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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1899)
TKKA1&. aily Democrat, 25 cents per mouth 13.00 per year, in advance, 30c permonth not in advance. By carrier, 10c pel week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. Weiki.y. tl.25 In advance; f 1.50 at end )f year j 11.75 for second year; $2.00 for luird and nreceedinir vear. when not naid in advance. Club of five new subscriber at$5.00. Harmony, with dagger drawn and poised for striking at an ansb ol 45 de greee.was preached by the extinguished Republican factioniste la the Colembus convention. There were 8 ft aud put- rlug WOids of peace and conciliation on J the lips of leadeis, but the weapens were in plain view. A Connecticut woman wlo answered marriage advertisement is out $100,000, and it serves her right. SUMMONS In thk Circuit Court of the statu ok Ukkuon for Linn County. Department Vo. 2. John A Sooth, plaintiff va Maria M Clavpoot, William N Claypool. Rosa fc Lettler, J B Kennedy, Fred A Carothers, Elizabeth Carothers, Nency E Giil, and Matthew C Oil), her husband, John F Howell, and Lillie Howell, his wife, Mary T Cole, and J W Cole, her husband, David V Howell, Martha J Jobuson, and Isaac Johnson, her husband, George W Howell, fumes Crans. James Henrv Crans. Granvil Fades, Zona Eades.Uuy Eades, Lena Fades, Samuel M Howell, William Parker, Wash ington W Howell, and Dayton K Howell, defendants. To Frei A Carothers. Elisabeth Car- others, John F Howell. Lillie Howell, David 1' Howell. Martha J Johnson. Istac John son, George W Howell.Janies Crans, James Henry Crans, Washington vv tloweii, ana Dayton E Howell, above named detenu f tints:. In the name of the state of Ortjron, you and lach of you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the first publication ot this summons, towit, on or before the 14th day of Joiy, 1S99, And if you fail so to appear an 1 answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relirt prayed for in said compiaint.towit: A decree de claring and adjudging that neither the said defendant, nor any of l hem. nave any right, estate or intereet in or to the fol lowing described real property, towit: Beginning at a point which is N 89 de lirres 48-minntes E 28.46 cnains frcni the N W corner of the Donation Land Claim of David and Nancy Claypool, Notification No U60, Ciaim No. 48, inTpUSRl Vv of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, thence N 89 dee: 48 niin K 11.54 cnains to an angle in the North line of said donation land claim, t! sace S 63 de 23 min K on the N line of said donation land claim 45.26 chains to the N corner of the land set apsrt fo Samuel R Claypool by order of the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, made at the December term thereof, 1802. thnnpA S KO cbains to the 8 boundary line of sail donation land claim, thence N 63 dear, 15 min W on said fcouth boundary line to a print due South' of the place of be- ginning, thence North to the place of be ginning, containing ?65 acres mora or less, in Liun county, stale of C re iron, and that the plaintiff has a good and valid fee aim pie title to the said premises and to every part thereof;! and for a decree that the da f endants, and each of them, be forever en joined and harred from asserting any claim, whatever in cr to said premise adverse to the plaintiff, and for snch further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable This summons it served upon oa by publication thereof in Thr Statr "Rights Democrat, bv an order of tbe Hon. Geo. Barton, county jadie of Linn county. Oreiron. dated ttav 31. JsW. and tbe date of the first publication hereof is )une2nd, ISM. HEWITT & SOX, A'torneys for plaintiff SUMMONS. Even so devottda rewspaper as the Chicago Times-Herald, whose editor has been one of Mr. Mckinley's stancn friends in time of private trouble and public neod, condemns the president and declares that tbe removing some thous ands of offices from tne auardianthtp of Civil Service requirement nas orougut sorrow to the true friends of the ad ministration anu caiued nnaioyea joy to every spoilsman tbronghont the Re public. " Never sign a petition unless you are in favor of it. Is it right to put your name to a thing you do not favor just because a Iriend asks you. Is it right for a friend to ask you to do a thing you are opposed to just because of friendship. During the month of May 1205 trusts were born in New Jersey, with a total capitalization of $391,250,000. This might appal soma lolks, hut il (ust nerves plucky Democrats to make a harder fight against tbe combines. A few days ago while ex President Cleveland was fishing In trout stream in rvnniiimi man bv the name of Johnson came up and oidered him off, threatening the presiden with tne penalty ol the law for tresspassing on private grounds. Mr. Cleveland quetly shouldered his rod and walaed awav. goon after Mr. Johnson Uarned who the big, fat gentleman" was an gave ex pression to his surprise by explaining .You dnt say so! Well I was after the village poetoificewhenbe was president tbe last time, but I didn't set it ana i reckon we're even now." Mr. Johnson, undoubtedly feels that eery dog has his day. Another man nas gone wrong, an ex deput stale auditor at Olympia, and the figures are $00,000. Ibe bondsmen have already been sued, and as this is just what bondsmen are tor they should have to pay. No one shot. Id ever go on a bond unless willing to liquidate in case of dishonesty. Germany gits the Carolina islands for $5,000,000 without a war on her panda. The United Mates geta a much less val uable property for fJO.OVO.OOO and Is having to spend several million dollars to get possession of it. Is it poeihle that Uncle Sam is losing his Va. We traits that have made him f anions. Tbe Junction Budget says: News is scarce this wek, and what l ti e we have reoniresIoUof gall and and begging For when one dots get a slight clue to something and rustle around to hnnt op tte parties, tbinkin- yon could get column or e, the information given aav 1.1 mibi a dcxen lines. Most of It lioweve you have to make np And when the paper comes" out, and the article does not suit, then too get hail Columbia. Sow if yon have anything worth pabMshing, and a reporter or edi tor arks you about it, nil all yon knaw. This newspaper work is not what it cracked np to be. A doctor in New York city claims to beanie to cure appendicitis by giving the leg a jerk so bard that the psoar mag ous running jast back ot the appendix is snapped against tbe appendix so violent lv as to throw the matter in it out, cur ios patient in eight minutes. If there Is anything in it this doctor is genius. bat the Dkxocrat man is donb'.fut as to effectiveness of it in most coses. It is ortb trying though . All Sorts. Ten per cent of the Hawalln natives are lepers. Great Britain and Ireland Import! 1.- 500.000,000 eggs a year. In Kansas the state banks alone con tain $23,042,878 in deposit In France the average of duelB fought is 4,000 a year. About 100,000 persons die annjwllv of consumption in the United States. France has 500,000 places in which wines are sold. The tax on coffee In Franca is 14 cents a pound. In England it ia three cents. Artificial ivory ia made from borax and skimmei milk. The churches ot tba Uoited States claim 29,000,000 communicant!. Our army has consumed 125,000,000 grains ot quinine in the laat 12 months. Since Jan. 1 England baa built tor other countries 121shipa valued at $13, 585,770. will exhibit 500 varieties of serpents at the Paris display in 1000. It ii estimated that there arc 50,000, 000 Enalisb sparrows in Massachusetts. Tha skins ot 90.CO0 animals are requir ed in a year for the covers of Oxford bl- i-len. Women are employed as sailor! in Denmark, Norway and Finland. The. Denmark dtkts have stood the storms of seven centurii a. Since tha war of 1804 tha Chinese pop ulation of Shanghai has grown from 400,- 000 to 700,000. TELEGRAPHIC. Late News in Short Form. More Fighting. Manila, June 14. Before dark laat night the Fourtsenty infantry swam the Zapote river, cLarged and carried t he trenches, a heavy fusilade of artillery preparing the way and covering the crossing The insurgents broke for the woods before tne troppa reached them. Almost at the same time the Ninth and Twelfth crowed a bar of the sea and came upon their left flank at a point wtiere a txxly of marines, with Maxim guns, landed under protection of the ship's batteries, fired upon by the ene my I left rear with a demoralizing effect. bixly-nve dead tilipinos were found in the trenches, most of them shot through me neau. At Kew Richmond. MiXNKAPous, June 13. Tbe Times to morrow will say: . There are well op to 150 dead in and about New Richmond. Of tiiese. onlv about 90 in New Richmond will be recog nised for tbe resson that the tire has charred their bodies. They could not be examined today as the lire waa still burning and it was impossible to enter the houses. A not her Cyclone. Omaha, June 13. A special from Blair to the Bee says : Tonight the town or Herman, 11 miles north of her waa practically wiped off tbe map. Two travelling men, W. E. Anderson and Mr. trkine, arrived here from Herman. They estimate 25 or 30 dead but would not venture an estimate of the injured. They say 250 people are tn Herman practically without shelter. Lu na Assassinated. Manila, June 13. Information has reached here of the assassination of Gen. Lana and mi aide-de-camp, Lieutenant faaco Kamon June MISFITS. i The allopaths and homeopath! are both in session in Portland today. Big pil.e and little pills. L M. Scott, the U. of O. student.who broke the slste record at the field day meet at Halem Saiuiday going two miles in 5:17 is a son ol Harvey Kcott of the Oregonian. Tho Scott fami'y are not slow. The Oregon boys are homeward bound, coming triumphantly towards tbe web foot land. Get the best there is ready for them on their arrival. Their recent ion will be the only 4th ol July celebra tion reeded. The city of Monmouth, Polk county, ia entitled to grow and prosper. It is no longer a country town. The city council recently passed an anti-cow running at large ordioance, and after today the cow mast keep off the streets. This is a big advertisement for Monmouth and the Dkmockat is glad to help spread the news. Dallas will take wa-ning or the county seat may be moved from the country to a city. 8 bv Auuinaldo's smard at the headuuartera ol Anuinaldo. In Mexico tha school children are al-1 Through relatives of Patemo, a rebel ben i the old J k the Circuit Court of tab stats of Oregon for Liss County. Department No. 2. A J ttirsvn, plaintiff vs. C G Burkhait and Clara A Buiknart, his wife; i be Linn County National Bank, a corporation; L Fliac, J ti B-irkbart. J W Cos ck and E D Cusick, paitners doing burners under tbe firm name of J W Cusick Co, J P Wallace, Thomas Johns, and P H Mar lay, defendants. To P H Marlay and J H Burk-art, above named defendants: In the natne of the stale of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in tha above entitled suit within six weeks from ibe first publication of this summons, fo wir, on or before the 14th day ot July, 1899. And if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tbe co rt for the relief prayed for in said complaint, towit: For a judgment against the defendants C G Boikbart and Ciara A burkhart in tbe ism of $1235.00, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annnm Ircm the 3rd day of May, 1S95, in the farther sum of $150.00, ss at torney's fees, and for his costs and dis bursements herein; for a decree that tbe mortgage set out in plaintiff's complaint be torecloted; and that lbs following ao asibed premise, to wit: beginning at a coint 45 37 chains west and 16.38 cnains Nor'h of the Southeast corner of tbe do nation Land Claim of John Bcrkhart and wife, Notification No. t8. Claim No. 51. in lownehip 11 South. Laoge 3 West of the Williamette Meridian, in Linn County, Oregon, and ranoing thence West 21.60 chains, thence North 9.31 chains, thence East 21.50 chains, thence South 9.31 chains to tbe place of beginning, containing 20 acre, mere or lets; a)M, blccka Nos 48 and SO in Goltra's park addition to tbe city of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, be sold in tbe manner preset 1 bed by law, and tbe proceeds applied: First, to the pay ment of the coats and diibnrsements ot ibis suit and the expenses of the said sale; Second, to the payment cf Uejadement re covered by tbe plaintiff herein; Third, the overplus, if any, to he applied as tbe court may be advised and inav direct, and for such other and further relief ss o the court ma seem just and equitable. 'Ibis summons is served cpon you by publication in Thx States Riwht Dmr cbat, by an order of tbe Hon. Geo D. Barton, coji ty judge of Lins county, Ore g n, dared May 31. 1899, aoa tbe date of Ibe fiit publication beret t is June 2, 1899. Hewitt A Sox, Attorneys for plaintiff. Jndae Bnrnett on retiring from the of See ol Mavor cf Corvallia gave tbe fol lowing advice which mou'd be heeded in every city where there is a college : This grand institntion adjoining out city ss it does, is a very great benefit to allof.cur people. Hundreds of yoong men and women are sent here from all parts of the state to leceive an educa tion : and the number tsiil grea'Iy in- ro.aa raartvk'.nntil it will reach IttO he thousands. It ia tbe duty, not oi:ly of tie city eounril and city officials, but of every . f ttiia eitv. t.i render all the aid and assistance poee ble to the regent and lacnlty of the college, in throwing mnnd the vonuir Deoole eent l.ere, and aroond our own children every protect ioa against vice and t ad habits. Wi owe this duty to the elate, to resident Gatch and the professors composing the f.mliv. to tha neoide who fend their - -j a children into our midst, and to ouis-lves If there a determined effort made by all to place the snrroundmgs of the col lege,' (o far as our city is coocerned) up on snch a basis that parents and guard ans will fed'sending tbeir child ren and wards bera to school we will not only enbaece.the good work being doe by Ihe'ciJlege, but will confer a Ustirg benefit on our oan city. Famous doctors are now insisting that consumption is cont-g n-, and one might think from so in? of tbe current liteiature on the sobject that it ia liable to spread as the measles. As a natter if fact there are thousands of cases where people have lived with consumptives for rears without eer being effected. There are lots of things that tha doctors do sot know yet. These big fellows hootins for a lepntction are liabU to prevent al most any kind of a theory. The Oregonian says: A Polk county paper tars . The Unit ta stales nas sold during the past year 3ver six bnndren million dollars worth ot agricultural products to foreign count ries. The protective tar.ff does not sem o hurt oilr far mere." But isn't it evi Jent that the reason why we sell ao vaai quantities of agricultaral products to for etgn countries is simply that snch pro ducts msy be bad for less money bare tbanelsewbere in tha world? It onr protective tariff, then, tbe causs of this cheapness? lowed to smoke in school boars their Ussni sr! wsll prepared. It will take 115 days to remova S3.000.030 silver dollars from tbs Philadelphia mint to tbe new one. Rev. Sam Jcnes lava his income for several years has been between 125,000 and I3S.000. To patent an invention all over tbe orld costs about 115.000. This means in sixty-tour countit a. Mors than one-half of lbs egrtcullur- I Implerrent imported Into Australia go from tbs United States. The Briaisb navv'bwna 62 docks. Of these 61 art) of stone. The other is of wood. Tbe empire ot Morocco ie tbs most im portant stats tost is a ithont a nraspa per. Tbe fare on Chinese railroad in only 1 cent a mile tor first class aud bait a cent lor second c-ass. the assassination ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the C-janty Court of Linn county. Oregon, has appointed tbe nndcrsigmed ad ministratrix of tbe estate of VirandaL. Williams, deceased. A'l rersons having c aims against tbe estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned at tee office of Keiley ft Curl, in Albany, with the proper vouchers therefor within six months from the date of tbe toblication of this notice. Dated May 11, 1899. Mabt L. Williams. Kelly ft Cunt, Administratrix. Atiye for Administratrix. ADYiNlsf ratTix notice NOTICE H HEREBY GIVEN THAT the County Co' rt of Linn Co. Oregon, has appoin ed t e undersigned administratrix of tbe eata'e of lames M Willianis.deceased. All persons having claim against tbe es tate of taid deceased are hereby required to present tbe name 10 tbe undersigned at tba cflioof Keliy ft Con, in Albany, Oregon, with tbe proper vouchers therefor within six months from tbe date of the publics tion of this notice. Dated May 11. JSl9 MaY L. VVjIJJjtMH, Kelly & Cunt. Administratrix. Attys for Adm'ix. "administrator's notice. Notice i hereby givna that tbe uid.r signed has been by the county court of Linn county, Or., appointed administra tor of the estate of Ludlow M-zwell de ceased. All peisrns having claims agaiost mil person sod estate ate requir ed to present tbern to tbe undersigned at Albany, O'., within six months from the uate hereof, with the vouchers thereof. Albany, May 19, 1699, .J. WnsTXBY 0. A. iCniBALD, Att'y for adm'r. Administrator. " ' "ADMINISTRlprxTOTTcr" NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the County Court of Linn county, Oreeon. has appointed the undersigned administratrix of tbe estate of Julia A. Kendall. All persons having claims ngainst said esta e are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned at tke Mite of Kelly & Carl, in Albany, Oregon, wilb tbe proper vouchers therefor, within six months from tbe date of tbe pnblica ti n of tbe notice. Dated May 11, 1899. Mart L. WilHams, Kkli.ey ft Curt Administratrix. Attys for Admrx. From the Salem Statesman . Mrs. Carey F. Martin, wife cf one of Salem's young attorneys, returned home last Sunday evening direct from New York City, where sbe has been nearly a year studying sculpture nnder the nottd Daniel C. Fienct, of tbe New York Art Student's League. After being in school fonr months she bad reached snch profic iency in beiotk that she waa invited to lain ihe must advanced tlass in tbe tceool and at tbe cloee of a seven a eek't pose on a foil-s:zed figure modeled from lile the ffgure produced by Mrs. Martin was pronouoced to be tne best likeness of tbe model. Tbii is indeed most grat ifying as.tbere were others in the class who bad" been studying five; years or mors. The critlcio passing upon Mrs. Martins work said it excelled in that power of reproducing the characteristics of the model. Ia order to understand modern sculpture it must be remember ed that sculptors no longer work w:tb hisel and mallet. The sculptor simply makes the clay model fashion! the like nees of the figure desired I be produced ia soft e'ay ; from this figure tbe meeban. ics make a mould and from this mould s cast, ia biooa or whatever material de sirtd, tbe statue. If it is desired that the atatoe be in marble, tbe cisy model ia made and an Italian, who will work cheap is hired to chisel out tbe liaeness Irom the model in the marble lbesOulp tor and designer simply superintending tbs work. and putting in tbe finer lines. Bronze abdotber durable materials are used and the statu! are cast. President McKinley made s great mil take wiien he stabbed civil service in tbe bacs. Instead ol lessening tbe civil act vice scope it should be increased. Ap pointment toeffice means incompetency as bas been fully demonstrated. Civil service means competency, the best men filling tbs office. r hat the masses want ia competency. Tbs people a e tired ol offices being filled bv sticks just because tbey belong to tbe party in power. In taking tbe position bs baa President Mc Kinley sbows that be is ruled by politi cians, regardless cf lbs masses. This is a lact and not mere politics. As dodgers tbe rilipinos are great than the best football players ot tbe champion eleven. Where are they Here today, right nnder j oar bands, cm?bere else tomorrow, far away. ai'l be ever thus. The Filipino will be a baid man to handle, worse than a a' the wisp tbe Dsatoour man need to chase just after dark in bis boyhood days, or ao eel taken f.-otu tbe water on a slippery morning. What shall we do alth him any ay. Tba problem is one tba United States will have many years to solve. We base him to dispose and cannot bacs down from the job. In bis baccalaureate sarmon to tbs students ot bis Miaaoari Stats Universi ty, tbe Bight Revetand f isbop At will of Kansas City urged opon tbs young coll egians about to begin tbeir real life work in tbe world the fact that money gsttiog ts not the highest musioo of a scholar Just at the preteotstags of tbs higher development of man it would be of vaat benefit to society could this truth, ex tending beyond college-bred win and embracing ail men cf forceful and ambit ous character, be so deeply impressed upon tbs national miad as to leave its mark in the establishment of the truest ideals and in the direction of tbe wisest effort. Tbe American people are in sore need of such teaching, iuaamncb as the greatest evils now menacing tha country arise from lbs greed for gold. Ex. leader, full details of were received. A Collision. Nw Yobk, June 13. The Old Domin ion steamship Hamilton, which sailed from New York today for Norfolk and .Newport ran into the trertnan steamship Macedonia off Long Branch, and it is supposed that the Macedonia subsequently sunk. Tha Hamilton had on board a large number of paesetigers Were to Leave. asiiingtox, June 12. Gen. Oti re ports that the Oregon regiment, with the signal corps, w til leave today lor baa irancisco. Though Gen. Otis' dispatch stated the Oregon troops would leave for San Fran cisco, the war department officials are of tne opin'on that a mitake;in the cabling was made and that Portland was meant. A Cannon from Albany and a Gunnl from Salem were in a law olllce in Salem together last week, which resulted in a rhcI pun by a Salem paper assisted ly a Salem lawyer. Tbe man whipped sometime gets the most spoils like nations, a la Spain. In the 'recent fight between Fitzsimmons and Jeffries the former received tiO per cent of $42,000 and the latter who knocked the conceit out of lum onlv 40 percent. But he will receive his pay hereafter in other fights and reputation. One of our exchanges rises to remark : "In one ol our churches la-t Sunday morning, ly sctual count, 39 ladies bowed their heads in praver and from each bowed bead bung a rje. Ye, tbe coriwe of a murdered bird. How much ol u!e, toy, liappinees and sons went out with the mnrder of these in' nocent little songsters of God's own creation." Why not carry it further. On the feet of all were murdered calves and coa s and on their hands the relics ol slaughtered animalt. Wounded Oregonian-. WASHt&ro.v. June 12. Gen. (.His has notified the war department of the fol lowing j w ounded Second Oreiron, June 3 com pany II, Private Lara Kim, wrist, slight, Charles Donghtv, hand, slight; company L. Clavton M. kanaome. hand, s'.urht: la lbs last three ana a bail years oicj-1 r irst H aabtngton, June 6, companv O, elcs to tbe valna of 120,000,000 have been sx ported from ths United States. A olav now monies ia Paris has tbe odd spectacle of gtandanoiber and grand daughter acdug in tbe same piece Congteasmaa Reybarn has s eo'deUioo of American Bags which inciodes over 300 specimens ot all typ. Private. Joseph B. Dollan, leg, sitjbt.- rirat Idaho. lYivate linb Hutchinson, buttock, severe : First Montana, compa ny D, Private K. T. Clem, thigh, severe; w. r. Kramer, knee, slignu A Town Wiped Out. MtNEroL. June 12. A special to the Tribune from Stillwater says : This waa a terrible nijrht for New Rich mond, the viilaga being aimoet wiped out Tbe Salem school board, or some n r Urs, Lave bad a conference the i ..el week with Supt. Manindale of t .- Al banv schools, savs the Journal An ef fort will be made to revise ttlie i uurte of study for the ensuing year so : to shurt-! en the time taken with some of the elem entary brandies and organize classes that will carry the school work beyond the grades row taught. The school board is acting wisly in conferring with practical educators from other towns. Mr. Martin Ja'e is an advanced school man and bile some will not approve of his pro- I zre-Mive ideas, Salem can get more out of tier puouc scm'jc's ty a j-itiicieus re arrangement of the course of nauies. Utah g'.ves itsconvicted innrderr tbe of exuien- by one of the most severe choice of how they m ill be exs ot. i. The latest ooe chose to be shot Onl7 toar dp indent slates remain in Africa. Tbey are Abyssinia. Morocco, Liberia and ths Orange Free Sute. A Waldoboro bachelor, while waurbiog beside ths couch of his sick father last winter mads three fins bedqnilta. Twslvs systems of mechanical tractions arsaaed on tha street railways of Paris Nous ot them srs cables. Most of tbern nss slictricilr in some form, or com pressed air. of Representative Champ Clark of Mis souri say that Dearly tba entire theory ol Demacrary as to ths financial con d act ol tbe government mor bs rondensed into tbe short, terse, phrase, 'Mors Money and Less Use." Champ Clark ia right. Thsra is mors than that in tbs Chicago platform oa tbs subject of finance, bat not very much more. Tbe Chicago platform dedaresjor n income tai. lbs proposition is : Mors monsy snd less tax- as ,-taxes to ne I vied npon sorplas wealth ins'.ead ot opon the needs of tbepoor. An oyerwbelming majority of voters are for that proposition Only tbsbieaws of tbe Repoblieaa party, w bo ara controlled by tbs great moneyed iatreate, opposed to it snd those bosses, and their nswspap sr organs do not dare to openly oppo ths Income tax doOrioe of tba Chicago platform Democrats. There was a country wedding in Ford county, Ks. , tbe other dav, which waa attended by 300 g neeta. "Ooe large beef.' says tbs local paper, "bad been slaugh tered and cooked, three hogs had been roasted, seventy five pies scd fifty rakes bad been baked, fittetn gallons of canned peas bad been prepired, tea gallon of pickles wsrsset before the happy throng and thirty chickens were cooked, and .Be sides, thsrs wars breed, ham and veget ables in proportion. Ibat layout was doubtless snfflctsnt to provide all the I wedding guests with a equsre meal. " CITATION IS TDg Cot STT CoL'RT OF Till StAI E OF Ohxgok for Lis Cocktv. In tbe matter of tbe estate of Andrew Ralston, Deceased. To Nettie Kalston, U.J. Kaiston,.ennie R Alston, John Ralston, Marts A. Stewart, S M. Ralston. Robert Ralston. J. B. Rals ton, W. R. Ralston, and all others in tended in tbe above nam.d estate, greet ing. IN TBE NAME OF THE 8TATE OF Orecon. von are hereby cited snd required to appear in the County Court of tbe state of Oregon, for tbe county ot Lnn at tbe court room thereof, at Albany, in said county, on Saturday tbe 8th day of July, ltt'JO, at One o'clock in the afternoon of that day. then and there to show cause if anv ton or either of sou have why an order sboula not be made authorizing and em powering tbe administratrix of said estate to sell tne toutwing described real prop erty belonging to said estate as prayed lor in tne petit on of M J. Ralston on fi'e hereia. towit: beginning at tbe Nottbwest corner ol tbe southeast quarter of section 2ti Tp 13 south of range 1 East W'ill-n.eite meridian and running South 21 rod to a county road, thence East 14 rods, tbence North 24 rods, tbence Wet 14 rods to the plate ot beginning containing two acne more or less in Lnn county, Oregon, Also tbe N F. of Sec 26, Tp 13 Wouth of rar ga Onj Enstiu Linn county, Uregon, containing 160 acres more or I ss AIo Sec. ih in 1 p VI South range 1 Ens', containing 640 acres excepting 40scis sold to A. L Gustafson, Vol. 53, page 409, alsa 1211 acres sold o ti. K. Peck, Vol 6K, page 411 and situated and lying in Linn count, also a strip o land 30 ft wide for right of way runxinir throngu J Sness land and lotnmenues at the Southwet-t corner of theNoriheast of c, 20. thence Northwest 16 rods, the'.ce West 21 rods, therce West 16 rods to a county road, a 1 in Tp 13 S ranire, I East. Linn couoty, r gon, save an 1 excepting 6'Jr8' acres sold to Andrew Gustation. Wifnes, the Hon. Geo D Barton. Judge of the County Court of the Stale of Oregon; (L S) for the County rf Linn, with tbe Seal of said Court affixed, this 1st day of June, A v., iyw. Another conspicuous example showing that the motive snd purpose of trusts srs not, ss -their spolcge'.i sod defenders sffirm. to reduce tbs prices of products . rhr!Hr(!B horn lo them. otn. consumer, oy systematizing .DO b,?- UB f raodcMUJreo ,ad OB. gie grandchild, and every ons of their de- Tbs Bostoo Herald tells this story: Mr. and Mrs Thorn as O. Gilbert of Sales wbo were married fifty years ago, bsvs been fortunate beyond most people. Six Tn;y elso improving the economies of production is furnished by the tin plate trust. Before tlie highly? rr it acted manufac tories engaged tn the iudustry of making terne plate, commonly calltd tin plats, were merged in a trnst consolidation the price of their product was 2.40 a box Now it is 4 a box. Making a fair allowance for the por tion ol the increased piles doe to tberiss in tbs cost of steel, pig iron and labor, it can be demonstrated that from G0to70 cents oit is increased profit to ths man ufacturer. Republic. Beware of Cheap Photos. As a matter of business and protection to the people, I wculd respectfully cau tion them against getting cheap cabinet size photographs. It takes just so much money and work to make a good perma nent picture. Be careful, don't get'bit" on "cheap" cabinet photos. I am here to stay, and my prices are reasonable for the quality of the work. IIabkihii, the pliotog-apher. At'et: Frank Crabtrik. Clerk, ly R. B. Montague, Depu i j Sweet, Refreshing sleep is given by Hoo.t'a rUnmpiirilla which strengthens the nerves, tone, the stomach rna overcomes all dyspeptic symtnms. You should try it Hood's Pil's a'e prompt aod iflkient, a 8) to take, easy to Operate 25 cents. Beanty Is Illood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. t'aaoareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving ail im purities from tbe body. Ik-gin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cast arets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. To Cure f. Cold In One 1 ay Tate Ltxativa Bromo Quinine Tsblets All druggists refund the money if it Is) Is to cure. 2i Ths genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. sceadente is rttii alive and well. Not s break bat occurred ia ths from tbs asy of ths msrrisgs, fifty yesrs ago.'' Beware of Ointoients for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as trercury will sorely destroy tbe sence cf smell and completely derange tbe whole system when entering it through lbs mu oous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from rep utable physicians, as tbe dam ige they will do ia ten fold to tbe good yon can possibly derive fnm them Hail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cbeaey & Co., To U do, O , contains no mercury, and is taken ii'ernall, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. In ouricg d all's Catarrb Cure be sure yon get tbe genuine I( is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by K. J.Cheney V Co. Testimonials free. t Sold by druggists, prices 75o ir bottle. Ball's Family Pills are tbe best. 600 Rings. A greater variety of friendship, en gagement ana wedding rings never was shown in Albany than those displayed in Freneh's show windo . We invite everyone to stop and inspect them- They are direct f i om the factory, bought tor crsh, and we sell then on a very close margin. Frenches watch snd ring house. cyclones that ever visited that locality It is thought manv are dead. Mr. Carroll aaysahat ere followed the cyclone and what waa leff ia being cors- tamed ry Ere. 150 are reported killed. Another Town's Fate MtNKkAiijua, Junejle. A special to the Times Iron No'lh Wisconsin Junc tion star : A courier from Bordman reports that Ibe whole town has been wiped off the face of the earth, and while no definite news bas been obtained at this time of ibe casualties it is presumed many were injured and possibiy some kilted. Heavy Storm. MiLWArxcc, Jnoe 12. A sjecial from La Crosee say. The were I rain storm In 17 years swept over this rection last - night and ftodar. Nearly 5 inches of rain fell. It came in sheet, doing great damage to railroad property 4 More Fighwiriji Makila, June 11 Tbe Filipino occu pation ot the province ot Cat ite baa teen broken, and as a result of the present movement the Americana now control tbe important coast towns of l'aranaua and Laa Pinas, while a Inog line of insur gent trenches) facing our south Lnes has been cleared. The insurgents have azain proved tbeir ab lity as dodders. Indians Starving Victoria, B. C, June II. The Indiana living in the neighborhood of the upper waters of the Stewart river are in a most deplorable condition. A terrible famine prevails in that district and tbe unfor tunate natives bave already been decim ated for lack of food. Conditions bave been growing rapidly worse in this re spect, and 3 miners who bave just reach ed here from that coa d try say that the pililul scenes enacted among the starv ing Indians beggars description. Storer Arrived." Mapbid, June 11. Bellamy Storer, 1", S. minister to Spain ; Mrs. Storer, Stan ton Sickles, secretary ol the legation, and tbeir servants,! arrived here bv the southern express yesterdsy. Mr. Storer i was received at the railway station by ! Col Mora, cbi-jf of police of Madrid, who saluted tbe minister by touching his band. An Iowa Cyclone. MtXNKAroi.ln, June 11. A special to the Tribune from Sioux City, says: A tornado struck two miles southeast of Sa lix this afternoon, 16 miles t from here, and killed three Pfple outright and one more will die. The killed are: John M alloy, farmer; Mrs. John Mallor, his wife; Harry Malloy, his 16-year-old son. An Oregon Heir. PorcnKEtPsiB, N. Y., June 11 Iewitt Laromee, whose borne is in Oregon, is one of the beneficiaries of an ecoentri uncle's will. Alexander Dewit, w ho has just died here, after living in the village for 40 years on the bounty ot friends has left a fortune of 110,000 in bonds, stocks and mortgiigee. Preserves Sl f-tntiOL pVkiss orrmsep an Sjl 4)4 Bw Vir. nkraiy. taut ajr f f-fenffin warn taa j aar !- rwl KMkri. DcMSOtoUMMSUH x torReflned Paraffins Wax A No rUre, No Pay bat is ths way sll tbe drnggists sell ve's Tasteless Chili Ionics lor Cbiflt, aria and billiousness. It is aa p'eas o takd as lemon syrup, 60 j. Sex our new rockers snd chairs. The finest ever seen in the city. We close at p.m. j Albany Furnitvm Co. ! ta s-rvry tCMtMM- It Is i mm turn maA oArum air. aa4 pVKt 0-4 pool! caA 4 H U a IM OV BS MXMMJ . fro-a gran SrcnMsr frtKm. hMlUl. MmOttr ADMIKISTRATCR-S NOTICE NOTICE H IlEFE.lY GIVEN THAT the oeJerMiceJ bas been, by the Coact; Court of Lien cruoty. Oregon, duly f pointed administraLw of the eetat of J w. Atviencn. I .te of Lion cocctr , Oregon d.oea ej. Alt wrviK bitioii c!aitr against aaid estate are tereby required to preaent the same properly venSed to the oodeteigned at Aibant, Oregon tb in sis months frv-ra this date. This tbe I0:b dav of Jane. . K.. WetTnaaFOKD. Administrator. Assignee Soti-c ot Final Settle merit. Notice is hereby givet that the under signed, as as-ignee of tbe estate rt A. M. Haonmer. an insolvent del tor, has tiled his final a.-count in said assignment pro ceedings now pndmg in tne 'Vircoii Coart of Linn county, and that the same ni'lt-e heard in Department No 2 tf said court at tbe Circu.t Court room, in 4lbany, Linn co-cty, Oregon, on tbe ITlh ay nf Jaly. 1SV9- All persons in terested in said n.a'.ter desiring to orjot to said acrouut are hereby notified to fi such objections on or before said lime S N.Srat.i.a. H.C. Wjitms, Assignee. Att'y for Assignee. F"' ur 80c per sack, Try it. The Macnolia. J M RALSTON, Three doors esst of the Dsmoc-rt office bss money to loan on farm security st low rate of interest. Also small loans made n personal security . City, county snd school warrants bought. Collections made. Kents collected. Firt . - surance written In the following large snd reliable companies: HOME INS. 0.,of New YorklPHOKNIX INS.OO., Hartlord. Oonn.. LIVERPOOL. LON DON, snd GLOBE 1N8. CO. of England Removal Notice. We are now established In our new snartera, Fltat St. near Montgomery one door below Iron Works. lo-Tonnection with onr steam plant we shsll maintain s hand dep't. Fine lilks, wooh-ni snd ether delicate fabrics will be washed in telligently by hand. Telephone or pos tal brings our wsgoni to yourdoor. Our aim is to please you. Msgnolia Laundry C Simi sos A Son, Props. Te'ephone II. FOSHAY & MASON -Wholesale Retail For choice groceries at reasonable rates, ee McFeron A Tomlinson. i DRUGOISTo iflDfiOOmUUt 4LBANT, ORBOON. Trvourbresd at two loaves for ' Pn re Drugs snd the finest and nick 'TOl Is. McFeron & Tjmlinson. Stock of Stetionsry and Books tbe Market. THE LATEST. Sletters, Albany's Leading Restaurant. Is now ready to feed the hungry si their elegant new qua'ters at ibe same price 20 rents a meal. Our public and private dining rooms are lighted with gas and fitted np in metropolitan S )le. Opposite Stewsrt A- Sox. Mna. M.G. Sttv PEARLY TELTII, so highly and jootly priaed. are assured bv the' nse ol our ALLENS TOOTH POWDER, whicb prevents sll accretions under the cental surfaces and keeps them clear, clean, and natural in eclor. With regular applications ot this powder the teeth will not decay and ths annoyance of an early resort to the resourcee ol den tistry is avoided. Keep your teeth as leng as nature will permit. Using our ALLENS TOOTH POWDER will enable you to do this. Price only 15 cents per ox. J. A.CLMMINO. For Bargains and In Farm Lands, Timber Lands City Property, call on or write S. N. STEELE A CO. Albany, Oregon SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allea.s foot ea s,a powder for tbe feet: It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv sus foot, and ifUtantlv taks sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest com fort discovery of the age. Al en.s foct-ratie makes tigbt or new slices feel esxy. It is a certain cure for sweating callous aid hot tired, achinir feet" Try it to -day. Sold by Srutgists and shrw-stores. tor 25c-io stamps. Trial package FBHK. Address, Allen S. Omitted, Le Roy, X. Y FOR SALE. About twenty pounds of geete feathers, nice and clean, just reno vated. Call on F. (J. Powers Bioadalbin treet. Will take orders.for renovating e athers. Tin Harrington new improved air pressure wssber for washing all kinds of clothing from s cuff to a large carpet, feather beds snd pillows, It weighs lour pounds. It will be on exhibiiisn st the Pioneer House. I will give say psrty $10 if tney can find any two crank or lever machines that can do the work ol ons of the Harringion washer. Come and see it. R, 8. Harrington, of Corvallis, Ore, 2O0O00 Worth OF THE VERY FINEST BOOTS AND SHOES MUST AI WILL HE SOLI) HERE I.N ALBANY BY THE oston Shoe Store B WIIHIN THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. y K manufacture a'l of our own good, tisin: nothing but the let material, goodupper and Iid o!e leatber.lEM 1AJI uLTi Will IK I.AIJUK. l'ay Die tiighet wages and gt the beet work. S e goarautt e ev I to wear as represented. Va are selling shoes for lets thao any retailer can buy thern.J every pair ofhoes California Factory Eastern Factory, Santa Roa?. Calif. Gents French Calf Shots, 2, worth 4.00 Genu fine calf shoes $1.25, worth 2.50 I'-oys school shoes fl worth 2.00 C'bildrens school echoes 50c, worth 1.25 Mens snd ladies carpet slip pers 25c - - worth ' ..'0 Linn. .Haas. Lvlips French kid button Khoes 2 .. - - worth U-0O L-.i Cne kid butu-n shoe 15, - - worth 2.50 Indies fitie kid ties 75c, worth 1-50 Misses school shoes 75c worth IM Babies slioes 23c, 5Cc snp c-Z Sale Begins Wednesday, June 14, At io o'clock a. m. So coa 0 ol Uy ioa rcpply of thoot now. Yoa will never have the opportanitT o- Our headquarters are on First St., next to the Revere. sr w .a ,, ... t SsSv ft fiss-r roa" Summer Cooking is made a pleaure Ly tbe cte of the Quick Meal blue flame oil stove. It is the mt conven ient, simple, economical atd easily managel o! any eock:n apraratcs inaJe, and mill Lake, boll, broil cr roast, and ia rare to g ve U-orough satisfaction. STEWART &SXHIW. CO. NEW A DVEKT SE&i E KTS FOR PHOTOS, FORYIEWS, FOR CRAYONS, FOR FRAMES, FOR ENLARGED VIEWS, FOR PHOTO BUTTONS, In fact 'or anything in Sret class Pho tography CALL ON The Photographer Alba it v ..... Oicion I THE FAIR fc: I WILL ON THE 20TH 3 IB MOVE TO MY PERMANEST H Q, CARTERS 2 POORS Ea3T 2 g OFP.O. 3 s Reipectfui'r. sfe 3 p J A. WEAVER. g I f HE CRACKER JACK L B MOSES. PROPRIETOR Opposite Msoni-" " Full line of standard grorctie and country protince- No single leader, but ever) thing a eaderat bottom price. Wagons run in the country selling gro ceries snd collecting produce. Money ed by trading at the- Crack-lack. FOR SAI.K. A bngjry horso, pentJe and a tine driver. Call on Chaa Ueulow at the lUnin Clothing Co8 tailor ing department. THE BAZAAR Infants and Childrens Head wear HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS Totked ar.J ?h:rred bat. Wash hats. La n n I Kibtnn trirtmrd hats, S raw erowe hats. Lawn. Dimity and Feciv bonrets fin itheJ io lace, embroidery or tu-s. Frist, Organdie ana M a'.'. Toke bonnets, eod to pirtect little faces from the sun in jc: oa nty and pretty. lL.'aol! Japanese and French Cape. Any of ;hee attractive grods at pop lar prices. See our Novelties in Parasols- 'LLtVH.J. HAMILTON. CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that funds are on hand to pay ci:y wairarts Nos. 199 to 214 inclu. ive of tne issue of ISi$. luter est cn said warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Albanv, Or.. June 14, 18 9. E- A- PoeKsa, Citv Treasurer. Til K HO.MLI KS r M AN I N ALHANY As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any drugit and get YRV.H a dial bottle of KeniD s lialfttrn for the Throat and Luna, a remedy that is irusrantreu to cure ana relieve an vorooic and Acute Cou-hs, Asthma, Bronchitis Oonsuiaptton.Frio25c. and 5(k llBiM WH COMEB; MosUr A McKlllop, Proprietors Pre mpt meals stall hours, Fieshoys ters in styles desired. Serve lunches for banquets on short notice. The Albany Insurance Agency Rp esents the leadins; Fir an" Insurance Couipanies. VboJos!e dealers in Vne.t. 0.. ; and Wood. Correspondence solicited. .M.SEXUERS &CO H. F. rierrill INSCRANCE AND LOAN AGENT. oUeclljDS prompliy attended to. cor respondence solicited. Otfice in Dkxo cat bnilding. HtRSES FOR SALE. Fine head of work horses, for cash or time with se curity. Call on L. O. Ralston, Albany, Or. The New Hardware Firm Of L. E. Ohlin and R. K. Hulburt. partners un.ler tirui name of Ohlinir A Hulburt desire t lie public to know that they keen constantly on band, at all times, a lull assortment of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware....... THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to weave carpets and nigs. Can make beautiful rugs from worn out ingrain carpetr. Do not hesitate to eive the new weaver a trial order. ou win ue pleased. Fifteen years expettAnce. Fricee reaonat!e. Place of business, ast end of 8th St. T- 8. AuXaNOIR. C. E. Brownell' St ECIAL LIST. 3 cans choice salmon 2 " fresh mackerel Armours Deviled Ham Gallon jog of ketchup Tea Sifting, fine flavor.. Starch, per ib ill oced Qsme. (large cans) Buetcn Baked Keans 16 ox. cans Good Eakica Powder.. 5 cars Mastard Sardines S cans Sogar Cora 23 75 22 06 SO 12 14 SS 24 Tbeee are all first c!as goods and wc cuaractee satisfaction. .-. ". rt,,rvTt--f-T t. t. duUmLLL SECOND ST. - - - - ALBAXY Miller & Stewart, BIOYCLERfePAIRIHG, FOBGffl&AmHACBlSIfOBl ALL WORK GUARAXTEED. LO?r. Doa;, white with yellow spots, pointer color with No. S last years lajr. Return to Farmers Feed Sbedd. W OOD WANTED. Between now ami the la,t of July sixty cords of wood st the brick yard ol J . S . Morxan in the easternl part of the city. Cailon Mr. koxan fort psrueoiars. LOST. Strayed from barn recently bav horse. 6 veers ot aee.weixninz a 1.000 pounds. Flease inform tbe undr signed, Y . Hasc, Albany, Or. C AFE W ANTED. Second hand,sma. wj or medium size. Address K. Boi 4S.City nnvr. Wt fl Tnfi Second St near Lyon street, Albany. Sella Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese tea and rot oil. Special Rates. For the summer season we will make special rates on family washing. Why have work and worry at borne when yoa can get it done at a reasonable price at the laundry. Call or telepbcse fur prices. " Magsoua LarxBT Fhone Si 4 sim m mt loass I have an unlimittd amount ot mon jr to loan on Farm Security, or on business property in Albany, at SEYE" FER CENT INTEREST," the intereet payaM. bnt once a year. For information sad blank applications call on or address C. ti. BrsEHau, Albany, O- Notice. On and after ;his date wood sawine in k 1 1 ... :i I r . ... i.ii : All f.ur foot wood, 2 cut, 50 cents; four foot wood, S cut, 60 cent-; four foot wood, "ne cut, 40 cents; pde wool per cord, 75 cents. By the hour fl. J. M . aso R. E. Owsxs. N. A. BioDccrr. W. A. Gibsos. O. C. ClBXAS. Farm for Sale. Notice is bereW clven that the farm known as the C. f . Knigbten place about ae mile south of Tanitent, will be sold at administratrix sa'e June 17th. 1893, at 1 o'clock p ru. st the court house, in Albany. Orepon. Francs K. Ksronvex Admrx. Notice i bervb siren that sealed bids fill be received ny Sol district No, 8, Linn Couotv. Orepor., op to toe 15th da? f ji ne. 1SS9, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. ai tor contra c tot turnishinjc liO orda ot h oak wood, and 10 cord, lmd fir, ona wood to be not lews than 4 inches ia diameter at smallest end, 4 feet lonr. isiKbt.sDd free from limbs, fir to be split frmn large trees, tree from knots and bark. All wed to be delivered at school buikiinfts va siid district as may be airected o or kefore Asbjust 15tb, 1S99, closely corded. tnU will be leceived for all of the wood, or i a to' a of not leea than 20 cords Hi ted this 23rd day of Marct, 1899. VlRQlL PaKKUt, School Clerk.