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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1900)
i (joninsnt limiting 10 muoh .money as tooripple financial transaction. hy not reduce taxation? - Tha fact that h trusts are being lor- ansd witli such speed, provet either that existing law it powerless or that enforce- .meat of It weak. Prebaps It is ttuetbat betrust.qu etlon is not a partisan one. Bat why do al -the trust contiibute to the Bepublicau -campaign fund and none to the Dsroo- watic? It ia rather unfair for Pennsylvania to uk Senator Hoar to save them from themselves. If the state want! to be re 4resented by men like Quay, it has a light to be. There is no uee aing McKinley to mediate in South Africa and prehaps stop be bloodshed there, lie might make hie if riend Bull angry, and that would nevsr 'do, yon know. -Whatever moral justification Secretary Gage may urge for bisections, be caunot -deny that be has deliberately violated (be laws. That is nothing, nowadays, Jiowever, The l'agalog guerrillas are now report ed to have evaded the troops who were basing them and to have mustered in large numbers within ten miles of Mao' ila. Otis accordingly reports that the war ie nearly over. " There will soon be another election in Philadelphia and the Quay leaders are ebnsilyat work padding tbe registration Jista so as to he ready to repeat the tac tics of last November. A good aiany of Gov. Roosevelt's friends ra beginning to look atkance at his fre quent visit to Boss Piatt. It ie difficult to pley witb pitch without getting pitchy. All salaries in tha Transvaal, including F resident Kruger'e, were cut down to al sjaost nothing ' en the war began. Thus Stbe Boer rroves bis corruption and lick of civilization. According to President McKinley, the United States ie at peace witb all the na tions of the earth. Yet the Secretary of tue Treasury wants K0,0CO,COO for the sarmy, more man Great Britain spmds in ordinary times. "The Ripub'ican party Lai come to be Ueve with Ex Benator Ingalli, that the 'Constitution and tbe Declaration of In dependence are "glittering generalities" ed "irridesceot dreams." J'be law prohibits portmaeters ex changing stamps of. one denomination for tbose of another. Such requests are frequently made but cannot be com (ilied with. Has the President changed his mind -regarding deposits in rational banks as ezoaipletely as !. changed it on the silver question? In 1SS8 be denounced Mr. Cleveland for depositing less than hal -She amount that Gage has deposited. Several Questions bands which Some papers are bavinz their Sail wilb the following questions. re founded on facte -. Co vou know 1 That it requires 60 per cent more wheat to buy a stove than it did in '96? That it requires twenty bushels more corn to buy a wagon tban it did in 96 1 That it requires 100 per cent more Corn or wheat to bur a copper kettle Ifchao in '96? That it requires twice as much corn to fcuy a roll of rope as in 'JO? That it lequires 40 per cent more corn .o boy a plow tban in '00? That it requires 75 per cent mire corn o buy a hoe, a rake or shovel, or spade, V.L 11... in lflll That a set of common wheels cost $7 So '96 and now cost $12. fiO? That the price of eultirators is higlie fty$3to$4?. That galvanized barbed wire cotts 4 So 4 60 a bnndred joonis more tban in That you pay 40 per cent more for !Ms,thanin '90? That rates of freight are back to tbe exorbitant figures that caused tha popu--t revolt in legislation a few years ago? That McKinley prosperity cornea high 3iut the trusts and corporations mast bave it? Wichit nsae, Democrat. Some of the beet and brightest young men in England, sons of tbe nobility .are ia tbe war in South Africa, giving their 'lives up that Eoglandmay get tome gold end diamond mines. It is alter all goed deal a matter of greed . Mr. Aitor, of London, formerly of America, has given (60,000 to help tbe . English in their war witb the Boers. lie is getting to be very English indeed you kfh. The steamer Lugene will now make reuuiar trips between Eugene and Port-lano ' ier rjiestnut. .aeetion discussed by a b. F. E miner eorreapoodent. Your aditorlal on tbe beginning of tbe new century begs the question , Yon state that there wet no year 0 in the Christian era. How do you know. Th, point at issue between the disputants iu this controversy Is precisely this ques tion of fact : Was there or was there not year 0 iu our modern system of reck oning date. It is said we canot have a csntury un til we have a hundred units and a bund- red units complete. No one denies this elemeutary proposition. Tbe question of the beginning of the etntury does not at all depsnd on this. It depends on the manner iu which you uurk down your units. It takes a hundred dollars to make a dollar-century. Iu order to bave this century you must have a hundred units. The minute you add a cent to $99.99 you have 100, and you bave completed your first dollar-century. Add another cent and you are in your second dollar cent tury. It you havb $1,899.99 you bave eigh teen dol'ar-centuries and yon are in your nineteenth . Add a cent and yon have $1,900, tbat ie to say nineteen dollar centuries. Add another cent, $1,901.01 are in your twentieth dollar century. You don't wait until you are able to write down $1,901.00 to state that you are in your twentieth dollar-cent ury. The reason of this fact is that in cur system of counting dollars we begin with 0 and not with I. When we are in our first dollar tor instance, we write down $00.25, $00.60, $00.75 and sjon. This system is also used in c '.anting distances. If we start from San Francis co to San Jose, we find the first mile stone, not at the starting point, but a mile from the city. At the starting point the cyclometer marks aero. If we keep taliy ol the atones as we pass along, the moment we mark down one we are in oar second mile. The moment we have put down nineteen, we are begin ning our twentieth mile. What now is oar Christian era? It is a system of measuring distances. We ask ourselves bow far ars we from a fixed point? ally, the incarnation. The use of the Christian era is to tell us how lar we are from that point. It is the tally or rec ord ol the time-distance. Now it is clear to you that when we re at the starling point we are at zero. Therefore, tbe first 3 ear must be the yearO. For example, suppose we are reckoning events that happened from the very beginning, how should we pro ceed? Naturally we would say the first month or tbe second month, oi the sixth month. Just as if we had to w rite down 1 cent or 2 cents or 8 cents, we should not write $1.01 or $1.02 or ll.Ort, bat $00.01, $00.02, $00 06. Ia the same manner we should not say A. D. 1 March or A. D. 1 April or A. D. 1 August, but simply thejmonth of the incarnation or tbe April after the incarnation or the August after the incarnation . We have no right to count a year nntil we bave finished it, according to tbe root princi" Die of our adversaries; therefore, we bave no light to set down the year 1 un- The WMI these da e. MISFITS. imette is spreading itaelt After all poiiiica generally are pre'.ty well bashed up. This warm winter has kept many a woodshed from being emptied. An exchange saya one can eas ly be in fashion by going in debt. A very poor fashion to follow. Keep out of it. The Cheerful Liar receutly in Albany was given in Portland the first night to a packed house, Tue name was sure lo take in that city. "Let there be light" is the heading of a pamphlet nhiuh I he Democrat receiv ed today. It will be turned over to the city c.uucii. The Salem Journal makes tbe point that binion nets oillce for his friends and McHride lor his relatives. Nepotists should never be given a second chance Aurora Borealis Is the name of a new) paper juat started at Aurora in this state It should be a very Drilliaot affair. It ie to he hoped this borealia is not like Its nameeaku a mass of bright rays that pass away anu are seen oniy rarely. A Seattle paper eays it has suspected for some time that John II. Mitchell was out of politics, using a tone of Irony. If John 11. -Mitchell mid Hinger Hermann the best workers for Uregun the date has had for years had been more in evi deuce, things would be humming now at inquina May instead of rotting along tue jetty. TELEGRAPHIC One of tin greatest jokes of the day ie the recent statement of Rockefeller that God gave him his money. A New York suit for $1.03 has already cost $1339. One of the greatest needs of this twentieth century is a bigger fool killer. Salem, Alba ay and Corraliis ere pret ty well represented at Bumpier, which they evidently intend to take. May they 'j be point is convention- J take the gold by the lumps. The Chicago Times Herald goes so far as to say that one who cannot see that this is the twentieth century can't count or reason and ie idiotic. While it ie a plain case to it e Dkkockat It is easy to see bow peopb can rtiffer on such a question, and the Democrat knows some very nice, bright people who think we will not be in the twentieth contury for eleven months and fourteen Uays yet. !?tl Boer V let or y. Puktoria, Jan. 13. Ae a result of i the bombardment of Mafeking yesterday -Mm British fort at the east was demolished and the British retired. One JBoer was wounded. Advices from the head laager at Lady- smith report, tint the attack on that place January u was disastrous to tbe British and Ladysnntli appears to be in sore Btraits. Up to Long Tom. .Monroe, Jan. 16. Transportation by water from Monroe has at last become satisfactorily settled. iToday that steam 8 1 er Gypsy made a succeeaful trial trip to - this point, and at 8 o'clock came! up Kumoro Senrcu. Iaindon, Jan. 17. Even rumort are no Innmr teleirrnnhed from Natal. The conclusion deduced from tins ailenco by the military exnerts Kcnerally la tuat no decisive blow hue been struck either way as ii such ah event there would be no necessity forsilence, Sim l'ili.'B. London. Jrn. The Kxchango Telo- Coinpany has received the following die-pnt.-h, dated January 10, from l'iocr- iiinrilahiiru'! There is no news from tho 'rout, but h.nvi- di-Iiut ii iianrd todav in the di ri otion of f rere, it ib prooauio uim lienorul Uulier is engaging tno enemy. A rumor is current here that portion of the Britisli force is near Ladysuiith. Kentucky Tragedy. FiiANKroitT. Jan. Ill A (hocking trug- edy, iu which the lives ol three promi nent meu were sacritlced and that of a fourth hangs by a slender thread, whllo two others miraculously escaped with painful injuries, occurred Jhoro at one o'clock today. The principals in the, tragedy were ex-congressmah David ti. (Vlsom. of Middlaboro, and Lieutenant Jitnelbert Scott, of Souiersot. Philippine Report. W T..M 111 ITI.a tl,lll,M,inA TAI9Illi,U iun. Ullll, iu . . t.... , commission today completed its repor. and dispatched it to the public printert fronts of the first (ration are expected tomorrow and thoro is every reason to believe that the first volume at least can be laid before eonirress within a week. Hecause of the pendency of the Philip pine question just now before congress, it ia regarded as desirable by the com mission that this material be submitted at the earliest possible moment. With Kiugcr. I'ketoria, Jan. 11, ii Lorenzo Mar- quea. President K, -Mirer, in the course ol a stirring kiMi'l'bh j i t issued to the burghers, utliruis thai i' nvidence ia on their side, that thi'ir cans.' i- just, and that th 'y must succeed. Jteporta Iroiu Uolesburg roi.r "lie me position there as favorable to th. . I'M1 cans, but the llrtush are con:uitir.....i : or operations on a large ecalu. LOCAL MINSTRELSY. , probabIy Drowned. Next Saturday ewnlng at ihe Armory, Yesterday nevti"a7reoelved at June . .uv. u..u..n nm vUur. ,,- the , btwMn tha, tT ,n(, .una j ar 4 nuu it, ueing two uours oi Monro, nn tl. (Won Talnnlmna fin'. .u.,K., u .f ec. ly wo.a, uie por.or.n- DMl WH down. Wi Burbee, ene of ance win conclude win. me popular pan- ,ue ,,lemen al work on ,h) junntlon tomiuio entitled, "the Cannibal and tuo lohange, was sunt to fix It. He went Skeleton." This without doubt la one of horseback. In the evening the horse the uiostHaughahlo and interesting pan- "'""""I ,.on", .""J,'" touiiuiee ever produced and wiU be here .,.',. th.t ha wn. given, after much preparation, With al probably drowned In a dough between Its original force. Tho Albany College Junotlon and Monroe, and the same was Athletic Association in giving this nur- being dragged for the body. On account (orm ance is supported by the best local I0' the great depth of the water the task talent in tho city. was a ureat one, Burbee iaa resident The program will be as followa : of Kalem. and leaves a wile and two or ,.,t1ut three children, Hones, I C. flornscbuli, J. It. Iinle-I ton; Interlocutor, J. C. Irvine; Troin- hones. O. U. Huruuruff. Kd Stewnrf. 1st! tenors. J Achlson. N. Anderson, O. Ury- ant. F. 1'way. 2nd tenors, O. 11. llurg- that people can be educated on the polit- gnu, j, morrmon, r. dwiiinaciier, i.. ileal stump. amies, zmi nase, l, yj. iiornsuiiiiun, v . Ex-Governor 1'euuover states posl- I tivoly that ha never again will go on the I stump, that he bus given np the idea The Wily Boers. Duruan, Natal. Jan. 10 There ia a Boer commando m tiie Zambaans'i-oun- try, Zn uUml, within a 'tny's march ol the sea. with wagons. It is Imliovedl to belwnitini! forsunnlios and ammunition secretly landed near St. Lucia's bay. The lioers have looted tall the stores and mines in Swaziland territory, nnd the ruined natives are completing :tne destruction. Great Battle Imminent. C i.bno. Jan. 11. via Pretoria, via Lourenzo Maniuez, Jan. 12. Everything points to aa great battle within a few ;a a. I.ailvaniith tor the mat two nigtus has been bring rockets. 'IV ) object in not known here. Littler, J. It. Kulston, S. HarUtick, Ag- uinaldo, Oenoral lino, uoszeyzino, r u- ipino. 1. Georgia cunipmeuting by tho com- P"ny' z, liver tiire by me terminal stars. 3. "Honey dat 1 Love so Well," E. stowart. 4. "Louisiana Lou," Kieil Twav. 5. "Dakey Cavilliers." 0. II. Burg- graf and Aguinaldo, Ooneral lino, lloe- kevsino, and rilinmo. ti. "Kentucky Babe," L, C. Horns scmich. 7. "Llttlo Blsok Ooon," V. Littler. R. Mcdlov, by the company. 0. Anvil chorus. I'ART 2ND. Overture, Hoiikins orchestra. Oration by Ed Stowart. String music by the mandolin club J a iiuicii;mggcr. Trombone solo by J. C. Irvine Time taken nn bv Kumuraff. Musical box (wonderful,) by George aetnngton bnow. I'AIIT Sun, Tho norforniciice will conclude with a sidu splitting pantoniinie untitled, "The luminal and rJkolutuii. The characters ..ill bo; iM'.uuho Jumbo, king ol the cannibal isies. Coco llolo. Wizard of them nil. Toimitukn, daughter of tho king.' Edward Mortimor, n liviim ekoleton. Price of admimion has been placed at oniy 20 conta Willi reserved sonts with out extra cluirgo at lliirkhart & Lee's. No one cnu afford to miss it. KENT CLAY TON, At DUIard, Ore- Sm, Tan. 14, 1900, Dr. L A. Kent and lies Jennie Clayton, by the Hv. J. H, Howard. The Kroorn Is a well-known and blub- Iv respected citizen of this county, a physician of ability and excellent pro fessional standing, His bride is a popu lar young lady, tha daughter ol Mr, Ash lord Clayton, of Coles Valley, a well krjowu pioneer of the county. For a number of years past Miss Clayton has made her home in Albany and Portland, where she has been a verr successlul dressmaker and milliner. 1 lie friends of Dr. and Mrs. Kont are leuiou iu this countv. and 'J lie Itoview joins with them, one and all, in extend ing congratulations and well wishes. Koieburg ltevlew, DAVIS POWELL. On Sunday, Jim- aiiry 14, 1WJ0, at the residence "f Mr. Clay Powell, lather of the bride, Mr. Erud JMvis. and MisB Mav Powell. Two of Linn county's worthy young people they have the best v. iulii'B of uiuiiy friends through Ihocounty 1'LICKINtiEU CHori'. In Vancouv er, Vt nshon January 9. lWOO.Mr. Wil liam Elickingor, mid Mrs Emily Croup, both of this citv. They have the best w minis of many Ill'UKHAUT BUY A NT. In Snu KriincincQ, Calif., January 11, 1900, by Hev. Dr. J. II. Warren, (ieorsu 1. 11 ll k hurt, of I.clninon, Linn county, Oregon, to Mariguer J. Bryant ol San 1'rauciaco. DIED Oakville. til the year one has been completed. We are at zero till we get 1. What, then, dcea December 31, 1S99 mean? It means tbat we bave 1399 years plus 12 months that ia to (ay, 1900 years complete. It means, more over, that January 1, 1900, signifies tbat we bare one day oj tbe 1901st Tear aince the incarnation; that ia to say, tbat we have begun the twentieth century. If there were really a big Engliah vict ory in Soul- Africa, tnere wouldn't be time for any rumors to be flying about before the facta would be plastered all ever England and tbe rest ol the world. Unpleasant news, yon know, is kept back by the censor.. alongside the wharf. She brought 20 tons of freight and 10 passengers, and will leave tomorrow down river with 75 tons of Hour and feed. Lebanon. The Oregonian has hopes ol the Demo cbat because it says diversified farming must be tbe warciy ol tbe Oregon farm er. Tbe farmer al;o needs some legis lation which will not take all be makes even at diversified farming, to fill the maws!of tbe trnttj.whoare cbargeing him extortionate prices for tbe manufactured articles he ha to buy. The Telegram says: "Bat some of these day there will be a victory for the British in rsality, and one worth rejoic ing over-in England." Tbe last two words above were put in to cover op tbe real feelings of tbe editor. lie is jus dying to bear of British si:ces,bat hir J ly darea t- eay so. Ex. It is to be hoped tbat tbe truth will be learned anout tbe Thorn ease. Casesof this character should be probed to the bottom, and those guilty should be given the full penally of the law. On the other band men should not be drawn in to such matters unless there Is convinc ing evidence against them. A good name ia above all wealth - Florence West : "Dr. Saubert inform ed as this week that his firm bave bought tbe machinery in what is known as "Mill 4"on Ysquioa bay and bave made part payment in cash, lie alto stated that it is tbeir intention to bave tbe machinery shipped to the Sitislaw at once where It will immediately be plac-,omeo( the piling to the approach . ... UUIIUIUK m Acme. ' From the E, A -. W, B. Donaca was paying 35cen's per bushel tor potatoes Ian week and bought aeversl carload", nut the market is now weak, L. A. Wiley has been engsged to teach the school in the brisham district, be ginning tue zzj. Prof. E. C. Peery, of Moro. visited ret ativeeat bodaville over Sunday. His school has been closed for a short time on account oi a smallpox scsre. Dr. Lsmberson left yesteniay evening for New Y'ork City, where he goes for tbe purpose oi taxing a special course in medicine ana surgery, lie will be Bb- ssnt auout two months. Dr. Hill, of Al oany, ir. rnil, ol bcio, and f)r. Lee, oi Junction, will also leave on the 2lst for new lorn tor the same purpose. W. H. Lulz, on yesterday, sold h's aruer suop io jacoo uosiar, tbe new proprietor taxing cbarire this nminin. Mr. Lulz has conducted a barber sbcp in tun picv tur nuinucr oi years. The new ouicers of the Ladies o! tbe ti. A. K. were installed Ssturday by Mrs. Amy Livingstone, of Albany, state president of the organization. Meadames Oocbell, C.evenger and Barber were also ovr irem Atnauy to assist in the ius'al lation. New patents are; D, B. Hanson, Seat tle. Wash.. Uang-edger; W. T. Pavne, Tacoma, Wash., Cattle guard ; II. fech roeder, Spikane, Wash., Candle holder. Those famous dancing duettiati, tbe Palmer Sisters, will be an ettractiv. quisition to tbe Kentz Santley Company the present season presenting the latest terpsichorean sucenm.. win. ,i,.. dashing little danseuses do not know about the art of extracting music with tbe fest, is not worth learning, and tbeir pretty voices lend a pleasing accompani rueit to tbe patter of their liny feet. At tbe Armory Thursday night. The Salem Journal sava that th. Hih in passing under tbe Albany bridge col lided with the structure, damaging tbe boat and taking two piers out from un der the bridge. Wbat a whopper. The piers were not touched end the bott would bave bad no.fiWt nn ,. i ,i. had been. Toe Huth simnl run ..!.. Kevival meetings in the M. E. Church South are id progress Willi nron.i.,, success. An inv.ta'.ion to all. Kirflit n f-uiiH is I'.ity. Kansas Citv. Mo.. Jan. 14. In true Western fashion, a lone robber, masked and armed, cleaned out two restaurants the center ol thecitr at n.o clock this morning under the glare of nn electric light. In Lwis';iesUurant at 12IO;V'nl- nut street lie pointed m pistol at ntatuuy Krushwood, the cashier, and tapped tho register white he kept his revolver in filain view of two customers eating near y. Then ho skipped across tno street to the restaurant t Kohort McCliutock , an 1 repeated the game. Hurtled to l)cith. Maschkstur, N. II., Jan. II. A. lllanchard aged 6T, his wife, aged 43 anil a boarder named William Money aged 53, were burned to death in their home in Merrimac. last night. The cause of the lite is unknown, Crossed tiie TiiKcln London, Jan. 16. A special dispatch from Cape Town, dutt-d Friday, January 12 (evening), anno luces that Ouuerul Warren has crossed the Tagela river. i'.etrent the Game. Manila, Jan. 15. Part of General John C. Bales' troops ar operuting about Lake Taal Tho insurgents con tinue to retreat south. Coloml And-rson, with the Thirty- eightn infantry, took Talisay on t he north shore o; tue lake, with but little opposition. In a..n r rancinen. San Francisco, Jan. 15. Charles Joyce, piopnetor o' n saloon on tlu cor nerof Seventeenth ind Castro street, was rhot and in. Hilly wounded llilfc evening by Thonai- Dillon, who was re cently retired from nice force. During a uuarrei over tbe payni'iit lor a drink, several snots weie exchanged between the two men. Good f.r Jipun. Pbkino. Jan, 15. A signilicant sign ol the part Japan hopes to play tho in the future of Chinais that tlie Japanese government has definitely offered to es tablish a military academy ut Peking to educate Chinese under Japau olliciuls. ll n said China isJfnvorably impressed toward this proposition. Conlirniiii4 Heportn. London, Jan. 16. General Bullcr'e latest autnentic word as to what he and his 30,000 men are doing was wirei from Springfield alier his first forwurd step. London ie confuted by surmised and ru mor and disquieting suspense. Ttier i is good reason to believo Hint the statement that Sir Charlei Warren, withjl 1,000 men, has gone toward W.e nan is correct, and we may expect im portant news (shortly. Significant Si'tnee. Jiiw York, Jan, 15. A dispatch to tbe Tribune from Loudon a : Although Lord Boberts telegraphed from Cape Colony Inst night that there was no change in the situation, the con tinued absence of news as to General Buller's movements is not considered reassuring, ihe silence oi lbe corres pondents is uouutioss due to the censor ship, and the messages which General Buuerjiias cent lor gtne iniormation ot the war oliise it has probablv bien con sidered inexpedient to make puUic. Dr. J. N. Smith and wife, of S.iluin, were vultiiin friends heiefrom Saturday mi aionuay While io Albany lust win k w visited the county olhoers in their new home Judjto i.ttrtou adjourned court and showed us Ihe house which is the leet cour house ol Its size in Oregon. The iie.-olo of Linn county can ever thank Jt-dgj Barton for planning this building anu Architect itunratt lor tbe way he ba done the work Among the many bids which were filed with the county clerk of lemon county for the c ntract to build a bridge al Mr. iiuudy's there were twofiom Linn ooun tv,one bv tbe "Oakville Construction Co." and Ihe other by the "Linn County ilric'ge Co " The laitur company v repretenled by ll. M. S,oiie. 11. M. Stone took the contract. Tiie team of David Shearer until con tractor, took a lively spin last Monday morniL'K, jut as Mr, b was gulling iu lo ttart with tho mail. No serious d image was done. We tuok a horseb ck lide la:t Satur liUAVKS. In Albany, at the residence of lur daughter Mrs Ci, W Hm hsleil- Ier, on Muudav evnninir, Jan 15. luod. altera lingering illnasii.Mrs. Elizalieth Graves, hi the age ot HI years and H iiioniiis The diieeato 1 was horn in Winchester. Knuiaud, end came lo ilio United States locating in New York when sixteen veais of age. She was married to John Graves by whom she had two sous and three dailulilers, of whom two Mrs, llochsted- Ier and Mis. Beam are residents of this citv. Mr. Graves died about thirty years ago, and a tew yoars alter Mrs, Graves oame to Albany to reside For several years she has been confined to her bed wi(n p.tralysit. J.iLc was a mem ber ol Ihe Baptist church, a consistent hriilian, beloved by all knowing her. FLOWKUS. In Albnnv, on Siindny, I t si 14, 1900, of ivpoid fever. Mrs. J. W. Flowers, a tor an illner-n of several ' weeks. The di'i ensed leaves a Inisbmid nud eyernl children to mourn her detith. 1 he hiuiilv nt line time resided ut the Buy, men going buck to Pennsylvania, w here thev uncut a veur or two, return ¬ ing to Albany a lew months ngo. Tho lay among the farmers. We found thai family have the avnimitliv nf all in mnj wore u iryinx ni.oivr me pruuiaili , JOiD "n liat can be done lliat will pay a better profit than raising wheat'",' At Tangent a large crowd of grangers were assemb led and lliev nere all talking auou Hit dairy business. The Grangj hall was crowded nnd the streets lull Ciin.iiiK Ghovs, Jan. 17, etjuriff Withers, of this county, took I'atterson, one of the abductors of Minnie Thorn, lo Kujene this morning. He tailed to iret A Basket sociable lust rriday eveiiimi I Kntul.ntAn . was well attended Baskets sold Irotn ... . , , 2 75 down to Hie Carrie Shear- "'" ml" r lo , "ome .'" s basket was the highest priced and A'imiiy louay ami win prooaniv liirmsli thegeniieuian ho paid (2 75 lor it bad I bonds for the required amount which tiie Pleasure oi eating upp r witli the handsomest lady in Oakville. The pro gram was ue 1 performed vafwcialiv the musical part . 25.C0. Th proceeds amouiltei. Little ltusie Bi n. Deede, A T McCuliey lo V K Mill er, 187 acree, ueai Uibanon liCOO Deed, J M Seltieix lo A P Black burn, lh lots. Lebanon 7C0 Deed, I, aura Kelchuui lo h Faulkner, 100 acres lOl'O .Mortgages for f 1000, $100 i lid $150 ; Ciicuit ronrt : New ca-ii, V W W betvmier aul Dannn Whet viii ier. Divorce. Wi-athei lord A V; all attoi neye lor nl iinilff. Ilurrv up and r-gistei or you mar get left. Find out wbero you balore hand. Probate court : Wi I filed in e 'ate cf L, Thorn s. Bond, $4,000. Petition (or sale of re .1 t tla eof Wocd brlge Geary. Iuvenltry filed in estate of A L Gu -tafson. Sale of properly rep r ted in estate of John settle. via- placed a! (L,.)IW by Judge aiigban. CurRiM'a, Jan, 17, Gun . French is reported lo have repulsed the Boms at tack on the fort. London, Jan. 17 Todays papers verely criticize Biitisb geneials lor tlioir niifuianaticnent uf afTairs. WaaiiiNtiTON, Jan. 17. Denmark is 'in willing lo accept f 1,000,000 inaiead oi 1H,U00,00J lor Ilio Danish West In dies Iomion, Jan. !C. The tloors have captured n small fori mi s de of Makok ng The Hnere report Liulj s.ntth in b. tlflx. Wamhimiton, Jan. It), The Lawton fund ir, now increased to 10,000. WAhiiixiiToN, Jan. 15. Pettigrow in troduced a petition from women of South Dakota requesling an ameimmoiil to the constitution granting women sufforngc. London, Jan. 15. It is reported Lady smith will bo relieved within twenty- four hours. Pahis, Jan. 15. H is rumored that Billler has been defeated. hero t 1 1 4-PQUND CATALOGUE Fpf-f? THIS BIG CATALOGUE umu.aii.eii,.. : lii iu.vunuiuiu m,vuf UuUUuntj, 10, 0W llIUHtrUiiiir, lk UrvMt, compUio m h( vrlwd laUlwsu rP"bl"-- NAMtt THt idWftT WHOLIfALICHICAQO MI0II DM VINITKINO lnoluilinu vrylhitK liiUrxrla, Uieuf. btjiivt, Ifu- i. arrwws, uu hhi, v lluss, Matin, ITHIN0 lnoti Ririwin, Miiit, AriMiir.l IopUmbU, rtjralir, Kama, Hl4Ut, i.rvwBwrj , urraaa. riisst, atliM iSMlrasaraia, 'mlaklaw ilooda. Mmm t(l(.r, riahlM TMl, rhalssfrM-la a, Telia jutt wluat or lirrkowurat Iiuutit mu.t py for aluit limt how to onIr. bow tuui li tlio iVvlkkl. on snvthlritf to vitur town. Ikr him luwL U mmrly I.VO, tltff nntw 1'ii UUoenW, OUR FRFF OrrPR fiittliUavl. out and Mod to us fvn rn.& vrrciTf wlt)l )A CVRU ,n ,UJ11,, (,, pt!l ir tltflt oentit .inttWi-, and Ikr Ulm stoat) will bwaaat to imVHKK wuriniiwtiiiienttiii laovnisi j aaaii nhsim, awl ir oi you apnil, a kf y f- th lowatat wholeaAla urluva ol a)vry ihiau, Buy Jlte ha Urn l'lum. I -3tf I what tiik i-hkhk mvn a hoi t thih atawm.vki Washinoton, Jan. W.-UprcBcnUtivo I lUfi. -i:mmuuumMlbwwtalvu- Tongue today called on the mtonjey W--sir - ll I'&lflW0',? 'Winirten k.mdmi Triine. t a i . ! . .IX. JyT "riii talaloKU- laa wuti,lcr." MftticlinaUr IN 11. tnluli. general to has'en action looking toward w i'-ilj-wj' - ' nwAao i Jiii nni, iiiui1cii a iv i, . ot u. iaWattniuuui iu knuiiu the construction ot haleni s iiostolhce . MMii,ottAnmh,mum.aM bui dinir auiuorixM by the last con- M.,lr 7, trw -Bor' Munthir.i hi,iio. J? . J :. r "The roBUlim-Uft vt d-irtm!t Mora hnl m, rf,.a,n ' .ti.n -OeS. ihe Sll)erVI6ing architect IS SbOU I 'TI,itlwuUrUlnly tnrrbnmM,IM:yrlp.dl.,, Chlu-K" l.liwurlh llanlil. to prepare plans for a new building, uinl wV".wSuSihd7ffl,rii,Ki Mr. Tonxue is making l,n nest efforts to 8EAR8, ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.). CHICAGO. Illinois, u. 8. A. have provision made in the specilica ons for Oreo'i material, brick or cone