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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1899)
iLl.fl VOL XXXIV ALBANY, kqqn FltiDAl. JilLytmUs lit NO. 51 Do you get up with ft headache? U there bad taste In your mouth? Then you btvo poor appetite and a weak dlgea lion. You are frequently dlny, alwaye feel dull and drowsy. You have cold handi and fect. You gel but little tencl.t from your food. You have no ambition to work and the eharp palna of neuralgia dart through your body. What fa the cauaa of all thla trouble? Conaripated towels. will give you prompt relief and certain cure. Km Yr at'oW Pr. If you have neglected your cane a long time, you had better take ftqer't sarstptrllli also. It will remove ail Impuritlea that have been accumulating In your blood and will greatly atrcngthen your nervea. Wrttm Iff SNfM llwn mr W auinttla ! tmir vua 4n fcl till MM.r. al Wilta lb oi liwl I ti . hint Haw yam mtm inw ill ram.llf flt U Wl Mihai M.M. 4r, a lw.J.U, A . lwtl. ktaie. ,DK. J. L. HILL. rbjairlan aaJ Sorfl. n, Hill Ulot k -n- Alhany, Or. N. E. WINXAUD M. S. M. 1. Physician and Surgeon, Twi cduld lllock. Albany, O. Kenl.lence on 3rd etreet .south aide ! ween Hr jadalhin and Klleworth. r nmm 4jyyyjCaf ' Droad.ihu st . Albany, Or. (J oo. Collina D D 8 A. Jack llo-lrfue DDK COLLINS & HODGES Dentists'. Odd Fel.OA'a Temple, Albany, ().'. Olive" Plows New im QOfKlNS BROS., Areot., "t);ivfrtrve the worl l (li chilled And it ha aavtd inure raonej to the farmer of America plo ban .my otner imlnient ever produced. yuu ne Oliver chilled are the beat on eiyi". The 0 Iver la a promoter of happl Orwi on the farm, and the dealer who vlla li knowa ne la uaoaunir me beat, look the a;enuin gond, mide only by Ollvor Chilled plow work. South (lead, led.. U. A. TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all dieeaiet nrialov. from j dialpation, eell-abuae, eiceaeea or cigarette tmokiog, In uie over 60 yeara. Bringa back your Manhootl, curea tlnpleted worn- .... m . L .. .1.1. ..i t ...j :..... n... . 4 .ii i." i UUI "irU III..VI null UIUUU lil II.BI r vuin m nip aiiu ail oiaea, makea you laatittngly atrong, curea Impnlency, I net power, emlsaiooe, loaa of memory, bad dream, t.brunken urbane, derpondenry, aleeplesioeea, ar oieli and oomtlpatlon, adde '.uetra to the eyea, etope nervoua twitrhinga f ti e) evelloe. Makri life wolh living. A boon to young or old. MORMON BISHOP'S 1'ILLS etreogthena and reatorea airntll weak organi Ktopa all loaiea by day or oignt. Don't dolar. Price within '.he rmcli ..f all. Uuaran eed 1 1 cure. Piice a a a box 6 for I2.RD bv mail.- Send for free circular. Addrera BISHOP 1IJ REMEDY CO., San Framiaco.Oal. Kir rale bt Foa kaiiiil bay & Maion, Albany. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY An fiitellctuuriVt. "Yoi iiamt?'' "Jui rrxrbsaatal." -wlong have you hem lo tt.l.rnun. trj r V.helra MIcKinler." Who wrote the Declaration of Ind prudence ?" Conrreaa." "Da jo j eerar to ohej the js i,( thla nation if "Jorge Vahlntou." "What form of itovernuient la tint.?' "K'irahent Linking." ' That will da. You're eccn.teil. Sit-u lon, I aar.' "Der Mar SriijM .nnei!'' In't you utnlnrsle id tu? I to ! ruu you wf all rl lit." 'Ptee cheer! Ileep, htep do-nai i" li tl la an eammnation for admit. Ion to cltinMp? No. yanll reader, the man wanlr to he a solillei. and our first and koml uoverniiimt ha declared that a aul die: needn't hate any moe hraina thee a voter. F'Otu lit- Chronic'.-, 'The qit ailon ii, k,b Au.erltan FeopUwact to r')l their war or hu manit In'oa b'oodjr cat ttisl of eihjeo llon? II (li. j J.,, r huj VWiJ; but for ourselves believe th.y wnOJ pre er to tiycoodl tl nfhat. Ii la not truethatl haa bien fairly trlrd already, for, at l e Chronicle bat often dftlartit, ai.d aa C'tlaln Mil icitlon now affl'i, the tn'ire roiiiiii.ioii bitftf.r fai'u e then the war. &bionin atold hae liml pvwet I if) in c .rxrr.a o ofTr ioui thing dtfli.ite, and in til th tTrr Iewai'e no actual aoderi.a IU t. mpl a coocl I ai Ion can he had. ll.atie hvthCt.r..nilc:iaf jran aidaaia Ion. Ltt Iheirprereotatlv acf the pe t U gel logrtncr and iVriJe what they really mean to do for the Filipinoa before the jf iveroumtt wartei aty utoie liv;e aril money agnln.t ihrui " Fur cholco grw-erira nt rraeonab'e ratf,'e McFt-roi & Tonilineon. We buy, aril and etore umin. We niMke .Magnolia Flour, Aleo whole wheat, 1'atenl and gfrm, II ur The Mii.iitlU Mil' "fccj any other flour, incept the MtgiuiHa Acts ointlv on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the vstem OVERCOMES, euy the ttNViNfMiN'ro by (aurrnia Tg ,Syrvp(s yP"'X(lK' VTlXif. roe Ku er u Mvatart met mi hi wna l?Offi Blakely Reunion. From the DrownavUle Tltnea! Oaolaln Jacuea Bl-kely, of tl.ia rity, held a reunion of hla dewendan'eon Thurlay tf thle week, which hl ever be a memorable tfay'to the hundred and more relative! and frfenda preeent. Captain CUkely wae born lo Knox county, TenneMee, November 26, 1612, He married Mlii Kar.h m.-k tn .... mm VMDI VU couBty,Tenneiee,0 lg.J2, which mar rlage waibleaaea with twelve cMldien. The beloved wire and two of thechildren have iiwd to the great bevo-id. Cap. tain bUkel-y'i rfeecendan'e no living compciie ten chndiea. fifty grand child " ""'oar great urnni chlldreo, more under the parental roof, and at the family table, all of I:. a livin children, manv of w mm Mma n.. ? bV n ,eot" 0,meJf ! w 'kir, of re mile (on. t.rt-mum rr & rt .fn 7 e- - -. wrrpw.iii VI Vllltlblllet TiT I T """m couoiy; lamei llakely, now of v.t( (,erty eUer. t! c,0l,,,,r J ore Blakely, H The flellee, formerly cuiinty J.(JKe ol '"".y.'"' t,mi"'' ' i"ot, mm i" . 'i , ?,0"goiiiery, ol I'nneville, kale Lewie IVIneyllle; Harriett Oooley nd Sarah McFarland, of thla city. Be aidea hit ctnidn n.i ...i .i.n.ii i great grand children, there were preaeot iiiion-in-Uw and many invited piou t eerclliceiit of thl county. I v-i'in m.keiy in worthy f all the P'alte lieeiowed on him h l.U A.nA ante. He waa a eol.lir nl ti.a tfinri.i Seminole liuiian nt isn .-.i captain of a cnii(.n in the Rogue River , ,5., ,,a reprenentea I. Ion countv !n llii.i. ...Il...... ... ) rare ago. and aa a deaerved honor, the cabin ot Native ijjin 0f thia city and vie- inilV. Iftii mm, 1 1. ,..rn.l il.ll. "Jauiee Blakely Cabin So. ii Lebanon. From the E. A.: 1 Born. In thla city. July 19, to Sir. an t Mra. Frank Miller, a ton. Dr. Lamberton Waited Euen Weli oerday and purcuaee all the chlttlui bark to be found there 71 tone. itto'oey G. II. Wilkea. of Florence. Cub , writra to friend tin thia place that oln,c to ( reeture of buainee he will bt' unable to villi the caet thla aomoier. aa he bad InUnJed. ' S. Andereon, of Albany, waa here era Urday and oatabliahed an agency for "the Magnolia laundry in this place, with IV. ww t'wtii e HJUl f B Thompaon haa cootraclel wltlT 0.8. McCornell to trade the St. Charlie i, rPrnf d bualneea for 320 acrea of land wliu crop and iwprovemente in Stafford county, Kaoaaa. lr. McOon r.ell arrived her- laat week from Kaoaaa, aKil made Hie trade eoon afur arriving. The property ot each gtntiojian ia worth about 16.000 IlerberiCa let jn, of San t lam precinct. lerocou. lie waa hanllog bay, when the Inn rl II.. L ... - - tl w.., ii. v uj will. Ifc and falliotf between the wheele and the oi me wagoa paoaed over bta atomach. Dr Kuley wae haatily aum moned to attend him. The Dr. eaya be it injured internally, but cannot yet loll how eerloua. This and That. Wheat 4Q cente. Vlereck'a Sugar Bol Parlora lor ice cre-in, oonieciionery, eotia water, cigara and tobacco. A huge and fine atock of cigara and to bacco at Uono & llueton'a. S.e the die plav. Vt ben you want a choice alak a nice roat or meat of any kind, call on Henry JroJcrt. He k.eui tbe beat. Go to Verlelt'a ahnvlna mil mt. ting parlor for t'.rat claaa work. Hot and cold bathe. Clean towela to cverv mar. fte beat meata of all kindi and mod treatment at the Albany Dretved Beet Company ' nmrket, just djwn Kecond treet Grid weight and prompt elt.'iid ion. If m'utci.. fin it:.MiiM In..! wound li vmi naa lUiVli,'. Wiik U.ul - J " ' V - ... " I ' V. U.l salve; it will q iicklv heal and leave no aaam L'.. t a i SOII.A Of ( ha fStatlUal nf 9iaraMtA .It a it a mmw va r fA VV. ia p g " tlfi t'Unif itlfaflA nf thaa clftaataa.K a aw ys va avw UI'V nir .uuvri i conuiuption, heart disease and epilepsy. Kndol DyipepaiaOure prevents all tbia by effeoting h qnio cure tn a'l cases of djs- ruauaj Piasor. A v ve table cu'bartic that can be re ied upon to do its work tiiomuuhlv hood's nils. You Know I bit tired fttelinvisezo ed. !ngly dis.igreeable. Wbatiatar lettr. you uuy know, by a fair trial.iba. Hoot' daraaparilla entirely cures it. CLUjBrso Rates. Weekly Okmochat and Examiner $2.50 and Thrice-a-week World 12.00: and Renublio 11.75: and Oregonian 12.25; and San Francisco weekly Call 12.00 :and 8a em AVeek v Jounal2.00 The Canadian P untie Ry. ia now mak Ing the f .siest tin across theeoniinent Tbeir service is of iha moit splendid C acription All clasaet of pisengeraar carrie on th "IMPERIAL" train You may tMVrl anvwherabv the Can ad I in hacifk Ry. and Soo Line CASTOR I A For Infaats and Children. lbs Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the HOME AND ABROAD. ItefrlKerator, Ice cream freezerr. At Stewart A Uox Ifardware Co'a. Call at the Sugar Bowl for freaa alt Have yonr photo taken at Miaa Long' for caab f 1 00 down, cabinet ze. lore"" I'ritH Vlereck'a Sugar Bowl par- fcTOVKS and Tinware at Oh.'lng JIul'jurte. HnGg A 'iTrJb-rt ''"""'""' 0b' (Jenla e'rnrifli ruir ct... mi v " , i, . , t worm 9 . hexl Revere Houae. Freih S(vlavlilaanta.u..i... . i . ,7, 'mmiirr a uniuuBi auniincr dnnk, at Burkhart dtUe'e. rani, uy r. li, Alexander, cant tnd ol 8th ain v. Bob Intrprcnll IU I .......j. .... 1 . .w. pu.'vij anuuen Jlltllc nnn'.n I... t. . ... Jackioorllle cemeterv ia, ll The fltion a. am i. .! i . . - f uw ,i now tiere. T,J! cannery at Salem I,.. n.,i Oil .iU.UJOCana rl l,...i- .-.. i . " r" I fruiteacd reget.biee. " U,rf A colliaion near the d,pH yeaterdar f if 17" bet"eeo Fr"k "odgett and be b,fycle t!i0 ch' th. A waffle man from Portland baa been w..niomb.?ib0,i0e,, on '"-'. It waeBomethirgnew at well aa good eo !,' 04ny " conceroed b Tbe Zlg ZagClob Lit evening had JJSi;K '"n-on.and ,o!k ."moo their S Lm tb.8 CO0Br. completing tuetr trip without any caaaalttee " wfi' ca,linf r air. ne.a. ' ' p,ont,r in ,he ba- The atreet car jumped the track on Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at 1 o ( ure a Cold In One Ua y Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets All druggista refund the money if it (ails to cure 2 c. Tne genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet Mcair. Mine aiuarca durineatei each er of piano or organ. 8 vateni tbt yfnn ...,.(. technique. " Kidenrr aif. f . wait, u church. 0 ja't think yo i cao curi that slight at tack o' Dysepda by die' in, or that it wiU c ire ite:. Kolil Dyspepsia Cure yrat. cir it; it' -Jitreits w tut you eat" and rei'ores ih) digeitirorgin4 ti health Foabay k Masoo. to .Not Put t)tf until morrow ite dutvthat oa;otto b dind today. If your blood U tmurt and you teel weak and Wdary, -ake flojd'a ri.irs.iparilla at oace HnlN PilU if 1 1 ir-it ii i n I th niy it s i :u v.i i 1 1 I j i- t ..-iU i Get the best fiour. The Magnolia F"' ur 75o per Back, iry it. Tui Alnenob Vour grocer teea it. Tli M ixnuliii I i' iir If you hve piiei coaic thun. Nj n e unddrgoiu i brr.b!enp,rttin4iba iiun y re ujve t'i8 r.tsdlts of idh dU-a witbout disturbing lhi diabase i'a-r. P .ice your cmSJdnce in fMY'itt'a 'itoli hsISalvi It til n 'vr f tiled to cireOTattRs; it will not tail to cure joi. roVi.u Mason. To Cara Coustlpatloa rurarer. TaVe OiM-nrcia Cunily Cuiliariia 10s or tto. If C C. C full lo cure, lpuKgi8U refund mine MBotli my wife and mrwlfhifi km alng CASCAKETS and tbey are taa beat medicine we nave ever bad in tne bouse. Last week Biy wife waa frantie with headache for two days, aho tried aomeof yourCASCARETS, and the relieved the pain to her head almost immediately. We both recommend Cascareta." Ch AS. STBlEnHD, Pittsburg Sale A Deposit Co. , Pittsburg, Pa. Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Taste Good, rio Good, Murer Ukon, Weaken, or Gri. Kte. fee. fro. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Btwltaf laal) Cwpiar, Cakwa, Mutnal, In Twk. Sir Ifll AGS T(p$ CANOV gV Ji CATHARTIC jA D. Makes the food more Strict tv tuKineaa French the jeweler. Creecent Bicycle, Hopkin Brotheni, ageut. Beat Binyile for ue mowry Will k Jfark, jewe'era. Creatent bicycle at Hopkin. Brother, for only 120, 30, f35 aed M. 0 B Winn, ctte ticket agent. Ticket to all poiDte in the eaat. Be aura and aee the anti ru-t tieware ai Hokin Bio, wiil Ua.a lifetime. Go to Miea Longe for high priced r-ho tographe, and do not Jorget to take along tie money. 8 allowing (ne accumulation in tbe X1. r"''o.tbe cn ire iem U pois. ond . DeWilt'a Little Farly Ria .-m r-gn!-atetbeboeeU Trr them and iou will '") " iaem. ronnay u Mmod. J. D Bridge, editor and oropridi.r o the Democrat, Lanceter, N. H., ayi: "I wou'd not be without Ose Aiin&t Coagh Cire for my bar, when troubled with a cwiga or cold. It i the bent rem edy for croup 1 ever lined." F o.bay k Ua-in. J aa" mil FLOOR COVERINGS. F ULLY DOUBLE the amour t ever before ehown by o, coniiing of Carpete, Art Square, Co' t ate Art (a new and a.trtctive e oo.!e) Mat tifcge, L'noleum and Oil Cloth. We are aleo well supplied with La'-e Curtains, P..rliera, Shadce and kindred goode. . Fiere goods in Curtain ma'eiial ar.d covering. ALBANY masonic Temple 20 Years in A la the Olden Furniture Dealer in the rity and he keepe a complete line of Furniture and Redding and if yon want good good i heap give him a ca I. II doeo't intend to be tinder sold. tiaiaAj3aisal The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and frhlch has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- j so rial superrision since its infancy. arjr. tcc44Z Allow no ono to deceive you In this. ! All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- j pertinents that trifle with and endanger the health of i Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. ': What is CASTORIA j Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It ! contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and .Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels,' giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. w GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You Haye Always Bougbt In Use For Oyer 30 Years. TMt ecrTu eeatMNv, tt stun ita. t TirrTt NtwveM errr. devious end whofesome AND TO MORROW MGH'F And each day and night during tbia week you can g-t at any druggist' Kemp'a Bal -aim for tbe Throat nod Lnngt, acknowl edgfd to be ir.emoat aucce-f j remedy etg eold fcr Cougba, Croop, Broncbitia, Atli- iLaana conaoorption. in a bottle to day and keep it alwaie in the bouw, no oo cad cuec yoor cold at once. Price 52 and 50c. Sample bottle free. Excursion Rates. The Corva'IU & Extern railroad have placed in effect their regu'nr round trip nmiuer escnraion ratea to Newport and Detroit. Fare to Newport, 94.r0. Fare to Detroit, S3 00. Ticket good for retorn oniil October 10, 1899. . Ebwis Stose, Manager. VfOTICE.- Have you a farm for ea!e 1 or rent or do you know of any per ron ho'ding lands that tbey wieh to dig poeeof. If o pleaee write to my agent ol the O R AN. Co and be will aend ou a circular which ill intereat von. FURNITURE CO. B!dg Albany, Business Ml BRINK ;!VXXVVWtriaj 3 'A Signature of J Joseph. Proprietor. of ffdcJ&ti Signature Kfl.Tfl.8ffi 8!'' "'! e'lxrantoed by all drug