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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1899)
MONDAY. FROM PRESIDIO. Oontini'm MKMnEiis. Tho manner In which former resident! kocp up their roemberaqlp In the A. 0. V. VV, is quite Interesting and eunnisUve of the mineral loyalty to the excellent order. Dr. Houghton, now of Ban Francisco, who left here about twenty years sua. contin ues to ney liii dues promptly, also Uu Knulander, the the same place. Uev. White remlta nroinntly from Hue- ton, I-e., M. l'oyser and Adam lhrlg Ironi fleatlie, I.nocli Bionn ana Joe Mioti from I'endU'ton, (Joorue Ulackman who la In a hosnltnl. tv hie wife from New V...L. .!.. f IT V'I.I...LI.. f.n. T..l...l I ui n hikihi wi n .ui. mil nun. .uimiu, Ohio, Jo. IjIh r and others from Tort Inmi, ana many clhom irom ail over the coaei. Not h Cahimuath. Attorney General D. 11. N. Jlhu'kburn has lately Wen mentioned ai a candidate for governor of Oregon at the next nalo election, the New York Mm having named him in that connection, and later many papois of thi state have irivi-u tho reort cre dence. Mr, lilackbiim. in siHiaklnii of the matter, aya that be I not a candid ate lor governor, r.evr haa been, and never expects to te j that hols w II satis tied with the practice of hi profession, ttud would accept no political nlllce. stuti-miiitn, Cim iit CoraT. After hearing several nuilioiia Judge Jtolie adjourned Circuit Court until Aug. 7. !-ellon In the care of hchlosscr aut. 1 Cue and several other mntteia waa r served until then. At that time tho cute I JVnnls ngi. Weiss and other cast s illo tried or disposed of. Henry Mruckmler was sd milted to cltisetisliip. Ai.manv fin Wkli, Through the ec ergy of Mrs. Jaa. V. I'lpe, the nice sum of 101 was raised lu Albany for the monument fund being raited by the Ore eoiiinn. The lis: la published In tolay's Orrgonlan, according to lis custom ol giving every ir dividual credit lu the commendable undertaking. Too Foi'Kt). .1 fine looking bird dog, about a year obi, followed the hay rack crowd to KLvn 1'r.w.rkanti'a la. I Frl.lnv night, and Mr. l-'rcerktun is keepin. htm for t ;e owner. Large, yellow and res- Jive. W. It. Crown and wife, of North Val ley, li a , are In the city. Mr. l'.rowii came across the continent on purpose to anon crunese pnt-asaiits, which nave a national reputation, lie was consider ably disappointed on learning that he was six weeks too earlr. In place of phenssntahe will fish for some ol our sjieckled beaut lea and declares that he w ilt return in the pheasant season. A boimv behind a horse driven be Sodevilie lady broke in two this noon at the Louis Miller corner, and the Pauo caAt mm was sent a'tar It as a runaway iiem. Mra. 111. Klum and children have gone to i.ower aoua lor ineir outing. John I.. Miarpaiein, one ol the leading tiusiniM men ol Walla Walla, has beeo in toe city. Eugene Clarke, the typewriter man, Is in Astoria this wee repairing machines. mi iioatniuancra are in roriiand. II. 0. Walker, clerk at the St. Charles. left yesterday for Portland, lie has been succeeded by r. I utaey. Carl Kelfer, was taken dang-ronsly ill last evening, after having ?been out for several weeka, and bla condition la re ported very serious. Charles Burns, who pitched for the Albany base bail club in Its halcyon days, was in the city this noon on bis way to Ashland to rreine. Pr. J. M. Keene, the well-known politician, now of Med ford, haa gone to Niagara Kalis, to attend the national convention of dentists. Austin Keea haa returned from Mon tana, and baa again become a resident of Weston. Leader. A former Linn county republican nominee for sheriff. Rev Herbert 8. Johnson, formerly of Eugene, lies accepted the pastorale of the Warren ave. liantist church of lint ton, Maes, lie is a brilliant young man. A team ranjaway this afternoon, going directly into a tree opposite the residence .I W it tfuainn tnauliini Ihlnoa Tl, wagon was empty. The outfit belonged in the country. Mr. and Mra. 6. M. Leb anon, lelt.tuia noon tor Lynchburg, Vs.. and other eastern places, where thee w ill spend several weeks, being gone about six weeks, going by the northern lakes ana returning uy me somiiern rouies. Miss Mollie Harbolt, of I'lano. Iowa. has been in the city the guest of her rel ative Miss Ncodhani while on her way home from the national teach tra con vention at Los Angeles. Mlis Marie McDrlde, of Albany, who had been a guest of Miss Kdith Hawk for atveral days, went to Slielburn Tues day for a with relatives. Jeffereon llevtew. Miss Bessie Worstell, of 1-a Grande, who has been visiting in Albany and vorvaiua tor me past lew weens, ten mis morning tor a weeks visit In Salem the truest of Miss Helen Ilibbard. Mr i. N. A. Harris and Miss Nellie A. Harris, of Sac-mnento, Calif., nieces of Geo. W. Harris, arrived in Albany last Baturoay and will spend their vacation with their nnclo and family. R. D. Logan, recently from Dawson, passed through Albany this noon for Philomath on a visit. lie cleaned up two or three thousand dollars while there. C. W. Watts, who know him well at Dawson, happened to meet him at the depot. Dallas Observer: Mr. and Mrs. A. Dickinson, who reside near Albany, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Campbell this week. Mrs. Dickinson is a cousin of Mr. Campbell, and was a schoolmate of our townsman, t. Cad well, in Illinois vears ago. A dispatch Saturday evening from Huston, La , staled that Miss Mary Cun liff, ill with typhoid fever was worse, hut twnrv attention possible was boi'ig uiven her. It is an interesting fact that Miss Cundiff is at the home of former Albany people Kv. and Mrs. White, and her physician, Dr. White, is a former Albany boy. Mrs. Arnold and son, of Corvallis, are also at the same place. : TUBoDAY....... i lie Alnnnyltoyi, Milken Statement luuieir tr lends. I'hksiiuo, July 21, To our Albany Friends: We would beg leave to sfato our rea sons for musterlmj out at this place Fully appreciating the desire of our psr ents and friends to he vo t ur home com ing and muster out in their own state and home, we, by Investigation found that a sum equivalent to 135.00 could be obtained in lieu of traveling expenses and li tons by Icing mustered out at, this luce. Now, to a private who haa been i pon the pay of $15.00 per month, and leing forced to pay out the major portion of tills petty sum for actual wants of life, it is needless to say, that we have raved no mm to meet the re quirements to outfit us se citlxcns. Tho elate of Oregon, contrary to other states who have sent volunteers into the field of battle, has set aside no appropriation or moneys whatsoever, iqual to this amount, and feeling (ho need of money to bridge us over (be period of Idleness, which will come before we ran Hud s position to make our w ay independently, wo dnemeJ it expedient, not knnlti that t!i" executive cuiniiiltteenl the ItelU-f corps of Oregon had made arrangements to provide the viluntcws with positions upon our return, we sccepted the govern ments oner oi wing mustereu out at this place. We beg fuither to stale that the reception contemplated for us was mis represented bv tl.oro In authority. While at Manila upon the evo of the return to our native land, we were given the privilege of a vote as to the place of muster out. Not receiving even a con gratulatory telegram or message from J"r native dale we had no knowledge of an) reception or provision for tho vol tinlecre upon their return, and knowing Hint Uoii muster out at this place we would receive the sum above stated, we so voted for 'rrlaco. What wo'd was sent to Oregon ss to tho 'atalus q io of the vole we are not In a position to state, but venture to say that it was misrepre sented to the tnte ol Oregon. Uron onr o trance to 'Frisco harbor wo were sur prised to learn thai such an clborte rmeplion was planned for us in Oregon. We were not sware thai any appropria tion eiiiualeiit to our traveling expenses had been provided for. An I upi.n the supposition that we were to goto Oregon and loe this sum of money, caused the cry to I raised "musler out at Trisco." The Oregouian has takeo rpccit.1 pains at various times to censute us for incid ents which wire not in our power to I'hange.such as the censure for lying idle in Manila while the lighting was being prr scd against the Filipinos. We have striven at all timet to acquit ourselves to the glory of the state, foregoing Indul gences which woulf reflect upon the name of Oregon volunteers. How well we have done this let our record speak for un 1. Have we received any recojr niiion of this? During our darkeet hours of battle and privation has the state sent ut a message to cheer us, other etatea have done? Have they in formed us of preparations made for cur reception? No! With the exception ol one company we would not hart reached our individual hornet any sooner by mus ter out at l'ortland. In v ew of tbeee fa;ts we choee to be msde citisens at this point. Bince our sojourn at the Presidio we lisvs ecelved letters and naoera de crying our acliona in this matter, infer ring mai we wanted no reception at the bands of the Oregon people, choosing rather ft be amongst strangers than friends. Not a! It baa teen represented to ua that our reception in Oregon wou'd follow our muster out and return to our native state as a bode. Fjich and ever- ' one of ut are more than eager for the embrace of dear ones at home. And to) receive this ensure grieve! us in the ex treme. In the p entires weaeted for the most good of all concerned at the facta repre en led to ua. 1 be people of California hare received ut with open and lovina armt Indeed the receptl'D exceeded our most (an iline Hopes oi a home reception, yet we id not cater to this, cbooaimr rather to equip ourselves as not to become depend ent upon parents or friends at home. nailing- eageriy lor me commana 10 homeward march, we will trv to ore- serve our health and name for the glory of the state which launched ua into the arena of warfare. ery Respectfully. Tub Albany Ho vs. The AHmny people universally endorse their action. ' The criticl .n is in Fort-land, Obituary. RECEPTION COMMITTEES. Tht geeeral committee of arrange ments for rtceivliio- ii.. ...t... their return to Albany met last evening -mu UrK.n ar'angements for the recent- wi me ooys" on tutlr return to Al- -ii .r ' "oiert at me irain "J..!,".!1.'!?, w,rm monstration ol ..; VTV. ,V,,.urn "' music, aovlls, sc. and than In the evening sn open air recep ion on the square, with music, etc.. iollowed by a banquet with the O. A H. as escorts. .Oapt. F,,i i, u b,.nheard from and win keep the committee posted. As Ststed bv lha I)ma. i.., V.i.i mustering out will take place on Aug. 7 A mr 10 J P'ooawy reacti Albany 1 ne following c mmJiteet ere ap- Commltlee on t'ln...T . n son, r M French, F II ffellTer. vioron. n-e on Banquet Mrs O W i P 1 ' Kate McBrl.le. Mrs i. i! 5?'r Mr,w"ed, Mrs J H How ard, Mrs Merrill, M.s Srf.linisr.b. Mrs H b Fiirdom, Mrs J K vVestherford.Miss Mora Aion. Mi,a i .i.i, i. 'u.!. O ga Hewitt, Mrs N M Newpoit, Miss Willi Sklaa,Iaia ftt - . " Mrs LO Marilii.ll Mra u u uu. Commitu mi p.a..,. v it ..... i. i, 'vji.iii irjw- COttlUilllM An 1 1.. II. W t 'wvi.iiwii-uro ,t u'if 't' i:.?.."'T' w Warner, J A -I " J T III, ( omillitlva ,n Un.ia r..f n lirl-i. N Steele Prof w li Leo. Mrs N E Win- , n iHiwersex. Oomniitleeon Drinr.nst ration - J A a-.i' F , :"". J F Fowell, 0 M ; v iannais. Uummitteeon Invitation C B Winn, Low Id Ktnna II I IV.i.i.- v i i don E OCnsick. Lieut. F. S. Kelley, of Torlsnd, form erly with the l'ortland Flouring Mill Co., of this city, haa been in the city on a short trip He recently arrived homo from the Philippines, where he did ex cellent service for Uncle 8am, coming back by way of Hong Kong and Japan, after being muttered out at Manila. W. E. Slmonton has recently been elected lesder of the D. O. A A. V. band. Frevioua to that time Uev. doling acted at leader, and very ably, too; but only Willi me umiors'andinn that at the tiret opportunity he would be released from dutt. Mr Simontonia flrst-cla t leader, having had yeara of experience in that line, and they are fortunate in securing bis services. Our band haa displajed remarkab'e ability and will soon play to "beat the band5' that la all other bands iu the itate. The Dulles Chronicle. Two Women Fight. Mrs. Rsle-, residing ia the Third wsro, csme ur street y. slerdsy afternoon to have Mra. Fluke, who rents a home belonging to her, arrested. She wanled the ir-eriff lo do it at once, and her face bore evidence that sometbioiiof the kind was nee(ed. lln exiellency John Cailin, was called in as iuierpreter, an eff rt made to get the facta.and Squire Freer k en, a German, was visited, but wss ab sent. Mrs. Ketsler returned home, and and a second fight lo lowed with her renter, resulting in a bidly scratched iC?.U,n '? invlir5tina- Ibe matter to be bottom depths, and an anest may lollotj lo the meantime Mrs. Itessler would ike lo have a new renter. Just what the trouble ia the Dmtckat does not know, Babsiy lioso Intxkviiwed. Amoeg those interviewed by the Exsrolner, in refrrence to Otis waa William I). Bond.of O. Co, 4lu.U. S. infantry, who said: "LawtOO WOtlld (have lha retullinn quelled had be iu ccmo-and of our rmy. lb force in Ibe Philippine Is lands is Insufficient, but Ueneral Law too would hae bad enough men. Oils Is the poorest policy for a commander that ever roesed the .icesn Wbv instead ol conquering the insurgents, h is encour aging mem. If utls is not removed with in a vers abort time I tell you our army may receive a croehlng defeat." This is piobably Harney Bond, of Kox Buite, who was recen ly reported dead The regiment and Co , are the asm as bis. Lawn Prrr. The Epwortb League of tbe First M. E. church will give a Lawn party tonight at the borne of Mr. and Mr. N. M. Newoori. corner Third and latapooia streets. Ice cream and cake will bj served sn I the Albany band win dispurse tome of their new and popular mueis. A general invitation is extended to all who deaire Ice cream ana case and love good music In Portland la 1 tVAII la.CT ft hat. tASA. I S - - p SS -a.WV- mr a jury in iu cm oi tn tuaratr ol Oisirsl Kllfll Mlnttltvl m am.i:ft Ikat Lax. deatti waa probably caused by Frank Mo- I'amei. mi iate is sorouoea in mys tery. It will be difficult to convict Me Daniel without new testimony. There will be a racing matinee at the The program will consist of five contests in running ana iroturg. Pi ineviile w III have seven davs of rae. leg tbla fall beginning O.tober 4, with purses amounting to $1500, for fifteen (omens David Howard Vanderpool wst born In Rsy County, Missouri, Feb. 17, 1827. He was married April 18, 1847, to Cy rene 0, Vanderpool who tllll survlret biro. In 1852 they moved to Orreon across tbe plaios, tettlirg in Clackamas ?0?!?,3r,nd """slning until tbe fall of 18j3. They then moved to Folk conoty, remaining until IM3 nn iha a.ain moved lo Benton county to Ibe home they have lived ever since. converted and united with ti e North Palestine Uatitiat ft. tirth In 181 "d remained a consistent member until lli when he was granted a letter b7, church which beheld to the time of hls desth, July 23, 1809. In 1880 he wss ciectci as a reprerentativeol Benton county to the stste legislature and aerved one term. He was taken ah-k in Jan. uary, 1898,snd has been under a do. tor's care most of Ibe time since. July 28, '08 u Mym-Muu p-riormeo removing a loot whb-b no doubt prolonged 'lis life almost a year. He was tbe father of nine cbildr.i. of wuom only inrtc tons survive him, Kin mso, Avert and David, ali being with him continuously through hit long ill ness, lis also leavea one brother and three s sters,C. M. Vaoderrool.ol Wells, uruivn vo. , airs. I'owier, ol Kings Vsl ley. BentouCo ; Mrs. Camphe I of Ksn sasCi y, Kansas; Mrs. lumen, of Clack amss Uo.. Oregon. Thnshilut I alt broiberand sitter, William M. Vander- Px' m rrlneville. Oregon, and Manha Ouliford of Dufr r, Oreg n. There ia on- ly one grind child, Mrs.Uufia Douty, of ..I..... j i ' iuuci,uubqc, j rgon. Te funeral services of Hon. I). If, anCerpool were held Jul 94. at 2 n. m at his late rerideoce eight miles norib of ansny ny tbe undersigned. Tbe re mams were ioterred in thauirorlea m etery, fo'lowed by the largest roncjurst of people Ibe writer bss ever seen at a country buria , fifty three vehicles be- stuee a numleron horseback and bicy .le. Tbe followlug sketch of bis life wss tended in by the family with re quest to publish, Bcrrs Thompson. Four yeara ago James Robertson dis appeared from Salem. The hat which he wore at that time an I some articles of clothing were found buried in a back yard last week. There was a bullet hole In the bat just above the laiul. W. Scott Beobee, of Port'snc', haa been iranted a divorce from his wife.' They were at one time of Portland's 400. The trial of McC.hoeat Walla Walla frtr aMAiilUnii lrif. Van Wliikta rpanltAil I In hisconvicti nfof assau't and b ttery. He was fined f GOO and costs. Both men I..... l-.: i T : ... ave relative in xiiin couuiy. The number of children draw inn pub lie money haa increased about 2,000 in Oregon the past y,ar. Multnomah ( county load., with Marlon second, i C!ackamas third and Linn a close fourth j with 7,181. Educate Tear llawsls Willi Caaeareta. Candy Ctlinrtir, cure cnnntlpntion forever. tOo, S4o. It C O. C, tall, anit'iiisis nsfund money. Are you giing on the midsummer ex cursion lo ban e ranctsoo, to leave Al btny Aug. 3, the chance of the summer The Epworth Leao-ue of tbe M. E ichurJi will meet m San Francises) in 1901. Upon bla a cond examination E. J White, the robber, who waa taken back to Coos county by Sheriff Gage, wat held for the grand jury. During the examin ation W hite waa kept in irona for fear that be would do some damage to Drew, who was captured in Albany, and who had testified to the straight of the rob bery implicating himself. A man named Nosier waa bold for the grand Jury for perjury in connection with the iase, and others w-'ll probably be arrest ed for the same offence. ' The regains of Hon. David Vander pool were burled at Wells yeetnrday af ternoon, Rufus Thompson of this city, preaching tha sermon. Mr. Vanderpool died on Sunday, at the age of about seventy years. Mr Vanderp-ol was a pioneer resident of the state snd for msny years was a fr, quent visitor in Albsny -Ifyoutuve piles cuac tbem. No use umlergoin r horrioleoperation tht aimn'y remove the results of the dica- without disturbing lh riieas iiaf. phiee your einBiInoie in O.-Witc's 'itch Hnl Salve It ht never f uled to cireOTQRH; it will not fail to cure j o i- Fosliay A Mason. Councilman Grtham waa in Salem yesterday. Tbe Ouard ears that Prif. II. Tjree is me jamiiy in jci gene. Miinam fortmtller went to tbe Bay uwu MJ.juni me ismiiy. w iiltam Fraaier, the Portland bore buyer, is in tbe city. At hoaie be is snerin oi Ma'lnomah county. a staled communication of Barzillai No.16 O. E. S. will be held in the Mason ic nun xuesuay evening July 25th at 8 o'clock. Miss Carrie Willie nf Sila home yesterday titer a two weeks visit o Aioany tbe guest of tbe Misses Hen ton. loo out for rrof. Torliet. That ia an lonoceni looking cane sent lam by bis son Joe,' but press a spring, and tbe swora inside la not to innocent. Mra.'WerU and child and Mrs. Nelaon and children have gone to the Bay for .ui- outing, iney win be joined by uvi. Venn Aiaivva ia August, miss Elizabeth Carothere, of the Salt Mike schools, lormerlyof tbe Albany acbooli, is in ibe city cn a visit and is tbe guest ol Mrs. Salt marsh. Sbe will be uere oniv a lew days. Mr. Everett Arnold, a son of one of Albany's early msrsbais. waa in tbe city today w bile on a trip through tbe v-lley. His mother and sister are both da.l only three boys being left. The family ate said to have inherited $75,003 since leavitg Albany thirteen yeara ago. James Bodine, a son of Mra. Bodine, residieg near this eitv. is in tha I at Cripple Creek I I with tbe typhoid fever. An effort haa been made to set tbe lacts and bis p eeent condition by tbe young man's folks here but without avail for tome time. j Dr. Wilcoxson, who came out from Dawson several aeek teo with ia twi and Mlet Clara Foie were married in Chicago ou July 20. Dr. Wilcoxson will ne in Albany in Angust, when he and bis partner, C. W. Watts, of this city, J,,.,TVarl! to Dw". leaving Seattle the 18th of August. On passing through Marion Frank Co-, lue xankee tourht, mat William Butberfoid. with whom be tramlad m. era. years ago at lecturer, in tbe exhi oiiioo oi me lamoua Oregon Beautv. Some people rook npoo Coburn as eonie- wnaioi a lake, and yet as a matter ol lactbeisjust wbstbe pretends to be, uu v cvoie is tue extent oi ma graft. a genuine cabinet officer passed through Albsny yesterday afternoon. ovcmiarr or agriculture Wilson. who bss oeen in ronisnd several davs witbout any p evioua anuoumeniet t csme up tl e ursi.rmn, croe.ed over to Albany yester day afternoon and returned to Portland ny the east elds. Since coming; to the state Mr. Wilton has beeo lour, in bis praise of Oregon. He wss partlcolail iieciej oy i ne n.aitoiuojnt epteaiance of thimts in this vallev, the ga-den spot of tbe world. Mr. v lUon e-as heie only tew moments and ws teen by only few. ' Oakville. Mr. Collins, of Gilliam ennntv la wlaii- ing bit cousins bert. Mrs. Ciloe. of Vancouver, ia vUtfln with ber sister, Mrs. Holttien. Mrs, Nettie Brlggs. of Portland, (a visiting friends here. It. 6. Smith and son. of Prln.vll'. made us a pleasant call last Wednesday evening. Mr, 8. it son of I. N. Hmttb. who waa one of tha early settlers nf thla county and one ol the first In tbe legal profession. H. O. is mail contractor on two routes be tares men to drive tbe man coscbea in tbe samruer while he takes connects ol painting. Mr. R. A. Bam ford Is raising a crop of corn ui wuicri cinna pheasants are very lond. He will not Join the "farm eis protective association" but threatens lo kill tbe birds. If tbe society wants to protect their birds tbey will bsvs lo keep tbem out ol Mr. B e. cornfield. Mr. Frank St John and his brother Ira csogin 4U catfish lust Friday. Shall we p;otect tbe nsb7 ome of our young people went to an IV, uiaui nKim ai nous jrriaay eve' ning. " fbe Farmers Protective Association" met lat baiurda evening. LiTTLe Roes Btrc, Klem tun one cent behind in its 4th of July celebration. Lord Trevis, one of 8an Francisco's leading millionaires, died yesterday. Two boys ran away from the Indian school laat'evening and probably came tontb, Mr. Frank Hellen, Portland's leading gambler, passed through Albany tbia uooii for tbe Bay. Charles Mommery died at Corvallis yemtidiy. His brother arrived from Michigan just in time to tee bim alive. Divorce aoits have been besnn this week by Sarab E Murphy agt W P Mur phy and J V Smitb agt Wealthy Emiin. The Engene expects to make at least one trip to Harrichug. Perhaps, tut tbe water ie falling fast towards tbe low wa ter mark. Young Van Cleve, newsboy on tbe C k E was in clover tbls non. Tbe Port land train was late anJ he was able to tell bit entire supply of Oregoniant at once. Attorney w. H . Parker, of Medford. bss just completed a book entitled ' Toe Key to tbe Oregon Law," wbicb Le haa been several years in preparing. Tbe title tuggestt its character, and Southern cregon lawyers who have seen it declare it to be a splendid thing. Maj. Percy Willis, of tbe second regi ment, bss informed bis brother at Sa lem that tbe regiment will be borne ou the 10th, the date named last week by Capt. Phi. lips, and that it will stop and parade at Ashland, Koeeborg, Eugene, Albany and 8alem and finally at Port land, that it will come home In a body. The board of regents ol tbe State Uni versity yesterday went through with its usual form of increasing salariea paid by the people of lbs state, aa follows : Prof. Dunn from 1 1,200 to 11,400; Prof. Glen from 1. 1 00 to $1,400 and Prof. LiHey from fl, 600 to $2000. rotors were dis puted wiib. . HOME AND ABROAD. Refrigerator, Ice cream freeaers. At Stewart & box Hardware Co's. Call al the Sugar Bowl for fresa frail Have yrnir photo taken at Mist Lona'a for cash II 00 dozen, cabinet sae. Fresh fruit at Vlereck's Sngar Bo wi par lors. fcTOVP.8 and Tinware at Ohllng & Ilul-jurfs. Gsrden Hose and Lawmuowers at Oh ling &. II a I burl's. Gents' French Calf Shoes, $2, worth $1. Next Revere House. Fresh Sodaville soda-water a healthful summer drink, at Burkhart Sc Lee's. For sale, gvd carpeting, 33 cenfi per yard, by f. 8. Alexander, east end olStn street. Tho VV.lUanette Is two feet blal er tbia year than a year ago at this lime. There will be services at the C. P. Church at 11 a, m.and at 8 p. m. Sunday There were seven divorce cases on the recent Lincoln county docket, nearly all from Siletz. The eighteen months old tin of Eliat Morel y waa drowned at Lyona yesterday, by falling off a loot bridge Into tbe river. The Sam Shaw Co. wat in Independ ence last week drawing big houses and I the Shirley Co. will be there in about a montb. The board of regents of tbe State Uni versity ditcooiinued the appropriation of $20 a year allowrd Prof. Nash, of tbe musical department. C. W.Cottaro. a drummer selling by sample, has sued Oregon City for $5,000 damages for being imprisoned two daya lor refusing to take out a liceme The poet office at Clmer, Marion er-nnty, baa been ordered closed after July 31. Tbe cilizens in that thrifty community are indignant. The Eugene left Portland yesterday morning for np tbe river, expecting to go as fsr as Liverpool landing, tix miles ibis side ol Harr tburg. A dispsteh from Toledo declares that a geniine building boom bas struck Tol edo. Business boosee. dwellings and etreel-erading are being rushed, and it ia hard for farmera to get sufficient help u harvest tbeir large eropa of bay. Tbe new coort home is enclosed. All sre proud of tbe nee temple of jastice. Clarence Ha'I, a twelve year old boy, residing with bis grandfather, Roland Hi)), got a tumble from a bicycle yet terday aftereoon and broke both bone of bis lef: arm at tbe wrist. Dr. Wallace set tbe bones, the boy attending to tbe business himself, making previous ar rangements at to price, and arrange ments to wo,k it out himself. It trsnspiret there wasn't very much to the story ol tbe desertion of Frank (iirard at San Francisco, tbat be prac tically bad permit sion to leave, a t least tbia is the way the officers are viewing it. Nevertheless, according to Girard'a own etory he wat 1 down from the sbi into a small boat and left by that route. Tbe public generally will be g ad at tbe manner in wbicb tbe ioc'dent haa term inated, so favorably to Girard. Girard pasted through Albany last night for Presidio to be mustered out with bit regiment. WEDNESDAY...... ..... Lebanon. From tbe E. A. Harry Wilton, a former well known young man of this place, is now a big loggiog contractor ia Washington. John Roberts, who returned laet week from Alaska, reports that L.M. Baahor aad brother and two other men have a good claim, for which they have been offered and refused $8,000. Mist Vena Marts, who haa been visit ing at tbe home of ber grandparents, Mr and Mra. Blod'eit. for a few weeke. re. turned Saturday to her borne ia Albany, 8cott Wallace ia up from Portland for a visit. His wife died suddenly ia Port land a abort time since from heart trouble. Tbe nine year eld ton of W. A New ell, lortuer resident of this place, wat crowned in Salmon rirer day or two ago. Crop Report. The I glit rain which fell on the 21st although of abort duration, was of great benefit to all vegetation While the rain delayed buying in tome sections, it did no material damage, and the little harm done waa more than offtet by the benefit to ihe spring-sown grain. TLe beat cmn continues la excellent con dition. There are a few minor report ol ru-t aud burning, I ut no serious damage ia anticipated. Harvesting fall so n wheat has commenced in eectiont of various counties, am. during the com ing week it mil! be general. Barley har vesting continues. Sprint g-Mn is rapid ly turning yellow and is filling much better than was first txpected. Oats continue in excellent condition and &T3 lurniiie yellow lo many sections. Ilajing is about ev r, and all reports indicate that an abundant and excellent cr p bas b ei secured. The -icond crop ol alfalfa is telog cut. Flstteiing reports ate being received in regard lo I he condition o hops, wtiii h have mare wonderful g:olli during the last i wo weeks. Hpraying continues and the lice aie well uu Ur con'rol. Toe crop conditions in western Oregon sre promising. P, S. rGi', Secticn Director. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds. roan and whooping-cough readily yield to t.. vi ..- r U T L. VUD l-llHU'VUVUKU l U U. bill flUCUf a timo and a ive a doenr's but or the no rtaker'a. Fotby Jk Mason. 1 eitcr List. Following ia list of letters remuuing in tbe PoatofSce at Albany. Linn county. Oregon, July 26. 1899, Persona calling' for these letters uint give tbe date on which Ivertised : Babcock, Mrs Florence Badglev.Mr 8 Yf Moore, Mi J A Price, M r Powell Wallace. Mra Wi'llaui Steele. N O McTaggart, Mr H A (foreign) Postal car o Mra Mary Crisp. S.S.Taaiw. P M. TICKETS. To all poir t East via GrcJ t Northern Railway. For rates, f Idera and f uil information ealii or add vet H. F. MtRBJLL, Agent A I ban v. Albany Market. Wheat 48 senta. Oats34 Eggt 17fleul. Bcaer 10 to 1J cent. ' Potatoes 60 cents. Hams 10 emits. -Sides 8 cents. Shoulders 6 cents.' BIGG E BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, rjp-to-daic. Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed azd Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOU BIQGLQ No. 1-B1QOLE HORSE BOCK AJIubuut Hoes a 0 u.won Srtwe Vreatiae. with over 71 iliu.Jration. .a wnuuuril ,rk lix.t yiCcuu No. 2 OIOGLE BRK BOOK AUdtiout arowtua iall Huitft read nnrf learn bow; contain, i ctliJ lite lite n prVncttt.ii.- of all lei varacuo aud ' txl er illuHtationa. I iio.. joCcnta. No. 3 BIGULE POULTRY BOOK All about l-otiltiy , tha best l oultry Beck in existence; tetleeTy'hinij : mithj colgaed Hle-uke-rrprodnctiona of all the prinvipal uml: itlt li i blicr iUustraikma. iTice. jo Cent. No. 4 BIOOLG COW BOOK All about Cow and tbe Dairy Butine ; having a great aale, contain Scolcrea life-like reproduction, of each breed, with 13 otuet illusttattona. i tice, ju Ceata. No. 6-B1QOLB SWINE BOOK Just out All .bout Hogs Breeding, Feeding. Butch ery., etc. Contain over So biauuiitl haiX tonea and otner engravings. Price, jo Ceuia The BtCKlLR BOOKS are uiqne.original.uKeful yon never a iw anything like them o practical, sensible Ihey are having an enormous ale Ea-t North rd tkmth Every one who keepa a Horse, Ccw, Hog or Cnicken, or grows Small Fruits, ouitht to actid right away for the BIUOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL la your paper, made lot yon and not a misfit I' 13 yeara Ola, it lathe great boiled-down bit-the-nail-o-i iie 1'ecii.-quit-after-you have-Mid it, Farm and Houaeh id rr" in the world Uie bigseit papet niitssie in the I'nitu' Pin-e 01 America having over a million ana a-ball regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, ana Use FAT.I1 JOUTN.L 8 YEARS (remainder ol tScw igoo, 1901. tgoa and -obj) will be hut Ly nuvil to any ddres I.-t A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOL'RNAL and circular describing BIOQLE BOOKS free. Address, FARM IOI-RNAL tBILiDttPHl J