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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1900)
Vol XXXV ALBANY, OBIKGON FRIDAY JANUARY leep CG&pmg kMTt know of nothing belter to tear the lining of your throat and lungs, li It better than wet feet to causa bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep it up long tiough and you will succeed in reducing your weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a slow fever nd making everything exactly right for the germs of con sumption. Stop coughing and you will get well. g will get well. H mere I CttETI ) pectoral f SATURDAY. TELEGRAPHIC cures coughs of every kind. An ordinary couph disap pears in s single night. The racking coughs of bronchitis are soon completely mas tered. And, if not too far along, the coughs of con sumption are completely cured. Ask your druggist for one of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster. It will aid the action of the Cherry Pectoral. Tf Jim hrr any rmnrttnt wtint v.r nuil Uio l',t im-itu-ul mlvlfu ymi rut i,i,lllr uliulli, tvrtlo u lr-e'. im will rfi't'lvi n iimpl rfjily It'.t timy Im ill ureal iitmi lo vmh. AiMrrn. 1IL J. c. AV:.;:, Lunoll, Mm. S ti.,itipl rfiily It'.t tmy be ol ureal 1 R vTiXl.'c.MAVi'.:t,,LlWii, wm. It A Good Oioice. Wachinoton, Jan. 5 Membera of the Ocgon delegation today united in unan- i oously recommending the appointment of Judge W. 0. Hale, of Eugene.Or., as district judge of Alaska, to till the vacan cy eausod by the resignation of Judge Johnson. Judge Hale was once jndge of the first district of Oregon, and has strong indorsements from all of the cir cuit judgs of the state, as well as the judges cf the supreme court, (and from prominent republicans. Nothing New. Niw York, Jan. 6. A dispatch t the Triuune from London says: The clubs were crowded last evening until, midnight since there was a gener al i'npr.Hflion that the crisis of (the war liau come, witn a uattie impending on the Tngeln. This feeling of suspense was strengthened by bulletins reciting vigorous shelling di the Door (trenches yesterday morning with Lyddite and the deutrvcon of intrenchmeute. Against Quay. Washington. Jan. 6 The Semite com ruitteon privileges and Select ions toc'av derided, uy a vote of 4 to 8, to make an au-'erse report upon the re-olution to seat Ken hi or Cliiuy. The resolution was sb follows : Resolved. That Matthew S. Onav he admitted as a senator from the state of Pennsylvania, in accordance witli his appointment, made on April 29, 1899, by me governor oi s.iu state. Some I'lghtlng. Manila, Jan. 0 Advices from Maea- iang, province of Pamnamrn. reuort that uapiain uontiauser, witli tliree;compan ies (6 the Twentv-lifth retriiiient. caotur. ed the n Burgent stronghold of Couiunchi jn Iovnt Arayat. vefterdav. The ene- mv's loss is not known but' three Ameri cans were wounded. Was UiiMicJexsful London, Jun. 0 The Times published the billowing dispatch frjm Mafeking, duted December 211: At dawn today Colone.1 Itauen-Poweli organized an unsuccessful attack upon a strong position of the euemy Jut liuuie tree, two miles trom Mafeking, from which thr Boars have been maintaining a desultory, hut annoying, shell and ri tle lire for several weeks. K esc ued Washington, Jan. 5. After a Bilence of several days, (ieneral Otis is able to not fy the w ar departmental the com plete success ot the military operations ieMorl tweet Luson SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. L. 0. Hornshu returned thisfnoon from a viBit with his parents at Oregon City. Mr. W. H. Parker and daughter went lothe Bav yesterday for an outing and recuperation, ; G. A. Westgate. the wheat man. re turned last night from his holiday trip to Han Francisco, where his parents reside. Two of the new officers of the I 0,0. F. at Toledo are CAE men. i. 8. Cai- teel is the new N. O. and Walter Barters the rec. sec. Mr. Milton Hale, cf tl is i-ilr. hat In re u all o of having built the Brat cabin in Linn county. It in 1845 Inst IhfV side of Jefferson oppo-ilo what was then known asemtiam cliy. Dr. Trimble, who has been ill for sevr eral weeks, yesterday afternoon accom panied bis mother to her home at Port land, where he will remain until But ficiently recovered to resume his practice. The Misses Norton and Ona Coffin, chaoeroned hv Mr. ftninc nf AlhanvJ came up from Vaquina Monday to attend uie concert. jir. uoing returned, to Yaquina Tuesday. Leader. ! The code! at the Coagregational chinch last evening, run by the men,' was a de rided euccess at least in the opinion of the men. Everything abojt it went off smoothly, though it was nee-' eesary to have a lady call off the pro gram, Mrs. Hogue doing that as well as any one of I lip gentler sex could be ex I ected to do it. There were some very live recitation iy Messrs Swann and liurggraf and Mrs. Craw and Master Edniond Parser. The lunch was an el egant affair. Tie hot biscuits were erected by Mr A B. Woodin.and it was generally cotireJed have never been equjlleii. HOME AND ABROAD. Uuy your spectacles and bye glasses at French's Jewelry Store. For good clean work Viere k'sTonsor al Parlor ia the place lo get acccmmcd-sted. See French the .Upler II vnn ern in need of a first class clock. Wo have bargains. Old naners ten cent, a hnn,l ( tha Demockat office. New is the timq to UAf. an trnnlnff beard or clothes rack, manufactured by E. B. Davidfon, under patent. Fine tilings Try one. Leave orders at Hop- aim liros. DR. J. LHILV Physician and 9 f :n. Hill Block - - n- A.!h,iny. Or. Littler & Littler BMTMi Vroudalbiti St., Albany, Or. Ko. Collins I D S A. Jack Hodges 0 D B COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. .dd Fel.o 's Temple, Albany, O.-. Oliver Plows p HOPKINS iliOg., Agents, " Albany, Ungon "Oliver a"e the world Ih" chilled plow And it ha- vi:d more mnnej to the ..inner of America iiuyonifr ciii.ileinoul ever pr'(lm:el. uiiie Oliver oh. lied are tne Iwsl in h. Tlifi O!ivor ia a promoter of linppi on the fa -in, and the dealer who -.-ella owa he .. andling the bent. Look or inimitatioiia nut) touch nothing but enuin K-jodi, nude only ry Oli'er ll plow worm. Sjmi'i tienn, inn . COUNTY BUSINESS. Prohale Court : In estate of E T T FiBlier petition lor anie of notea. C C Hotiue was appointed guardian of A tl Welch a minor Final iiccoiibt in estate of Mary Peard set fur Fi. 5. In estate o! T M M linkers, petition fil ed lor rale of real estate, Llond tiled in eatater of P L Wallace liml P M Sherer. In eitate of U J Paui will filed for prool. Julius Bock was ailmilted to citii-n-Bhip. New auits in Circuit Court : Robert Crawford agt G B Milloy. Al lachmenl. W K Bilyeu atlomey for plaintiff. May & Senile, 8 fcet V C Loudon et al. Recovery niouey. WeatherforJ & Wyatt attorneys. Recorder's Oour:: Mortgage for $395 Release of mortgage 650 Assignment mortgage 92 COUNTYCOIRT. Petition of H II Heaieuian ttal for oounty road granted. A T MuOuliy waa appointed j inilor at a salary of i II) a month. bill, allowed: O W Chne, roads $ 4 Ci W W Poland, roa . sup 7! 46 .udern & Sternberg, wood 6 12 lit. W. wixin, Italy lli'l, N V. says "1 heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It gave my wile immediate telitf in auff letting aitliiua." Pieaaaut to take. Never fuiln to q ui'kly cure nil cougtia, coIiIk, throat and luarf troubles. For sale bt Fohiiy & Mason. Brownsville. From the Times: J. A. Weaver, proprietor of the Fair, waa in the city Saturday. J. W. Renfi has returned to Albany alter a vi?it with relatives in this city. Mr. and M'p. J. B. Moore celebrated their thirty-lourlh wedding anniversary at their home in this city, Thursday, ilec. 28. Cliff Abrama, oi Crawfordsville, was in the city a short time eeterday. He lias been oi theeick list for some time, A party WB9 given J.P.Oooley leet Friday evening in hioor of the 47th an niversary of his birth. An enjoyable time wai bad. A road sunervisor of Lane county has sued a citizen for $3 becan e he refuted 10 worm out ins road tax. Tiie store of G. B. Milloy was closad yesterday afternoon on complaint of ueri vrawiom, lor fwo. Henry Miller, a Portland man. whs toiigat with the BoeiB in 1881 eaye they f ill win, that they not only kn jw every foot of tbe country but are fighters. The Portland Y. M. 0. A. indoor baee ball learn will niay jn Salem Saturday night Jan. 13 The Salem teim did not go to Portland today as they bad ar ranged to do. A subscriber says: "In order to begin the new centnry right I remit,etc' Sub scribers though who believe t e century Mglns a year later Ehould cot wa t for the same purpose. The remains of Mrs. Peckenbaueh were brought to Albany this morning trom Southern Oregon, where she died, and were interred this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Masonic cemetery with appropriate exercises. Salem wants tfie valley towns to unite with that city ia sending an immigration agent eist for several montlu. Perhaps a good thing, but after all a country has lot to be built up by its general repu;a tion. Mr. Frederick Staiitei died iu Salem yeaterdav at the advanced age of 94 years. He was tbe father ol William and Una Staiger at one time residents of Albany. He was born in Germany and osme 10 the United States in 1818 and to Oregon in 1S62. SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS The only difference in the Boer war ia victory for tbe English, just to keep up their spirits, which when the truth ia earned, is simply a Boer victory. When It conns to censorship victories the Eng lish are great fighters. Wti have been aping tbe censorship part, a relic of bar barism, but fortunately our soldiers can flht for a fact aa well, so that really no cenionhip could be justified tinder any circumstances. The indications are now that within a few days there will be a batU. on 4a,niat.wrrf .tie- heard around the worU. We began a new year last Monday, tbe time of the year when according to tra dition it is proper to make resolutions to live better lives. While it is a fact that most people who wait for January 1 bj make resolutions neyer keep them, yet it is true that it ia better to make them then than not at all, People who really wish to do what ia rlabt in their" Uvea never wait for a future date to beain but do bo at once, tbe proper lime. Tue Slate Department lias instructed its coumel by mail to investigate those flour sei5nre.. .He fill et tbe letter in about two months. Mr. Mike McCullough, a farmer tesid' Ths end of the century diecuesion con tinues both with ink and on the street. people get mad. Sensible people though always take those things as they ome and appreciate the fact that the human mind is a peculiar inetitutlon very differently constructed in different people, and one person has as much right to hie opinions as another. We do, though, meet men, who lay down eir figures and say they are right laud that settles tbe matter. When thev know albing they know it. The real imuortance of when the century begins really has not bien stated. Aa a matter of fact it is no; material at all. A year one way or tbe other ia but a drop 13 the Bucket in the great whirl of time. Vhe worn epecimen of humanity ia he who helps despoil the borne through foul meanstaking from it one of the mem bars for immoral purposes. There is a case the law dees net reach, that tar and ttather comes tbe closest to touching and some times it looks as if there ought ta be a bucket of tar and feathers around for prompt usf, with an energetic mem. berehip. On tl.e other band it is time for parents to rule tbe horns with stilct er discipline and aee that their eons asd daughters are kept in bounds and under Senator Cockerell says that a bill fcr a permanent army of 100,000 shall never pass tbe Senate while be is in it. If the war tariff were repealed, there wouldn't be any surplus to deposit with the City National Bank of New York. The American mnleseeme lo be about the only "critter" that can do eighteen hours nours work aday and flourish in South Africa. Two more army transports have arriv ed at SaoFrancisco. In a few days we shalltave the usual repoit of misman agerrent on board of them. Mr. Piatt denies that he has declare for Root for Vice President with Mciuo lay next fail. Evidently Leutenant Governor Woodruff's fiiht fcr the place is getting B?rious. . 01 course it was inevitable that Secre tary Gage ebould use tbe onlv bank pos sessed of the ueceseary nonds. But who warned the "Rockefeller" National to be ready with such a huge stock of bond4? ing ueiweeo Aioany ana eoanon, ubb , circnm,Uni.8. Irnm .. . .. oeen appointed tanitor at the court house 1 -' under a contract to do tbe enure work. ! u Jmpauy. me greatest posseesion a Mr. Catlin will retire trom the positi n , pjrson can h ive is a good name, and it .,,Ku.. wcrw uw ' u is as important that one should strive, cleaning up tbe court house yard, .,;,, 1 ; . r , ; I r it in oie a family as io the POAaeaaion In an interview in the Oregonian Mr. '..,. . . . ' , . F"easion t ih. -,Jr u.n. ... ot anything elaia.. tba wU ,k -u- 1 lie tan le Woolen Mills, ol line cityv ,.,. 11 ,. tu.iB. umeii ugaose it TiaaT worm securing, reroetvi..a-wo-1 1 almost OaUjr ud Uore ahead tbaa it caw Jo, Orrgoa f zsrerrr. rnmiirgiiigbtandday to fill orders, rot, fk vl( are in bigdemand. Tin ceoter of ! ' f uotwrhctanding that, they are com pell- kifcrreai hep raising country Oregon is I ' ed turn orders away f,cuhry well aituated for the maaufact-1 Next week, Jan. 12 13am! 14, tbe I re of woolen fabrics, convention of the Linn County Christian;, Hon. R..bert Clow died at Junction' tndeavorers will he held in this city, w evening at the age of 02 years. Ue : Besides the day services there will tie ' , ci,,,n t 1117 iia ,, ,. a t.i ee popular meeting, Friday, oatur Ux,minent Mason having'taken the 32nd ! diy and Sunday tvenings. Uearee. and bavin been a member fori jorty years. He has been a member of ! sotb houees of the legislature, superin- j Undent of the penitentiary and railroad , llis record was a good There will be a river and harbor bill at this Bession all right. A Presidential year without one would b) an anomaly not to be tolerated by tbe Chairmaa Su.loway of the r';;ujflEaii- .:,.,nm -ii nnfffl. goyern- nit pdRt-wnnaaity double Its present appropriation for pensions. itrn-tlv buxiness REL10I0US. Chas. R. Moore, 11 Btu.leat of tbe Di vinity School u Kugene, w as in the city Sunday and occupied tbe rulpit in the Christian church. He is a Brownsville commissioner, boy aud we predict for- him a bright 1 one. future. Tbe McKinley Republican Club met at tbe opera bouse Saturday, with a fair at- J teodance. Tbe list of membership was I revieed, quite a number of names tiding i added aud tti total number made to reach 164 name. Mr. Peter Hume was re-elected president for the ensuing two Baptist Church : Morning service will years, and Mr. P. W. Starr, secretary. be devoted to the annual Roll Call ser Dr. Tryon, the electric belt man, left ! v,ice t0 which especial attention is called. Saturday morning. Ue did very little business here and was very much dis gusted with some of the treatment ac corded him donation of eggs, etc. He is clever speaker, but should remember that when be is on French ihe jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agents. Best Bir.yOe for toe money. Will & .Stark, jewelers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers for only 20, 30, 35 and $50. C R Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Bo sure and sea the anti rust tinware at Hopkin Bios, will las. a lifetime. Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho tographs, and do not iorget to take along tbe money. By allowing tne accumulations in the bowels to remain. the en'ire svgtein is pois oned. DeWitt'a Little Farly Risers regul ate the boweli. Try them and you will Responses are expected from every mem her 11F the rhnrnii. Ko biect evening aer- vices "Renewed Comecrations. ' other always use tnem. roatoay Mason. services aa usual. All are invited. j , , United Presbyterian. Morning Wor- The Excitement Not Over. ot BcrniOD, 1 te rusk ut the drun store still contin who are jiut as intellectual as he. Scio. tha public nlatlorm ! ship at 10:30. subject there are usually those before him wbu "United Prayer Sabbath School at uea and daily sd res of people call for a are classed as ladies and gentlemen and 11 :45, Junior Endeavor at 3:30, Senior bottle of Kemp's Balsam Itr the Throat Endeavor at 0 :m, evening worsmp ai auo Mings tor ine cureot t-ougns, i.oias, .7:30, subject of sermon "Exceeding Asthma, Hrom'liitii and Consumption. I Righteousness." Prayei meeting every Kemp s Balsam, tbe standard faniilj rc- evening during Ihe week except Satnr- niedy, is sold on a guarantee and never daval7:30. All are invited to attend fails to giveeutire 8itifaction. Piie5c. these services. j and 50:. I M. E. chhrch: Quarterly meeting services at the M B. church. Saciment I al service at 10:30 a. in., Sunday school ! at 11 :45. Love Fi-ast al 3 p. in., Epwonb League at 0:30, piearui'.g at 7:30. Dr. 1 : Fo d, the oresidingtlder, will be presei t at ail tha services. 'CjaKX4 llocleolgoodl "1 trom 10,000 10 J-sCj'SitnJ! I ifj alud.l k I6.U0U kllor. T4Slg-n 1 IMS Sr ffifi ft V '-'5 cm m ' 0 "' o m KX We own and ootur-y the Hllert mercantll. bulldlna In the world. We hava L' Kj DV,r customort. Simeon liundiid cterki are conntantly lc. " enssd filling out-of-town ordr. f B (V1 OUR CBNERAL CATALOOUE ia the book of the people-It quotes I ?jfS VVhoUs-'c Pricet to Everybody. ha over i,ooope, 16,000 illuetrations, and y :T . TI' t,ooJ description, of articles with pricea. It coil. 7 cent! to print and m.l 1 ii V I rJ rchcopy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CtNTSto.l.ow fT 1 T. T your r.wd fei'h. and we'll .end you a copy FKEE, with .11 ch.recl prrp.d. I : I MONTGOMERY WARD & CO1'"'?0"8' From the News : Mr. and Mrs. Wimer, and childreu ot Albany, are visiting in Scio this wee tbe guests of Mrs. W e brother, r- Jones. Misses Sylvia and Winnie Muukers went over to Albany the 6rt of.tbe we-k to attend the Albany College for tbe re mainder of the term. Probably the greatest eocial success ol tbe season was the maek ball given uy tbe Ivy Leaf Dancing Club Monday eveu ing. The attendance was latge, and ti.e number or maskers exceedingly so. ' A. H. Charlton and family who Kft . D. Hedges, a ycung man of abc ut here some time einoe, have found them a iweity three yeaie of age, tf Shelburn, new home at Harnugton, V. ash., where ; examination before Ji.etice Freerk- sen tliii forenoon was fined $50 for carrying a coucealtd weapon, and thi9 afD noon was held foi the circuit court No-To-nao ror Fifty Centa Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, maters weak men strong, blood pure. pOo.Sl. A'l drugsista. A Few Pointers. Tne recent statistics of tbe number of deaths, show that tbe large majority die with consumption. This disease may commence with an apparently harmleaa cough which can be cured instantly by Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. I'riceiiSc. aid 50c. For sale by all druggists. No Turs. No Pay. That is the way all the druggists" sell Grove's Tasteless Chili Ionic for Chills, malaria and Uiiliouani 88. It is as pleas ant to take as lemon syrup, 60c. l)r H II Haden, Summit, Ala. says, "I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure a splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my confid ence in it grows with contiuued use." It Higes'a what you eat and quickly cure dyspepsia and indigestion. For sale by Foshay & Mason Mcnic Mia Mitdrea Eurnier-ter eacber of piar' ororgan. System ihe Maecr tp-ieb hi d technique. " Residency Piftl cl -f t.C.30Bite U r church. How Are 1 our Kidney, ff Dr. Hobbs'Sparafrns Pill, cure all kiduey Ills. Sam ple tree. Add. blcrliuri Utuiedy Co.. Cbicaiio or N. V Hedges Held. Wash , they are pleasantly located. 1 Anton ?aesel, wife and child from Reeaier. Nebraska, ariivd in this citv laat week and are now living in one oi , uudl.r .250 ,,, (n lhe charge of Mrs. Kings houses in the city, tie pur- ; mmaii 'w j,0 , dangeroin weapon. At; cbaeed property from E. B. Kiene. , tor M. Erlane who was J At the home of Wm McDonald in ; rnnuiug the iirtak on the paeeenwer car, I honor ol itrandir.o.her McDonald, on 8ed lledues to step inside. He finally j New Year's day, a family reunion was did so, aud wnen tbe couduc ot went iu beid in which four generations were side struck him. Then on the train I present which numbered 41 in all. leao'iinn Aioany l.e attacked Conductor j An event of the week waa a game cake i McErianen the depot platform, tbej walk, li'iite a number f tbe spectators conductor throwing him to tbe floor, as . weretherein full plaulation costume, be did so a revolver fallin trom tbej with their face well covered with burnt right band of Hedges. He will probatuy : cork, while others wore masks. The 1 secure I onda. i cage wa'k win indulged in by four couples, E. E Larimore and Mrs. R. '' Hibler, M. M Peery aoJ Mrs. A. V. Hagev, Johnny Gill and Miss Winn'e Muukers and Geo. Phillips and Mrs. O. B. Cyrus, with H. W. Coss as leader. The walkir g by all four of the contest ants was exceedingly good, but M. M. i THE EDISON PHONOGRAPH. Not many years ago an Edism Phonograph cost $500. Today the very best Edison Phonograph cott) only (100 acd smaller inetruments all the wav down to $7.60. I'.lauk Records 25c each. Call and Bee them at Postal Tel office. E. L. King A Steady Job. J. V. Thompson, printer, who forged the name of P. tiDiiloy w as brought to Albany la9l night I Sheriff Munkers, and this morning j Peeryand Mr. Hagey were tbe winners ! fv..ijn a id wcViiVid ! tin Jer $50C bonds for tne next t.'riii ofi ciijit court. transpires that he fo: -.d a recond check which b passed , et 'vlcAlphine & Co.liu's saloon, lbe ch oces are that he iil have n steady j -I ,ior several years at t'i state pen ile tiary. of the rake. Ilou'l Tobacro Spit ud hmoke tour An.y. To quit tobfti-co enstly anil ttuever. be maij nellc. lull of life, nerve luui vior, tuUe No 'lo tin,', the womlor wovUer, Ui:H iimlis wvwk uirc alro::. All tlruytisls, MV or i. furepuimiu tced. ItooUlrt und aioupie free. buu-llng lloinody CO, Cliiairo or New Yoia. ....Our Offerings. In CARPETS and other kindred u nrp nf the latest patterns and 'colorings, our rug and art qsuare S'ines are very strong this season. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or.