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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1899)
elic tmtntil V P. NUTTING KJ a i.J Prop, rt.iUfl eMiir r.tomt Albany t -Mir, . antli.n I ll. ttlHIl manor. azaar Nothlnr addt more to perron a I ccm foil at home, the seaside, niounialu or anywhere In (act than proper and durable footwear. Just now we art offering a lull line ol Choice Hoisery Light weliiht cotton and Lisle hose, till table for the tommer eeaaon. The new and popular lace open work and fancy trlped how. Beautiful Smooth flnlibed faat black hoae, (Jordan A Herndorfdye (or Ladle. M ) and Children. Every petr to be eold at a moot reasonable price, 0 Outing Gloves, Summer Wrappers. Shirt Walatr.titHaUea, .13c. L. E. & II. J. HAMILTON. KEEP IN MIND THAT The Photographer mtkee everything in the line of photo grapbi, from photoe tolifeeixe portrait. Larges. assortment ot vea tf Oregon, n the valley. Frame of all a'see. -0- I'licto button, hat pins, etc., etc Next door to'postcllke Albany. Special Sale, of Syrup thii week by the ALBANY TRADING Best Brand Syrup 40 cts. Bring your jug. ALBANY LUNCH CODNfflT McKUlop & liurkhart, Proprietors i o rrcmpt meals at all hours. Freeh oyi ere in etylei desired. Berve luncbei (or tanqnet on ihort notice. tr.U vltk wkthr fan enntlaa. tnaioaiMJ r..r..lllltllul..-o habit. NO-TO-ltAiVJ I 1 r.otot.1 lh. dnsiru for tobaeoo, wlth-! J 0'Jtnrvou.dtlrM1xpiatUpKfa 1 1 I ""t tin., parina th blood, rfrvfA I k g"-t'.t.-ftorfl lo.k mn'004iw i 1 wl9WAbot (Tj YlllV0'a-llA'fri I ' ' . e IJVvaur awn ariivtft.l.wlia Iff wlllVack (omL T.i. Itwilk H lll,i.Urallr, iMnl.t.ntlf. On 1 bo. $t. usually curst ; s boia., at ft, Qranta(l to cu r, or w rcrund min.v. f Mr1U w C.i Calw, BHInal, larki The B and On all RAG Corsets and Ferris Wal.ta When acusiomrrl not perfectly mi If fled new pair glveo in exchante fur the oltlont, Itliour ittm to p'eare and tlil) every pcuon who purchases tod wvsrr cur It A U Cor.M or Jerrls wslst. We rail ieclal attention to onr 60t and to ourftftucoiiaf which we thine will towpsre favorably m lib any f 1,00 coriel ii tin market, Received today another line o( ttioi I opular unitenUr1 for ladlea. New rmhsux Hls Lace Curtaini ami dotted twit and art good lor s,i curtain. S. E. Young & Son. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL if. A. Uetirui of the Iky l in the city. Prof. I. M. (iltn of Eugene wa (n the city yrmcrdity, F.J. Miller was in Kulnn on business, yesterday President Gatch of Ida rusticating at Waterloo. O. A. C. la Mis Marie I'errialt iiaa returned from visit with Portland Iriunda. mil mcuveani John Kh. i,.. ... . ... .. .. ,-. - - lurnru IB WIS vainoiii seminary at Menlo i'.irk. Hcv llaniion and IahiIIv .f u..n.... mo in tno city tlie gucsta of Mr K. L. .. . . ..... ' VVAI tVU I U tea (lai 1,M..- f .f ... . .. a . in the rite the gueet of her friend Mu. lauii iiiLiifiwHn fir i'.nH.i v. j'.iuuiikikuu. Mr. Grace Hmlih. m-n ML. Putnam, iiruumv. taw formerly of Albany, "". mo cur on ner home. Mr. u""u i . conuuetor, Miee Magirie Itarker.lhe aeeomt-liehed ano popular ubief of Honor of the H-nrc. oi nonor of Oregon, returned borne lot night. J . It. Talt arrived seelenfav from Alb. any, Or. lie will aeetiet in pulling in the new machinery In the wnoi.n .m nr. iniana luingi. rroi. nughee. ol California, a eon of Lebanon eiectrio light man who ia ependlng the eummer in Lebanon, wae In the city today. 0.0. Marehall.travelllog for a ItuffaJc n. . .. boot ami ehoe houae, a former . . ' i, ' u n count? regieured ar iui weea. mm . . Mr. jonnxway Dating Solehed the time for hie leave of abaence lelt tact niBiit mr oeeuie,i;aui., to continue hit ocrupauon lor ue v of ticket nuncber. There wae born la Portlantfon July 23 i . i n" urowjeon, for merly of tbie city a eon. Tbla miku iwuncumrn urauam a rraodiather. C. II. Markbam.the popular and com potent . K and I. A. of the 8. V wae f ii' U",Lni0on' Kolhl', "Curk op . '""ni. ue ia an everv i(a. L h.I .1 . . . . . i vj Biuu vi man una inoae iiia iui- nere. wre. U. V. Kiehee and twin daughtera "PoK7'odar accompeniet by Miee Knight, of Turnera. The four year w. imi pi viven a wriiuuy party on Licence baa twn Idtif il for the mar ruge of Jerome Laeeelle and Miee Iteeale rayne, and iny will be married at ft orinra una evening at the reetdence ol tbe l.fl.lB t mother Mre N. p. Payne, wait i vm UJ9 AUdrner Ueneral Blackburn le doing m. nve i near 10 acceptably nil the oillce he baa. He wjrki hard, bla opinione acem to Ihj on lb e de of the taxpayer and emack of Jefferaonian a'mpliciiv .Um Inn...! r Mr. J. O. Ilolonmb, for a good many J"""'". - mw worK at laouina 1 1 . u i m H II... . I . , ''Tt ccompanieu by lit family, on hia way eaut, io enter upoi hi dutici aa a nn-iiilxr of kthe rou interna- iuiiui uura oi engineer. Dr. A. J. Glety, of Porllknd, arrived jeaierday alternoon aecontuliing phyi Irian in Ilia cae o Mr, t. O. Khne, who 1 ericuiy III at the family reld erce. Dr. Oieev left for Portland via Albany Let nlght.-Corvalll Time. A dispatch rerelvnj from Cripple Creek yetterday aiated that Jamea Bod Ine wae doing well aad will be np in a few daye. He ia In the Kietere hoanital and ia receiving tplendid treatment The oupaicn wat accural tbroogh tba kiud net cf Father Metayer. W. W, Hephnrn went to 8cio today with patty of Wlaconeln people who are Invettigailng ility of build lug a flume to ran timber and fuel to Salem. Mr. Hepburn booMinlian n.i. enter prlaeatarted within aixty day. Haieto louroal. T.'la i?wn Prtf at th residence of Mr. IS. M. Nowport. laiteveninff. vnUnmi. attended and wa a very enjoyable and uix-csBiui elixir, alio Albany liand furniahed aome aplendid Imueic for the occadon, and Prof. Henry Morgan de lighted the audience with several rones and guitar eelectiona. The ladioa of Itlie M. h. church are grateful to them a well a to thoee attending. Dicyci.k Noticb. After tba nigU of July 28 light will be required upon all bicycles immediately upon the lighting of the street lamps. At that time tha fire bell will be tanned onca. Vlnl.tinn of tbl will be followed by arrest. Take warning. John Jones, Acting Cnlef of Police, In the Pennywinkle quarrel. Mrs. Reslor, is now ahead. Mr Fluke and daughters left last evening for Scio to reside. Mrs. Ressler succeeded in get tins a 11.75 boiler from her before she left, and has already rented her place ,to some ono else. Freeh bread everv dav. Two loave or a McFeron & Tomlinsun. Absolute Guarantee Eastern Prices THOSE EATERS. Tbe editor of ,'tha Forence, Colorado, Refiner, tayi of tit trip through tbe valley I On Sunday morning the party elarted upon a iwo dave' trip over the faouttiero 1'aolflo 341 trilei to Aehland.cloee to tbe California elate line. The edltori, by common coneeht. left behind them the nan.e of "Nation.! Editorial Aiaocia i!.D "D . '"I'1'" uphoneoua term iiuoii.i r,aiere- AMoriatlon." It wae not enough to le tieated to a free ride, but the quill driver, weia not allowed to par for a aligle meal on tbe trip and kut:h ,'preadi ae were prepared by tbe varloue towna enrouiel Del Monico'e famou eating teiort in New York City la not In it when It cornea to preparing a bM quel for editore. Toe tint a op made going loutlt wae at Albany, a eplcndid town In the mldet cf a rich farming and fruit growing country. Theeditori were met at the train by a reception com mlttfe who prentrd each with a ticket which read ae follow : for ideuti Ileal ion !'! uka Ihl. weary tMveltr in, and woen ba araetti tor bread, give him n t a etone, Kuu Hoube, Albany, Oregon. Warning Any editor caught winking at tbe girl will be lined 15." At if the big dinner wae not auflkient lor tbe ' is tional Ktrra " aeveral huge boae of big, red and black cherrie were dir-hed outenroute back in ll.a train. Kf aiiming our journey we glided on op op u. e icrine and beautl til va ev the Willamette, naaiiro? ilxma and of aciea of rlix-nlnx grain, orchard and flehla of hav readv to lehouted. ivery mile Iraverrrd aa a revelaiirn to tl'O travebra and nun rrniia .inrvitliini Ol aiiror'ae and delnrht writ !1at(!.aa ue wain ijiiu over tbe country. Barney Bond, U. S. A., Home. Earney Bend, eon of Albert Komi, of Kao.'e Butte, ii alive all right, thong!. recently reported to have died ia tbe hotpitel, and be'ieved to have been dead It father. The Ukmotrat man aw 1. 1 in lad night near Knox'a Bmte, and he tu in Albany to-dar bavin Suit returned from AJanila bv wav of Ban Francleco. cominK home on account ol llloe. He wae a member ol (J Co., 4th U. 8 infantry, going to M to ne from rori Sherivlao. Tbe interview with him given by the Kxauloer and republiabed by the Dcmocrat yeeterday bow hi opinion of the eituatlon there wtlb Otl at tbr head of a flair i)iBTi.HociHED RiLiTivi. G. C. Vaa call, the champion jumper of Oiford un iversity, England, who lat Saturday ciearea twenty i..iee I pel three incbeein a running broad jump at the interna tional contact in London between Oxford' Cambridge and Harvard. Yale, ha two oro'.bera residing at ralla i;ity. Polk oouoty. una le quite wealthy and ia a elock holder and director la Illae Na tional bank, tbe rtber being tleo well-to- ao.ana botu are very popular citixen. SMieaman.. Tlu vVeattoer. Tonight and Wedneeday fair, trxler W edneaday. River 2.9 fret. F. M. Faxscu, Dieplavman, A Child Enjoys The pleatant flavor, gentle action, and toothing effect of Syrup of Fig, when la ned of a laxative, and ii tba father or iiitrther be cotive or bilioue. tba moat gratifying reaulta follow ita nae; eotbal it ia tbe beet tamtiv remedy known and every femlly ehould have a tonic. Man nfaclurtd by the California Fm Srrun vo. It baa come, the time for h ltlnc a. ra frlgerator and Ice cream frcexer. The btewarl & Sox Hardware Co.. have aoina of tbe beet. S. Stolts. at Geo. Fifh'a old stand. doee plumbing and tinning, promptly and skillfully at bottom prices. Try him. Peach Chocolat and Vanilla Ice Cream at Veirick Sugar Bowl. V at two loaves for a nick McFeson & Tomlinaon. Mis Joyce B.ownell will take up ber piano cla during vacation through tbe winter. I be beet German end r.astern method. Leave word with W. t. Kead. Your grocer keepe it. Tito Mnaoha Flour Get the beat fiour. The Mannoliar TAKE NOTIOE.-All property owner are hereby notified to cut down and des troy all thistles and briars on and adjoin ing their property, within ten days. By order of tho city council. John Jones, acting marshal. FOtt RENT. A cottage at th bay, enquire of F.P. Nutting or.F. M. French. WANTED. Four Ions oat Lav. FOtt SALE. A second-hand buggy In good condition. Enquire at J. J.'Du- bruillo's llarncrs (tore. Irrigation. Irrigation hours . m. to 9 a. m. and 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Hose must not beused without nozxles, nor must closets be allowed to run con tinuously. Failue to comply with these Instruct ions will cause tbe water to be shut off. Albany Water Company. MISFITS. Eogene painter got away with the rj tract for oalntlna tbe Mboolhoute in Salem. What bee become cl tbe famoue tialem bof. Tba Eugene Guard oppored to Surerlntendent Paine of ihf avyioUi polliicelly,eay the rialem Journal hae been I) ina about Mm. tow, that hae an itur 1 to It. The capital city continue in the dark It baa been eeveral loontb without elec tile light, and there have been leu rob- beiie than utual judging Irom report In thelje; paper. A lady acd through the city thia noon tagged evidently for identification In cage tba got loet. The tag read : Iowa N. T. A." She wa evidently on her way home from Lo Angeles, accord ing to the DxMouuT'a prognoetk-ation. The DixoHATrnan lait even'cg paid a tkycle vitit to the other tide oi Kdoi i Butte. Around the bo tie are aome of the preltfeat and beat farme in the val. !y . The eight from the butte I a mait iificent one, pretenting av ew to be pi oud of. Judge Pip, of foil laud, and an Al bany lawjer were eating breakfast at the Bay recently when one of them put come vinegar on hi pancake inetead of eyrop. By a great effort be awalllowed it aa if it aaa good, and the cber immediately fol lowed tu t. but Iih in not iqual to tbe occaehn and he bad enough of breakfait. Council Proceedings. IVeaent, all officer and tut Dev. eon. The following bil'e were ordered paid: S Conn. 18: Electric Liitbt Oo. 114160: itt.airiA a;. i in. CC r'.k 7tl. Jobn Jonee, 3, H W Keera, 2 bO; W A iing, iz.ov; u M weeibrook. iz.60; Hogbe4tTrouiman$3 76; BFPordom, 2; P W Spink. 140 66; N J Heuton, 4I.05. The reporta of the chief of police, re corder aud treaaurer tor the second quar ter of the year were reported correct Tbe matter of at earn wood aaw and traction engine going over caivert and bridge wae dicueed and the law read, bowing the neceeeity of firet plank ing tbe culvert and bridge. A revolution prepared by C H. 8;ew art and F. M. French was read and pasted, ft provide for tbe placing of tba ety tire alarm bell in tbe tower of tba new court noose to be need io con nection alth a town clock, and be eo ar ranged a also to be eetviceable a a fire li I either by band or by ac electric fire alarm system The change to be made at the expenee of the county. Street Superintendent Weetfall wa granted a ten days leave of absence. I' poo motion of Cjuocilman Richard briar and thistles were oidered removed Irom street and lo'a within tee daye. A False Report. Albakt, July -0, 1899. A report baa been circulated that tbe nnderaigned took from a person a few days ago a certain coll without the con sent ol tbe owner and disposed of tbe eame wrongfully. Said report is false in every particular. I Invite investigation by all interested. E. B. DaVineos, Pouodmirter city of Albany. II you wish to 'ft Uieveland liosou. For choice groceries at reasonab' rates, ee Mctcron ii Tomlineon. Wt63 any other flour, except tbe aingni'Ma UikI's tll 4-4 11 11-irritViag aa 1 1 ii nly pilie t tt 1 it t I . I' S trjipi.-ill a BIG STOCK OF NEW ta " GOODS at the BLA CLOTHING GO'S. CLOTHNG for men, youths and boysr A fine line ot SHOES, none better, Slylish HATS and CAPS for men and boys Latest novelties in Furnishings The best quality a nd low prices $3.00 Saved... law nat a prominent man ssld after ' ' it' ".B-0'" ,n,n gave, w e have very! faing in tte o iieni, t can rave von money on (in. t:-,.A p.i. ri.. a mi-It , B urhes and Gloss. Coma bni,g eiaewhere. .' 1 Have Your kfw. , . :ii-a- '-V' " 1 - - $ a PROF. A. STARK Scientific Optician ot WILL & STARIC You will rect Ive 1 on'eet and cent elections EYE and GLASS icrvice. Try Parker Bros. For the best Groceries, J Baked Goods, Fresh Produce purchasing $2(J.0O worth of our mixedT piMMa witli tbe bard glosry flnjeh is paint line, beoce should have inst whaa In ana talk i,k n. .v. 4! ..- ' Burkhart & Lee- Summer Cooking is made a Dleature by tbe use of the Quick Meal blue flame oil atorc. It is the most conven ient, simple, economical and easily managed of any coolfn,-; apparatus made, and will bake,, boil, broil or roast, and is sure t gire tl.o!C0b ealisfaction. STEWAhT&SOXHDW.CO. Dueber-Hampden Watches, ""THEIWORLDS BEST 15-17-21-23 Jewels F. M. French ...The Jeweler ha a large stock o; them, bought for cash, and baa some special bargains. (Bantt of Oregon Building.) Eyes Tested BY- and and Fruits. IN