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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1899)
VOL XXXIV Eater s.6 tfc Test He at Albany. )r. a'l.aa Mali Malleri ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDA1. FEBRUARY 3.1899 NO 26 irrTTISd rabllth.r fMprtrtw 111 ". . 1 11111 1 "Kin ! -r'l V-- - na n iiiaa l 4 is :; ".AefebkprcparatiOTfcr As similating foCTOOd flnd Regula ting IhoStnmflrKs nrl IViweb pf PrornotealSfdsHoivCkxrfuI ticssandBcst.Contai'ns neither OpainCMorphine not Mineral. KOTNiHCOTIC. Awrfectfiemedv forConsfin- hou.SourStonfcich.niarriv7 worms juonvuisions Jeverish uess and Loss OF Sleer TacSimlW Sigriatura cf NEW YORK. CoaibiDttion Batber Shop. Th. Oregon Gas Light Heatdig Cheap Light for Cheap Heat For ' Cheap Powe Fcr EXACT COPY OT WRAPPEB. " ' "" ii 1 1 1 1 ' s - - J -S'l if , i - -r "'T : : i - 1 Correspondence Solicited. DS. F S-U3AXS. Pres. Preparing For of Life here'inll it ba .OQ3? Car ainlv r r? taa (st prji-i'ion cai bi oi. a aa College has claims in tbis j'tectloi that call for closer inrentigation. A Full College Training in-" I' -i t t i' ilttn iiufii'iiwp.'iir V wraI Coume and a isn't' -ift ' !3 ir h ir is iaf-riir a iaue ia tia Ua'e. ' !orraf ondence itvited Mrmopin Sept 20, 1893 . Wallace Howe Lee, A. 31., President THE QUESTION OF THE DAY. Where to get best Furniture at the lowest prices. We have jt for everybody Rocker, for the babies ahd the Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Foot Ktouts, Parlor Tables, Kzteo- iuu muirn, vaipoi owwperi, ooia r.nown, (pure aowoi tiamrioo Furniture. Txnuges, Conch s. Bedroom Sets (ni- ones) Bedstead, Dresner and Commode $13.60) White Iron Beds, Bugs, Lace Curtains, Ease's, Screens, Pictures, Frames and many ot he attractive things. ALBANY FLRMITURF CO. ilasonic Temple BIdg., Albany, Or. TBV M EMON Bti-SHOP'8 PILLS for all diseafes fining from dissipation, sulf-aDuse, excesses or cigarette smoking. In use 0r 60 years. Brings hack your Manhood, cures depleted worn out men, make rich nlood and tiasre. Cure- was inirt and all rMMes makes yon lastingly strong, cures lmpotencj, loat power, emisione, loss of; memory, bad dreama, shrunken organs, despondency, sleeplessness. Aarioceele and constipation, adds lus r to the eyes, stop nervous twitchings of the evelios Makes lite woth living. A boon to young or old. MOKMON BISHOP'S PILLH strengthens and restores small weak orgars Stops all oil"! by day or night. Don't delav. frice within iho reach ofBU. Guaran- d to care. Price s h oc 8 for $2.53 by mail. Send for free circular. ' Address BISHOP klM REMEDY CO., San Francisco. Cal. For sale by Fos- f-ift J tay & Mason, Albany ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J Joseph. Proprietor. Patronise home industry. fll) 111 For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bern the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years iJil only four in city. and Power CompaDy. toch EoasBMd Hotel Church, Eoiie and Ko;l .T2yth2sr25"SW5tliiEg F. FRSEEKSES, Sr the Battle THURSDAY Peculiar Accident. Gilbert Stayton, the 16 ye:ir-o!d-son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Stayton, who live una muuwi'iioi ciayton, met with an accident Friday afternoon which came near being fatal. He had been out hunt- ing and upon arriving houie. rode un to(l',e madder, being about the s r.u and Uie iiorvli and attempted to hand tlw gun to his mother, when the horao be- i came frightened and jumped, causing i mem to drop the sun w Inch struck tlw porch in such a manner as to came the gun to discharge, nearly the full load striking the bov in the richt hnn.1 a full shot lodging in his face and neck. Dr. Hunter was called to his assistance and dressed the wound. Saturday morning Dr. Kitchen being unable to attend. Dr. Cnrltou Smith, of Turner, was called and assisted in amputating iho lingers. It is now thought another atupututio t will be necessary, and the hand taken oil at the wrist joint. Statesman. Order of Lady Mace a be s Entrort Pkvockat: The annual installation of . officers of Albany Hive No. 2 took place Tuesday evening at their hall. InvitaUons had been issued, and a large number were present. Great credit is due Lady Craw installing othcer for the etlicient manner in which she performed her work. The program committee had prepare a splendid program. Altogether it proved a very pleasant evening for tose w ho were so lorunate aa to be present. Re freshments were served. Officers fortheensuiugt-rm are: Fast Lady com. Lids It Van Winkle; Ladv com, alary J Mitea: Lieu com. Marv C Kowell; K K.Fratie E Beam; F K.icillia M Sears; Chaplain. Ella M Merrill: Ser geant, Emma J Beam; MA, Ixira B Findlry; Sent, Hattie Meyer; Fickei, Sarah A Guff. Graduhtlng Excr.iscs Following is the program for the grad uating class of the public schools at te Armory tomorrow night. Admission 10 cents: Graduating march Orchestra. Invocation Rev C R Stevenson. Piano solo Prof G A Wiru. Oration, "Fragrant Flowers" Abbie LHyde. Oration, "Mantle of Thought" Nina M Cline. Oration, "The Occasion Makes the Man" F R Williamson. Solo, "Leaf of the Spring" Loretta J Stewart. Class Prophecy Minnie K Merrill. Oration and Valedictory, "Why" Emma B Brenner. Music Orchestra. Presentation of Diplomas L M CurL Duet, "Good Nigbt" Missea Lorelta and Elvira, Stewart. Benediction Itcv Benj tiartman. Mrs. F. L. Kenton went to Portland this noon on a weeks visit. Mrs. I. A. Hyman returned yesterday from a visit in Spokane. Rev. L. Green, of the Divinity school, has been secured to act aa pastor of the church et Central, near Albany. Eu gene Guard. In the report of the installation of the La. lie J of the Maccabees in yesterdav's Democrat instead of Mr Stites the name of Mrs S tetter should have been used. We are pleased to state that Mrs John Lear, who has been very ill with grip, ia much improved and is able to sit np. For awhile her life was d Is paired cf by her family. Mr. Link Gay, who recently returned from Manila, is in the city the guest ;of his sister, Mrs. F. M. Jack. He was a member of the Hth infantrv of regulars and left at the expiration of his time. Prof. Martindale and his class in polit ical economy went to Salem today to at tend the state legislature and take a practical lesson in the subject of civil government. The last Pacific Baptist contains pic ture of Rev and Mrs G W Hill, formerly of this city, but now missionaries at Chou Ko'i, Japan, also an article from Rev. Hill. A. Cole and Frank Morris, two young men of Scio, came over Monday to at tend the farmers' abort course. Their especial desire is to obtain instruction in cheese-making. Con-all ia Times. Tonight at the hall the Woodmen of the World will be treated to an address by lecturer Rogers, to which all are in vited, ladies aa well as gentlemen. Be sides the address there will be a vocal solo by Mrs Dr. Winnard ann a recita tion Mr. M rr ar. The Evange'istic services at the Pearce Memorial church will be continued each evening daring the week. Eider Kel- terns is greeted by good houses and in terest in the meetings is unabated. The public ia invited to attend ail of these services and hear the doctrine of the Christian churcn expounded. J. II. Robert, the C. & E. train dis patcher came over from Albanv and gave Cor vail is friends the benefit of his presence one night. IIis former associates greatly enjoyed his company, but it is tearea mat the Albany w. J. 1. U. win not soon again allow him a passport for tins place. limes. Joel Booth, who has i'i-t returned from Manila, is enthusiastic in his praise ot Chaplain Gilbert, lie says he is doing more for the soldier boys than any other officer at Manila. Joel savs while there are many of the officers first class men. many are not, in his opinion, so good. He says the Linn county boys bear the best name lor morality ana respectability of any of he Oregon boys. A reception will be given Joel tonight, at the home of Dr. Booth, and he will leave Friday for San Francisco, where be will be mustered out. After receiv ing his discharge he will enter Cooper' Medical Colloge. It is not yet known just w hen Mr Wight, who has uceived his discharge, will arrive here, but it is sae to say that he will receive a royal welcome when he comes. Criterion. " " A Mi-sical Fehtivau A number of singers met at the college last night and began work for the formation of a chorus to cooperate with Corvallis and Eugene in the presentation of a grand musical festival in May. The singers of each city w ill practice the same music and thun present the festival at each of the three cities under Prof W. Gifford Nash, of the state university conservatory The Albanv chorus will be under Prof. Wirtz. .. Obatouicai. Contest. The annual ora torical content to select a candidate ior the state contest will be held on Febru ary 10. A bright class of five young men will compete lor the honors, Clyde Bry ant of the senior class. Roy Snuckof the junior class, Don Swann of the sopho more and George Pratt and Cal. Mulkoy of the freshman class. Remember the date and prepare to attend. The engagement of MissOra Spangler to Senator Porter, of Oregon City U an nounced. There are rumors from Lyons of all kinds about the recent murder, which change the aspect of the case. It is de cidedly mixed. It is doubtful il there pre any arrests before the meeting of the grand jury. Your Wheat. Call at the office ot Curran k Monte'.th if yoa wish to sell your wheat and get ins mjneai casti price. .vlARSHALLEE. Marshal C. O. Lee last evening waa moved to the home of Mrs. Moon, nurse, and tliis forenoon an operation waa per formed upon him by Dra. V. II. Davis, J. P. Wallace and II. E. Beers, of thia city, and Dr. Babbitt, of lndeendence. 'The cause of hia trouble was found to ue a targe stons weighing crams in "'"I""" wiuena joint oi me i n urn ik V'8 PrBt successful and it is 1 10uy' Marshal I-ee will recover from 1 thee nances are now entirely in his favor. To Nlglu. Following is the p ogram to be pre sented at the G It hall tonight for the benefit of the W RC. Admission only 1j cents. "Invitation to Dauce," Weber First piano, Mr Clyde Fox and Miss Addie bcbifller; second piano, Misses Howard ana .iiaston. ocal auet, "When Thou Art Near Ale, Abt Miss Mm Howard and Dr larvin. "Chanson dea Alp-," Ryder Mr Clyde rus. Vocal solo, selected Prof Parvin. "Theme Allemande," I-eybach Mies iaa .tiasion. Coraet solo.selected Prof J R Parvin "The Swallow," Pinauti Miss Jennie U tiling. Grand Fantasia, "America," Ryder Miss Addie Schitller. "The Angel's Serenade," Braga Miss Marueiete Alderson. Flute obligate Mr Clem Irvine. "Philmel Polka," Kunkel Fox Brothers. "I Am a Roamer Bold." Men,i..'.wrihn Mr Henry Morgan. "Impromptu in B flat, On. It!," Schubert Miss Edna Howard. tornet solo, selected Prof J R Parvin. Grand Fanias.a. is Trwiurn Wr. di Paul Mitacs Howard and Mutton. A SoJaville Scheme. From the Criterion : The trustees of the college will meet ou next Thursday to consider the proposi tion made them by Dr. Hill, of Albany, and othtr business. The Doctor pro- pea to uonaie me anou norm o town, of ten or fifteen acres, to the college, pro vided they will build there when they build any more, and insure him the sale of 25 loU at $130 and that they are to have $20 for each lot, leaving him $100 each for the lots. He also proposes to donate fifteen acres of the brat timber laud ha has. if tiiey will insure bun the sale of twint .-nve more lot, and that if tliev accept the proposition he intends to donate live acres of Laud in the south west part of his place.near M r. Jackson's, for a public remetery. Gift vf a Rich Woman. The Catholic church at Sileti is receiv ing a fair share of favors from parties in terested in the welfare of the Indians on the reservation. Catherine 1 'rex el, whose father was a member of the great banning house of Drexel, Mor gan x Co., is ie voting her large fortune to charity. Two years ago sbe provided $2,000 for construction of the SileU Cath olic church, and not long ticce sbe don ated $60 toward the purchase of an or gan for the same. When Peter Manga as out nere on a visit from Ohio he was consulted in regard to the purchase of the instrument in Toledo on bra return home. A short.time agn,a fine organ ar rived at Toleoo, Oregon, from Cleveland. Ohio, with a note from Mr. Manga stat ing that it waa a Christmas present to the Silti church, and that the $u0 con- tritmteu by vrexel could oe devoted to some other purpose than the one in tended. The organ wilt bo taken to its destination as soon as the roads will ter- niit. Tune. Lecture on Odd Fellowship. All Odd Fellows, Rcbekahs and their families, as well aa all friends of the or der, are invited to attend a lecture on Odd rellowship, to be delivered tA their ball on Monday evening. January 30th, by special Deputy Grand Master Rev A IeRoy. The lecture will bo preceded by a few good musical numbers. Crook County Weather. J. M. Henkle. in a letter to the Times from Prineville says, "We have been having some very stormy weather the ran two weeks, with considerable snow w hich has drifted five feet in places. The roads are practically impassible from a half to one miie at a place. Bat it is moderating today, so the snow is likely to dissolve in a few days. Lots of horses are perishing on the ranges. They are so cheap that the owners think it not worth while to feed them ; but cattle and sheep are well looked after, aa tbey are consiuerei good paying property. The college base ball team will the O. A. C. club at Corvallis next urday. play Sat- John F. Damon, of Seattle, is probably the champion cerera jny performer of the northwest. Last year the married 219 couples. Fred Dawson, the druggist, is organ iz ing a company which he wi.i fend upon the road in the interest of his proprieta ry medicines. Robert Wilson, of this citv, will be manager. The performers will be from Portland. Park McDonald the boat-builder, is engaged in constructing a 27-foot steam launch for vtm. Wilier and Jas. J'owell, of Albany. The craft has a six-foot beam. It is to be supplied with a two- horse Marine boiler and engine to con sume either wood orcsal. It will have a reversible propeller. Mr. McDonald ex presses no douht as to the boats ability to stem the Willamette's current when completed. It ia to be used as a pleas ure and hunting boat. Oorvailis limes At To'e'o yesterday the jury in the trial of E. f., Kighllinger, charged with assault and intent to kill A. C. Walker at Siletz, returned a verdict of not guilty, Walker claimed that Kighllinger bad in snlted his wife and bis attempt to make htm apologize provoked the shooting There will be a football game at Salem tomorrow aiternoon at Z o'clock on the University campus between the Salem football team and the Chemawa team. Portland has been paying $80,000 a year tor street lighting. The Hon. il W. Corbett bas fust coma to the front with an offer to enter 20-year contract with he city to lurnlsh the same num ber of lights icr$i:t,000 a year. The Corvallis college has invited the legislature down to look over tba insli tution. Another useless junket. But that's the way these institutions get members to vote lor their appiopna nous independent. Haydn's "Creation" is the oratorio that is to ba presented jointly by Eu gone, C-rvallis aud Albany. AH children whose tilth birthday be gins before June 1 should begin attend ing the public schools next Monday, in order that they may be up with their clastes.' MARRIED. BOND" MOEGa3!7aV th iiovere Ua,iba T . .... O". 1 Qui I I... TV ,. .. ' R. Stevenson, Owen H. Bond and Jane Morgan, both ol liainey. THE LEGISLATURE. Intheaenate: Seven bills were introduced, 17 finally passed, and -to went through formal readings or ; were reKried upon. i Charles Bilveo, Oliver Rowel), Lowell Among those pausing were: Tweedale, John French, Charles Cundiff lUinee, to reuuire justices of the iieace ' nd Misses Grace Ellison, Gertrude O' to submit complaints to the district at- ! Brian. Besie Fa- ne. Lillian Lanning, torney, except for murder, arson, rob oery, grand larceny, iiefons fees may be aroon, to provide for county clerks " transmit to the secretary of state a summary instead oi a complete transcript i of assessment rolls, Brownell, to provide for election of a j district road supervisor. county convicts on public roads at the discretion of county courts. Haines, to authorize county courts to fund floating county imlchLxlH . with warrants bearing less interest, after due puiuicny. Haselune, to give preference to Oregon producUaml manufactures in all public works, i Kovksaitall. to authorizn Ilia i.t)tmns divinity scJjool to. confer theological and biblical degrets. Smith.. w amend iha act ruuuml lai. fall so as to make all quart! and placer clain real estate. ew bills lorter, to "prevent conizations be tween tire insurance companies to main tain rates. Driver, to appropriate $35.C00 fora flax uianulacturing plant at the jienitentiary. Kelly, to amend the charter of Leban on. In the house several corporation bills were passed and the following new bills nirotiucea: Iewis. to facilitate road improvement. and the collection of poll tax by author- -"K rji-vmi roau uu oi . mills, road poll tax of $2: creating the office of we- cinct road supervisor. Wilson, to change the name of the Drain normal school to the Central Ore tron state normal school, and provide for in government understate auspice. Stiliwan, to authorize a constitutional convention the second Mondav in Sent- i . cuirer, IK3. Jones, to appropriate $1000 lor the im provement of the soda snrinss in Linn county, owned by the state. Davis, t amend the act creatine the offica of state land commissioner and better define the deputies of the olSce. Topping, to appropriate $tW00 for the improvement of wagon roads In Coot county, and $2000 lor roads in Douglas countv. Yl DAY Dr. Winnard was at SheJJ vesterdaT on professional business. Mrs. C. M. Holt, of Waitsbnw. Waah is ia tL rity the guest of Mr .Art Holt. Lelte V.riek returned yesterday from visit in Portland and McMinnville. Farewell meeting at the Salvation rinv .-an Jay niaht. A 'I are Invited to attend. II C Watson and J R Wvatt return vl thia noon from attending court at Tole do. Mr. Walter Moothsith and Mr. Charles Moateitb returned this noon from a several week stay in Portland. The CorvaUis Union poblishea a thrill ing account told by George Waggoner oi Conrailis of a sailing vessel ride on the ocean of forty tunes ia five hours. T:.e state achaol superintendent Las granted a lit diploma to Miss Eva Simp son and a n:e certificate to Mrs, Ficr ere Hammer of oar public ocbools. Wednesday evening at Salem Arthur Dayton a eU kwoatt young man aud Mi- A.-ida Irwin, iaugiter of th sx- superintendent, were united ia marriage. Mrs Abhrail. Scott Dunniway of Port land cf Albany's early milliner, haa been a prominent figure in the third house at Saiem in the interest of women's suffrage. At 'end the exercise of the midwinter graduating c!a of the public schools at at tba armory tonight The program is one that ail! please the patrons of the schools. ' K'. Lane has resigned as pastor ol the Christiab church aad is contemplst- 0 locating in Junction, abere be wul preach nxt Sunday. It is possible Eld er KeKeits may remain in charga of the Albany church. Elder I) C. Kel!ercs will discourse to- igbt at Pearce Memorial church on The Two Beggars or begging in time and eternity." The lnteret in the meetings continues good and a large crowd will bo doubt be attracted by the .object announced lor tonight. In tba Daily Palo Alto it ia noticed that Will A. Moris bas been elected presi dent of tbe Leiand Debating society, while Carl G. M arris is one ol of the ex ecutive committee' beside being con nected with the daily paper. Both are Salem vonns mn. and Chester Murpby of tbe same plsce is csptain of the foot ball team. Wheat has an nnward tendency, and yesterday in Chicago leached ii i' cent. That ought to mean 03 or ceui in Albany, and no doubt tf it remains op in the east will increase tba price here. on o stpiion? u w are sure you do not. Nobody wants it. But It comes to many thousands every year. It comes to those who have had cough and colds until the throat is rsw. and the lining membranes of the lungs are inflamed. Stop your cough when it first appears, and you remove the great , danger of future trouble. stops cought of all kinds. It -does to because it is a aooth- and healing remedy of great oer. Thia makes it the great- t preventive to consumption. i Put one of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lungs A Mawfoal for four enta la tamr to pay wrt fevvka! will Mud jum iuuu aiMWal cWaeffoaf Arfrfow . W bar. th. .xclaitv. Mrrtea of om. of th. tnoti iulant pbyiietaas lath. Unl4 iHau. Vnuul opiwr- Stnilta .tid lnb ixtarlMM villi BntIyathmafor(rlTlngyoaBhel i eUi. Writ. (raslT aS th trtl(. i ulari myoMroiii.. iwwmiww" jah aWVWSJala flaw 1 A Practical Lesson. I "rL Marlindale, superintendent of lhe DublIc choy' Director L. M. Curl, Mitt r-v Simpson, cbaperone, Met art. Lena McH a'gue. Lena Miller. Eva Ham mer, Ada Chamberlain and F.rJie Lewis. oi i no civil government class, ana ixiyd Irvine and Misses Elvira Stewart and Bessie Beam of otberclassesof the public school returned last evening from their visit to the state legislature, and report ed a M-tendid and prolitable time. The different departments were visited. In cludi.ig the executive office, where they were greeted cordially by GovernorGeer, ana the two branches of the legislature, where in the senata tbey saw a bill pat upon its final passage and passed. The alio took in the aiebts of the capital citv anu returned borne in pood humor and well paid for tba trip. The idea is an excellent one, a practical application of an interesting Study. Former Albany Man's Trouble. This was tba day set for tba trial, ba- a jury in Judge George's court, of Dell Reed, accused of stealing eight bidet of tbe valae of $35 from the slaughter boose of tbe Portland Butchering Company. Deputy District Attorney Giltner aikeu for a continuation to the end that he might re submit the matter to the grand ja-y. Tbe indictment returned did not recite that the fort land Butchering Co. is a corporation, hence a fatal defect is the instrument existed. Judge O'Day for tbe defendant, bitter ly opposed dlay. "My client," be said, "is in court and ready for trial He bas been locked up ia jail for a month or more. If thia case is to be delayed I ask that he be givn hi liberty on bis own recognizance." Mr. (iiitner would not ant to this, a hereupon Judge O'Dsy went after bin) ilb a load of hot shot ' until the eoort interjected a eort request that tbe attor ny observe the usual amenttee and re- rain irom anrh caustic allnston. to nn another. O'Day remarked that the t- feodaot waa rot retnoosibl. lor blander. in the indictment, and should not be longer itn prisoned because of the stupid ity of the district attorney's office. Th. trial will take place on Thursday of next i or i. a a a iimee. A Fast Trip. Converse McXamer, ol Forest Grove, a brother of Mrs. T. J. Mankers, ef this city, has just come oat from Dawson City, makiog tbe beet lime from Daveon to Skagaay that La been made since tbe trail waa opened. He waa accompanied by Sam Laughlm, of Forest Grove, aad together they left Da too oa December tl, with a team of 16 dog and arrived at akagway on January s, making the trip in ia oays. it bkajway tbey parted, MrLeugblia coming oa home aod Mr. McKamer took the dog team and started lor the Attalioe country. The whether quite coio, ottng .69 aegree below aero. Tbeir best days travel waa 45 itile boar. At Lake Tagtab tbey saw tea toas of mail, piled op waiting to be taken into Dssmd. Mr. McNamer a now oa bit way to the Attalioe country, wbere bis brother, T. C McNamer is aow running a store Scio Nee. 1'rof. Par vln'a Concert. The concert givsn by Prat. Parvin at tbe G. A. R. ball last evening under the auspice of tbe W. R. C was well at tended , by an appreciative aadience. Tbe program was an entertaining one, and consisted of a piano quartet by Clyde Fox, Adda Schiffler, Edna Hoeard and Vida Mas ton ttat displayed excellent ta'.ent, piano solo by Clyde Fox, Vida Man ton, Addie SchitSer and Edna How ard, vocal solos by Prof. Parvin, Miia Jennie Ohting, Mia Marguerite Alder son with flute accompaniment by J. G. Irvine, aad Henry Morgan, a vocal duet by Edna Howard and Piol. Parvio, cor net solos by J. B. Parvin of Saiem. aad a closing duet by Mistea Mas ton and How ard. Tbe'namber of Clyde Fox, J. B, Par vie. Mm AlJerton and Henry Mor gan were encored. Tbe concert brought oat tome very promialni mas cal talent. The Woodmen Entertainment. There a at a small attendance laat night lo hear the addreea on beneficiary societies b7 Mr. George Rogers, deputy district coosul, of Oakland, Calif., bat those present were repaid by a very en tertaining addreea well delivered, a rat ling argument in favor of tbe beneficiary society instead of the old line insurance. Desiats tne atiarees the audience waa particularly favored in a vocal solo by Mr Dr. Winnard. Mrs. Winaard bat a deep alto well cultivated and a very pleasing address. Mr. M array, tbe ver satile c ix r. stenographer was beard in a humorous recitation and captured tbe aadience. Ue Is alt right. Died at Harrlshurg. Mr W J McMeekin died at Harrisburg yeeteiday. 0e wat an old and promi nent resident of the conn t vend his death win be regretted by a large circle of friends and relatives. The lunsral wili be bald tomorrow at 10 p m, at tbe Christian church at Har risburg and will be under tbe aospices of the Grange of which ba waa aa old member. S autoes ActiDEST. Mr, J. X. Custer, while chopping wood across tbe river yesterday, hit one of hit feet with hit ax, catting a bad gash about in tbe middle of it. He wtt brought lo tba residence of bit titter Mrt. Robert Murphy in tbit eity. Blood poisoning hat set ia, and it is feared he may loose tbe foot. Will Continue at thi Lacndby. J. X. Hoffman expects to remain perman ently in charge of the Albany Steam Laundry, notwithstanding contrary re ports, and those desiring first class work will do well to call on him. He guar antees satisfaction. O. Frank Paxt n returned Wednesday evening from a month's visit east, hav ing apiot some lime in Boeton.aew l or aod Washington. Me tsvt timet are lively tt the east it, fact, things tie hist boiling, and the ebullition it bound to extend to this coast before long. Ore gon tan. Ed Fronk and Harry Connoway re cently accepted an invitation to o clam aupper by Air J i timer ot the OAK. Mr Turner kept count and says Fronk ate thirteen and Connoway twelve. They were unable to attend the dance that night and are just reooverning from the overerdose, which Turner had assured them would be good for their healths. The trial of C C Cunninghan for Uie murder ol Oliver Young, at Pendleton.on sept. 17, itws, was begun wedaraday uesides Killing loung. Cunningham at tempted to kill several others. Insanity wilt tie tne aeiense. uunninghaiu was in business in Albany for awhile nearly twenty years ago, and will be remem bered by a number. . A LaGranda paper tayt tbe Salvation Army lasses never lose an opportunity to tarn an honest penny lor the cause. The other day two of them entered a popular saloon on Depot itreet to sell the War Cry Tbe proprietor agreed that ii tbey would ting a tong ba would buy their entire stock. They complied, and when their tweet voices died away in tbe strain of a salvation song a dollar wat bandtd to thtm and their Block of pa' pert wtt returned for tale elsewhere. THE LFGLSLaTURE. In the senate the following bills were pa-ted : Cameron, to amend the law relating to certain male animals running at large. applicable to eastern uregon ranges. Morrow, to cure defects in deeds here tofore made that are faulty in execntion, witnessing or acknowlidgement. Porter, to amend the law relating to me mating oi aeeus uy uie snerin. Falton's bill to confirm to the purchas er in g jod faith tide lands to the limit ol ia) acres each. Josepbi's bill to regulate the practice oi medicine and surgery, denning what is regular and wat is irregular with more aenniteoeji than the present statute. The reapportionment bill put through a aecomi reading and reierred to tbe com mittee on counties. Josepbi's bill to require that tbe cost ol maintaining insane patients be borne oy estate ot relatives, it able, waa recotn- miuea. Tbe evening session was vcuoied al most entirley with the consideration of incorporation bill from the bouse, enrht of which were passed for the following ": Aioaoy, vtarrentoa, rew As toria, Jiebalem, Bay City, Marshfield train aoa waitcwa. In the house. Passed : Tbe rapoortinnment bill. Robert', bill to appropriate $15,000 for the Ashland normal school, to place tbe school under state control and change its nan: e to tba S.uthern Orezon state nor mal school. Hill's pilotage b'll 43 to 6. Young's crawfish bill. A resolution changing the date of vis iting Corvallis by the joint committee irom reproary i to rebruary 1 petied. Sberwin in'.roduced a resolution re stricting tbe introduction oi bills to Feb ruary 3, but upon motion of Moody tbe same was indefinitely postponed. Haweoa's bill to raise tbe state liquor license to liouu was anted by tbe com mittee Tbe bill to abolish tbe state fair ap propriation was made a special order 'or tomorrow at W.M a. m. Why Byers Was Removed. Here it tbe action of the board, at Un trod need by Judge Kortbnp: It arpearinz that on the 27th of Dw- 1898, Viola Mann, an emolovee of the Soidiera' Home at tbe hospital, who bad been aapeoded ny W. H. Bvart, com maodant, on the 5th day of Dec., 1898, was restored to her positioo by action of the board, aud it farther appearing that W. H. Bvars. commandant, on the 4th day of January, l&Q, when said Viola Mann presented herself to be reinstated to ber said position, refused to allow ber to be so reinstated. And said W. II. Byart, eommsndant. now declared that be it not wihing to le-inttate her, and that there is no position for ber to occupy, and other good and tacient cause ap pearing at tnat time, it ia therefore. Resolved, That good and eufSeieot eaoae exist, for tbe removal of aaid W. H. Byar as commandant of the soldier borne of the state of Oregon . 1 1 is there fore ordered that said . H. Byare be and be hereby is removed as eoaiaiandant of the atate ;so!dierV home at Koeebarg, Oregon, for cause. it l farther ordered tnat said Com mandant cease to exercise ail control and authority of said borne at mideigf.t oa the 31st day of January. 1V3. Trntteee Sheridan and A bra bam voted again the rt solution. Sheridan and Abraham retired and the other trustees, Northop, Ca!aiot aod Uo elected W. J. Shipley, of Portland, to fiil the va cancy. Mies loia Mann was re-tneUted in the position of boepital matron to rt on dotv Feb. 1, 1899. Scio. - From tie Neat. Harnish, the Albany photographer, will be at bis Scio gallery on Saturday, Sunday aod Monday, Feb. 4,5 and 6. Prices will be reduced on this trip. Frank Stastay, one of the new arrivals from Nebraska, Las purchased the J. and W. E. McCord place, about three miles soathcast cf Scio. lee Bilrea and family, ho went op lo Grass Valley last fall, have returned to Seia, wbere they will remain in tbe future. Lion county it good enocgn Icr them. S. W. Gaine and Mrs. Elizabeth Grif fin were married at tbe home of J. P. Crabtree, three mi es south of Scio on Sunday, January 22, 1S99. K- SeUoo, justice of the peace officiating. Sheriff and Mrs. I. A. Mankers, of Al bany, apent Sunday with Mr. Mankeis mother, Mrs. S. A. Fleener. Miss Maa Je EJ yea came over from Al bany yesterday and will visit Scio tela tivea and friends for a few days. J. V?. Britain, of Portland, waa in Scio tbia week looking over the city with a view to locating and establishing a photograph gallery here. He found the held fully as good at he expected, and on Wednesday made np bis mind to locate. SATURDAY HOME AND ABROAD. See Locals on every page. Wheat 50 cents. The Parker fountain pen is a "cracker Jack." French the jew lex sella them A large and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn A Huston's. See Uie dis play. Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho tographs, and do not target to take along tbe money. When von want a choice steak, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Jroder. He kdeu the beat. Old bachelors and old maids not under 99 years of age can get Uieir phoLografs, taken at Miss Longs, rrovuluig they have the money to pay for them. Miss Long will be p'easea to mase tne fotografs of all the grand parents of old pioneers' also of their ox teams, if ther will only call at her s'adioon second and terry street. Late to bed and early to rise, prepare man for hit home in the skies. But early to bed and a Little thirty Kiser, the pill that make life longer and better and wiser. I. A. Cuuinnng, agent. Go to Yorick'u shaving and hair cnt- ticg parlors for first class work. Mot and cold baths. Clean towels to customer. every The best meats of all kinds and (rood treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just d;wn Second treat. Good weight and prompt attend ion. C. H. Jones, who was arrested at Salem for whipping a pupil was upon trial ac quitted. Certainly. A. V. May, who was posing as a Christ- tian Endeavor organizer, has been ar- retted in Cottage Grove on the charge of ataalinir a bievcte . w-iftw r .i n ' i t A bill it before the California legisla- lure appropriating sio.ow ior m monu - ment to the memory oltl. L. D. Baker. .MAaw iwlnlir araall onn -i Kit t I hniinlt yifKUU uis uhiuuii h ,.,i.uv.,ii, Baker waa elected U. S. eenator for Ore - . senator tor ure - if.!Iwi it March 4. lSbt. gon in 1860 after only here, and took bit teat but be immediately went into service for bit country tnd wat killed at the battle of Sail t Bluff. A committee of citizens from Junction and Monroe were in town Thursday in the interest oi a colony or l.uuo persons who have in contemplation a removal Irom Iowa and adjoining states to Ore gon. Tbe colonists ,it is understood, pro posed to locate on lands lying between a point ten miles south of Corvallis and tha northern sections of Lane county. Timet. Makes the food more deflcioos and wholesome imt ttntn HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Abbie L Hyde, Nina M Cline, Frank R Williamson, Minnie K Merrill and Emma Brenner graloated last night tbe midwinter class Irom tbe high school department of oar public schools. The! armory waa filled with a large audience of friends to witness tbeexeieisea in con nection with tbe tame. Tbey proved to be of an order pleasing and satisfactory loan: The successful program waa opened with music by the orchestra, tbe gradu ating march, during which the gradu ates, superintendent, directors, and minister took their seats anon ti e neatly decorated stage. tvev u a steveoson offered the invo cation, followed by Pi of Wirtz in a splendidly performed vitw) solo a b we L, Hyde delivered tne hret orat ion, "tragrant Flowers," which proved to be tbe great poet of the world, from Chaucer down. Mist Nina M Cline' oration was "Mantle of Thought" in hich some excellent tboaghta were presented. Frank R Williamson spoke u "Tbe Occasion Makes tbe Man." a fact he mgeniuslv demonstrated, though there are some who declare tbe man make tbe occasion. Mis Minnie K Merrill gave tbe claas prophecy, a bright suggestion of tbe futures of tbe member ol tbe ciasa, well told. Miss Emma Brenner pronoaced tbe valedictory and an oration in Terae on Why ," a word at tbe beginning of aU reeearcbee, trading to the great things in tbe history of the world. Ii was one of merit. Intersper sed waa a song nicely song by Mies Lnretia Stuart, and following music by the orchestra, the presentation of tbe diplomas by director Cori, a song "Good Night" by tbe Misses S nart and bene diction by Rev Stevenson. 1 he exercise were of a bigh order aod conferred great credit on tne member of the claea and their teacher. Lsoi Howard, now in Manila, waa a member of this claea. His absence was remembered in a pretty manner by th pretence oi hi ptctaie. 'SUNDAY SIR VICES. United Prewbvtcriaa: Morning ser vice at 10 US). Mesting of session at 10. Obervmnee of the Lord's Sapper dar ing the morning service. Subject of ser mon, -in Remembrance of Me." g. S., 11:4a; Janior Endeavor, 6:30; Senior Endeavor, 6:30; evening service at 7:30. Sabject, "I will arise and go to my la ther," the second of a tenet on the Prod igal. The printed pra-'te service ta need each evening. All are cordially invited to these service Presbyterian : Morning eerrice at 10:30. Sabject of sermon, "Worship." Sabbath school,! 1 :4o; Janior Endeavor, 6:30; evening Service at 7:30. Mia Elleo Strong. for several yeare a mission ary ia Korea, will speak ef her work, at the evening service- a cordial invita tion is extended to all to attend afl the err ice. M. E. church : Preaching by tbe pas ter morning and evening. S. 12 m. Janior and latermediate Leagues, 3:30; Ep worth League, 6.30. Evangelistic service in the evening at "rSd, 4 M. C. Wiu, Pastor. Esptist church: Services a neoal. Preaching morning and evening be Rev. A. G-Saninof Olympia. Sabbath tencoi at noon, Chinese Mission at 3 p. m.. Junior at 3.3C p. m, B. Y. P. U. at 6:30. Ail are invited. Camberland Presbyterian: Cor. 4th and Main St.. E. A. Harris pastor. Preaching Sunday morning and evening by Rev. C. A. Wooiev. of Eosene. Or. Service 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 10 a, m. ; Janior Eodeovor, 2:30 m ; senior Endeavor, 6:30 p. no. Yoa are invited. Live Runaway. An exciting runaway occurred this afternoon. Tne team of Mr llencbJer, reaidirg on tie farm of H Bryant, be came frightened while (landing at the Magncha mult and ran down iirtt street at a terrine speed. At tbe Wor ley grocery etore they tarced somewhat running under the awning and tailing. scattering tbe p reduce in front of the etore in all direct ons The only damage waa the loss of a tooth by cue of the borsee. Nctnmg was broken on the wsgon. A Good Choice. Tne We'ch Bros, of Salem have secured tbe contract fcr build ine tbe Linn eoantv court house. Tbis bid was $14,779 and old Linn may expect a fine piece of work, as the Welch boy a are responsible men and have the name of giving value received for every contract that fall to thewu-BenUnel. The fruit grower convention held at Cervallit thia week wat a great eaccet. the attendance beirg large, composed of prominent frail growers irom ail parte oi the state. G. L. Reea of this county was president ot the convention ana E R. Lake secretary. Some excellent paper were presented on leading topic of the fruit industry, aaioug the others being a good one brl. Brownell f tbit citv on "Stock tor prone trees." The State Hor ticultural Society elected the following othcers. a. tt. Miil-r president, L. I, Reynolds vice president. Emil Sehanno second vice president, E. R. Lake secre- rctary and treasurer. STATE LEGISLATURE. Both house of the state legislature ad journed yet-teidar until next Monday, tbe senate formally, the house in ita us ual heterogeneous maoner,omany mem ber leaving ior Portland and other placet that there waa no quoratn to do business. The sugar beet bounty rill waa de feated 27 to 26. Tbe state fair bill was referred to 'he committee on ways and means. The Woodbarn charter bill wat defeat ed on acccunt nf an anti-license clause in it. The Williamson apportionment bill passed the senate by a vote of 23 to 4. Kelley, Clem, Daly of Lake and Wade voting no. Obituary. Stewart Lewis died near FoUer, Lina county, Oregon, Jan. 12, 1899, aged SO o Mon,h, ,nd 9 days He was r .- . . . ... Q ,., born in Kentucky Sovember S, 1S18; carried Elizabeth liiggt in Missouri in 184o. MrVed in the Rogue river war in ; im andw c, t Blakely. His ife difd on Thanksgiving day, jat ' ... . . . .seven weeks betore. tbey having lived ;lninlth.t mora than fifty-four year. - ! Th. , . Tn h,d nine children, even ol whom are still living, five sons and two daugh- , tera ,nd tbottt ,lxiJ grandchildren and great-gran Jcttiiaren. A chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will be organised ;in this place next Wednesday. This order is the ladies' auxiliary toth? Mastic ordor. Quite a number of ladies will be over from Al- banv to assist in organizing the new chapter, which will occupy the greater part of the day. In the evening the Albany team, will install thaotlicert, and the installation will be followed by a banquet. Lebaoa E. A. wtje. eo.mrmm. AOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Lee Si organ ia home from The Dalles'. A n Irecrksen returned this noon , from tbe Bay. Judge Boise was in the ci'y today on in way to Urvallls. Miss Rase Fry has returned from a visit with Salem friend Mrs. Kel tie Monteitb bzs sold her con fectionary parlors to W. F. PfeifTer. Attorney General Blackbrrn came op from Salem tbit noon. He it greatly improved in health. Mist Minnie Stanard writ lo Albany Tnesday, where sf.e expects to remain with ber sister, Mta A S McDonald, ior . the winter. Brownsville Times, Lee Mounts, one of the live young bon nets men of Albany, Or., is in town for a day or two. stopping at tbe Esmond. Teiagram. 5 ' Mr. 8. B. Train went fo HarrUbarg yeeteiday to attend the faaerai . of bis friend and fellow member of the grange, Mr. McMeekin. Some of tbe Albany boys roitempla' remaining in Manila alter beicg mnrlr- ed cut, for awhile at least. One -f tfcem Em;i Howard, ba an offer of $83 a month as soon aa he is at liberty. H. E. Loansbory, S. P. traveling agent, H. L. Walden and J. T. Mayo get ting in a harry to reach f Ibsny ca.e . down tbe river last night in a after a varied experience. Mrt Martin, of Rochester, S. Miss Blanch Red well, of San Francisco, passed through Lebanon Wednesday on their way to Waterloo to visit Frank Bod well and family. Mrs Martio ia a sister of Mr BodweU. Lebanon E. A. Sheriff J A Blakely, of Pendtetos. waa at the Belvedere lat-t eight on hit way to Salem with C C CanningMm, who goes to the penitentiary for shorting Oliver loang, at Pendleton, last year. Tele gram. L B Warner left Medford Monday eve- for Spokane. Washing, where he will sell norsery stock for the Albany nur sery. He will be absent nntil about April 1st and npon reaching Spokane ba lit pet five or s;x caavastett oa the road. Mail. Webster Wight, having been mtu'.ere- oat at San Francisco retained yes tenia from bit Manila trip, in excellent healtt He wat given a routing reception at tbe college, wbere he waa a stodent when he enlisted last April. Joel Booth, of Lebanon, has been in tbe city. He ia having greatneet throat upon him, aa the fodowing from the Lebanon k. A will enow : Jsorn. to tbe wife of L D Chamberlain, Jan. 3, a twelve-pound boy. fie hat been named - Joei Booth ChajioeTiain." W H Golfs, of Albany, aomish-trator of tbe Keet estate, spent the fore part cf tne week in rrownaru.e investigating the holding of thia estate in thia c t v. hkb are principally a loan advanced to the agle oaien ;MuJ Lo. tome time ago. Mr Go! tra. ahera thoroaeh isvestige- tioo. decided that the loan was in ea'e ' hands. Be was pleaded with the pros perous ontiook for the mid which is acd has been for t?nte time, running to l s tallest capacity. Browntnil Tin.e-. Mr. Thomas Hopkins pave a Terr - pieavsnt aiternoon luncheon at ber home on Broadaibin itreet yestercay aiter noon. characterized by several enjoyable feature. In a contest Mrs. Len'gdoa cracked the most patriotic nuts and re ceived the first price, while Mr. Chat. Pfeifler was at the booby end. In a word re-arching conte-t Mrs. Thrall waa first and Mis. J. M. Irv ng. second. Those present were Mmes. Walter and D. B. Monteitb. Fronk. Hart. GcS,, Cba. and F. H. Pfe:Ser, Langdoa. Height BrownelLThrail, e. Hvde and Train. Sick Headaches. The curse of overworked womantinl.are quicklv and sorely cared by Kaxi's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier and Useoe baikler. Money retande-t il not satisfactory. Price, 25 ets. and 50 cts. Coest--pa.:oa prevent tbe body from rsd- ing iteeit of waste math r . De 'iu Lit tle Early Risers ariU remove th troabie and care Sics Headache, Billoosne. In active Liver aoi eS-r the complexion Small, sugar coated, d xt't gripe or eaasg nausea. f. A. Camming, ant. Manva Lover Has tamed with disgust from an other wise lovable girl wita aaoSensive breath. Karl's C lover Root Tea punnos tae rrea:n by its action on the bowels, etc, as noth- eise wili. Sold for -years on abeotate guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. We bay, sell and store grain. We make Magnolia Fioar, Also whole wheat. Patent and germ, loors, The Maguolia Mil's. Many a household is saJdited Vv de-rb. because of the failure to keep on sand a s.fe and absolutely certain cure for croup such aa One Minute Cough Cot. See that your little ones are protected a iit emer gency. J. A. Camming. agot CLrBaura Raiae, eexty Dssocbat and Examiner $iM; and Tnriee-e-week Wotld $2.00; and Republic $1.75; and Oregonian $2.25. T- THE EICEUB'CE OF SYETP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California. Fiq Srarr Co. only, and vre v "sh to impress npon all the important of purchasing the true and original remedy. Aa the genuine Syrup ot Figs is manufactured by the Cauforxia. Fio Strct Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worlhlesa imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia. Flu Svttcp Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes tha name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of ita remedy. It ia far ia advance of all other laxatives, aa it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating: or weaken ing" them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to pet its beneficial affects, please rememlr the name of the Company CAIJDFORNIA FIG SfRUP CO. . Ban ntxeiam, eat A A f irv 7 HO t.