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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1899)
MONDAY Mr. Sid Dorrs, a former Albany prin ter, is in the city. Mrs. K. R. Findley and on are in Cor vallis on a two weeks visit. Regular W. C. T. U. meeting at the hall tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. E. W. Langdon will leave this week on an extended trip through the east, being gone probably six months. Architect Burggraf has returned from Toledo, where la-1 Saturday the contract was let to Mr. llecker, the builder, for building the new court hour e. Mrs. John Stewart, of Mo wry, left on Wednesday's stage for Albany, wheie she goes to attend ber husband, who is in delicate health. Prinevillo Keview. Dr. Londie Grey arrived in Albany yesterday morning after an absence of eight years and will be associat- d with bis father, Dr. G. W. Grey, here in the practice of dentistry. Mr. Edward Smith, of 'lealdsburg, Calif., is in the city visiting Albany friends. Mr. Smith was clerk with A. B. Mcllwain for several years leaving hare four or five years ago. Miss Mae Pollock pasted througli Al bany Saturday night for Junction, whre she will spend the summer. Mi I'ol cck is a teacher in the a. ademv at Waiuburg, where she is very popular. She will return in the fall At the residence of the bride's par ents, at Needy, oa Wednesday, May 31. at 11 a. m , Miss Annie Konschnk "and Air. A, t. Will, of the Aurora tir in of ill Bros., were married. Mr.A. D. Hale, of the People's Press returned last Saturday night front a turra a visit amis iormer noiue in McMillian, fifteen miles east of Tacoma, uu reports a pleasant lime. Licenses bave been issued for the mar riase of W. A. Brock and Miaa Lulu R. Halloway of tho Lake Creek country, and Mr. L. A. Simons and Mis Cora L. lAHighlon of near Lebanon. S The Price correspondent of the Piine- vuie Journal says: Mr. Frank Hackleman, of Albany, ar nveu on me creeK last week, tlo was accompanied by Win. Edwards, John Schmeer is at present employed on the Hbtkleman ranch. Elliot Irvine and Floyd Dorris, of this city, gr.duated from Monmouth, l;i , college last week. Both young men will enter the theological seminary at Alle gheny City, Penn.. for the study of min istry. Among tboee present was Rev. Riley Little formerly of thia citv who delivered an address before one of the societies. Mr.-Irvine will be home this week to spend the summer. Rev. E. If . Condit, formerly president of Albany college, w ho will deliver ihe baccalaureate sermon next Sabbath, re- j nuy aeiiverea tne Dtccataureate ssr mon for the normal ichool at Weston. The Leader says of the sermon "It was a profound! iscourse delivered wi'h th power of a scholarly pulpit orator." Miss Ina Law Robertson, of Chicago, arrived in Albany last Saturday evening and will visit with Albany friends fur several weeks. Miss Robertson has had a very interesting career since ieavin Albany several years ago. Her:good fortune is appreciated by ber many friends. In ita account of the commencement exercises of Creole academy the Dallas Observer aays: "On Sun lay at 11 o'clock the baccalauieate service weie held at the M. E. church, Pres. W. H. Lee, of Albany College, delivered the sermon. Tbe speaker emphasized the nesd of strong charai-ter to carry one through life,and set up Daniel as a model worthy of emulation. The sermon was masterly and replete with good advice to the graduates." Mr. Thomas J. Heff on returned last night from atrip to Lewiston. Idaho, and other Northwest places, going as far as the Buffalo Hump mines about which there baa been so much laid, having a 75 cent nugget to show for it. The mines are a tough proposition, including sev enty miles of staging, and a good many lured by the flashy newspaper items are leaving the country. He was in Spok ane, the livest place in the northwest While in Lewiston be met J. W. Roberts a former Albany drayman, w ho was working in shing'c mill, and at Spok ane, Johnnie Roe, traveling with a hyp notist. Tonight at Eugene Miss Joyce Prisci'la Brownell, of this city, will graduate from the conservatory of music of the state university, when she will give a recital avseisted by M iss Hendricks reader. M ise Brownell will present Toccata and . ugue in d minor, Bach ; the sonata opus 53 in c major, Beetboven,"lf 1 wee a bird", a Romanic, by Cbaminade. the Butterly by Grieg, tbe Taranletla by Mowszki, firee selections from Chopin and three from Liszt. The musical department of the university, says the Guard congrat ulates itself that it has a graduate of Miss Brownell's ability and attainments to present through this recital to the mu sical public of Eugene ai.d the state. Tbe Albany Musical Club last Satur day night, at tbe residence of P. A Young, gave their last musii-al of tbe season, adjourning until fall. A pleas ing program was presented, listened to by several of tbe husbands and a few friends of the members. The program was a chorus, "Sweet May," by the members, a piano solo, "Romance," Paff, b Miss Lora Vance, a vocal solo, "M Marguerite," by Mrs. Nntting, a vocalaolo7"A Garden of Sleep," by Mrs. Young, a piano nlo, "Impromptu," Schubert, by MUs Marguerite Hopkins, a vocal solo, "But Yesterday," by Mrs. Nelson, a vocal solo, "The Mission of a Roae," by Mrs. Winnard and a chorus by tbe members "A song of seasons." The program was favorably commented os, and in keeping with its choice char acter tbe splendid display of a variety of poppies presented the Club for tbe oc aaaion by Mrs. P. W. Spinks from her large and beautiful collection of flowers' were greatly admired. What nobler, better ambition can a yonns ?ouole have than to live loving, helpful lives, and then, in a gTeen old age, look back over a life tbat haa been mutually aeU-aacrificins;, useful and successful ? The one gTeat stumbling-block tbat stands be tween moat married couples and this ideal married career is ill-health. If both hna. band and wife would take proper care of their health, there would be more hale. bearty and happy 01a people n me wm iu. If, when a man 'suffers from the little ills of life, he will resort to Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery, the chancea are tbat be will avoid tbe big and fatal illnesses. This neat medicine gives a man a healthy hunger, facilitates the flow of digestive iuices, invigorates the liver, purifies and enriches the blood and builds firm, muscu lar, healthy flesh tissue. It ia an old Baying that women are hard to kill. There is aome truth in this, as far as the majority of illnesses are concerned. There is one class of disorders, however, that ouickly undermine any woman's fen ral health. No woman can retain her strength who suffers from weakness and disease of the delicate and important or-a-ans that make wifehood and motherhood possible. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescnp o to an unfailing cure for all disorder, of this description. It acts directly on the aenaitive organs concerned, in a natural, ZSm w!y. make. beakfey and vlgoroua. It prepares them to bear the burdens of maternity. It is the greatest of nerve tonics. The woman who uaea it will bear healthy, happy child mm mwtA it.. ... a n r tAA affe. rvr x: .1. Di....nt Pellets regulate and 'itrvivorate the, atomach. liver and bowela. By all muicine dealers. ItrMt. with tosj wbather Ton nttnu (fa, rmov) ita desire Cor Uibaivwi sail bit 1 ouv hot Tuuatuakisss. sixp tin. BorttVMi Uk hluoA. tor tost snsuittsMXi, bozeff old 400JM0 Id hlth and Dock wMtWa- II A r from cd. If book. lll Touch for. Tm Kwitta V1U. DftUentlr. Mrat.tentlT. On. mrmntif (our..r w. rerund BiDn.y! t S.nCa., iMtth awml, Urn Iwfc, Pare Tea in packages at grocers' Schillings Best A Crook County Bonanza. From the Journal : Quito an excitement was produced here last week bv Wm. Wigle showing a later received by him from Pr. Oglesby at Fortland in relation to the new mines on Antelope creek 18 miles south of town. He states in substance, that five assays of the ore taken at random over nearly a iquare- roue ui j'"""" iioui $2.66 to $3.48, and that capitalists had offered to bond his claims for $200, 000 for one year, but that he had not acceptedJthinking tbat;he could dof better. To one familiari with the locality from which those assays come this statement is simply astonishing, lor there are mil lions of tons of the ore lying on top of the ground, in fact, a mountain of it. It seems incredible that a mass of rock im pregnated with gold in paving quantities could exist outside the diseased brain of a Muchaueen. The deposit has been compared to that of the Tread well wine on Douglas island, but if this rock is worth $3 a ton on the average it is worth a dozen Treadwells. Quite a number of claims bave been located and there are still more equally as good. Consistency a Rare Jewel. Editob Daily Dkmocbat: I cut this from the Democrat of June 1: "Kev. I. D. Driver recently re-narked that the inmates of the Oregon state penitentiary are leas criminal than the members of the state legislature who voted pay for the hold-up legislators." This same Rev. 1. D. Driver, D. D., knew that Joseph Simon planned, man aged and controlled thia illegal and rev olutionary conspiracy and then poshdd through the state senate a bill, in viola tion of the constitution, to pay these criminals. Yet he voted as a senator to elect this same Joseph Simon this chief ot criminals to the l' .?. senate. Can inconsistency and seuility furthrr eo? The less Mr." Driver dilates "i the crim inality of the "hold-op." the better for his reputation. We can in charity for give the poor deluded dupe, who was pureuaded that he could best serve his party bv preventing organization and the election of Mitchell. But to forgive Mr. Driver, who knew that this con "piracy was, as be forcibly expressed it, 'conceived n hell' for voting for Che man that conceived it. is a stretch ot charity of which I confess, I am not able to exercise. Joun P. Rorkbtsox, Minto, Ore. Temperance Rally. The executive officers of the Linn County Prohibition Club and of the W. C. T. U. and other members of the-e organizations, held a meeting at the I .inn County Pioneer Association grounds at Brownsville, last FiiJay afternoon and decided to have a temperance rally and picnic npon raid giounds the coming 4lh of July. Rev. Ray Palmer, of Portland, and Mrs. Narcioaa White Kinney, of Astoria, will probably he the leading" speakers. The public will be cordially invit-d to bring lunch baskets and participate in this grand ra ly. An OPaBATiox. On returning from ie conductor's excursion to Salem yes e rday Roy Looney, of this city, was taken violently ill. It was thought he bad the appendicitis, and an operation was performed upon him today by Drs. Wallace and Davis. The trouble was found to be an inflamed formation on tbe intestines. The result cannot yet be told. Suabpeb Thax Eves. Uncle Billy Wright, ot Salem, is in tbe city sharper than ever, having'a new grinding outfit, with car oon wheel, etc., of the most modern pattern. Sharp, well just have him put your scissors or knife or any old thin on it and it will cot like a r.tor. Uncle Billy baa been coming here many years and can be depended upon. A Tows Clock. Negotiations are pend" ing lor tbe purchase of a clock for the tower of the improved court bouse. Tbe pr..poed click will bave a 6 foot 6 inch dial and a 1200 pouno bell. This is tbe proper thing and t he county conrt will be commended lor the move if it shall be finally decided npon. Ringling Bro'bers big circus is in Port land today, and will go thence to the eound country Tbe MavW picnic Satnrdav was great rfucct!-. A large number attended from Albany and some participated in the contests. The Boston Shoe Co.. after four weeks successful business stay in Salem will close up tonight and go to Albany where they will open early next week. Salem Journal. ball was formed at Salem Satnrdav be- tween Willamette uiuvritr. O. A. C Statejuniversity, and Forest Grove. In the field day sports at Salem Satur day tbe state university boys swept the held winning cu points to tne u. A. u. 18, Pacific College 18, Willamette univer sity ii'i torest Urove 3 and Monmouth 11 ty . Julius Gradwohl today 'is moving his goods into bis new block on Second street, whrre he will be better prepared man ever toaispiay uis goods. Sheriff Gage left yesterday with bis two prisoners for Coos conoty, waiting" two or three days here so that be would make close connection with the stage at Drain. The editors of the national editorial association will be taken as far south on a special excursion as Medford stopping at prominent places including Albany along tbe way, returning and being trans'erred to the west side on tbe C. 3c E. It will be in order for Albany to have a big display of products and gifts ot flowers and fruit when they make their short stop at this city. In returning from the Maccabee picnic Saturday evening Leslie Viereck in try ing to pass a carnage containing two young ladies was run into by them evi dently on purpose lor they turned their horses towards him and he was thrown off under the buggy, and was consider ably bruised besides having his bicycle smashed np. Under the laws of Oregon a Dicycte n;er nas as mucn rigni to nan tne road as a team. Tbe Democrat has received an invita tion to attend a grand reception at Mar- quatn Opera House Portland on June 15 to Oregon s new archbishop, .Bishop Christie, successor to Bishop Gross. Bishop Christie s first visit to Albany will be watched for with interest by our citizens generally, who for many years were as familiar with tbe face of Bishop Gross as some of our own citizens. Masonic-The Roysl Arcb Masons met In Portland yesterday. C B Winn, nresent as delegates from Bavlev chanter PS7r? p !s.!L? ! lL?6'mL.El" IT II 1 I. 1 Uil. ... Ih a r A SB UU - M. UM mCKJU 99 S IBUU UUIVVI f S)UI Msy and Marion Crinnlngham from tbs H.rrleburg lodse and W B Blancbard, E A Evans and Peter Hume from tbe Browotville Io Ige. At tbe election W T Wright, of Union, was elected GUP, H B Tbielson king, W A Cleland scribe, D P Mason treas., J F Robinst n secre- tsry, Charles ditto i captain, D W Tay or lectuier. Fresh bread every dav. Two loave or a niekle at McFeron U .Tomlinson. ur .TUESDAY Passing of the Pioneers. C. H. Walker and Rev. Robe, a com tnittee appointed Jby 'the Pioneer Asso ciation cf tbe county, repoit the follow ing deaths of pioneers dm i nit tho year rom June 8, 1808 to June 8. 1B99: Died. Age. Gilford P. Barger June , '08 84 John Turner " 28, " tu Mrs. Melissa Burkliau. July 4. " rtt " Mary U. Crawford . " i:, " 7ft John Scott Aug. 7, ' 83 Jo'.n Wm. McBride " 1, " J K. Joues " 13, rt Geo. Biuier " " Mrs. Holer. Elkins ' '!8, Hhoda Smith 1, Elizabeth Lewis. . . Nov. 4, Daniel Leedy M. C. Chambers . Dec. 24, Jon. 6, . Jan 1-2, 20. ' Vtt, . - 23, . Feb. 1, " 3. ' 10. Susan Pearee Stewart Lewis Julia J. Pickens. . W.J. McMeeken Henry Burmester.. .. Marcr Simons eo. T. Bilyeu 2. T. T. r"isier Walter Ketch urn , Mr. H. H. Hewitt.... Adam 8ettien.ire Mrs. N. J. Uitheos " Eliza Blevins... " Susanna Randall. John Barber Mrs. Roth L. Maxwell Jas. R. Temple too Mrs. Nancy Rice Jonathan Wassoiu Mrs. Eveline Powell... " Martha Morgan . . , J. W. Anderson L. E. Gray , A. 8. Knox '09 Q4 j 79 , m ; 70 ! 49 j 9 ; a;!1 H) ' 21. . 3, Ma' ' 3. " . . 13, " . " 1!. . " 30, , April I, " J. , " II. . " . . May 6. ' is. 26, - ' June 2, " 2. " 4. 83! til I 93 t7 88 44 K.S ii a Mrs. Elizabeth Deckard Silas Need hum Mre. Mary R. Suanka.i ' ttomoaerville , 6. 78 Mrs. John Beard.Jeese B. Parrish John W. F jeter and John Mars-all. Obituary. John David Algoma Lennox was lorn J .- . ' I , V f. oc iuu uioi a. A.nox iuu, june i, 1899. He came to Oregon six vears ae pines, and is or w returning homo with with his parents, was coovertcni by Mr. I his legimeni, baa been lor 15 years a Peake and joined the U. P. church, of w'l-kiiown and popoiar resident phvai which be was a member, always enjov-j c' of this city . He was born in On- ing attending church and Sunday school and was seldom or never aWnt. Through all his trouble he put his trust in God and when asked on bis death bed if he was ready o meet Jesus his anser was, yee, and died ready to n eet his God. A large number from Albany attended the funeral yesterday afternoon. Ntw Lawtbbs. The Supreme court has passed npon tbe papers of the applic ants for admission Io tbe bar. Among tho e who were admit ed appear tbe names of C G Nixon of th.e city, Frank W Power of Salem, a sradaata a. Alhan college, J B Overton of Rowland in Ibis tounty, L U McMaban the retehra-ed orator, Gos . Huhey of Independence. ru riunaerana nna tarsoo tbe nrl i RjchardaonofSalem. parsed, but being j ., f iictuum wi i aomiTied. mc.j ...... others vere: IheoMoxom, Travis Oy erton. Ieon K Edmocsun, Eugene; Hir am Overton. Wnodburn; W H Merritt, Wm A Carter. Gold Hill: Ewart Logan, Independence; A McFarlaoe. Salem; C P Haighl. Oscar A Neat. L F S.eel Wm L Morgan, Jcteph A Boyce. T C Hecker, i H O Kryson. Ka'eigh Trimble, A C i Wheeler. S Rut Neni. 4 ti like. Wm S E Borden, Port I 01; R S Sheridan,! Roeeburg. , Tnt Sisrias Enteki Ai.xjirsT. Tbe ! closing exercise, of tbe Sisters school .ill take place at the armory next Friday j night, June lft.when a very pleasing pro-j gi am will be presented. There will le ! one graduate. Miss Esiylla Caoe, who will be beard several ij-nes lurlodmg her vaieuiciory. mere wii: be Suogs piano solos, duets end trio bv MiseesCaie, Davis, Tnompson and Me-j Gee, a song oy li e luioi.os, arand and ' ribbon drills, ' The Corned r of Errw," a farce "No Cure no Pay," the present- j ingot tbe graduating hooors by Judge) tiew'tt, a farewell doet aui e osine with ! the "The B-idal Bells"by Misses Koecbt, Dorgan and Zeyse. Toe program by Smiley is an elrgani piece vf work. Was ax Niw Richmo d Daring THa trip east last year F. M. French of eity visited with bis friend Cba'le Todd, a jeweler, in New Kichmond, Minn. Yesterdiy the city, o' about t ro thous and people, was almost entirely dectroied be a cyclone. Mr. Todd's store was dir ectly opposite Niccollet hoase, which a deaaoiithed and probably suffered the same late. His residence bein three blocks away and his wife an invalid ; be chances are that they are among tbe i:i fated ones. It is a peculiar fact that just before noon Mr. French wrote Mr. Todd and snt him an ' On to Manila," which went on the n on train, perhaps never to reach him. Ths News Cohfibuiij. Upon inquir ing of tbe .owner f tbe storeroom next the Revere, tbe news that tl.e place ha J been rented to lbs Botton Shoe Comp any for ita big sale wa comfirmed. AH arrangements are now completed lor tbe inauguration of tbe sale io tnia citv on Wednrsday June Htb, at 10 a.m., As tbe compaoy conducts large factories at Lynn, Mass., and Santa Roaa. Cal.. and bandies its own goods, it is eay to be seen that it will pay everybody to wait lor uie opening vednesoay morning. rmecatnoCgnre w,,h tljt Peop'e. James Buiilt Cabi.x No. 18, Natve Sons of Oregon was organized at Browns ville with the following officers: Pat president, W T Cochran; president, A MT-mpletoo: lirsi vice-president. WC Copley; fecond vice-president, J P Cioley; tiird vice-president. Win Mill well; secretary. U b Bianard ; financial secretary, J H Glass; treasurer, I W Starr; marshal. Herman Robe; inside sentinel, W 8 Powell ; outside sentinel, Koy Templeton ; trustees, Hnra ittake ly, J D Irvite aod George Colbert. The commencr met t of ths O. A.C. will take "place next week. Governor Geer will deliver tbe addrets to tne griduating class Wednesday fore noon. MARRIED. tjKAMtii -iMLU-iD Aitany at ihe res.dencs of Recorder Neal, on Tues day. June 13, 1809, by Judge Geo. 1). Barton. Mr. E. K. Cramer and Miss Ivy V.Hall, of Gates Mr. snd Mrs. Cramer, two ot the popu lar yoong people of Gates, will have tbe best wishes of many friends. C0S8ER WESDT In Albany on Junell,18W, at tbe Burs House, by Rev. W. M. Phillips, Mr. H.L. C lo ser, of Jefferson, snd Hits Litlie Wsndt, of Linn county. BORN. O'BRIEN. On June 11. 1R09, in Albany to Mr. and Mrs. r rank O'Brien, of tbs 8t. Charles Hotel, a son. AU doing well. DIED. SENDERS. On Monday morning, June I 12. 1S99. in Albany. Leon Wallace, son I - I M 1 t I f" ;,u " DCUUO. 'lor " '" Ulrl" 1 KAMJIS. in f.ugene on tsaiuniay, June 10, 18U9, of consumption, Miss Sarah Francis, at the age of nineteen . years. Miss Francis was a member of the home of Mr. Ed. Goin. of this city, for several years leaving for Eugene a few i months ago. She was a member of the ' Salvation Army and was beloved by all I knowing her for her nob'e Christian qualities, Oakville. The pioneers picnic at Brownsville was the center of attraction last Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday morning we donned our best ruit and fell in with the crowd. We arrived at Browotville at 8:30 to find the picnic grounds crowded. We found all of tbe county officials ex cept Judge Barton, also many ot the business men of Albany. Boon after our arrival we were taken in charge by Sher iff Munkers who with the assistance of Recorder Neal conducted ts around un til our friend, L. E. Blain, went onr bond and secured our release. found a large crowd of pioneers and their des cendants and an abundance. of good things to eat. Good weather and good feeling prevailed. A bicycle and a wild team ran together, I lie bite was taken to the shop for repairs. Accidents will happen. Two of our wheelmen rode from here in 00 minutes not counting the time they were delayed by a freivbt tiain running across their path. (Rail road K I trains should be compelled, to give tbe gl i road to men on bicycles.) A picnic at iltilburts groieon the 4th 74 ; is talked of. The grove is nictly located $7 !snucanbe resetted by a large crowu. The grounds can be used for base bull and bicycle tares. We would like to hear from Albany. Can we net help to make the old bird scream? If not ws will be compelled to goto Lebanon or s"!em and we feel sure that a larger crowd could be secured at Hulburta 8'ove than of tbe other placts. Little Rohz Rvv. Two Albany Men. The Oregonian today publishes pic tures of Superintendent Martindale and Major Ellis with short sketches, as fol- 44jiow-: 75 j J. M. MartinJale, who has been re 70 j elected superintendent of the Albany 61 I public schools, wa born in Missouri io Tri ' 1662 He la a vradnatA r.t I)rka nni- 1 verolty, and ranks high as an educator, oewg painstaking, progressive and prac ticil. He it a man of strong personality, and possesses the happy faculty ot main taining excellent school dicipline and accomplishing good results in school work. He came to Oregon in 1897. Major M. 11 E lis. regimental surgeon ot the Oregon volunteers, who was slightly wounded io the U.t engagement oi uie uregon regiment in the Phil ip- rio, Canada, 38 year ago. He came i io Oregon in 18S4 from Minneapolis. 'nn., and located in Albant, where be u rai;iiceu ui proieseion un til ihe war with Spaiq b-oke out. He waatbe senior turveon in the Ormn National Guard, and after a rigorous competitive examination was appointed rcgituenral (urgeon of the Oregon volun teers. He ii a stalwart gold-standard republican, an-' is president of Ihe Mc Kinley Clu , of Albany. Death of Roy Looney. Roy Looney, upon whom an operation u eriurDiej j eieruay,aieo mis alter ! w - . . . noon. ine irouue proved to be a teles- two ice ties of which bad Oangreoe bad tt in j late to d j anything. Tbe uerease.i aasa native of lhi county, about nineteen ears of age. Hi father is dead and he bas i-idel with bit He was a memirer of Ihe Al bany band, and was well liked by all knowing him. His death i geberally regretted, lie sodden and anexpecled na lare particu ar.y makicg i: a sad one. . H. I. Merrill went up In tbe front ibis ni'n,D " days bo.ioea iri... . -g wbTb her father died at that cty. Rev. H. A. Ketcbom, of S!eo, wa ,n he city yesterday to attend a meeting " ,ne i'loroe fxvi-d cf mies:ons of the rresojtenan church. rH j Mr. George Knox or.e of Lion cooo "e I It's sturdr Dioaeera and In.Kan mmr fighiets, went to Portland this Burning 00 tbe boat He was joined further down the liver be anitber Diooeer. Mr. John Con Tbe graduating exercises of Prof. Par vin's sct.001, Ti e Northwest Music Col lege, will be b;U at Salem on Jane 21. There will be nine gradoatee, as fol lorn s Mna Wadaaorth from the post graduate department, Jennie Oblmg and Edna Hownl from the teachers and artists court. Henry Rutherford Morgan from tbe course in voice, harmony, timp'e counterpoint and theory. Cora Mas Bio .,. ta Jones, John Clyde Fox, Ada lene Sckitlter and EUa Wintluw from the department ot piano, harmony, sim ple counterpoint sod theory. The hai lot caes s gainst P H. D'Arcy snd other Salem lawters were ss has been ar.t.cipatd generally, dropped yes terday. A meeting of lbs Rod and Gun Club wid te held next Thursday evening at tLeCity Council Chambers All mem bers a' requested to be present, and farmers are invited to j 'in the club free ofchatge. Tts Club proposes to place bunting on a sportemansbip basis, using un premises without permission, aod kiilir g gams only in aaon, and permit ling jo one else to kill game out of sea son. Bishop Hurst, one cf tbe most pro minent and able men ot tie M E church whoaa io Albany twelve or fifteen years ago, ia now attracting attention on acconnt t.f a separation from his wife. Mra. Hurst haa an income of $80,000 ol btrown and likes society, tbs Bishop is lull of the education of the masses being at the bead of a big college, aod is a splendid man, but they are not connen- taitoeach other. Mrs. Hurst. No. 2, was evidently married on account of her ealtti. This was the great mistake of the Bishop. Extensive Shoe Factories. All srrsoiiementa aie now completed for the beginning of tbe big shoe sate of tbe Boston .Shoe Compaoy, which is un derlined lor Wednesday, Jane 14. The stoie next to tbe Revere has bteo rented for this purpose by their representative, C. A. Pipber. Aa tue company handles tbe prcduct of itsown extensive factories st Lyon. Mass., and banta Rosa, Cat., tbe managers are in a position to Isvor and maintain low prices. Cai or Thanks. Tbe undersigned desire to return tbeir sincere thanks for many acta ot kindness andsyrnpatby dor ing lbs iiloess and after the death of tbeir husband and father. Mary ). Xzkdham and family. it ui y rr bit jltacui Hath His III Day. ft A doctor's examination might show that kidneys, Over and stomach are normal, bat the doctor cannot analyze the blood ixpon which these organs depend. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood. It cures you when "a bit off" or when seriously afflicted. It never disappoint!. DV8D8DSla-" My husband had dyspep sia and Hood's Rursaparllla cured him. ) Our little boy was nervous and the baby had ulcerous sores. It cured both." Mas. Emma Bkrk, Portage, Pa. Indigestion " I could not eat tor soma montlia on account of distress and Indiges tion. Hood's Sarsaparilla cared me so that I can eat and sleep well." M rs. Q. A. (il'irrz. Taylor and Walnut 8ts Wilmington, Del, Hood's Pllla cure liver Ills ; the non-lrrlutlng anS enly" cataartio to take with Hood's SarsapurtllaZ .WEDNESDAY. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Anna F. Williams is in Portland thia week. M. Senders went to Uoneburg this noon cn business. Mrs Annie Henderson and son came up from Portland this noon. State Superintendent Atkorman and Willium Galloway went to Corvpll s this oon. Mr. Arcb Blackburn and Mrs. Da bruille went to Salem this noou un the boat. Mr. A ih by Tearce aei.t Io Portland today with bis pionter colors float ing. Mrs. E. Thrall is spending tbe eek with Portland friends. She will return Saturday. A.J. Appersoo.of McMinnvdle, left yesterday for Sitka to begin work as I). B. receiver at that place. Joseph Meissr has returned from Eastern Oregon and Washington, not having found a satisfactory location. Joe Purdom has resigned as night- watch at tbe pdnitentiary anil II. L. i atierxon oi uregon city bus been ap pointed. W. II. Itmnk left Fridy tor Salem, where with bis brothers lie a ill celebrate the 40th anniversary ot their arrival in Oregon. Afh'aod Tidings. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Winkler bave re turned to Salem iroru the east and will tpeud tbe summer tbeie. Mrs. Wioklei is a former Albany yoong lady. The funeral of Roy Looney this after noon was attendee by a large on in ber of young men, including the band, oi which be was s member, which played for tbe occasion. Albany frie jris will extend contratuta- lions to Rev. and Mre. I). V. Poling, of xnvL'anes, npon the arrival ol tains botn gin at their borne on June 12. All doing well. . C B Winn returned from Portland last evening and J P Galoiaitb this noon. E 1 Lusick is th re yet atteodmg Ihe grand lodge of .Jarone. Miss Grace Telfsr. daogbler of Maj Telfer, now on his way borne from a. au ila, arrived in Albany last night to visit with Albany f'lrns, snd is Ihe guest of of Mary Stewart. Mis Dora Page, who bas bteo attend log the state nniverrltv tha past year, arrived In Albany yesterday 10 fpend tbe commencemeut srasoc wuh her host of Albany friends. The Native Sons of Oregon yenerday elected Sol Blomaner precidini for the coming year. O. II . Walker of this city od oi me trustees. t . u. iiii.oy and U. H . Walker attended from tbe Delazon Smith Camp of Ibis city. Whi:e sawing wood at bis place on tne Corvaliis road George Hodick accident ally bad one of bis bands rot, two or three ol tbe fingers partly off. Dr. Wal lace i him. Gertrude Confer, daughter if tbe welbknoan Southern Pari ri r. 1 1 rrtf1 condoctot. and Mr. James GauiL a. bank. er of Moscow, Idaho. ere to be married at the home of tbe bride's parents, ip Portland, today. License was ISfUed thia flerr.ona fnr tbe marriage ol Mr. Frank Zimm.ratn and Mi-a t.thel Archibald, to of Lioo county's beet young people. The cere mony was to performed at 3:30 at the residence of Mrs. Chars bera They have a hot of irienda who will man them weli. The banquet of the alumni of ihe W lllametie Uoiverjisv at iSairm tooigbt will be a very lively one. Why vol Judge Bew tt is to reepood la the loatt on judges. N. M. Neaport 00 lawreit. I. H. Van Winkle on tbe hab.ea'and Frank Irvine 00 j:oroa!tim, all of whom are in S&lem ready for tbe fray. At tbe meeting of tea, heat' ramo r tbe Modern VVklm.n ,.I a u! Kaosas Oty tat ee, Hon. Js. A. mecdej, withi A X) days. Miller, of Lebanon, was appointed ttae Ass t Chief Eogineer Cleveland re irroty for Oregon, at a salary of $IOOiPorud on water vopply. showing good per month and expenees. He will Irarel l "PP'J 'Zcept io two cisterns. Aisorec and lec-nre in tbe interest of Ihe order, ommeoded that tbe stove pipes ttroagb Jlr. is expected home this ek.vooda boilcings in Cninatown be re Mr. Crow y,d hi s a anH i and ' '4 . ordered, child of near hu Joe. Mo., were in the I 'jratam moved that bids city over nighl Itegoestsof Mr. Sbelion.i? tor clMern at 1st and Mr Urowlev 6r-!t came to Oron In iso retaroiot: east U next ep.-ttig. roming again with bis nepbew John Gaines and others io 1852 sod twice since before this trip. While in the city be met Surveyor RiggswLo came here in tbe unit year and a remtnlvcent lime was passed. The Degree of Honor yeeterday aiter 0000 and evening gave banquets'to their t. lends who assisted in toe receot series of root-t entertainments, in the a'ler no n to the chi dreo, in lbs evening to older peop'e. Lik all ol their affair ibey were great recesses, laal-iy gotten op and splendidly managed, being great ly apprec aud by lho fortunate in being prevent. More About Rev. Harris. The following letter received by Chief cf Polive) Lee gives another chapter in tbe Harris escapade: St. Johns Baptist Rectory, Tort Easing too B. C. June 6. 1899. C O. Lee. Esq.. Dear Sir: I wUn lOjt - thank yoa for etters received snd for in formstioo therein ia rsiard to Harris. I had previous to your letter suspected what it confirmed and had warned Har ris's employer. When your letter came I was sble to spesk definitely and Hsrris ris has been dismnsei and baa left tbs place 00 a steamer hound south. B Applet a bp. Priest Cborch of Engisad. Chasko sv a CorOAB Mr. John Berry, who recently returned Irom Paeet home, tells of a thrilling experience by a little girl. The ten year old daughter of Thomas Lewis bsd been Io a neigh bors a mils asy ihr rnth Ibe woods after some floor accompanied by a small dog. when a big cougar appears-, and started for her. Tbe dos did brave wcrk n ber protection and succeeded in keep ing tbe ferocious animal off cr.til she reached home. A brother of t..e little ?irl and a big cougar do? then started or ths monarch 'of the Oregon - forest. treed him and shut him. He measured nine feel. Tbe Jacksonville Times Is re pot. sib le for tbe following : C. H. Dalrymple, an alleged laayer, who bas been Infesting G Id Hill Cm ing tbe past fsw years, bas skipped for pastures new presumably in Nevada leavine number of nnpaid bi'la. How sver, his creditors wi.l feel fully recom pensed for this omission if bs sill pro long bis absence indefinitely. What is our gain is Nevada's lors. It has come, tbe tims for gtttinga re- friiterator and ice cream freerer. Tbe Stewart & Sox Hardware Ce.have some ot the boat. Tha best refrigerators and ice cream freezers at Stewart Sox Hardware Co.s Photo Buttoos'at Tinkle & Dswion's If vou wish to take tbe lea), rids i Cleveland. For tale by McFeron & Tom linson. Mnctv ner cent ot the peop'e bave some kind of bum or in tbe blood, and this canxes many diseases. Hood's Sarsai ari la cures tbeie diseases by expelling tne numor, - m m Miss Long's is tbe plsce to bsve yenr photos taken. Beit cabinet nnisn only 1 .00 1 The UniversaUBolter makes good flour 111 Magnolia Albany Market. Wheat 48 Jenta. OaU34 Eggs 15 cents. Butter 10 to 14 cent. Potatoes 60 cents. Haras 10 rnts. Sides 8 cents. Shoulders 6 csU. . "HOME AND ABROAD. Refrigerator. Ice cream freezers. At Stewart & Sox Hardware Co's. Wheat 48 cents. Call at the Sugar Bowl for fresa fVnlt Have your photo taken at Miss Long't lor cash II uu dozen, cabinet ze. Fresh fruit at Yiereck'a Sugar Bowl par lors. Wanted, to buy prepared rarpet rags, iy l. 8. Alexander, east cod ol riigbtt street. First class cabinet photos. Ariato finUb, for the next :10 days, only $1.00 dozen at miss uong . A new Rambler bicycle, for lady or gentleman, never nsed, for sale at a bar gain, uall at the Dkmockat olhce. The Engene P. O. wilt also be a ond class olli-e. Dawson A Tinkle have closed their photograph gallery in this city. Arrangements have been made for holding the circuit court In tbe commer cial room of lbs college Prof. Martip, father of Carey Martin, tbe Salem lawyer, died Sear Florence, Doiglas county hut Monday. Tbe dog tags bave arrived and the pon rid tp aster wM give dost owners inat five days forgetting their animals tagged. Tas at tbe recorders oHke. Upon the saloons of Salem being kept open during the conductors excursion tSuoday Monday warrants were sworn out for their arrest. The saloon keepers have organized and will fight the case. Next Friday. June 16th. at 8 p. m. th' pupils of tbe Academy will give an eo- lertaibtnentatth ii.. ll.ii T.-k..l can be procured at Mr. Mever'a ororer. store and at Mr. li.araon'a h,,. Reserved seats, 35 cents; general aJiniv s on, 25 cents. There was such a atrong report this morning that an Albany man was dead evral of tbe ti. A. R. hoys started ror coiun and to rlace tbe Hag at hall I On tbeir way np street one cf them stopped into a saloon and the man " ,here ""in drink. D- Rice, the S. P. agent at Ashland. nas porrnseeo a one building lot on Ftr.t atreet. between Main and Spring, of John A.McCal!,an 1 will build a $1500 residence upon the properly for his own occupancy, as soon as plans can be ma tured. Tidings. A former Albany young man. The closing exercises of Mill Springs Seminary of SodaviUe are taking place Ibis week. Following a re tbe gradnale : Normal department Lizzie Lee Bridges, fettle Leoora Crabtree. Jes H. Bond, ter-ba B Nichols, Maggie Boyles, Clar ence Overboils, Effie A. Holt. Flora Overboils. Maud E. Rk-, O-aige K. Holt, Doilis Winifred Badger. Uutioess department J. J. Hoaxer, W. A. Govio, tto G. Weaver. Pearl Briggs. E. G. Merrifield. Edna Parrish, Geo. S. Cbilds, 0. M. Vidito.C. P. Wiisfoa.R K. Smith. Thos. Miller. City Council. Tutslay evening Jote 13, 1M1. Present Mayor, recorder, chief of po lice, s'.reel tot-erinlendent, Ass't Chief Ergineer Clvlan, sod Council a;en Whit ney, Danna!,RicbsrJg, Dawson snd Gra ham. The following til s were ordered paid: 0. M. Weatbrotk. II 52; F. M. Kedfleld. $10 50; N. J. Hentoo. f 36.75; M. C. Harknere, .".3S. Tbe o.aror aonoanced that Cooncil oien W bitoey and Da son auold occupy tbe rame pUcea on the committees oc copied by ex-Cocnci!tn. n Uaibriih and Senders. S'idg and temer ordered acre report ed completed. Tbe street superintendent reported work done amount it g to $M0 50, cover ing 103t loads ol grave', tie recom-o-ended a sidewalk on 4lb aero Walnut and 00 Hill street. Ordered as recom- , T.' ' '"", J" oc fi'e. Carried lbs matter ot water supply was referred to the committee on t&rc and wster. Kesii-eaii n of Gen. E. Pish as chief ngioter was read ana accepted. Councilman Wtitnev moved that the Srs and water committee be sntborixed to act io the natter ot connecting tbe three 2nd street cisterns with tbe Srd street pipe system, receiving bids by next u.eeting om plaint a as made ot a coisance on Mooteitb property oear corner of 2nd and Washington streets. Ordered abat ed Ex-Cooociiman Gradaobl addressed tLe council in reference to tbe e'ectic not a small (bed adjoining his store, which the sssistanl chief bad cnltred stepped. J. K. Wyslt. Charles Casey, I. F. Conn aod Mr. Calef, a drummer, were Cehing 1 n Thornton lke Ian evening abeo Wyatl and Casey met with a very met eipenence. rkxh were trying to occopy a lotr, a here tbe fish were fresh eat, when Carey tumbled in and Wyatl i reaching for bim kept him torapany. onnand t aiet Cshed them out and ibey all hastened to the city lor a change ol Ciutbea. As a result of the sccident Mr. Wvatt is carrying one of his bands in a sling, a Soger having been broken by com t n g in comae, wuh tbe lojt. There ia a rumor tbat lbs wtiole bosinees was a deep laid scheme to giva Casey a durkir g, but this cannot be provsn. The Editors. Folio ing is tbe probable itinerary of 'io National Editorial Association, as given by Secretary Tozier: Leavtf Portland Saturday morning for Atoria; clambake in evening. Saoday afternoon for Portland ; attend church in evening. Leave Portland Monday morn ing. July 10; Oregon City for dinner, Silem for supper. Tuesday, July II, Al bany for breakfast. Eugens for dinner, Rosehorg for supper. Wednesday, July 13, Med lord for breakfast, Aahlaod (or dinner.Roseburg lor upper. Thursday, July 13, Albany lor breakfast, SlcMion vilie tor dinner, Portland for supper, Leave for Washington. Letter Lisi. Following is th list of letters remaining in the PottofBce at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, J una 13. 1399, Persons calling for these letters tut give the dale on wbicb advertised : , Diliey, Mr Oscar Geary, Mr Alb-rt Hotter. Mrs J J Haftery. Mr Jas J 11 sff ey, James J Parter, Miss Iva Mcureeney, Mrs Keiie S. S Thai. P. M. Imperial Limited. The Canadian Pacific Ilv. ia now mak ing the t.stest time across the continent. Their service is ot ths most splendid de scription All clssses of passengers are earns- on ths "IMPERIAL" train. You may travel anywhere by the Canad ian Pacific Ky. ard Soo Line DU. J. L. HILL. rhysician and Surgeon. Hill Block - - -O- Albany, Or. N. E. WINNARD M. S. M. 1). Graduate of Lenox Collece 1885, Cv cago Homeopathic Medical College lSiK) Rush Medical Uollego fwtcdalc Block, Albny, 0. , Rosidence on' 3rd atreet.eouth side be tween Broadalbin and Ellsworth. 3TREET RAILWAY NOTICE. Tbft motor on tbe Albany Street Kallwaj will connect protnpty with all trains to ar front the depot, day and jicbt.; . Special trpi will be made at speoi ratss. ... ,si ." v R. Mooas,, Coaduotoi., An Albany Artist. From tbe Eugene Guard : The first graduate of the University ef Oregon department of music since Mr W. Oifford Nssb took charge, gave ber final recital last evening. Tne young ar tir t Is Miss Joyce Priacilla Brownell, of Albany. She possesses tbe musical temp, perameot to an extraordinary degree and has been developing into a nniehe performer on the pianoforte nne'er tbe instruction of Mr Nash, with whom sh has been studying since March 18U4. Miss Brownell played fifteen selections from such composers as 15ach.lieetboen Hense!t,Chammode,Greig, Motzkowski Chopin ard Luzt, while her repertoire includes as many more compositions from these artists and Schubert, 8c ho mann.Godard. Ruoensteiu and Weber, Mr. Nash has demonstrated tnrongb ibis clever pupil that the piano can be the means of expressing music in its best tense rather than a mechanical or technical exhibition. The first two numbers, which were heavily classical were played with technical aurenets and broad musical intelliawac Entering tbe romantic school in her third selection. MUs Browaell played Heuieli's study. "If I Were a Bird," and Gri.g's "Butterfly," with charming del icacy. The "Romancer, by Uhammode brought out a singing finality of tone, while ti e "Torantelle" t.y Moczkowski thowrd the brilliancy of her technique, a feature that mas noticeable in every number of the program. Io the fonr oumbera from Chopin Miss Brownell i vealed a depth of fee ing and eminent P0-1!6' interpretative faeolty such as to ,B'P,re "B7 aaieoee. The rectal C:oed with three numbers rom Ll"t- 1" 'e last, Rbapsody No, i. the bravura of Miss Broneil's aslive j P1.V,DK created grest enthusiasm, j Pianos Otnans. Ifou admire a good piano step into E. U. Will's Music store and see bis as sortment; there you will see pianos lor the artist and likewiee for the man of s -call means. You w ill be surprised bow little money will boy, a fine, large piano, and on such easy terms. Do yon inn that $190 will buy a good ptano? Call and and see me about it We bave the famous '' Kimball" pianos and organs that are sure to please. No piano boose will sell cpeaper than we do, as many of my past customers will testily. o: more loan one town in a hundred tbe sizeof Albany I. as such a large and com piete rumic store, and your pride and good good will lor Albany ought to in- doco you to make your purchases from una nouee 11 nothing else does. Satis faction guaranteed to all. E. U. Wux. Thaf ditre after eating is cured b) ild' ViUt. They do not gripe. 25c. Hood's Pills care naaaesick headaches, biiiooraett, iodigeatioo. Pri 25 cenU. Rinit for every body at Frenah'L Jew elery store. GREEN SICKNESS Is rather a on&aoa dlscaae asd U mrt s l'h aaKWjrvi yoeeg woita. It is raiuol from aa tapoTerild coodUSoo ol the blood. Beicg a biood diiraaa Chiatvm eaa ba eared by HTDVAX. the great vctabSe mitdr for h'-aai aa4 serrea. urnrtv wm ea- rteh She Wood aod ctes It back to beaSxiir, rad roloe. The bioxS heiBg la a poor coadiuoo. cose of It arras ot the body are pruperiy noori.bed. BtD VAX wl'J eaoae the tr ood to baraaa mic Bm VAX -!": li.orin toa b.!l.j- coodiUao. siro VAX will beinf bark the bkwrea to the checta ni turn th frcea Ben to teaiear. II yoa hare the arietoasi, tut Bl DVAX now, as4 they wiii lear yoo. THE PRINCIPAL STMPT0MS4RE: 1. CON ST A VT HEADACME h r lY.X wiU acaAe Uie too4 sra aad aairiUoa as4 the hMdace will tiaiear. . (WEEMJH. Oft VE1XOWISM OBEEN COMPLEXION HI DVAS mtil sua Um coaiiioa red aad ray- . PttATlON t THE NECK.-Tilt'jdTM to the watery rotl.up (A the blood, and will iimppnr a2ort:r after tlta sac of HI' WAS Is comaeaced. . WEA1.XEA AND PALPITATION OP THE HEART. HI wvi ncibea Use bean and make the ttcaa taJ, airoof aad HrnYAV U the retaedy that yoa want. The coior will retcra to yoar efcaeka. Toar fccaSarhe wilt diaatpear aad yoa W.U bo fcxtsve Pfr weak and ntterabas. HCDTAXviil rmoea the fcaetiooa ol oararw. Keaaeasber that Hl'DYA w ia for Ben aaJ woena. Go la yoar dracxisS and tr HCDVAI and toliow tbe directions as siraa la tha drraUr. HtDTAS I Kwi at SS eecU per fcXtft, se packag-M lor U yoar drcxr't does aot keep It. se4 dirc to the HtDTAS BlKJiKDV CO Mr A Y. Caa Fraociaoa, CaL Eemeaibrr that yea eaa eoanlt the HrDVA.V DOtTOM F BIKE. Cail and ace ths doctors. Ton nay call and ate thea oc write, as yoa desire. Andres Hudyan Remedy Company Csrssr Srscrfan. sYorvat ass1 Vim Stmt &AS FfUKCtSCO, CAL LITTLEK'Jl Ground Flou Dental OTfi 1 1 Broadalbin, St Albany. C Vard Uttler. Aklstant.. Geo. Collins D D S , A. Jack Hodgee D D S COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fel.oa's Temple, Albany, Or. V T J. C BIG STOCK OF NE GOODS CLOTHING CO'S. CLOTHING for men, youths and hoys, A line line ot SHOES, none better, Slylisli HATS and CAPS for men and boy Latest novelties in Furnishings The best quality and low prices - - 'grrg? .... "fcNSED VOX. to a perfect Infant rood. Take so Aabetitnta for the LB BRAND. Sewn roa ttooc on " Bauies." Who Puts the Until MAY 1 1 will sell goods at Who'esale prices plus io percent. 1 m-itl 1, . C. . a -... iuufc wi wer iu ' k iw su.i u bijusu, aw eiegaru, need ask, snd is offered at the small 10 PER CENT. WHY pay 25 to 100 or more pei cent profit, when 10 per cent will (ay it ; or for example WHY Py lX50to15.00forasuitlIJ0wiUbtiy WHY waste money. . My cost mark is: Howand Rice. 1 2.3 .'4 5 '67 8 90 This is a square offer Withoat an reaervation Who puts the prices down ? W.RBLAXN. "He puts the prices down." SPECI AL CUT PRICES on Men's, Ladies and Childrcns SHOES At H. F. Mc I wain's Cash Store. Do not fail to see the tce sold by ns for f 1 00. It equals shoes sold by others lor 11.50 to 9 -"5 for rren aod ladies at this price, bboss from 75c to 4 CO. vVhen you take a ARTICUUR PRESCRIPTION To a particular ?rng store yon do so becaore yon bave ronfidence ia that store. Yoa believe that the drags are pare and frecb. tbe methods right, ibe skill the best aad tbe prices fair and. reason able We cos 3 act oar prescription deceit oa tbe prixriple tbat THESE IS NOTHING TOO GOOD FCKTHE SICK. This win ter's business is the biggest ia tbe history of tbe store. Tbis shows confidence. BURKHARl & LEE. Have Your - PROF. A. Scientific Optician ot Yoa will rectiee honest and conscientious KYE and GLASS service, at the BL Mi-Tempered Babies. !! Insufflctant nonrUhment natcrally prodturcs 01-temper. ' ' Oebid itgainat fretfulneas la children by feediiur natrl- I I tiuua a&d dlgestlbU Xood. J ( GAIL BORDEN!! EAGLE BRAND I OnOCN'SCONDCNSCO MILK CO., NEW VONK k Absolute Guarantee Eastern Prices and On all R A G Corsets and Ferris Waiats When a customer is not perfectly satis, tied a new pair given in exchange for Ibe old one. It is onr aim to please and satiety every person who purchases and wesra onr E &. G Corset or Ferris waist. We call special attention to onr SOe and to onr 85c corset wbicb we thins will rompare favorably with any $1.00 const in tbis market. Received today another line of these jopolar underskirts for Isdies. J'ew Tarn beam Swiss Lace Curtains and dotted twiss and art goods lor saati cortains. S. E. Young ti Son. Prices Down ? . . .. per crni vyr any goons in my stock, as'oae as I destrah! aa hih grade profit of oooo Eyes Tested BT - STARK 0,, WILL & STARK. W