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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1879)
I WEEKLY MAMS GAZETTE. CorvaUis, Feb. 21, 1879. THE HARBOR OF REFUGE ! A Commercial Necessity OFFICIAL REPORT OF Cape FoulweatlitT Survey! EXAMINATION OF CAPE FOUUVEATHEE harbok, oregon. United States Enotnkkb Office, Portland, Or., . 23, 1878. General: I have the honor to franemit herewith a chart of Cape Foulweather Harbor, O-econ, tngth er with the repor t of Mr. R A. Hab ersham, assistant engineer, and to Submit the following report of an ex amination and survey made under my direction in accordance with the ael'bf Congress, approved June 18, 1878. o eject of examination. The object of he examination and survey of this harbor was "to ascer tain its adaptability as a harbor of refuge." Early in August I organized a par ty for tliis work and placed it in charge of Mr. It. A. Habershanr, as sistant engineer, with orders to pro ceed to Cape Foulweather and make the necessary surveys to carry out the law. This party proceeded to CorvaUis, Oregon, via the Willamette rfver; thence by wagons across the Coast Range of mountains to New port, on Yaquina Bay, and tl ence to Cape Foulweather, where they camp ed until the survey was completed. On Sept 8th I visited Cape Foul weather and made a general examin ation of the locality. DESCRIPTION OF THE HARBORS. Cape Foulweather is situated on the' western coast of Oregon,1 in latr 44 debtees 43 minutes north, longitude 124 degrees 05 minutes west, and forms a headland boldly jut ting out about three-fourths of a mile into the sea from the low beach with lligh mountains in rear of it. It is a mass of black basalt rising to a height of from 80 to 100 feet above the sea, the base honeycombed with caves formed by. the action of the'Waves. The cape, by its position, forms bays on the north and south, the one fronting northwest and the other south and southwest. On the north theshbre line is crescent shaped, ther outer extremitv oointinir north.' a -i i i.j ' reef making out from it in a direction north-northeast a distance of about 5,000 feet, terminating at a lone rock about 1,800 feet from the brach. The depths on this reef vary from 10 to 30 feet except tor a distance. of alrout 1;200 feet near the cape, where there is a channel of that width with a depth of from 30 to 40 feet. The lone rock referred to at the north end of the reef seems to be connected with a rocky point opposite on shore by a well-marked reef, upon which there is a depth of four fathoms. The north bay is irtclosed, there fore, on the east by the mainland, on the south by the cape, and on the flrest by the long reef. It is nearly a mile long, and about 1,700 feet wide between the three fathom curve and the reef. It contains about 200 acres, with a depth of from 3 to 8 fathoms, and a sandy bottom. As fai as could be judged, there is good holding ground for anchoring vessels, al though I understand that no vessel has pver put cred. This south bay is formed by the main shore and the cape, and is pro tected on the east, north sud north west. On the south and southwest it isopen and exposed to the terrible southern gales, from which it is most desired to find shelter. The bottom is sandy, the depth jiradually increas ing from near the shore, where it is 3 fathoms, to 20 fathoms 2 miles off shore. The general depth, on a line drawn south from the cape, is from 4 to 6 fathoms. TIDE, FOGS, &C , The spring tides rise and fall about 9 feet. Dense-fogs overhang the cape from time to time during the year, particularly during the month of Jnly. THE nARBOR OF REFUGE. About 3 fnilns south of Cape Foulweather -is Yaquina Bay, the mouUi of Yaquina river. A railroad ijfprojected to connect this hay with the Willamette river. It is anticipat ed that when this is completed a large amount of stain nd other produce now finding its market via the Wil lamette and Columbia rivers will seek an outlet via the Yaquina Bay. About three quarters of a mile off lire entrance to this bay a dangerous reef of rocks, extending in a north . and south direction, with many nar: TOW and dangerous channels across it, is reported by the Coast Survey, and laid down on their charts. I am informed tht tb residents in t.lip VlClhltv TVrPSnmefl that n vo..f nvtond. J - -......l... L. . V ' I -k 1 1 I I I ed from Yaquina Head toward the cape, and inclosed an area of about 1,000 acres, the ridge being, they thought, well defined, and that upon ft a breakwater could be constricted vthich would form a fine harbor of . refuge. As far as I could learn, the object of this survey was to locate a break Water upon this supposed reef for a i harbor of refuge. "V The chart of the United States jjsurvey shows no such reef, and the very careful examination of As sistant Engineer Habersham reports' font knobs of rock apparently much Harder than the rest of the bottom from 12 to 30 feet under low water level sitnated in a curved line in the direction above indicated, but distant from each other from one-fourth to one-half a mile and with from 6 to 8 fathoms of water between them. On these during low tide and heavy weather the sea breaks constantly. The chart transmitted herewith shows a breakwater projected on this line, starting from near Yaquina Head and running west, then curving to the north, and"terminating about a mile and a half from the cape. Such a harbor would present a large area amply protected from southwest gales, with a dfpth of from 3 to 8 fathoms. The cape proper already presents a o-ood nrntection from gales from the north and northwest. This breakwa ter would be about 9.900 feed long, and constructed upon the plan adopt ed by the board of engineers for the Pacific coast. It is described in their report of Feb. 14, 1 877, as follows :' "We propose to build the base of any breakwater up to the height of 15 feet below the level of low-water of small stone ; that is to say, of such stone as any quarry will furnish, and while -quarrying out this great mass to lay away all large stones of 5, TO or 20 tons fof the construction of that portion of the breakwater from 15 feet up to low-water. Upon this foundation we propose lo build a ma sonry wall faced with granite 25 feet wide and 20 feet high, including foun dation, protecting the seaward side by bloeks of artificial stone jif nat ural' cannot be obtained) of large size (20 or 30 tons each) and thoroughly paving the harbor side with large blocks of granite to receive without displacement the water thst will be thrown over the wall in great storms.". The cost of such a breakwater is estimated bv Assistant Engineer Hab ersham to be as follows: iftnety-nine hundred feet, at $1,052.57 per foot. 10,420.443 00 Contingencies, 10 per eent. . . 1,042,044 00 Total 11,462,487 00 It is highly probable that for pres ent, purposes a breakwater would lie sufficient storting from Yaquina Head, running on the line projected, term:n nt in.T iii 4. fathoms of water and hav ing' a length of 4,900 feet; such a work would cost as follows : Fortfy-nirje hundred feet at 8854.57 per foot .$1,1S7,303 00 Contingencies, 10 per cent 419,739 00 Total 4,000,132 00 Such a breakwater would present an area of 200 acres protected from gales from the south and southwest. The difficulty to be contended Willi in using this harbor would be that sailing - vessels entering . during a southwest gale woirld be" obliged in rounding the outer end to face the wind. Assistant Engineer Habersham made a careful examination of the bay north of t.'ie cape; no survey has ev er before been made, it is believed, of this bay, and as far as he' could learn his boat was the fiist that ever enter ed it. He reports that it is a natural harbor of considerable extent with out further improvement, and that be was informed that during twut.hwest gales quite an area inside is compara tively smooth. Several of the sea- I men who were employed as boatmen on the survey, who had sailed for a number of years between San Fran cisco and Fuget Sound, and claimed to be familiar with the coast, said thaj if buoys were placed to mark the frit ranee, vessels could no.w enter for shelter from southwest gales. From the examination made under my diiection by Assistant Engineer Habersham, and from his report and my own observation, I think a better harbor can be made north of the cape than south of" it, by constructing a breakwater running in a northwest direction just inside the reef running out from the cape; such a breakwater would be about 600 feet long and would contain within it an available anchorage of from 50 to 100 acres with a depth of from 3 to 8 fathoms. The plan for such a work would be similar to that already described, and the cost is estimated by Mr. Haber sham at $696,251. , The harbor could be greatly in creased in size by constructing a breakwater on the reef 'parallel 10 the shore already described. This north harbor, with the 600 feet breakwater, would-only be avail able in south and southwest gales; but during heavy weather from the northwest vessels could anchor on the other side of the cape. Attention is respectfully invited to the interesting report of Assistant En gineer Habersham transmitted her with. In making the examination there were numerous minor dlffienl ties to overcome, and Mr. Habersham deserves credit for the efficient man ner in which he carried out my ih striictions. Caue Foulweather is in the collec tion district of Southern Oregon: The The nearest port of entry is at New port, Yaquina Bay; no revenue wascol-' lected during, thelast fiscal year;:there were no foreign' imports or exports; about 600 tons of .assorted merchan dise are brough t in annually by coast wise vessels which carry away lum ber and oysters; two sailing vessrls of about 100 tons burden each, with a draught of 9 feet, are running, be tween San Francisco and Yaquina bay There is a first order light house on the cape, visible 19 mires. The near est woiks of defense are at the mouth of the Columbia river. The value of the commerce to be benefitted by this work would run up into millions, as the benefit would be felt by every vessel navigating the Pacific Ocean between San Francisco and the strait of Fuca. For the necessity for a harbor of refuge on this Northern Pacific Coast, I respectfully call attention the inter esting and elaborate report of the hoard of engineers lor the Pacific coast dated February 14, 1877. I am, General, very , respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN M. WILSON, Maj. of Eng., Brev. Col. U. S. A. Brig-Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Eng. U.S. A. bepoet of mr. bobebt a. haber sham, assistant engineer. United States Engineer Office, Portland, Or., Sept. 16, 1878. Colonel : I have the honor to sub mit the following report of a survey "at Cape Foulweather, to ascertain its adaptability as a harbor of refuge," with a general plan of improvement, and an approximate estimate of its cost, made in pursuance of your in structions dated August 8, of the pres ent year. This work was performed bptwecn the 9lh and 23d of the same month. To save repetition, I will here state that all depths given refer, unless otherwise specified, to the lowest of mean low tides, as nearly as could be determined from the tide tables for the Pacific cast, published in San Franciscet and from information fur nished by residents of the locality. No extreme tides occurred during the progress of the survey, not even at full unusual circumstance. tofogkaphy and hydrography at cape foulweather and ' its vicinity. From Yaquina Head, which marks the north side of the entrance to Ya quina river, the shore line runs a lit tle to the east of north for 4 miles, to the end of Sonth Foulweather Beach; thence westward for three fourths of a mile to the southwest elbow of the cape, where it begins to curve north ward and eastward until it reaches the extreme point of Cape Foul weather, which points north ; thence southeast, curving round to east, to the point where the cape joins the" mainland again ; thence north for about 7 miles to a point known as Old Cape Foal weather. The shore line of Cape Foulweather proper describes the figure of a half crescent, the curved tip pointing north. From this point a reef makes out in a nearly direct line, course north northeast, for 5,02-5 feet, term inating in a bare rock, which, for convenience, I have called Round Rock, distant 1,800 feet from the low tide line on the north beach, and im mediately opposite Rocky Point, a vertical cliff formed of rock of the same character, of which it was for merly a portion, as thesoundings show a well marked ridge connecting them about four fathoms under water. The depths on this long reef, which is nearly flat on its crest, vary from 10 to 30 feet from Round Rock lo within 1,200 feet of the cape, where a depression occurs which shows from 30 to 40 f'-el; the center being the deepest. The north side of this gap is marked by a rock on which the swell breaks constantly, and which is said to be bare at extreme low tide. It is seen that the cape forms two bays, one fronting northwest, the other south and southwest. The north bay, the outlines of which have just been given, is inclosed on the east by the mainland ; on the south and southwest by the cape ; on the west by the long reef; and on the north by the reef which connects Round Rock with Rocky Point. It is nearly one mile in length and one third of a mile across, the width being measured from the curve of 18 feet depth to the west, reef, and contains about 200 acres. The bot tom is sandy, generally smooth, forming good holding ground as fat as can be judged, no vessel or craft of any kind having up to this time entered here that I can learn. The depths vary from 3 to 8 fathoms. The south bay, so called, is open to the south and west. It is bounded on the north by the cape and on the east by the 'mainland. The bottom is sandy, sloping seaward, the depth increasing uniformly from near the beach, where it is 18 feet, to 20 fath orrs at a distance of 2 miles from the shore. The general depth on a line draw") south from the cape is from 4 to 6 fathoms. It is rather a road stead than a bay ; and while it is easy of access from the ocean in any di rection, is sheltered only from north and east winds, which are never vio-. lent. From Yaquina Head to the north end of Foulweather Beach the shore presents a slope of from 50 degrees to 80 degrees, tolerably uniform in direction generally, but much broken by sharp points and by ravines and small valleys. The face of the cliff shows soft sandstone overlying at greater or less depths a bed of marl filled with fossil shells. Numerous small veins of water trickle down the face of the sandstone, softening it and contributing to the destructive action of the weather, while the marl underneath is also wearing away under the' heavy blows of the surf. Between Yaquina Head and the cape four streams large enough to furnish good water power, flowing through small valleys more or less heavify timbered, enter the . ocean. Except in these valleys the vegeta tion, although iuxuriant, is ofmall growth, and consists of salal, whor tleberry, fern, and scattering spruce scrubs. The beach is from 300 to 800 feet wide, generally sandy, but the frequent occurrence of rocks above the surface show that the sand' has little depth. The shore north of the cape is of the same general char acter. CapeEoulweather is a promontory, covered with a thick carpet of grass and fern, making out from the conti nent, its crest line running from east to west, at right angles to the general course of the shore line, crossing two conical summits respectively 400 and 350 feet high, descending the latter at a slope ot about 30 degrees and terminating in a flat point 80 feet above mean sea level, on which the lighthouse stands. The neck where the promontory joins the continent is 2,300 feet across between low water lines and about 200 feet above sea level at its highest point. The prom ontory is a mass of dense, hard, black basalt, which seems to have been forced like a wed jje into a cleft in the sandstone. It ri ses vertically from the sea to a heigl it of from 80 to 150 feet, in many places, overhanging the water ; its face hollowed out into cav erns and seamed with fissures, with the sharp projections of fantastic shape; the whole crumbling away slowly from the effects of the winter frosts and rains.. The base of the cliff is honey combed with caves, some of which might well be called tunnels, as they extend a long dis tance into the rock. One is said to penetrate 80 feet in a direct, line from the face. It vas not possible to verify this state: xjent by measurement, as the surf was washing in and out of the cave with great force, but it is probably not far from the truth. The west end of the cape is surrounded by a number of pinnacles of rock ris ing vertically to a height of from 40 to 80 feet, out of the water. Seen from a boat at a short distance, this black, jagged iliass towering into the air, with the surf lashing its base with a noise like thunder, the scene excels in granr-ieur the sight of Devil's Canyon and Cape Horn, on the Cen tral Pacific R lil road ; but it must be a sight of terror to the unfortunate mafiher who should see it as a lee coast during the southwest gale. WEATHER. From November to April the pre vailing winds are southerly. Some times strong west winds occur, chang ing ron ml to northwest, breaking into heavy squalls, accompanied by rain, hail, thunder, and lightning. This is generally from February to April. The gales which are princi pally draded by mariners come from the southwest. These ara some times so strong that a man cannot keep his feet, and pebbles as large as hazel-nuts are caught up from the be?ch and dashed against the light tower, a height of more than 100 feet. These gales reach a velocity of 60 miles per hour. Foirs so dense that the shore is not visible from a dis tance of 500 feet out at sea occur at all seasons, but principally during the month of July. Rain during the winter is not so frequent as in the Willamette Valley, but heavier; snow is of rare occiyrance, always light, and soon melts. For the information contained in this paragraph I am indebted to Cap tain S. P. Wass, custodian of the light house at Cape Fouhveather. TIDES. The spring tides, with the ocean in its normal condition, rise and fall 9 I feet. During strong west winds the hgh tides have l cached a height ot 1 2 feet above mean low-water mark. The influence of ordinary high tides extends to Pioneer, 30 miles above ! the mouth of the Yaqnina, the tide ! rising and falling from 4 lo 6 i'eet. LOCATION FOE A HARBOR OF REFUGE. It has generally been believed by the residents of the country around Yaqu'uoa Bay that a reef from 3 to 5 fathoms under water extends in a curved firfe from Yaquina Head to ward Cape Foulweather, terminating about one and a half miles south of the cape, inclosing a basin having a smooth, sandy bottom, which covers an area of nearly 1,000 acres, and that a breakwater built along the crest of the supposed reef would con vert the basin into a harbor of shel ter for vessels in distress as well as a port of entry. It was for the purpose of ascer taining the feasibility of this project that a survey was requested by those interested, among whom may be in eluded all of the people of that sec tion of Oregon whose nearest outlet to the ocean lies through the valley of the Yaquina River. . The chart of the United States .Coast Survey in this locality and my soundings over the same ground show that no such reef exists. There are 4 knobs of sJi'ndstone, harder than the rest-of the bottom, from 12 to 30 feet under low water level, situated in a curved line in the direction above indicated, but distant from each other from one fourth to one-half a mile, and with from 30 to 50 feet of water between them. On these, during low tides and heavy swells, the sea breaks constan tly, suggesting the presence of a con tinuous reef. The length of breakwater which this project contemplates would be 9,900 feet, with an average depth of 26 feet below low-tide level. Its cost per linear foot, on the gen eral plan recommended by the board of engineers, Pacific coast, would be as follows: Ashlar masonry, 21.67 cubic yards, at 18 8410 60 Rubble masonry, 14.08 cubic yards, at 89 126 72 Small rough rubble, 73.00 cubic yards, at 83 219 00 Large rough rubble, 59.25 cubic yards, at 85 296 25 Per linear foot . 1,052 57 Xine thousand linear feet, at 81,052.57 , .. 10,420,443 00 Add for contingencies 10 per cent 1,042,044 30 Total 11,462,487 30 The estimate forrongh rubble may appear excessive, but the stone would have to be brought from Cape Foul weather. the nearest point where hard rock is found, and where, owing to the prevalence of heavy seas, the loading of bargfs would be expen sive and dangerous, often impossible, necessitating the suspension of the work until the recurrence of smoother water should allow the boats to ap proach the quarries with safety. There is no question that such a work, if carried out. would greatly benefit navigation by affording shel ter from southwest gales. Some such protection is absolutely required. But a better harbor, at much less cost, would be secured by building a break water from the extreme point of Cape Foulweather northward, inside of the reef above described, for a distance of 600 feet. This would inclose an area of about 100 acres, under the lee of the cape, with good anchorage in lrom 4 to 8 fathoms of water, hav ing a free entrance from the west 1,200 feet. wide. Such a harbor would satisfy the piesent necessities, not only as a refuge but also as a port of entry, Yaquina Bay being accessi ble only to light-draught coasting vessels; and it might be enlarged at any future time, if desired, by ex tending the breakwater along the reef. The cost per linear foot of a break water here, on the plan recommended, would be as nearly as can be esti mated from the data obtained, as follows, its dimensions being: Length COO feet, average depth below low tide 31 feet. Ashlar masonry 8410 60 Rubble masonry 126 72 Small rough rubble, 110 cubic yards, at 2 220 00 Large rough ruble, 59.25 cubic yards, at 4 237 00 Per linear foot . 994 32 Making for its length of 600 feet, 598,592 00 Add for contingences 10 per cent, 59;659 20 Total 656,251 20 Here the stone could be obtained from the shore end of the wall and hauled in cars along the top, extend ing the track as the work progressed, making the costof transportation less than in the south bay. The above estimates are in gold coin. The hydrograpbic work of the Coast Survey in this vicinity termin ates at the extremity of Cape Foul weather. No survey had ever been made of this bay, and, so far as T could learn, my boat was the first that had ever-entered it. It is a nat ural harbor of considerable extent, even without improvement. I am in formed that during southwest gales the whole of the area inside of the reef is comparatively smooth, and the southeast portion quite so. Several of the seamen employed as boatmen on this snrvey, who had sailed for a number of years between San Fran cisco and Puget Sound, and claimed to be familiar with the coast and its climate, said that if two buoys were placed to mark the entrance, and the fact published for the information of mariners, vessels of any draught could enter here, not only for shelter, but for purposes' of commerce. If this opinion be correct and there seems to be no reason to the contrary the circumstance is of interest in connection with the fact that a nar row OTuge rail way' is now under eon-f struction from CorvaUis, on the Wil lamette to Yaquina Bay. Last winter there "were a number of vessels in distress off Cape Foul weather at different times, and one that I am aware of was lost, with all on board. In describing this bay I omitted to mention that there is a rock on which the swell breaks dur ing westerly and northerly weather. It is small, and lies about 500 feet from the mainland, nearly opposite the entrance. It is not in the way of vessels anchoring. Learning that a cove, with good anchorage, existed about ten miles north of the cape, and wishing to get all information possible on the sub ject of a refuge, I went there by sea, two members of my party being' familiar witli the spot. I found it to be an indentation in the rocky coast, three-fourths of a mile long and about 1,000 feet wide; its longer diameter parallel to the general direction of the coast line with from 6 to 10 fath oms depth, well sheltered from north wind, but open to the west and south west. This place is called Wrecker's Cove, the name having been given by men who saved, or rather, collect ed, some fragments of the schooner Uncle Sam, lost a mile north of .the cove about two years since. Re spectfully submitted. ROBERT A. HABERSHAM, Assistant Engineer. Colonel John M. Wilson, Major Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. CGAST SURVEYS. The following paragraph is taken from a recent number of the San Francisco Chronicle: For some time past there has been a con troversy going on between General Hum phreys, Chief of Engineers, United States Army, and Superintendent Patterson, of the United States Survey Department, the point being whether the military engineers should have control of the coast survey as well as of construction. The National Academy of Science proposed. to consolidate all the government surveys of the west and place them under the coast survey. On the 13th inst. Secretary McOrary sent to the senate a long communication on the subject, stating that "Since a thorough survey of the west, of any kind, will involve millions of dollars, and since the plan proposed by the National Academy, if adopted, will pre vent the supplying of the war department with the maps which are requisite for the economic administration, and for the use of its officers in the field, I would invite special consideration of the Senate to the commu nication of the Chief of Engineers, with the recommendation that the appropriation for military surveys shall remain as before." The position taken by General Humphreys is that the Academy of Science exceeded its authority in making the recommendation for the consolidation of all the survey. As to the cost of the'plan proposed he says that scores of years would elapse and hundreds of millions of dollars have to be expended before the survey could be completed, while by the plau now carried on by the War De partment, which is geodetic as well as topo graphic, the survey of the whole interior region would be completed in ten or fifteen years at a cost not exceeding 2,000,000. In reply to this, Superintendent Patterson sent a letter to congress insisting that there would be a -great sa ving of money and no overlapping of work if the military engin eers were confined to the duties of construc tion and surveys placed exclusively in the hands of the United States survey depart ment. He explains that in the surveys only 13 engineers are employed, against 150 civil ians, and that, in fact, while the engineers get all the credit for all the surveys made, the civil assistants do all the work. A lady asked the judge what she would say in court if she were asked her age. The blunt jurist replied, "Say, madam, what I believe to be the truth, that you are not vet come to the years of discretion." THE WEEKLY FOE. 1 8-7' O & VOL. SIXTEEN. OFFICIAL PAPER f o n A N 1 BENTON COUNTY! THE GAZETTE IS A LIVE LOCAL PAPER, Has a Large, and Constantly In creasing circulation, and is one of the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS in the State, being published in the heart of the WILLAMETTE VALLEY. $2 50 Per Annum. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Advertisements inserted afc: Rea sonable Rates. All kinds Plain and Ornamental Printing executed with neat ness and dispatch. Justices' Blanks constantly on hand. W. B. CARTER Proprietor and Publisher, Gorvallis, Oregon. RUPTURE ! ANOTHER WONDERFUL CORE EFFECTED BY- CALIFOR.NIA ELASTIC TRUSS! CALIFORNIA ELAS 'TIC TRUSS COM Paxy, w. J. Hokne, Proprie tor. Dear Sir: I feel that I owe it to you and to humanity to write the fact that I have been SUBSTANTIALLY CUR KD of a bad case of rupture of thirty year's standing, by one of your incomparable Trusses, which I purchased from you three months ajro. I cannot describe the suffering , both physically and mentally, that I have undergone during that pe riod; and now I feel like a new being. I have worn atl kinds of Trusses, botli Steel and Klastic, and nev er received any permanent relief until I tried yours. its simplicity oi construction, unu nwuin witu wmvu it can be adjusted, and the ease and perfect freedom to the motions of the body with which it can be worn without causing any irritation, are its chief merits, and it is a perfect supporter. I have not had any sign of a return of a Kuptare since the first day I put il on, and feel that I am PERFECTLY CURED. It is invaluable, and the fact should be known to the world. You can refer any one to me on the subject of their merits. I am yours trulv, ALFRED J. BURKE, Chief Mail Clerk S. F. Daily Evening Post. San Francisco, July '20, 1S7S. ENDORSED BY THE MEDICAL PROFES SION. - . San Francisco, July 9, 1878. Calitorma Elastic Truss Co: After practicing medicine many years in this city, (luring which time I have had an extensive experience in the appheatiiMi of all kinds of Trusses, 1 can and do recommend yours as the best in every respect, for it is as near perfection as modern science can make it. It has many advantages over the torturing steel-hoop Trusses, which inflict great injury on the hips and spine, bringing on other distressing ailments, such a lumbago, morbid affections oi the kidneys and numb ness m the lower limbs, all of which are avoided by wearing the California F.lastic Truss. It is not only a perfect retainer, combining ease and comfort, but the pressure can be changed to any degree. It also re mains in its proper place at all times, regardless of the motions of the body, and is worn night and day with perfect 'ease. It is superior to any of the Elastic Trusses now in the market, while it combines the merits of all. 1st -It is easily adjusted on and oft with snaps, doing away with straps and buckles. 2d The universal spring between the plate and pad prevents all Irritation, which is a god-send to the suf ferer. 3d. The pad is adjusted on and off in an in stant, and can be changed for any other size and form most suitable to the case. In fact it combines every quality essential to comfort and durability, and is un equaled in lightness, elasticity, natural action, and artistic finish. Many of my patients who are afflicted with hernia are wearing theni, and all shall jn the fu ture, for I think the great ease with which these purely scientific appliances are made efficacious, is trulv remarkable. You can refer any parties to me on the subject of their merits. 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We don't want your money until you are perfectly satisfied oi their curative powers. If your life is worth saving-, don't delay in giving these Powders &J trial, as they will ;;i:rcly cure you. Price for Iarc box, aent to any part of the United Statea or Canada, by mail, on receipt of price. Address, ASH & ROBBINS, 15:8yl. SCO Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y 6lRi a week in your own town. S5 Outfit free, ft No risk. Reader, if you want a bus)nem4' at which persons of either sex can make threat pay ail the time thev work, write for particulars to H. Hallett S: Co., Portland, Maine. Scientific JUimanu TssnzsTY-iroi'iiE'rafi" year. THE MOST POPULAR SCIENTIFIC PAPER IN THE WORLD. Only 83.20 a Year, including Postage. NecKly. iMiianers a year. 4-,000 book iiages. 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