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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1899)
Ttie President of tbe United States wss bard Dp for mtterial wben he appointed Alter secretary uf war, and tbe bublie knew it t'jeo jaat as well as now, and ao did the President But Alger bad a big barrel . From all over the elate conies the re tort of a big influx; ot immigrants, people venting a home fioe from blisxarda, and Messed by God and nature at well aa by man. Tbey have made a gooa choice lor tact. ' Washington tetter. Misfit. It the populatioD ot the Oregon when there were 99,543 school children was 313,767 what is it when there aie 132,388 children. This is easily figured up to be 417,022- Nevertheless the Democrat oredictt that the census of; next rear will show a population of over 500.000. .tram Our lUpilir Oomn ) Wabhisotos, July Utb, 1S89. go many more or prominent re publicans have come to Wsghlngtoti o Ln with substantially the eamo story about Col. Bryan's loss rt popularity in . i. . u I. nrantlollr certain that these men are working m trying to pnmit Cot. Bryan being rt- lr Pia.iJen. Of ine uriuu- Salem pouile have offered to take 1137,000 of city bonds. Ot the amount $72,000 is in small sums, the remainder being by Ladd A BubIi, who offer to Use the enure $5,000 that will b sold. W hen sold the bids of the people jcin-r- It bai been learned with pleasure that Admiral Iliwey does not ride on passes That he la-Ms on pay:ng his fare, 43reat ia Dwey. lu the coming ages About tne greatest man will be be who nlaces himself under no obligations to corporations by the receipt ot passes. The very people who have made e much ct Hobson because he accepted a many osculatory embraces are now pre paring to Hotsaniee the Oregon boy on their retarn. Tbey deserve it last as much as Hobson even it is a litl'e silly. Visitors in Oregon the past few weeks an not sav too much cf oar climate, and mmt of mi have foritottea the time when we thought it never would stop raining. Now ws see that it was a very fine thing for it to ke:p raining until the (round was filled with moisture for the crops cf the rear. Xan ami I mlas counties have reason to be proud ! their mines. Bohemia is attracting a good deal ot attention, with cood reaeona for it. In connection with taeee mines there it little doubt that the formation at Anidea in this county is the Mine, and that we have practically the aame ledge. What is needed in the Saatiam miues is more push by expert eoced miters. -The Fendieton E . O . pe ssi mistically aye that the people of Salem when they get the bonds will sell tbem at profit. As at matter of fact there is aoming in mis TlMMtnla in Salem bidding for the boods!are doing so for an individual in Mitmani &nd because thev believe in Salem. If there are to be any bonds is owed let them be issued to home people, if tbey will take them . It is to be hoped ttat Secretary Boot at once goes into deep Boil and gets at the bottom of this Philippine businees aad ends the war without any more fool ishness. The first step in the proceeding atoald be the displacing of Otis by a competent man. There will be no very lerioni trouble between the United States and England ver the boonuary question. The mat' tar will be se.tied satisfactorily by arbi tration. Two civilized nations like England and the U. S certainly eaa assttle a little boundary matter without the etaedding of a dr p of blood or even oy serious war talk. nniivn erats. Whether Ihey are doing this un der instructions from the republican leadeis, who are known to tr Col. Br.v an' canaiuacy, or in ...... hanrlfullof eastern deou-crate, wuo, al though they cannot pledge a single etec lnl vnt. are ahm trvlng 10 prevent Lot. Brvan's nomination, ia not eutirely clear bat that they are spreaawg u.e with a purpose is as clear m anything can w as clear as w - stoty, for instance. Lsn, of Ohio, IS v..hinot m unr-n imoortant legal busi n. H co lonaer regards hluisel as a candidate l the democratia guber. natorial nomination, hut Iranisiy eayt h. wnnl.l like to have the se;oud p'.arf on the Bryan ticket, and adds that h h. received enough encouragement to cause him to believe be may reciv nomination for vice president. Ex-senator Dabo'e savs'.that if the re publican ptsttorui comes out iquareiy iA- ilia cinnia on Ui aUndard. now it will Wt Brvtn hf ie nMin votes: that he knows of ttioos ands ho voted the republican ticket in "96, solrly becanee of the piomise to htinirahontaw drae lor e.iver, will under n j circuunwnos vote go-u .t.n.t.ra ticket. Mr Uobois says ue . - . . . kii.. rii it as certain that me rpuoi u i..f in Mniaiff as strong an aoti- (imiuiui . - trust plank as the democratic platform, but thinks the individual voter should have no dcubt as to wblcti pariy wu !: lha trusts. Mr, ruwir .i i,.t i,i. certain tue iicieu tow zmjm " " - will be headed ntxt year, by Bryan and McKinley, as in MW. Gov Roosevelt was leminded by tbe nroina down of eeversl men whom be bad recommended personally, to Mr. McKinley for erpointDB'nt t0 D officm in the volunUere, that there are other politicians in New York, who have a pull with the administration. Not enly were of Roosevelt's men turned down. but there were New Yorkers appointed not even referred to him by Mr. McKinley. TELEGRAPHIC. I.Htd New tu Short Form. Arc Veterans Now. Sim In a velum. Julv 21. Service, in the Ort'gon Nnllonril Uuard will lie rather tame for t le iignters wno Devalue w mmieat N.ftlttUm. This U the prevail lug opinion ol Ort'gon vohiifeers at the rrt'sntio, ana amoniinewr tioiiBltiimw m n in the Becoml regl- lti rep y lot ii:wikrat artide the mt .. nniva frmiion of them are dosir Statesman says : Salem is not tatlnui i of re-t-ntcring the ntnte orgai-isation, ot Albany. We wish the thriving shire ' V,vt thf sr0 mustrred out here, August o n oi oiu unii au tue gootl tilings im aginable. But there is no harm in legiti mate competition and emulation, and wo hereby serve on our neighbors notice that Salem wants a ihare of the business of the big San tinm canyon, and she is going to get it. Lieut. Thornton, of Ashland, a hero of theT Philippine war, arrived homo a few days ago on a furlough. He was Hoh eonixed nt once. A local paper says he accented the osculatory salutations with oecotnuig motie tv, I'eopie nouson snout' place. There sonising in Albauy about August. Hi Altakn Boundnry. WABUixaroM, July 15 The main uisoussod at tlio cabins t meeting was Hie Alaeka boundary tine tlUpute. Secretary llav explained tlio status of the direct negotUtlons now in progr between himself and Mr, Tower, the British rliarye. snd mid he was not without hope that this vexed problem would be solved by direct negotiation. lmrc-rsnlU Funeral. " ... funeral o Xkw York. Julv 25.-T!io .1... I..fta l.....r..!l litklf here is liable to be some Hob- V' . W F l0. uuct lit services: inero w mumv aud no pall bearer. The body lav on a cot in the room where he died. It wa enshrouded in white, and iust one red roue was il iceJ on his brea t. Several made short talks. Good Enough for Mckinley. Nkw Yohk, July 25' A special to the Herald from Washington sayst The president has no intention of relieving uenerai utis irom tne military commanu in the rhllinniiies. He had thotiitht ssr ImiNlv st one time of assiitnins an oltlcer oi (iign rans to com maim uio lorees in the fluid lojvfnir (Jeiieial Utis to perform tne aiiminlstratlve uu ies oi governor general. Mora CM. 8s FiiANi imx), July 83 The sreamer livriiia arrive! tins morning irom ui Aliehaels via Unalavka with U7 pasNnti- gers and about (1.000,000 In gold, I7AU,- 000 of which U In tliurgi of Purser Keyes. The laruest amount broiiuht no wn dv one pereou is o,uwu. Tennessee Gatherings. the 10th of An effort is being made to have the Oregon Volunteers after being mustered out at Fan Francisco turn over their arms at Vancouver, in order to e?lve Portland a show, and it will nrobablv succeed. After a drill in San Francisco last week General Beebe said ! "Their work is splendid. They are a tine of men and the state is proud ot them." uuring tne arm an Uregon lady recog nixeu voi. miners ana ssia she was going to kiss him. "It is Uobsm's right." said the Colonel, and the oscula tory embrace followed. A gentleman across the river w'ehes the Democrat to give the young people who go across the Willamette so fre quently for illegimate pur noses our op- iuiuii vi meiu iur meir conuuee, sntl to warn parents asainst neruiittiror their aaughters to associate with some of the young men ot the city supposed to be re spectable but who are are as bad as can be found according to his observations. A gout many of our young people are go ing to ruin cross lota. and it is time some thing was done to stop it. The Benton county man says there will be some shot guns used by indignant people over there some aay. Withe ut much fuss being made about it there are building and improvements going on m Albany amounting to et lesst city moutaiiU dollars. Portland Northwest Herald : If John II. Mitehell were United States Sen ator at this time tbe Oregon volunteers emuld be in Portland today receiving the fcoaors that ber good people had hoped to shower nbon these brave sons, the he roes of Manilla." And this is tbe tiutb. Oregon's delegation in congress have very little influence snd is weak. Every easterner who goes on the Cor trellis and Eastern road U tbe front esmee back with exclamations of ear- prise at the extent of our magnificent timber lands, awed by the sight of nor immense trees, of which there are mil iiuos. Our forests are almost inexhaust ible, and ths tims is about here wben 4Ae demand will be Immense fct their ?ioJuct. In a long editorial tbeOregonian prac 4ieally says that the administration of W Jiiam McKinley has been of an Abject opportunist, thst it bas sacrificed -She army, that ft has lowered our politi hfe, that it has been eq nyocal and ri.fty. If not is) direct langusge it aaight as well. It also substantially de Urt that be betrayed the civil service, glected Alaska, was to blame for dis astrous delavs in Luzon, is evasive and t straightforward, that be delays and trie to carry water on both (boulders, 4ul he tolls a cabinet efflcer tbat be slants him to stay and gets two or three ?n-betweeus to tell him that be wants t 'ij to go, tbat he lacks tbe decision and mrage to speak his mind. It closes toe i-atirical editorial by asking "Is there r else?" Regardless of all this Mr. Jti Kinley will be nominated and tbe Oi-uonian will support him, forgetting . grind of man according to its own j 'xment, it will be backing. There j political pull in the country beside w tcu tbe influence of a big newspaper &i really tells much that is true, is idtll. It was because Florice Pequignty, the Thomasville Conn beantywho was tohav become the bride of Dr James J. Mclar- thy of Meriden. insisted on a low-necked dress that her fiancee rfud to go to tbe alter with ber. "Tbat sort of thing for a morning wee ding would frighfm tbe natives," pro teeted Dr, McCartnyss she stood befors him in br wedding gown. He bad iost come in from Metiden with his best man, produced the marri site license and Lad dropped in at hie fiancee's horns on tbe way to bis hotel, where be was to dress for tbe wedding- Miss Florins burst out crying and her mother denounces the critical Driue zroom. "Young man," the said, you're a fool, and if my daughter marries yon I'd dis own ber." MrsPequlgney and Miss Pquu,ny indignantly left tne bonse and caunht the 7ery next train for home. Sheriff Withers yesterday took to Port land to tbe Boys and Girls home '.he three children of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Warner of Cottage Grove which they bad abondoied. Tbe Guard refers to the par ents ss brutes. The term is mild enough. The Islest fed is tie kissing bug, which bites lips sod tbe7 swell op, hence the name. There is so ranch tak about them back eat that even tj ball clubs are being named kissing tags. This is indeed an age of fads. The first care is jet to be reported in Albany. Newport will have no band this yesr. Arrangements were msde with tbe In dependence Bind, wilb whom three A! bsny young men were to plsy. They were on band the first of the week, but tbe hotels busiuers men there lack- 1 ed enterprise entugb to do anything s nau oeen sgreea, ana they leit in dis gust, even paying their own fare, except two or three who remained to play for a dance. Newport needs a good hotel sod several other things, as well as the finest natural advantages in the world. Nature bas made it as fine a resort as there is anywhere, bat it needs other things. la a letter to the Telegram Mr. L. O. Ralston writing frcm Arlington gives the wheat situation in Gilliam county at fol lows : Sicce coming op hire from Albany the past week I have traveled all over G li iam county looking after my lotrests in 630 acres I land, and I am very sorry to iaform you the wheat crop of Gilliam this yesr is the nearest an enti re failure we have ever bad. I Jo sot think a bush el of No. 1 wheat will be tbretbed in tbe county, The most I am afraid wul be poor No. 3. Many fields will not be cut. Stock bas been in on them alresdy, and tbe average, I consider, will be two lo six of what is barveeted. Heading is now well started. The following is going the rounds of the press, and as the Democrat is in it we give it: la aneighbirinff state a f male Sam Jcnes is stirring tbe people. Recently in a sermon she said: "There is a man in this house that is untrue to his wife, and I am going to throw a book at him.' She raised the book for the throw and every man in the house docked, but one, to avoid the book, 'i ben she bliatemf U.e dodgers and lauded ths one true m an It was afterward learned that he was deaf and dumb. Sstajooes bas gotten bis pay and left Oregon, leaving his slang behind. He Ss the coarsest blatherskite who is allowed to talk to an American audience. If a decent minutei were to nse tbe vulgar, object.onal langusge be employs he would be kicked out of the pulpit, and yet people go snd hear Jones snd think thf y have rece'ved a treat. It is more of a circus. Jones says some splendid things with his vulgarity, and is no doubt unique snd entertaining, but If his style is tue proper one u.eo tne minic- Th!n d That. ' Wheat 46 cent. Viereck's Surf.r Bowl Parlors for ice cresm, confectionery, soda water, cigars sod tobacco. . A huge and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the dis play. When you want a choice steak a nice roaator meat of any kind, call on Henry 3roders. He keeps the best. Go to Verick's shaving and hair cut ting parlors for first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every . mer. Tbe best meats of all kinds and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed iW Company's market, just djwn Second treet. Good weight and prompt attend ion. It makes no difference how bad tbe wound it you use Ue Witt's Witch Hazel Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no scar. Fosbay ft Mason. 8omeoflbs renu'ts of oeg'echd dsptp tic conditions of tbe stomich are cancer, consumption, heart disease snd epilepsy, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by effecting a qaisk cure ia a'l cases of dys pepsia. Fosbay k Masor, A vegetable cathartic that can be relied upon to do its work thoroughly ttood's Pills. You Know tbat tired feeling is exced. ingly disagreeable. WbatisUr better, you may know, by a fair trial, tbi1: WMl' Sarsaparilla entirely cures it. The Universal Bolter makes gooa flour The Magnolia. Don't think yoj can care that slight at tack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or tbat it will cure iteetf. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will curs it; it "digest what you eat" and restores the digestive organs to health Fosbay & Mason. C'LO'ArKo Rates. Weekly Dkmockat and Examiner $2.60 and Thrice-a-week World $2.00: and Republic tl.75: and i.i. i tk. h.j k... 1. 1 1 Oresronian t2.25: and Han Frunriim U HrT..7h7e Cal1 2-00;and Salem Weekly Alabama, w ho represents his state upon it araws tne crowue. Jounal 2.00 the democratic national committee. - Good live Guns Sax Fitaxriaco. Julv 21 In a most im posing dress parade, on the occasion of a rece4ion to tlto Second Oregon volun teers, by Mayor Ptielui), in hi-hatt of the people ot Sau Frnnivisco, the Oregonians ITU ny uiu lu-ir vm oprwjjuuiuu nuivn, Tomorrow, the ordinance and general property cf the regiment will be turned in, so that today was the last time the boys will handle their old war guos. Root Wir K-n Thing. Washixotox, July ;m lut what' is going to he left for Assm Secretary Mciklejohn, when JwcreUrj I! t takes hold, is hard to say. It is ii.ja rnder- stivd that Secretary Root will u !' affairs in his owu hand, by directi.u of tlie president. 1 ho Cleveland K lot. Cikvklaxp. July 21 Rioting broke out afresh here tonight, and a second at tempt to wreck a car was made, a t carl street car. southbound, near Holden avenue, carrying, beside the motor-man and conductor, a guard, successfully ran the gauntlet of missiles thrown from the roofs of houses only to run into a can ot nitroglycerine, which exploded with terrific force. The rear platform was than off. Ihrcc Appointments. Waswsotox, July 21. The president has appointed the following from the Second Oregon regi a ent to be captains in the volun eer army : A. F. Pre scot t, formerly captain. A. J, ISraee, formerly first lieutenant. K. . Croane, formerly adjutant ot the regiment. Dewey Accepts. New Yoitx. July 21. Mavor Van Wwk today recelve I the following ctblo- graiik from Admiral Iewey: ineste, July 21. Mayor an nyck, New York: Letter received and invita tion accepted ; expect toarr've about (to toberl. Will cable definitely from Ui braiter. Have written. Dewey. A Big Thing. St. Pah,. Minn , Jnly 24. t special from New York saj a it was announced today that the Union Pacific would at once begin double trucking its entire line ata!coet of $15,000,000. New double stetl bridges will supplant ths present ones, iiie work will be done in lo sec tions, land will bo competed in two years. Clevtland Riot. Clwvbmxd, July 23 A Euclid-avenue car. ia led witn Dnssengets. was week ed fcy in t xploeion f iitiro glycerine or gtBCO ton snort ly iw:ure it o ciock to- nh htm Bix r eo pie were injured, I at toniuht it was learned that Mrs M ttl i. one of the injured, wonld prob er y a e. Hie euftereu a compoun'i ir. c tu: o the skull. Oregon Hop. Salem, Jmy 23 J. M. Kussel, a prom inent hopbuyer ot fortland, who is mak ing a lour ol inspection ot tne nop sec tions of the state, says reports sent to him are fully corroborated by personal investigation. The crop of this year in Oregon, he savs, making a conservative estimate, will segregate about 83,000 bales. Lice and mold, he says, have not yet made their sp arance. The New Secretary. Wahiukotox, July 23 Hon. Elihu Root, who is to saccoed Secretary Alger at the head of tbe war department, has telegraphed the president that he will be Here tomorrow, jur. lioot desires to have a conference with ths president re specting the duties of his new ollice be fore the former leaves for Lake Champ- lain. Ktntucky Lnwlexsnc-s. Lomdox, July 23 The gravi y of the situation at Manchester, and general y throughout Clay county, cannot be over estimated. Many nnncombatants have left their homes, abandoning their crops, and as many others as can will leave soon. An outbreak is expected tomor row. The Brooklyn Strike. Nxw York, July 23. The trolley car strike, Manhattan and Brooklyn, seems te be practically at an end. General Master Workman Parsons says it is not and today, at a meeting of the Central Federated Union, he launched a scheme fora new labor political psrty. 8h'ggcdat Repute. Republic, Wash., July 21. About 5 o'clock this afternoon, W. Banning was found insensible on the bluff overlooking Granite creek. His skull had been cruxhed. There was evidence that he bad bten slugged not far from the spot where be was discovered. It ii supposed the object was robbery. Physicians ssy he cannot recover. Will Be a Delegate Washixotox, July 25. The Post to morrow wil say : Bryan will Le a delegate to the next democratic national convention. This llev. KIsworthy.ot Lshanun, delivered n excellent sermon lat Sunday at ths on "Parsing Opportune ties." Misses Annie Blscklaw and Stel a Frank are spending an outing at Lower Soda, for the benefit of their health. We noticed the blight, happy conn- I en a noes ot two of Lebanon's popular toung IsiiUs, shining forth In our midst last Sunda Miss Ora and Jevsie Ao drews and Blanche Myers. P. L. Wallace recently had fourteen iu mors removed from his netk which resulted In very serious Illness, but e are tilra ed to report that he Is improv ing materially, Mr. W. U. rUrtlevl sa'ioiuly 1 1 at Lis home in this vicinity. The ftlends of Mrs. 8. J. Wallace ho resided in this neighborhood tor a good number of years, will be grieved to hear other sudden deatrt In Por.laud last Sunday. J. R. Belt'more. a thorough business man who resides just east ol ut, recently nurphated 7.000 pounds ot wool from W. J, Bogus, ot Rosslsod, Or., at It cents per pounl. unas. v. koi i went lo rurtianl vss- terusy on ma "uiss." J, Sherman Wallace preached In Albany last Sunday at the Baptist cimreu. C O. McKolnht and wit. Kills Allen. Walter Davis and Toot. p Mcknight attended an ice creatu social at Crahlree last Saturday evening given by the Modern Woodmen." .Neighbor M . A. Wilier delivered an excellent address: tne party report an enjoyable evening. McK. There is on little maxim That now t will name, Which may bring whi is better Than rhhei or lame, All those who heed It Good appetite find, Strong curves, rosy cheeks, And vigor of mlud. tl will bsnlsli dyspepsia, Kbeometlim and tout, That Tired Feeling conquer, Drlvs scrofula out. And here Is the maxim Its wisdom Is sine Taks Hood's Bsrsaparllla And keep your blood pare. Young Mothers. Co'in Is the terror of thousands of yoaag mothers because Us outbreak is to agonising and frequently fatal, Hhiloh'a Uoah aud Consumption Vw acts Ilk miiifig in cases pi vroop. it nss never seen known to full. The worst rases re layed Immediately. Prices 23 eta., and 60 rts. and $1.00. For sals hy roimay A Mason. We buy, stdl snd store grain. We make Magnolia Flour, Also whole wheat, Putent and germ, urv I he MngkioUa Mll'a. F' ur 73u per sack. iry it. The Mannolu If yo.i suaw from modern' or fj"nHis n thi right paiirn itn l-r itiouldnr lade, consripa'i m, bilou.iieM, tics-' eadache, and feel lu'l, heavy snd 'epv ur liver is torpid ai d C nt,td le- Witt'a Little Earlt Kimis will cure you promptly, pleasantly sad permanently by removing tbe coogeit ion and ctuing the cile duc:s to opto and f)w na'.urally, TllSY AR4 000D t'lUM. What Is Shlluli? A grand old remedy for Co igh, Oold and Consumption; used through th world for ball a century, has cured in numerable cas of incipient consump tion and relieved many In advanced stages. If yon are not taUsued with the results we wil refund your money. Price 25cts., 60 eta. and $1.00. sals by Fosbay A Mason. Tbs Canadian Psctflo Ry. k now mak ing ths f .ate it titn i aeross the eonti neo Tneir service Is of ths moil splendid d svriptioa. All elsssss of pengers a camel oa ths "IMPERIAL" train Yon mar trvd anywhere by the Caoad lao pacific Hy. ardSoo Lina Music Miss Muorea rJurruestei eacher of piano or organ. System ths Ms kip tench and technique. Residents josite U Pchntcb. .Hick IteadiiChtiM. The curse ot overworked woiuunkltid.urs quhiklv snd surely cured hy Karl's Clover Uoottvt, llt'j great hlixnl put I Her and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price, 33 cts. and 60 cts. For sale by Foshay A Mason. neanly la llluud IHep. Clean blood mtmna a clean akin. No beauty without It. tWsrei. Candy t'ilir tie clean your bloml and keep it clean, by stirring up the lory liver and driving all Im purities from the Ixnly. Begin toiUy to iMniah iilinplea, IkiiU, hlulchex, blackhxada, and that au-kly hiliuua cirtpliiitn by (along IWitrl,-tmmly fur ten ecnta. All drug gwta, aatikfavilon guaranlced, 10i', 25c, OOc He-Te-ftoe far nriy Cta riuaranuwd Uiii halm eore, malfc. men triu, Mtmi pure, too, St. All ttrusswt Swi VITALITY. a ..... e - v i . w n iU MAMnyOO Cures Impotcncv, KJrbt n;:!llon and watlncr diacatH, t.:i t"vtU of self- abut., tr t.'Ti ; ; jud India crct'.on. . t. . ,.t iiIciumI I1mm1 Ut. , r, li. hu's the pink k!o' . ..cviiccksand restores t! c I'tc vt youth. ISy mn',1 TttV per Lux: II boxea for H-lfZOi with tt wrlttru gitarttti o to euro or rcr.iml ttie money. NCR VITA MCCXALCO. .'ilnton A Jackaon t5ts., CHICAGO, tUU Fir sib W Pre I Vim I , l)Mf it. I v it, Oro-iils TERMS. Jtitr Dsmochat. 25 cents per mouth 13.00 per advance, 30a per month not In advance. Ry carrier, lOo per week. 10 per cent added If allowed to run over months. Kingle coulee 6e. Wisslv. $1.26 In advance: 11.60 at end if yeajr; 9I-7A fr aauowd yri tii 00 tny stiird and precwNlias' tear, wben not paid in advance. Clubs of fir hp mlnoiWi at $5.00. A0 CASTOR I A Par In&ata and CMldyeo. Mi Kind Yea Kan Alwajs Bosgbt Boars the eicaatoraof mfir .MSMsHssVssWMgWll Notice of Fillna Final Account. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the unt'ersigned, sdmini'tratrlx of the edateof Clarence 8tocktoo.deceased. bas nled to the cmnty court of Linn Coun ty, Uregon, ner final account as such au ministratrii of said eUate, and tbat Tues day, the 5th day ot Septe.-ober, 18j9, at ths boor or una o'ciock in toe afternoon, osa been Died by said court as tbe time for hearing of objections to said rr port and tbe seltleraent thereof. AMANn Bt l'KTOIf , Admiuistr4lr'x of the it e ot Clarence S'o'kton, deceaed. Hawirr l?ox, At y'sfir administratrix. C S Siaaaii sAnnoyanccsl (ret and worry one. Sour milk V overnight; no llllilUlliill 111 morning ; no S cream for the S colice; no mint for the baby. 9 Gail Borden Eagle Brand statement was made to a Post reporter CONDENSED MILK 13 always available. Has stood first for forty years. Ccal for Book oa " Bablas." OORHN'S C0NHNSC0 MI1K CO., f. Y. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It trtlflclally dlgeaU the food and. mU Falure in streiigtbenlng and reoon itructlng the einkusted digestive or gans. 1 1 It the latest d isoovared d iges V aot and tool) Vo other prepaxaUoa can snproach it lo efficiency. It la stantly relieves and permaoeotly curei Dyapfpslit, Indigestion, Ileartburn, Flatulence, Sour Ktomach, tfaunee. BlckIIeadache,GMtulgliCfainpe,ana U other results of Imperfect dlgestloa. sVsparsd bw C C. DWi; A Co- CtHeae Notice. On and after Hi is dste wood sawing In Albany wilt be for the following prices. AU four loot wood, 2 cut, 60 cents; four foot wood, 3 cot, 60 centu; four foot wood, "tie cut, 40 cents ; pole wood per card, 76 cenl s. fly the hou r $ I . J. M . amo It. E. Uwkns. N. A. blODOSTT. Wm.Nsi.t. W, A.Uinsojt. O. C. Clslam, K. O. T. M: very SiturUy ermine hi v O. T. J II Visltinr KnUbu invtied. ti H Newpirt.Oommander. SIX PER CENT LOANS?. I have a limited amount of money to loaf, on drt class farm security or improved business properly in Albany, Interest six per cent for particulars call ou or address. - il. F. Mbrriu., Democrat building. Albany, Oregon IIONfi WAII Ttl NO CO, Sacond St : near Lvon street. Albany, bells Chi- i nese medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese tea and rmt oil.. K. Assignee's N ithe ot FltilSittlj mcnt. Notice is hreby glvet thst the under siened, ss ssiignee of the estate of A. M Hammer, an Insolvent debtor, has filed his final ajcount In said assignment pro ceedings now pending in the Circuit Court of Linn county, and that the sains will be heard In .Department No 2 of tald court at the Circuit Court room, In Albany, Linn co-ntv, Oregon, on the 17 th i sy nt July, 1890. All persons in terested in eai.l matter desirlnir to object to said account are hereiiy notified to fill such objections on or before ssld time, S N. Stxhi,, H. C. Watson, Assignee. Att'y for Assignee.