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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1899)
Tangent. For the latt week we bave had 6ne! weather and aouie of the farmers have tarted their plowt. 1 Grain o( all kinda in the surrounding country ii looking well and baa made a rapid growth Bines the cold spsll in Deo I. em bet . There baa been an nnuaual amount ot grip and bad colds In tbia vicinity lor the last month, and also a kind ol an eruptive disease something like measles. James Duncan an old pioneer from Turner is lying very low with lung (ever at the home of his daughter Mrs Mor gan. He is not expected to recover. The friends of Young Imertca will be pained to If am that be launder the care of ihe doctor at bis home in Tangent af flicted with lagrtp. We hope that be tnav speedily regain his usnai health. Mr John Fisher has purchased the 430 acre farm ot Miss Mary Williams juct south of Tangent. $7,600 was the price paid. Stephen Archibald has bouitbt the a'ock of groceries and good will of L. B. Moses and will hsrefter conduct this busineca at this place. I notice that the nursery men ot this place are bnay hauling trees to the depot for shipment. They expect to Qnd sale for all the stock they bave on band. M L Foster has quit the nursery bus' ineea sod bas been appointed supervisor of the roads for district No 21. We expect to see a great improvement in oar roads the coming year, fur Mart is a rustler and will be found at h's poet of duty early and late and will see that the work is done at the right time. The proposed amendment to the school laws is severely criticised by the people of this place for wa think thtrj is entirely too much ted tape attached to It tc suit cur fancy. Mr J H Harmon ot Waitsburg Wash, is making an extended visit among his relatives and acquaintances near Tang ent. The person or persons who stole the boat from where it wae left locked on the farm of the lale C P Knighten tai bet ter return it to its owner, as there is a good chance for trouble to arise as it is not only an unlawful act to steal but the breaking of a lock is a penintentiary ot tense. A word to the wiee is sufficient. A Black Eye For Wool. High ditties have not brought wealth or even a reasonable profit to either wool growers or woo'en manufacturers. Despite the high duties placed upon it by tbe Dingley bill, tbe price of Ameri can wool is below tbe cost of i:s foreign rival with tbe do'y added. Secretary North of tbe Woolen Manu facturers of Massachusetts makes it clear that the existig bigh tariff is tbe cants of tLe unprofitableness of the woolen industry both to producer and manufacturer. The past year, be Says, has been one of "general dullness at.d nonemployment, bardly paralleled. With all classes it bas been a year of small boa iness, of much anxiety and often of hardship and.embariaKment-' He points to tbe fact that more impor ting milling eatabliahments connected with bisasaociation bave a signed since tbe pieeent tariff law wect into cpe-a-tion than in any previous period cf like length since the pabic ot 1S57. Along side this statement be plates another to the effect tbat the importations of wool ens bare been smaller in quantity dar ing tbe last year than for 50 years. American wool and woolenabave bad tbe market to themselves, and they have fared worse a itb tbe Dingley bill to pro tect tbem than ever before. Mr. North aires lessened production ir stead of ' overproduction as one of the causes eeo- tributing to thia condil-on. Republic An indication of a hat a cieamery t tabliahed in Oregon means t-i the dairy interests is shown in an article recent ly pnblithed in the Cmon, of Areata, Calif . It Sjj s tnat during the year end gUct.l, the amount (f butter manu factured in California thowed a falli" off of 10 per cent, ard large quantities were shipped in from eastern states' The price doriog tbe year averaged 23.9 cecte per pound, and in Ham bole eoan ty, from where 3 232,616 lbs. were ex ported. $722,595.22 were distributed among the dairymen. This ia without docbt the greatea country in the world. Some ot our friends were eating raspberries and blackberries fresh from the vine on New Year's day. Up to the 20. b of Decem ber, we pawed in going to our meal every dar, aweet peaa and rosea in full bloom, and today, Jan . SC. ex-Sheriff Jackson, at Netarts. haa a Bartlett pear tree in bloom, aod Jord Murris baa just brought in a ealmon-berry branch with quite a n amber of blossoms on it. Till mook Herald Farmers papera are almost universally against the annexation of the Philippine islands. The Pennsylvania Farmer of Meadsville, Pa., says "Where, when.and how, bave the people giren their consent or approval of this pel cy of imperialism and annexation and. expansion? A pol icy, when ptooeily understood in all its bearings and fleets by tbe people of this country, and erpacially the agricultural classes, will be an-t by the severest con demnation aid a rightesue reientmei-t in forming it on a putriitic and coofidit g people. Curious Facts. The new eahie which lias been laid airo-s the Atlantic weighs 650 lb, to tbe miU Toil is the biggest of all tbs ca bles. At S wed itb weddings, among tbe mid die and lower c'aseet, tbe bridegroom carries a wbif. Thia ia an emblem of 1 bia authority io the domestic circle. Oaly 70 years bave elapsed tioce tbe firet railway in the world wae fio'ahed During that comparatively brief period oar hundred thousand miles bave been constructed. London hag onf stieet seventy fevt long, being the ehorteft street in the eity. . ' - ; . MiLLiSEuif. Ladies who are late pur chasm; their millinery call and see my new goods. Something new at the Mil- nery Car. Refuse any other flour, xcept the Magnolia. Word of Praiue ietowed upon Hood's Maraipanlia by those wbo bave taken it indicate tbat it is roaiohng LealtaJ to thouu'inai ot peop e, and tbat it will help you also. Shine, Htiine, Shine, In all colore, at Combination Barber Shop. Ladies work a epecilty. If you want a Rood and cleat uoke buy cigars made by our Al bany clar lactorv- Some one says the coldest roan U the one who is wrapped up In himaeU. We have some In Albany. Miles vr. Eatan chls tldeot the pond and Blanco vs. Cervera on the jMde That ought to make the wavea roll high. The deadlock in Watbington on the senatorial fight is evidently one to stay. It is a rotten political affair. Boss Coker 1) no credit to any party. The sooner such crokers are kicked out of all parties the better it will bj for them. A paper somewhere with a tool of an editor suggests Cleveland and Bryan a the ticket for 1900. That is indeed the greatest Joke ol day. - Mr. Slillman ie not so very still after all, though he ought to be kept to on that bill of his, legalising, impetfect di vorces . We need more strict divorce laws and not "lore lax ones. Give the Filipinos their liberty iW they went it, tbst is justice on the lace ol it. Forcing a people into subjection is a disgraceful act on the part ot Unclt Sam, the champion ot freedom. The . Philadelphia Kecord recently dosed a contract with John Waoamaaer for the insertion ot a psge advertisement every dav for two years, aggregating 1, 647,360 lines. This legislature is about as much ot a reform legislature as a drove cf cattle la a corn field. On the contrary it is the moitsDoila hunt db body tie state bas ever bad.. Congress is getting down to business on the treaty of peace ratification bill. That is, the arembeis are doing a. treat deal ol talking, bow soon there will be any actual business is a very uncertain Question. Tbe matter should be die posed of st once without two much rtd tape, one way or the otber. Th Democrat would like to see tbe referendum used in reference to tbe x niminn Milicr. There wooldn t be a spot left. The farmers are almost solid ly against it, and ths masses generally are opposed to anything ot the imperial- latie order. Besides there are many in dustrial reasons why.we do not wish ex paneion. Give I'-e people a chance te vote directly on tbe question and it wonld be snowed noder worse tbanMoctana in the wiute.-. There are already rem on in Canada that tbe I'niUd States will taae control of thatconntiy when wo have disposed of oar other takes over tbe world. There ia certainly ro occasion for any i amors in this line, though there is no tellirg what tome of our imperialistic friends would not attempt. As a matter cf fact. Canada, by tier location aed surround ins should be a part of our count y, tbongh it is hardly prohable it evrr wi! bet. A number of papers endorse the Ford- ney bill which provides that tbe t.utand must make an affidavit, bfore be can eecure a license, to the effect tbat be has not smoked a cigarette fr three jeare previously. The Dsxocbat is verv mceti opposed to tbe cigarette and would like to see its sale entirely prohibited, bol this V.ll is not tbe character that ehoild be passed by state legislatures. Young ladies though, might do well to refuse men who bave smoked cigarette a fir three years. What the Farmer's Say. Southwest farmer, ias Craeee, New Mexico. Lett tr from F. C Baker, Ed it w, Jan. 5: "An annexati n annot fail ti affect the ioterets of tbe American farmers most dieastrouely. At the pre sent ra'e of expenditure these colonies will coat 2000 million doltara before we gt tbtoogb with them, even if they do not entangle na in a bg war with Earo pean poweia. Not only will tbe farmers bave to bear this burden of tbe excessive taxation which will eneoe, but tbe tree importation of sugar and tobacco will rain two of onr great borne indnsirie and seriourly affect the entire agricult ural interest. Tfte only gaioers will be a crowd ot po.lticaas, wbo will get office a ad a t-sw make a profit oat of f ranrhiaes and foreign trade. Tbe "Basioeea Faimers' Magazine,' iCooxville , Tenn. : "Tbe resources of the United elates are sufficient to keep our people p:fitably employed for many years to come. We bave only begun to explore our latent wealtb, ana toe aeveiopmeni of what bas been discovered is a work that will not beaccomplisbed by this feneration. All the talk, we bearotont new conditions' is all both. We don't want tbe Philippines and we don't wan Cnba.Tbe purpose ot our war with Spain was expressed in the retoiuiion ad jpted by the s'atement, 'Tbe peo ple of the island of Cuba are, and of a right ought to be free and independent.' It s al.'O declared in this resolution, That the United States hereby disclaim any disposition or intention to exercise sovereignity .jurisdiction or control over said island . ' Let us do what we said ws would do, and then settle down to bos ness at ths same old stand There Is room enough at borne. Tbe - '.'Market Basket J Philadelphia, for December, 31st said: "Sbail we sacrifice all thete grand and glorious principles aod enter into new and nocer tain life, turn our bac on tbe boas'ed assertion of love of freedom to all? Qii forbid that such should be our fate. We cannot think tbattteadvo catea of colonial expansion and imper ialism will soceeo in faaiening their poison fangs upon the body politic of this free coun'ry, or tbat the liberties oi our institutions will be abridged or men aced to sustain the policy of tbe expan sionists." 100 Reward 8100. - The readers of this paper will be pleaxed o learn that there is at least one dreaded desease that science has been able to cure in all its etsiree, and tbat ie Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the on ly positive cure knewn to the medical irsiernity. Catarrh oeing a constitu tional disesse, requires a constitution al treatment. Haifa Oatarrb Cure is taken internally, acline dirtcily upon the blood and mucous eurfacea of the system, thereby destroying the founds tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doma its work. The proprietors have so much faith iu its curative powers, they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure - bend lor list of teetionais. Addrees, F. J. CHENEY & Co. Sold by Drugisis,75e. Toledo, O. Hall's Family Fills are the beat. Overcome evil with good. Overcome vour coughs and cold a with One Minute ougb Cure. It is so good children cry tor d. It curea croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung diseases. TF.KMb. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month 18.00 per year.ln advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months . finale copies 6c. Wiiilt, 1.2f n 4lv..n'w; f 1.50 at eno of year; f 1.75 for wvn- 'nrs 2.X foi third and preceedinn tour, when not paid in advance. Club of five w Mibscribera at 15.00. Enough of Manila. The New York Wornl interviewed the memheis of the N- Yo.k Company jutt heme from Manil-a-id marly every man had had enough of country, lh following are eiHiut : Joseph W. Beactuni, J., First Sergeant: I was glsd to May Manila as Ion as there was flnh n do. but when there was onlv ttarr 'u.y we all got homesick, Tim nit v-w are only lia't civilised. In some pane they are sav ages. I would no sia theie for a for tune. not a pa e where an A inert can can prosper and remain in good health." Lee J. Whitney, ii'ciii' : "I wonld not star there hil Ameri ca is left to live in . It is unbealtbful and uncivilised. .The uat.ves are mer cenary, treacherous and cowardly. Robert H. Sillman, Sergeant: "It is not a place for a bealtny Atneri can. The country i loo l ot ana too iait of maiaria. The ua ivea are offensive." Otto M. Carison, Kergeant : "I want no Mai iia in mine. When the excitement ot ban Is subsided we studied the country and it people. Tbe country is pretty and s unheaUhful s( pretty. The native are diseased and treacherous." Frank A. Williamson, Sergeant. "I never want to er Manila or any part of the Philippic aitaio. I have my fill ot the uewy acq- redpotsessioor. I don't caie to bre.t b hot JeW and mingle with the irea h-'ous, nncleau savages." Harford P. Waikcr, sergeant : 1 got tned oi inr puce and tbe peo ple, and am glad to get Loire and stay there." William . Hilts, C poral : j "I wouldn't stay tn-;- it you gave me the if lands and al1 b people on tLem. I bave no use for tnoe dirty, savage people." William E. fituhlmi l.r. Corporal: "To appreciate tuiu one needs to mingle with ibote unwashed people When we felt tbe hrat and met the peo ple, we taw how imp-a 'twe they are from every point ot tiew.' Alexander M. Barieit. Bugler: "I wouldn't etay Manila it you would give me tbr i- 'audsand all there ia on tbem." George t, Bulr. "I'm through with the Philippines for rood. I don't like the people and don't like tbe islands." Robert A. Bur batik. Corporal : "Manila is attracv- f om a commer cial ene, bu: I ruahit.'t live there long er tLarrt wool.i iak to te tbeconniry Tbe natives aie ti e o t lot von could imagine." Nathaniel C. Bobbin. Corpora) : "I was a mtniher of h- Pioneer Club, but that is i o si kn I anted to stsy. Wbtle there i a N Yik io live in I want no M-U t d- ." Bob rt A. Go doi , C porsl : I aouluVt ay Manila if yen would give ne u.. --Lrd. Tbey aie filled with men-enar , d aeased people. not mre tban i a f i- x-d. Dr. Daly.whu mm- rbirt aurgon on tbe ataffot Gen. M ilea i-ii nitrated for tbe war Investigate L n,ajii&o, by actual testa made bv mtt'i m nt tbe refrigerated b el t ned to the trvops of Gen. Miles in P -t Rica was treated with Boric and S I y tc acids, was io fact ''embalmed." Spain coo'it.o Pari, correap.rc rioe pal cbiei forms me tha for a rising io S absolutely re- !--that ail arew.tur vetrooblta. A "One of tbe Carliaia here in rtg ii now ready t Don Carlos te .e tbe fi-IJ, aed be signal" Senator Whit tbe ! ... latere, to voir t treaty of Prc, . ably opposed U -i not regard th- i upon him, convictions. ri' in deference to ... swallow hie eo:; treaty. he will not obey California legis ilicalioa of toe as he is onsller- ation, and do-si Uon ts binding c-inecteace and l'eii-in aije thai .'slatnre he will cd vote for '.he Several Cn:t" -tbeir title clear to aerdayby form -1 ic ive legidature?, i;,r ley Qiay waa not r aenators read 1 e x yeara vet- f tht-ir re-pcrt : Maltbew Man- the number. A i alwayaembar cMitpeot Las a dim to tbe peai i of the United man of his char." ra'atd when pu 1 choice between -pf tentiary or tbe States. Minneapols Tribune (Rep) Jac aary 18. A Tax ttill An impracticable oill ia the Mulkey tax bill tbat baa passe 1 the Senate, it has tome excellent provisions and also some that are too exacting. After re ceiving the roll from the assessor the county clerk bas fifteen days in which to extend the roll, an impossibility in mnch less than sixty days, with a big fine for every day it stays in his bands after the fifteen days, tt'en it is tnrned over to the treasurer who is the tax col lector for sixty days, when he bas to balance accounts and turn it over delin quent to tbe sheriff under a penalty of f"0 for each day it is kept in his hands afterwards. The sheriff then has aixtv days in which to collect the delinquent taxes. These are somewhat impractic able and could not be exacted. The lien provision and moriae provision seem to be good ones. The bill should not para in its present form. , rue PLACE TO BUY Vour Urocerlee and Baked Goods (sat Parker Bros Everybody knows where their place ia. They keen a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked stood, of ail kinds, ell at reasonable prices and treat 'heir ustorners well, all iike. ou may regret some steps you take in life Lut none taken into tbe store of Parker Hroa. It is a great toin to be well fed. Par ner Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of hre-id is not much but y at it we'.! oia.te Tr Parker Bros. . V lieumRtlHni causea more scnea and I'aina tban any otb r distune. It ia due to by dobd'a icld in 1 hi blond, iu i cured (jarixparilla wtiich neritralze this acid. Il J's Pills cnr$ iiiii iiisness. Mails for 2T. cents by C L. if 'jd & Uo , Lowell What USh loll? A grnd old remedy for Cough, Cold and Consumption; used through th world for half a century, has cured in numerable1 casrs of incipient con su rap tion and relieved manv in advanced stages. If you are pot satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25cts., 60 cts. and $1.00. i MISFITS. Ex-Governor Lord hap graft for the sale of ten acres of stump land tor a mute school for (0,000. The charge having been made that Governor Gecr is very populistic in his tendencies some of the party papers are defending him. No need of a defense. It is reported that an effort will be made to change the capital of tbe state to Portland. A silly movement if at tempted. It is already established at Salem and will.remain where it is, One of tho worst bills and most cranky ones in the legislature is Joscphi'a medi cal bill. Tho senate passed it without considering it very seriously though that bndy is siipioed to think seriously ot its actions. It is to be hoped that the lower house defeat it, as it is not reasonable in its provisions, and the statutes of Oregon Jiould- not be encumbered with such "tuff. The total tax levy at Astoria will 57.2 mills, enough to kill any city. Le Sensational developments are promis ed at, Salem regarding grafts. Consider able ot tbe business seems tobe run on the modern graft plan. The Flagg bill providing for execution at the state penintentiary will probably pass, and it so Mr. Flagg will not have waved in vain, for the bill ia a good one. In twenty days of the state legislature 528 bills were introduced, nearly alt ot which should be defeated. What do you tmnk about a thirty days session now, uovernor ueer. A delegation of La Grand men are in balem to bave the sugar beet bill recon sidered, some people lack the good judgment to know when they are beat en. The men who vote bor the sugar beet gralt will be remembered. "Mr. Hammond bss a sack full of money," is tbe big beading In the Tele gram. alley people wonld like to see thia used in the extension of the Corval lis and Eastern into Crook county, but tbe money instead is to take up some cannery options foe eat tern capitalists Mr. liammond baa just returned from the east. In the absence of the speaker the house was called to order, and Palmer of Linn was elected temporary 'epeaker. Roll call disclosed fifteen members present. A perfect shower of motions and resolu tions poured in. He blushed so at the honors heaped thick npon him you could bave lighted a match anywhere upon bis countenance. Journal. Sometimes a man's name is appropri ate and sometime it is not. Take the members of the state legislature, for in stance. Daily haa a bill daily. Driver ia no longer a driver, Fulton is never full, Howe, well how do are know be never - e anvthing.Loooev bas a prett v good bead. Patterson baa never been atruck. Porter runs things himself until after his coming marriage.U Reed blown ry every wind, belling is not for a!e. Taylor does not make clothe. Wade wades into notbing.Morrow will do some- to the cvnideraiion of the peace treaty, thing tomorrow not todav, Butt ia some-' &enatar Allison, chairman of tbe com what of a conjunctive bat can take a j mmee on approf.rialk.ns, aaa be will joke, rveland is not a Caan. Grace is i not interfere at any time with the con- easy, McQueen is no woman. Moody lias ma mooca, 1 a.iner takes the palm. Reeder is not an elocutionist. Stili- man is some hat bo, 5-tunup what there ia left of him is on deck. Beach is far from the seashore, Flagg wave contin ually and conspicuously, Hill ia more of a boite, Knigbt is wideawake. Virtue is a delicate subject, Wbaliey w halts aav at anything that ia tor Portland, Yoang is the youogeet member of tbe legislat ure ana peruana uas the least sense Just judging from that oposwnm bill. Hail doeen t need a hall and Marsh is dry. Nenons Dyspepsia 10 uain l-lcsh, to bleep Well, to Know What Appetite and Oood Digestion Mcao. MAKEATLSTOFSTUARTSDYS- PEfSIA TABLETS. .o trouble is more common or more misunderstood tban nervous dvetwDeia. People having it think tbeir nerves are to !ai nd are surprised that ther are uoi cureu bj nerve meaicinee. I Le real seat ol the mischief ia los sight of. The stomach is tbe organ to be looked after. Nervous dyspeptics often do not tave any pain whatever in tbe stomach, nor perhaps any of tbe usual symptoms of stomach weakness. Nervous dyspepsia shows itself not in tbe stomach so much as in nearly every organ. Jo some canes the heart palpitates and is irregular; in others the kidneys are affected ; in others the bowels are conatipaivcd, with head ache ; still other, are troubled with loss of flesh and appetite with accumulations of gas, sour risings and heartburn. It is safe to say tbat Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets will cure any stomach weakness ot dsease except cancer of the stomach. Tbey cure sour atomacb, gas, lose of flesh and appetite, sleepleeesness, palpi tation, heartburn .const: pat ion and bead ache. bend for valuable little book on stom ach diseases by addressing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. All druggists sell full-sized packages at 60 cents. Trof. Henry W.Becker A.M , the well-known religious worker and writer of St. Lonis. Secretary of the Mission Board ot the German Methodist Church. Chief Clerk and Expert Acoountantanl for the Har bor anil Wharf Commission. Public Secretary for tne St. Louis School Pa trons' Association, and the District Con ference ol Stewards of tbe M. E. church ; also takes an active part in the work of the fepwortn league, and to write on re ligious and educational topics for several nragazinoa. How be found relief ia best told in bis own words: "borne weeks ago my brother heard me say something about indigestion, and taking a box from his pocket said "Try Stuart's Tablets." 1 did and was promptly relieved. Then I investigated tne nature of the tablets and became sat isfied that they were made of just the right thtngs and in just the right pro portions to aid in the assimilation of food. I heartily endorse them in all re spects, and I keep them constantly on ; nana. Beginning the Year niiii. i..u ,.iik t.iM.t t.:v. msy be had by taking Hood's Barsspw ri'la. yon will not need to fear attacks of pneooionis, bronchitis, fevers, colds or the grip. A lew bottles ot this great tonic and blood purluer, taken now, will be your best protection against sprica humors, boils, eruptions, that tjreo feel ing and serious Illness, to wbicb a weak and debilitated system is esperiall liable in early soring. Hood's Sarsaparilla eradicates from the blood all scrofula taints, tones and strengthens tbe stom ach, cures dyepepei.rheumat em, catarrh and every ailment caused or promoted by impure or depleted blood. Young Mothers. " Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Bhiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of Croup. It haa never Men known to fail. The worst cases re lieved immediately. Prices, 25 eta,, and 50rts. and $1.00. Pride of Albany Soap, , weighs 20 ounces, and la high grade, for aale by C E. Bhowkill, Telegraphic. T Be Exp eleil IiAHciaono, Jan 31 A local newspaper published an advice from Manila to the effect that the Spaniards there prefer in dependence of the Philippines to annex ation by the United States, phe inmir gen s are emboldened by their successes and serious and long-drawn-out trouble may rtsu't through their tiengereni at titude. A B rilti) lliis Hk-LKKA. Jan. 31. The Daly men say that the charges of bribery against U. 8. Senator-elect Clarke will be carried to Washington, and that all the influence Ms. Daly can command will t) used to prevent his seating. S'Mler the Haa ' Oi-YMi'iA. Jan. 31. The nomination of Foster in the caucus was brought about .by the Wilson followers coming over to Foster late this afternoon. They signed an agreemegt t i support him in the cau cus. Eamesof Kinir county created a food n a lured laugh by voting for George 'iper, one of toe proprieters of the Seatle l ost-intelligencer, the balance inciuuing the proxy voted for Foster, giving him 60. After making the nomination unanimous all signed an agreement to vote for Fos ter on joint ballot until be is elected. Tha amy BUI Washington. Jan. 31. A bill to reor ganize and increase the standing army to about 100,000 men but giving the preai- deut authority to reduce tbe size ot in- tantry companies ana cavalry troops woo men each thus fixing a minimum of about 60.000 en listed-men, passed tbe bouse today by a vote of ICS to 125. Aakear flmim Oltmpia, Jan. 30. .The long-expected delivery of the Humes vote to Ankeny occurred in tonight's reTublican caucus when a total of fifteen out af Hume's re maining eighteen switched thus, with one vote from Wilson's home delegation, giving Ankeny a total of 26. Strike Denver, Jan. 30. A special to the News from Cripple Creek, Col., save ol the recent strike in Iaaiella Ground Your correspondent saw chunks of svl vanitc that were three inches thick, and solid metal, and chunks of oxadized ore the same width that be whittled with a pockelknife. No assays bave been made on tbe rock : it is not necessary, but pieces ol tree-gold ore, if it can be called ore at ail, run over fouu.uuu per ton Kacl.C Slaraa Dxxver, Jan. 30. A snowstorm has continued all day over the greatet part of Colorado, and it is said bv old settlers to be a record breaker. Nearly ail tbe mountain railroads are blockaded, and in most case the companies bave given up bone of opening them until after the storm subside. &nowlides are report ed at many 1 laces, but the only loes t f life so far reported, was at Apex. Ta. I.SUa Bill rV . . . t Vi"i S . a. the part of Al'ison to obuin considera- tionintheaenate tolay for the Indian appropriauon bill precipitate 1 a nln. nine debate, which occupied all the time until the senate, at 2 o'clock, went into executive leesion on tne peace . ... treaty. ttmt la aafcev PuiUAPcimn. Jan.3X Tom Sharkey put out Jack McOormkk, of this city, in the second round of what was to have leen a six-round go at 1 he arena tonight. Tbe bout lasted as long it did probably because the sailor wanted to give the great crowd preeent something for their monev. Itanc sr 11 W jiHt!tiTs. Jan. The senate will ! devote practkailr of the time this week ' sidrration of the treaty by asking to bare coneeqoence the treaty wU have com - plete right of way. Utr f irkmu LixcoLS, Neb., Jan. 29. Tbe present vMiiHomKMUlMiiiHi-hinir on m il Nehraaka leetalaturei. Aide from UieJ amatorUI contael, which tonight shows little change, bat may reach a cli max any day, there are charge looking to the impeachment of District Judge brott, ot Omaha, to t dealt with, aa well as two contest cases from Fillmore cocn tr, and the possible imprisonment ot County Judze Saip-oa for refuting to bring 111 ballots bearing on the contest. real Clasfce Sr. Paul, Jar. 2a. A He!ena, Mont., pecial to l ha Pioneer Press cars : I i.ited Slate Senator-elect U'llliam A. Clarke was asked today to dtffr.e his pos ition on trie financial question. "I stand," be said, "for the restoration of silver to its .former status before its demonetisation in 1873, and at the ratio of 16 to I. steep aw PrNTxa, Jan. 29. A trxciii to the Newa from Apex, Colo., says: A anowslkle occuml here at 9 A.M. today, in which three lives were lost. They are: Mrs. W. 11. Rudolph and ber two children, aged 2 and 4 years. Snow ha been failing almost contin uously during the put week, and haa reached a depth of I ft . on the mount ain sides. Us Laaahee ftaie Khinei. tvutBy Wis., Jan. 29. S. A. D. Pewter, of Portlaod Or., the well-known Paciiic coast lumber man, bas closed a aaleof over 1,000,000,000 ft of Oregon timber, mostlv fir, sitnated in Marion county. 45 miles south of Portland, Or., on Abiqua croek, a tributary of the Will amettce river. A Btearflar Sachxmevto. Jan. 29. The week opens with the senatorial situation tw aclicaltv as it aa last week at this time. There has been no ehsnge whatever in the vote, the memders of the legislature re maining firm by their favorite candi dates. EXPJBT BICYCLE REPAIRING AND HORSE SHOEING- f;econd Street between Ferry aod bn MILLER A STEWART SHEr.7 FAIlvm NOTICE. The motor on tbe Albany Street Railway will connect prompt wiib all trains to ar' from tbe depot, day and night. Special trips wilt be made at apeci rale. R. Moon,. Conductor poshay k mm Wholesale Retail DRUGGISTS BDOQSolLEU a l. U ANT, OREGON. Pn re Drugs and the finest and Largea Stock of Stationary and Books In the Market. -4 Special School Meeting Notice ia hereby oiven 4) tie lesral votert of School District No. 5, Irnn county, Ore- gou, that a special acbool aeeting ot said district will le he'd at tie Central school building on the 28tb day ef January, A. D., lt-99, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of levying a tax on tbe taxa ble property of tne district to support tbe pu'nic schools for the ensuing year. Dated this 13. h day of January, 1839. C.d. BuhkhahT, J, E AMIS tsairman. Ulerk. v K. O. T. AI. every r'aturday evening at K. D. T. Mi nail. Viatttnir KnigbU invited. K M Newport.Oomtflander. prolitable Home Dyeing. D'.amoni Dyes Makes Handsome, Unfading Colors. A Few Dimes Will Dolla-s. Save Many In nearly every home there are faded and unfashionable dreoaes and coals tbat can be dyed with Diamond lyes s they a ill look as good as new. Suits lor the boys can be made fiom the fathei's parti' worn clothes, and tuen colored with Diamond iyes to look like new, while dresses and jackets can be mads lor the gir'a with little work or expesee 1 Many women dress their lamilie in banilsome,fastiioiati!e clothing at a com-d-ra' "ly -aial! expense, thaiiks to D.a m cd D . liujoou Dyes sie pot op specially for borne ue, aud the directions on each lackageare so plain that even the inex perienced can get beautiful and unfad ing colors bv using these dyes. They color aoythlng from ribbons, featbsrs, and waists to the hesviest costs and dresses. There are some fifty colors in tbe list of Diamond Dyes, making alt tbe fash ionahle shades, tie sure to nee only tbe Diamond, as ttey are tbe on'y dyes tbat bave stood tbe test of jssis and tbat can h depended upon tor aucceaetut borne dyeing. HOME AND ABHOAD. See Locals on every page. Wheat 50 cents. Tiie Parker fountain pen is a "cracker Jack." French tbe jew ier sells them. A large and fine stock cf cigars and to bacco at Conn A Huston's. .See the dis play. vn hen you want a choice staak, a nice roaat or meat of any kind, call on Henry JroJera. He kdeo. tbe boat Old riArHfrlir. and nld maid, nnt under 99 years of age can get their photografs, j (.1.. a t f; r An ta nm.lin. l -a ' the money to pay for them. Miss Long will be p'easeo to mase tne fotografa of all the grand parents of old pioneers also of tbeir ox teams, if they ill only call at her s'udioon second and Ferry street. Late to bed and early to riae. prepares a man for bia home in the akiea. But earl to bed and a Little Euly Riser, tbe r' that makea life longer aad better and .-.. I. A. Camming, agent. Go to enck shaving and ba r enfc tine parlors for first class wo'k. Hot and cold baths. Dean towels '. j every customer. I he best meats of all kin ! aad good treatment at the Albany Draaaed Beef Compaay'a market, jott d )wa Seoond twet. Gtod weight aad prompt attend IOD. Febrcary carte in with a small store. Fred Reis bss leaaed tbe Peterson " "JJp JLTE' ZZTln "j!- W m1oob ,nl " in about two month, i The protracted meet inga at tbe Fearce j Memorial church are still ia Purees I n j K1' interest ia heicg manifestfd. e.ul(ect ton'eht '-Tne New Birth" John Mbiect tonight 4-Trie Sew Birth 3, 3-6. Ail are cordially invited. Murler will out. In tS93 W. C. 8:m ons while p-tmaster of Hesperia, Micb took 13 Ojo and t tipped cut. lis was ar ret led on hun Jay ia Anacortes and is be ing taken back o anawer to tbe charge. The recent inJa'ortu Monday night made tbmga lively op the bantiam. Amoog other distorbances a tree wss blown over striking the unk boore ot R L Carroll on the Brei?eebih, in wbi b were several men. h um the boose 00 tbe earner and m.icg things but torto nately aiin all iheoo-cpanu. Atthe meeang of the Poh Club last night the id.-t nnoortsct matters to come, op inf t'.e reports of Secretary . .. 6k,moU., Albany, jCaUkame and Vancouver aad explained J the maroer in wbicb tbey are operated His report w very comp!e:e an t was ! referred to t be creamery committee. I aetorsan. PEARLY TF.ETII. so high! v and justly prised, are s sored bv tbe use oi our ALLEN'S TOOTH POWDEK, which prevents all accretions onder the cental surfaces and keeps them e'ear. eleae, and natural in color. With regular applications ol this powder the teeth will not decay and the annoyance ot an early resort to the resources of den tistry ia avoided Keep your teetb as lone as nature will permit. Using onr ELLENS TOOTH POWDER will enable too to do thia. Price on: v 15 rents 1 er box. J. A. CUMMINO. ilT. TREASURER SX 01 ICE Notice is bereoy given that fond a aie on hand tc pay city warrants Nos. 151 to 193 Inclusive of the iane ot 1S&. In tereelon .ad warrants will cease with tbe date ot this notice. Albany Or.. Jan. 9, 1899. E. A. Paaxck, City Treasure). ALBANY STEAM LMD8K. J. NMloffmao, Lcss.c. Work done In first class manner at reasons! be prices. Prompt attention paid to all orders. LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMPANY Alba&T '.Oregon. Offices, Bans of Oregon tiuildiog. Only set of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete set of maps and plats CITf TREASURERS NOII&E NO 6 Notice is hereby given that thrre ar funds on hand to pay city warrants Nos to loO inclusive ot tLe year In terest on said warrants will cease with the date of notice. Albany, Oregon, Dec. a). 1898. E. A. Pa&ku, City Treasurer. rionev to Loan. We have a block of $40,000 to loan oa good farms in Linn and adjoining coons' ies. If you have Rood security and perfect title, we can furnish you tbe coin without delay, as we make our own examination ol ecwity. l all or us or write S. N. SteslbAi-i Albany, Oregon NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The partnership nnder the firm name of Power & Sprenger, dealers In poultry, bas been dissolved, Air. Sprenger retir ing. The business will be continued permanently by F. O. Powers at the present place in the rear of M. Stern berg & Oo'a. A Rare Bargain. For sale, a house and lot in a favorable nart of the city. House ia a two storv. eight room building in good condition. Good well and city water. Will be sold at a rare bargain. It mnst be sold aodo not miss this chance. Inquire at the Dbmo b at office. Grand Reopening Sale1 of ....The H. F. McIIwains Cash Store.... ay, Jan., Xew Slock. latest designs and our PRICES Qualities. A complete General Merchandise stock. Old and new cui'omers one and all invited to call and esame our stock and get our prices. They will astonish you and will save you ff t Cobot W. Muslin, per yds, a 4 Medium prina, " 312 German Blue Corner Ribbed Overalls, per 1 air... .7.7. . 35 Lion Coffee, per lb jrj 5 gal. Best Coal Oil (Bring your can) -' " 80 16 ox. Battle Ax Tobacco, per plug 35 SPECIAL SALE for 10 days on Mandolins, Guitars, " e nave some apiendtd valoea in Mandolins st f2.95, 13.75, $-5 0 and tS.OO Fine boseeood, Mahogony.Oafc anJ Maple guitars iih pearl p. anion marks from Mi0 to 12.00. Stained violioa $23 each. Remember we are selling instruments cheaper than ever known be fore in Albany. Every one guaranteed to be perfect or yna get your money bee. BURKHART & LKE. Silver plate Oat wears." Ti. . 1847 Rogers trade mark Bros:' on spoons, forks, etc is a guar antee of quality tie world over. , The prefix 1547- insnres the ea cine Rogers quality. O ' For bargains in Ladies and Gent's Gold Watches see French the Jeweler. F . E. ALLEN & CO. We put up our own gsrden seeds, Tbey are all Nort btrn grow n seeds, I Tlty are absolutely true to name, I Ther are f-eh all arrosra ia 1ST 8. 1 Tbe packages are full weight. Price, two papers for a nickel. We a'so bave tbem ia bulk. 6rgwaBT A 60s HaaowaEx Co. A Fin stock oQ Shelf Hardware at GEO. E. Fish's, tthe lowest ,-ice. Will keeo a Iv the best goods. 20 YEARS IN BUSINES Thomas Brink He OUesl Furiiliire Dealer ia tie City He has one of the Finest Stocks of Furniture in the valley and his PRICES are the Lowest. Give him a call aad tee his goods and learn. M new goods and of the best quality. i 23rd, 1899. tbe LOWEST for High Standard Banjos, and Violins. AT fflLL k STARK'S. Also a fine line of Watches, Clocks. Rings and many Novelties A Cosy Spot. Cold a rather and winter winds sre un noticed hea warmed with one of our air tight beating stoves. Itisasyn nyro for good cbeer an i its economical use ol f uel makea a nanny household. We have also just received a large shipment of Tinware direct from an east era factor wbicb we are able to sett ai very low prices. Call aed p-ice thee roods and I convinced tbat we are of fering BARGAINS ia these gcods. DANCING SCHOOL Prof. Holland's dancing acbool will be open every Wedneedav and Friday ev ening. in the Vance Hall. All persons . desiring to team to dance should attend. j Private lessons at any time to suit pat ron i. Get tbe best fiour. Tbe Magnolia LARGE m TO LEND Oa Undivided Interests on estates, Real estate on Probate. Revenioeary and Lite Interests on Seal aad Personal rroperty. Ananitieeand Legacies. Or mill porches outright if so desired. Life Insurance Policies Bought or Loaned on Patents sold on fayorab 1 and capital procured to devel o and perteci meritorioua inventions or ideas. Amounts from $10,000 to $500,000 Available for investment on mortgage or Revenue Producing; becnrttiee For terms and particular address R. GOULD, 131 Montgomery St., San Francisto CjaU i Julius I Gradwohi : Dealer in - ; Hardware, Crockery, Ulaas. ware, urocenee and a.1 (roods kept la country stores. ; I WILL 3 B SELL GOODS FOR CASH ; As Low as Anybody. . 3 3 Country produce and egga taken in exchange forgooods. aiUiiUUiiUUiiUUiU iUiUiiil Caataaa(l Trade Marts obtained and all Pkt-S est bnaiaeaseoaaacted tot Moderate Fees, f Snd mod t-L drawing or nhota. WsaTlMIli pitablafroof ttir-o. ttifaeotdaatlll tuueotlaariUYl. A famihlct "ilow tooth Uln Fatonta, with coat or auain I ha V. aad (diaia?) eooaulea seat froe. Idrea. & a. snow & co. Otaaa, pmrtmr Offtet, WsatNittOTOi. D CJ avyssvasavrsvataars" " NEW ADVERTISEMENT!, fcllgjfVmiitliiiiiiii in i.acaifumiiitnawnj Long Photo Co The tih priced photographers all wora strictly first claas and optodate erayoo and pastel work a specialty. Bass relief photo the ceweet thing cot. MARIE LOSG. Prop. J M B ALSTON, Three doora east of the Dxn oct office haa money to loan on farm security at low rata of interest. Also small loan made on personal eecoritv . City, county and school wsrrsnts bought. Collections made. Rents collected. Fire In surance written in the following large and reiianle companies : bumk jjs. CO., o New York, PHOENIX lN.CO., Harttord, Conn.. LIVERPOOL, LON DON, and GLOBE 1N8. CO. of England THE CRACkET?TAC L B WOSES, PR0Pf?lT0H. Opposite Maioaic Temple. Fall line of standard groceries and country produce So aingte leader, tot everything a eaderat bottom price. Wagons ran in ihe eoan try selling gro ceries and eoUectiSt produce- Money saved by trading at tbe Crack riack. FOB SALE A spaa of good driving bore, weighing S00 to 1000 pounda. Call on F. 5. Ktie.oj. Albany. I OST. A 6ue bird dog. yellow. Jing a collar marked L.W Boss, to whom return tb dog and receive re ward, answers to tbe name of Dec 1 TOOD FOE SALE. Good fir, by G V V W Howard at $2. 12 fO and 3 cord. Inquire at Dmocaat 1 fce. rrOUND. A bird Oog, brown bead J" and ears, wbite spot in fort-bead. jiaish brown body, browa lees, abort shite taiL Owner may have tbe do by jroving pro pertr ard paying all chargee and applying to W. I AiTDC&SOB, Jefferson and Water Sta. BONG WAD TONG CO, Second SI near Lyon street. A Iban Sells Chi nese medicine, Chinese riee Chinese tea and nit oil. J. C.Devine Sncceasor to N. Soot bard Just east of the DraocmaT office, Dealer Jo Bay, Oats, Mill Feed, Chop Pon'try, etc Give him a call. Good treatment as sured. If you tiaTc a badly de, cayed tooth rcmexntier a new crow n can be inserted fey Dr. Adams ss 111 ust rat- ?J ed. - COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd FeLoa's Templei, Albany, Or. Alt wrk carefBllr U reorder ite aaetaods. H.E. BEERS, M.D. Pfavaician and Sorgeoa rhcae 6& Poetodire Block. Albany, Oregon. DR. OLIVE K. BEERS. Disearea of Women and Children. FbeweE. PostofTice Block A Ibany. Or The Albany Insurance Agency. Represents the toaiiing fire aad Aecideat Iasuraace Ccmpaaiee. NVholeaale dealers ia Waeat, Oats, Bay aad Wood. Correspondence solicited. M: SENDERS & CO. Oliver MwMbifiB -OPiw-N. ? . Atvats. -ilJfcay, iwea wttver gav the o tae etuVd p . Aad it aas saved morw a.aey tit Be farmer of AuMtrv tban ny otber im-ileeseat ever prococe (Tenuis Oliver cbdied are ttie beet ct rth. The OUver is a cromotvr cf hypt noss oa tbe farm, aad the dealer wbo ek it know be is band ling tbe best. Lcot out t r imaitationa and U uch notbton bur tbe penuine (cToda, made cntj tt t,Hiv Chilled r low works. South lei d. It d I S. A. SUMMONS. Ia the Circuit Court for Linn county, State ef Orgoi: Bailie M. Cooivr, plaintiff vs. E 'ward E. Cooper, defend ant . To bdward b toopr, aerenaanr. Is the name of tbe State or t h ewon. )(on- herebv rtauired 10 appear and arwwer the complaint of tbe above plaintiff in th - bore entitled court, by Use tsrst day -r ine near regular term of the above entitled court to e begun and held ia tbe city of Athany. Lisa coontv, UnHton, ca tf e lain aay or . darcb, and jou are kereoy notified hat it von fail to apr-ear and anawer said complaint aa hereby required tbe plaintif wilt ask tbs court for a decce dissolviimt the bonds oi matrimony now eiiating be? teen tre piaiotis and deteedant, ard lor a decree sriviog tbe care and cotody and control of the defendant and plaintiff's "moor cbild, Una Cooper, to tbe plaintiq and for such further order as may be proper. f 1 pis suauuuns is puoisoea oy oraer 01 be Hob. B. V Boise, iudse cf the abovt entitled court, made at chambers ia tbf citv cf Salem the 16th day oi Jaauars leSH. WaUTHXRVoan k wraTT, It fj a for Plaint iff J J. A. gumming, agent. , X