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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1899)
" ' '''' '''''""''lVji VOL XXXIV Eater iiC tb Peat wasae at llkaay. )r. 'as caCIass Mali Mallet i A LR ANY, QafcGON, PR1DA1. MARCH 31.1899 KO 33 NITTI f jllhr a rrcarKisr Liu 9 : QlOi fciXaC .... .,J The Kind You Ilave Always in use for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health, of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. 1 What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops' and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys. Worms -and allays TVyerishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Triad Colic "ItTreHeYes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. . It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE Q ASTO R IAf ALWAYS S7 Bears the The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Oyer 30 Years. 2 O "fears in OMRS A Is the Oldest Furniture Dealer in the city and be keeps a complete line of Furniture and Bedding- and if yon want good goods cheap give bim a cal. Ha doesn't intend to be under sold. Preparing For the Batt A. vr of Life Where snail it be ui!i? wefinlv wi-re tu lt prepiri'ioi m t aa College has claims in tbi irection thatcall for closer invetti gat ion. A Full College Training ' Urn in-.. II Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., A widow slxtr-elght yean old, living to Mew York City, had been dosinf far ams ysaSS, She w cons ant) troublod wlib palnson ber right lile, which seemed to be eraaad by the liver. L'p l'i lust June -lie bad been treated by a number of physicians, one of whom j She bad vuiarrb of the atomarb; another Mated that It was ordinary dyspepsia, and atlU' anotiier rronoam-el it biliary cal uuin, or nail stones, for which he treated be avrerai monlba without go'id reenlts. At tiinn I he pains were so severe that hypodermla lolecttoa of morphine er- resorted to. Tbe uutn-nt weiKbed lut ponnds; was completely ran down, and bad reryjiills appetiui. Farly in Jane a neighbor Ind need ber to try Klnaas Taholes. After csing them two weeks the pains and bloating of tbe stomach and eoiio oaased and nausea en tirelr disappeared. 'ITie patient had practically recovered by beptembar lltb. She kd gained eleven poonda, and could eat baked beans, among other dishes, without ill results. WlHTRIi-l nw nf had health that It l-P-1 U S win He. W Surut. Stran. Mew York, fur W aunplM wl tjm is ivnl. may im ud of all druirclM. wao ar. wil Ing UaA aaut aaa pxvioug lua. UBmsiTmrwumi. mam ;a! liiVHU TRY McEMOX BIfHOP'8 PILLS for all diseases arising from vvaf 0'",I',int self-abuee, . t'V'J over 60 years. Brings out men, make rich blood snd tissre. Cures was'iogs and all .)fj mates yon lsMitingly strorg, cures impotency, lost power, emissions, loss cf nitinory. tsd dreama, shrunken urgsns, despondenry, sleeplessness, varioi'eele and conntipft'lon, lus r- lo the eyes, stops nervous twitching of the evelio. Mske life wo. th living. A boon to young or old. MORMON BlSflOP'ri I'lUM strengthens and restores smsll weak organs Stops all losses by day or n'gnt Don t deav. Price within '.he reach ofall. Guaran teed to cure Price I j.l s hrx 6 for Add'es BISH01 For ule by Fos- REMEDY CO., Ban Francisco. Cal. Lay & Mason, Albany hatch PEIAUIB1A .INCUBATORS. This machine has boon demonstrated to be aa near ab ,i...nrr'tlrn aacan bsattainerL The regulation ot heat. air aud moisture have been proven tray and other Improvements. we For aie U) C. D. BATES, Ali-njr. Or. Orvgon f ulUjt Farm Samples can be teen at F. Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of Business. BRINK 'ml. a i o ci S.-4 1 1 ip miii in u .-i w M -in v' 0 ar, and ' -r up j 1 1 -iji lorilf TP J A. l IT rColU.ClJ l I ait bonaSt. Srnia nil ta uwUmunulL R l P A a, ! fort a to mil m MaadarS BMSMiaa as a aodaaM um wars a i-a'STi aa laa excesses or cigarette smoking. In use bsck yonr Manhood, cures depleted worn ti.h") by mail. Send for free circular. IT 100 Per Cent, fatched. In a recent hatching contest in which there were orer 400 trials ttkt was WJ poj cent, ia 1 1th I ': .W !,- I j f, 4. perfect. Bee our new egg im iratnni. G. Pnwers' Poultry Ppot, Albany. THURSDAY New Bankrupt Decision. The first question of law raised undtr the new bankrupt act on appeal from this county, was decided yesterday in U. S. court by Judge BelUnger. It seems that M. D. Wells & Co. last December, levied on some moneys due to M. E. Ilern, the bankrupt, on an exe cution issued on a judgment obtained prior to h bankrupt act, and more than four months prior to the adjudication of the bankrupt. Sheriff Munkers paid the money to the trustee in Bankruptcy. Geo. V. Wright, of this city, as attorney, filed a petition with the trial court here, claiming the entire amount for his client, M. D. Wells & Co., but the trial court decided that the trustee should retain the moneys for the benefit of all the cred itors pro rata. Mr. Wright appealed the case to the United States Court, and yes terday, United States District Judge Hon. O. B. Bellinger, handed down a de cision sustaining; Mr. Wright's construct ion of the new law, and ordering the trustee to psy all the money to M, D. Wells A Co. or. to lhis attornow. A Crook Co. Mine. From the assayer for the Mayflower Mining company, the Review reporter learned the facts about the recent strike in that company's property, news of wmcn was noised around town some time ago. Mr. Kehnan says that the story as told before, was exaggerated, and that the new strike consists of a body of ore, 34 inches wide instead of 5 feet and that assays give returns of 63 os. of silver and 2 6 ox. gold, a total of fsS per ton, instead of the hundreds report ed. In our opinion SS ore is pretty good stuff. It is the intention of the company to systematically deveiope the property be fore pushing the reduction oi the ore farther than is necessary to keep .it out of the way. We will venture the asser tion that more prospevtang wiil be done in the Ochoco district during 'he coming summer than has been done in the past 20 years. Hombsick Lioiax Bora. D: E. Brew- I er, of Chemawa, was in the city t xlav after two SileU Indian boys who Lad Iran away. They bad previooaly ran I away getting home without being canght. They were promised immnnity from punishment if they would return volun tarily which they did bntonly remained one day, when tbe longing for the rippling waters o' tbe SileU azain enter- Ied their savage breasts and they vaoiooa ed the government grounds. E. Skipton of Benton countv report! his prune orchard rained as a result of the freeze of the past winter. Sam Jones will be at the Chautauqua assembly at Oregon City this year, and will be the great attraction of the meet ing. . Potatoes are 80c a bushel in Albany ind the tendenrv is upward. They wifl probably be a dollar, and tbe mar who has a stock on band will be in spuds. By advice from Portland good many oickle-in-the-slot machine are being taken oot and run all over tb? tate it mould be ascertained at once w hether Lhe taw is constitotiooat or not. Four Albany cirls who Urtd on a tramp for Lebanon and other places yes terday were brooeM homo. Jt is to tie hoped tbey received a severe enough spanking to induo them to ttop such oolishnesa. lira. Ella C. Cunningham, of Umatil la county, has brought suit for divorce against her husband C. C Cunningham, now in the state penitentiary on a life sentence for muruer. They weie marri ed in The Dalle in 1882 after Cunning ham left Albany. They have forr child- one ot whom isn amsa miter u rover eve land. Telegram: says : "From Albany Eugene cornea the news that a cycle path to Portland ia the one thine to be ieeired. UusdreUa ot citiiens from that w of the valley are anxiously looking turwuu w hid uue alien tncy can mount their wheels, come to Portland in nail a lay and ao their trading, reiorn- tng the next day in time for the noon me.1." o, Albany people wish to do their trading at home. Around Lebanon. . rom the Criterion : George fcbaw and his aunt. Miss Polly Shaw, returned last wees from an ex tended visit to the east. Tbey visited principally in Ohio. George says it's too cold back there for bim. D. A no raws reports, after having his prune orchard of 600 trees examined, that only a very tew oi me rees were mater tally injured by tbe February freeze. The monthly meeting of the Lebanon local teachers' institute will be held at tbe public school building in this town on Saturday, March 25th, beginning at 9 a. m. and continuing during the day. Dr. Jones performed a very delicate surgical operation on E. L. Popers's little boy, (Jarl, baturday, Dy removing nis tonsils. The operation was eminently successful, aa the boy was able to attend Sunday school tbe following day. A. C. Harden, of Spicer, has bought a general merchandise store st Springfield and has moved to that place. The man from whom be purchased the stock was postmaster, and as be has resigned a pe tition ia being circulated asking that Mr. Harden's son John be appointed post master. Messrs. E J. Seeley and Geo. L. Reese, of the Albany Creamery Association, will be at Union hall in this city, Tuesday afternoon, March 28th, at 2 o'clock, at which time tbey desire to meet an tne dinrvmen and farmers of this vicinity. Tbe object of the meeting will be to es- tabisb a skimming station at ieDanon. Last fall S. II. Myers, by way of an experiment, tried stall feeding some cat tle. He put up in bis barn in this city 21 head of three-year-olds and fed them on wheat, chaff and chops. He com menced feeding them in November and Saturday he sold them to W. J. Carty who shipped them to Portland Monday for M 30 per cwt. The 21 head averaged 1210 lbs. and brought Mr Myers the snug sum of $1092.63. The nxteriment of thus feeding cattle has proved sue ccesful snd no doubt more cattle will be fed in this vicinity another year. lh TaftHiBT. The Albany Tanning Co, yesterday filed articles of incorpora tion in the state department. The ob ject of the corporation are to deal in wool, hides pelts and skins of all kinds and to tan and dress hides, pelts and tkins into leather and conduct a general leather business. The principal office and olac of business of the company will be located at Albany, Oregon. The comi any is capitalized for (3,000, divid ed into thirty shares of 8100 each. J Shea, Albert 8'ernburg and 8. L. Riley, Salem statesman. Sous Plums. Superintendent Lee of the state insane asylum yesterday made the following appointments, two being former Aioany men: .arl itace, ot riaiem, formerly pro prietor of the bt unaries note! of this city, book-keeper. J. T. Janes, of Salem, warden. Jos. Purdom, of Grants Pass, brother of Frank Purdom of this city, and a for mer resident oi Albany, inside night- watcn, John Gamble, of Salem, oulsida night waicu. Hupertntenaeni Lee will assume Charge of tbe office April 1. The Oldest Inmate. The remains of John D. Shearer were brought to Albany from Salem this noon and will be burled in this county. His case is an interesting one. In 1V63 Shear- er was committed to the asylum from this county, then 60 years of sgp.and has been there ever since, dying at the ad- vanced age of 96 years He was first in . the Hawthorn asylum in Portland, being transferred from there to Salem whtn the state asylum was established, and since then has been a familiar figure around- the asylum, doing odd jobs around the building and grounds He was father of Mrs. city. John Fonrev of this joun rorgey ox mis Another Scheme. Editor Democrat : While so much is being said about in creasing the city revenues, I would like to commend to the careful attention of the city fathers, tbe following from tbe j Oregonian, as a very efficient method, and it might also prove beneficial aa a saft-gurrd to onr boys and girls : A member of the Michigan legislature, recognizing the fact that taloons exist because large numbers of persons tike to drink, proposes to decrease the number of their customers or the amount tbey consume by licensing tbe drinkers, lie has introduced a bill lor the issuance by city and township authorities of drink li censes at a uniform price of $5. The name and number of every license must he published, so that every community may know who are its thirsty sou's. No saloon-keeper must sell a man a drink until he produces a license. These docu ments arrluol transfer hie, so that a man cannot get one for family use or lend bis to a friend w ho mlies to stCD out to take a drink. It strikes us that this is a very roper way toba..d e the f'ritik question, rbe law ought to deal with tne drinker. not aitli the filer; tor the seller ou dn't exist wer it no: for the drink er. Ia.1 us have ibis method io' a solu tion of the honor liceus que-tioi. P. Rev. Ii L. Hol. of hedd, waain the city today Lafe Wilson of O-Tvallis was in Albanv this vvekon his way to Alaska after gold. H. G. Klum lifted too heavy boxes at ura urjjut auu na naun n u uwuc tor 1 rsi II ISOIf Uoct, Vt WllilamsOD SV tew days. I ing that be did not remember whether J. . Bailey, Uie new state food dairv I commissioner is in the city, inspectis iag( the creamrrv. tie will do tbe state. A social witl be given by the ladies of tbe C. P. chorrh at tbe parsonage. ri day Mar. 21. It are invited. Admis sion ten Cents. Prof, and Mrs. W. A. Caider have tuov--d U Albanv to reside. Mr. Ca'der went to I'ortl.tnd on the nuoa train an may make a trip to Chicago- j Mr. David Bond rtturnd this noon from Portland where he had b"en to meet his daughter now a resident of Washington wuo i here on a visit. Mrs A) ice Holman cf Portland recent ly received a prize of j0 offered bv tt.e .ew iora yRi.ior ine uei story oca woman s getting alot.g in tbe world aud making t ayaiasr the greatest odds. Rev. and Mrs. D. II. McCuUagb, of Dallas, arrived in Albany this nuun. be ing sent lor oil account of the dangerous illness of their friend Angus t-'haa , who is not expected to liver over night. Walter Irving, tLe genial, and expert electric lan.bas accepted a permanent pos- Uon with the Albanv r.l-ctric Uitbt l o., succeeding Mr. Chance as trimmer; etc Mr. R. G. Watson, a former Albany grocer and Mrs. Arch Prushaw, a daugh ter of Mrs. f-etllemier and formerly ot this city, were recently married in Spok ane. Tb?y have the Usl wishes of many Albany friends. Tbe fifth contest entertainment of the1 Degree of Honor was held 1 st night, and like tbe others this was the best of the series. Mrs. tiocue s side run t tunas and the others did as ordered. Twenty- six applications for membership have been secured with Mrs. Uogue's side de cidedly in the lead. For tbe reason that Miss Bessie Cox had liv d 19 years, a party of friends met last nijjht and proceeded to the resi dence of tbe parents, Mr and Mrs WA Cox where the family, except Mrs, Cox, were taken iy sionn a nn i reported. Cards, games, min e and ?t ing were the order. The Fox brother were heard in two delightful piano duets. The party consisted of Mr and wrs Thomas, Mrs and Miss Brockmsn, Mr Grittin, Mr Frank Uackleman, Mr Fd- srd, Mr and Mrs Seeley and daughter, Miss Ida and Jennie Freerksen, Mr an: Mrs Hire, Mr and Mrs Knox a d daugh ters, Mr and Mrs Hand, Clyde and Louis Fox. Mrs McErlane.of CorvaJlis, Mrs Jefleris and daughter, Mies IWwe and Jessie Cox. Mr and Mrs Ccx.XAfter lunch, which was out of sight, a home. F. M. Wadsworth ia now as linccln county. 1 ears ago armer across thsj r,ver on Soap and at one time represented (county in the state legislature, rat time the Democrat man Albany from Corvallia in the stage Mr W. as one ot tne passengers What does it do? It causes the oil elands in the skin to become more active, making the hair soft and glossy, precisely as .nature intended. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the great causes of baldness, It makes a better circu lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out. It Prevails ma ceres mm$ Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely make hair grow on bald heads, provided only there is any life remain ing in the hair Bulbs. It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy of our book on the Hair and Scalp? It is free. It yen art not obtain sit th bsnaflta yon sxtisetwl from tba m of Hi Vigor WIIL. iu i" v mi annul ll. ddraM, lilt. J. O. AVER. Iiowsll, Mass. awaaa 1 X 3L wssj sSA "V vyrrK i u ri . 1 . and the I E iiiu m I , xi I came tox' tl 1 1 kl I 111 till flvied a J f FRIDAY An Odd Character. The Salem correspon lent of the Ore gonisn says of John D. Sherer, buried in this county this week : JohnTJ, Sherer. the oldrst inmate ot the asvtom, who .I'jed yesterday after non, was bnried (n the asylum reii.etety today. N titling is knoao of hiti history IwyooJ the brief statement in the order of enminiinient on file in the secretary of state's office, a hlrh l.o.. t hat he was brought before County Judge " v' ":" " ""7. si me reuroary ter ., coont. m,.., t ISr,i . ' plication of William U. Sherer, aud ex amined by Dr. J. P. Tate. It was stated that be was a pauper and had no meaos :"" w " vav, was sy of support, tie was sent to the t.ld Haw thorne asylaui in Portland, where be re mained nntil 1883, when the asylum at Salem wa opened for the reception of patients. The records at tb asylum show that he was AO years of age when admit ted to toe Hawthorne asvium. which would make Win W years old at the time of death.. His death vas due to old aae rather than toany other eaaee.. - -Sherer's ease was peihsps one of tbs most onromsntic to be found at tbs asy lum, though it was peculiar inasmuch as be seemed to he suffering fiom nothing more than chronic mania, which made him mentally irresponsible, except when -lirectid by some person of soond mind Daring all his ii!e in the two institutions be was employed in the kitchen and din ing room, being, a all the physicians at it aayum say, a faithful and true work er, and absolutely trustworthy, perform ing his du lea cheerfully and well, tak ing gieat interest in them, and msDif st ing no detirs to ton away, although bis opportunities to do so were great Ho thowed signs of insanity only occasion ally, going around frequently whiledoing bis work and while at Uisurs touching rioo'knabs and opening doors, which, aa he is .'s said to have told one of the at tendauU years ago, though ha Ulked lit tle aud hardly rverof himself, was dot,e bnaute of tbe f.ct ibat tbee weie two kino- of spirits good and bad and they wee ci nunly moving about tl bat d ina. sreking t influonee people to do their bidding By touching the knobs and opening and closing thought he could keep or drive the bad stirita out i.d caure the guod oos to lemam. Shere er was vistUi only once, lo the knoiedge of theasylam offials, by an outsider, and recolle- lion of that incid- ,h viaitor was a male or female, relative or friend ,as it eccnrred S3 loog ao Dr. Paine, ir. Williamson and the other physicians at tne asylum t.rtn sptak nig dyof Sherer. who. accord ni to their su-r.nanta was well sd bt officials and a lendants " ante -f b 's' faithful ness aad xuetwaribvness. Sb-r per- ij. uied its an e. utu a lw cays before nts ue. The Philippine Social. Tbe ladies of the C trsgrrgationa church will give a Philippine Social Fri day evening Mar 24 at the Armory. Ad mission 10 cents. Supper will be served from 5 to 7 for 15 cents. Ice cream and cake, home made candies, etc, w il! also be for sale. A pleasant evening is assured to all who come. Tbe following program will be presented : M asic Orchestra. Recitation Miss Minnie Merrill. Vocal Solo MiM Anna McCauiry Curse: Solo Mr Kimott'oa. Tabieatt-"Columbia Dending Cuba" Piano SoR Mrs Frank Krtchum Flag drill 12 little girls. , Quartette. Recitation Mr Neal Murray. Vocal Solo Mrs Wirftard Tableau ''Oregon Bora at Manila.' Vocal Solo Mrs Nelsoi Stereopticon Views. N Music Orchestra. Miss Be'Ie Hcdio. lormer.v oi tbe Alb- ao moots, on oevnu a term uv stuoui i i . i i. . ft Detroit, KikrUv. B. Hartmsn will speak aKtbe i . . . , . i . .- oairaiH.n army ui.i looigni. evi rbody is welcotue, 8 ecial music. IF. M. Hitrbeoek. an eas.ertt poult judge, has le eogsg.d as judge lor the next slate show in Albany next Jaouary. Miss Aogusta Rottemil'er. of Milwau- kie is visiting at Albany. Cregon City Courier. Miss Beswie Miller, of Lelnon. is spending a few days with ber friend Miss Jessie teuton. Camera Club business meeting next Tuesday evening at Club rooms. All members requested to be present. Mrs Stem aod Lord Pruett, now re siding at Medford.were in tbe city today on their way to the Bay. Mr Claud Savage, a compositor on the Salem t-tateeman until trie recent strike, is in the citv. working for Smiley for a w weeks. License has been leaned for tbe marri age of J. 8. Lamar, of Peoria, and Mrs. J. Crossley. a sister of Mis. Msj. obnson of this city. Mrs. Ashbvand Miss Mcliartue, of Albanv, will open a branch millinery store in Stayton on tr.a 23lh ot tbis month, to be in charge of tbe latter. Bon. John Whittker, of Benton coun ty, was in the city this week aud con tracted bis hps for the season to Faber A Neis at 11 cents. Attorney George Caldwell, of Portland, waa in the city today eo a abort trip to his fsther's borne near here. He is now enjoying a Incrsti ve practice in Portland. There will lie service in theU Peters Episcopal church, Sunday evening. Mar. 2tth at 7:30 o'clock, Kev. Oliver II. Murphy officiating. This is Ir. Mur phy's first visit to the church and he moat earnestly desires to meet with the people ana a cordial invitation is extenu- to all. rl flodes. Dick Smith and Officer Beach went to Portland Sunday room ing on tbe boat. They wers joined at Albany by Train Dispatcher Koberts. of the CAE. The latter - gentleman ac C'tmpsoied tbe trio in tbe capacity of cbaneroF. and it is lisped for Lis saks that at least two oi me psrty win curn a desire to be naughty. Corvailis Union rr. W. K. Hsrper, president ot Chica go L'niversitv, is in Berkley. Calif., to conrult with the regents in regard to ti.e selection of a president for tbe Uni versity of t slilornis. It is possible Dr. Harper may return nouie oy way oi Portland, lie is a consin of the mem bers of the family of Kev. S. Q. Irvine of ibis city. Tne Corvailis Union Gssette in its ac count of tbe brnetlt concert for Miss Mabel Johnson speska in the highest terms of Miss Johnson's singing, and as foil ws of one of Albany's most popular vocalists: Tbe solos by Miss Berths Ellis were delightful. Possessed of a voice of wonderful sweetnera, rich In quality, and a modest disposition, hrri efforts are always above adverse cntl cLm, llainila's Wizard Oil Company; Will commence a series of popular en tertainment In tbe Armory Hall Mon day nigbt April 3rd and we can asmr our readers a first class show in every respect. They carry a fin male quartet of vocalists, a good company of specialty artists and give a show equal, if not bet ter than many similar attractions on tbe road charging five timet tbe price tbey do. If you en toy gcod singing and want to laugh go and see thsm Mondsy night and bring tbe ladies and children. Tne admission is only 15 cents. s Regular meeting of L.O.T. M. this Friday evening. Mrs. Anna Funk, State Com. of Salem, Or., will be with us. A f nil atteudance is desired as business of importance is to com before the meet ing. , It. K. Ticket Office Robbed. Uit night the ticket office rf l be Corvailis A Eastern was entered by burglars, probably tramps, passing through the valley, eutry being effected r prying op-n the window to the office. The money drawer a as taken out, but only a fw pennies that bad been left a-ere secured The drawer was carried away and thrown in tbe ditch, where it was found floating on the water this morning. A trook belonging to the op erator, E. B. Tabier was taken into a box car and everything of value stolen, leaving Mr. Tabier with only tbe suit be was wearing. Tbe ticket box was left undiMurbod. COUNTY LEVIES. Following is a list of tbe levies made by tbe different counties of tbe state for this year. It will be seen that . only one county In tbe state.Ysmhiil, is lower man udb, in tbe face ol the fact that j i iZ J ' , wcwu BAiuvu on cct7TJBi j chase of tbe poor farm . ... vyU. uUu1Ui)jiu,rra0n, inu pur- ne ngures are - worm presetting to e mers: prpced new Baker Benton Ciavkamss... Crook Columbia... Coos Curry Clateoo Douglas Grant Gilliam Harney , Jackson Jusepnine. . . Klamath.... Liuo Laos Lake. Lincoln Marion Malheur..... Multnomah. Morrow Folk Sherman.. .. Tillamook... Tn'oo CmatiUa ... Waioiogtcn. WaUoaa.... Waaco Yamhill From tbe News. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Calavan left Mon. Jay for Waterman, Grant county. Tbey to Albany and there took tbe riv er boat. Geo. Rtger has sold his farm, three miles east of Sdo la W. F. Hobel, and poasessioo was giv-n the first of the week. Tbe many friends r. L. W. Pomeroy are pieaseo to sms uat be ia improving from his recent Ulnesa Nrwion Crabtreehaa r reived medal from tbe Tran-Miaissippi iiiioo, sccoropaniei oy s diplom was awarded to hita for bis servii coonectioa with the weather bares Surveyor J. A. Warner, of All a over in tbi- section of tbe tx on Friday and Sabirdav of last i f l a liti'e "line ranoing" tor Kveral of our people. Several wagonloads of degenerated human beings, four bears aad three cr four saotikaye pssd tttrowgh Iowa Wedn-lav It is doabtfoi ii a filthier lot of human beings ever existed than this band were. Mrs. Sosanna Bandall died at her home oo mile south of tbls city Satar dsy evroing. Msrch 18. 1899, aged &J years and 10 days. Mrs. Randall was one of L no county's honored pioneers. ne ra tne to Uregoa from rennsylvania with ber hotnd in 1847, crossing the plains with so ox team. Lane cojoty is also agitating a county lair lor next fall. Tbe Valley Oaten went dnwn stream this morning towing a raft ol logs for the paper miu at uregoo t-ity . F. Ramp baa combined his two gro s lores and is now locals! in the Becker bleck oa Main street, where he is doiog a good business. N.C.Ovialt, lbs athlete who was in Albany tba last two 4n of Jn'y'e, was tbe first man to receive a bicycle fag tn Portland under tbe new law. McCoy and Choynski are to fight or box in Ban Francisco tonight. Tbey are supposed to be about eves. The Dcmocwav has Dlared McCoy aa the better man pogilistically. John L. Sul livan witl he tbe leteree. From a ring standpoint it will b on of tb gteatest contests evr fce'd in the Golden Gate ci:y. From a moral standpoint it ia de moralizing. At the time John Shearer was com mitted lo the insane asvlnm from this coaol7 io ISoS J. C. Powell wss judge ana James ..kins c:era. 1 he UKMocmar has been unable to fiod a record r-f the e mmitment. It wss impossible io those days to keep the records complete as Bow and It is p-obab e tbe commit ment wss just filed. A man in New York city, with idiotic carelessness lit a match lo light bis cigar. and threw it into a lace curta n to the tne irmnX hotel in wbich be was stopping, en ot tbe worst hotel calamities in our tory followed.tbe res H indror bu with fifteen or twenty inmate, and doa - win .hi iuiurvu. a ici I tuiv rcsut. lot so small a start, A couple of prominent citixens this forenoon met pugili-ticallv, and when tbey quit one of them left a First street store wilh a broken finger and the blood dripping from the finger. It wasn't over much ol anything, and tbe result is said to have been about even. J. W. Cox haa been elected school clerk at Salem, at an annual salary of f 100. and he has to tarnish bonds for 20,000 There are four pairs of spectacles at the iemocrat oiiice awaiting owners. Have you lost your specs? Tbe O. A. C, bsse ball team and the Salem Y. M C. A. team will pUy indoor bas) ball in Salem tonight.j;Tlie score will oo uneven and in favor 1 1 fealeni. CitTBtEcrrB.-Capt. 3. B. Mullett of New York, arrived in tbe city Mon dsy3tening. Capt Mullett mates a buai nets of catching Sea Lions, and other wild animals, tie is here for tbe pur poe of catching a number of Sea Lions at the Beal Rocks rookery and Hereta head. The Captain went dawn to the Alsea Monday and we understand, bas chartered the schoonor Edith, which he will nae in b's hunting expeditions. Newport ewi. List of Patents. Granted to Northwest inventors this week. Uenorted bv O. A. Snow A Co, patent attorneys, Washington, D. O J fiutchel, Portland, Oreg, ' mining caisson ; 0 K Cooper, arm, Oreg, jar- closure: U T Griffith, Poitlsnd. Oreg, derrick fruit gatherer; O A House, Ta- coma. Wash, smelting stack furnace: J B Kaiser, Salem. Oreg, reamer attach ment for pipe threaders; R Kowell, Myrtle Creek, Oreg, fruit-grader; J U Schmidt, Portland, Oreg, device for truing wheels; O U Strauss, Port Gam ble. Wash, window cash worker; F W Waschau, Med ford, Oreg, repeating watch. For copy of any patent tend 10 cents in postage stamps with date of this ps per o 0 A Snow & Co., Waahin gton, D 0. 29 IV10 2S 2-10 28 20 : ...27 24 26 7-10 35 2-10 ....22 30 7-10 25 2 21 S-IO 27 6-10 22 18 6-10 to 25 7-10 21 21 32 a-:o 18 6-10 22 20 25 7-10 SO .24 2C 20 28 7-10 .... .25 18 6-10 Scio. radualtv I ibVonxe I cea i aV.FA 4- SAURDAY A BURGLARY. A dsring snd cheeky burglary occur red yesterday aiterno n at the residence of 0. K. Fronk. The residence was en tered by the back dor evidently by a tramp, wLo went into the bedroom where he drew a drawer from the bur eati which he turned over and helped himself to a pure, which Mr Fronk in forms tbe Dkmockat contained $4.60. He was evidently in a hurry for a gold watch and a valuable diamond ring in tbe drawer, wrapped up, were not dis covered. Nothing else ss discovered. nn. rrom.wn man aijoitnng room and did iol bear him, but she ssw bim go out of the yard and acres the lot of President Lee adjoining. Kbortlv after wards upon going into the room she made U dincovery. Forty or fifty tramps sre said to hsve been in the cit yesterday on their way lurougn lue vaiiey, qime a rnmUr hay ing been put oft the freight trin en pouiit oi a Dfrl.t tj.ry had irnon tlem se: vas, and it was i o douot one of the crowd who had em rapped at the door for something to eat, tut not heard ii a u eoiena ine nonts RELIGIOUS. Presbyterian cnorch: .Morning ser vice at 10:30 .subject of sro.on, "The Man of t-orr5as " Sabbath school at 11:45; Junior Endeav rat 3:30; Senior Endeavor at 6 ::'). Evening worhip at 7::, subject of termou. "God k Love.'1 Tbe oichrstra ai d a male quartet will furnish the music at the evening service. A cordial invita'ion is extended to ail to attend all the servicer. United Presbyter'an . Mornicg ser vice st 10:30. subject of eeroion. "The Real Cause for R-joicing." feabbeth school st 11 :45; Jon. or End-avorat 3:3C; Senior End-evor at 6:30. Kvtning ser vice at 7:30, subject of sermon, "The Cnriruao A rntor." Ail aracArliailv in. vi ed to attrr.rl lhaaa uni.-M .-H Baptist cburrb: Preaching both morn ing and eveciog at tbe nsual hours by Kev. John Barr. tab!-a:h a-ool at the close rf morning service. Chinese mission 3 p. as.. Juniors 4 o. m. BYP U6-.30 p ci. Midweex rra)er service Tbursdsy eve at 7 :30. Ail are cordially invited fo attend f bee services. rrrvices as ususl at the Congreational church. tabject for morning sermon "TLe Inv'ttauon." Subject for evening sermon "The Sixth Commandment. ' Sunday scboot at 12 15 noon. A!! are cordially invited, fcjleepin pews are a!! Uken. F. W. Parker HOME AND ABROAD.' According to theccstom the Woodmen of the World will send a Dailocn up next Wednesday evening. At Scio yesterday .Scio d-V!ed Jeffer son in the 6-l of a eenta of toaiiog con testa 967 to 864 A hop contract was ld in S.lem ves terlay with the price at 10 cents. Tt ere urw id ra siog nops at price. bout firry young ceool- last nirht held a private ball at the Vance Ux-k, ;oiiowicg tt witb a ttanqnet at MC. er s. Char 1.1 1 pbam was fined 125 bv Jnsst- ice reel keen yesterday fr tft'inr some cks, and UI pay bis fine io tt.e county jsuL There arnT t!iTBt SIcITiato. A fine new plate t!ae f-ot ut ia at a big expense, and tew spring goods in a few days. There is s probability lh-it Preri.'est M chantry may roa to Oregon this sum mer, if e is contemplating an extended trip west. Mr. Pendleton came orer from A'bacy this morning and rented tbe A'diicb house, in the eastern part of town . He will move bis fam ly over the fire: ol ApriL Lebanon A. Disxavso CoarunxsTs. Prof, and Mrs. W. A. Caider bsve moved to Alb- bany, wbich place tbey wi:l call home until Mr. Caider settles upoo a loratinn Tqis enimaUo family bare resided in tbis city tor man years and it is ilft re gret Inst tne'r departure is chronicled. During tbe r eve years M r. Caider h.s Deea etxtoloved in the Xorth S d nndHc tcftool. lbela three vears as principal of tbe school Toder his able management tbe school has become known far and near as one of th- best graded schools in tbe state. Mr. Caider has taught con- uaoousiy tn tie scboot lor mny vears and is also entillrd to moch credit fo the high standing which the school en joys. Brownevtlie Times. Fbom Ed. McFabxaxd. EJ. McFar- laod, ot Junction, in writing U hi fath er tells how our soldiers c t ont- the Filipino racket of boistiog a white flag and then firing nnder it. Tr.ey did that to the 14th bov. who paid nw attention to it and killed tbe w hole gai.g of pazans? Uis company bad been detacted for parole doty and hence would probably not be called out except in case of emer gence He reported guard doiy very heavy, lie says: "Most or the boys are anxious to get out and figtt. Tbev are r: . made because tbev won t give us chance to show ourselves. He said thev were bouse J u so the didn't know uyicli about the fighting that was going on. yw The Oregonian savs six hurdred im migrants arrived in Portland yeaterdiy from eastern points. They are coming fast- Among others several arrived in Albanv, Mr Amels -urg from Minnesota and Mr Schmidt from South I'ntota.and will locate near hre. A Mcsical Camval. A big musical carnival is being contemplated some where io Oregon tbis tear, including band tournament. There is an opporUi nity for Albany tog t it, and it no i d be a great thing for tbe city. Tne oniv drawback now is the want ol an optra bouse. What shall ae do. The Lebanon Advance Kxprvss Cor resnutident at Lacoiub is verv Here are two famples : Andy Brown.who is a regular caile on Grc Gamtier, of Lacomb, was complimented by hsvm; her call on bun Monday, tbe l.iih met She will depart for Albany thel.lh whore she will mako ber future home. Miss Stttlta Knepper was a caller on Miss Eunice Mason last Friday, Stella i a handsome voung lady of about IS sum1 mera. Mie wins lriuiuta and admirers, and carries jov and gladness everywhere she goes. Indeed, it is a pleasure to be in her presence. Marshal Lee is confined to bis home by a gathering at the place where the op eration was recently performed aud the breaking of the same. The Rebekabs are requested to meet at their bail, I O O F this evening at S o'clock lo arrange for the funeral of 11 ul dah Hunt. Mm. f 'n Lur, who recently went to e Westminster after her dai;htr. hi ran away with Kev. E A. Harris, made arrangements to go from there, the two together to Skagway, where they will i in Jr. Lear, and perhaps reside Kev. Harris, who skipped out, hao been painting, wnen ne learnea mai ue was wanted. Dropping his brush he made tracks out ol the city. The lowest bidior new lallai court house was by Erb & Van Patton, of Sa Ibji. as follows: For stone. t.'4.9;i2: chocolate brick, 124,121 : red brier, 683 The next lowest bid was from J. B. Bridges, of Portland. It was: Stone, $33,699; chocolate brick, $27,061; red brick, I27.4SI. , r SCLUIXLV'PURE Makes the food more de,dous end wiiolesome MtYM. cU") SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Chief .usiice Woiv rtoo came up from Salen this noon, Mrs. J. C. Myer.the Lebanon milliner, was in the city yesterday. Kev. Melville Wire, jr. went to'Jeffei son this noon to preach tomorrow. Mrs. Men ill, of Portland, is in tbecity the guest ol ber son, Mr. ii. F. Merriil. Vis flattie Gslbraiih has been vwit ing to and frU-nds in Brownsville. Mr Samuel Mclien, of near Lebanon, has so'.d his farm to a Loo.ina man for 13,250. A let'er received in CorTaUis states that Jsmes Biacaburo is in tbe botpital with lever. Mr. Lewis, an old resident of Detroit, recently of Mill city, is making arrange ments to move to Albany to reside. Tbe ladies of the C. P. church gave a successful and enjoyable social and en tertainment last evening. Mrs. J. W. Menries went lo Albany this morning to virit Mrs. J. C Littltr, who is quite sick Lebanon E. A. Ernest Kol'er left toda. for PoraleHo. Idaho, to retn'n to his work on tbe rail road. Mrs. Fni'er is improving fast Jor h C. Hise aged 19 and Miss Se lie rcne!t, who resided at Albany for awhile, aged IT, were recently married in Laneronnty. May f bey live loog and prosj.r. Si's. Arch Hammer returned isst night fsvim a visit witb Portland friends, while there hearing the famous Sousa and Max Beedlx tbe viol niet- F. M. Millard, of Sherman county, once a candidate for ccunty commiaion er of Linn county on the republican ticket, is in the city. Miss Bachel A bra mi returned home on tbis morning's ovletland, from Md foni. Ore., where she bas neea stepping with Mrs. Steio for th peat tore months attending ttie public scfaQdi there. : Daren W. Wakefield, of Portland, a member of APay's fim band, and one of tbe eproceft clerks in Albany about forty years ago, came up last evening on a visit with relative, and friends. Mrs Wakefi'.d ia at A!mxia, Calif., on a visit wilh ber daughter Mr. Walker. TBS PB.' LI IT IX I XXTEITUXXEXT. Ttere was a very large audience at the Philippine entertainment and sociai at th armory last eight given by the la d es of tbe Cangreratiocal church. A fine luncu was served (rem 3 to 7. AJ 8:!j a p' program was begun j wi'h a selection by ir.e Albany Orches tra, "The charge U theroozh riders," pitD5il!y recdrnd. Vifs Anna Mc- Caaiey was beard ,a t. vocal so o S'Irn di i'.y eong. Nel y array, of the C 4 E otEce recited "Tt.e f-ste of Virginius ' with exceiSect ePItct. Twelve lilt! girl gave a pretty nag driil. 3si-s Minnie Merriil was heard in a well recited eele lion with song accompaniment. The High School quartet, Mitce Howard, Brenner, Hammer abv' $:oart with great Iffor ia the presentation cf a m;l-v Mtw Frank KcSiar was heard in a pisn? soio that pleased all. Mrs. H. A. eieon received a fceaxty en core oo singing "But Yesterday." The two tableaux woe prestnted with sters- opticon etiect, OWaiihi defending Cuba" and "Cnc'e Ssm Baraec," tb Morgan children representing the Fili pinos 1 tie excellent prcgram cuesa uh some good stereopticon vie s ol Manila scenes and the battleships, given by E4 Biodgelt and Franc Wood. Some cs of Philippine relics, with a picture of Lieut. Philiirs and some of the other bora, weie greatly admire l. lber-- was season ot sociability and tbe par .sssrt of refreshments. II J Euoert. general traveling repre sentative of the tilers piano house, Port and's exclusive htj;h grJe deileri is here for a day. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial enects ol tbe weu Known remeflT. Srarr or llrtS-'mannfactured by the CauroHsu Fio fcYKCT Co.. illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing' to the taste and acceptable to the srstem. It is the one perfect strenpthenuiir laxa tive, cleansing; the srsteui effectually. dispelling colds, heaoaches and fevers jrently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect fretdom from every objectionable qiialitv and sub stance, and its actio? on the kidneys. liver and bowels. vith'ut weaKening or irritatinjr them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing" rig are used, as thev are plea.ant to the taste, but the meduunal iuautiesof the remedy are obtained from senna and other "aromatic plants, bv a method known to the California Fio STitrp Co. only. In order to pet its beneficial effects and to avoid imitationss please rememlierthe full name of theCompany printed on jiie front of every packag. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRANCISCO. CAL tXJtnsVTtXK. KT. SEW TORS. W. T. Faalc hy all Drussis. Price Sue. pcrbotUa Strictlv business French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, ageuU. Bst Bieyile fo tue mouey Will & Jtark, jewe'ers. Creswnt bicycles at Hopkins Brothers for only 20, S0, 35 and 50. C B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Be sure and see the aati rut tinware at Hop kin Bios, will las, a t'Miuid.. . Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho tographs, and do not forget to take along the money. Fcr a quick remedy and one that is per fectly safe for children let us recommend ona Minute Cough Cure. It ia eieeileat for croup hoarseness.tukling in the throat and coughs. Foshay A Mamin. For frost bites, burns. Indolent sore, ec setua. skin di8a,e and especially piles, De Witt's Witch Ha?,el Salve stands first and best. look cut tor dishonest people who try lo imitate and counterfeit it lt'a their epdorsement of a good mtic'e. WortLless go?d 'e i-M'nn'. Oet le Wilt's rtitcu LiuHoiSa.. rcsliay Ac Masou . X-ray3 are not"in U with our new sys tem. Long photo Co. WPIil -Jf CO-; TiTEIIOMLIESrMAXIN ALBANY As wet as tbe bsodtomts and otben id invited to call oo anv drcgit abd FBEK a trial bottle cf Kemp s Bi-srr." the Throat and Loobi, a n-ra-dy that guarantred to cure and reliev- alt Crr ig and Acute Coarh. stbmi, Brb;r.ile Contaription. Pnce2-jc. and 50 . TO. NIGHT AM) TO-.MORROW MGHT Aad each day and nigbt dann? ti.l waek yoa can get at any drug-gi-t'- Xf-tu " Bii am for tbe Throat and Lui.g. acksowl edgxd to be Ibe moat suecea-fcii remf-dy ever sold fcr Coughs, Croop, Bronchitis. Atb icasnd Consumption. Get a !nte to day acd keep it always in the boo. so you cad coeck your cold at one. Price 20c and 50c Sample bottle free. Beginning the Year With pure, rich, healthy blood hkh may be bad by taking Hood's -rsp-ri'la, you will not need to fear attarks of pneumonia, bronchitis, fevers, colds or tbe grip. A few bottles of t U great tonic and blood poriSer, taken now, wi'i be your best prot- ion aaicst epricg humors, boils, eruptions, that tir. feel ing and serious iiioefs, to wbich a weak and debilitated system is eapeHs!! liable in early soring. Mood s Streaparilla eradicate from the bl'x1 all scrofula taints,, one and strengthens the swot seb, cures dysneii,rbeumat em, catarrh and every ailment caused or promoted byjmpure or depleted blood. Young Mothers. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is eo agonizing and frequently fatal. Shiloh'a Ccogh and Consumption Cure acta like magic in cases cf Cronp. It La never seen known to fail. Tbe worst cases re lieved immediatelv. Prices, 25 cts,. and 50 CM. and f 1.00. ' Sick Headaches. The curse of overworked womankinxLare qwcklv and surely cured by Kari s Clover Boot Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded if sot satisfactory. Price, 2o cts. acd 50 eta. What is Sh. luh? A grand old remedy for Coach, Cold and Consumption; usei throagh th world for hall a century, has cored in numerable cas of incipient naiatap uon and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund vour monev. Price 25 ctt., oOcta. and SL00. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brocio Qiulne Tablets All druggieta refund the money rf it fail to cure. 2-c let genuine has L. b. U on each tablet Xauva Lover Haa turned with Jiffust from an ctiifrT w ise lovable girl wita as offecsive breath. k art's Vovsulow 1 ra ptrntm lire weaia hyi;s action on the bowels, etc., as noth- eUe wiiL. Sold for Tears on abeoiute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and SO eta. What people say about HorJ's Sar- saparilia is taat it cures wteaa)lorbr remedies fail. Therefore yea sfcon! J tike Bood's SanaparUU in pr?rv;nje to sJl Mhers. liippT is tbe man or woman wbn can eat a gocd hearty meal without -offering tr.erwards. It you caasot do i', 'ace KoUol Dyspepsia Cure It dige?i wear yen eat. and cares ail f jrm of (hspejuta acd indigestion. Fa; hay i Ji is.n If you bxveacoafb. t'aoirt irri'in weak lings, pain ia vh cis-t .liffio"t br-aioieg, croup or tMrset-s. fet ns j-uc g-t One Minute CjcH Cure. Always reliable aad safe. Foaay vn.,i. Before the discovery of One Mirute 'ough Cur-, ministers were greats v d'S- tarbed by coughing coBgr'gT'i'",n ?o excuae for it now. t ashay A U:n "Give m a liver rvgu'atcr and I eaa regu-a the worii.' sid a c-tiGs. Tae dm i gist hnoed him a bortie of De'i'fs uittie Eany Riser-. Ue famous tittle pill. Fofcaj i Mason. J Sheer. Sedalia, Ms . conductor oa eitric street car line, writes that bis little. daughter was very low wita croup, and her ife saved after ail prvic!a hsd failed Inly by using; Oae Minjte Cough Care. race&v Mason Do .Not Put Off until morrow the duty that cuctto U dcne today. If your blood U impur' and you teet weak aad weary, take Hocd's esarsaparilta ,at once. Baod's Tills cure a'l liver ills. Mailed for 25 cents by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Has. Get the best hour. The Magnolia Pr ur SOc per sack. Try it. The Mae r.ol'. The Traversa' Bolter makes good flour The Magnolia. Cash paid for chickens at Albany Pressed Beef Co s. Vour grocer keeps it. The Magnolia Flour See Locals on every page. Wheat 47 cents. The Farker fountain pen is a "cracker Jack." French tbe jewler 6ells ihwn A huge and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn & Huston's. See the dia plav. Whea you want a choice shak, a nke roast or meat of axy kind, call on Henry Sroders. He keeps tbe best. The beet meats of all kinds aad rocd treatment at tne Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just diwn Second treet. Good weight and prompt attend lion. as the season cf the year when pneu monia, la grinpe.sore throat, coukbs.coUs, catarrh, broneiius and lung trouuie are io be guarded against, nothing 'is a fine sub stitute," wid "answer the purrxve." or is 'just as good''sOne Minute 0.cah t ure. That is tbe one infa libie remedy for aU ung, tbroat of bronchial troubles. Insist igorovslr upon hwinir it if ""uieth:ng se'' i offered yon. Foahay & Mata. Go to Verick's shaving and hair cnt ticg parlors tor first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every customer. O&stiox PoriTBT Farm Rkhedies Grit, Roup cure, Disenfectaut, Lie Kil er, at Oregon Poultry Farm, also sold by F. G. Piweta, Albany. If you want m gooa and cleat .uoke buy cigars made bv our Al bany cigar factor TICKETS To all poir t East via Gre t Northern Railway. For 'rates, f Idera and full information call on or add 'ess H. F. Merktll, Agent Albanv. mm!