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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1899)
J I sT Brownsville From the Timet, Morgan Ward, of Prtneville, a brother -of 8coti Ward, ol Plalovlew, la in the valley with band oi horses. Wm. Cochran and wife, of Albany, attended tbe Blakely reunion in this citv yesterday alto G. W. Wright aud family. Dr Mutton E, DeGuira, who come to our city jiest week, is ft graduate of tbe Missouri Derval College of St. Louie, and it well recommended. Tha marrlera of Mr. Huah Cochran r and Miaa flora Thompson la announced. The Younu conoie have the best wishes of numerous, trit-ndi and acquaintances, They have gone to Idaho to reside. At tbe recent meeting of tbe state k.r nf o.t,,..i xaitlnnn. a netition was pretested by a number of cititent round II ol ley for tbe re enatatement of -one "Dr." Coley, ana to iaaue to him a( license to practice meduiae again. It is needless to aav that owing to tha unsav-. ory record of "Dr." Coley, the petition was denied. Coley ia now In California, . Young Mothers. ' Coun ia the terror of thousands of jouug uuvii- ... ""r?-" swooning and frequently fatal, btnloh Oongh aud Consumption Cure acta like) magic in casea of Croup, It haa never keen known to fail. The worst casea re- loved immediately. Prices 25 eta,, and 50 eta. and $ 1 .00. For Bale by Foshay A Mason. If yoa suir from leniurae or fullness ( n tha right sida, piio under shoulder-; lade, consripatnn. bilouaness, ic--esdche, una feel dull. heavy and s'eepv -at liver is torpid and cmtrested. le- Witt's Little Earlj Risers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the congestion and ciusing tbe tile duet to opn and flaw naturally. ! Thet AR OOOD FILUB. ' WhatlsShiloh? A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold . and Consumption ; used through, th world for hall ft century, has cured in numerable casa of incipient consauip tiou nd relieved many in advanced stages. If yon are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 23 eta., 60 cts. and $1.00. f,' sale r? Foabey & Mason. Pnpumxiii, la grippe, cousrhs, colds, rou p and wiifwping-cougb readily jseld to One Mmnte Cough Uure. Ure thi remedy n time and atre a doc'or's bill or the n rt aker's. Fohy A Mason. Educate Tour Bowel With. Cascatwte Candy Cathartic, car constipation foreTer. Wc, S6c. If C & C. fail, arugeisu rot nod money. Fast Mail 8pm Spokane 81 ljiae, Denver, Ft ast Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail sas City, St Louia, :4pm Chicago and EaaU Wall Walt, Spok- Spokana ane, Minneapolis. St F'ye' 210 pm Punl, Dnlnth, Wit- wankee.Cticago, A East. nyer OCEAN STEAMSHIPS i For San Francisco -8p m Sail every five daya . 8pm COLUMBIA RIVER I p a Exlo"dy STEAMERS. ExSun.l. Sftturday To Aatorift nd Way- iOpm landings. . - .arWVr TXf J .Oft M ' 6m WILLinwit-iii'. oK Exnn. Oregon CMr,Newbefg, Ex ban Salem & W ty Land'r 7m WILLAMETTE AND SOp 1?-.. VAMKILLRIV. Monda Tbnrs., Oregon City, DaytoB, and 8at. and Wy-Landa Wed. and Sat 6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4 30 p nt . Tuesday Portland to.Corvallw Xuea-Uj 5 30. m SNAKE RIVER 12;00 r Daily Riparift to Lewiaton Daily W.H.HCRLBUBT, Gen. Pass. Agent, C. G. BAWLINGS, FortUnd, Or. Agent Albany. ORTHERH PACIFIC R. R . aman Sleeping Oar3, )gantDinig Oars, arisf- Sleeping Oarf" ot rant Minneapolis Dnlnth Bargo, lu Grand forks Crookaton Winnipeg; Helens and Butts :rough ticke. TO ago i-f)ingtou ' . Adelphia ork . ton and &1. . ta East and South . . rough tickdU to Japan and Cb na, vis - ma and Nortbern Pacific steamshif : , an American line. . .r information, time cards reaps an . . ta call on or write C G Bnrkhart . t, Albany, Or. , DCharltoi. " Gen Paas Air r land O IMJolMoMo TherwlsonsHitlsnilll That bow 1 will name. Which may brlnf wha' is better Than ti'iliti or lame. All tboes who heed; Good appetite find. Strong nervse, roey cheeks, And vigor ol mind. It will banish dyspepsia, Rheumatism end sout. That. Tired Feeliug conquer, Drive acroMils oh. And here is the maxim In wisdom ii sure--Tike Hood's Ssrssparllla And keep your blood pure. ? sink llendhchea. ihe curse of overworked womankind.are ' quicklv and surely cured by Karl's Clover KootTe, tlio great Uiocxt put titer ana tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price, 25 eta and 60 eta. por Me by Foahay A Meson, . Dtut h wo Uctr. , eiran blood means a clean skin. No beaut v without it. tWarets, Candy Catbar- tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by stirring up the lasy liver and driving all im E iwritiea from the body. Begin tootsy to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking 1 - ,...... . . 411 J guiu, satislaction guaranteed, iue,-.c. Wc. . TICKETS j To all poir t East via Grei t Northern Railway. For rates, f tilers and full information call n r adit , H. F. MtRRH.L, Agent Albanv Albany Market. Wheat 46 Vnts. Oats 31 Eggs 15vut Better 10 to 15. cent. Potatoes 60 wuts Hams 10 cats Sides 3 cents. Shoulders 6 cents Wo-To-Bae for Fifty Cent Guaranteed tobacco habit can, make weak men strong, blood pure. too. si. Alt druggist. NERVITA Kesterte VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Irapotenc v.Kirht Emissions and wasting diseases, electa t-.f self- abuse, tr zi trd Indis cretion- A i f rv or lc ar.d Llotxl . ",cr. lirinps the pinktlov, jialsciieeksand restores f a :'.r of youth. By mail! ! r i ox: J boxes lor IP.jO; a v.: Utea guaran. e to cure or rvfitiwl the money. NERVITA KCCXAL CO. -ilnton A Jackson sts CHICAGO, ILL. Iim, Drn;ia Alii i, 0.-i;. TERMS. Jailv Dkmockat, 25 cents per month 13.00 per advance, 30; per month not in advance. By carrier, lOe pel week. 10 per cent added if allowed to rnn over months. Single copies 5c. j Wbbklt. $1.25 In advance; l.5U t er-d )f year; $175 for second year; fi w tot iiird and preceeding rears, when not paid in advance. Clubs of fi new subscribers tt5.00. nun Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digeststhe food oA adds Ftture in strengthening and reccn- lltotnelatei,tdlBCOTereddtsresJr ant and ton! 5 Wo other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It ts stand relieve and permanently caret Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SfckHeadache,Gastialg1a,famps,ana all other resnltsofiroperfectdigestloa. .Prepared bv C. C DaWl-; ft Co. Cblcaoe Notice. On and after ibis date wood sawing in Albany will be tor the following: prices. All four loot wood, 2 cnt, 60 eenta; foar foot wood, 3 cnt, 60 cents; four foot srcod, ne rat, 40 cents; pole wood per C3rd, 75 cents. By the boar f 1. J. M . asd R. E. Ovteks. N. A. BlODGSTT. Wm. Nkklt. W. A. Gibson. O. C. Clklaji. K. O. T. AI. very St' erain at E. 0. T. 1 Visifinr Kniitbts iariied. - M Newpirt.OotDiaar.dei. SO He IX PERCENT LOASJ?. I have imited amount of money to loat, on ti rat-class farm seenrity or improved business property in Albany. Interest six per cent for particulsra call ou or address. fl. F. Mebriix, Democrat building. Albany, Oregon HONG WAII TUNG CO, Second St near Lyon street, Albany. Sells Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese tea and i"t oil.. Assignee's Notice ot Flail SsttU ment. Notice is hereby girei tbst tbe onder signed, ss assignee of tbe estate of A. M Hammer, an Insolvent debtor, has filed his final account In said assignment oro (ceedings now pending in tbe Circuit uourt 01 udd county, ana toat tne same will be beard in Department No. 2 cf said court at tbe Circuit Court room, In Albany, Linn co-nty, Oregon, on the 17tb ay of July, 1899. All persons in terested in said matter desiring to object to eaid account are hereby notified to fih auch objections on or before said time. S N. Stiu.s, If. C. Watsox, Assignee, A tt'y for Assignee. EOPiliOl) la Its Incipient stag may b enrad. nvD VAN ha drawn Utousaada away trota. tha elutches ot th drsadatl dlaeas. Many Mpl havs besa rattorsd to psrtact health by 111 1 T AN after thslr eases or pmnnunrmi hope less by th but physicians. Yoa can b eurad If yoa wilt. Do not de lay, ttsmsmbtr that d. laysardanirous. They ar pcl"y so In eaacs ol inolplant consump tion, look at these symp toms. Study thora care , hilly. Are they yours ? Thou you mutt bs cam ful. Yoa ar within th grasp ot coniumptlon III'DYAN will TOlsass you. Tak BVDYAN now. 1. FLPSHINO Of THE CHEEKS IN TUB AFTERNOON AND 11VEN1NQ tli Bret symptom ot consumption. Ml'UVAN will raua It to disappear. MITOTAN will subUaa a psrtort circulation ot the blood and caua th Clio kt to aasum a norma) rosy color. I. TICKtINQ IN THB THE OAT AND OOUOK. At flrat th couth t silt ht hack-Hl-DYAN will stop th tickling and iho cough. HVDYANwlUrllTttUatswdays. S. A 8LIOET FAIN IN ONE OR SOTII LUNGS, uanallynear the tops. This Is sa Indication that th consumptive rm has Invaded the lung tlaau. Bt'DYAN will sradlcaU th germ. BVOYAiW will reator th lung tlaau to a healthy condition and pre vent further destruction. 4. WEAKNESS ABOUND THE B.KABT. The heart la bwvmlnf weak. Ill'D. YAM will strengthen It and vauas the weak ness to disappear, BVEYAN ahoulj b nted at one. It will make th long tlasu strong snd ths germs ol ths dlseas will be rapidly draws from ths sys tem. Then yon will regain your health and strength. BUOYAN can be obtained ol all druggists tor 50c. psr package, or S packages lor tUO, It your druggist does not keep BCD TAN, send direct to ths BUD Y AN It KM ED Y COMPANY, San Francisco, Cat. A BUS ot physicians and surgeons may be consulted Ire If you wilt call. You may call or write, as yon desire. Consultation tree. Advice Is Ire. Address HUDYAN HEMEDY COMPANY, Csn ttaclrtM, Market sad tills St., a Frsaei, Cat. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC ALBANY COLI FfiF Faculty Wallace Howe Lee A. M.. t'rvsiaent. Cieo. A. Wirtx, Director. Cora A. WirU, Voice a specialty. Tuition Very reasonable, rannina irom ft 10 per term. Tbe bkhest erade of instruction is of. fered to both primary and advanced pupils in the following branches : Piano Organ, Violin.Uuitar, Mandolin, Cornet, t oice, narmony, ioanierpoinif tAjia poeition and History of Music Vocal classes are organised at the be ginning ol each term. Children's clam each Saturday at 10:30 a. m. Pupils may register for work in tbe Conserva tory at anytime. 1 A f 1 r or luniur luiuruiauuu can on or mi- dress Geo Mi 1 A. Wibtz, Director. Albany, Oregon. OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cor. Morrison & Tark 6U. LEWIS BUILDING, I ortland - Orcgo.i OUR CAPACITY i i'lienualed In tin- Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpaa lit Oregon. to have the best stock u. select from and our price ro always the lowest, quality C'tiiHulcred SMILEY, A i, iy. The Prater HEW YORK WORLD Thricr-a-Wetk Iitlitin 18 Pages a Week ..." ... 156 Paper a Yeai For One Dollar wkilsbeaevcry Alterwalyeeesise Tbe Thrice-a Week Edition of Th a W ew Yobs: Wobld ia first amonr ail "weekly papers in size, frequency of publication nd tbe fresbLSss, accuracy and variety ol its contents. It bis all tne merits of s great $6 daily t: be pries of a doll a weekly. Its political news is prompt, cojj XBHT MATIOAt. BASK, op Ar.aWT,OBaao President... - LPLINH rioePrafUaat . S C.TOUNO frsr-1-.. in . ,r ST. LAXOUN TSABSACTS A QiCitALbwIrlBttbastDesS ACCOUKTS KEPT euWect ie ebek. IO3TSXCHAH0B acdttlifrraphia trasater, eold a Kea fork Sao Pranclaea.Cbleaaro aaa P-Mtlaa L(1TI0Iff S ADC An fatnrabla arms 1 stsaoroM) S Toose' K W Laaema P 4 Ooosvra t. ri.raa C. S. Ftias. $40 cash $40 For the Best 1 Fitted With Special Heavy Tread a. A J. TIRES. Next to the Rambler lu quality and price la ths IDEAL With O.&J.Tirea Fred T. Merrill Cycle Go. 105, Ohling Biancbest 6p"kane, Tacoma, Seattle. A srMew atsty-clcht yirs oM. Ilrtnt ta 1 . ?m I IT SaVOVSs'teV JiorsiAr sfcwl.m.llt ' "fl ' L7flt''''V'f' rl' l.l.iw aeuot Lisuaa I 'VI As'-- """2" f4rrfft ffri;'' 'I'll t It'lHiil'K lo ,.u.m r-ts aJ I for-M-s fill I yMMMiJM vwMMml TTTiJ aiCM rears pM. llTtnt ta Naw York City, bad baa aatu :u." palnaon h Hht .Mr. I,l,h ttmToS wi trratwi by a oumbrr at ptiyak-lua, ana at liver. Us to Uat Juu "?.'r Proaountt It WlUryMlrai.ut or "JJ Al tlma the -'..'""M' ' . r-arlrlaJtin a After natn tttom twowaeks tha twin ami ' r-"-- h ww mb v.S35e. xiiJ .wr.ny.w?ati " U kS w tu tiatMui aVa ail Q TTmn?mtort i ataVaJa ia a IT- r." -SMaaaaa aaAtntoacuia. (imnU m. V STJTrjJi mT??'Jf EailfoalJ TIME CAR l). For Yaonlna: Train leaves Albany... " arrives Yaqulns. Returning! Leaves Yiqulna Arrives Albanv For Detroit: .12:50 p. . 6:00 p. m. ui. ... 7:00 s. m. ...12:36 p. m. , . . 7 :4Q s. m. . ..U:W a. m. ...12:25 p. in. . . . 6:35 p. m. ... 6:05 p. m. leaves Albany Arrives Detroit 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit Arrives Albany 6 Leaves Albany ' Arrives Corvallls . , . 0 .DO p. fU. SLeevee Corvallia Arrives Albany.. 0:40 a. m. 7:25 a. m Ooe and two connect at Albany snd Corvallia with Southern 1'acidc trslns, giving direct rervire to std Irom sw uort snd adjacent bsachee. No. 8 runs fro a Albany to Corvallia on Middays, Wednesdays snd Fridays ooly No. 5 runs Ir r Corvsllis to Albsny on Tuesdays.Thiirr.i i.vsand Saturdays only. Trains lor llie mountains arrive at Do- troit at noon, giving ample time to reach campirg grounds on tne UrellenDusn snd Santtam rivers tbsaame day. Edwin Sroxt, II. L. WsldsK, Manager, T. F.& P. A. J Ti'Rneb, A.ent, Albany. ADMINISTRATOn'3 KQTiCE. Notice is hereby given th tt tbe u td.r signed has been by tbe county court of Linn county. Or., appointed administra tor of tbe estate of Ludlow Muwell de ceased. All persons havlos claims against said person and sHate a'e rrq lir ed to present tbem to tbe undeisigned at Albany, O'., within sis months from ths i.ate hereof, with tbe vouchers thereof. Albany, May 19, 1899, . 3, WlISTKIT O. A. AttCBIBALD, Att'y for adm'r. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE 13 HERE3Y GIVEN TOAT ths undersigned bas been, by tbe County Court of Linn conoty, Oregon, duly sp pointed administrator of the estati of J. W. Anderson, lata ol Linn county, Oregon, d:cea:ed. All persons having claims against said estate ars hereby required to present tbe same properly verified to tbe undersigned at Albany, Oregon, with in sis months from this date. 1 bis Ibe 10th day of June, J, IT. WEATUKtroiw. AdniiDietiator. THE UNDERSIGNED la prepared to weave carpeta and rugs. Can make beautiful rugs from worn out ingrain carpetr. Do not b si tats to give the new weaver a trial order. Yon will be pleased. Fifteen years ezpeiience. Prices reasonable. Place of business, east end of 8tb St.) T.8. Alsxanoeb. & Eastern Wheel Ever Built 1899 RAMBLER Bicycles. 107, 100, II 1 Sixth Ht., Portland, Or. $ IJulburt, Albany, Oi'e. Naw York Clt tar ars 1 ail u,m, (n r.blrh 1.7 uTw pain. r. aer that hrrrrrl TateUa Mlabhur UdW W uuy It'llSZm. hJotina nt th. 1. ..'.i.T" -TrrT Itb. Klh aaaaa, aawng otoas siahea. .wUiwalUl SUMMONS In TnaCiuct'ir Coobtoptiib statk or Ohboob roa Lihn Colxtv, IVpartnient Vo. 3 John A Hoolh. Dlainliff vs Maria M Clavpool. William N Clarpool. Rosa K l."lnr, J u Kenaedy, r red A Cft'olbers. Elizabeth Carotbers, Nency E Otil. and Mat'Lew 0 Oill, ber bu.oaod, John V Howell, and Lillte Howell, bis wife, Mary T Cole, sod ) tV Cole, ber busband, David P Howell, Martha J Jobasop, sod lasae Johnson, ber busband, Usorce W Howell, ames Oraos, James ilemy Crans, GranvU :adee, Zona Eades.Uoy Eades, Lena Eades, Samuel M Howell, William Parker, Wash iogton W Howell, nd Da ton K Howell, aetenaants. To Fret A Carotbers, EHsabetb Cay olbers, John F Howell, l.illle Howell, David t Howell, Martha J Johnson, lao Jobn son, Ueorg-e W lloweil.Jarurs Crans, James Henry Crans, Watblng on W Howell, snd I)aton E Howell, above named defend fan Is: lo the same of tbe sli's of Oregon, you and acn of you are hereby lequirtd lo ap pear and answer tbeconiplalnt tiled against yoa ia tbe above entitled suit within six woeks from tbe fbst publication ot Ibis summons, towit, on or before the Hih day of July. 1893. And if yon fall ao to appear an i answer, tor want I Hereof, tue pismiin will apply to tbe court for tbe reiki prayed for in said complaint, (owit: A decree de. clarioir and adjuditinff lhat ceil ber tbe said defendant!, nor any of them. nave any right, estate or interest in or lo tbe f'-'- lowing doacribed renl properly, towit: IWinniuff at a point hi"b is N rrfs 48 minntea E VJH.46 cnains fitm th S W corner of tbe Donation Land CU-- of Ddvid and Nancy Claypool, Notification No 110, Ciaim tio.4H. in ip II S II 1 Vv of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, theses N 89 des- 48 min E 11.64 mains to an anjjie in tbe North line of said donation land claim, tbence 6 63 deg 2H mla E on ths N line of said donation land claim 40.20 chains to the N corner of tbe land set apart to Samuel It Claypool by order of the County Court of Lmn county, Oregon, maie at tbe December term tnereor, tons, thence 8 50 ctains to the S boundary line of said donation land claim, tbence N Oil dee, 15 min W on said touth boundary licetoa nint due South of Ihe place of be ginning, tbence North to the place of te- glnniog. containing mo acres more or leas, in Liun county, stale of Cn-gon, and that Ibe plaintiff bss a pood and valid fee sim ple title to the aaid premises and to every psrt thereof;' and lor a decree that lbede fendants, and each of them, bs forever en joined snd harred from ssterticg any claim whatever in cr lo said remiiei adverse to the plaintiff, scd for inch further relief ai to the court may seem just and equitable. This summons it served uponjouby publication Ihtreol in Tiir Static JHtoHTe Uemochat, by an order of tbe Hon. lieo. K Uarlon, county j'ldne of L'nn county, Oregon, daltd Ihsy 31, IW, and the dite of Ihe first publication Wreolis uue V!nJ, 1899. Hewitt A Pot, AMornejs for plaintiff Wliiit nuople irv aliout Hood's Sur saoarilla is ti at it cures wl en all other remedies fail. Therefore you should take ; Hood's Sarsaparilla in preference to all ' others. East South J " d,KJ M JM. ASy J -it l'li B Sjuthora PaolQu Osltliirtil Stprsss Tialns lasrs rartlaaa tall ' . 1 . suutn 1 ) Knrt AriS'oi a Ar j S to a a It 1 liuv r 7 Wr. . 1 I t 4 a J L t .4i, a I Ar artlaud Alhitnjr Saa graailses Abovs trains atop at satloas be twoon rortUitd n'ul S.ik'in lui aer, Mttrlnn, Juff trsot Alban V.ii..nt CI.AiLI IIaIhmw y.lilM M Iftl-C"-i IJMB"1 uwin w Cottnge Grove, Drstn, Uakland and all luttmis trom HoscWif num to and la- loU diug Asblund. lt:US U Pnt I 'ad Alb .) H.s I If ar t$itk Lf I II tor IttUr s l. tisurk I Ar tssaao tsaci, I nun Lohana a I ln ilhuir Lhnon Anivs alb Ira Lta on miim BllrM! SLEEPER S 10 a l')itw a Site r a Ti l t M Olnlnj Uri on Odtn Rouls' SECONO-CUSS SlEtriNB CM eTeal aid SMslslaSl . Kisttgs resiuis a SI111. ta saitt gsaeptavaaay aueetvae sit., snt AND 800 PACIFIC LIME. To ill Points Solid reattbule traios, wn.l.ting of pal- ace slerpiog cars, Insurious ilininir cars, elKffantday ccsubes, matniflcent tourist cars 1 ad free colonist starper from the Pa clSc to the Atlantic wlttrt change. IMPFRIAL LlMITRt) crowing tbe American contlntnt in 4 days. Finer and fus'er IIibd any comlilor COST DIKKCT AHO CIISafaSiT 0UT T ICootciiny llllarfillt? IM(rlcl makvsp, nsw tastaa, suicam err-, BSUH1K, BAlO, TBAIL, f BOaStABOABO All points In the Okanairan Country. f Jsa rtamhrilMr l srtti if as fitt I tuaafrintirtt. of tbia wonderful country. Ask tbeairent 1 for a eoov of tha mlninir laws cf Drllisb Colombia. I Lowes rales o snd from JT7710Vh ... . . AUaallc steamship Ines. Canadian Pao. Ry. Uo.'a Koyal Mall Steamship line to China and Japan! OAMADUM AUSTBAMAN STBAattB UKS TO noxoLtac, put ao acaTMiy., The shortest lios to toe Colonies', i i These steamers .carry an siperleaced medical man, and a stewardess oa every voyage; For time tables pamphlets, or any B ormatlon, call on or address. BM tPii'.t t ii fn'-, VI EJ COYLK, Aj't. UJ Ctirl and, Or. OEO, McUB R ytlX, D. P. A Vsacosver LEGAL DIRECTOR Albany. W R Silvan, Foahay & Mason block. H Brysnt, r u nioca. Anderson Cannon, PO'jlock, J N Duncan, P O block T P Ilackteman, Pesrcs block, Jodgs U 11 Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly A Curl, bank bulldlna L 11 Moitanve. l'earce block, J C Powell, P O block. OESos.PObltwk. L L r wsnn, Bank building. II 3 Watson, bsnk building. Weathsrford A Wystt, Bauk bnildlng W hltney A Newport, Cusiok block , O W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. B M Garland. Brownsville?. A A Tuning. &clo. TJ llson, LINN C3- ABSTRACT C JMPANY Albany lOrea-on. Oflioet flank of Oregon Building, Only set ot Abstracts of Linn Couoty, nomptclo sot of maps and plats. SCawtta snl Trails Stsrka obtalnrd snd stl rat) lent bunions coadopted. fr Moderrte Fees, i t Bend moili-l.drnwlniiornhoto. WealvlM Iff tpatAnUlilarrabrcb'jrffn. (Inr fflAnotdnetlMe patvutlaaiti'iirr l. A I'amp'.ilet "How tJOb-J tlalaI'atenM,"llb contof aaiuelr ths H. . kuBdioreineouolrlesaentrree. idCreas, i a Ao 8NOV & CO. 'Oar. WasHiNQW j, D. C.l Hi