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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1899)
. , Ep5 , - - . 1 ... ,.. .. . . - VOL XXXIV Eater e8 tfce Foot a at tlfcaay. we. aa Seeeaa-Claaa Mall Mailer! ALBANY, OREGON, FR1DA. JANUARY 27. 1899 CTTI96 f afcllahcr seal WraftUlmr N'V 25 I k rr The Kind You Have Always T. i ow years, T-y i- ana nas been tnade under his per- GiS&7&jtflr ."VWrvision since its infancy. ' . wc; ' Allow no one to desire you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorta is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops' and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTO R I Af ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THKQIJESTIONOF THE DAY. Where to get best Furniture at the lowest prices. Wc have it for everybody Grand mot hen and brand fathers. Foot Stoult, Parltr Tables, Exten sion Tables, Carpet Sweepers, Sofa Pillows, (par 4 down) Bamboo Furniture. Lounges. Conches, Bedroom 8ets (niceVnea) Bedstead, Deer-er and Commode $13.50) White Iron Beds, RugsXLeee Curtains, ; Ease's, Screens, Pictures, Frames and niany other attractive things. ALBANY FLRNITURE, CO. ilasonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. J3 V U u o ill: Combination Barber Shop. The Oregon ' Gas Light - Heating vllBap Light foi Cheap Heat ?or , iheap Powe for worrespondence Solicited. M F l (Slis.Pres. i.p.?E!iams, l CONSERVATORY OF 51USIC ALBANY COLLEGE, George A. Wirtz, Director. Abiisted by IdrsCora,. Wirtz, and other , ' Branches Taught Piano, Orgnn, Violin, Guitar, dolin, Voice Caltarer Sight Singing, Chorus and Quartet Singing, Harmony, History . Cortnterpoint, Composition and Band Instruments. Preparing lor tne Battle of . Whreinill itbeuon? Cer-amly whr the Uert prepirattoa cao bs . s Coilegu has claims in this direction that call for closer investigation. A Full College Training '. I I ' I X hi Co :i .jrtn op in i--ii rfirlr)an also ',i ir iaH iaf Tior to noue 3epi 20, 1893 . Wallace Howe Lee, A. M., ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J.Joseph. Proprietor.' Patronise home industry. Bought, and triicb ias bettt Has borao the signature of Signature of nwimriiMii, mivtwm err. RnrVora Coi-Vh. K.hi.. .h1 lha 5:x a (r. sr i rf n a 1 1 J jit I only four chair shop in the city. and Power 3bmpj. Church Honsa and Eote! Church, Hoosa ani Hotei lojiMne ami EverythlEg Life effer a sapsritr Norm tl Coarse, and a in toe state. OorreB ondence iavited. President THURSDAY. A Version of the Murder. The Corvallis Times has tho following version of the Lyons murder : It is claimed in some information con cernning the murder of James Lyons, it Lyons station, on the Cascade division of the C. & E. railroad, that the mur dered man had no enemies. The fact is, that within the cast year he has had con. siderable trouble with a lawless element which infests the section of country along that part of the railroad named. There are a rood manv notoriously bad characters there and this murder is prob- oiy a result oi tne immunity trom just ice wmca uiev nave eniovea. Mr. l.v- ons had been in favor ol the more civil- ilized methods of community life and probably in advocacy of his idea lie linn paid the penalty in being shot at his own home by some Derson atandin? on the outside viewing his victim through the window. Trainmen on the C. A E. have been creativ annoved hv member of this lawless gang, and it i only a short time ago one oi them was discovered with a shotgun lying in wait for a brakeraan. His grievance was that the trainman had used unnecessary force in ejecting him from the cars for refusing to pay nis tare, it is high time that some vigorous action be taken with these fol lows. A Musical Scheme. From the Eugene Guard : The Eugene Oratorio Society is mak ing preparau ana to extend its work into the coming season. The two seasons just past resulted in the very successful production of Stainer's "Daughter of Jarius" and Knesini's "Stabet Mater." If Albany, Corvallis and other cities in this sectidvare able to cooperate, Direct or . OirtorU ash hopes to be able to give a Wo or three days musi cal festival, probably making an effort to produce oneVf the renowned orator- j ios. This method is carried out in d- iscent cities in tbKeast aud Euroue with marsea successs. V With the grand obtained tbr ugh the eff. sictans of several towns, leading soloisi could be secured, thus making a festival of merit. Director Nash is an entbusi attic and indefatigable worker and or ganiser, and it is to be hoped his desires in wis regaru win oe consumniaieu. A Prioevilie Shoot. The Dalles Times-Mountaineer says : A report comes from Prineville that a shooting scrape occured there outside of a ball room last Saturday night, between Prince Glaze and Walter Lacker. Ther emptied their revolvers at each other, so the report goes, but no one was hurt One of the participants, young Glaze, ar rived here by stage Monday night and left on the train." Walter Lnckey is a son of E. R. Lack ey, of Eocene. Prince Glaze is a son of the lata Ti! Glaze, who was killed in a shotting affair. Oar Oakville correspondent cogitates as follows: "A man's a man for all that," said Bobby Burns. And we are of the opin ion that the world would be better today if everyone won Id strictly observe the Golden Bale, and be a man and not a mere moving machine to be bought and bartered as the great political leaders see fit. Have a principle that you value above gold or silver. Don't wait for a political party to maze a piauorm lor you to stand on bat have a platform of your own based on honesty and justice. Bask Ball. At the armory tomorrow there wilt be a red not game ol base LaTKetween the college and the clerks. Two ratling teams have been gotteo tip and a fast game is promised. Turn out and see tome fun. Admission only 10 cents. Card of Thanks. We deire to ex tend oursinsere thanks to the kind peo pie oi Albany and t-cio who so Bind IT assisted us with their help and symp athy daring the illness and after the death of our beloved daughter. Ms. axdMk Fea.vz Csabtrek. Elder Kellems will continue his dis courses about the Devil tonight and to- Ibe interest in the meetings is groarins. and the large crowds that nightly attend tax the sealing capacity of the building. All are invited to attend these meetings. Tomorrow sight at the barracks the Salvation army will be lead by Adjut ant Shultz of Salem. After the meeting au oyster sapper will be served. From January 21 to February 8 the postmaster of Albany will take up the keys and pay for the same upon p. escal ation of the receipt. Traces have been found along the Sil- elz river, of A. K. Handy of Co. vailis,who was undoabtedly murdered. This forenoon Yes Burrell of between Lebanon and Waterloo was declared in sane and was taken to balem by Bberiu Munkers. Dr Lowe's glasses fill the want hi? brains go with them. Your eyes are no better from not wear ing Dr. Lowe a glasses. What Dr. Lowe says he guarantees. Tlie social dance given by Prof. Hol land at the Vance Brick last night was well attended and'was an enjovable af fair. ' Dr. Sherman Davis, of Chicago, and Mr. Charles Davis, of Spokane, are in the citv the guests of their brother Dr. Davis. Mrs. Barker, who has been visiting her son in Ashland for several .months. returned to Albany, Friday night. Ash land Xidings. ' .' . .... . Miss Ethel Red field is teaching this Harrisburg school in place of the regular teacher Miss Stafford, who in in Albany at the home of her parents ill. License has been issued for the marri age of S. W.Gaines and Elizabeth tirif- fin. of this county, ine ceremony win be perlormed next Sunday. Mr. I. R. Bornm was ia Salem yester- dav in the interest of the new barber's bill requiring barbers to pass an examin ation and have a diploma, a ne ouiiooa was reported good lor lta passage. Mr. Will Harris of this citv haa ac cepted a position as baker for the Leb anon bakery and will so to that city to- nicht to becin business, w lii is not on ly a good artist but he has had consider able experience and knows how to do good baking. Today as the town clock struck .the hour of noon Mr. John W. Irvine led Miss Li la Terrell to Hymen's happy altar, at the home of the bride's parents. County Judge and Mrs. G. P. Terrell, nrhnre Rev. I. 8. Kniirht. the veteran Congregational divine who in years gone or loined Judge ana Mrs. lerreii in the bonds of ho v wedlock, perlormed tor their only daughter the ceremony that made her the happy wite oi Air. mine, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine took the afternoon traia for Portland from whence they will iournev to various Uaiuorma points be fore returning to their home, which win be la a cosy dwelling on the groom's farm near Mehama. Salem Journal. , For tbe best and latest styles of pho- lwrinhi an a 1 . fl. I rawfnrrf.Znfl atrAAt. ' between Ellsworth a&d Lyoa . THE LEGISLATURE. It is down to routino business. Prominent measures are the attempt ed grafts for the sugar lieet bounty, ')0,- 000 for the O. A. C. and $25,000 for the hull commission. They should lwounct ured. New bills: In the Senate. Daly, providing for a Btate board of text book commiiwiioners. Kelley, for the relief of Iva Templeton, appropriating 000. Waae. Drovidintr for a tula nnn tourist car business. Josenhi. fhv nvnwaM in nmvitla (a. taxing bicycles and building bicycle pains. Brownell, for a constitutional conven tion. A few charter bills have pawed. A Cat Exploded Mr. Allen had qnite an experience the other night, and also discovered some thing ner to him, while trying to rid his cabin of a civit cat that had ad him a visit. It seems that after being shot at a couple of times the civit cat crawled in behind a board in the wall, where there was a small crack on the upper side, through which Mr. Allen thought he could shoot it with his pistol bv bidding a lighted piece of pitch to the place where the cat went in, so as to see it better.flAccordingly Mr A. lighted the pitch and placed it at the above named place juat bs Miss Pussy was backing out, and there was un explosion and a revolving mass of the queerest fire in his cabin far about a minute that he ever saw, and Us thinks if it could be utilized that it would be an improvement on those new gas lights they are putting In at Albany. Whitccuib Cor. Lebanon Criterion. Lebanon. From the Criterion. Mrs. O. P. Davis, of Pendleton, is in the city visiting with the family of U. T. Cotton. Dr. D. A. Beardalev in Leba- ji and preach at theM. . church, l, next Sunday evening. He will also deliver a lecture at the same place m ouuay evening. Rev. II. B. Elworthy received by mail toaay a oeauiuui mahogany care Ii CapU J. M. Poorman. of Co. M.. t Vol., at Manila. The head is of silver. on which i engraved the words. "Man- Ua, H JB. Elworthy, Aug. 13. 1W." airs. Amy Livingstone, department in stalling odicer of the Lsdirrof the G. A. K., came over frutn Ibany turJay an-J installed the new otlicvrs of the Circle at this p'ace. t-he was accompanied on hr visit by her daughter Muts Pearl. Probate Record. Ii.JVttate of Jacob Kees. final account ing set for 1st Monday in Fe&roary. In estate of Thomas W. Palmer, will admitted to probate. Inventories filei in estate of Daniel Leedy, Elizabeth Bitter and Thos. Aider -son. Wills of Jessie Parr is li and J. M. Sparks admitted to propate. Petition filed in estate of Richard Fox to remove administrator. Final account Sled ia estate of Jos. Nixon. in real property and $1,761.17 on A SO mill levy has been made in Lace county. Ywterday CUauncet M. Depew was formally elected V. S. senator for "New York, Eugene Hale for Maine, F. M. Cockerell for Missouri. Davis for Min nesota, Burrows for Michigan. The lical bank of Lebanon sets a good example for private banks by publishing a statement. It slwws about $30,000 de posits, about $4,000 loans and discounts, deposits with other banks and $15,000 asb on hand. Next Saturday afternoon from 1 to 5 o'divit the new combinations of the box es in the new poet office wilt be explain! ed to the box-iio'ders, so uiat eacn man will know his own combination. SATURDAY DIED. M ELLEN H OFF. On Thursday Lan. 19, lAdft at the home of bis too neaA Tan- ..n Mellenhoff 8'.. at te ad vnrt aire of 86 years. His al weakness and an attack B . . vf iK l.ritv Yr. Mellenboa was com ia nrsiuu, i...iii in 1813 and came to Amerlia io iiti anH livinif in N. Y. one year. T i-i.t r. III. lour tears and Kansas h,u vr. (Denaingine isuer in u .. -.. . . . i bis years in Oregon. Vnnorai to re Dew iroin iu uuw w fnnrrna Sit. J1I1Z1.II IV orioca. IV h buried at Saod Bidge Ceme ery Bev. O. B. Bireyfeller otbciating. What does it do? It causes the oil elands in the skin to become more active, making the heir soft and elossy, precisely as nature intended. It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the great causes of baldness. : It makes a better circu lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out. it Prevails tM It Ceres oaMness Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely make hair grow on bald heads, provided only there Is any life remain Ing in the hair Bulbs. It restores color to gray or white hair. It does not do this in a moment, as will a hair dye; but in a short time the cray color of age gradually disar pears and the darker color of youth takes its place. Would you like a copy f of our book on the Hair t and Scalp? It is free. Y It yon So net obtain all thabanaSt yon axpactad from ttia tua ( laa Vlgur Aooraaa, ua, 4. c. ater Lowall. Mua, i f . 1 I Hera? IllSf ipr I i hi iswawMMMMMMMaaMsn i I fOR 1899. Albany-fT-illisoo, J . F Atche, E Thrall, 8 iN St.,, -j Young. K V Cnsick, W V Baliimorei eth Caldirell, W K Baker, Jo'in ttc iggs, Henry Sues ens, F W Blum-ef; a Brownel), A E Bloom, W (Mr, John Propst, JE Brown. W A Kiuifejr, Malt Scott, F H IMf iffer. B M Payoe IVrry Parser, Frank Trites,CH Walker. C Meyer, Frank Miller, A W Blackburn. ' - Scio- C D Cooiptoo, Frank Iivlne, m May, Henry Lerfler, A T Powell. 8 M j'auieia, ueurgn it aruoia, 1UOS LSlge, W 11 YOUDB, I t Miller. Mark Piwrv. t ii . ii - Jordan Peter BSyeu, Haman Shel ter, H II Phillips, W K Ray, ti M Good man, Geo Benusn. Sweet Home O H Runsell, J P Uahn, Jas Green, A J Mc&ar. I i oiler G B Splawn, P McQueen, A F Hamilton, TJ Foil pot, J M Rie. JI Matlock, J N Wright. Halsey Wm Robinelt, Thus Brandon, 8 M Allen, 8 8 Leeper, J 8 Ramsey,4 M Coon, N Batsman, A M Reeves Lraafordiville John Chance, Wm IreUnd.Geo Fliir. J W lilnaa J O Km JasWeler. :i ' BrowusvillaAW KtansH, W 3 BUmbard, N NVarmoath, W O Cooler, Geo Fox, II R Powell, R Fletcher, C E Mason, A B Cavender, A L Kirk. Vi O Smith, W M Roberts, F H Webber, Frank Hyde. N B Staodish. Jos Hum. J D Arthurs. fur Bither. Geo XI r- Uargne, Geo McKinner. Geo H Coshow. J H Templelon. J H Horner. T C laoiu. J M Waters, C Iron, J E Ii vine. Shedd W W Polaod. Frank Hutburt, Frank Troulman, W a Thrift. F G row. ers, A Ackertnan.Paul Annls.U B Pagh, 31 Aciiifon.r atKerman, H alter Barton. Lebanon W C Peterson. C B Monta. gae, N S Da'gltiscb, A PB aekburo.John Wither, W F Moist, B F Blodgett, E E Taylor, ii Rurteotbov, D W Hardin, a Miner, r rank L.aia. fcmi nenenuerger, isytor Jr-vao. u e.i 111. w 4 uarty. u u stu-in Rola-and Jode Pearl. Oakville Chas Pat Kecdham, B A ttitnford, John ard, Oscar Wsde, A A Dillv. Wa.ter 8 mil Hulburt. Gates - E S Cbac. E ifield, Uennecs. MillCity-S Brsd.ha Piainview Geo W heeler. Moms Park. er, W P Anderson. John Gal'agber .Jesse rarhrr, J a Koberts. F M Kiaer, Paul enerson H M Troax. J J Spalinger. Crab-.ree S O Wallace, ti A Hecktr. H Cyros. Suicvr Eb Keebler. Fraoa Smith. Wm Loot borrow. Tiina-E Pogh, WCraford. HarritlKirn W H Cnnninsham. Wm David-oo, l err Hyde. Mm May, Gro, W W bnttn. M Cauninham. P W -ar. Wm Carti. Tigent-J W Baldwin. 1 II Scoa. E O Kairrti. M L Foraier. Urwo-d Jss Craft, C P Matier. Santiam Jas Harler. A C Outer. Thos Arnold. Peoria Gro W Ed florr J 8 Bell. Shelburo N B Wasblmro. David Og eibee, A C Cariiman, H hull, B F todavie-Wm Ioaram. H Pair lab. B F Stn.oaa. Lt.- W E Potter. S W Mitchell. C l" Abel. Wsterloo W Bishop. J II Tarptn. La .-co tub Jscob FiUaater. W R Smith. Kiogstoo J T Foliis. Fo ter P H Preaton. L'nion .Meeting. EDrrvt Iivumr: The union meeting, l.ich at cien- tioned io these columns a few days siace, 111 be held ia the M. E. church this Fridsy evening. Tbe subject ot social parity and Ibe rescue of tbe fallen is one that commends itself to every Ct'tftian and kindly heart. The Florence Crittenden Rescue home in Portland, under the auspices of the W. C. T. I'., established through tbe maoiScence of Mr Crittenden io memory ot a beloved daughter i doing a noble work ai d Albany will, we trust. stand io the front rank among ber aister toansin its i up port. Only eternity can reveal tt.e result of tbe efforts being mace by tbe Parity Evangelists Mr. Mary E. Treat, of Oakland, Cal , writes thus: "Io Sacramento one Wednetdsy evening sixteeo churches held temper anee and parity praver meUnte. The Mayor tent word that ws could bave the plsaa for ocr meetings and that be would be glad toheip in any ws7 poaubie. Tbe electric company donated light tor a week, and tbe band donated it services. People io general are more ready for this wo, k than we bave supposed. The Willamette Land Co.. of this citv hs taken Mr Tallier into the company. nder his management this summer will generally improve their 117 acres of land adjoining this city, building up a iron orchard on the fame. Regular meeting rf the Elks toright at 8 n'cock. Business of importance. By order E. R. Uis UooJwin. ol Independence, is io the citrine guest of ber mother Mrs, Uendricioo and brother C K Fronk, W H Warner and O C Bogue we, Browosville last night to conduct the in ttallation of the new officers ot tbe A 0 U W of that city Oyster sapper at tbe Salvatioo Army rooms tonight, proceeded by a meeting under tbe chargo of Adjutant Shulia of Salem. Everybody invited. J C Booth, who recently came over on tne senator aa a nurse from Manila pas sed through Albany for Lebanon to see his parents be lore returning. JURY vr linr.d Vlney bvO) A 4. 1 ACJ y3 amui Dr Willis 11 Morse and Miss EthaTT"1" Cbrlun ebarch people will tonigbt Mi 5 c.i!?f.J!?.i remove tbeir quarters into that idi6ce Cusick, two of Salem's most proritent yesterday. They bave the best wishes of man Albany friends and relatives, Col. and Mrs. C. B. Montague, of Leb anon, ate in the city for a short visit They came up the river by boat yee'er dsy from Newberg and Darion, where tbry bad visited with their two claugh lets. Dr. Dsvldron atd Mrs. Dr. Court nev. Co!. Mon'ague delivered an ad dress before the Newberg college on A'sa kan interests bulem biaiesman. Col and Mrs. Montague are in the city on their way home. D. O. Ireland, of Independence, a tu dent in the dental department of tbe Northwest University of Chicago, iu long Chicago letter to the Enterprise ays: "I was very fortunate in making the acquaintance oi vr. a. j. lodge of Albany, who stsnds among the hivh est in tbe class oi 99. He has been elected one of tbe contestants for th honor of valedictorian of his class. One appreciates the kelp of a friend in a city ot two minion it tney never do ehewbere Base Ball To-night. At tbe armory beginning at 7. SO o'clock sharp tonight the College club and clerks will play a live game of indoor base ball that will be worth witnetiin. Admis sion 10 cents . See it. Wobld-widb-Bonob given the Geo. S. Parker fountain pen. Judge Day signed the treaty of peace at Paris with a "Parker" pen furnished him by tbe De partment of State, Washington, D. C. ror sale by French, the Jeweler. The legislature adjourned this fore noon until Monday to give the commit' tees time to work and for a vacation from their arduous duties. If you want a good and cleat uoke buy cigars made by our Al' bany cl&ar factory. College Motes. Miss Payne, of San Luis Ob spo, Cat. has been called home on aero .'lit of the serious illness of her sister. The singing class nnder Prof. Wirtx now meets Mondays and Thursdays at 4:10 p.m. C!arnce Turner and Clyde Crawfca-d. oi this c ly, eniered the Commercial parlment at the beginning of the t Miss Stout, of Mebsma, entered col lege at the beginning of the term. She Is taking the Normal Coarse. - There are several Manila pa pets in the library sent by the former students f the College who are serving their mHuo try in the Philippines. Moitjorthem weresantby H.R. SaitmarsK There are copies of the American Soldiers (pub lished weekly, Freelom and Uocie Sam, also weeklies, The Manila Times and I he American (dailies) and The Soldier's tetter, published monthly. . At the next meeting of the A O fl 8 (Jan. 28) the following program will rendered: Declamations M H Acbeeee and E D Mvers. Essays Jos Ralston and J Acheson.ImDromDta B M McLean.C a Muikey and F Powell. Debate. "R. solred that the Nicaragaaa Canal should ' eomplete4 and aos Ironed by V 8 A." niurmauve u u eyert ana w Hosents. Negative C O Beam and W C Hatk. The Legislature. ConiUlevable lima boing spent In the reading bills and committee wark. A to bills are: F reels n relati ive to the publication of the logs a! county court, St , providing for the establish. t of public libraries. 11 all. reaoirioe renorta of hirtha mil deaths. ProebsUl, to prohibit altogether tbe tale of cigarettes or cigarette materials on paio of a tine of from 15 tw 50. McAllister, to prescribe tbe manner of building wire lencee and to provide pen alties ior not keepiLg them in repair. Nichols, to reduce tbe salary of the county jodge of Ben too eoaory from X0 to W00. t lagg, to appropriate $7000 to meet tt e outsuodicg warrant indebtedness of the stste board ot agriculture. Whalley, to create the office of grain inspector and a grain commission, de clare inspection leee, abd appropriate.' rawing uiv wnioiiniro up IO busic se. Rnberu. to change the name ot the Afbland college and normal school io tne Koutbern Oregon Slate Normal school, and place it understate control, and ap propriate I15.0OJ for iu maintenance. - A boose bill passed provides for an In erea of the salary of the sheriff of Msr iou county from 11500 to 0000 and in crease ol tbe allowance for deputies from 1SO0 to 12000. Mulaey preeenled a petition, signed by 131 cititens of Polk county, praying for an amendment of tbe law so aa to require on petitions for saloon license hoose bolders instead of merely to ers as at present. Clem followed aiih a petition for the eaue, bearing tbe names ol 142 Lion coaoty peopie. Both were filled. atyers totredoced a toiot memorul to coogrese. urging tbe early construction of the Nicaragua canal and iu exclu sive ownership and control by this gov ernment. Adoptea. Tbe senate adopted H.J. M. 2. no- idmg for irlectioo of United State sen ators bv t e people, Daly of Beaton and Jiicneu votibg o . I he Nickel in-tbc-Sk Btfl. Seoator Proeb.nel's bill lor the sop- preMicn of the nickel-tn-tbe-elot ma chine reads aa Ij11os: "Section I. Each and every peroa bo shad conduct, maintain or c Derate either as owner, proprietor, leasee or tu ple je. or who snail play or use any oickei-lo-ihe-e!ot machine or other de vice of like cLaracter. wherein are seed cards, dice or any substitute therefor, or wnereia there enters any elements of chance, whether tne same be played er operated for meaty, checks, credits or sny other tbing or representative of value, shall be goiitv of a misdemeanor. and, opoa conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not leee than f- nor more than j0. Sec Z. J oat ire oi tbe peace aha'd bave concurred inrredictitn with the cir cuit coon in all offenses arising under (bis act. 'Sec. 3. Inasmuch as the public de mands this ensctment in tbe interest of morality, aod that tbe seme shall go into enect at once, the same shall be ope rat ve from and after iu approval by the governor." Death of X. T. Moore. Mr. N.T. Moore Wmpia, Wash., on Sand at the home of his Use paralysis, at tbe age of 74 years. He was a resident of Albany for about twenty years and citiseq generally will regret hi dir. ai oore war Born in New Yora stata in 1824, moving to Illinois in 1854 and to Oregon ia 1S70, coming to Albany alter a auort residence in I'oalnod. During the war Mr. Moore did good vico lurlMs country in the 95th Illinois. Hvwu a man of exemplary bahiu and as estmeu oy an know tog him. rhe Revival Changes Its Quarter. CElder D. C. Kellems, by bis fluent and forcible preaching, has drawn aocb crowds to the Christian church aa to tax tbe 1 oilding's teat ing capacity to its nt most limits. It baa therefore been deemed advisable to procure a larger ouiiaiog, and tbe Pearce Memorial charch having been nut at their diaooaal. I milc)) tbey will continue to ocean v nightly until Elder Kellems closes his meetings. His subject tonight will be. Why Don't God Kill the Devi?" Special music has been prepared. Alt welcome. Will Return Through Europe. Frank C. Stellmaker and Arthur Gam ber, of Co. I Oregon Volunteers, at Mn ila, have sent a proposition to the Pope Mfg. Co., through tbe Albany agency, under which it accepted they will return from Munila through Europe on chain less Columbia bicycles advertising that wheel, and thus making atrip around tbe whole world, and have tbe advant ages ot seeing tbe continent of Europe, sn education in ltseu. irte proposition will no doubt oe accented. Ta P. 0 Tbe general delivery of the post office will be closed tomorrow eve ning at 6 o'clock to permit the removal of the remaining effects to tbe new place on First street, where thereafter all mail matter will be delivered. Hereafter ftursuant to instructions the 'general de iverv of the post office will be open on Sunday ouly from 1 to 2 o'clock p. m. Attestion Lauieh Officers and Guards of Albany Hive No 9 Lmlina nf the Maccabees Saturday Jan. 21 and died la-t) ST Jan 1899. Monday Jan. 23 at 2 o'clnck P. Tf, tf- at O. B. Broi new work, called by the captain. M.G.Stctter. DANCING SCHOOL Frof. Holland's dancing school will be open every Wednesday and Friday ev ening, in the Vance Hall. All persons desiring to learn to dance should attend. Private lessons at any time to suit pat rons. . For calcium carbide go to the office ol ... ii.. r i.Li ii.. . . . Oregon una u(ui nesting ot .rower uo. FMDAY Sclo. From iLe News. Several Bohemian people have arrived from Texas th.'s week, and will make their home in tbis section. rs. Savage has received a letter from er busoand, who i in the Klondike conntry, and he states that he is well pleased with his prospects in that irozen country. Mrs. I. A. Munkers was over fro a Al bany tbis week assisting in caring for her moiner Mrs. Ueener, and ber brother, air. wo.jdmanse, both of whom have been quite ill, but are ir proving Mrs. Pines, wife of Judae M. L. Pipes. ot Portland, was in Scio this week, the goestof Mr. and Mrs. Boss K. llibler. Daring Mr. Mibler's younger days be wvs cntv reader, w printer end worked on the Benton hkb paper was con Lructed by Pipes, and at that timi Mr. Hibler made bis home with Mr. aoo Mrs. Pinec n.i h h., ni. m. like old time to Roes. The Portland BoysAlJL Bight-. M. GftaWTDowos Sr., Oregon's only judge and Mr. Frank Fenwkk, accomodating and very popular clerk of the Oregon State Poultry Association, to show their appreciation of tbe treat ment they received in Ainany during the ahow week, sent Mr. and Mis A. W. Blackburn, of tbis city, a handsome and valuable tnauogiih with alcohol stove attached. MranJ Mrs D O. Wood worth a nandsome vase and Mr and Mrs Wren Row a large rose scent bowl. Tbe pres ents are beauties aod much prized by the proud possessors. Mr. Duwns and Mr. Fee w irk a.e very popular among the pouitrymen of tbe state. A Close Game. The game of base bat! aat night at the armory was an exciting and very loud affair, aa well aa a close contest. Siellmaker and Page did good battel y work for the college and Alter ma't and Lee for tbe clerks. Some good individual playing was done. Tbe score was some where near 18 to 17 in favor ot tbe clerks. Tbe noise daring tbe gime was deafening and annoying. Mrs. M. E. Hoxter spoke at tbe M. E. chorch last night to a good siaed audi ence on Social Parity in the interest of Use Florence Nightengale Home of Port land She is aa excellent ulker. - The Degree of Honor of this citv con template reproducing tbe farce, "'Mur der will oat," in the near future, oa the occasion of a fraternal visit from the Albany Degree. Corvallis Times. Why aLop around for glasses when yon can get tbe beet obtainable from Dr. Lowe. SUNDAY SERVICES. Presbyterian chorch: Morning wor ship at 10:30; evening worship at 7:30. Sabbath school, 1 1 :5; Joaior Endeavor, 3:33; Senior Endeavor, 6:30.' Subject of tbe morning sermon, "With all thy Miod" an Element of tbe "Great Com mandmeot." Evening sermon. "The Gospel of Lmog." A cordial invitation ia extended to all to attend all the ser vices. Christian chorch: Rev. C. M. Lane pastor. Prof George A. Wirtz director. S S. at 1C a, m. : Y. P. C- E at 6 -0 p. to Service will be held at the Pearce Memorial church at II a. m. aod 7:30 p. m tomorrow. Service? in inai pouaiog ii i: mi a eveaio at 7iJ0p. at. and each evening dating the week. Elder Ke:!ems will diccourte to night on"Christ io theNewTeetamect." Lord's day subjects: a. m., "Watch and tay"; p. m. "Noah and the Ark" Monday evening. "Jonah and the Whale." Everybody invited to each eemce. M. E- church : Preaching by tbe pas tor. Morriog subject, "Personality and Work of the Ho:y Spirit." Evening. "Tbe Wedding Guest." Sunday school at IS m. : Junior aod Intermediate Leagues. 3 -.30; Epwortb Letgae at 6:30; evening set vice at 7 :3J. All are mvr.ed, M.C. WiKX, Pastor. United Presbyterian: Murning ear vice at 10:30. Subject of sermon, "The Powar ot Prejudice." S. S., II :4o; Jun ior Endeavor at 330; Senior Endeavor, 6:30. Evening service at 7 i30. Subject, "In a Far Cc untry. All are tnrdially invited to attend these services. Cumberland Presbyterian charch cor 4b andJdain st. Preaching every Sun- dayjBorntng and eeniBg by the Pastor IU. preaching at II a m anc 7 :30 .It Endeavor 3 50 .Sr Endeavor 6 0 Morning tope "Personal Influence." evening topic "Neglect." You are m ihted. U Services aft usual at the Baptit cburcli. i-reac&ingpv Kev. it. l eoaniman, resident ot McMmnvtlie College. Rev. Looia Metayer, Rector of tbe tholic Church, has returned from San Francisco and will clikiate tomorrow morning and tveuirg. Sunday afferaxin at 3 o'clock a Wo man's meeting will be held in the Un ited Presbyterian church VI is. M E. Hoxter, of Portland, and one or more Albany ladies speak on subjects of interest to all women aod it is bored that tbe bouse will be filled. The Girls Militia club aod all women's societies are especially invited to be present. Sick Headaches The curse of overworked womankind, are quicklv and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded u not satisfactory. Price, 5 eta. and 50 eta. We bay, evii and store grain. We make Magnolia Flour, Also whole wheat. Patent and germ. flours, The Ma gaol la MIS a. Many a b.u-noid n saddned by deah because of the failure to keep on nand a s.feaod abolut -ly certain cure for cro:p such as One Minute Cough Cure. See 'bat yur tittle one rt protected gjint emer gency. J. A dimming, agent. St r let I v miKiness French tbe jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins brothers, agenU. Beat Bicyile fortue money. Will ft Stark, jeweVn. Crescent bitycles at Hopkins Brother for only 120- 30, (35 and 150. 0 B Winn, citv ticket agent Tickets to all points in the east. Be nre and see the anti rut tinware at Bopkitt Bios, will taa.a lifetime. We have decided to continue making the ol rent photos. Long Photo Co. Dr Lowes glasses are the best obtain able. Rather than take this statement with the proverbial grain of salt den your most critical mood-call on him and vestigate tne matter yourseit. I GlUetTTPepper box Blaing Browhslu's Chnir Cars. Comfortable upholstered revolving chairs.obeervation ends, attractive smok ing rooms, first class in every particular, 25 eeote Portland to Salem, 60 cents Portland to Albany. Car on rear end of train. These cars will be run through out the entire session ot tbe legislature. NoTtca. The skating to night if f U force. club will meet Wheel. S-S at -fp m 1 I 0. "f II 1 K 1 1 -A VUTOnrsPuBE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome SOCIAL AND PERSONAl air the Miss Rose Fry has beeu in SaleaT tbe K'.uiBn.ft.a.6l. Mrs Kate Marinan lias gone t- 3l'ki mouth to spend several months. 5Ir. Herbert Gaston, of Tacoma. is ih-r the city the gnest of his sister Miss iiary l"on- Harnish f he pholographerlhas taken fit. See his advertisement for the . - ..i nature of it. n j ...... Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Parker went to Salem today on a visit wKn Ii lends. Dr ones of this county, it has been heinM, is tbe oldest member of the low er house ej the state legislature. Bev. WJD.FentonZwa ia Halaey terrJar to Breach tbe Inneral sermon of MrsWiirtams, mother of Mrs. Rev. 1. v. lr.ver. Governor Geer'a first pardon was that ot George F. McConneli. the absconding keeper of record and seal of tbe K. of V, oi tne state. Mra Frank Churchill of Rose bar came to Albany this noon on a vit with her many Aldanv friends and is tbe- guest of her parents Rev and Mra Smick. Miss Alice Temple and aister Mrs Bis hop, of .Salem, were in the city this noon on their way to I'lainview to attend the funeral ol their aunt. sa.em Journal : Harry Cnsick of A bany was a visitor in tbe city vesterd having come down to attend tbe Coaick Morae wedding, the bride being hie coa sia. A. I- Coon went to Albany Sunday in response to a summons iatorminsr hira of the serious ill noes of his mother. He returned Taeeday aad re port ber condi tion aa much improved.-Junction Times. ieanoer Borkbart. son oi 11 l) Kara-1 hart returned this noon from a vitAo alem. where he was the meet of PrrWH iden Hawtey of the Willamette ITniver-1 sity. He was accompained home by Mrs Hawlry aad daughter. Prof Lyman, tbe union candidate for state superintendent last Jane, hu been in the city ia the interest of Posh Club of Astoria, inspecting oar creamery and adjoining dairy farms. A good cream ery for Astoria ia contemplated. will Bond, of Knox's Butte, writes from Ft. Sheridan, IU.. that since retara- me he bad been promoted from private to corporal. He was feeling much bet ter than when here. He expected to leave New York city on the Mohawk for Manila oa a t wo months trip on Jaa. 15. Joel C. Booth, of Lebanon. wb3 re cently returned frcm Manila, in the capacity of nnree, ea the traasport, yes terday at loanoo, received s dispatch from Seoator Simon at Washington that discharge bad been r scared, and he will remain at borne. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. From the New York World cf Jaa. 15: Mrs. Fayae Strahao Moore, who ia io the Tombe awaiting trail on a charge cf badgering Martin Mahoo, bad aa event ful day veeterday. She eaw ber mother tor the first time since ber recent trou bles began. Tbey talked for three boors. and the interview was a, pathetic cae. Just as her mother waa leaving Mrs. Moore got a note from ber brubatid. William A E Moore, tehing ber bis ap plication for a certificate of doubt bad been denied, aad asking ber to meet him in tbe council-room oi the Tombs. Mrs. Moore apparently was not affect ed by the note and sent word that see wooid Le g'ad to meet ber hue band. A lew minmee later Moore entered tbe room. Mrs. Strahaa s,oke a few words of sympathy If ber eon-in-law before leaving wife and hnsband together. Tbey talked for naif an hoar. The wile showed visible higns of emotion when her hnsband told her the derision rendered by Justice Nash in ail probabi lity meant he woo d be taken to Sing King tomorrow to serve the long sentace given him by Recorder GoS. Through out the interview Moore betrayed not the slightest sign ot nervoosneee er anxiety Mrs. Strahaa reached this cky late Friday night from Atlanta, and waa met ia Jersey City by tbe Rev. Dr. Edward Davis, of California, who, years ago, was the accepted rnitor of Mrs. Moore whea ane wsa "?etM Strahao, and who has acted in the capacity of her friendly ad visor since her incarceration ia tbe Tombs. Mrs. Strahan staved overnight with Dr. and Mra. Davis at their home, No Si Irving place. Accompanied by the mm later she went to the Tombe at 11 a m bat not until noon did mother and daughter meet in the matron 'a room. For a minute neither spoke. They kissed each otner repeatedly, both cry ing and laughing hysterically, when they regained tbeir composure each said the other bad grown thinner. Mra. Strahan was particularly solicitous about tbe wan look of her daughter. For three hoars tbey talked. Mrs. Moore begged ber mother to do what she could to get her oat of prison. She said she was not worrying about her sec ond trial; that all of ber anxieties were bound up in the aingle deeire to gam ber freedom Mra. Straban assured her she already bad taken steps to secure her release n bile tbey were talking tjot. James, an Atlanta lawyer, and a Mr. Neil, a New York friend, came in to talk about secur ing tbe needed ft.COO bail Mra. Strahaa has $6.W0 worth of un encumbered property in Atlanta, aod the told the two men she would pledge to any one who would furnish the bond. Col Jamea is familiar with the property and assured the women he would have no trouble in arranging the matter. After tbe visit to her daughter Mrs. Straban called on Lawyer Abe Levy. Mmivaliiivr Has turned with disgust trom an other wise lovable girl witn au offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by ita action on the bowels, etc. as noth- else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. una CO cU. Mrsic Mis Mtiarea bur nice ter teacher ot piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street. opposite U P chuieh. Kora. O Jr a 1 Mondays rtednes davs and Fridavs. leaving Albany at a. m. Up rueedays,TbU!3daya andSat- nrdays. Refuse any other flour, uxcept the Magnolia. MtM-rsxtir. Ladies who are late pur chasng their millinery call and see my new goods. Something new at tne Mi nery Car. In Oldin Times People overlooked the importance oi pet manentlv beneficial effects and were sat- lsued Wltu iranBii-ni urin; now that it is generally known that tSyrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitnal constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. ' Buy the genuine, made by the California Fig of syrup co. ? m is HOME AND ABROAD. I Kee Lnrak on cmrr ia. - Th Knrth.l Pnnffr. .K- In Albany. Linn Co . Or.. I January 8 to 16.18&9. Wheat 50 cent. Cr.on Mnd P.gtfeI fc . .r.(,;allir at Mi Long's. ' ' I c. i i x.. t.--:. r -1 . Swe ui Lrit7y aar Mjmm niiiici uuuun xa w seen at Mite Long's; f pi cent pboto made by tbe tboaaands erj week at Miss Long's. Bee Relief pbstoe now all the rage. call and see samples at Miss Long's A large and fine stock cf cigars and to- i j oacco at Lxna & Huston's. .See tue iis- eare received at Combination Barber Bhop. Bring the babies and get a dor. o those cote little Diamond pbotcs, only 50 cents at Mies Long's. When yon want a choice siak, a nice it roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Lfoders. He keeps the best. uu w ueu iou emriy m nae, prepane a man for his home in the akiea. Bat early to bed and a Little Eirly Riser, tbe piil that makes liia longer and better and wiser. I- A. Camming, agent. Goto Verick's shaving aad hair cut ting parlors lor first daes work. Hot d baths. Clean towels, to every tomer. Soot&ina. beaiiBC. c'anrinff. L'e Witt's Witch Hue! Salve is the implacable ene my of sores, barns and woneda. It never fails to care Piles, You may rely npoo it.' J. A. Camming, ageat Tbe best meats of ail kin.-'a and gocd treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just djwn Second treet. Oiod weight and prorapr attrnd ion. A o mill tax has been levied at New port, a fact ol interest to the many AlV any people owning property there. Yesterday at Eugene Harvey J aces was found guilty of disturbing tbe Baivation Army and w-8 sentenced to fire dsys in the city jail M. E. Beam, of Harrisiu rg, has goce into volontary bankruptcy noder tbe new law. His liabilitiee are f 2,716 and bis assets nominal. W. H. Young, of Scio, has also filed a petition for bank ruptcy. Hia liabilities are several thous and dollars, his assets a farm covered with mortgagee. TO-NIGHT AND TO NIGHT 3I0RROW Aad each day and eight durieg this week yon can get at any droggiat's Kemp 7 Bal aam for the Throat and Latgs. jciocwi edged to be the most e&ocesefai remedy evtr sold fa Coag-ta, Croup, Bronchitis. Asth ma and Consumption. Get a bottle to day and keep it aiwavs in tbe kocse. to yon caacneckyonr cotd at on-.e. Price 25c and 50c Sampfe bot'ie free. Look Around. T torn as Brink has received scire of the cicest wicker and spring rockers that ever came (o Albacy. Give him a call and see for yourselves. Your Wheat. Call at the office of Corran & Monte: Ux if yon wish to seil your wheat and get tbe highest cash price. CLrarao RaiBB. kv eexiy Dixocbat and Examiner ti-iO: and Turics-a-week Moild (2.00; and Kepabuc i I 7a: and Oregopian S2 5. Pride of Albany Soap, weighs 20 ounces, and ia high grade, for sale by C. . Baowxaxi. The Long Photo Co. ia the leadicg gallery of Albany. Every photo made mere is a gem ottr. can aca see tar Jyoaelves. TIE nCEtLD'CS CF SKI? CF FISS is dne not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to tbe care and akul with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California. Fig Srsrr Co. only, and we wrHh to impress upon all the importance of purchasing- the true aad original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Fijs is nisnafactared by the CaJuroteaa. Fto Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding- the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Caxi- FoastA Fio Strcp Co. with the ro edi ted profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty cf the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of ail other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneysT liver and bowels without irritating1 or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. Ia order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SIRUP CO. sax rKAXcisce cat, iWJBTELU. K HtW VWtl. al- T. ADMIN1ST8URIX H1TICE. Notice is hereby given that tbe under 4gaed has been duly appointed by the County Court of Liua count; , trvur a. ad ministratrix of the estate of 11 the C. Chambers, deceased. All pee-oos having :!aims against said estate are reipiri to present the same, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the date hereof, to the undersigned at ber home ner Knox Butte in said county. Albany, Dec. 81, 198. Mast M. Chambers, HlwiTI ft Sox, Administratrix. Attorneys for Administratrix. 117 TREASURER'S KOI ICE Notice iahereoy given that funds ais on band tc pay city warrants Nos 151 to 193 Inclusive of the issue of 1SS8. In. teres ton said warrants will ceaee with tbe date ot this notice. -Albany Or Jaa, 8, 1899 . . A.Pahkd, City Treat uret. 7 '-'