, 1 a man X w are buildup; a V:.tM- Systeci (rr rf frrlcalicn cf tUs Lw.L -J ' want to fl custt-me: ;jr t'ic -wat.-. wiif li ta s:ii, so 'J1 h-Jp if. ywi gt a lie t it. Ths Uud v.M 'M yvia Ji.j;. rj; ru-re Io l! GtV- If ciaaient, e$ KUs di-n, sni $i. 00 ir fem vcars. Ihi Water (a -petpuuaj i If- S a-i S500 sapply), wil! corf Si 35 a-, new to the Vnaf, ti.94 d-n ia ?d fc- deiy to th tead far n brtjsrfi a. Ali !.-..: Uiik-oso it jr i'. -taudvl ic f;r cuJ.Tnj-;rs K ei vj i.-ut euja diijjr. ad :iw SUl'i i c--l - tai'fci lsen Act r.-c-.t!v i incii.letl Ly Ciiytc., s jm sUw a wi Utr "i .y - Bu-Jy shry win I.? 3 J. X .)'v -A OI i V,- tic toa -ae ore ewablU-.icc, cwt good kh 1 il-r? 4e3r Or 5?. L- - -- -i ft THESIS LAWDj CAa 3 9 ft Xri? K TAKEN UP WITHOUT RESIDENCE!! Under tbo Desert Act, affording a cbanc-a for tlie 6ciat;jr ea wtU as tlie bociescckcr. ... ? -KjK - - - - - - For Idea aad Teams oa tlie coaatruction vvoil, if yea d.virs to inaio a j: REMEMBER that these Landa are level, all ready for ths pla-sr, with rich soil, on railroad now bui-t, tf.nd cn lice of anoihsr, bui.'duij- Facl ia .5 'rc himher cheap, and vatsr plcntifo!. Gocd lora! &j ve'd a3 cutii.ia ' markets. The irrigation cf these iar.ds makes tlicrn iruac;-c!7 arid isama- c f, TI .... j i ? 4 diately productive. T Honey L 3ff Sead 4 cents ia stainp3 fcr fral informatioii to aice v aiiCY Lana eyLa ma FEED W. LAKE, Secrotary n it -A 1- f n $ Office, 6 Flood. Building, SAN FflANOISCQ, CAL. l if ,. ,.. SPECIAL EXGOBSIOKS f AT EBBUCIB BATES e - AflE BEING RON-FHOSi? SAN FBAHCISC0. . ill V m mm &m iwmmm flying to the door gasp- x ra mil tZM m. M g3 .seeming stf eachfea K Hn tmJMWU4 Instead of tog for breath nne weald be oniv to takes isw dssts AsJitzaisea wfcen the..Erai8bfJS,iueta'tabscic3 easv acd vi fed' as K art angd of merry hd tiotiJ tvw koaRXfiajt $f tiva flnsors of death. The happiest rnorneot cf yotir lire win ue wriac ywj aave a lew ecinea cf Dr. Taff8 ASTKSALEJJE and It has cured you of Epa OCT lS3Ji P? Asthma. We mail to any Asthma sufferer a trial bottfe Bra fca ,fi?H. Sold by drug&iete. DP. Taft Br09. t3. CO., R00h0Gt6r,H.Y a S U ESQ las Cure Aslbjga, H3S8 Scientifio ABKtettl Agcssy far THJlDl DSNH iAT( Stuart & co- vi tMAKvxrTamxi Qi'lrst Imroaa fox asaiu-iac ratsta kt ftont tiksn ost by ca ui aaoujkt tfce nciiiia by a KtlM givaa fa e scuemI Zezscst eft-rotation of any EtanU33 Ski world. Pplacdidly Ulu&trateil. Ko iatalSAiasii ma should ba without It. iih!y, tii tt vear; flJ-Osix moctUa. Addrsas JiDaiS M (SA t'uiLiijncaa, Sti.l Broadway, tfaw Ec Oaf. EAST AND SOUTJC Southern pacific louT?i Kkproa Qraua ea FtrCaul SaSb 'sacTit. te?a f,v rorilai'd.... T:00p. m.fl.v Sn Frlseo Lv Albany :2S p. m, Lv Albany....... :gg aa Aran Frieco 8:lSa.m. lArVortltnd t:Saa A beve trains stop only at following' vtatiaM narttf of P.OFtbiirtr, Enpt Port!hn!, Ores-en CHy, Wood-'' buro, Sulem, .Albany, Tanger,-, E-hcdds, lialaey, Ear-' ri&burgr, Juticticn City. Irvirp, 1 iijreno. Ro?eburg Mail Daily. T Portland. ...8:3u a.m. j Lv UfwfMirg.. ."-HQ a. mt T Aliny 1S:4S ). m. I Lr. Albany.-.. .)SK0 p. s' Ar Ilosnburg fi:60 p m Ar Portland i.Ut p. Albany t,oialjI)aily ExcJ-!!,"-8undaw. i ornanu.. . . . .d:uu p. .n. i Airan iiincny 6:a a. m. J'crt Ji. ...,...: f. Mi lend fJ....M a. jk Ltbnnon JTranch. 8:10 a m , . .Lv. . . Albany. . ..Ar. . .S&3 p a 9:C0 a r.i. . Ar. . .Ltbanen. ..Lv. . .2:St p at 1 :?0 p m . . I.v . . . Albany. . . . Ar. . 1051 m 2:09 ft m. .Ar. . . Lebanon. ..Lv ...f:Stf m Puiiman Buffet Sleepers: SECON'D-CLASS SLEEFING CARS, For the cerrtnujodaticn of ponatngere" hm4 !ni; f ceoi.d -ciuBa tickets, attached t9 vXjprtMl tru.ii EKTWEEH POUT LA KD AKD CU&TJiLUB. HaUTn'.i:. Stlly Jbojt Pais;. LK.ATi'. itiiri Poitl:id 7:S0a. m. j CorvalHa 1S::0 p. ef Corrikllls.... .12:66 p.m. Pol tiaml ...... Wf. fk At Alboey Corrallls ,rrcct with' tralKsaftl Oregon Taciilc Pailruad. Erfrtst Train. riilySicsjtS-.rit;. LKavx. Port I :.nil 4:40 p. in. Mi-MirirviHo, . . .6:4ra. m. MtJHinvillo... y:Sp. b Portluinl m Tbrongli Tickets icf all I'oints East and. South. For ticli,tB ac4 fOtil ir-fonr.-otirn regsrdi rate", tc., cull cn ccmpaDj-'a agent air Corvalhs. E. P POfil' KS, Asst. O. . A P Ageafc U. KOEULERilaiiiE-er. Portland, Oregon. WE 1 HIT TOO to siet as our agput. We furnish au axnenaiTrf out:lt anit all yoa need fre:-. It oosts ntiiir.j; toj try the buninesn. We niil treat you weil, auii helj you to earn ten limes ordinary vaes. Both soxcil of i'Jl ages can live at home and work I spare time, or all tlsc time. Any one any where cum e:irn a ?ret dc-n! of l-iotiey. Many bare mnd Two ?Iaili-!fl I),l!:irs u Month. No elms of people in the world sire ifiukinjj so inucU money Wiciioat rupiinl ns those at wort for u. ltufineis pU'?i.-iant,-strio11y bonorHble, and payn better taaa ii!iv oilier oliVrtd to nyv.tta. You have a lar' llefd, wi'Ji no competition. We eonip you wiUi evirvtliin, and supply printed directions ti' bi i'iiiiiera which, i) obeyed faithfully, will bring' more money tfcaa iil nny othvr busltiasd. Im prove prospect.-' ! Why col ? You can i tat eu!:ly and surely at worlc for up. Keiiioaablaf biduiitry only u.jesssnry for absoluts hcm. Pauijil'let virculRf glviag every particular Is aacJr Isia to U. Di lny not l-i jf-ndliig for it. fciliOiSOS HflHSHS St CO., JUajt Zo. US, rovilaJ, Biay 1 PH I ill immmmm Yaier Front Business Lois, Beaidence Lois overlooking (lie gviiua racjilc Ocean, To Yaquina City, or Tracts of from 1 to 5 acres on or near the Bay. Also sevcralsmall improved farms, where veretvables grow fresh and green 12 months of the year if given half the care required in anyn other state in the Union, at prices that will ASTOMSSH - THE NATIVES ! All f-hnso wishinc to dispose of (heir property cftn'it put It In heifer P - . . . . .11 fc . 1 .. . n hands than oars. Those wishing to invest will maKeu-money iy can- ng on or addressing JAMES EOI3EKTSN.& CO, Denton Countv, a Maia St., Op. Cameron' Store. A qniet room. Good Books. Current Tar pfers and Periodicals. . The public invited. Strangers especially welcome. -r - Per Order of W. C T. U. xaTurnitihcd rooms (up etairs) to rent. 3EI. O. DAVIS, fcej aiid Counselor at Law C0aVALIJ3, I t OUEGOX. tesJ business promptly attended to In any part of ;. ' OfTica Ja PostofBca Blocks THF, Vaqbiha Oregon Faolflo Railroad fl. Hogg. SeceiYsr.ljaad STEAMSHIP LINK, 35 K11 a-rierj 0 Hows Ics titW tbwyi3; fiDijiijrt-r and freight Ur, fro PotlLitd eil Voii,ls ia the Wiilnit ya'lejf ,i arwt lri tia rtuictaoo, i au TtMG 8:HEIULK except Snndays.) f.eave-1 AHjcy 1 :00 p. a) j Leaves VaquiiialS a. u Leave CiTva'lieltO u a. I Ij.vo t'oriallls 10:35 " Arrive YaouicaS:ap. jh I Arrive Albany 11:10 a. i Oregon fc Vl!foruia troius enmieitat Albknyai-f CjrvalK. Tboabove Ualiu concoct at Ytqnira tbe Orisrou I'avelupnient Co.'s line of ntcninshlps twoen Yatiina and fiau i ranciwo. j S"rtrt Taijuina, Stenmshin "ft'iJl'hietto Valley." June ! lltb, 22d, July 1st. . torn PaniFranclHOo. Steamship " Willametta Valley," Jom CSt 17th, 27tl. Tliis (T.imntrv "cerves the rieht to chance saiibvff latps w'.tbont notice. N. K. I'ahseiiyers frr ni Pcrtland awd all Wiilairctto valley points can laake cloatf conncctioii wfth the trains of tlie Yio,ulea' route at Albany or Corvsllla, er.a If dttlr to San Franoioo shor.Id arrafne to acriva at- Yantna tbo eveiiiug litfore fleto of aljii:g I'n.-nn.'er ami frfiirlit rataa alwava VI. ( loweht. For information apply to fe. Vf, Cummins, frcicbt and ticket agec, Cor! lis, or to O. .'. UGUE. Vtva. T. and P. Agt-ut Oregon P clfic Eailvoad Co., Cottrllis, Vi.p W. B. WEBSTER Gee. F. and P. Agent, Oregon Bv.UJ? r.t Co., 8C4 Moutmeiy St., S. F., Crl Cavf.nts. and Traae-Marars obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Ketferai Fe. ir CKSce h Oppos!e U. S. p?feot 6Ssa. and we can seenre psVrt tn less time than tnoevT remote from Wellington. Send model, dravririg or photo., 'with dsCTtjj tfon. M'j advise. If patentable; or not, fr8 oi cbargo. Onr fee not due till patent !s secured.- A Pamphlet, "llow to Obtain Patents," wlW names ofnctnal clients In your State, county, of town, sent free. Address, Oppcttla Patent 0fflc, WsshlagJ'K?, 8 ,- 9