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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1899)
VOL XXXIV it ' The Kind You Have Always u use lor over HO years, and has wfexZis 80nal W-ftfWj Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment,1 What is CASTOR. A Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oilparegoric, Drops' and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Teverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilate the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I Af ALWAYS Sears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. SO "Years in R8 M 1 the Oldet Fomilnre Dealer in the citv and be keeps complete line of Furniture and Redd ins and if too want good roods cheap give him a cal. Ha doesn't inten.l to be under told. TRY MUEMON BISHOP'S PILLS for 11 disease arising Iroat atioD, self - a ha tt, excespes or cim m smoking. In at over 60 years. Brine hack your Manru jd, cures depleted worn oat TO en. make rirh blood and limn Onmi waatinn and al I , male you lstiting)y strorp, core impoteccy, tost power, emissions, lost ct menory. bad dreamt, shrunken urran, despondency, aeepleaeneaw, varioceele and constipation, adde to lb yes. atop rmrrnas twitching of the evlin. Makrs life o,ib living. A boon to yonig c old. M0KM03 BISHOP'S PILLS strengthen and restores small weak organ. Stops) a losses by day or n'nt Don't deiav. Price within ib reach oUU. Guaran teed to cure Price lf ,1 a box 6 for $2.50 bv mail. Send for free circular. Address BISHOP gJjLJ REMEDY CO.. San Francisco. Cal. For tale by Fos- -,i.n t Lay & Mason, Albany , FLOOR GOVERiNGS: . I- ULLY DOUBLE th amour.1 ever before ahown by a, e.wisrfnr of Carpets, Art Square-. Co'tae Art (a now and a.trictive good') Hai--N, L'noleum and Oil Cloth . - W3.areaio well supplied with Lace Curtain, Pjrliers, Shidai and kindred good-O- -.', Piece goods in Curtain material and covering. - ' ALBANY FURNITURE CO: nlason.c Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. la a raoent batefatn j ccurtcst in which there were ant 400trjtf the hatct waa PHA11JF.1A . This machine has been demonstrated to be as Bear ab nintaMrf action aaeaa be attained. Tbereniiatioaofhaat. v jh air and DKMture bsa been proTen perfect. See our new TC tr7 and otter lmprorementa. Wa pat tnMkt Cstilnsjua Fne. For sms C.JD. BATKN, Albany. Or. Omkw JuullntF.rtn I,!........,,, Samples can be seen at F. j. IMF Tain f rmswm v 1 l,M ' ''j1 ' ' iatTtMlrbtr)ld.lWngfnNToiatr,ha4 .Aoatef f aretes rstrs. fOva ... ,narnt!y trouble with pains on , SIADtiy imuiiv- . " a V 1. . - - . ni i.rv imii uii.i ' w.,i?"i.lSS,SL VZ&tiV6ki wu eoiapletelr mi tew.. and had ry little appetite. Frlr In Jane or Dm 11 weri reaoneo .. r-v" kud aainad eleVaa nouuda. and could et bakad beau, among ether diabaa, wuaout lit WAIDTDf Ha. M to 4H cenlm BmM aad i4ou uto. Oaaa?raaraUC akaae4airaaamiaaaai, lit law Baler i.t tie Pest e at Albany. )r. 1 Bought, and which has been has borne the !natnn of been made under hts nor. supervision since Its Infancy. nn ntlA A oaaIva vnn In ettla Signature of Business BRINK 0 Rr'.afc Hatched. 1U par cent, la 1 with . k J3 .. ii.nilii, r, M Powers' Poultry Dppot, Albany. bar rlghta le , wwr h Mwnud to be aaiiauS by that " " v ' awsaaa aaaf dyipale, aad traatod her aa severe that bypodarmis lnn wa : c. : r:Trj .kw a .i""-, IZZJETZS. ? BeeeweVCIasa Hall Mallei t sssnssm i.-. . THURSDAY A Dawson Letter. p.Vi,. ,u , 1 ; . ,, . Louis Parker writes to his brother aati nu v a-aaai ivvvus a aval OW 1SV livai IO mnn aa falUa . We are working three shafts now and will until spring. One is lay on which we get one half of all gold. When I got the shaft to bedrock that I am working on we didn't strike anything to amount to much, so Tom Wolcott threw up the lay. He was working with me. John Roberts of Lebanon took his place. We drifted three or four feet and struck aa high aa I3.S0 to the pan and later when , the dark when the river is high and we got to the center of the pay streak I : full of drift is an undertaking which re itot $5.47 to the pan. Next day 1 got quires real heroism and proficiency in $13.40 in one pan and picked up a nuenet watercraft. This nneratinn ia rnuul of $2.45. It is the richest dirt I have , ever seen. Roberts and I have taken out aa average 01 one hundred buckets j 01 six paoa to toe Ducsei iot nve weeks. Of course there is gold in ail of the dirt but the richest dirt is on and in bed rock, although 1 got S3 cents S.W feet above bedrock. The shaft Ferguson and Nickrrson are working, the one we sunk last summer. haa all proven good. Owen McMahan, wha wanted some grub money rocked out 80 pans and got $150. There must be several thousand dollars in that dump. Joseph Girard who owns the claim be low oars worked on the crank last winter and took oat $6,000, and claim it ia six times belter than last winters. We are sore to come out with a few thousand each, although we will be to considerable expense putting iu a flume, which will taka feet of lumber at $200 per thousand. We think we will be able to leave next August or September. la the spring wash out we will get some fine nupgetc. Tell WinitieM I will bring him enough nnpgets to make him a watch chain. Ever) thing is working fine. e all intend to come out by the river route. Have heard nothing from heme since Ang. 28. Zin Parrigh said he waa going to start out about the first of March without making his expenses. We have a new commissioner who de cides that my right to my claim cannot be contested, and 1 will get my final pa pers the 21st of March. Aa attempt to get my claim was only a bluff. It was very cold for five weeks. The son diaap- appeared about Thaokgiviog and came oat on January 9. Mr. ban born, 01 Albina will carry this oat for me. Lebanon. Frxm the Criterion. Mrs. J. B. Marks came op from her bom ) in California last week and ia now visiting with her brother, E. E. Aldrich in this city. Dr. J A Lamhersoa has secured a contract lor 300 tons of rbittem bark from a Liverpool house. There are no middlemen between him and his h-se. This school board of the Gore district. oat north of town, have let the contract for their new school house to J. N. Cran- dall, of this ctty. - ' Miases Abbifl Fry and Sylvia Bryant, who went to Shelton, Wash., a lew weeks ago to teach school, have both se cured good schools near tat place. Bert Wight is expected home about the first of April on a v. sit to his folks. tie is now attending a tneoio zical school in California. A barn belonging t Joseph Eikins bornad down Sunday night between 11 aad 12 o'clock. Loss alout $75, consist ing of the barn, a ton of bay ai.d s-wie tools. The game of ball pla el Saturday be tween the high school and academy boys resulted in a victory for the academy. The aoare stood 23 to 31. Another game will be playtd next Srturday. The creamery meeting yeaterday was well attended by our farmers and dairy men. Geo. L. Kees, president of the Al bany creamery association, waa present and explained the workings of a skim ming station as run in connection with a co-operative creamery. Toose present seemed anxioas to establish a station at this place and a committee consisting of the following men was elected : Claus ears, John Palmer, l J Uoyie, k Ubv- s Ulavpoo , K Cbea lie. UH loung. Wm Brewster and H V Kirk pa trick. fbia committee will make a canvass of the surrounding coontry. , A 'man can carry $40 forth of hay a atlin. . . Foreclosures and divorces next Moo- day. J udge Boise, will preside. The Oregon Humane Society haa elect ed D. P. Thompson president. Hay lfke spuds is in the air. Baled hay ia said to be worth $20 and loose navuesa thezusnal '"""" - - - , 1 Special services at the M. E. chuTetUtbe World. vening. V pie paid $12.33 for a short II P la asking how Elmer Ko- 1 Eugene peon cable to Manila asking Derta waa. Countv Treaaorer Jack this week ant $5,000 to the state- treaanrer. This leav es the sum of abont $33,000 due. ; i. here is some yellow " jonrnalism in Prineville, fudging; from the Bevie . which appeared on Manila paper this wees. A meeting of the city council has been called for next Monday evening to con- aider tne business liceuse. lbs Albany lodge of Odd Fellows have elected J. K. Weatherford, P. C. Ander son and H. C. Jordan delegates to the grand lodge to meet in Salem May 17. The C & E Co. have moved their bag gage room to a site adjoining the waiting room. Agent I urner had some bel p and ma not 00 it aione. W. s. Stvens & Co., are making ar rangements to pat op some bitching poe's opposite the St. Charles hotel, something that will be of great conven ience to tanners coming to town lor short time. The new state fair board has appointed W. H. Savage superintendent of the pa vilion, G. W. Weeks superintendent of the dairy department, Georgo Goodhue superintendent of the poultry depart ment, George E inert farmer. Thomas Brace marshal which means that things will look about as usual, only one new man being named Mr. Emert. Four dis tricts were created for competitive ex hihits and premiums will be offered of $150, $75. $50 and $25. each district be ing allowed two men at $50 each to make the collections. $100 and $50 will be of fered for a competitive mineral exhibit. Lsinenaer expects to leae in a few days on a trip to Chicago where he wilt take a postgraduate course in dentistry. Ha will be accompanied by his son who win visit with. Mr. Leinenger's parents, The Degree of Honor last evening gave their fifth entertainment in the series oi contests. Miss Barker's sidejpreaenting a program of much merit,, following it wiiu an excellent luncn. The Eastern Oregon Teachers Associa tioo haa been organized with D. V, S. Keia, 01 weston, as president and II iyree, of La Grande, as corresponding secretary. The first meeting is to be held in La. Grande on Sept 1. - rars. vrm. AiarKS. OI TBI man. rece v. ed an interesting letter from her son Lather, recently, saying be is now in charge of the Hospital Corps men with 1st Batt. Cos- D, L, A and B,v and says wherever they go ha will go if they go at an. Miss Zua Skeel ss a psstenger fo Kingston this morning, near which place aba a 111 resume her work as teat her lor the spring term. Miss Skeels h 5 taught five months in the school, giving excellent satisfaction. AUy.L.L. Swanof Albany, wsi in the city this morniag on his way home from a visit at his parents home near Orawtordsville. He had been there to see his sister. Mis. Todd Abrams, who is ry hi. Brownsville i imei. 1 1 IWO Girls. , ' ... L-orvallis limes: As examples of feminine grit and per severance we may refer to that display- . ... T( ... , . i . T "r urouiur, JOI10, in man' Bffimr a farm iust aornaa thA rtvnr Tlia voiirnr laiima am dh.1 .nMnlv i and 18 and during several years past they have oarried and sold large quantl- ties of milk in CorvsJIis. Every niorn- ing long before daybreak in the winter they milk a number of cows, convey the milk to a skiff and row across the river, at times through a torrent of driit. To stem the current of the Willamette in twice a day the year round, and between times during a great portion of the sea- eon they B-1 a wagon-load of iarm pro- ducts. TI.e. e girls are orphans and their heroic efforts in the battle of life are at tracting iho attention of our people . - Against Chance Games. Editor Dkmik-rat: Your artivl' In onday'a daily telling of a new marble game for boys impels u.c.oc.preas my opinion lor. ir.e ai8-,,,nd couragenicnt of such games, or an other game of chance wherein the plavers try to get something for nothing. Plav- ing such games tends to teach a c ild to, gam bie. I be common game of keena" oight te be suppreosed by parents and teachers. There are plenty other games tnai win amuse ehil'lren just aa wed. A boy starting out n the morninK with a doxea or two of mables and lose them all in a day or two cannot be perfectly hap py, and is loth to let his pirrnts know the fact, whereas if some in ocent games we'e played bd would with joy in his face te!l his parents of the sport he had with his playmates. These simple lea sons of moral ethics are easilv iuioresaed on a child and should not be lost sight f - . I . 1 r . . vi 101- me gooa 01 me coming genera tions rlTKXFAHlLlAi. The ideas of the corresnomlent are ex. cellent. The Democrat copied the item on account of its oddity and with no in tention 01 enuorsing it. Will be Capt. Phillips. A Salem dispatch'statea that Governor Geer haa received a letter from Captain J. M. Poorm an , com pan y M. Second Ore goo volunteers, at Manila, saying that Captain L. L. Pkkene, of company I, has resignea. 11 sacn prove to De the case, according to the rule heretofore followed. First Lieutenant Phillips, of Albany .will be promoted to captain of the Mm nam? and Second Lieutenant Campbell, of Oregon City, to first lieutenant. i.ieuirniiiipssuouKi receive uie ap pointment, and is entitled to it by fitness as well as seniority. The truth ia Mr. rninips a nouid hare been appointed ia the first place. Hia appointment now will be very pleasing to hia many Al- oany mend a. Woodmen Entertainment. The Woodmen of the World gave an other one of their successful entertain ment at their hall last night, precesd ing it with a ooupla of their customary balloon aacensiona. A large number were present. The procrani opened with a fine piano selection by Mrs. Frank Ketcbua, Miss Urae rfeniley recited "Old Mother Hub bard," well. A duet on the piano ai;d violin by Teressa and Oscar Baaaurart was excellent. M -aa Ora Harkncss pre sented a beaatilul pantomime exercise. Grand Lecturer W heeler then spoke for an boor to an instructive and entertain ing manner. Messrs. Arch Hammer and M. A. teuton and Mmea. Aeison and vVianard were heard in a soog. "Friend ship Love and Truth," that was warmly encored. Prof. Wirts gave one of hia talented piano solos. Mr. Nelson Bang Bedouin Love bon"' aiid waa encoreu. retonding with the "Skipper," closing the program, when the company repaired to the banquet hall, where they were treated to oue of Mooter & McKillop's jplendid repat ts, nearly one bandnd sil ting down. Mead C nsul YanWinkln aa toaatmaster tuen called upon Lecturer Wheeler for a toast on "Pacitic Junsdic- Uon," L. L 6a on "AlDany vamp, Prof. Martindale on "The Ladiea," Mis Mamie Montgomery on "The uen tie- men, anil ts t-. eu on "now anu Then," the responses bringing oat some bright and punted remarks. The sentiment was general that this waa one of the best of the many fine en tertainments given by the Woodmen of icrrisiuurcu L. Tbomreon of Portland, waa in city today. Mrs. General Maud Booth will be in Portland April 4. License has been issued for the marri age of Patrick Perkins bjh Alice Tito. Mrs. Minnie McCoy, ot fcpokane, a former resident of Albany, ia in the ctty on her way to Sao Francisco. You feel the blood rushing along. But what kind -of blood? That Is the question. Is It pure blood or impure blood f If the blood Is Impure then )u are weak and languid; your appetite is poor and your digestion it weak. You can not sleep well and the morn ing finds you unprepared for the work of the day. Your cheek are pale and your com plexion is sallow. You art troubled with DlmclcS. boils, i or soma eruption of the ekfp. WDjr not partly four owoa r will do It. Tske it a few days and then put your finger on your pulse again. You can feel the difference. It Is stronger and your circulation better. Send for our book on Impure Blood. If you are bilious, tske Affcr's Pill. They grestly aid the Ssrstparilla, They cure constipation also. aBBBaaaanBaMBafaBa 8 I r i I Wrftm tm Paofaew. B 11 Write thMB fraelr all tba particular II II la joar - Taa U raol a II IlKoaVjr"--, ,(1 II Iwwtli, Mass, V 1 ALBANY, OREGON, FR1DA1. APR II. 7.1899 Prof Helen. Crawford of thaO. Jk. C. ' in tha cit7 on weekf wation during ' the easier holiday. ; y ",' i Don't fail t-attend tLo social and en- teruinment Friday evening at the Mac- a be. hail. Program and lunch 10 cts stimifaion. , : t. a trt .bfannnn f- fcb...- way on his second trip there. He in tends going into the Atlin din trie t and proiiaiily eventually into Dawson; Jim Haw, a pioneer ohiuaman, ' while in the Ca lord warehouse) last evening was atuu ked ly a young man and badly brui.-ed, as his lace will show. He was looking for deputy district attorney Whitney today to have the young man arrested but Mr. Whitney waa in Salem 011 business. F1UDAY More About the Lears. 1 ha DanotEAT has received seven ibr titplns from New estmiWfUr and Vrt ria papers shoeing that" the Ilariia-Lrar ercapnd attracted a good del "f attOKtion there, the apert de voting citoldrTls api.-e .d big head l" the affair. . Mias Lear watdetaiysd io New West- miot. r oy oetng cnargra wttn vagraocy UrW Kt the police, whtn her meth- er arrived an I the arranvejieots were ade for their jonroey to Skagway. We clip the folloior from papera there Vancouver Woild, March 24 Yetter- ' Am b ... a scene occurred in the alien the guilds who Colonial hotel e.e stationed there lu aitii tLe case relu-ed to allow ihe delivery of a oote from the r v gentlemaa to the young Udv. Kev. Mr Harris is said to have threatened the whoU police lorce with inataut diamiasal. Times : White before the court oo the cbsriie of vagrancy the magistrate ask ed Miea Lear it she would go back with her mother An oixioous silence reigned for a mo ment or two, and tben the young lady, in a few worn., delivered ber ultimatum, la a decorous manner and well modulat ed voicr, which betraved no particular emotion, sbe consented to go away with ber m Hher "on oue condition, tbat 1 he granted a private interview with Mr. Harris before goiog." It waa seen at once that she meant what she said, and after some consultation this was granted, not even tee mother ass to be present, tbt chiel remarking: "Tbat would not be pr.vate ' Accordingly the magistrate adjourned the cafe. Whi'e the others retired Mr. Harris was sent for and he loat no time Io seek ing the private interview. Tut lasted iw iwoi mil io Dour, idq ii u genr- all aaoreaed the na.r matured ..Una for I - i . . . : . i I tt future. j It was learned from the mother ibal , ihe preeeot home of the lamuv is kca7, a her the fatlirr and a marri- ed daughter and ano-io-law res'de, the men baring good mine in Atlin It appear the mother and bdna had com back Io spend the winter in Ore goo when the ptau were knocked on lb bead by t be elopt-nient . The mot It er then decided after arriving here to take the girl back io Skaaway oy the steamer Itaonbe, was to leave this morniag kw th oorih. This evi dently fell in with th feelings ot the g'rl, and the police tpooned to Vancouver to ho!d In steamer ami) Iho arrival f thelven o'clock U aio from here. I hi was dune ami Chief Cany ocotn- panted th ladies to make sure they ot away all right. Harris i an:! in town this Alternfja, bat hi furtlier ntoteateau hare not been etaUd lie w:d prohab'y go seat tor hi liealth. Th New We:nissterColumhisa tells this: Mis Lear, al-o i a p'eannf, modest, and also rood-look io girl, is taking things, at ber Quarters in th Hotel Col onial, with much compoturv, and would Seem to be a trto of some miud im ber own; but, whether ber miud i onJer complct aubjectioo, for th time, to ber reverend lovr, i not known. At any ra e, she appears to tav more than a wing fancy lor th nsao, who, in rw urn, re ins u have, at least, a sneaking liking for her. A special p-Jiremsn is lei!ed o keep a watch Mile apart- men's (xvopted oy th grl, bwt, in pit of this, the hiidlom neatly gain ed prrm ! to the preeence of bis mia- 'rw. . He Lad gaioed acoe to the ntr r corrnior, last night, and was Joit tarcingth t'oor knob of one of tb rvoois, wheo th special nabbed bim. This greatly npoet the geotteman, who then begd lo be allowed to drop a let let io fie room put it under th door -drop it io the hall, tbaoT But. no! 'he "special" weobdarate,aod,lboagb uot nsoally a bard man, he coul l not al ow any such improper conduct, and or ler tb man off the premises. He went, first threatening to have the whole police lorce fired. A Significant Fact. From th World : Th World learned tbat Martin Mahoo, the proprietor of the Hotel New Amster dam aud the man who accuses Fayne Moore of the badger game, is a brother- in-law of De'ective Sergeant John L. Caff. Cuff is the detective" ho. as isssserted by the de!eoe. it bout aaihorr.y or war rant of any sort, accompanied by Detect iv Ilobert A. McNaugot. went to the txrennbi Hotel to 'inurvtow" Moore The remit of the "interview" ia well too to. oore assaulted Cuff, was ar rested, tried and sentenced to a long term n oing Sing. When Abraham Levv.eoaore' lor Mrs Moore, was told yesterday of the rela tionship existing between Mhon and oft, he evinced great surprise "the news is of imnorunc." he said 'but I cannot discuss it." Scio. From the News: Mrs. II. H. Curl, on of Albany ' pop ular milliners, was in Scio the first of th week, the guest ol her sinter Mir. John Cyrar, . A boat Apri! 1st the pot'offire will be moved over to tn bstdwaie store and a soon ss Mr. Gill receives his commission be will assume chsrge of tbe oflice. Mrs. O. M. Curl end lejaily.ot Albany, are vi-iting relative and friends in this city this weel-.the guests of Mr. aad Mrs. W. ts. tori. ir. Todd, a late arrival from California, is having offices fitted up in tbe Oihey bnilding, on Main street, and will locate in this city fir the practice of his pro fession. Mr P. Perk'ns, of Nelson, B. 0., end' Miss Alice E Titui, of this citv wete un ited in marriage at tbe home of Mr. aad Mrs. A. J. Johnson, Wednesday, March 29, 181)9, Be. Jai. Longbotiom oltkiat ing. Johnson & Phillips have lately received ordera from Japan for several hundred barrels of flour but owing to the rtah of freight to tbat section of the woild they are experiencing some difficulty in get ting space on any of the Oriental steam ers. Beginning with Apr'l 1st, the mail route betwen thi city and Shelburn will be discontinued, and anew root es tablished between this city and Monkera. Mall from tbe O. & K. train will then be drooped off at Munkers, and wilt reach this city tan or fifteen minute sooner than before. Merchant 8. M. Daniel left Mondav for Monmouth, where h will mbua i haTgeTney of Albany, wa a paasenger c n .Ll of a store and toctT5od which he ha purchased there. Ha will still cou. tlnae in business in this city until he can dispose of bis stock and store fixture here. Real Estate Sales. T F MPfer to Joss;h Cebulha, 275 acres 10 W 1 $ Will Adams to N G Bice, 137& scra Wil!im If Hess tt Wallace J llol- burt, 30 acres 12 W 4 Fre (erica llotiimei to J F Bain et al. 40 scren U W 3 Philip Savcge to El a Warren, 40 acies , , . , i Bt avetoOrin Hahin, 120 acres 12 w 1 J M Flangher to A H Bores, 80 acres 10 E 1 W FRead to b C Moo-ehouse, 4 lo s i.i 8 Albany 6000 750 1000 1700 730 60 The Dawson company ia no at Cot tage Grove. W5&: comu,i"ioB !a-ued IRev. ShanirW ill (be ME oatto tooigbt, big snow storm waa rasinv yesterday tnroogb ibe middle west, it never knows when to stop snowing io that part of the United States. Please excuse us bom a big March mow storm. -Th Astoria Building and Loan Assoc! aucn Hive sold their buaineaa It the Equitable Building and Loan Associa- p v rortiaoa, wnicti ts the same as mo dw company which own the busi ness 01 the Albany company . There are three prisoners in the state peuueoiiary who are women, Mrs. Han na. in for life frcm this Meither and Ka;e Sanders. An effort is oeica mane to secure then, mora liberty so they will not go crssy, aa women io penitentiaries ere inclined to do. In the second bowling contest between Jefferson and Scio last Wednesday even ing Jeffersoa r:ained ber lost honor, and woo by a score of 9C3 to 823, having a majority in the two Con Letts. William Jones lead for Jefferson aiib a score of 10 sou Joseph Wesley for Scio with 1M At a mass meeting in Brownsville the f Mowing temperance ticket was norain sted lor th tie. ton Monday: O E Stanard, mayor; K M Brown, record er; J H Glass, treasurer ; VM Powell, mannai: John Pearl, councilman first ward: i a armoth, couDCtiman serood ward; J E Waggoner, councilman third ward. K-..B,B f1" bangel at Harri. oatillo. Mo., yesterday. He mnrdered hi wife anc two childrea ia iswi, and came to Portland when, he ...niki - widow whom hedeaeiiedin IW7 taking their t year old child with him and kill ing it in Albina. Tben he moved too near Achlead where be was captured in Jooe of 'aat ear. e.. r..... Ti d -b 1 " B Co VSST10. Th Pacific Musical Times pobiisbed at Portland. Sirs the proposed hacd concect''nn should be bald at Albany in Jane, and asks ail band lead. r a to commaniie .t anca wuh tb Times in referewna tn ! In th cam una, her S N. Steal baa aa article argiog the holding of the conven tion at tbia city, and enggeetio, in Deed among beads so mat th will learn tbat r does cot mean 6 re away. Mr. Stee'e prom for Albany free entertainment for ib bands, and they coold set here at the least ex pent of any town in Western Oregon. i Mr. E. L. Irvm cam op front Port lanJ this noon, : f. L. Sacb, proprietor of Cioverdsl. is ia lb city. ' Mir Emma Hornier, of Corvalii, ha been visiting friend in Albany. Fred Wbittier, a former Albany young H now arm-ting ia a louadry in Spokane, Licenaw ha l-n issued for t)e mtr riApa of R Fhackleford and Mias Ida Coorr. Thi i the night to attend the Lady Maceabeer ocial. Come and Itave a vleasant evening. Uack Roero ia In the city. Jfxt Moa dy h will p -n a bicycle repair bop ia VkMinnrili and make that city hia home. res i rival services in Albaoy, hss been-aw ler ted tatty school at Eugene. I Mr. John lbee, a pioneer resident of, he valley, died at Junction lasieveningj He resided near Harriaberg ia thi ecaa-! ty for a good many year. Among th passenger on the Kath tb. morning were Preaidest Fi nn, nf tb Frist Nstional Bank. Mra Trna I Hopkins and Tony Koltner. the pioneer! editor and politician. 1 Mr. aad Mr. J. A Grose, of the Depot hotel, returned last evening from spend ing some time in California for their neaun.-Asbiand Kecord. : Mr. W.H Swank left RnnU. wl Lyons, Una eounty. where hr brother 1 as very ill with poeun-onia. Ashland KecorJ -X-CCUOcilman and PT-r)itef er.eineev WB Scott, the rreat Emaliait ni the exalted order oi Powiays of the 70s. haa been io the citv todav. He ia nnar a Lane county farmer. j The Portamlle ""!; f . March 17sts: C. P.. Bock hart, ot Al- bsoy, Oregon, arrived in Portervill; Toedy and is vis ting hi daughter! Mi. 1L Fiiodt and iamilv. ' I Clyde Kaabe, who was first mate ori i i Be rive.- under his father Capt. Baabo air a numrter ot veara. an.l aiiaa K. Crvighton, were married in Portland yesterday. Captain Mnllett retnrne.1 I mm ttaola Head Mondav afternoon on the ateamep lioharta. Me found conditions for the rapture of sea Hone in that vicinitv quite I t-orable. Yaqaiua New. Mr Wm Watkln. of Yaquina, was in he city Saturday. Wm informs as that ie is thinking serioualv of retnrcinir tn Sampler, llaker count v, within a short time. Yaquina News, i The Asotia, Wash , Sentinel of a few week ago say: L. B. Warner, a nor. servmao from Albany, Ongon, who was in Asotin thi week, met here Wm. Far- inh whom ue bad not seen for twentv three year. At that time Mr. Farrish was living near Grand Kaoida. W iscon in, enitsge,! in the sawmill bnrinee while Mr. Warner ws handling bard ware and the two at that Uma had con sidrrable dealing together. The Musical Club in their monthly1, meeting yesterday afternoon at thel home ol P. A. loonggave a program of uch merit, one nf their beet efforts. It onsisted of a paper on the life ol Haydn y jure, rroi tee, a piano duet, !ym bony, by Mis Burmester and Mrs. oung, a aong by Mr, kelson, a piano no bv Mis Lora Vance, a sons bv a duartet, Mrs. Langdon, Mrs. Wirtz, Miss pb Irvine and Mrs. Winnard, a vocal Mo, "With Vardore Clad," by Mr. Langdon, a piano so'o by Miss Msrgusr- Ite Ilopk-ns and a chorus by the Club UBdy wird." CoKViLxts F. A. Alexander, oor well- known and enterprising merchant is closing out hia stock of goods with tbe ton ntioo of leaving Corvallis. Miss Mbel Johnson 1 making preo eratloos to depart for Portland next Monday or Tuesday. After taking a fireoaratory course in vocal instruction a that city, It is ber intention to attend some eastern school where her musical education wil be com plated. . Tbe busiest scene one can witness la Oorvalils now ia that presented at the new mechanical hall on college hill, while the stone work on the walls is wellpigh completed, it will be some time time ere the finishing touches are put on, in fact, the huil ling will hot be in condi tion to use thi school year. I v A I lord It. trecrkseo, a vouoa nesuay outn oouna train en rou (' Sen Kranclaco on a basin trip. Ash lend Tiding. Mr. Freekson ba return ed home ftCTTI The County Fair Meeting. Abont twenty-five were pretent this af ternoon at the Court House in attend ance on the adjourned county fair meet ing. The reports showed an increase in the certificates of stock pledged of only sixteen, making a total of a few over a hundred. After tome d'smaainn fhe rripot innr at. jonrued subject to the call of the chair man when utlicient stock has been p'edgej to justify going ahead with the proposed fair. The committee are still in the field. Hand your name in tc thm. -- , .j Modek.',' W, of A .Following are the officers of he new lodee of Modern' Woodmen of America receutlv nrinnii. edetCral.tree: ' " V O. 11 A Hei'ker- A V R rv. alerk In. l L- :.--, .7. ..' shall; eecort, Lrn Kussell; aatckmsn. - -1 ww ... 1,: iiirr, Ala iuar U A Tucke': .entry, Win tit Bf hart; pbysiriana. Drs Ikoiti.of Ih Fee the new Cas-Re'.U-f r,hr,(na s Tin. kbit llavu..'. 1 - www,, v. Diamond nbotoe, best fininh 50 cts per doxen at TinkUA. L'a wson'a. Baogl bracelets, 25c to 2 00 at FreuCU's Jewelry not. For spring novelties in jewelry eee French's show Indow. Cyrano chains, th latest fad, 25c, 0c, aad 75c at Fiencb' Jeaelry store. Ladies Sashes anJ Sash Buckle, all style and prices, -nee them at French' Jewelry store. Stamp photo are 'becoming quite pop ular. Tinkle & iJawson are turning them out by the thousand. Call at Tinkle Dawson's new photo gallery opp. p. O. and get tneir prices beiore having photo made. URDAY An Atlin Letter. George Eikins, of Lebanon, writes the Ex pre-Ad ranee an interesting letter from Atlin, now famous a a gold mining center, from which we clip the following : Mr. Cargile and myre'tf left Skagway Fe Dreary 20th on the W. P & V. tt. R. for the summit. It took eight hours to run a distance of eighteen miles .and two engiae at tbat. It waa 12 degree below zero when we left Skagway, and at the summit it wa 42 below quite a drop. A person would have thought it impoe ibla a year go to build a railroad over that vaat mooota n of aoltw ice and snow. 11 1 a steady climb from Skagwav, and at time the grade is a high as 400 fee', lo the mi e. Wednesday, FeUoary 2ind. Washing ton birthday, was toe co d-,t day that I ever saw . We traveled all dav right in a north wind, and Cargile frose bis chin. W had to leep in a ten, and th thermomettr down 4Sdrgreee below tro. New, do you think it a a picnic? Ko, tbia is ah place lor Ue wbue tntrt nd stand-up coiiar, and they bad better be left at home with their mamma. Wet. a three men tbat day who had beeo frozen very bad, one of whom ha tine died. We arrived at Al in Tbandav, Feb raarr Jlsh.jusl foardytrm frkagway. a d:s a ure of 110 roi'e vwy cor d time for "tender-feet." Meals are $1 aad bank 75 ceais. AU the war up from Skagway to AUin meal were ' 2V the equal of which could be purc'.sted ;or 10 ceata down in old Oregon, but a man is glad to ge it here at most any price. . At!in is just a small brrg, cbort Z'A population, and is an te a crettT D are considering the lime ol year There are tore notei wish o-cal!ed bars. I hie store in tent, where a person ran boy a a sack of Sour for S!0 and a few beans This would have been quite a town, bat basioc at prevent is at a standstill on I account of tb la: alien law, which ha hart it a great deal, bat I guess it w;II rotne oat ia time. The gold com amnion i expected here at anv time, and on bis arrival boater will probably revive and move along aa nsaal. i. age ar $4 and $5 par day, bit there Doming to do at present. 1 haven t ,1 m,n Ur . m,n . and doa t knew as go oat and 1 of ate aa moderate. I I In coocloaioa wou d ar this much aa I iu tue mice: V)U l ttilnX a man caa hut pkk it op; be will bave to work for ir i it- i here are some tine pt oepects op on Pine creek, and as high a "is to the pan waa taken out last fail. 1 will scat that I am glad I am here. Sod ill try very hard to take oat some rU- Lebanon. w. H. ! H. Stewart, a ractling and p polar aof man ol Albany, was in Lebanon yeaterday i rroi. Xbo. M. Gatab, pree dent ol lb O. A. C., passed throuah Lebanon yeeteiaay on bis way to hodavtue tor a short lv. Mis Leva Scott re'.nrned Wednesday to her horn io Albany, after visiting All JUelia W eat fall for a coapie of week. The ordinance prohibiting tbe rid-cg of bicycle or tricycles on tbe cidewaika in the city ot Lebanon, Ur., by any per- ton ot any age, profession or calling, ex cept by cripple or invaiiu, will be trictly and rigidly eniorced on aad after April l, im. Also the ordinance taxing dogs wil. be strictly enforced on an after the above date. List of Pate. iG ran ted to Northwest inventor this eek. Reported by C. A. Suow A Co., patent at tcrney s, Washingtca, D. C. E Campbell, Dayton. Wash, grass ritcber for lawn-mow ars; F Davie, Tjarner. Or. toiiet-paocr case; G A Gll utan, Taooma Wash, b ake-adjusting snechanism; W H Goidon, Portland, Or, miter-box ; R Jonsrad, Saaay, Or, feeble grip; K R Pigg.McCoy, Or, single tree. For copy ot any patent send 10 cent in poetae it nip with date of this paper cuABnowitw. Washington, uu, 'ft The New Boat. The new rteamer Eugene, built at Eu tgene at a cost ot abort 6,0H0 passed powu tue river last evening at o o cioca, after a tnp of ten hours, delayed some W the snags in the river beyond Harris- urg. The boat is l.V leet long, I'o feet beam and draw 14 inches of water, Tn familiar lace of th veteran captain Smith was seen in tbe pilot house with the promised stove pipe hat. The boat only touched for a mioute aad thePzvo- caA-rmaawas the on Iv one who visited tbe pretty parlor of the craft. E. C. Smith, freight and passenger man, waa in tbe city previous talalng business to oar busiaess men. As the new com pany have no wharf here they are at a disad vantage ia working for local trade. Attention Tempi CommaiiJvry. Temple Commaodery No 3 Knights Templar will attend Easter service in a body Sunday evening at the Methodist church. All member are requested to assemble at their asylum at 7 o'clock p m. and equip themselves for said servi- cea. Bolourntng Knight are Invited to be present and join us ia these services. J. It. WVATT, F. E. AUJiN. Recorder. Emniment Coui. Set Free. Saijim, April 1. A New York special to the Journal ay Fayne Strahan Moore has been released from all charge and set tree. 4 l likcr aad frewsleler jk. - Makes the food more enr ntrma RELIGIOUS. Sunrise tfayermeetlng. The Local Union of Christian Endeavor inviUs the young people of the city to Join in an fcas'er service tomr rrow morning. Time, fi o'clock. Place, Presbyterian church United Presbvterian cburcb: Morn- 13 worship at 10:. sobiett of sermon Tha Rline Rnllerl inf." Kalbalt Tbe Stone Rolled Awav." balbaib school at 11:45, Junior Endeavor at S:30, Senior Endeavor at 6 :;50 Evening wor ship at 7 :30, subject of sermon, "infall ible Proile of JesasfKeaorrection." Ali are itvited to attend these services. M. E. church : Easter Missionary ser vice in the morning at 10 :30. The roll of church membership will be called aod an opportunity given to make the annual subscription for missions, fcanday school Easter service at It m. Epworth League, Immediate League aad Claee meetiee at 6 -M. Easter aero: oi at 7 0 p. m.' The tCnigbt Templar wilt at teed tbe evening service in a dy. A cordial welcome i extended to all to attend tbeee service. Presbyterian church. Easter Soaday, communion acrvlce at 10:.'X1. Special Kaetir eervice of the Sabbath school at S p.m.' Senior Endeavor at 6:30. Eveo ing worship at 7:20, an Easter service ; subject of sermon, "Sons of the Kesor reciiot." Regular service at the Baptist church Preaching bo.b morning and evening by Rev. John Barr. S 8 at eloee of morn- itg tetvice. Chine Miseton 3 p m, Jr 4p m, J.YPU 6:30 p m. mid wee -prater eervice Tboreday evening at 7:" o'clock. All are eordia'Iy invited to at tenu these servea. Fi EsTWTAtaiiEXT. The entertain meot giveo by the Ladieof the Macra see Friday evening wa a very enjoy ab'eone. Quite a large nam ber of tbe LO T M and their fneoda were preee-t mben tbe folloaicg program waa rend ered : Mia Anna McCau'.ev cang a ailo in a pleasing manner and wae heartily encore!. The Fox brother rendered an instrumental daet that was very much enjoyed. Mrs Taylor aad Mrs Van Winkle were heard ia a vocal due; that waa very moch appreciated. Sirs Ketchnm rendered an instrumental solo tbat was bigbl entertaining. A panto mime by V ie Orah Harknee waa rend ered in a very attractive manner. Four ubleaat were presented two of which wtre the most teaotifa! aad teaching of aoy ever preeected before aa Abay audience. A STBAacc V-n. A gentleman from the country ts. Last Tboreday morning, at the heme f Lasseile aod son I1, tc iles eootbeact of tbe city. there wa foaod on the east c'de of their big barn a strange looking ohiect doobi ed op as if ia slep. IcvesUgation abowtd tbat it waa made of paper in red, white and blue stripe. Th Woodmen of the World, io Albany, woo sent ao a balloon the evening previoa. no doubt can readily Identify this ubject. HOME AND ABROAD. Chief Moses, the : Icoan Indian died at bis home on the Co. w e reeerva lion last Satordav. Wheat ha goni op 1 cent and ia 47 rtswhilefiaar his gone dowc five cent is 75 cents a sack. There are 337 priannet ia the state penitentiary, ot whom eight were cent there from linn coanty. Two Benton coanty tales s cross the Willamette are Anna B Reeeeto Augus ta Warner 45 acre for Hn, anl A a. gust Warner to E. R. Prnlaad same for 11600. Foar iicki. rant waeoua . throagb Alrany todav loaded with men and children bound from California, where th-y bad been di id out, for their former home in Central Kansas. Warren L. Corey, of Salt Lake citv. the contractor who built the Astoria and . Colombia railroad, has failed with $!&,- f C63.07 liabilities and asset in chose in ! action of aboat 1330,000- Hi fail or i I doe lathe Oregon eon tract. ' A new time table will probably go in- -to efTect on the S. P. next week, hoogh ' not officially announced. AccorJt ing t ! it tbe overland from the sooth wi II ar ' rive at about 4 a. m.. acd the one fro 1 tbe north about 10:.V) Tbe Lebanon Advacce-Expreas will hereaiter appear aa a semi-weekly, -being publish. ed on Tuesday and Friday, be ginning next week. The E A. is an ex cellent local paper, a credit to the paper manufacturing town of the valley. The Democrat recently copied aa item from a Una county exchange to the ef iect that Sam Mullen had sold hia farm to a man from, near New Orleans for ,S.2jO. Mr Mullen states that thi is a mistake that he has not Bold his farm to anv one. i. W. Mitchell of the Lebanon Wagon road eaya he will not allow Dr. Lara be r son and hi men take any more cuittim bark for trees on the Co' property with out paying for it. As most of the bark t gotten from such trees it will make considerable difference with the Doctor filling hia bis order for 300 ton to be shipped to London. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant methotl and lencficial effects ot the well known remedy. PvRfP OF Fltia, mnnufaetured by the CALiroKSUL Fu Svkii Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them ia the form most rvfreshinsr to the taste and acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect Btrcngtheninp laxa tive, cleausmir the svstem effectually, dispelling1 colds, headaches aud fevera pently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting- on the kidueys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritatiuff them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing Bgrs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the meaicinat quauuesui iuo remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the CAiiroasiA Fie Sykkp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full imvo of the Company printed on the irout oi every package. CALIFORNIA. FIG SYRUP CO. BAN WRAKCISCO. CAI. ; Tfirinum a TV. KIW TOBJC tt. T. For tale by aU Dnigidsta. Price iuc. per bottla no 35 Saf ' detkious and wholesome Hr..jt t . SOCIAL AND PERSONAL J S. A. DeVaney be gone to Davenport, Waah., to teach acnocL Hon. W. P. Elmore, of Brownsville, was in the city today. Sheriff William Frazier, of Fortfand, is in tbe eity buying horses. Porter Castle, who was on the Balti more with Dewey, is at Ccrvsliie. Fred Weatl erford and Rocket Ma -or, of the Bishop Scott scbo.1, Portland, are ia tbe city for the Eatter holiday Bev. Loagbcttom of Lebanon has been called aa pastor of of the C. P. chnch of tliis city, aod have alread moved to this city. W. H. Buoy will depart for Boffel Hump Monday, whiti,er he goe i search of good health and gold He w i be absent a month or more and eboul te find the object ot his March , will re main permanently. Mis Akin will op pty hia place in the E'yoffi-e daring hie absence. Benton County Leader. . J. B. Templeton returned from Salem oo the 21st inct , and Lis health gradna! lay grew worse nntil hi concition be came alarming. It was necear to fan him night and day to enable. I. ion to breathe. Thursday morning, hoetre', his condition was cooailerably impiov ed. Brownsville Time. Boa. Cyra Weetlake. of San Jose, Calif., a foimer resident of Albany ar rived in tbe city this morning srr t tbe gaest of hi daughter, Mrs. Judge Whit ney. Mr. Westlake was at one time be owner ot tbe present site of tbe Balti more block and eoneiderab'-e ott er Tain able Albany propert. He repo-ts splendid piotpects aroend San Jose since tbe rain. The Telegram eats that Judge Pipe who has jost returned from New York ia convinced ot the innocence of Fayne ctrahan Moore. Judge Pipea though 6rt refased was Goal! admitted as ber attorney and it ia said made an excellent impreaaion. Mrs. Moore, wbnie now at liberty, ha entered into a contract with Mr Bianey by which she is to receive $1,000 a week for playine the fj' part in "King of the Opium Ring," Elaney kaviog pat op casb bail for ber in the alleged silver ware steaiinz care. The play, one of Blane?' ha beea rearrang ed for Mrs. Moore. The hero is a man with a double lifts, with whom sbe fall in icve. He commit crime and figure ia a badgering cam. Mrs. Moore' no toriety ia expected to draw big boose for the performances. Tbe following are cample of the Saa Uaa correspondence in the Lebanon Express)-Advance: There will be baptizing in the river near here S cedar, I pru 9th. Let people gather ia from far and te.r to encoarace the worker in the vineyard ef the Lord It is reported tbat tLere will be a wedding at church in the school hoorie My 21, ls&S.the contracting part iee being Clarence Ingram and Rosa Ma son, beta of this place. A 1 are ia vited. Qosliut Out ale. Having decided to Siscontinaeoarbac- in"5. w will dose oat oar stock of gro- c rw at - educed pnees." Cansnnsere should avail Iterate! res of this opportun ity to parrbase gocd goods at low price before tt is too late. KtSTOx's Casb Sscke. THE HOMXIESrXAX IX ALBANT As well as the hasdjcmrst. and oihm ar invited to ca-'l ca anv drocit aad ge1 FREE a trial bottle rf Kemp's Bafcam lor t'nTkroat and Laxf, a w reedy tbat v" aataalred to core and relieve a'l CI rcaie aad Acute CouTb. A-tfcnia, Fr rthitia Cossaivptien. Price S5c and 5Cc. Strictlv xusine$s Frecch the jeweler. Creeceat Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, ageab. Best fiicyUe foa-Ue moaey W ill Stark, jewe'ers. Crescest bicvele at Hopkiaa Brothers for only $35 aad HO. C B Winn, otv ticket agent. Ticket to all points in the east. Be tore aad see the aa!t ra-t tinware at Bopkia Bros, will laa". a ILftHime. Go to Miss Longs for huh priced pho tographs, and do not target to take along the money. For a quick remedy aad oae that ts per fectly saie for children let a recora uecd One Minute Cough Core. It i exoileat for croup hoaneness.tickliag in the throat and coughs. Foehay d Masoa. For frost bites, boras, indolent sore, ee ceoia. skia disease and especially plee, De Witt'a Witch Hazel Salve triads first and best. look cat for dishonest people who by to imitate and counterfeit it. It' their eedorsemeat of a good arttc. Worthless gocds are not isutateo.- 't De Witt's Witch Hare: SaJxe. rcshay Mason. tc;. NIGHT AND TO NIGHT MORROW Aad each day aad night durimr this week you can get at aay druggist' Kemi 's Bal nn for tb Throat and Long, acknowl edged to be ice moat ccceful remedy vrr old fct Cough, Croup, Breachitis. Asth uaand Consumption. Get a bottle to day and keep it always in the house, to yen can cueck your cold at oo. e. Price 35c and 50c Sample bottle free. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brotuo Quinine Tablets . AU druggist refund the money if it fail locate. 2c. The genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet Ywung Mothers. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonising and frequently fatal. Shiloh'e Couch aud Consumption Cure acts like magic ia cases of Croup. It has never seen known to fail. The worst eases re lieved imuiediately. Prices 25 cts,. and 50 cts. and $1.00. Iriauy a Lover Has turned with disgust from an otherwise-lovable girl wito aa offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purities the breath bvits action on the bowels, etc., as noth else will. Sold for years on absoiute guarantee. Price 25 ct?. and 50 eta. To Cure a Cold In One l ay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet AU druggist refund the money if it tail to cure. 25ft. The genuine ha L. H. Q on each tablet. TICKETS To all voir t East via GreM Northern Railway. ForTratea, f tdera and full information pall on or addea H. F. Mkksjtx, Agent Albanv. The UniversaKBolter mak es good floor 1 The Mairnttll:-