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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1899)
TERMS. Jailt Democrat, 25 cents per niotv. 13.00 per advance, SOo per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. Weekly. 11.25 In advance; 91.50 at end if year; 11.75 for second year; 12.00 foi ihird and proceeding rears, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five now subscriber at f 5.00. At Cirkin, Eng., the other day, a plow came into contact with a stone coffin covered with a stone lid and containing human bones. The coffin is 7 ft. 6 in, long, 3 It. widoand the eidee 4 to 5 in. thick . It weighs nearly two tons. Mr. Moody, tbe greatest evangelist in the United States is in San Francisco where be basa bard task ahead, bnt he is equal to tbe occasion, and has already made an impression on toe sinners of that reckless city. CITATION CorNTT Court of thb Stats o4 kkOkboom, o Linn County. In the matter of the estate of James Me diation. To William H. McMahon, Mary Drink ard. James Stewart McMahon, James Drinkard, George Orinkard, Clara Drink ard, Lena Drinkard, William McMahon, Catherine McMahon and all other persons interested in said estate, greeting. IS TtiE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, jou are hereby cited and require to appear in tbe County Court of tbe state of Oregon, for the county of Linn at the court room thereof, at Albany, in said county, on the 1st day of May, 1899, at one o'clock in the after noon of that day, then and there to show cause if any yon or either of yon may have why an order should not te made, directing, authorizing and requiring William fct. McMahon to dia trioute the money in hi hands as executor of the last will and testament ot said de ceased, according to the residuary clause in said will between the said William H. Mabon and Mary Drinkard. ,- Witness, tbe Hon. Geo. I t D. barton, judge of the 1 ' ' t County Court of the stated 1 - ' Oregon, for the County of Lion, with toe teal ot said county a tried, this 4th d?y of March, A. D., 1899. Attest: Frank Cbabtkck, Clerk. By K. B, Mostagsb, Deputy. MCTIJE OF FINAL SETTUUENi. TV! OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN tne undersigned a the administra tor with the will annexed ot the estate of Melissa A. liurklart deceased, has filed his 6 nil account with the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the County Couit has fixed Monday, May 1, 1899,. at the hour of one o clock- p. m.. of said day, tor tbe hearing of said account sad tbe final settle ment of said tstate. Any and all persons having objections to the same are Hereby notified to oe present at the County Court room at said tiire ana make tbe same. Dated this 24th Day of March, 1S99. R. L Burkhart, Adm'r with tbe wil' annexed Wfathsrfobd & Wtatt, Atty'e for adm'r. N1TICE OF FINAL SETTLE MIHT "NT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI i N the undersigned, the executrix of the last will aid te3tament of El'zabeta Ram baueb, deceosed. baa filed her final accoun' in tbe County Court of tne the state of Or een. for Linn county, and tbe court has appointed, Monday, tbe first day of May, 1899, at tbe hour of one o'clock p. m . of said day for bearing object iots thereto, and take settlement thereof. All person having ot'jections are berebv notified to be present et the date assigned. Dated Match 25th. lt99. L. II KuMBAceu. Exeoutrx of the last wi'l and testament of Eiirabetn Rumbaugh, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned. Administrator of tbe fate cf Deborah Ewing, deceased, will at he hour of 1 o clock p. m., cf Saturday, April 1, 1899, sell at public auction lo the hignest bidder. fcr cub, at the nc-rtL 'dor of the Court Louse in Albear, Linn county, Oregon.tbe fO' lowing describee real property, viz "Tbe north balf of the north-east quarter VJ o' tbe nortn-west qaarier J of Sec tion (31) thirrv-cne; in Township eleven. Sooth BanKe (3) three. West cf Willamette Meridian, containing twenty acres, more or less, i:i Linn county, Oregon, on a public road running along the north side of said place ' A Io tie r git of wv for vehicles from the northwest corner of raid premises west to tbe county road running irom Albany to 1 angent. There is a farm dwelling, a cood barn. and a young orchard of six or seven acies of bearing frmt trees on tbe place. Sita ated about four miles sooth of Albany. Oregon, and is to bo sold under and bv virtaeof an order of the (Vunty Court of Linn county, Oregon, made and entered of record Dec. 6, 189S Datei Feb. 24, 1899. Thomas H. McChck, Adtnit.'.etrator of tne estate of Deborah Ewing, deceased. REFEREE'S SALE. T OTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 X in pursuance of an order of the Cir cuit Court of tb state of Oregon for the county of Lion duly made and entered of record in tc ascertain ruit wcere in Sarah J . Elder and Isasc Elder ter husband, E. M. Millard and John A. Mi hard her bus band, Mary A, Crawford and John Craw ford her husband, and Sarah MsBride and Laura Kc Bride were plaintiffs and )obn A. McBride.Anna Merlride, Horace Mc" ride, Mary McBride. William Walter McBride, and Myrtle McBride were defendants, an pointing the undersigned a referee to make sale of tbe real premises hereinafter de scribed and repot t tbe same to the above entitled court, the nndcrsigced will, on Saturday, the 22nd day of April, A D., 1899, at the north door of the county conrt house in tb city of Albany, in the county ana state aforesaid and at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of saia day, sell to tbe highlit bid lerfor cah in band all tb rig'it, title, interest, estate and claim of wnatsoever kind tbe part iff, plaintiff an! dffandant bail nt the date o eiid decree in and to the following deec ribed premises, to wit: . Tte southeast quarter of section twenty six, and tuenortbaxt quaiterand the north half of tbe outtieaat quarter of wet ion tbirtj-Cve to fc ship tweUe, south of ranpe four, wrt of tbe Willamette Merid ian in L.uu C'onnlv, Oreion, containing focr hundr d iiitis. xc pt tberefrrm the following described premiws, to-wit: Be pinning or the bait region line at a point fifty five rode eal of the nortb west cornel of tbe southeast q tarter of section twentj six in townihipi welve, south of rngefour weft or tlie Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, ('rtgon, and tannine thence east twelve rods and ten feet; tbence south twelve rod a d ten feel; thence wes twelve rods wnJ ten fet, thrnte nortb twelve roda ai.d ten 'eft to tbe place of oc sinning, containing one acre deeded to School Dmtrict. No. ?0 m Linn County, Oregon Right lo reject any and all bids reserved. Dated at lMny, O.egon, th;s 20 to da) of March, 1809 J A McBridb, Referee. AOtNiSTRATOR'5 NOriCE. N OTIC; IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT be ur dxrnigntd has by tbe Count; Court of Linn County .Oregon, been du'y ap pointed administrator of the estate .f Hsr riet Fuller, deceased, and bat qualified such administrator. All "ttrGD having claims fpaiott tbe estate of aid detesBcd aie herely r. quired to prefent tbe farue Diotierlv verified aa bi law required. Ibis l lie 20th day of March, 1899 8amubl Mav, Administrator. WKATHKttFOKD & WVATT. I One of the Oregon boya writes home from Manila in the following caustic manner: As usual our, regiment was kept in the walled city during the heaviest part ot the figbt.doing guard duty and patroliug tbe town. You eee our regiment belongs to the provost guard and to we are not allowed to leave the city limltc. Hon esily, I am thoroughly disgusted with tba whole layout, to think.that webiing the first to lands on there Islands and then not be allowed to go to the front, but have to stay in a blamed old town guard mg government property. Of course somebody has to do it, but I only wish it waa some other regiment than the O ogon. We kicked so much that finally they let one battalion go to the front and, as good luck would hare it, Company G belongs, to said battalion, and so we etili he ve a chance to get under fire. It ia expected that an attack will be made all along the lines tonight. My company bad the good luck to be aeot ont on the skirmish line with the 23rd regiment day before yesterday. We tan on the enemy's out potts, but only man aged to get a few shots before the niggere aklpped asjfaot.aa their legej would carry them. I know yon will excuse bad writing when I tell yon I am writing this in tbe burning ann with my rifle across my knees, ready and waiting for the niga to turn loose at us from the brush . It will probably be some time before you will hear from me again, but I prom ise to write aa often aa possible. Our chances lot coming home now for awhile are pretty alim. If yon do not bear from me for quite a while do not be alarmed for you know there is a special provid ence watches over fools and Irishmen. This and That. There were 173 ocean ditasters in 1893. The new hooka pnblisbed laat year av eragn thirteen a day. The Indian population of the United States ia 323,474, a decrease in fifty years of only 62.7GS. Tbe expense ot running an Atlantic, steamer for three years exceeds the cost of ita construction. Tte atnalleat flower known to tbe bo aniat ia said to be that of tbe yeast plant. It is microscopic in size. J Capital punishment is not inflicted in five states Colorado, Maine, Michigan Rhode Island and Wieeontin. Within six mouths Venezuela, ae Ilia remit cf North American enterprise.will begin the manufacture of cotton. Gold worth almoet $56 000,000 has been taken ont cf tbe mines in th Crip ple Creek district in tbe last eight jears. There are three Bonapartea ltft-Prtnca Roland, a widower, with one daughter, and the Princes Victor and Louis . The only two great European capitals that niver have been occupied by a for eign foe are London and St Petersbcrg. An Ohio jndge baa decided that one cannot be prosecuted fur forcing a docu ment ncieee a revenue atamp is a Mixed to it. Tbe Rev. Charles Dodgson, Lewie Car rol!, bad over 98,000 letters pigeonholed and indexed. That means 2,000 letters a year for forty-1 ine years. Tbe passion flower, which arose in tbe South American ft rests, can only be en joyed where it grown, aa it fadte almoet aa oon as picked. a At a recent civil service exa-ninat ion tor promotion in the New York, fire dep. arttnent every candidate failed, including Richard Crocker 'a nephew. Unt.l recently sea shells and cocoanui shells were current coin of the realm in Siam, 780 of tbe former being changed for one of tba latter. Tbe enarrow exterminators in Boston bave destroyed 1,100 nretj on tbe com mon in two days. Tba pnblic garden sod small parka are next to be attacked. A law in New Zealand compels intoxi cated men to bava their photographs taken and distributed to barkeepert.aho thereafter must refuse to sell tbem liq uor. A Waldoboco He. bachelor while watch ing beaioe tbe couch of bis sick faiber this winter baa made three as fine quilts a were ever produced at an old- f aehioned quilting bee. A six-year o'd Went Sullivan Me. girl. while looking through a boor, came to a picture of a skeleton. Running to her moth. r she cried: Ob, mamma! See! Here's a man God begun and never finish ed. . The tube of a 1? inch gnn, which is nseo in some wsusbips, baa fifty spiral grooves inside, which cause the thtt to retat've at it rushes thorgb the air. In certain conditions of tbe atmosphere electricitv is to abundant on tbe top of the big volcanoes in Hawaii that an English geologist found that he could trace eltc'rie letters with h's fingers cn bir blanket Tbe oldest letter in the world ia in tbe Britieb moseuro. Although writlen over 30 centuries ago the characters are etill legible. Itgiveaan interesting pict ure of life in Egypt daring the reign ot Ramees II. In Fiji tbeie ia a enrione sea worm wbicb arrive! in my.iads on tbe coait on a certain dar. Tbe waters are so full of tbem as to resemble vermicelli sonp. After laying their eggs nothing ia left of them bnt empty ikine. One of the meet remarkable incre ments on record 3 as been recently com pleted measures one-millionth pert of a second. Tbe instrument ia very compli cated, but tbe vibrations of a very sensi tive tuning fork form the basia of tbe measuring proves. Kleca Sunz, the Spanish contralto, who sang for many ears at the Paris graod opera difed recently at Nice at the age ol 48 years. Her retirement from the auge was said to have been due to tbe attach ment thai the Ja'.e King Alfonso XII o Spain showed for her. Tbe weigbta ol clacaea ol students be fore and after examination have been made tbe subject of recent investigation. In high classes, where naturally the ex amination was most felt, aeveral pounds were lost, showing bow tbe mental strain waa felt. In lower classea Hie loaa waa not ao great. A woman in O.tawa, Ka., recently re ceived from her aon iu Manila a package which waa wrapped In brawn paper. 6re waa about to lay this paper away aa a souvenir wben ah discovers 1 that It bora tbe printed card of an Ottawa mer chant. It had made the round trip to Manila. Berlin baa atrnck a blow at tbe Ger mans rigbt to amuse himsdf aa ha pleasea. All cafe chantant are to close a 11 o'clock, at wbicb boor tbe audience 1 will be turned out regardless of whether they msy bave finished their beer or not. Detectives in plain clothea will watch be performancea and stop them should they become too lively. Among the Nigs. lo the deatu ot Mavor Mason. Portland lost a good citlcen, a man having the es teem of the people ot Perlland re gardleaa of politics. Canned roaet beef is becoming a very nauaeating subject. We bave beard ao much ot. it that we are tired to the bonee Tbe whole matter la putrid and should be buried deep. The distance of the Philippine war from the United States makes running a big paper a very expensive business, the tolia being enormous. It la probable that the increased expense ia far in ex cess ot the increased income. Every once in a while tbe Oregonian will harp on the eilver trust, something that does nrt and neer existed, Wben waa the ail vertrnst organized and what does it conaiatlof anyway. It com- far from approaching gold aa a truat. II there ie ench a thing as a trnat in money it ie gold, for it means higher prices to the producer. A new broom sweeps clean, and great many people rosh after eveiy new corner like the housewife after tbe new broom, only to find when they learn of their careers that they ar not brooms at all, but "sticks." Treat the newcomer well and warmly, bat find oat for ceitxin , whether he ie tne right stuff before yon marry him The Philippine aarTTTmea closer and closer home te every ci' 'in, for it ie re ported that our ooys art in tbe midst of tbe fight, if not tbe alhan young men, who may poeeibly beoo euard doty in Manila, at least mo-t f h. Oiegon regi ment, and every Let kiUd of and wound ed is scanned qudklv so ' loeely. It ia a matter ot splendid f- - e that ao far not an Albany yonug m. baa be en in jured, nor baa one iVd from dlaeaae. May tbe good fortune lOtitione ia tbia line. Tbe Oregotian I- iu . fight on the trosla U up and foatered by i ayatem of tariff I hat :. manufacturers, and a -ment that winks at U . nieaauna. When . -cornea though tuat . i line. Tbe cbancee can platform will tog a heroic -e being bnilt party. In a imply for the - -de of govern- ation of trnat next election will fall into tbe repnbli anti-trust plank in its platrm in-1 v catch suckers and tor tbe benefit o fighting the trusts in umos. re mat are editorial col- The tammany 0 a i-lau dinner in New York city, aid be followed by a genuine love feast at $1 a plate. It ia said tbat Mr. Bryan t l attend tbia Mr. Crofcer it ie to be ho,ed will possess sufficient tense the nrxi lime not to bave such extravagant ttinnere. at the same time it will pat lota of money in circulation, easily earned, as tbere ia lit tle doubt tbat a great deal of tammany money baa been stolen from tbe Coffers of tbeciiy by jobs. Tne asses tbongb. do not appreciate such shows of epicur- iaaism. A case ol colossal cherk cornea from Portland, where a California roan tent up by some board ol radf ie trying U get some ot tbe many immigrants now coming to tbe "rbet to continue to Cal.fornia, where according to Ibis man' report, the? will find a paradise In tbe face of it hundreds ol prople are leaving be very locality on account of aneceejive fai.ures of crops and ruin staring him in thr face. This man should be pictured and bis ngly ph'a so d a a sample of nevrr tq?all-a gall . Tbe New York Ketura i inu worked for tbe election ot McKinl.-. i did the Amer ican Protective Tariff Leoe. It looks strange lo ree these 'wo orginxationa. one contending for tree tr.dV asd tbe other for protection, supporting tbe same candidate for the Presidency. Tbe Pr otective Tariff League were rewarded by tbe paasage of tbe Dipgley bill and the Logo appeared to be on the Reform club X w the United States his a aavy ia Philippine waters to aid ia the partiuot China after which the Dingley bill will be a god revenue tariff for a fi years natil America ia drained of ber coin, hut wrl not avail to protect either capital r UVr against tbe products of Chinese U' or in lactones equipped with labor saving ir ""bines. Watchman. Tbe ben is every imptaot factor in food supply and hen p oducta match closely in value tbe product of onr most valoble mining indastri-s A Chicago dealer figures tbst 3.350.000 OOOcbickePg and 13,000.000.000 eggs valued together at $290,000,000 were produced in the United States in 1S98 Every bee carries bis market basket round hts bind lege. Ant ois examining tbe body of a bee through a microscope will eee that on tbe bind les there ia a fringe of stiff baits on the surface, tbe baire approaching each other at the tint, so as to form sort of a rage. Tbia ia the bee'a basket aod into it, after a success ful journey, be will cram enough pollen to laat bitti aeveral days A brsken wooden headboard and a neglected monnd in tbe Pot Yatss, N. D., military cemetery marks tbe resting place of Sitting Boll, tie great Sioux medicineman, whose wiiy brain planned tbe death trap at Litt'" Big Horn into wbicb Geo. Cuftert command fill. On the broken beadboaid ie written : "No. 54, 8;tting Bull. Indian." Relie butters have tut meat of the headboard away. amemenemnemeemc need not lose flesh in summer J if you use the proper means t to prevent it You think you can't take SCOTT'S ? I EMULSION in hot weather, but you can take it and di- . Cest it as well in summer as a in winter. It is not like the ? plain cod-liver oil, which is difficult to take at any time. $ If you are losini flesh, 4 you are losing ground and ( you need 9 I Scott's Emulsion . 1 1 1 11 1-1. . y t and must have it to keep up J Z your nesn ana strenetn. ir $ you have been taking it and j prospering on it, don t fail to I continue until you are thor 9 oughly strong and well. 3 yx. and i.oo, II druggists. ICOTT & BOWNE, Clumisu New York. 1ttViVreVrafc,Msusvv-e You i n - 'i " - -- ------- - -- x , . .;; j I Stroll wrRuoR" I The. Oorvallte Tirnee roan looka at it in this vlgutoua way. Tba wife and child In the eaat, preach jog aalvation free to an Albany congte trillion, flight with and deaertlon ot a young alrl that is tne miterauiw ac. Rry. E A Harris. Robed in the livery o heaven while plotting the destruction or virtue, singing psalms with aanctimon toua air while concocting the rnln ot wo manhood. Jesus Christ on hla llpa ana ihs dbsians olfhell in hie black beart that waa the part played by Hvpocme Harrie. A women's asms sullied, her future .ninad a mother in grist ie the vlctim'a portion. A church in stienie Christian nreteneioca bespattered and j...liiiU1 knlT raltelon dragged in the duet and dirt of contumely, is tbe aapereion the blameless Albany congre gation baa to bear. Society outraged lawe. human and divine set at naught and hiaown offsp-ing deserted ia other work wrought by this, einister saint. t, i. .nh Hvnocrite llama tbat hrin odinm on Innocent womanhood innocent community and innocent Chris ftlnlt It il Vila contaminating touch hlishta all with which it cornea in con tact. Honorlees, aouSleae and ibameleta, his breath ia noleoa and hie lipa lita, The religion be mocked ie net undone but ita opponenta are auppltea wun new wtaponeof attack. Tbe girl'e folly ia not to be weighed in making up tne ag gregate of hla villainy, for hie deeiruc- tioo was accomplished Irom tne puipu, where sanctity ia presumed to abound. Hvoocrisy in the mildest type la essen tially the meanest trait in hnman char acter . The psalm- singer w bo shouts on Sunday and cheau hie neighbor on Mon day ia a Iblet. Hie offense is niany-oii more vile than that ol toe peny wei ha i. tuts a loaf of bread or sack ol flour. Wh.n i ha hvnocritical villainy in tbeT nnmasking laya bare coneequencee aa terrible aa attended llama' misdeeds, tbe ain against society, against law hn man and divine, has become auoot t..e blackest possible. Some facta. China exports 11,000,000 fana annual - It. ' Marine underwriter paid f I2,uuu,uw in loeeea on eea last year. Enterprising Texaa planters bave ebin ped f,0O0 pounds of cotton seed to Man ila. A Jersey CHvite boss's that he bas the addresses cf 20,000 red haired women. The highest price ever paid tor a rac horse waa BICO.OOO for the famous Or monde. , Only about one in 1,000 cattle shipped abroad Irons tbia eonotry diee or ia last at sea. More than $3,000,000 baa been invest ed la tbe canning industry in tbe last fwr moulbs. One fifth of tbe popolaiton o India ao.OOOjOOO are insufficiently fed een in ordinary years of prosperity. Berlin thsute of eeveo coachmen who are retired army omeere.three ea-pasior-and 1? who are nobles. Tbe President ol France receives a sal ary of $123,000. Additional income make it eqeal to S22O.O0O Tbe eity boys have a new game. They call it'Bnttft, poeaiKy becaose it gen erally enceeede in breaking tbem. Tbe game consists ia trying to drop a marble through a small openiog into a cigar box. Nearly all the brye bave cigar boxes with a little bole in the lid . "Got any mirWrs to play," one wi'l demand, approaching another. II ro. it done not take long to gt to work . Nc. 1 puts down bis eigw Us acd stealie bieaeelf I r dropping a marble through tbe bole. He must bold it above a cer tain height. If be bite the hole tbe tret time tbe other gives him an agate. For second gets a plain g!ae mar ble, and if be mireea the third t oie .be pays the forfeit. Ex. A pension of f3W a year, granted to tbe Earl ot Surrey in J513 for ids victory over tbeSeoU at Floddeo field and drawn regularly by tbe Howard family ever since, baa jutt been eo"i pounded by tbe Duke of Sortolk, (be earl'a representa tive, for tt.OCO in cash. The Oldest tree oneailb with anineati eat d history ie the great bboo tree of Burmih. For twenty centoriee it bas been held aacred to Buddha, and no per soa ia allowed to tooeb the trunk. Wben tbe leaves fall tby are carried away as relica by pilgrims. In tbe Island of Minora tbe bumming birda are pugnacious little creature. TLootandeof tbem frequently attack huntsmen without any provocation, in flicting cometlmea serious woonds nn the face and neck. II ann v who announced tbat Tboma Reed'a political funeral world take place next December, must have been shocked to bear tbU the corpse was culling up blg'j jinks last Saturday among (be millionaire on Jekyl Island and that he wan't wearing any'gm clotbea. Ex' Tbe Cleveland Leader, which is moot humorous wben most serious, deel ret Few men bave been pursued as persistently as Mr. McKinley bas been. Mo-t of the pursuing bas been done by tbe office seeking horde from McKinlej 's on Stale, andthebws pursutr is f rum tbe Lead, rs hometown, Ex. Newspaper sarcasm in Lonivil!e is et. riching tbe phrase-book. Ava'uedon temporary of that city deecribei a canli date as measuring Ave feet around the ap petite and five inches around tbe intellect - Republic. Tbe members of J. Fierpoot Morgan's billion-dollar anthracite combioe deny tbat it is a trust. They say it it aim ply a community of interests. Tho length of name isn't going te make tbe price of coal any shorter. Repub ic Tbe recent municipal election held in La Grande settled the policy of our nelgbboriog city in the attitnde of its people regarding gambling. Tbe party of reform or anti-gambling waa eucceee tul at the polls. It la now understood tbat daring the term of the new adminis tration tbere is to D no gambling. The cause' of tble change is for the reason tbat gambling of lite rears hat become simply a robbing proposition and there ie no lougjr anytbiog tike an even chance fur one'a money. Baker City Democrat, People are known by the company rliey keep, aod it is time tbat young peo ple who want to amount to anything in the w Id appreciates! the fact. Clean company la aa necessary to one's eplaf growth as cjsan food ip to one's phyelca growth. MISFITS. Tba Oregon boya aet the pace at Mai- ihnn. A flnav Int nf foldiera never fa'-ed an enemv than our bova from tbe Web foot atate. We are prou J of them. Portland is full ol candidates lor tbe sava: office ot mayor, to succeed the late May or Mason, a year and iota oi pat ronage it not to be aneezed at. ' An awful fight ia going on in Salem to throttle one of the newspaper!. Bring borne the volunteers and have the riot stopped. Where la General lieebe. According to a picture paper Uocle Sam ia about to take down the old aign "In God we trnat." and nut nn the new one "In truata we truat" and ia liable to do it it there ia not a change. A Cottage Grove bor writing borne from near Manila eaya that the nativea whom they meet are fiigbttned to death almoet. that eve y one has bis image and carries a white flag, and when they meet the soldiers get down on their knees and chatter Teallo, making the aoldiera feel uae monarcba. A well dressed woman passed through Albany Monday exening on tbe blind baggage of the overland, ribe bad oeen a member ef a disbanded theatrical troop. At Eugene abe asked t be nlaeea in the city jail over night as aha had no money. She wanted to get back to San rraocisco, where she bas relatives. xouog girls ambitious to be actresses and abine should take warning. A farmer residing a few miles from Albany who la aaid to have more religi on. .t it,., i..!,,. .,.., .T , . . , . ' . " 1 vision, in wbicb be saw tbe letters U. r. standing out boldly before him. He im mediately interpreted it to mean : '-Go preach," and so informed a fel loe farmer to whom he told ol tbe vis ion. Bnt the farmer was a regular Jos eph and bit the nail on the head when be toia that it meant: Uo plow." Tbia ia an actual occur rence, j Thoy are complaining of too moch ' rain down in a fear n!aa in P-Ilf..;. ! a peculiar sound to come from tbat atate but a very familiar oue in Oregon. It will be lawful beginning next Satur day to catch trout that are five or more inches in length, not unlawful if under Ave inches. At tront bave D) scales how did our terfislslnre ex reel any one to know honr big they are until caught. The foi owing from an Oregon ex- change ia manufactured: A yoong hobo was reeentl. .r.,..t , ik. f. , ..... iog the children's dinner from tbe erbool house, bnt the judge acquitted tte bobo aa he thinks one should not go hungry. 131.50 was raised in Eugene for a fijg for tbe new steamer' so anxious wss 7 .,-. . 7. everybody to eontrout- Tbe flag cost only 0, and tbe reentt i that there are oi.ouoo nuii is, which t bas been sug gee.ed be kept to entertato the national editorial association in June Tne edit or general waves about aa well at a flag and there won t be so very moch differ- ence after all. Prof. Schnauffer, of Atbtna, baa been arrested lor aseault oa Prof. Downs of the same plsee. Both are members of tbe Central M E.charrh, Mrs. Schnauf 'er belog a t-acher ia the tJ. K , of wnb Prof. Dovns ia snpestntendent. Tbe trouble ar e over Site Scnniuffer feting displsced at teacher beeaoee she gave a howling parry. Downs claiming that g is immoral. choaufTr pro ceeded when the occasion arose to bowl bis rigt t 6t into Dowo: fsc. Albany's nii.limry opening this year have been tbe best in its hietury. Xext Sunday will be easter.ind if the weather is guod it will kewp on occupie-t watch ing liie new hats and tonnete. Tlie min ieters will need to vnl in some additional i eiectricuy to be beard. m , I-t week wae a gTeat one for trasta. Twenty or thirty were formed, in one day there being eleven new "combinations of interests' agaiost the people, town: champagne, forged steel, oil stove, fish and game, varnish, threshing machine. uppvr leainer. nenana, window glass, paint, and school furniture. And yet lucre ia a i. e. law against trusts Anoiner correspnivient who fails to aign his name, wants uniform business lax if ae here one at all, and name Cab markets, blacksmiths, laundries, motor railroads, carpenters, brick masons.plaa terer'e, stonecutters, milk wagons, etc. aa oemg teit out, ana declares that the wboie business will do the city mere harm tban good. He savs why not pot a io 1 on me oritige and make every la borer in the wooian mill and factories ot all descriptions pay a license, which would juat as reaeonaoe as putting it on auite a number in the list. There are all kinds of opinions on the subji-ct. NERVJTA Samrt VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Im potency, K 1 pht Em I Ions and waiting a'.acista, all cflccta of eelf- th; -j, cr excew and indis cretion. A t-rrt o tonleaud M xhi busier. Driujra the pink -!ow co pale cheeks and restores V.-c of youth. By m.V.l COc per box; O boxes for $?..";0; with a written ruaran- tee to cure or rr ftmd tho money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. .ilnton A Jackson Stau, CHfCACO, ILL. For sale by Fred Dawson, Druggist Vlbany, Oregon. 1399 GkHDEN :L HUIDE a. lUlMdOlWli;. .1:- ; .'.'!.- totlt year hi bumt vf of .tt a. trly too pact 6!!- d . .... uii tnitton, c I' lowers, . .. P'.cnts, Fruits, etc. Itn f ;.. . . .-mmy ladiKruaiatly, lmt e urtt. inur sud ia a food garden to h ..w ; c r", Uitre fcrt we will send acuj-y of t'..? '- .tio with a Pa Bill for j cci.:s' 4K , 'i';.'ise worth of SMd for or-ly n--.planof sailing eegeuible srtN, p.'vii.i'. hmic ibr your money than any sectl 'n.n, r.1 1 a' o j icKcma (inns credit fur the aaiw rl f y 4ir pur. chat to buy other tWi. iKm': fail lo get our caul'ue, :-t wiii puy ycu. Vlck'a LltUs GeniCetn) ft of. Vlck'a Magatlne, ! . ' . aad Ik ub 10 oaieon ail buokm:h r--j-t; if qpt..ri Ins: aoc. a year. Special it' i eti'er ihe ktawaaln i year, aud the Ovi'o tor tc ujasto i year, aud the O IAMF Virif enc l4flff44siite(t'm((S(i The Old "Reliable" Albany Nurseries Offer for Spring ol 1899, a very complete list of atandard varieties of Kruit, Nut Shade and Ornamental treea, Evergreera, Flowering shrubs, Clim bers, Small Fruit plants etc. , We'invlto eanecial attention to our list of Novelties which includea the celebrated Lambert Cherry. Winter Bartlett Pear, Elberta Peach, Imper ial or Clairao Mam, Giant, Willamette and Pacific Prunea, Logan berry, Himalaya, Giant Blackberry, Magoon Strawberry, etc., etc. ID We aim to grow tbe beat atock possible and sell it at a reasonable figure. Late keeping Winter Apples a specialty. Viaitori made welcome at our gionnds. Albert Browne!., Albany, Or. Telegraphic Hocave Taken. i!w York. Mar. 29. A dispatch to the Journal, dated Manila, Wednesday, noca70 lias been taken by our troops. The railroad bridge ia uninjured. - Uen. Mac Arthur ia now within eight nuies oi jnaioioa. Insurgent Capital Moved. .ewYork. Mar. 29. A diaoatch to tbe Herald from Manila, aava: mi - . ' . xue insurgent capital naa been moved Irom Alaioloa to Kan Fernando. The maurgenta bnrned ISulacan Tues day afternoon. Brj an Will Be There Is eve York. Mar. 28. E. V. Brewster. who ha- charge of the arrangements, for the fl-a-head Jefferson dinner of New lork democrats, announced today that ne nau received a telegram from W J. Bryan, saying that he would attend the dollar dinner on April 19. Mr. Brewster said the dinner wouid be Chicago plat- lorin irom beginning to end. San Joaquin Hoods. Stocktox. Cal. Mar. 28 Reoorta from many sections of the ran Joaquin valley show that the flood caused by the late heavy rain- ia increasing instead of re ceding, as it waa anticipated it would, W a ter is still pouring in on the lowlands, The Salooce Won. IYoodbi'rx. Mar. 2. The citv election today resulted in a victorv for the saloon eletuert, by a vote of 117 to 104. The que-tion voted upon, in accordance with witb the new charter, p'acmg the issue before tbe legal voters, was the licensing of saloons. Vermont's Affliction. Ciikrtkh, Mar. 28. The maple eugar harvest in Vermont ia believed to be a touii laiiure inia year, ar tears of tbe sugarmakere are realized the industry win be crippled lor manr years to come. The sugar orchards were stripped of leave last summer by an army of caterpillar!, and this spring the trees are found to ie sap lees On to Jfaloloa. Maxila. Mar. 27. Gen. MacArthur'e division spent the night and morning at Meyeanatan, the next station beyond Polo. After reconnoitering hie tronr, h pUMbed along the railroad toward Ma o loa tli is afternoon. captured today ia true, the main bod of i ne enemy naa retreated to MaloK There are no more trenches to nncounn although over 30 villages intervene. I The Dead and Wounded Wasmxgtox, Mar. 2T. Gen. I as notified Adiutant-Ueoeral Cor'.ui of the following additional caeualtii- which oc curred Mar. 23, 24, 25 and m ia the Ore gon regiment. K Ull : la L, I'rtvafs I V. Straw- deiman and Haves K. Tavlor. s Wounded : Leo B. Grace, ?. KchardSprickdale, Daniel Chariea William oriM Krank K t-Lanlit 1 1. Collins. Klmer K. Itarnee. Ralph Nodgens, William R. Stoffer, Chariea T. Wallace. Played Highwayman. P FnAscwco, Mar. 27. Kitty Wan- enmacher, 13 years old, was shot and ! fatally wounded by her foster brother, Joseph Miiler, 16 years old. while be waa playing that be waa a highwayman, with a ride which waa not sap posed to -be loaded. He baa been charged with mur der, but the evidence indicates that the killing was accidental. FaUl Chicago Fir. Chicago, Mar. 2T. Hredeatrored tbe Armour curled hair and felt works. Thirty-first place and Benson etreet, tonight, causing a property lose of about 1400,000, injuring 11 employes. 1 fatally, and en dangering the live of 400 others, who rusned toescspe through the smoke. A State of Extremes. SrtuXTox, Mar. 27. Reports from many pan of ri Joaquin valley, par ticularly along the Uukelumme river elate that thoueacds of acres of grain and gra lands are ia danger of ruin from rlouds. and unices the w ater subide quickly Uie damage will be rery large. A Dawson Fire. Suttle. Mar. Zi. A fire occurred at Iaweon I itr. ilar. o, causing a property lot of IM.OCt). Mrs. Milter, wife of res- tJturant-keeper, was severe'. burned Her bnsband and bis partner, Carroll, were augtitiy burned. After the Paeans. Mami. Mar. The U.S. troops under i nsad ler-pnerai n neaton cap- tored the town of Maiinia, beyond the TuHahap river, today after a short fight. The iod Oregon regiment eneoontered 1000 Filipinos west of Malinta who were .e! resting from Ma la bon. The enemy had taken up a position behind four rows of intreiichments, but waa driven out after an boor'efheaving firing. One Ore gonian was killed and five wounded. Driviagths Enemy Mami., Mar. 26. MacArthnr has driven the enemy, strongly intrer ched in larg- force, north ot Polo. He will con tinue to prest them. Tbe insurgent bave s'rong intrenchments from Caiocan to Maloloe, which bave taken them months to construct. Otia. All Same Spaniards. Manila. Mar. 23. via Hoeg Kona In- eurgent papers received here from Malo loe show tbat Aquinaido is endeavoring to deceive bis followers into the belief that they are winning great victories. The recent engagements are proclaimed aa American defeats. Mayor Mason Dead. PorruxD, Mar. 27. Hon. William S. Maaon. maror of Portland, died at hia home, otl Irving afreet, at 2:10 o'clock this morning, after an illness of about six weeks. " Liver complications, superin duced by an attack of the grip in Febru ary, caused hia death. The remains will be buried in tbe San Francisco An Indiana Jfurdcr. Kokomo, Mar. 23 Charles McCoy and Carl Connor each about 17 years old, were boxing in Center last night, when Connor gave McCoy a fearful lunge over the neart causing a bemorrhase. Tbe blood poured into tbeabdomiaal cavity. Death waa almost instantaneous. No Cripe Wt?n you take Rood's nils. The big. oM-tasn toned, susar-coeted pills, which tear you all to piece, are not in It wltb Bood'a. Easytotakv P n itfaK Sk WI ?sV I mi and easy to operate. It true of liood's nils, which are up to date in every respect, tale, certain and sure. All Pills drugtisu. ase. C I. Hood A Cow Lowell. Haas. The only Plus to take wua Ueod'e HarsaparUat UCIALPANCES. Prof. Holland's social dances will con tinue regardless ol tho change in time, hereafter the eocial dances will be held on each and every Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Dancing echcol Thursday evening. Private lertonsto euit patrons. ( 1 1 1 I IT. Relief Society of Chicago Endorses Paine's Celery Compound. Mi 2 The whet I. work of tbe average woman, r sba be in charge of a booeeboid, thr the work ia always doio?. but nrv -r done, or behind a counter, or in t ;lioolroooi, is of a sort that rarely jves ber with strength or ioclinstion .ur anything else. Tbe strain npon moat women's nerves, is so great tbat a breakdown stares many of them constantly in the face, which means lose of work, doctor's bills and diacooragemsnt. One ot the earliest sad one of tbe most infallible indications ot failing nervous strength is tbe inability to sleep soundly. Ko fact is more clearly established than that aleep repairs tbe tired nervous tis sue and that tbe loss of sleep deranges the health more quickly and more ser iously tban any other privation the body eaq enflr. Tbe great eSort, then, of every poor sleeper should be to strength en the nerves. The fact that hundreds tonic effect in renewing she blood and re of men aad women in every community, storing the strength bai been little short bave been cured of in so moat a by Paioe's eeiery com pound tells its own story of tbe tnvigorsttog ecect ot tnts woodertai remedy, not only upon "tbe nerves, bnt upoa tbe entire rervoos avstem. Pbyaiciana prescribe Paioe's celery compound where tbe nerves have becom'w ao eabantted that not only steep but di j eetiea e interfered with. . Its immediate CL OTHINQ CIj This is the Tietet on tbe Reeve of every Garment A Complete Line of celebrated Chat. P. Kellogg Co. Silk fewed Clotb ing. The Beat Mad. Trimmed and Fittine Clotbing in tte Ucited Slates. Kqoal ia Style, Fit and Finish to the Beet Cu-tom Tailor Made Goods Don't take our word for it, but ccme in and examine them. s?ee bow well and honestly they are made. Try them oo and eee how perfectly they fit. Examine the Prices an e how much cheaper ther .re Uian inferior made Uooda. We -e here to e:ay aad we want tue cloibing trade of this com mnnity, so we hv secured this line of unequalled clothing, knowing tbat whoever buys one sou will be eo weil saiitSed that he wiii thereafter boy only of us aad advised their Ir ends to do the same. Come in any time. are glad to show.lhem toyoo, end yon will be equally p'eaeed to eee them. SOLD BY VV. R. BLAIN, Albany, Ore. 'SXirr plaU Hat xctars." oo spoons, forks, etc, is A guar antee of quality the world ovey. The prefix 1847-iiistiitstheflttr, pine Rogers quality. $40 cash $40 For the Best Wheel Ever Built Fitted With Special Ueavy Tread U. A J. TIRES. Next to the Rambler in quality and price is the DEAL With G.AJ.T.res Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co. 105, 107, 109, 111 Sixth St., Portland, Ore. 8pokane, VJTVvW. xa Tacoma, Seattle. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. invigorating effect in sncheasrs is shown ! in tbe following letur from. Mis. Fannie Vi est, president of the South Side relief eoeiety of Chicago. Tbe letter Is dated December 12, lt: " We feel very glad to acknowledge tbe fine qualities of Paioe's celery comyonod. It ia the best remedy we know of for building up tbe nervous system. Our doctors prescribe it, and it eSvajs gives immediate relief." - Back of nervousness, sleeplessness sod many of tbe recuiiar ailments of women ie poverty of tbe blood. Paleoete, thin ness of body and weakness sre evidences of poor biood. In some ease palpitation of tbe beart is complained of, nd wheo the poverty is g'eateet.the lips sre pallid and the tongue almoet colorless. In these cases of atuemia if Pa i ne'e celery compound is need the train from i day to day is plainly noticeable. Iu of miraraloue in cases of extreme emaci- suon and nervous prostration. 1 if a woman feels that she is toeing ground in weight and strength ate ah mid set about imcreasing tft blood supply st once witb tbe aid of Paine 'a celery com poena. Uive ibis greatest of a I remedies a trial. Just Received New, Nobby, Stylish, Durable AT WILL & STARK'S. Also a fine line of Watches, Clocks, Ringe and mmv Xoveltics 1899 RAMBLER Bicycles. t35 130 x -l Oil, XLylll, AlbaDy, Ore. NEW ADVKRTlSEMENTd Removal Notice. The photograph gallery in tbe Froman Block on 1st street tbat has been under going repairs is about completed and will be occupied by Mies Long who wiii move her studio from 2nd street durmghe present week. Mies Long will bsve oSoe of the finest studios in town. Millinery Opening . t On March 28tb asd following days, I will diaplsy my one line of petf rn bate and o:her rood. A special invitation ia extended to the ladies of Albany. I make a apeciilty of trimmed bats. Maa.E.M. Fcsk Dill Pickles, rav Sour Pick lea, tinned goods first c'ass In every respect. Teas, Coffee and spices a full line Middle Store Baltimore BlotjcG ALBANY IRADIX FOB SALE. A yearling. Jersey buff, full blooded, from solenoid stock. Price only 115. of Cloverdale. Call on William Peacock, EXFEET BIC1CL1 EEPAMB 4SD HORSE SHOEING. Second Street between Ferry and Broadaltin. MILLER A STEW AET "FOSHAY 4 J1AS0R Wholesale A Retail DaUBtHSIe iD Boomun. 4LSAST OstECOX Pare Dregs and tho Cneel and !wtj btoca ot btsuonsry oJ Boo the Vaike. ", FORSALK. TV awion laws n-tts, L-. state olO.-vgow har 15. "70 "72 tt. ,9, "73, "80, 62. '85 '88. VI. YZ. Setvate Journal I36s$, TO, "tt, 14. "85, '87 89 93 Howwe Journals I8G6, '68, T2. "74, 83, 87, -69, "93. Wil l - on Seal Property. Tyler's Law Gloesirr. ChiUr'a PieattiBin Vol. 1 Bouvier'a Liw DiettonerT 2 voiasnes. Btoorn and HadU-v'i Cosaosewtarks S vol nmes. Pries for the iot, S15 Call at the Dan ocxar offioe. t EFT afb-r tl-a tiausniwt fm miaht L-t l eaotafat faa. WiH be ady please J call at Stetter's, Albany's Leading Eea- tanrant. FOB SaLE. Fifteen acres ia Alsea. with six room house, a I nwds of small fruit, trees ia bearing, dote to gnat mill. 1 mite from P. O Inquire or write to Mrs. E. B. fieasell. Lyons, Or. FOR SALE. A 200 gal. cedar task aad a 6 ft ant daws, eaamektf lath tab for sale cteap. Inquire at Vcreick'a barber shop. Pa SALE. A store and 80 acres of land. 30 ia crop, post-office ia stare, ia the midst of good faraiag community. For tarma write to J. R. Udshill. Victor. Waco sCo., Or. Closing out sale at Ken tons Cash store, WASTED. To buy a small tract of -land near Albany or Tangeit, improved J or unimproved. State Iocs ico, nujaber f of acres, and price. Address I. W. Seeft, A'.Uoy, Ore. f HE CRACKERJACK L B MOSES, PROPRIETOR. ppovite Masonic Temple. Fnll lice of standard country prodoce' "o single leader, but eaderat bottom price. groceriee aad (vetythicg a Wagons run ia tbe country selling gro aeries and collecting prodoce. Money eaved by trading at tbe Crack iack. Kilted and Cured In Oregon. N iee II a ms Bacon Try a cottage Ham. ALBANY TRADING CO, Middle Store Baltimore BJock. AlSICKTTs KJIICECF FiUXS fima kzmm Notice is brety given tbat tie uder siawed baa this day fed ia tt Orcmt Cjurt ot tbe Stat ef Oregon f-w L"s Cooaty his final accoaai as aaeigaee of the estate of T. O. Shaver, aa iaaotvewt debtor, aad that said exeunt wi!l be taard and pa sed epoa tj said C'oart oa afoaday, april 3rd. 1S89, ia teeCirrwIt ourt ronar ia the Court House ia said concty. Dated February 28, IS99. H. Bavasrt Ha wttt A Sox. Assignee. Attotsevs for Asaeaare. K..O.T.M. every Saturday eveaiag at C O. T. k bail. Viaitin KaighU iaviied. S M N ewporCOooi toandcr. We put up our own genlea eeis They are all Northern grown seeds , wrW a . m SEEDS 1 oey are aosointeiy true to atns-w f They are fresh all grows ia 1898, V Tbe packsges are full weight, . ' J Price, two paprs for a pkke, "l also have them in bulk. T N.GUT AND TO MORROW NIGHT And each day aad night durine- Ibis week you can gvt at any drwggiat a Kemp's Bal -am for the Throat and Lungs, acknowl edged to be tee most succetf jI retaedv evr fMd fcr Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asth- ncaana (joasumpuon. Uet a bottle to day aad keep it eJwais ia tbe bouse, so you can cneck your cotd at once. Price 26c and 50c Sample bottle free. Young Mothers. Croup ia the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonising and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of Croup. It hag never seen known to fail. The worst cases re lieved immediatelv. Prices 5 eta,, and 50 eta. and 11.00. Sick Headaches, . The curse oi overworked woman ktnd.are quicklv and eurelv cured by Karl's Clover Root lea, the great blood PJher and tissue builder. Money reiuoueu u not latiefactorv. Price, Jo eta. and 50 eta. M'hatlsShJoh? . A grand old remedy forCq igb,, Cold and Consumption ; ueea turougn th world tor half a century, has cured in numerable case ol incipient con sump tioa and reiievea many ia advanced stages. 11 you arw not vaueneu wun tne results we will refund your money. Price 25 eta., 60 eta, and 11.00. OREGON VIAV1 C0MPAKY Cor. Morrisoa A Park Sta. LEWIS EUILDINQ. Portland - Oregon i I. J V