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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1899)
Ureat Haste -is Not i Always Good Speed," vdany people trust to lack to pall them through, e-" Are often disappointed, not dilly-dally in nutters of health. With it you can accomplish miracles. With out it you are 40 no good, ' Keep the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood healthy by the use of liood'a Sr aaparilla, the faultless blood purifier. ' Dypepla-"I know a positive relief for dyspepsia and that li Hood's Sarsape rllla. it cured me. My neuralgia alio topped." W. B. Bald win, 164 Oak Street, Bingliamton, New York. Tired Feeling-"My appetite was capricious, my liver disordered and I was tired. Hood's Sarsaparllla relieved It all. It enred a friend of mine of female week ness." Mas. Jtssia A. Msaaks. Clayton. DeL I SaUabatittt I Mja imi 1 Hilt eBraJl will i tha aob-trrltatinc an4 NEW A D V K KT1 E M E N TS SODA WATER twin Sodaville, fresh, just received at burkhart & Lee 'a a healthy drink. Also a tine thing frcm Marquon III, bottled by John Burnett of Sweet Home. WANTED A horee,baroeeand bugjry. For pariiculsrs rail upou J.C. Funk at A Iloosler ta Oregon. EJitor Arnold ol the Greeocastle, Iud. Free Fresa u lis of bis titp through Wests in Oregon as follows: . : . : Etoasa, Ore., July 11,1809, Here waaiw. enjoy log ilia brightness ol on of Oregon's brightest days ot tun shine, after tniojirg the sights and par taking of the hospitalities of Oregon and OregoniauS for the last past several days. Oar routs hra been no and down the Willamette valley, the Rogue River val lev. throuiih Cow Cre canon, over mountains and into mountain fastnesses II new to the Iloosler vision, all grand, all glo.-ioua, all great, all gorge- oos. At tue uinereot nipping piwi enroute, the residents who deny being web-footed, were unt.riug In cateiing to vtrv want mentally ana pnysicauy, The salubrity of climate, the rich nets of soil, the diversity of product were pre sented by prect pt and example. The speakers grew etcqoent in describing them, the reception cmmlttees descant ed upon them continuously, and speci m'ta of frultr, floaere, vegttabhe.graiue, grasses, woods and minerals were plent ifully exhibited, theioby making good to the eye what came to the ear. Slops, of from one to three or tour hours, were made at Hillaboro, McMinn ville.'Albaoy, Eugene, Gtendale, Grants IVs, Ashland, Medloid, Salem aud Ore- ... - . . on Uilr. All were Deauuiui lonoa. AU Sorts. The Prussian army inoludsa nearly 14, 000 officers, among thsro 29e generals. There are only 100,000 Britishers in In dia one to every 3,000 of the population. At the recent'tnteroatlonal exhibition ot picture postal cards in Nice the nutu br cf exhibitor was 1)32. The ileaitan oU has enacted a law that bachelor shall par S3 (eroeitt more tax on tbeir Incomes than married men. At the commencement ot ll trea college, in lbs eastern Tennessee mountains l,5(i0 saJdle horse were ptckttted on the grounds. At the semi-annual drawing In Pari of conscripts for the French army Ihf num ber ot recruits was 11 percent, smaller than one year ko. J. P. Bryant the Brdell (Ky.) mil- ionaire, owta the lamest strawberry palch in tbe worl J. It covers 1,700 acres, and has made his fortune. Eight' thousand meu are engaged in uiiuiog lead and sine In in Missouri, Too total output far 1S0S was 74,000 tons f isad and 140,000 tons of cine. In Massachusetts more money is invest el in cotton mills than in any other man utacturiog Industry, but the making of I boots and shoes yields tbe most valuable , product. There is much Fiench and Bt-tgim ALBANY COLLEGE -OFFERS A TUOROfJGH-- High-Grade College Education To svery boy and girl that has the ambition lo attain one. Tbe course Is complete, and embraces the: LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES The Normal Course Wads up to a STATE DIPLOMA, and tin Commercial Course hts now become a Business College Equal to anything la the Stat Now Illustrated a itatogue. flosr J at the Students Club at actual cost price. For ptrtlculars write WALLACE HOWE LEE, President Albany, Oregon. C.E. Browne IVs SPKOIALUaT. Scans choice salmon.,. fres.t mstkersl , Armours Deviled Ham..., ' uaiioo jugot kstuhup Tea Sifting!, fine flavor Starch, per lb., , vHmieil (Jleme, (large cana). Iloslrn flaked Beans 10 oa, cans (load faking Powder' '. Scans M listen Sard ns ',, ScsnsSjg.f Corn..., " 2o an 6 7ft 82 0 JO ia 14 26 34 with fine business and residence proper- ( capital invested in the principal railway ty, and wed kept streets. The agricult- linesPlfcpaio, while tnguna orns many oral country through which we pesstd IWpS Sterol STATG NORM&L SCHOOL OrepD. a, VI fail tltuiato wti u puu e V a uuaoi . u'stl wuua j m iv w w millinery store juet north ot Dkmochatwm burdened with bounttous crops; the office. mining section gave etrot g evidence of CALF FOR heifer calf, son. SALE. Register Jersey For sale by E. B. David- HOUSES to rent. Inquire of H. F. Merrill, ukxockat Buuaing. flowed brocks and rivers, tumbling o'er j FOR SALE.-A binder, moarer and "i.',""0 , h. -bR. For narticulare call rn Frank throuah the narrow confines, falilr alive . . .i n..i.-..:n..n". K.-n.a ehop. FOR SALE, st a bargain for cash a good gentle milch cow, half Jereey, splendid butter cow. Enquire at thia otiice. TRAVELLERS cai add (free eamp'es on wnich several earn $200 and 1 300 each season (now approaching.) Protected mooed cash coun on season's trade. P. O. 1371, New Vora. of the shorter lints, ami Is Uo at the hed of the mitiii g inttesia. ' . j The sirafle was thought near ex- I prosperity in the exhibitions of gold tiuctlou, but Mlr Mavse. a Bitib ex- bricke.golu nuggets and gold duatthoan p!0rer, has found great herds ol them a- to the tenderfooted journalists, whose ioug Uit s0ut r.ver, tributary ci the) eyes Lad ne'-sr before feastd;npcn virgiu , whiteN'rle. nncoioea aoia. inrcugu we cauone i T.a . .i.,r- i ,i,. .uti, ,i Kiog Alfred the Great wiU be celvbratrd ia 11)01, and the committee has decided that tli ritv ot Winchester should occu- with speckled beaut-ee, troi.t. . . . , eomn,.,,,. At one point iu Cjw River canon a ort,ion an4 n4tlou1 nmori,! herd of deer were aeea on the river edge hmld ,McUd lher whjch WM b- quenching their thirst. reyal burial place and residence ct the At Eugene, hunters brought in the car ' k, -, t.1 1. ... (I... 1.1 " rasa or an iuiujoubo ui w , been killed near br. the day before. I F.-om Medfora a side trip was made to i'orcatatoiiiie,aldii's P. L Cahi ukia. 1'iesldeotor V, A Wans, Secretsry tf Faculty. t raining school lor Teachers, new de pertinents, ungraded count! y schoil work. (iraduatea tecure Bxl positions. Strong coiires. Well cqulppsd Train, inn departmei.t. Normal course, quickest and best way to Htala Certificate. Expense for year frDin 120 to 1160. on board 12.50 to I CO per wtek. Tuition, Id 25 i tor term ol ten week. Fall term I. ins Sept. 101b. Summer term, June 27-Sept. I. These are all first class goods and suarantee satisfaction, ws SECOND sr. 0. K. imOWNELL ALU ANT I.. SENDERS M.SENDEKH M. Senders & Co, Eay and Oat Warehouses Seventh and lUllroad Streets. V are prepared to take rtn slorsgn haled ha, wi t bny your oats In any quanlty at top maikrt prke. SACKS FUltNISUED. Oats Unglitjlo rsr lots at any ping point. Mp IT'S JUST LIKE THIS At. SENDERS & CO. Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wool. San Francisco Excursion An excursion to S. F. from Albany Aug. 3rd. $17.00. Round Trip, Pirst Class For thofe who want to spend their va cation in SAN FRANCISCO a splen did opportunity to see the Bay City and vicinity. O Rids tripe to MT. HAMILTON , TAM ALAPAlS, BERKLEY, PALO ALTO etc. For information inquire f f O. B. Wish or C. K. Fbokk or Ds. O. W. Babe Leb anon, Oregon. gjgf Aa tbe numler of ticketeare lim ited, tecure your ticket early. For Yaquina Bay. Jacksonville, one of tbe oldest aod rich est gold mining camps in the state, its 1 gold interests being second only to rei ervoir of 14-year-old whiskey discovered by a dtlegate from Keneae I Tbe timber on tbe Pacific slope la phe nomenal in diameter and height aod is . destined to prove a source of more wealth than tbe agriculture or mineral resources. , The tour of the state ia a continual source of pleasara aod instruction which 1 is marred only by the fatikue of constant 1 fravrl and bright aunabine, " Thin women may gain pturnpnera bf carefulness as lo diet and by keeping wara. The prescription tf one phjsi eian to sncb patitnts ia am ply Eat root vegetables and keep waitn." foil, warm tea gowns, downy couches and cbairs t) lounge in hould be pert of tbe belorging ot the woman woo wanta to gain flesh. A good article is worm more a poor one. EVER I ONE KNOWS MAT., ONE WHITE . SEWING 5 So fun. No Pay. bst it thi wty all th drni.U sell va's riit-jlM, Cash ratio lot CiiMs, ru i i .iillmin I', u , p'ea o ! t i 1 1 l'l 1 ) . MACHINE, will outaerr a doen cheap on, therefor cheaper in tbe end. How's This? II) ou want h ftoou ana cleat -Hike buy cigars made by our Al baity vittnr factor . Saturday night July 8th. was wan-1 urotc-d a uewand desirable arrangement for tbe convenience of thoee wishing 10 go to the coast. Tbe Sou hern Pacific ; southbound overland w id bring from . Portlaud one or more sleeper 1, which on . arrival f t Albany wili be set out on the Corvallis & Eastern tracks aod Instead of tbe usual Sunday excursion train for I tbe Bay leaving Sunday morning, me . 1 & E. train will leave Albany every Sat-. inh t li-sfln. m.. arrivine at! v.onin. t -3(1 m. Tne steamer Rich- I ardeon will land them in Newport at 0:33 ; in time for breakfast. Retnroir.g leave ; Newport at 9 p. m., arrive Corvallia 2:40 , a. ro.. and Albany 3:30 a. in. connecting ; with north bound overland lor Portland. Albany and Corvallia passengers desiring sleeper to Yaquina and retain muet pafker make reservaiioo oa m ww . . j . Tha nrice for two oieblg will be $2. For We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- . . - 1 . i . 1 . . waru lor any cava 01 vrru iu, cuuui be cared by Uall'e Catarrh Gore. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undere'gaeJ, have known F. J. Cheney lor tbe past 15 rears, and be lieve bim perfectly honorable ia all bns ineea transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligationa made by their firm. West & Tbpax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. I Waldiho, Kin SAW & Mabxix, Who'o- erle Druggia a, Toledo, O. j Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, . acting directly npon tbe blooi and muc- ous earlaces of tbe system. Price 75c. 1 pet bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tee 1 timoniala free. I Hall's family Pills are tbe best. Watches! Watches! Wa'ch! We bav iuet received direct from tbe isctory a large stock 01 me ceieorsieu lueber-tlampden watche', THE WORLDS BEST These watchea were bought for cash and we offer eoecial bargains f . 51. fbksch, Ihe Jeweler. standpoint. Ia the olden days men were physically, at least, worthy of the admiration of women. It is a great big something for a woman to feel that her husband ia truly capable and intrepid pro. tector. It ia a com. fort for her to feel that he has the physical stamina and courare to de fend her through all tbe vlcisst tndes of life. Mowadars there is not much to ad mire about the average man from a obvaical He may oe a moral and 1 1 MSt 1 SV Si ' Y -i V a-, " aW VV bivt mcbinf Id itock '"$10.00 Suppies for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. VI 1 PEARLY TEETH, so highly and loally prised, are assurel bv the as ol oar ALLEN SI TOOTH POWDER, which prevents all aecretlone ondur tha cental surfaces and keep them olear. clean, aod natural In color. With I regular applications ol this powder tha teeth will not decav and the aonovanre of an early resort to the resources of den list rj is avoided. Keen your teeth as long ae nature will permit. Using our I ALLEN'S TOOTH POWDER will enable yon to do thia. Price only IS rente per box. J.A.CUMMINO, 44 Stewart & Sox for Machines that SEW" TH. PLACE ' ro BUY Your Uroceries and Baked Goods Bros. Everybody knows where their place ia. They keepalreab 1 - .7 ... etoctoizroceriK., prouueo snu Dsseu- the accommooaxion o. ; .oode. of aU kinds, sell at reasonable a Sleeper me v. a r.. -. " "V mrlcaa and traat their enston nuinhei and anv Yaouina nay tieaeia ill lua riw. on this train. The U. bave issued a new form of ticket limited to three days, giving the paeeenger one whole day at tbe beach. These tickets will be sold every ihf in the week ex cept Friday, at $2.60 aud will be good 00 the Saturday night special aa well aa all other passenger trains. Owing to the re duced price no extension of time will be granted in any case. At Second and Ferry. Mr. Julius Gradwohl will now be found in hia own store at the above location, better prepared then ever before to serve the public with a first class stock of erockery and glass ware, and standard groceries. - Tbe ligheet place in Albany. Every thing in eieht. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwohl baa alwi ya done the prices and treat tbeir customers well, all alike. Yoa may regret some step j yon take n life but none taken intotue store of Parker Broe. It ia a great tbing to be well fed. Par ker Broe keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but . yon want it well made. TryParker Bros square thing with his custi mera and will continue to do so. Also writes insurance o rat class Oompanle. To Cure a Cold in One 1 ay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure. 2'v!. Tbe genuine baa L. B. Q on each taolet. To C ure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure. 2c. Tbe genuine bas L. B. Q on each tablet tal riant, but the flesh of ill-health is weak. and he is probably a physical coward. It is not in nature for a sickly man to be a brave man. His spirit may be willing but his body is weak. That is tbe nian'o own fan It, Any man can be healthy who will pay a lit tle common sense attention to his health when he has it, and when he gets a little ont of sorts, take the right remedy. Many of tbe diaeasea that afflict mankind are traceable directly to indigestion, torpidity of tbe liver ana impurities in tbe blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery i. the greatest medicine for disorders of thia nature. It strengthens a weak stomach, corrects all disorders of the digestion, gives edge to tbe appetite, invigorates the liver, purifies and enriches the blood and tones up and invigorates tbe nerves. It searches out disease germs, kills them and carries them ont of the system. It is the great blood-maker, flesh-builder and nerve-tonic and restorative. It makes strong, healthy men out of weak, sickly invalids. Medi cine dealers sell it and no honest dealer will urge a substitute npon you. - " I have been taking- Dr. Pierce's Col den Med ical LHjcovery and ' Pellets' and tnuat aar that they bave worked wonders In my case." writes Mr. Iv. L. Pack, (Box 175), of Hinton, Summer. Co., W. Vs. - " I feel like a new peraon, in fact I think I am well, but will take one more bottle to make Mire the care is permanent. I cannot nwak too biarhlv of tbe 'DiKovcrv.' "" I can cat i anything now without mbery in my stomach. I nave gainea some eigni or ten poanas, wegntng Farm to Rent. 160 acres, 9A acrea nnder cultivation, 63 in pasture, orchard, gardens, etc. Terms, one-third ot grain aod fad paid in work on farm. In connection with tba rent of the (arm, there are horses, harness, cows, wood aod farm imple ments, in fct everything ready lo to to larmlng. Also 60 acrea summer fallow. All lor sale cheap lor cash on Oct Ut. Ad lreis, Boh M . Milter, Ilalsey, Ore. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES . Alias. foj eM,a piw Jur for tbe fcot. It cure painful, swollen, smarting, nerv ed s foot, and ittitanllv Uks sling out of coins aod bur.ion. It's tbe neati st com fort discovery of tbe aire. Alee.s foot-ease makes tigbt or new sbces feel essy. It is a certain core for sweating callous aid hot tired .aching feef Try it lo day. Sold by I drnigiats and sboe-stores. Btnil for 25c-in stamps. Trial packsge FKBK. Address, Allen 8. uWed, Le lloy, N. Y o .1 . , . . v v ., : , V Miller & Stewart, BICYCLE REPAIRING, ' FOBQING AND MACHINE GBK ALL WORK GUARANTEED. For Bargains "g s Long Photo as heavv as I did three veara aso. The medicine certainly worked like a charm on me, bnt when I first began to take it I felt a little worse for a few day: had palna through my body and bones, but all thi left n after taking tue medicines four or five days." TOE HOMLIESTMANIN ALBAKY As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on anv drugist and get FREK a trial bottle cf Kemp's Balcam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that ia guarantied to cure and relieve all Cbronie and Acute Coujrbs, Asthma, Bronchitis Consumption. Price 25c, and 50s. Many a Lover Haa turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. I Karl's Clover Root, Tea purifies the breath byita action on tue .powela, etc., aa coth else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 eta. Fo sale by Foshay A Mason. . Dost Tubacee Spit and baiaae Tear Life A kit. To qnlt tobacco eaaily and forever, be mag. netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE The farm of O mmodore P. Knie-hUn. deceased, will be sold at oublic auction for cash in hand one-half cssb aod remainder on 12 months time, on the 12 b day of Aotrust, 1809. at the Count Court House. In Aloaoy. Oiegrm. - rnvxcis E. KmOBTEX, Administratrix of tbe estate of Com modore P., Korghten. THE LATEST. Stetters, Albany's Leading Restaurant. la now ready fo feed the hungry at their elegant new quarters at tbe same price 20 cents a meal. Our public and private dining rooms are lighted with gas and fitted up in metropolitan e'jie. Opposite Stewart & Box. Mes. M.G.Stst.t 'Removal Notice We are now established In oar new quarters, First 8t. near Montgomery one door below Iron Works- Io "connection with oor steam t lent we shall maintain a hand deo't. Fine silks, woolena and other delicate fabrice will be washed in telligently by band. Telephone or pos tal brings our wagons to your door. Our aim ia to please you. Magnolia Laundry O SiMi-aox & Sow, Props. Telephone St. Special Rates. For the summer season we will make special rates on family washing. Why bave work and worry at home when yon can get it done at a reasonable price at tha laundry. Call or telephone for prices. Magnolia Laundry Phone 81-4 JM RALSTON, ' Three doors east of the Dcxocbat office baa money to loan on farm security at low rate of interest. Also small loan maden personal seenritv. City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made. Rents collected. Fire Io- surance writren In the following large and reliable compsnies: HOME INS, O., of New York, PHOENIX 1N3.00., tlord, Conn., LIVERPOOL, L02J Hi GLOBE INS. CO. of En In Froman Brick. The leading gillery of Aloany Ihe onlyop-to-date first class studio in town. All work to pleasn. MAK1E LONG Porp TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE- A powder to be shsken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen.ner voua and hot.and get tired easily. If yon bave smarting feet or tight shoes, try Al len's it eooi me leet and makea walking easy. Cures swollen and sweatlnc feet, blisters and callous snots, Relieves coma and bunions of ail pain sod gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druglsts and shoe stores for 253. Trial package ire. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Itoy.N, 8. . ADfMiSTFATOR'S NOTICE. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe undersigned bas been duly appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Ore gon, as tbe administrator with the will annexed of the estate of John H. Bate man and Phoebe Bateman, deceared. Any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified io present tbe same do!) verified as by law required to me, or to my attorneys, Weatherfotd A Wyatr, at their office at Albany, Orertn, within six months from the data hereof. Dated thWBtb day of May, 1899. ' PetkhBxthir. Adm'r with tbe will aunexed. WaaTHEaroBD & W vatt, Attj'sror Adm'r. In Farm Lands, Timber Lands and City Property, call on or writa 13, n. a I r.r.i.r. a Albany, Oregon FOSHAY k Mm Wholesale 4 Retail DRUGGISTS iSDB00KSKll.!l 4LBANT, ORKOON Pore Drugs and the Cneat end Largest Bum kot Stationary and Books n tha Market. H. F. Herrill " INSURANCE AND LOAN AGKNT. lollectiona promptly attended to, cor respondence solicited. Oltlce In Daao cbat building. SEVEN FEB CBiT LOINS I bave an unlimited amount of moot y to loan on Farm Security, or on business property In Albany, at SEVEN PEK CENT INTEREST, tha Interest pajabli bnt one a year. For information aoc blank sppllcatlone call on or address U. (J. Bumihabt, Albany, O J1REET RAILWAY NOTICE. Tn. motor on tba Albanl Street Hnllwsj will connect prompty with all trains to fir' from the depot, day and jicht.: 8ecisl "ips will to piadc ' 'I0 rates. ... K. MOORB,. tonauctor CITY TREASUXERSINOTICE Notice ia hereby given that funds are on hand to py city wairanta Noe. 313 to 338 inclusive of tbe issue of 1898. Inter est on said warranta will cease with the date of thia notice. ,Brift Albany, or., Juiy no,i9, E. A. Vaaaaa, City Treasurer. The Non-Irritating Cathartic Easy to take, easy to operate- Hood's Fills