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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1893)
ft ' REMOVED. We invite Our friends to call and sse our new office, formerly occupied by'F. M. Johnson. REMOVED. The GAZETTE is noir located in its new office, two doors south of Hmd-? ilton, Job tt Ca'a Bak- VOL. XXX. ! COKVALLIS, KEXTON COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1893. for infants and Children. ' 0frflUn Aiitrii to children that I CatoH cores Ocllc, Oomrttrwtitst. T it ,,.wr t r,-r nrs-rintion kaawn to me." II. A. Abchxr, M. D.t 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. j i- "Tie uao of ' Castoria 4e eo uoiwial and its okm-iU so well known that it Eeenia a woric of aperoropation to endorse tt. Few are ttie . latelUgcDt families wko uo uot keep Castoria . wltilE eay reach." . ... . - - CAKUM JtiRTTTW, P. D , - . New York City. La Pastor Bloomindale Bef ormed Ciiurch. : Ts Cshtaur FISH-&" MURPHY, STOVES, TINWARE. Plumbing and Tin FORTUNE IS FICKLE- DEATH SURE! . CYRUS W. FIELK at one time worth twenty Millions, died a .panper, leaving his family nothing but his lxfti in Bnrancf. The time to insure is NOW ! Massachusetts has th bstiasnrancfilaw. Every policy has a saarautee of CASH or piici-up insurance each year after the fiivt. The ssrost- poliev is written by THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL UrE INSURANCE CO. Address H. C. COLYOW, Cen. Agt.,33 Stark St., Or ms. vcodcock, Portland, Or. Firit National BanU, Corvallis. Ia fa nlrc-it coart, of tne rtate of Oregon, for the cuanty of U9i:ton. Jaaa Harris and A I.iti. ni a. Uti. ritintilT-i. J ft. I Sti'.t !n equity iff, M0" ;-reclad iu' to K. O. R. Tojup, MT I'.. Yonj, '-'reclsse u:ort- Irte 11. Yo-irig. J c. huu-1 fga luonjand J. 3d. Siur-mi:. , Drf.ini.iKte J B. C. R. Yui;r, Vary K. Young. Pavid II. Touur, J. 0. Siinn-ns, and J. H. Simmons, defend ant!, in tbe name of the state of frcjfon, yu we hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed you in the abora entitled suit, within ten days from the date of the tervicc of this summons upon you, if nerved within this county; or if it be farted within any other coanty of thi ktate, then witkin tweuty da;, a from the date of the eerviceof this summons uprm you; or if you be served br pub lication of aumtnoiHfc t'leri on or before Monday, the . lth day of April, 1&3; it being the first day of the rasTjUr April term of raid caurt far 1893. And it jam fail to arjjwcr, for want , thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief prayed far in the eeaplaiiit, namely: For a decree, in favor of Jane Harris against R C. R. Young-, for $1100, U. S gold coin, with intcrc.-t In like gold coin, at the rate of ten per cent per annum from January 2nd 1S01, luid for $100, as attorney, fees; and for a da;re, in favor of A. E, Laws against It. C. R. Young, for $1000, V., S. gold coin with in terest, in like g'ftd coin, at t'.le rate of ten per cent par aijQt-j', from January 1st, 1891; and for 1 1C0, as , attorneys taes; and in favor of both plaintiffs for the salts and disbursements against said defendent, K. C' R Young; and a decree in favor of plaintiffs, and avmiust all of said defendauts, foreclosing- the mort gage set out in the coraplaint, and decreeing that tbe iuortgag9d premises therein described, to-wit: Beginning on the bank of the Willamette river at the north-east obmer of Samuel Gage's donation land claim No 57, situate In township 12 south range 5 west, running thence west, along north line of said claim, to the center of the st:ite road; thence north, along said state road, to the south-west corner of the land conveyed by Harvey Yoinij; nd wife, to G. H. Smith by deed recorded in vol. "K", at nape 613, of the deed records of Benton county, Oregon; running thenee east, along the south line of said Smith's lai-d, Si chains and 84 linkrt, more or le?s, to the bank of the Willamette river; thence southerly, following the meandering; of said stream, to the place of hegiuing; being a part of Harvey Yonrig and wife's donation land claim, situate in township 12, south of range 5 west, in Bentan county, gtnte of Oregon, be sold by the sheriff of Benton county, Oregon, in the manner prescribed by law for the alo-f real property, on execution; and that the proceeds, arising from said sale, be applied first to the payment of the costs and expenses of such sale, and of this suit; including the attorneys fees allowed and decreed therein, in favor of plaiutiffa And next to the payment of the amounts decreed to be due the said plaintifis respect ively, heroin; as above prayed for. And if said prem-B- do not sell for enoui'h to satisfy the same in full, tben, that the same same be applied prorata to the payment of the said respective amounts decreed to be due plaintiffs herein; and for the deficiency, that they may have excution against any other property of the defendant, EL C. R Young, That at such sale the plaintiffs, or either of thein, have the right to become the purchasers. That the defendants, and all persons claiming Virough or under them or either of tbem, be forever 'debarred and foreclosed of all right, title, interest, state, loin, or equity of redemption of, in, on, or to aid premises, save only the Statutory right of re demption; that the di-fendauts, J. C. Simmon, and J. II. Simmons pay and deliver over to the purchaser at such sale the rents and profits of said premises; and for such other or further rule, order or relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. Tim Summons is published in the Consuls Gazktts, for six weeks at to the defendants K. C. R. Younir. Mary ' K Young and David H. Young bv irtue of an order of the Hon. J. C. Fuilerton Judge of said Court, made at chambers at Koseburg, Ore gon ana Bearing date reoruary zara. ioko. F. M. JOHNSON, ) Attorneys for J. K. UK V SOS, - riarotiff. Dated February 23rd, 1803. ; 3TS ! pour Stomach, Diarrhoea. KructatiOB. I Kim Wnrnii. e-ivni Kitten, and ui Kills Worms, giveo sleep, and prciiotl di gestion, "Without iujorioua medio&Uoa. For eTerol years I hare reoorain1el your Castoria, ' and shall always continue do an as it has invariably produced bonefioial results. " Enwnr F. Faarm, tf. D., " S THntfarop," 135th StrasC and T Ave, - - ' Now Tor CWf. CoMPAKT Tf KftmsAT Ett, Kit Towc PLUSMBIHC. - Work a Specialty. ADM I N 1ST HATCH'S NO Tl 1 : 12. Nutiee is Iscreliy givuu to all person cou ceineii tlcit the iiuitersigne'i lias liei-u duly appoints) a'iruiiiimi'ator of . tuu estate of M. J. Brigirs, ilecnaseil, by th Coonty Court, at Buiitoli county, Oregon; and all perilous baviaji uiaims against said estiite are heri liy rqairfl to present tke to me, duly verified, at my office, at Corvallic, Oregnii, within mix montlia from this date. Doted March 3, 1893 J. It. BKYSON, AJinioutiator Estate of M. J. Brings, Decersed. BO WEN LESTER Ofiice uiMMlrs ia Farm's lriefc. Strictly FiiVclaa work gtvareotaed. - Oregon. FOR SALE. A pood 5-roora House, S.'-i acres of Land, with an Abundance of fruit, good garden ppot, pjood new barn, situated partly in the city limits and a bargain. Enouire of the undt-rsigned, at the residence or J. II. Al brecht, opposite the old district fclK'ol bui'.dine, or at the office of the ('orvallis Gazkttx. Mrs. L. GKAY. Corvallis, Feb. 23 ml. lie n ton. County ' : MH)iG MILLS AVI) r. AI.rcTYN, Proprietor. !nd Sr h kept in stork or made to v i '! . f all Linda .in .i-i- or .r. Ail i-ii r vviil r-wive prompt at-.- rif- J L'ta:".. r.vttt aii a.y work lube mIs. ' ! S. P. depot, Corvallis, 8 8-tf. SfTHE CELEBRATED Band, McNaliy & Co.'s UNIVERSAL ATALS. Tne Latest, 3dIost Reliable, !M! ost Complete Published iu the United States. For particulars address J. STEVENSON, ... Gen. Agt. Pacific Coast, ' Local agents wanted. Cobyallii. OBSERVATIONS. OS 1IA1TEIIS OF GENERAL LOCAL INTEREST. Corvallis is abundantly supplied with fra ternal and benevolent societies, there being no loss than fourteen organizations in tht city, to say uothiug of the W. U. T. U., Y' and church societies. The man who want a good excuse to make to his wife, when he Mays out late at night with the boys, has ODly to join three or four orders, then he ha3 plenty of material for explanation. Hut nevertheless, prosperous beueficiary and fra ternal societies iu a city are a good indica tion of liberal enterprise and progressive ideas, and piny an important pmt in tne civ ilizing influence of modern society. Representatives of eastern capitalists re cently visited Corvallis, and looked over the Held with a view of bidding on the water bonds. After a careful examination of the city ami county affairs, tliey were most agreeably impressed with the prest-nt solid aud future prospective properity of this sec tion. As a consequence the water bonds were sol 1 at a liberal rate of premium, w bile c.i.itui.itH who did not have a correct idea of the financial status of Benton county were a.'i;c8t down to par with their bids. During the latter autumn mouths of 1802, veveral young of this city, who were accustomed to cooking for themselves, concluded they would snve expenses ind put away something for a rainy day by estab lushing bachelor quarters. Cheap quarters were secured, and the different households boasted for awhile, how economical they were living on the best the market afforded. But, after awhile the novelty began to wetr away. It was too much lroub!o to kindle iires, and sometimes the vU;.k would bnri:, and other casualties of an unexpected na ture would oc.'ur. Out of the half doZcu or more who started in to keep bachelor's hull, only two remain in their gioty. They are in the hardware busiprss, and still bo.'iRt of their cozy bachelor quartern across the street. The (icntist and dry goods cierks have re turned to their respective hotel, and restau rant, and the others don't c:ire about batch ing kiiy more. The n'icnHural college is establishing a record for strict dicipliue, that will be hailed with pleasure by the nitron 9 of that ingtitu tion. Early in the week three students were expelled fur becoming intoxicated. It is necessary for the well" .re of an educa tional institution that strict discipline be en f"tced. I'eople from a distance, who send theii boys to the agricultural college expect that their sons must strictly obey the rules. IJOSV'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Doi'ars Howard for any case of Catarrh that canui'C be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo. O, V the ouderiii;'td, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe hun perfectly h.nmrlnc 111 all Imsines. trniisactious and financially able to carry out any obligations made, by their firm. Went ft lruax, W holesale Uruggiats, JO- ledo, Ohio. Waldinir. Kinnati & Marvin, Wholesale, L)ri:p.g:et8, Toledo, Ohio. Hail's Cat:trb Cure ia taken internally, acting directly upon the l.loml and mu:'U 'U8 8'irf.ce of the system. Price, 75c. per b-ts tie. 6oid by all ilrng-istH. Jlestimouials iroe. The Corvaiiis Times-Leader, under tbe present m;inigement,. it controlled by the same "usufruct"' ii. Alienees that in.-de every eff.irt to eV.-feat the election 'of Judge Fuller- ton, last June. That journal should remem ber the words of Christ; "Take the beam out of thine own eye first, then thou cans't see more clearly to cast the beam out of thy sro'.her's eye," before garbling and miscon struing a few sentences in order that they themselves may appear in a false light be fore their readers. "A man can not serve two masters." Alien Baby was sick, we cave her Castoria. Whoa she was a Child, sua cried for Castoria. Wboa she became Was, she clung to OaateKfe. Whea eh had ChUdron, she gave tbem ( CEV1TUC. "Ppa, if you want your little boy To have his heart just fail of joy, Give to him five cnts or ten. So he on buy a CENTRIC PEX." For sle at the Gazkitc stationery store. MOTHERS' RECOMMENDATION. We are acquainted with many mothers in Centei ville who would not be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy iu the house for wgoot many times its cost, and are re commendiug it every day. From personal experience we can say that it . has broken up bad crids for our children. Conterville, South Dakora, Citizen. 50 cent bottles for sale by T. Graham. Drugi'iat. . At the Conxrgatioual church there will be communion service on Sunday at 11 a. m. In the evening the pastor will preach a tem perance sermon by request of the W. C. T. U. The subject will be: The Dethrone ment of a King. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E at 6:30 p. m. Everybody cordially i'vit.ed. Highest o: ill la Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 11 vigatLB AB&OlLfYELY OREOON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. AS INTERESTING BATCH OF ITEMS FROM THAT IKsTlTCTlON. The Hespeiian Lyceum, last Friday even ing, elected the following oliicers, after a choice literary programme had been render ed: K. C. Finley, Pres.; MissVoorhees, vice pres ; Miss Davis, sec; Miss Oil a Kobbius, treas. ; P. Nabb, editor; W. S. Goodall, libra rian; R. G. Emraett, sergeunt-at arms. The society also decided to give a receptiou on Friday evening. Mar. 17th, at the opera house, committees to make necessary ar rangements being appointed. The athlete entertainment has been post poned one week, so that it will be given on Friday Mar. 24th. Next Sunday, Mar. 19th, Hon. Lydell Baker, of Portland, will address the students at the college chapel; townspeople are cor dially invited to attend this address. At a recent meeting of the faculty, the following professors were appointed ou a committee to procure employnieut for needy students; F. L. Washburn, Geo.' Cooke, Dumont Lotz. These professors will receive applications for student labor. The literary contest between the Madiaou iu aud Athenian societies will take place at the opera house, Friday Mar. 31st. The winning society's president will be decorat ed with a beautiful silver medal. The ques tion for do o.i to is: "lissoived that the interest involved iu the Civil war was of greater im yortauce to the American people than that of the Revolution." Au apidemic of "la grippe" has goue through the school during the last week, there being 14 of it iu Cautuoru hall aud 8 in the ladies dormitory. The invalids are not seriously ill though, and it is a very mild f'.rm of grip tlut has attacked them. RHEUMATISM QUICKLY CUHED. Three days is a very short time iu which to cure a had caue of rheumatism; but it can be done, if the proper treatment is adopted, as will be teen by the following from James Lambert, of New Brunswick, I'd. : "I was badly atilicted with rheuma tism in the hips aud legs, when I bought a bottle of Chauiberhsiu's Hain Bdm. It cured me in three days. I am all riht to da ; and wouid insist on every one who is aflJ;cted with that terrible disease to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm and get well at once." 50 cent bottles for sale by T. Gia haai. Druggist. KNIGHTS OF MACCABEES INSTAL LATION. One of the mint interesting public instal lations ever made und'jr the auspices of a fraternal and beneficiary society in Corvallis, took place at the A. O. U. W. hall Wednes day evening. It was the installation of the uewly elected oliicers of the tent of the "Knights of Maccabees of the World." in atituted here hmt week by Deputy Supreme Commander. H. Van Meter. A Large number of invited guests wers present accompanied by tbuir wives and daughters, and all enjoyed the exercises im mensely. Abur.t (seventeen Sir Kuikhts of Albany came up oil the steamer Bismarck and by private conveyance, who assisted Sir Knight Van Meter iu the installation ceremonies. Some iheui were accomp. allied by their wives. The following officero were duly installed; . Past commander, J M Applewhite; com mander, Charles W Hodes! lient. command er, M L Dorri, record keeper, E O Wells; finance keeper, A Hod en; prelate, J T Phil hps; sergeant, Ira Neloou; master-at-arms, 11 L Davis; 1st iniMter of the guards, C. W Thrasher; 2nd master of the guards, M L Smith; suntiuel, G Steltler; picket, B S Mar tin. After the installation ceremonies stirring but short address-is were made by Charles VV Hodes, M L Dorris and T M Hamilton, after whish a bountiful supply of refresh ments were served. More time was spent ia social converse and music, aud the visitors were dismissed who returned to their hornet with the best wishes of prosperity for the Maccabees, The lodge then. Went into secret session and live new members were iuiated. CHOLERINE IN PENNSYLVANIA. Swickley, Penn. : We had! an epidemic of cholerine, as our pliysiiiioiiM called it. iu t.hi-i place lately and I made a great hit with Chamberlain's Colic, Choler aud Diarrhoea Remedy. I sold four dozen bot tles of it iu one week and have since sold nearly a cross. This Remedy did the work and was a big advertisement for me. Several persons who have been troubled with diarrhoea for two or three weeks were cured by a few doses of this medicine. P. P. KNArr, Ph. U. 23 a id 50 cent bottles for sale by T. Graham, Diuggist. President Eddy of the State Board Associ ation, has appointed the following delegates to tbe National Editorial Association, which convenes in Chicago Ma 16 to 30: C C Doughty, alternate F S Harding; Charles Nickel, alternate Mrs. W J Plymale; Geo. O Yorau, alternate Leo Patterson; A Nolt ner, alternate Ira L Campbell; A W Patter son, alternate F Conover; D T Stanley, al ternate E Hofer; John R Beegle, alternate D I Anbury; George H Himes, alternate George Hibbert. BRIEF LOCALS. New goods at Stock's, lied kid gloves all the wige. New dress goods at Stock's. Look out for Stock's nd next week. All die Uttest trimmings at Stock's. All the latest spring novelties at Stock's. Now goods are arriving at J. H. Ha iris'. A large line of hats just received at Stock's. Any price napkins can be had at J. H. Harris'. Gent's furnishing goods, big assort at J. H. Harris'. Sewing machine headquarters at J. Win. Will's. Full lines of dress goods and trim mings at Kline'a Standard patterns can only b found at J. H. Harris. Elegant new line of shoes and Ox fords at Stock's. Novelties in the stationery line at the Gazette office. Ladies' uid children's hair cutting a spcialty at Taylor's. Call at J. H. Hairis' and get a stand ard fashion sheet free. W. A. Wells has returned from an extended trip to California. Furniture at cost prices for 30 days at J. A. Knight's furniture store. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Murphy lft for Salem Wednesday on a short visit. Ex-Conductor Chas. Kennedy ha3 gone on a visit to his parents in Ohio. Mrs. S. T. Jeffreys and family re turned from a visit to Toledo Wednes day. Hon. C. B. Crosno and Dr. J. R. Bay ley were over from the bay this week. An elegant new line of shoes and half shoes, for ladies and children, at Stock's. The regular W. C. T. U. meeting was held at the Evangelical church yesterday altemoon, School shoes and shoes for children, misses and boys, in a variety of styles at J. H. Harris'. A party at Hoskins is whooping up Bub Johnson for the new democratic postmaster at Corvallis. j7V. Bail, of Newport, and Dr. W. II II. Rich, of Toledo, Were doing Corvallis this week. Mrs. Georgo Wagner, of Monrot, is visiting her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. C. B. Wells in this city.- We handle none but the best cas kets find coffins. Hearse furnished when desired. L. Welier Co. The Marine Minstrel troup report that there wire over sixty cases of mumps ot Independence last week. President Bloss, of the agricultural college, is attending tho district teach ers' institute at Roseburg this week. Fost Sale. A second-hand, uncov ered bugjfy for sale cheap. Enquire at this office. J. E. Sorbin, a former resident of this city, but now of The Dalles, was in the city this week. J. A. Wilson, manager of the Sugar Pine Doer & Lumbar Co. at Albany, was in the city Monday. For pictur frames and fine mould ings go to J. A. Knight's furniture Store, the cheapest and best place in town. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Phillips, of Al bany, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Fih during the first of the wei-k. , Inks, pens, pencils, blank hooks, en velopes, plain and fancy writing paper in great variety at the Gazette sta tionery store. Mrs. W. Bogue has been seriously ill with typhoid fever during the past two weeks, and her condition is but little improved. Young America Engine Co. No. 1, held h regulation drill last Monday j evening. I lie apparatus is in gooa j working order. j Ladies wanting a sewing machine will do well to call at A. Knight's j furniture store and examine his new style "Davis Sewing Machine." Judge Hufford on Wednesday sent over, the papers for the first suit in Lincoln couuty. It was the lore closure of a mortgage. Buying directly from factories we guarantee material and workmanship in all our shoes. Call and see them. J. H. Harris. Sinnera must be exceedingly scarce in Philomath, as the protracted meet ing which closed last week, resulted in nearly 130 conversions. Lawyers and clerks can find exactly what they want in the Gazette sta tionery store. A specialty made of type writer supplies. The new lotige of good Templars organized in this city last week is pros pering, Fifteen new members were initiated last Saturday night. ' We have just added to oor shoe line. Fargo's complete line of 2:50 shoes, Evtry jir warranted. Ask to see theai. , J. IL Hasris. . H. C. Day, formerly purser on the steamer Hotg, has been appointed manager of the O. P. steamer freight and passenger office at Portland. Work is progressing favorably on J R. Smith & Co.'s new building, oppo site Jligliu s livery stable. Wells & Son brought an attachment suit against M. W. AVilkins, in Justice Davis court for $123.90 and costs, and judgement was rendered for the amount yesttrday. The county judge has made an or der postponing the sale of the proper ty of Carl Straga, deceased, and will re-advertise the same in order to pub lish service to Anna Condia, an heir. There will be services at the Evan gelical church next Sunday evening by Rev, J. Bowersox, P. E. of the Colum bian district. T. L. Weaver, pastor. Mrs. E. B. Frank returned last Friday from a visit to Eugene City, She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Simons, who made a short stay in the city. State School Superintendent Me EIroy has prepared an arbor day cir cular, which will be sent out in a few days to the teachers and county school superintendents of the state. Circuit court for Benton county will convene in Corvallis the second Mon day iu April, and will begin in Lincoln county on the third Monday in May. Wanted Everyone to know that Peterson keeps the tiest moulding and makes the finest picture frames in town as well as turning out the best job work. Shop two blocks south-west of public school. . C. A. Sterling and family of Clarke county, Washington, have bocoiue residents of Corvallis, and have moved into the residence south of Prof. Washburn's dwelling. J. E. llenkle, of Philomath, was in the city this week. He has returned from Ashland accompanied by his family, where they have been sojourn ing during the past winter. D. E. Vaughn, ol Philomath, has gone to San Francisco, and assumed charge of the O. P. office in that city. H. H. Ctonise, of Portland, succeeds Mr. Vaughn at Philomath. H. Van Meter, Deputy Supreme Commander ol the Knights of Mac cabees, leaves today for Jefferson, where he will organize a teut of that order. He will return to Corvallis however. While looking for good article of foot wear, bear In uiind the fact that Wbber Son are selliug boots and shoes cheaper than ever and of a qual ity that defies competition. Call and gc them. For anything in the sewing ma chine lino go to J. Win. Will. He keeps the largest assortment of extra parts, attachments, need'.os, oils, and the best of machines at the latest re duced prices. We are informed that the genial proprietor of the "maple brook poultry yards," Arthur StClair, is now actual ly engaged in the practice of ltw, par ticular attentionbeing given to divorce matters. County Assessor Alexander is hav ing the assessment rolls for 1893 pre pared, and will soon be ready to as sess county, incorporated cities and school districts, as provided by trie new state law. The "Pride of Japan" tea is the lat est. It is packed in Japan expressly for Wheeler t Langley. Free of color ing matters, and pure, fine flavor and of first quality. Packages labeled with picture of tea plant. Try the "Pride of Japan." Notwithstanding the eternal vigi lance of newspaper managers, typo graphical errors will occasionally creep into the best regulated journals, mak ing some words appear ridiculous when nothing of the kind is intended. VqJ. 1, No. 1, of the Lincoln County Leader, has been received at this office. It is h very neat, inewsy six column folio, issued by J. T. Stewart, editor and proprietor, and will be a valuable advertisment for Lincoln county. " llev .H. Gonld dehvereil an instruc tive and logiVal temperance sermon at the M. E. church last Sunday evening. This is one of a series of temperance sermons that will be given by the pas tors of the different churches in the city. . State Superintendent E. B. McEl roy is now a proud grandfather. Un der the head of born, the Salem States man of last Saturday contain the fol lowing: "At the family home Friday Mar. 10th I893, to the wife of Willis B. McElroy, a son." Mrs. Dallaba's fruit house was brok en into the other night, and all the contents, including the empty glass fruit jars, were carried away. Mrs. Dallaba states that she would not la ment the loss of her fruit so much, if the glass jars were returned. Philomath now ' has an auxiliary league of the Salvation - army, which meets at the M. E. church on Friday evenings at 7 o'clock. . The officers are: Samual Dixon, captain; Mrs. Clara Zimmerman, Luella Dixon and Loren Woods, lieutenants. The tax roll for Benton and Lincoln counties will be completed in about two weeks, when the . sheriffs' of the two counties will be ready to receive taxes at their respective offices. The state . levy is seven mills, and ' the Benton county court has reduced the county levy to 10 mills, which, with the 5-mill school tax, makes 22 mills. A fine hue of stationery, type wri ter supplier, tablets, pm, inks eUi. have just been received at tbe Oa- zcttil stationery store. These geods8 have been carefully selected with tut view of suiting; the special tastes f?" this public, aud patrons may be suited'-1 here 111 articles which they cannoP find elsewhere in the town. You are cordially invited to call and inspeetc tke new stock. This week's issue of the Times as serts that the "brains" of the GasetTX is out of town. We presume that tbe Times, realising the fact that Gazkttx without "brains" is abouteciual to the Times with "brains", thought It opportune time to try and spread theia- selves. M fi-iVrwl Timu 1. uk.ln.n' - . - - v, - . - a a.wv , w U .'I BHl, of the Gazette is right in town, and$ we are not like people that don't knowdr how to use them. Adam Bumbarger now languishes 111 the COll 11 tv i.lil Hn rontls mtm some hams from his employer- J." C Taylor, who securedihi8 safe appear -ance at the next term of the cirontf com t,Jfor indulging in pistol practice one time during the past winter ' with Ed. Montgomery. Montgomery - has- been released on bonds furnished by T his father and ibrotherfrom Crook' county, and Bumbarger now occupies-4 his recently vacated berth. Fred Schmidt and wife on lastc Wednesday had their attorney fihY'a. petition with County Judge HuJford,.. asking him to supercede an order made by a previous judge committing Mrs.. Schmidt to the insane asylum, from which she was discharged as cured bj " the superintendent. The judge couldi not see it in that light, and dismissed! the petition. Mrs. Schmidt givas un- married at the time, and why she : should want the order superseded ir-svi. puzzler. It will bo remembered that Mrs. Sehmidtt shot herself through the abdomen last summer, but recovered. - Read the new advertisement of F. -L. Miller in this issue of the Gazicttb. He is receiving a bran new stock oft clothing, furnishing goods, etc., direct 1 from Chicago, where they were por- chased for the lowest cash price, HJe- gootls are of the very best qualityf Jte ue ouiainea ior me money ,;na p trail can rest assured of getting the besic value for their money at this star. Since his arrival here he bas conclude i not to handle ladies' shoes, aud will 1 sell a fine line of Hamilton, Browrrfitz Co's. out at cost. Remember the place in Fishe-r'B block "on Second street,,, opposite the Hotelf Corvallis. The following teachers were gtastetfi certificates at the last public exaraiaa. -tion held in this city: 1st;., grade - Lottie E. Herbert, Mary A. Har rison, Emma Wright. . 2nd. grade -Veils Chapman, El van Shcak, Miranda Frankliu, Geo. W. Brown, W. H.- Buoy, Kate M. Simpson, EvbIm Alexander, A. A. Williamson, R. T&... Burco, B. F. Wilhoit, Leo Merrymafi, -Ida Miller, Viola Johssosv trdl grade Clara Bethers, Ada Dhu Cora Gregson, Mamie Ojflesbf, Belle Rannev. Tane Robins. Haiti- Inch- . Jennie Alexander, LouUo Lenbergr,, T" T a .Bessie xangiey, Ada jonea, K. M. . Lance. S. Pi Hunt. Walter Dittmar Carl Dittmar, A. V. Underwood, J. liens, U. r. (Jalluon. TO ORGANIZE; A CHORAL SOCIETY A. W. Bowersox and others are in teresting themselves in the laudable c move to organise a musical society ia-. this city, and cordially invite everyoufs to attend a meeting at the Christians cnurcu next aionaay evening, who reeri interested iu the matter. The subject -will b thoroughly discussed at this' time with a view of effecting an or ganization. Prof. W. W. Davis, eff Albany, has promised to be present,. and will tavor those preseut with one or more solos. The object of this musical society is not to instruct oew beginners in music, but to advance the standard of music in church choir an4 ilk nnfilit n4ttiarmva U ivt.wi. '- v- - y m .j aw4viuja vuivuiiviia'j the city. . NEW ROAD MACHINES. In view of the fact that road taxera will hereafter be paid ia money,, which will be judiciously expended 011 the various road districts in Benton county, County Judge Hufford con Obiui 1U VIJlV IUHU aWUIlUICB) of improved make: one to be placed on the road leading to Monroe, oner on the Soap creek road, and tbe otherr in the viciuity of Philomath. Thes machines have been used with goocLl effect on the roads of Multnomah county by the authorities, and are a, grand success in good road building The judge expects to visit Portland! soon and will make a personal exami nation of tbe different styles of road machines while there. DRESS GOODS FOR. '83. Soliel, Henrietta, Camel's Kri Chene, Albatros, Crepon Bearritst Cord, Ottoman Dots, etc., in tof lavender, myrtle, nile, eream, , taofc pink, heliotrope, and all the latest; shades. The Crystal silks, bendsonw est trimming ever made, at Kline's. SKATING RINK. Aiir; iiiauitgvi v vii visum ilUUBC skaters, has decided to reopen tht rmc next bat 11 relay, March 18th, at a It ra 4VI Teas) I AO raWle Atavl T n aw everybody. Come all and bring youf friemlv -