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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1879)
I Corvallis, Feb. 21 1879. THE ENTERTAINMENT. The Good Templar Neck Tie Sociable, musical and literary entertainment, at the City Hall, last Friday evening, was a grand success, in every way. The attendance, riot, withstanding the inclemency of the weather, was very large, and everybody Beenied happy. Many of bur leading citi zens, not connected with the Order, gave us their hearty support and approval, and con tributed liberally toward its complete suc cess. But the committee are under special obligations, to the Second Brigade Band. Prof. McElroy, Prof. Brotherhood, and the young people who so cheerfully aided in the musical and literary part of the programme, and to the citizens generally, for the true sociability exhibited on that oceasion. To Mrs. H. W. Vincent, of the New Eng'and House, who prepared and superintended, in person, the iee-cream department, is due much of the financial success of the enter tainment ; also to Dr. F. A. Vincent and wife for efficient services. In fact, we can't particularize, where the entire community seemed so cheerfully willing to aid in mak in the entertainment the most successful and enjoyable one of the season. The net proceeds amounted to about S50. Pretty Stood for a stormy night, and an admission fee of only twenty-five cents. Being Val eutine's day, the postofiiee, under the imme diate supervision of L. Y. Wilson, and live assistants, was a very important feature, adding to the fun, as well as the finances. Taken altoaether, it w:is one of the most satisfactory and pleasant, social entertain ments ever enjoyed in Cnrvallis, and its frequent repetition would be most desirable and beneficial. In order to correct any Wrong impression that may have gone abroad, we will take the liberty of stating that the "social dance," which followed, was entirely separate and distinct from our entertainment, and for which the Lodge was in no wise responsible. The committee of arrangements, by resolution, decided that it should not wind up with a "dance." After we c'osed our entertainment, of course the Good Templar3 responsibility ceased. It was not for us to say that the youiig peo ple, who so desired, should not occupy the Hall, for their own amusement. While the very corner-stone of our organization is morality, we do not assume the preroga tives of the church, and do not desire to prevent our members, as individuals, from dancing, although it is not competent for a Lodge of Good Templars to give a ball. We simply make this statement so as to relieve the committee of arrangements and Lodge from any responsibility in this-matter. MONEY SQUANDERED! Ed. Gazette : A'thugh the government has spent thousands of dollars in improving the upper Willamette river, yet the captains of the river steamer3 assert that the appro priations on the river have been squandered, and the river in no better condition for nav igation than it was five or ten years ago. It the snags are pulled out they are let Gnat down and settle again in the sands. It is certain that this river could be so improved that light draught steamers could ply be tween CorvaUis and the falls all the year, and up to Harrisburg six months in the year. Now that the O. h. N. Co. own about all the boats and wharfs on the Wil lamette river, and are deeply interested in its navigation, perhaps they will put forth their influence in congress, and also aid in mon ey, to have the river properly improved for low water navigation. Yet more depends upon the construction of the Corvallis and Yaquina, and the Wostside railroad lines to CorvaUis or Junction, than on the im provement of the Willamette river. Pacific. BEAVER CREEK ITEMS. Ed. Gazette : It might be of interest, while the newsstreams in froTi every quarter of the county, and is hurled back through your valuable columns, showing an era of prosperity ih Beiiton county, to give a few lines from this locality. The dense forest still melts away before thshnrdy white man, and gives place to the thrifty crops. The following adjoining farmers have, during the last two months, cleared and put under Cultivation forty-two acres of lane', alto jjelther. Mr. Drury Davis, about fifteen acres;' Mr: William Hood, ten acres ; Mr. Joseph Gray, three acre's ; Mr. James Lewis, eight acres ; ' and Mr. Todd, who lately came to theNCOiintry, has cleared six. Much fencing has also been done. Mr. Newhouse has moved his steam saw mill about three miles west, into new range for timber. Yours truly. , J. C. K. McCans. Beaver Creek, Feb. 11, 1879. Fresh Roasted Goffee, at Ray's. Cheddar Cheese new, at Ray's. Loaf Sugar Drips very choice, at B ay's. Z. J. Hatch, of Portland, was in Corval li8 Tuesday. Rev. Jos. Emery will preach in the Col lege chappel, at 1 1 a. m. , next Sabbath. The only safeguard of community against lawlessness, is. the rigid enforcement of law. Rev. II. P. Dunning was called to Port land, unexpectedly, last Tuesday, on busi ness. Rev. G. W. Bennett, will preach at the Mountain View school house, next Sabbath, at 11 a. m. A. couple of our respectable citizens had a hand to hand encounter on the street last Wednesday. Geo. Gerhard, of this city, has gone to the Dalles, for his health, and to look after business, also. Hook and Ladder Go's Ball at the City Hall to-night. Let all lovers of dancing attend. Grand inarch at 9 o'clock. CorvaUis is suffering from a disgraceful scandal case. , For the present we suppress names and forbear comments. The H. & L. boys have the City Hall mai'iiilicently decorated for the Ball to-night, with evergreens, Chinese lanterns, etc. The City of Salem was crowded Wednes day morning with delegates from this city to the Temperance Alliance, at Albany. Rev. J. S. McCain, P. E., of Eugene City, will preach in the M. E. church in this city next Sabbath morning, at the usual hour. The second term of school in the North District cl ;ed last Friday. We are pleased to leIrn that under the management of Prof. RoyrU, this school is becoming second to none in the city. We would call the attention of our read ers to the advertisement of Ames' Improve ment in apparatus for preserving meats, etc., as advertised by Messrs. Goldson & Mat toon. H. C. Allen, traveling agent of the ex tensive drug firm of Abrams & Corroll, .S. t, favored us by a call last Tuesday, and gave us an ad. Unlike most traveling agents, he paid fur the same in advance, in full. A firm so ably represented will cer tainly prosper. Thanks to Rev. A. Simpson and wife, for an elegant cake. We realize the force of the adage "Absent, but not forgotten." Their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, last Thursday evening, was a grand affair, and we regret that circumstances, beyond our control, prevented us from bein? one of the happy throng present on that occasion. TOO MUCH credit Editor Gazette : Your notice of Wm. Reid's Portland Board of Trade Report and his neglect to mention the ten miles of rail road, as connected with Yaquina Bay, was courteous ; but in this case conrtesy is worse than wasted. There is a class of men, who, in public matters, allow selfishness to con trol them ; and no man in Oregon, occupy ing a position to give important enterprises correct standing and encouragement, can be as genuinely small and contemptible as this Secretary of the Portland Board of Trade, Mr. Wm. Iteid of Dundee. In 1S76, work ing with all his mighty (?) influence todefeat the passage of the bill to assist this same railroad, he insisted on calling Yaquina Bay "a hole in the ground." Probably he still feels spiteful, because he failed, and because his overbearing manner aud insufferable con ceit made it necessary for a icsolution keep ing that worthy gentleman, and his kind, from within the bar, learning members how to legislate. He has done some commenda ble things. For instance, he figured how long it would take 1,000, borrowed of the Scotch Loan Co., at 10 per cent, per annum, to eat up an average Oregon farm. This was exactly like him ; it never occurred to his mind that there were a FEy men in the State capable of making that mathematical calculation. As an obedient servant of Portland, and her welfare, with not a parti cle of sympathy for efforts in an opposite direction, his equal cannot be found. This may be more attention than he deserves : but the Orcgonian commends the report and suggests public gratitude, and I cheerfully admit, that aside from the premeditated and daliberate piece of superfine meanness, the report is able and valuable. How much better a person feels after dealing charitably with his fellow man '! any way. P. I ALTO. Newport, Feb. 10, 1S79. Improvements. EvEryiour of sunshine iif vigorously improved by persons contem plating improvements. The old building north'of Haskins' hotel, has been torn down and 'removed1, leaving a clear space from the old hotel to Young & Polly's corner. Nick Baesen has had workmen engaged in tearing away tne front and removing the old Empire market building to the rear, preparatory to erecting his new shop. Everything indicates' important improvements in early spring. The future of CorvaUis and Benton county never seemed so bright and hopeful. There is no longer any doubt, in the minds of in formed persons, that CorvaUis wiU become the railroad center of the Willamette valley. Let every citizen of Benton county work to this end "In union there is strength." CorvaUis is one of the most beautiful and healthy places in the State, and Benton county possesses advantages, agricultural, mineral and commercial, surpassed by no county in the State, and is filling up, very rapidly, with solid, industrious, enterpris ing people. DR. C. M- WOOD, The celebrated Healer, whose wonderful cures have been published in the Oregonian for the past year, wiU be at Albany on Feb. 19th, 1879, at the Revere House, and re main until March 3rd. 1S7Q nrl ,-, sick of chronic diseases. Patients will call early to secure treatment. Feb, 17, 1879. 2w TWENTY-FIFTH anniversary. ConVALLis, Feb. 14, IS73. W. B. Carter, Esq. My Dear Sir and Bro : Mrs. Simps:m and myself regret that you and Mrs. C. should have leen prevent ed from joining us in the celebration of our 23th wedding anniversary, on yesterday evening. If you could have been there, and only have felt half the gratification that we felt, you certainly would have enj'03'ed your self immensely. The only trouble we felt was, in the difficulty of expressing our ap-' preciation of the great kindness anil good will of our friends present, and also in the fact that we had not house room enough, so ! that we might have had more of our friends with us. The gifts we received we shall ever esteem, priceless, not so much for their intrinsic value, though indeed that is not small, but for the feelings they represent. You, perhaps remenibrr 4n Dickon's " B'eak House" how Little Joe thought that if Mr. Snagsby would only oblige him by writing a letter in "uncommon precious large" writing then the intensity of his feel ings might perhaps be understood. So I thought perhajjs, if Bro. Carter only had some " uncommon precious large" type per-I haps I could get him to express somewhat of our feeih'ngs towards orir kind friends for their tokens of friendship and affection, but then you know you haven't tyre large enough to do the matter justice, and I must give up in despair, or else tell our friends to put themselves in our place and then they will know how it is themselves. With kind regards to yourself and Mrs. C, fraternally yours. AkthonT simpson. Phof. Tice, the distinguished mcterolo gist and weather prophet of St. Louis, has issued his Annual National Weather Almanac fjr 1879, in which, besides foretelling the weather for every day in the year and clear ly explaining the theory on which his pre-, dictions are based, he gives a history, causs and etiects of tornadoes a chapter on light ning rods, exposes their general worthless ness, and explains how they may be made effective, &c. The whole is of great interest and practiclal value to every one, and es pecially indispensibln t farmers. For sam ple copy and terms of sale to the trade and to a"euts, send 20 cents to the publishers, THOMPSON, TICE & CO., ' St. Louis, Mo. If every individual and every family would bestow a tithe of the requisite in any ordinary attack of acute disease, in strving to prevent and wan! off its attacks, there would rarely be any use for calling in the aid of the physician. In all ordinary de rangements of the stomach, bowels, liver or kideys, you need only a few doses of Frcse's Hamburg Tea. BLUE RIBSON CLU3- Dr. J,' W. Watts, the great temjierance revivalist, arrived in CorvaUis late on Sat urday evening by private conveyance. , A good audience greeted him at the College chapel where he delivered one of hi3 pop ular and telling lectures on the subject of intemperance. He lectured again on Sun day evening in the City Hall, which was literally packed all the ministers of the place dismissed their congregations and joined with the Doctor heartily. He gave his able lecture, from a Bible stand point. On Monday evening the College chapel was crowded to hear him again, on which a Blue Pibbon Club of 229 members was formed, with the following officers : President, Dr. J. B. Bayley ; Vice President, Mrs. J. T. Vincent ; Chorister, Miss Estella Glass ; Sec. C. H. Whitney; Ex. Com., W. B. Carter, Mrs. M. Baker, Miss Cora Bayley, Mr. Jas A. Yantis, Rev. W. C. Kantner. The Mowing persons were elected dele gates to the State Temperance Alliance, at Albany : ' Miss Cora Bayley, Mrs. J. T. Vincent, Miss Addie Allen, L. Royal. D. Newsome, C. H. Whitney, W. B. Carter, Rev. J. A. Hanna, N. Baesen, Rev. Jos. Emery and Rev. J. W. York. The first regular meeting of the Club will be held at College chapel to-morrow even ing at 7 o'clock. Interesting exercises may be expected. Let everybody turn out. The temperance interest is on the increase here. Now is the time for the friends of the cause to work. Pretty Jloutiis Should have pretty teeth in them, but it is not unusual to see between rosy lips, teeth discolored and decaying through neglect. This disfiguring defect should be repaired without delay, by using fragrant SOZ0 IX) NT, which removes every particle of tartar from the teeth and renders them snowy white. This admirable aid to beauty is perfectly harmless aud exhales a' most delightful aromi, and is in every respect preferable to the ordinary tooth pastes and powders. Try it and see for yourself. UNION GOSPEL MEETINGS. A series of Union Gospel Meetings were commented in the M. E. Church, in this city, last Tuesday, at 4 o'clock p. at., and are still in progress afternoon and evening. Rev. H. P. Dunning, of the Presbyterian Church, Rev. Joseph Emery, of the M. E. Church South, Rev: W. C. Kantner, of the Evangelical Church7and Rev. G. W. Ben nett, of the M. E. Church, are heartily en gaged in this good work, assisted by Revs. J. W. York, J. A Hanna, and J. S. McCain. These meetings will continue all" week, and probably longer. There will be' services at the various churches, at 11 o'cloek, next Sabbath, arid in the evening there wiU be a grand Union meeting the place wiU be an nounced on Sabbath. There seeme to be a strong desire, among all Christians, for a re vival of religion in CorvaUis, and the signs of the times are very promising. It is greatly needed, and if every Christian will put on the armor, and go to work m earnest, God will answer prayer, and sinners will be convicted and converted. Who is on the side of the Lord ? Consumption Cured. An old physician retired from active prac tice, having had placed in his hands by an East Indian missionary the formula of a sim ple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for General Debility .and all nervous com plaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. The receipe will be sent free of charge, to all who desire it, with full directions for preparing and successfully using. Address with stamp, naming this paper Dr. J. C Stone, 44 North Ninth Street, Philadelnha, Pa. Don't Forget It. If you are troubled with nervousness are disheartened tired of life, fear death or feel out of sorts as the saying is, you may safely conclude that you have the Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint. The liver is very apt to become torpid this season of the year as poisons arising from stagnant water or decaying vegetation are more numerous and are through inhalation taken into the blood. Unless the liver is strong and active and furnishes a supply , of fresh and pure blood to drive out the impurities, the above mentioned symtoms surely follow, and if not heeded, end .in more terrible diseases and death. White's Prairie flower proves itself the Oreat Liver Panacea. Its action 011 the liver is different from any medicine ever compounded. Its cures are truely won derful. Try it. Price twenty-five cents and seventy-five cents. An Undeniable Truth. You deserve to. suffer, and if you feaxl a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beauti ful world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you, your un reasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledge and common sense reasoning will soon show you that Green's August Flower' will cure you of Liver Complaint, or upspepsia, with all its misearble effects, such as sick head ache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual costiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration ", low spirits, &'c. Its sale now reach every town on the Western Con tinent and not a Drugist but will tell y'ou of its wonderful cures. You Ban buy a Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve yon. Various Causes. Advancing years, care, sickness, disap pointment, and hereditary predisposition all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed prematurely. Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore faded or gray, light and red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action, and removes and cures dandruff and humors. By its use faUing hair is checked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases where the foUicies are not destroyed or glands decayed. Its effects are beauti fully shown on brashy, weak, or, to which a few applications will produce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and will not sod or color white cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh 'arid vigorous. For sale by all Dealers. The National GOLD MEDAL wasawar ed to Bradley & Rulof son for the best Photographs in the United States, ana tne icmra jihim lur line ueoii in the world. c 429 Montjomery Street 8an Francis . Farmers. Call and see.. the latest im proved LaDow Wheel Harrow, at Woodcock At, Ma Idwin s, r ax supe nor to any ever offered m this county befo -e. Kemember, also, they have a few of th ose old reliable Gor- nam feeders, for this spring trade. In this city, Feb. 1, 1876, to the wife of J3. W. V llson, a daughter. In this city, Feb. 1", 1879, to the wife of S. 11. Look, a son. tdi:e:jd JiA NO SEALING UP REQUIRED. In Yamhill county, Ol igon, Feb, 8. 1879, Abel Hurlhurt, (father of R. A. Hurlburt, e il x v .r 1 j. 1; .. 1 01 uua country, j 01 inurt urease, agea to years and 8 months. New ttiis Week. DELICIOUS Hamburg Figsi Price, 2 rents per Box, Sold Everywhere. ABRAMS & CARROLL. Sole Agents SAW FRANCISCO. 21feblG:8m3 Firemen's Election. iCfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i Y a Firemen's Election will be held at the hall of Young America Engine Company No. 1, on Madison, oetween . Second awl lhird Streets on the 8th day of March, 1S79, com mencing at 7 o'clock p. M. , and continuing until 9 o'clock P. M. of said day, at which election there will be elected, by the quali fied voters of the Fire Department of the City of CorvaUis, a Chief and Assistant En gineer, of the CorvaUis Fire Department, to serve for one year ; that' D. Carlile, S. H. Look anil G. W. Kennedy have been ap pointed judges of said election, and W. A. Wheeler and N. P. Briggs clerks of said election. By order of the Board of Dele gates, E. B. McELBOY, MVER HARMS. freudent. Secretary. Dated Feb. 18, 1879. I(i:8w2. Change of Firm. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT i. the general merchandize, business here tofore: carried on next door south of the postofiiee, in Lorvallis, under the firm name and style of Sheppard & Jaycox, Have this day taken in as a partner, Mr. C. U. Barlow. Hereafter the business will be carried on at the old stand under the firm name and s.t3Tle of Sheppard, Jaycox & Co. Mr. George A. Sheppard, of the firm, will in future reside in San Francisco in connec- tioo with the firm, thus enabling us to offer superior inducements to customers. Our motto being in the future as in the past, low prices and fair dealing, a liberal share ot pat ronage is soliciteu. In consequence of the above change all narties indebted to the old firm are request ed to call and settle their liabilities without delay. SHEPPARD & JAYCOX.' January 1, 1879. 21feblo:8tt. Sheriff's Sale. 1 BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION issued out of and under the seal of the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for the county of Benton, to me directed and delivered, for the sum of (3458 07) four hundred and fifty -eight dollars and fifty- seven cents, with interest (hereon, from the 4th day of January, 18(4, at the rate of 43 per cent, per annum, and for the further sum of .$35 50 costs and accruing costs, in favor of Green B. Smith, and against m. Liuville, for want of personal property, out of which to satisfy the same, I have levied upon and seized the following described real property, to-wit: Commencing 20 chains east of the S W corner of Sec. 35, in T 10, S R 4 V, Willamette meridian ; thence north 18.76 chains ; thence west 60.00 chains; thence south 18.76 chains ; thence east 60.00 chains to place of beginning, containing 112 56-100 acres, lying and being situated in Benton county, Oregon, together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appur tenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining ; and. on Wednesday the 2Plb day or iRarch 1879. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the said Wm. Linville had at the date of said judgment, or now has in and to the above descrilie.l real prop erty to satisfy said judgment and costs, and the costs and expenses of sale. Sale will take place at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of said flay, at the Court House door in the City of CorvaUis, in said county and State. SOL. KING, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon, Dated Feb. 19, 1879. 16:8w5 FFREMEN'S BALL, TO BE GIVEN BY THE CORVALMS . ON . DF" e"b. al, IL870, AT THE CITY HALL. Honorary Committee: Cobvallis George P. Wrenn, John Bur nett, T. J. Buford, M. S. Woodcock". Albany Joe. Webber, J. R. Herrin, W. B. Scott, Mart V. Brown, N. Baum. Committee ot Arrangements: Iyer Harris, T. J. Buford, Nick Baesen, Peter Crimm, Eli King. Reception Committee: Nick Baesen, S. G. McFadden, Zephin Job, Peter Crimm. Floor Jianager: E. H. Taylor, M. S. Woodcock, Charles Miller, Frank Vincent, Eli King. AH are cordially invited. Good music secured. No supper. Tickets for sale at Graham, Hamilton & Co.'s, and at Myer Harris' Tickets, 31janl6:5w4 gl.50 Farm for Sale. T" HE UNDERSIGNED" OFFERS FOR sale his splendid grain and stock farm, four miles north of west of CorvaUis, on Oak creek containing 1200 acres over one hundred acres in cultivation two fine bear ing orchards, and well calculated for divid ing into two or more snug farms Terms easy and title perfect. -For particulars in quire of E. Holgate, W. B. Carter, or E. MARPLE, on the premises. CorvaUis, Jan. 1, 1878. 16:ltf, $500 FORFEIT ! AMES' IMPROVEMENT IN APPARATUS 4 FOR - - PRESERVING MEATS, ETC.i mHE ADVANTES CLAIMED FOR X this wonderiul discovery are these : 1. Meats can be preserved Perfectly ! resn for an indefinite iengt.h ot .time in an open vessel ; that is, a vessel with a cloth tied over it, or with a .snugly fitting cover. 2. Vegetables of nil killdw, if sound, can also be preserved indefinitely, and with out drying ui cooking. 3. Any clean vessel of wood; stone, or glass, that will hold water, may be used to contain the article preserved. 4. The process is so simple that a child of ten years old can operate it, and there is no danger of mistakes. ..,. 5. As used, neither the material nor pre served articles are injurious to tile lleaitll, nor is the flavor of the article preserved in the least affected. 6. The apparatus, secret, directions in full, and right to use in the family only, are sold at the low price of 30. 7. The entire additional expense for ma terials, will not exceed twenty-five cents for. .preserving 100 pounds of meat or for preserving a barn 1 (30 gallons) of veg etables. ,. 8. The materials used can usually be "ob tained at any drug store, and prepared at mid times, when a per.Mm is not otherwise busy, and kept on hand fur future use. 9. Neither files or vermin will ever disturb meat preserved by this process. 10. Meatsjthat have become tai it ted can ba restored to their', original condition, aud then kept sweet indefinitely. 11. Experiments do not justify giving a guarantee in regard to fruits. But the prob- auuuiKs aie, mat large, soini iruitSt sucn as apples, pears, etc., cau be preserved. Ber ries and solt fruits ttre considered doubtful. 12. We will agree to verify all the above statements under a forfei t El re of $500 gold coin, in case we fail in any PASticclaB; Prottded, that in case we succeed, the par ties calling fur the trial shall pay our neces sary traveling and hotel expenses to the place ot trial and hack, and in addition, pay us for our time and trouble the sum ot $100 gold coin. Both sums, as well as suf ficient to cover traveling and hotel expenses to be deposited. in responsible, disinterested han.'.s before we str.rt for the plate of trial. A copy of the above, properly signed, is given to tbe-purchnser of every Right, am! stands as our agreement and . guarantee for the truth of the above statements. Parties in the. Willamette Valley, north of and including Benton county, and .west of the Willamette River, desiring further in formation, will address W. H. GOLDSON, , ,' . CorvaUis, Oregon, , General Agent fur the Pacific Coast. Parties north of and including Lane coun ty, aud east of the Willamette River, de siring further information, will address C. H. MATTOON, Albany, Oregon, General Traveling Agent. 21feblG:8tf. 'GoodBooks for All." Works whiuh should be found in every li brary within the reach of all readers. : orks to entertain. Instruct and Improve. Copies will be sent by return post, on receipt it price.. ..... , . 'New PnysioowoMY ; or Signs of . Character, as manifested through Ipmperament and External Forms, and especially in the Hu man Face Divine. With more than One Thousand Illustrations By Samuel R. Wells. 78 pages. Heavy muslin. $5.00. HydropathA.' Enclycopkdia ; A System of Hygiene, embracing Outlines of Anatomy! Physiology of the Human Body ; Preser vation of Health; Dietetics and Cookery ; Theory and Practice of Hygienic Treat ment ; Special Pathology and Therapeu tics, including the Nature, Causes,. Symp toms, and Treatment of all known Dis eases. By R. T. Trall, M. D. Nearly l,000pages. .?4.00: Wedlock ; or The Right Relations of the bexes, A Scientific lreatise, disclosing the Laws of Conjugal Selection, showing Who May and Who May Not Marry, By S. R. Wells. $1.00. , How to Read, and Hints in Choosing the Best Books, with a classified list of works of Biography, History, Criticism, Fine Arts, Fiction, Poetry, Religion, Science, Language, etc. By Amelie V.. Petitt. 220 pages. 12 mo, muslin, $1.00. How to Write, a Manual of Composition awd Letter-U riting. Muslin,, 7a cents. How to Talk, a Manual of Conversation and Debate, with Mistakes in Speaking Corrected. . 75 cents. , . . . How to Behave, a Manual of Republican etiquette apd Guide to Correct Personal . Habits, with rules tor debating socie ties! Muslin, 75 cents. How to Do Business, a Pocket Manual of Practical Affairs,' and a Guide to Success,, with a Collection of Legal Forms. Mus lin, 75 cents. . Chojce or Pursuits : or What to Do and Why, apd how to Educate each man for his proper work, describing Seventy -five Trifles and, Professions, and the Talents anil Temperaments required. By N. Sl- ZER. $1.00. Expression, ipe Anatomy and Philosophy. With numerous iNotes, and upward of Illstrations. $1.00. How to Paint. Designed for Tradesmen, Mechanics, Merchants, Farmers, aud the Professional Painter. Plain and Fancy Painting, Guilding, Graining, Varnishing, Polishing, Kalsomining, Paper-Hanging, and Ornamenting, Formulas for Mixing Paint in Oilor Water. By Gardner. $1.00 Combe's Constitution o? Man. Consid ered m relation to bxtenial Objects. $l.o0 Combe's Lectures on Phrenology. With an Essay on the Phrenological mode of In vestigation, and a Historical Sketch. By Andrew Boardman. M. D. $1.50. How to Read Character. A New Illus trated Hand-book of Phrenology and Physiognomy. With 170 Engravings. Muslin. $1.25. How to Raise Fruits. A Guide to the Cul tivation and Management of Fruit Trees, and of Grapes and Small -Fruits. By Thomas Gregg. Illustrated. $1.00. Letters to Women on Midwifery andthe Diseases of Women. With General Man agement of Childbirth, the Nursery, etc. For Wives and Mothers. $1.50. Science of Human Life. By Sylvester Graham. With a copious Index and Bio graphical Sketch of the Author. $3.00. Phrenological Journal and Life Illus- trated... Le voted to Ethmology, Physiolo- fy Phrenology, Physiognomy, Psycolpgy, liography, Education, Art, Literature, with Measures to Reform, Elevate, and Improve Mankind Physically, Mentaly and Spiritually. Published monthly, in octa vo, form, at $2.00 a year fn advance, or 20 cents a number. New volumes January and July. , . Inclose amount in a Registered Letter or by a P, O. Order for one or for all-the above, and address S. R. WELLS CO., Publish, era, 3S7 Broadway, New York. Agents wanted. 7febl6:6tf. State Treasurer's Tliird Notice. Stjste Treasurer's Office, Salem, February 5, 1879. J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the following .warrants indorsed prior to August 19, 1873, . payable from revenue derived from special tax, will be paid on presentation, numbered as follows : 344. 346, 686, 600, 69a, 604, 817, 1020, 1046, 1047, 104S, 1049, 1050, 1054, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1061, 1062, 1069, 1070, 1072, 1074, 1075, 1079, 1081, 1085, 1086, 10S7, 1088, 1089, 1890, 1091, 1095, 1100, 1101, 1105, 1106, 1109, 1110, IIH, 1112, 1125, 1128, 1129, 1132, 1136, IMS, 1141, 1143, 1144,1145,1148,1140, 1115.0, 1152. 1161, 1165, 1170,1171, 1174, 1175, 1177, 1178. 1185, 1186, 1188, 1189, lt0, 1191, 1192, 1194, 1196, 1200, 1204, 1207. 1218, 1219, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1240, 1256, 1257. 1053. . Interest on the above warrants will cease from this date. EDWARD HIRSCH, 16:6w4 . State Treasurer. Administrator's Notice. TVTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT the undersigned has been duly appoint ed Administrator of the estate. of ' George McBee, deceased, by the County Court of Benton county, Oregon; all persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to said Administrator with the proper vouchers within six months from this date at his residence 7 mileB south of CorvaUis, in Benton county, Oregon, or at the office of James A. Yantis, in CorvaUis. WILLI A.M H. McBEE, Adm. V estate of Geo. W. McBfe. dec.'d. Dated Feb. 3, 1879. 7febl6:6w4. Notice of Final Settlement. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of Stephbx Howell, deceased. - i The Administrator of sai l. Estate having filed with the County Court his final ac counts in said Estate, it is ordered by the Court that notice be given and published at least once a eek for four successive weeks in the Corvallis Gazette of said final ac counts, and that the 8th day of March, 1879. at 10 o'clock, a. ml, be appointed for the hearing of objections to the final ac count and settlement thereof. By order of Hon. W. S. McFadden, County Judge, done at the Court House at Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon, this 3d dav of February, 1S79. F. A. CHENOWETH, 7febl 6:6w4. Administrator. Citation. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE State of Oregon, for the County of Ben ton. , . ' i In the matter o f the Estate of F. A. Macdon ough, deceased. Citation. To the heirs unknown of Francis A. ?Jac donough, deceased, and to all other persons interested in said Estate, greeting: r In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of. Benton, at the Court Room thereof, at Corvallis, in the County of Beu ton on Saturday, i the 8th day of March. 1879, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day then and there to show cp.use, if any exist, why an order of the Court should not be made for the sale of the following descriljed Real Property, to-wit : Lots 3 and 4 of Sec. 10 T II 3 S 11 west, Will. Merr, containing 53 50-100 acres of land situated in Benton County, State of Oregon, belonging to said estate, as prayed for in the petition of Sam uel Case, Administrator of said Estate. ! Witness, the Hon. W. S. Mc l. s.J Faddcu, Judge of the County Court. of the State, of Oregon, for the County of Benton, with the St-al.of said Court affixed, this 5th day of February, A. D., 1879. .- . t . Attest, B. W. WILSON, 7febl6:6w5. Clerk. Vick's Floral Guide. A beautiful work of 100 Pnsres, One Color, ed Flower Plate, and 300 Illustrations, with Descriptions of the best Flowers and Vegetables,and how to "row them. All for a Five Cent Stamp. In English or Ger man. The Flower and Vegetable Garden, 175 Pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hun dred Engravings. For 50 cents in paper cov ers; 1.00 in elegant cloth. In German or English. . i. Vick's Illustrated Monthly 'Magazine. 32 Pages, a Cblored Plate in every num ber and many tine Engravings. Price $1.25 a year; Five'Copie3 for $5.00. Specimen num bers sent for 10 cents. Tick's Seeds are the best in the world. Send Five Cent Stamp for a Floral Guide, containing List and Prices, and plenty of in formation. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, F. Y. B ILL HEADS, LETTISH HEADS, MONTHLY utatementH neatlv printed at this office Ayer's Hair Vigor j For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and ef fectual for pre serving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color. with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured-by its use. Noth ing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remajn can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of foul ing the hair with a pasty sediment, it ill keep it olean and vigorous. It occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances, which make some preparations dan- ferous, and injurious to the hair", the Igor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING; nothing else can be found so desir able. "Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOTVELL, MASS. Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE State ot Oregon, for Benton County. Frankik Savge i Suh in Equity for di- James Savage. Jvorce. . ... ,. To said James Savage, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are here by; summoned and required to appear , and v.,0 vouijuiuu,, iu". against you in the above entitled court in, this suit, by the, second Monday in April. A. D. 1879, that being the first day of the next term of said conrt for said county, to be holden six " weeKs from the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to appear or answer,', for want thereof, Plaintiff will take adecre against you dissolving the bands of matri mony heretofore contracted between yott and the plaintiff, and for all the relief claim ed in the complaint. And you are Notified, 24th day of January, 1879, Hon. J. F. Watson. unW f .,1A ...,i. order directing this summons to be served on you by being .published once a week favsix consecutive Weeks in tVi I V ,-,, , ... n . .... - - v,,,,. . ,v,,i.i u ajn i l r, a weekly newspaper . published ip said Boun ty of Benton, and that yon enter , ycr ap pearance by the second Monday in April A D. 1879. - JOHN KEESAY. ojj:niuwD. AW. y tor rL'n. Lands! Farms! Homes! I HAVE THREE FARMSv lAfPKOVED, Barns. Dwellings-. Orchards, lank nudei- fence and cultivation, -F'QIOL SALS. These lands arc- cheap. . Also claims in unsurveyed tracts for sale.. Soldiers of the late rebellion who have, under the Soldiers' Homestead Act, located and made final proof on less than 160 acres, can dispose of the balance to me. Write, (with stamps to prepay postage). Address. R. A. BEN SELL, Newport, Benton County, Oregon. January 7, 1878. lff:2tf. QRLitNDO C. TAYLOR, Invciitcr and Proprietor of Taylor's WONDERFUL DITCHING MACHINE, PrruvMes to nut a Titfl fiv W ;,7 4- L - " rt nit OK VUQ. top, one and a half, feet at the bottom and two feet deep, throwinr the dirt two feet 4 it . i, . . muiii uiLcii,. ior me small consideration 01 Thirty-three and one-third Cents Mr Rod. This he guarantees or no charges. He hra t" 1 mill-nines jiuw in operation, uoe eacn in Linn, Benton and Lane counties. Junction City, Oregon. Jan. 17, 1879. 16.:imR. liSi I H!, HAMILTON & 00., f CORVALLIS, OR(H DEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS MEDICINES. CHEBlrCAtS. DYE STUFF& OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, for. medicinal use. And also the very best assortment of LAMPS ASD WALL PAPER ever brought to this place, AGENTS FOR THE AVERILt CHEMICAL PAINT, SUPSEIOR TO AN V 0TEEK. KjTPHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARFFULLY COMPOUNDED. 16:2tf. FITS EPILEPSY, FALLING 8ICEfflSS& PERMANENTLY CURED NO HUM bug by one mouth's usage of Dr. Gou lard's celebrated Infallible Fit Powders. To convince sufferers that these powders will do all we claim for them we will send them by mail, post paid, a free Trial Box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physian that has ever made this disease a special study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been perma nently cured bv the use of these Powders, we will guarantee a permanent cure in eve ry case, or refund you all money expended. All sufferers should give these Powders an. early triaL and be canvinccd of their cura tive powers. , . i , Price, for large box, S3. 00, or four boxes for $10.00, sent by mail to any part of the United States or Canada, on receipt of price, or by express C. O. D. Address, ' ASH & BOBBINS. 360 Fulton Street, Brooklyn N. Y. JSstyL ALBERT PVGALL. WILLIAM IRWIN. PY3ALL & IRWIN, City Trucks and Drays HAVING PURCHASED THE DRAYS AND, Trucks, lately owned by Mr. Jamej Eglin, we are prepare U do all kinds of HAULING. DELIVERING OF WOOD, la city or country, at reasonable rates. Pat ronage solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. ALUEKT r iuaLL, , WILLIAM IRWIN. Corvallis, Dee. 20, 1878. 6:Sltf. SETTLE UP. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ADKK signed, either for board or meat account, wilV please come forward and settle immediately as T need the money to enable me to meet mv obligations, and must have it. ''A word to the wtae it sufficient.- H. W. VINCENT. Corvallis, Dec. 24, 1878. lo:5l.