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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1899)
Outing Kg, la conn qui oh of AD ubuiutl csmbl aatloo of clicumi'ancet, I Had mystlf InUrtiUd In three college!. Oat c! 0M, tlx Mineral Sprlugt college, li lo cated at Boda vit', my maimer retort) aod becaue tucu li tlx em I kaow raon about in work od tliui than 1 would otherwlte. Ha lar aa 1 bav learned tba citlaent of th tow a tad ioi rouodUig country r Interested la Iti proipirlty. Aod ther I good reeion (or this Interest. A uri-Ja cullrg la a town It alwey an adrantag to it lu llleolUBly,iocbilly, ruora'.ly and finan cially. That tuoh it the fact need no demooatratlon to thot who ara to fort , a net aa to liva to a town la which tbara it collage of fa Igb grade, wbara young ban and young lediei can receive tbor ougb, moral and meotal discipline I. tbarafora, tba bopaa of tba friend! of Mineral Spring! college ara realised, So davllla will become a atlll mora datlrabla plat (cr raaldaoea aod rt tort. ' Anotbor eollagt In wboaa itioctia I am t paolally lotaraalad la my Ama! Malar. which la familiarly catlad "Old Mua , klngaoi" by Ii alumni. It la undr tha eonliol of the U . l"a., and la .located at New Concord, Ohio. When Cmlrb eatered Iti claitla walla an t began to dlie out (ireak root, aoma of hit neighbor, ington In gard to col's, aaid that "a good waa (iolWd. My private opinion la, thai (he collie waa of Infi nitely mora advantage to the community; than a tlx-f wt-t wt-!ocii farmer. Largt 1 In conrquoc ol ll e college lb town baa more than doabied In population I nee tba founding of tba college, and It it la ttill growing. The citixtnt ara well awaraof tba value of tha college la the community, ami a year ago, when another building for It wet needed, Ibey gave lubttanllal proof of their apprecia tion ot the collrge. When the Mjard of Truiteea propoeed to put np tba deaired building at coet of 10,000, If tba cltl ni would contribute $2500, a commit tea appointed for tba parpoea aoon raited mora tbaa tba desired ainouct. Oo tba wi mi tyitf uvHutiiiii lira itu ! . ... t a . I Tba third oollega la wbicb I am in termed nrel not ba named. Although boot a year ago, I beard of or. a clilieo of Albany who did oot anow wber the college located, I tblok tba majority of tba Albanlana anow ita exact locality an J are proud ot their college. I am not tore, however, that they all arllmate it at Ita real worth. If they eeama to ma that Ibey would not allow It to ba crippled by Ita debt and need of appl' a neve for ttHI mora efficient work. Iber had the mini appreciation ot lie value to tba ton a that tba cit'xto New Concord have ol Muskingum ecl'ege I believe the? would eubtcribo at leaet $5000 lowarJ tba liquidation of Iba debt wblcb tbay could do without ajy I neon venlenc' I think I can find half itc en man in Albany who ara worth mora than tba whole town of New Concord. It three aod all iba citiieot of Albany would give In proportion to their meant at tha people of New Concord did, flV OOOjcouM beiralard In a thort;iitne, and everybody would ba happy. Then the debt could ba paid, a dormitory could be built, a bettor apparatat could be pur cbeeed, an I other linprovementa could ba made. Dut tb.a ia '"not at. Other Iriendt ol education, who are diapoeed to tialn tlmae aha hafn Iheruielvai vault) be mora likely to eontrlboto to tha en- Jnaimaill fit I tl at 1 101 T If flAeK tawhat ! UUWIUVHI VI aaew wrHl . eatiewT ee waiting tba removal of tha debt . Whan that it efleotei he standi retdy t give tha college a goodlv p irtioti of hit li brary, which cent mart than (5O0. Sodavllle, Ore ., July 19, 1801). Tba tettlmony of tha returning volon tatri li ovtrwhelmlng that tbay want nothing to do with tba Philippine! aud that they bare no ota for them. 1'hi onlyaioapllonialmoet, ta Intheeaee ol lotbe goreroed pur' by politic wlio dare not lake poiltlon'coolrary to tbe powen that be. 6ntori Hannah.Dodge Walcolt Uoar, Jooiod Bpoooer turned np at tha Un't ad Hlaiet ambarty in London Iba other day, whereupon Ambaetador Choeteetk ad tham to b aeated and await the ar rival of a quorum. Tba ambaetador atlll hat bla little Joke. It la vary bamoroua to hi tome people trying to force tbe tariff oot of politic, now that it I eeen what lb tariff bat dooili building op truifi, making rich tbe few to tba detriment of tbe many. Out It won't work , The people will oot b hoodwinked. There will be mlllloot tpent in the coming campaign to help th admin Itlrttioo In power. Oftiulali are puttlog uplo blgeume. It would aatoulth aoma people If they koew the eix of tbe levy made oo (fftelalt fjr pjlthal purpoati oftaohell of their net atlary, Thie la alwiy i ' iartfual maane the lot of jib. It eUjtgmte a rottennete in politic t tiat le of law order. Farmer! who keep wheat efttr (be flnt of Angutt will bate lo pay etoraxe a aecoud lime. Toe Pkmocsat baa for yean been advocating that tba bett rule to follow at a practice la to aell wheat on tbe Bret blgb price af er harvest. Keep ag wheat meant extra itorage, loiur- ance, elo., and general entanglement of onea butloeai affaire, except la the caae of man ot wealth who have money to epeculate upon. Anything fni a notation regardleee ol (he truth. That eeemi to be the policy of the big metropolitan piper. An ex ample la before na la the manner io In wblcb it waa charged that tbe eoljlert at Pruldlo were without overcoatt aod were lo Imminent danger of getting tbe pneumonia. When aa a matter of fact, they bad plenty of overcoata or eauld gat them without the leaat trouble. Tbey were not Buffering from the cold, were feeling well, and ware having glorlooa time. It ia eaey lo appreciate why tie Portlaod papara aboutd aealet la ctrci- laling euch a atory, bat not why Iba Sao Fraocleco papara ahould do to. 8ATUK0AY WIGHT THOUGHTS. Tbe principal war Itami have been tbe resignation A Becreiaryof Wee A'ger, wbom the manet do not love ny more than the pople loved Heory VIII, lU; lambaetlng el Utnarat Otli by the prttl of the country, tbe Oregon boj at Pra eldlo.and tmall engagement In tba Philippine!, In wblcb tba Fillplnoe bad big lotteiand tbe Americaoi only oca or two. The Philippine campaign hat de veloped Into dilitory one and it being dragged along In maooar that li pleat ing principally to tba tlgrepb eompan. lei, which receive about $18,000 week from tbe government alone for tollt. Every time It gala chance th Dkmo out will remark that th government baa an elephant on It! baode, and It la Iti duty to get U corralled juet eooa aa pet ! lie ao It eao tame it and get It to act decently. eV "A cata that hat excited interact io Oregon waa tbat of tbe volunteer wbo deeerted lo order to be at th bedelde o bit mother wbo waa daogerooaly 111. Th nolvereal aantlment baa been one of aympatby (or thaoung man and tba deilra to help blm out of what mlabt be vary aerlona thlci If puttied to tbe is lent ol the law. Tba governor himea'I ad mitt tbat the temptation would be Mg for bim to do lUewlea In a aimllar cata. Tne affair eoggate ia ao emphatic mao oer that there la altogether Uo much red tape In inch maitere. There ahould ba provltlout which a ill prrmlt of prompt action locatee demanding It. Iid tape ia no doubt neceatary In governmental affaire aa a policy, but there etouid be pruvltloot for emergencler. Tble week eeca a big alrike inaugurat ed In New York, of ao much Importance aa to attract tha attention tf tbe nation. Tbla la toroetbing alwaya to be regretted becaoae It cornea loee to aoarc'jy, tba taking of Iba law Into tha haoda' of the atrikera. Men have a right to qmt work at any Urn, but ltevbave no right to atop otbara from work ng. Tbe p an of tha atrlke la oot ou'y lo ceaea oik b it In order to bring ti e etrikee to terma to prevent othtra from working 10 tbat tbe butlntaa at ieeua will be lied np, on Ibe face of It Inlqulioo regardlett of ILe Juelloe of the atrika to far at greivancea re concerned. MISFITS. Alger hat resigned at the pleaeure of the pretldont. Perbtpf It won't be 1L Preaidenta'a plcaaure. One railroad employee out of twenty eight geta htirt.ard one In 44' in U kll'ed. and yet there are lott of the hot a unx ioua for a job. a-avaa-aai People who have been out through the country report thecrope looking iplend. Idly, a great improvement having taken place In the lat week or two. 7he Wil lamette valley ia all right. Tbe Preehlent, wbo a; pointed Alger, and alio baa tolerated blm ao long, baa dieplayad good judgment in accepting bie reeignation at once Good riddance. Biugllog Broe. circut returned eatt by 1 th northern route. Had Ibey come Hown tble way they would oot have bean elrnck by a cyclone io Mionetota on their way back entt. Tie moral la plrlo. Ibe A O. U. W, bad hot time In Th Pallet, ever 100 in tba ihado, hejee took tliloyi eaty lu tbe day lime and tianeacted bu.inera o tba coo: of tbe evening. A writer In an eaatern urnal eayt he baa never known perton to ruffer from rheumatltm who at- freel of cherrira. and haa known hundrede who have bn ciievtxl ol attack! hv eat nit them. Who iMrlievee ttill. Life Into ranee compan'ca moat prove that auicide waa coMemblated when a beneflclary'a iwlicv wae taken out. in or der to etcepo payment, huch i Iho il cttionoi jmige Jot.n r. I'ImIIii-j, ol the United Slates irietnct court for M iaaourL li. Come to think of it aeihave Lad. de lightful weather ir Alltny the jaet reek particularly from comparative atand point, ltead U.ut the weather iuat acrott the mounialng. At Pendleton for a week it average.! 100.4 deirreea above .-rv, kui'jk as iiik'i ae ivt in me anaue. The Independent gett off the following ontbeeditore at Rotelcrg: fhey ill aeemed to be aeleep. One Salem editor poked hit ugly head oot of a window ani in boaree wbitper exclaimed : "Uain cot any oia pie nave yer ua editora I hungry. ' borne on recognized him by tbe liea of ble mouth and rel'ed: "Get I there you Salem bog." . And he got. MO MAWa tMHVtm tiXTUMmd u r ""n P" eepeaoi tefl iwe-ee nipiam pve r. wa3 no oooo vp uo jo txpt pom a a Here le the opinion of tbe Oregonian abjut Ibe eolcnteere, and It la no wonder alter reading It to appre ciate why that paper wai bound to bave tbe boya lo Portland to make rbow for the people regardlett of cot to tbe vol unteer! : lie waa not entitled at a political couotellor ty lie government; be wae entlelad aa a eoldier ; at mare fighter, wbo haa no butlneee to atk why, when fore tbe government doet tbla or tbat ; be ia mere military ox treading out ol tbe corn Tbe government of the United Btatea fa no more bound to defer to tbe perton- 1 opinion of private eoldier than It bat) to defer to tbe peraonal ditlret of a halky learn of army multa. Ab ut Pcoplo Inrpeclor Andie v Houghton, bi-ad of tbe Botton police force, began recently bit thirtieth continuoui year In the ler vloe. Mill Helen Gould It daring horte womao andjmmaniely fond ot riding, an 'axercUa In which ibe indulge! regularly every day. F. W.Oollini ol Denver hat presented to tha Colorado 11 it tor leal eoolety the or tgloal deed of Brlgham Yoang'i mill, tba Urttartcttd la Utah. The Q'leen of Portugal It eogaged in thewo.k of trantlatlng "Hamlet" into Portogue.e.lSbe It a good Kngliih icbol ar and great admirer of Shakerpeare. T. II. Price, tbe New York millionaire, It facially, tbe exact doubled Congren man "Joe Bailey of Ttxae, and tne one ii frequently mlttaken (or (he other. On July 4. 1843!Uen. Robett Bullock of Ocala,Fla., real tha Declaration ol Inde pendence at tba local celebration. TUi year be again read it in at firm a voice at fifty-one yean before. Aitosiate Juatice Monroe of (be Louie iana in pre we court it heading a move mot to collect, by 25-cent euptorlptiona a turn for the erection In New Orleane of a monument commemorating the aehlev cmeota ol Admiral Dewey. Mr. Alger bad received tbe marble band and cold ahaka from hie fellow membere In tbe cablaet to manlfretly that there waa nothing (or him to do but retlgn. Aa a matter of fact, though it le probably pure politic. Hit .reeignation wta necettary aa a plank In tba comiot campaign. It will le a big load for tba republicans to Carry with Alger atveral raontba In the rear. Then beeidea Mr. Alger wiihea to be U. 8. leontor Iron Michigan. Regardldu ol bit unpopular ity. at ho hat big barrel, whit ti It laid toba bigger than it waa before the Spanith war, ba la liable to be elected. Ia fact Alger ia tbe average t'nn ol which U. S eenatora are tude tbeie dayi in title latl yer thii nloe teenth century, we are aorry to ray. He would come about at near at he average eeoator elected by lUte lg- elatora will evr coma to representing Ibe maitet. They limply reprerent tbe corporiHont, and that la juit about Al- .er'tityle. t111.1 j The Eo worth Leaaue ot the let Meih- odltt church will give lawn aocial on next Tuesday even ng from 8 to 10:30 at the home of N. M. Nepor' corner Gal anoofa and 3rd atreete. Every one li in vited to be present, Ice cream and take will beierved. It Mover DUaapoointa. This !a one of tbe peculiarity or ilood't barpaxilla It curet tcrofula, salt rheum, humort, ttomatb and kidney troubles, nervousness. . Uood.a Hlli care all liver ilia. Easy to take, easy to operate; reliable, euro. 25o. A little book wae latued io Oregon tble week on "Oiegoo - Literature." abould interest people, aa every effort of tbla character ebould. It makta tba tact appreciable tbat tbla atate haa liter ature ol tome met it. Borne ct the poeme of Sam Blmpaon poeteee bean'y that willjcompare with the beat written. Hit Ad Wlllamettem would notuteJ to be tbamed of iteelf in a collection of Dry aot or Louafellow. Joaquin Miller be long to Oregon, and ia celebrated aa wall at nn'que. "Oregon, Sweet Oregrn hat bean aung vea In tbe metropolie lot the world, and la not without Ita merit In prose there le not mnch to offer oul side the preee, except the ipeechei our p:ooeer etateimen, tome ot whom attracted national attention. Among women Mra. Abigail Bcolt Duniway baa a national reputation, and haa diep ayed a latent of no mean order. Her brotoer Harvey Scott, ia tba ablest editorial writer on the coatt and one ot the beet io tbe United Slatee, viewed Irom an Impartial eUndpolnt. An accident of tbe week in togene wai eoliition b: ween blcychet and boneman. The latter came oot ahead, tbe bicycle brine btdlr mashed no. No one hurt. Albany people generally tbla eommer teem to l painting their properly and painter are verv bnev. A larae nnmber of reaidencee have already been painted. juerigiiiioingiouo. Jtmakr.a whole city look Droeuaroua where ihere ie lota of paint. to tbe Salem Journal tbe Dutch are in it, Itesj t: Tbe acting pretldent ol th Sta e Unlvernty ie John 8treoh. prcf.rd.mldt ia at tbe front In Albany Colxte. The dean of tbe faculty t ibe aiate agriculta'al col lege ta German. The elate tuperin- lenuent of achoo'a ia Atkerroao. D. W. Toder, of Pennaylvanta dntcb deacent. the Halem cut inierintendnt of tcboola. Wbat'a tbe matter with Gei- many? Tbe peraon referred to lo .he following from tbe Salem Independent ia Dr Harris a former Albany man: Eogene has the greateat talking ma chine the world ever ew. He ia no lee per aonage than the Mayor of that citr. He got upon bis fee , when tbe EJltore were at bkinnera K ile.h r 'he nnrpoae of introducing o l.trr tteakeie to the aurlienre Hoi he wae o thai Died w lb the toond of hie own voire, itiet he kept on aod on, and forgot all about the Edit or. No one cou d hear a word that he taid, but aa the train nulled out aome one hxiktd np io ine huite, and tVre the orator atood addtereing a poor old ldy, wuo waa lan e, aod cou dn't rne away Millionaire Medina. It ie a tplendld lKn tha: it ia general tbroogh tbe male that there I a demand for residence. It indicate an Immigra tion trom ouuide ami not merely a mov Ing ao ut in the eisie. Tbe Euitene tioa-J eare every thing i mere fully oc cupied than during tha b om date. It le so br,and suii Ma tmeute ere made in a ood many place. Constipationf Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Indicate that your liver la out of order. The best medicine to route the liver and cure all these Ills, It found In m m uv aw m m m m S3 cents. Sold by all medlolne dealer. l ime For Plain Speaking." From tha M inneapolit Tribune, a Lead ing Admiolttraticn Organ ot tbe nonh wett. Tbe Tribune wat visited jenterday by an rarnett Repu oilcan irom one of the upper couotiet tf this State, a leader in hi! lection, wbo Inquired very errioutly if aomething could not be done to awaken President McKinley to tbe lact that tha party waa looeiug ground by the incom petent and apr.aintly purpoteleea cam paign being carried on in tbe Pbilippinea. "It ii bad for the country,' he aaid, "and worte for the party in power, for It cannot fail to be bald reipomible. We cannot bold our men together fn th next campaign unleet there ia aome radical change for tba better vary aoon." Such Ii the talk, ha lay, tnat ii beard on every band, and tbe oppoattion are uting poweitul political weapon. If tbia ia tba feeling In the country dii atricta tbe President can accept it ia pretty good indrx ol universal drift of tbe public opinion. The feeling ia even more acute in tl-it city, at we know from tbe men we meet andjeonverte with dally. Tbe Trlnune la not In favor el mixing politict and war, but tince it ia evident tbat political couaiderationi are overn- mg to a greater or leea extent, wa would like to imprera upon the adminietration at Washington tbat It la IxMiog gr.Mind by ita dilatory tactic. Tbe next Presid ential campaign ia aen now to a greater or leiaextent being fought out In the Philippine. Tbe lupprettioo ot th rebellion there wituin tie nexttlx mouth! will inture Pretident McKinley toother tour years' term but if In eix monthi the situation there shall rmain ae uutetlled aa it ie In rerponae to a call for bide by Pa'em there were t ffera at once lor $: 00,000 in bond at 4 per cent, where only 155,000 were for isle. Tbi auggetti in a very em- puanc manner mat bonda abould al wayi re sold at home wbere possible and not to outsider. 1 he Salem idea ia good one. Albany' $95,000 in bond could easily be eotd in tbia city at 4 per cent, and how much better it would be lo tending the interest away at 6 per cent. The Salem paper are telling how much they wou'd like to have the big eaw mill with capacity of 150,000 a day and coating (50,000, and how it would boom tilings. Well, Albany isn't alter a1 boom, but it ia after a eteady growth that a'lich milt will help along. We will get the mill and other tliinfg will follow. Albany is all right. It ia the gem of the valley. Thii curious advertisement appeared the other "day in a London paper: "Wanted A rerpcctahle gentlemen, widower preferred, to mary tbe house keeper of an Hgcil gentleman wbo haa been an invalid for years, and who re epecta her aa a good and true servant, whom he would like to tee !n the happy atate of matrimony before he dies. She haa bad three husbands, but it w illing for a fourth." Harry San Francisco writes to a friend in Corvallis aa follows : "Be tween twenty and twentv-five CorvallU- ritea will go home together. The 'travel allowance pay caueed the regiment to vato tor muster-out at San Francisco, it amounting to 32 for privates and from that to several hundred dollars to the colonel. We havo our fare of course, to J pay cut of that. Brady and I voted for j Portland the only two in our company to do o. The money saving will be practically nothing to enlistel men in tbe long run, and I think two weeks stay in thia fog and damp will cause too late regret all round, not to mention such less material considerations aa atate' pride, etc But the average soldier a not a far-reasoning creature. Deep and long growl continue to come from Portland in reference to tbe fail ure ot the Oregon volunteers to be mus tered out at Portland. Better keep ccol. Wipe the perspiration from your brows and go ahead and make arrangements for a grand reception at a date to be named alter they reach Oregon and let thoee who wish to attend. The spirit of the occasion will count. Don't count on their ciming homo in a body. They won't do anything of the kind. The Al bany boya and a 1 the boy south of Port land are going to get off the cars when they reach their homes. Put a spike in that. Set a day a week after that and secure a dollar fare, round trio, from Al bany for instance, and you will have the biggest crowd ever seen in Portland. In the mean time tbe valley towns will have received tneir own boys gloriously, ana Getting ita information from W i Ham Hogbee of Galea, who went Into tbe mine with J. F. Medina, tbt rich Eng lir-bman.tbe Salem Statesman, eayi: Mr. Medina i noncommittal concern ing hi npinfooof tie San'iam mining couoirr.a no about tbe prospect of com mencing operationa there, ilia thought. however, that be i favorably impreeted. and il bia company decide to go to woik in thai regiou their operationa will be on a very larw scale. This would be tbe making ol that mining diatrict. Mr. Medina expreaeed himaelf aa glad that be bad made the trip.thougb it waa done w itb a great dal ol Phyeii al die- comfort. He wae more than pleased with tbt appearance of the Willamette valley, and be pi edicts a tirani future for thie ectloo, with eoch great undeveloped reeonice. He expteteed bimeell aa much aurpiieeJ especially at the extent of tbe limber reeounee ol t he part 1 1 the atate be aaw. Swim Fighting. Mamt.A. Julv 21. News haa lain rt eeived here from General Smith, at Ho- no, uiana oi raiiay, ol of a severe fight Wednesday at Bobong, between Captain Byrne, of the Sixteenth infantry, with 70 men, and a force ol 450 Babaylonew, who (urprieed the A merican t roope lib of the enemy were killed. The A merl can loea waa one man killed and one wonnded. The Proper Thing.. Salix, July IO.Gov. Geer tonight, wrote to General gammers, inclosing av statement of tb circumstance tinder which Frank Girard technically deserted frrm bia company last week. The let ter ayin part: - While his action was in violation of strict military discipline, he wm coming from the war instead of going to it, had performed evervduty required of him, and really did only what you or I woo Id ee very mncn tempted to do nnder timi- -lar circumstance. I won id be very . much pleased it yon can see your ways clear toward asaieting in securing hi nonorabie discharge with requiring bis leturo to San Francisco. Harmonious Meeting. Chicago, July 20. No friction devel oped at tbe meeting of tbe democratic- national committee today, and the men wno maae sncu belligerent aseeriona last night failed to make them good today. Not a single warlike note waa sounded,, and no defiances were uttered, either by tne men wno demand tbat 16 to 1 shall be the rallvlngcrv in the next camnaiirn. . or by thoae w ho oppose it adoption. To Be Hoped. Washixgtox. July 20. Alcer'a remov al from the war office will no doubt be followed by tbe downfall of General Otia - aa commander m th Philippines. With A'ger out of the way, there is no reason wby General Mile should not be sent to -command wbere be ia needed.; . Another Flood. . Dallas, Tex., July 20. Thare fa a 're port from Cbildreea in the Texas Pan handle that a cloudburst occurred in -that region witb disastrous result. It is -known the property loss is very heavy, bat nothing baa been learned of tbe fate - ril ttiA rWtnlA ftf tKa lnnn.1. uuilinn Mies Maggie Barker .Chief of Honor of tbe Degree ot Honor of Oregon, will probably be borne neit Wednesday when a grand reception will be ptiveo ber by the AOUW. Mies Barker baa the bonor of being tbe firtt native born Ore gonian elected to Una very important omce. Tbe Ukmocbat anticpatoa a bright record tor ber aa Chief. The S. P. ticket office ia now in its en larged quarters, and the improvement of tbe waiting looms is being; pusheo. These will be the finest waiting rooms it is .said between i'urtland and Sacramento. TELEGRAPHIC. I-atc News ia Short Form. now kit calling and election will be very the whole climax can be bad at Portland doubtful. tin a celebration that will make the It Ittlm. for plain speaking, and ,h. Jfi&Sr ? od Tribune tpeaki not merely ai party org- J40r0 pr0gram Rnj everything will an but at a patriotic American journal, end well. Alger's KeMgatfon Washixotos, July 19 Alger has been crowded out at last. The systematic manner of ignoring him aa a cabinet of ricer and secretary of war resulted in his finally handing to the president the res ignation for which tbe people have been eo anxiouly locging. The universal de mand of the member' of the cabinet that Alger get out has hwl ils influence. GirardVCase. MoNxorTir. Or., July 19. Private Frank Ginuid, of tbe Oregon volunteers, who ieft his company ar San Francisco a few days ago without permission, is now t the tedside of bia dying mother, at their home near here. He rays the statement made tbat he was refused a furlough is not exactly correct, but that he was given no assur ance by the officers that it could be granted on the dy asked for, though he showed a telegram from home atting the condition ot his mother. He waa leu to the hasty act by his earnest desire to see his mother. A petition was sent to today Governor Geer asking his influende to secure his honorable discharge without punish ment. Only Two Applicant. S as Francisco, July 19. Only two names have thus far been enbmitted aa candidates from the Second Oregon for tbe three positions in Thirty-fifth vol unteers. These are Captain A. F. Pres cott. Company D, and First Lieutenant A. J Brane, adjutant of tbe second bat talion. Wonderful Riding. Washington, .July 19. Harry Elkes of Glen Fails, L. Y., the middle distance bhampion bicycle rider of America tonay covered a mile in 1 :31 flat, thus lowering the record for that distance held by Ed die MoDullie, of Boston, of 1 :31 2-3. Tha Fay Strikes. New York, July 19 New York trolley men joined the Brooklyn trolly men tot day in their big strike. The center o operations in New York city was on Sec ond avenue. The excitement in Brook lyn centered in the vicinity of Thirty fourth and Fifth avenue, where dyna mite was used today in an attempt to blow down the elevated structure. The rioting that took place in New York this afternoon and tonight waa of a serious nature. Like Veterans Sas Fbaxcisco, July 21.- "Veterans, veterans!" exclaimed Brigadier-General ' CUarlea F. Bee be, of the Second National Guard, after reviewing the Oregon vol unteers this afternoon at the freeidio. General Beebe came from Portland to day at tbe invitation af Gen. Simmera, and aUo to ascertain when and under what circumstance tbe troops would reach Oregon. He reviewed the vol on- -teera on drees parade, tieir first in five . month, and their magoificent showing; -elicited tne exclamations above quoted. Five Lynched. KkwOblkass, July 21 A dispatch from Tallulah, La., says : Six Italians were lynched there last night. JThe ftltmPfs ftf the 1viSoaT1 WArO Hflflht flittaMo Yesterday, Dr. Hodges, a prominent rhysician quarrelled with an Italian. The latter wounded the physician with a ahotgun. Tbe shooting created intense excitement. A mob immediately round ed np the would-be assassin and five of bla friends, strung them all to trees and filled their bodies with bvekshot. IngersoII Dead. Naw York, July 21. Colonel Robert G. Ingersollldied at his home, Walston-on-Hudson, near Dobb'a Ferry, today., His death waa sudden and unexpected, and resulted from heart diseaae, from . which be had suffered aince 18. A Sample. Manila, July 21 Captain Byrne.'Six leenth infantry, with 70 men, surprised the robber bands o! Negroe, numbering 450, killing 115, wounding many and capturing a few rifles and revolvers, many kand weapons and a large quanti ty at stock. Fighting was at close dis tance. Byrne's loss was ore killed, on wounded, names not given. Koot tne Man. W ashington, jaiy -'i. ine name oi the successor to Gen. Alger as secretary of war may be announced tomorrow. The president has made his eeltction and it is understood that Elihu Boot, of New York, is bis choice. Fast Riding. Bitie. Mont., Joly 21. Pan Grind rod, of Helena, ran 100 yards in 9 3-5 seconds, thus equaling the accepted pro fessional record for that distance. A lo- rnl nnrintpr van li: cnmivt.itnr. and vm given six yards. Judge Boise reconvened court tbia afternoon and wae hearing motiona in different cases. In the Bank of Oregon case he denied the application of B. A. Stafford lor aa order to sell the bank , property. Th Veather. Tr.nli.hl fftir Snn.tav fair ami urmfr. River 3.8 leet F. M. Fbkhcu, Displavman. A Child Enjoys The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when m need of a laxative, ana u tne tamer or uirther be cottive or bilious, tbe most gratifying reeulta iollow ita use; aotbav. it ia the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Man- Co. i S. Stoltz, at Geo. Fieh's old stand, does plumbing and tinuing, promptly and skillfully at bottom prices. Try him. Try our bread at two ioavei for a nickle McFeron & Tomlinton. Peach Chocolate and Vanil'a Cream at Veiricki Sugar Bowl. Ice- II you wish to take the leal, rid a Cleveland. For tale by McFeron & Tomlinton.