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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1899)
to Warm Gapes ?nd Jackets Lines complete, Specially strong i3.50 to 125.00. on medium grade Blankets Oregon wool: Albany Manu facture. Blaukots an right, (prices are right. 5 E Young & Son, STOCK REDUCTION SALE PREVIOUS TO INVENTORY. at THE BAZAAR During January Only. . At the end of one years business and the opening of another we male A UBERAL DISCOUNT OFFER on every article in our CLEN ANU ATTRACTIVE STOCK. An excellent opportunity for any pur chases you may wish to make in Ladies' and Children rurni hlna " . Goods Koit or Muslin Cnderwear, Hoae, Shoes, Umbrella, Wrappers, Dress Skirts, Underskirts, Ladies' ats, Ohi'diens' Caps Tailored Suits, Jackrts. Capes, Ladies, Misses and Children' Outing Flannel Gowns, Ribbons, Lices, Fancy Goods fiuliuns. - 5 and E. & II. .1 HAMILTON. AlbMiy Oieyun, Jon' t. ISbS ..MOM) ,v -.r: ..." 7- - tUl TO BUY Your "eerie anil LukcJ Good eat Pa.-, er Bros Everybody k.-ow: where tbpir ulape is. The; keep a I res I atock ol groceries, prod pre and bakei goods, of ail kinds, veil at reasonable prices apd treat their cuetotuere well, all T ou iiay rvyret some steps yon take In life Lax none taken into tbe stored Parker Brv. It is a grt tiling to be well ted. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread la not much bnt y want it well made. Try Parker Bros. '' "iatji! - m We buy, eeU and store grain. We make Magnolia Flour, Also whole wheat, Patent and germ, flours, 1 he Magnolia Mil . The Mud' Hens Trip. I The Mud Hen was due to start up the river yesterday morning at an early hour according to schedule, with sev eral passengers with their guns, and pic tare of ducks in their eyes, bound for Round Lake. It was nearly two hours late before the gasoline sparks got to flashing just right. The trip was made up the river for about five miles all richt when the Hen stopped. In some man ner the gasoline crank rot crankv and gave a leap against the forehead of Dr. Leninger and then into the water, where it could not be found. As nothing oiuld pe done without crank the boat had to be towed back bv a row boat. The trio was therefore not all it was started out to be. The Mud Hen's ill luck has not yet stopped. A Department Store. Mr, H. F. Mcliwain has closed out his old business in this city, and will close his store for about two . months. In a few dajs he will leave for New York to lay in a stock of goods for a department store, with all the usual departments ex cept clothing which he does not intend to keep. The store room will Le rear ranged with a plate glass front, etc , and will be opened as soon as the goods can be gotten here from the east. List of Patents. Granted to Northwest inventor this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., patent attorneys, Washington, D.O. E. Courtwricht. Tacnma. Wmsh hW. cle driving-gear; J. R. Friusfelder, Spo kane. Wash., label-hairier? M F Hon. ic,'.A,nitJr' 0re- oe-lace clasp; J. . Price, Belfast, Wash., car-coupling. For copy of any patent send 10 cents in postage eunipe with date nf ihi. tp C A 8now A CoWashington, D C. At Staytox. From the Mail: Fair audiences listened to the- addresses of Rev. Lane, of Albany, at the Methodist church Wednesday and at the Christian church Thursday evening. The speak er a remarks touched upon the evils of intemperance and its remedy. The subject was very cleverly handled and uiauj Dew inougnts introduced. A peti tion was circulated at the close, praying the legislature to re-submit the people of Oregon the proposition to pruuiuu me sate oi intoxicants, receiv ing many signatures. Mr. In old newspaper man and paid the office a iraiernai call. Pare Tea TUESDAY. in packages at grocers' Schillings Best The Oregon Volunteer-. remember Air, Nellie Grey. We are volunteers for freedom, xmtnhArl well the Maine, We came west o'er the rolling of the sea j We have heard the battles uiunuer . -. .. un ). fall of Srtain l.inn far our home-land ot the free. Chohus Oh, Oregon our home, Sweet Oregon so lair, For thv beautv we will e er thee. We'll recroes the rolling billows 1a stnw n-amvn cut Ac Ana our loved ones in in uuuin the free. We have seen our flag unfurling From the shore to distant snore. We have seen our glorious colors afar. We have seen the famous Dewey And his proud ship Baltimore And his squadron that fought the Span ish war. Now we'er waiting only waiting For the order to return To our borne in that landl beyond the For the flame of lovo for Oregon Phall e'er be seen to beam, Oregon, in that home-land of the free. McNail Howkll, 2nd Oregon U. S. V. borne The biggest mail of the week arrives at the Albany poet office on Monday. when ago-d many eastern papers ar VO. A Ulolltf Others therv an lmir tn hundred of the Youth's Cmpauton. more people taking that raper published in Bnpton than anv p per in the state published outside of Albany. W. H. Harris, ttieclrcua man who wa in Albany August $1, 14S1 and Ma 12, 4, writes that tie expects to tour Ore- sou next season witu the Nickel Plat Shows, and wishe tq know of the best time 10 come, our circumstance here, vs. The Multooinaha and the V. f. C, A of Portland were to play football today. i ne latter beiieve they can down the Multnomahs after witnessing the Berk ley game, out tbey cannot. They will Easy Chair Service. Portland Telegram : Today the South ern Pacific passenger department an nounced 'that during the season of the legislature it will run parlor chairs on, its line between Portland, Salem and Al bany. The cars to be utilised belong to the Columbia & Astoria Railroad Comp any, the same as used on its line between Portland and Astoria last summer and these have been leased by the Southern Pacific for the mirnoee SDecitied. Tbev aie marvels of comfort and eiegance. the company will make an extra barge of 2a cent fur the use oi the cr between 1'onlaiul and Salem and 60 co U betweeu rortiand and Albany. Ptoria Items. be defeated worse than on Thaoksgiv After being marshal of Sa.lent for a good many years, A. 6. Dilley has been succeeded by D. W. Gibson. CARRIED. PRAW WILLIS. In Albany, on San day, January 1,1899, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Harry Craw and Wise Anna Willis, all of this city. Rev. C. M. Lane, of the Christian nfftrlatMl in a hannv mionlr. The ceremony was performed is. tbe presence ot a few relatives and tnonas and was followed by a wedding dinner, fter wnich the happy couple were es l is corted to the tram and left on fcnaaj ici poHitran with the Soatbern Pacific. They have tha best wishes of Albany iriends, PIEQ. Mr. Thomas Monteith arrived in Al bany ast night from Spokane. Elton Connowav. of Sissons. scent New Years with his folks in this city. Mr. Charles Redfield, who has been surveying in bagtern Orewn, u home for the holidays. Mr. Leaner Ralston has sold his busi ness at Oter, E. and will this week move to Albany to reside.. Mr. John Harder, today made his second trip to the Portland noapitai for treatment, He is confident of improv ing. J. A. Perry, now in the livery busi ness in Medford, has been in the city and county on a visit. Hejis well pleas ed witn nis new nomc. Mr. Jake Streitel.who has been spend ing the holidays with bis family in this city, returned to Fort Stevens today to trip to Spokane, They will return toyregtime his work for the government. Portland to reside, Mr. Clr Laving ai-),. Winnardand wife have hmn 161 nWNCAK. At her home l: Oregon, SatuHay, December Mrs. Sarah Jane Duncan, years, 8 months and 'it days. v -u Deceased was born io West VrwIniaVX1 .i. A 1H1&. and was married W 1837 r to the husband who survives her. They came to Oregon in 1861, and have resvled in the immediate vicinity of Turner tinually since. fntuvwiamt was a devoted member llJf Tindftt Toiscooal churcb for over fift? year and died' in the consolation of its faith, after a long life oj ugefnfoMS. Her paigb;bo and. Trjenda arount Turoer, -oft who have Known her goodness, anq ex perianced ber msny kindnesses he past several years, speak of ber withVwarm praise, and with derp grief at her lieath. Beaidea her husbau l, wh- is pat 80 old. five children survive herJ N. Daocan, of Albany, excounty juil mi T inn Annntvf M. J. Duncan, of bta: blik: Washington ! Mrs. Wi L. VamJST 6f Albany: Mrs. Morgan, of Tangent.and W. C. Duncan, of Turner. All were present at her bedside dnring her last illness, whlce was broughfonr by taking a cola. oiaieauitm. .r-t . - .r! -J i; 1 The cold chills of TV who Vtt PS 14 I Mr? fear TOO WP ana oowi, Ue back of tie bravest an when he looks down tbs bar rel of a death dealing Wtn rhmtfr in the hands of a man means "snoot." i Every Iiobt and every n a more frcqnrnt and , .11. rrtain to I ill' dtath in the guise of that deaane" t"1"; of man a mo v.. rumpUon. 0t of U tne lena vt " kands wno die from COTsumptKm MVrTI U - r tlons. it enrr- "J T,. time before A ' t'Siks himV f he tissues of houat keeping in the Woodin cottage two doors from Mr, WoodTn's residence, on Third street, where Dc. Winnard will be found outside of pmce hours. ProL Hiram Tvree, principal of the public schools, at Ia Grande, was in Sa lem veatesdav. leaving for home by the afternoon Koaebqrg train. Professor Tyreeiione of the leading edooaton of Laitern Oregon. alem statesman. Mr. Charles Brush is in the city on a visit with bis parents. He is now inter- erted in mines in tne Jvoo&tenai district in British Columbia, where he has ex cellent prospects, knd will return there a lew days. Mr. James Elkins. one of Albany's oldest (tnd moat popu,! ciusens, at one uwu cies, wf Lio oauaiy, una uvea p- pomtd deputy postmaster under postmaster-elect 'train. M. G. V ilkins, the Waterloo railroad man, has accepted the Northwest agency of the National Inventor's Association and will place agencies through the ter- rivory. 4.41U nupi s vu ncais paienu ana lniroauce ana sen new mveniions, W. C. T weeds le and wife are now at their home in this city after a visit o. several days in Portland. Mrs Twee dale, nee Mies Little, wa- a school teach er in Sacramento, Clif.,for a good many years, au is a (ivpuiai in'i, r Local talent 01 renuieton presented the pantata, ''Queen iihe'1 last Friday and turday nkhu.uuder the manage ment oi "ro. ware, a resident 01 tnis Xinag has passed off vcrv quietly a' this place. We had a Xnaas tree. Quito a number of people went to Cur- vallis to the dedication oi the Masonic- Temple. There is golnz to be a school meeting held at thU place for the purpose of vot ing a tax f ir building a new school house, we are all in favor of tt. Mrs. Crewae and children, of Eastern Ore., are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. illogman near this place. Mr. James Lamar is visiting relativea at Independence, Mr. W. E. Qitbens is Improving hn plaou by cutting the shade tree down from in front of his house. Mr. O. M. Pucket received a nice cake for Xmaa. Mr. James G. Githena killed a large swan weighing fourteen pounds. Mrs. Brattain and children came np to ipend their Xmaa at home on tbeir farm. There is going to be a protracted meeting held by Rev Allen. Mr. U. G. Berry is talking of taking a trip to southern Oregon soon. Mr. John W. X, Cox is a guest of Mosey La ,. Bastcs. Some snow was seen today. This is a legal holiday and the banks aod county othces are closed. The three months old child of San Wa, the pioneer laundry roan, died in this city yesterday. Mr. Wm. Simpson. b sold bis band of fine goats. ' Among them are some of tne Diue riooon sioca irom me oiate Fair. D. E. Slagle, of Cottage Grqye W the lucky purchaser. The college will nea tomorrow morn ing and the public schools oa Wednes day. A Urge nam her of college students have spent tne noiidavs at aome, ana the Democrat oLeervee in its exchanges more perauoats about our students than about those of any other college. CITY COUNCIL. Monday evening, January 2. Present, all the councllmen but Hop kins. Mavoi Burkhart presiding and lieto der Henton taking notes The following bills were ordered paid J E. Bridgeford, 13.85; B. P. Purdom, $6 60; John Giblin, $7.60; F L. Such, 73.15: E. R Davids in. $4.00; N. J. Hemon. 18.05 O. G. Burkbart, fll; O.P Dannals,8; J. P.Ualbraith, $7; J. J. Graham, H. J. Hopkins 4; A.H.Martin d; M. Senders, $8; E A Parker, $6; Chas. Media, 25; A. O W, T A Co.. 131. The old council then adjourned and the new members, Dannala, reebcled, Pfeifferand Richards, were sworn in and the cnnncil adioatned to the tegular aigbt tor meeting. Passed to Spirit Lite. InTangeot, Ore., ou Dec. 25, 1898 Mrs. Sarah E. Mills passed from earth life to the spiritual world above. She was a daughter of Mr. Thomas E. Gil mour, was born near Dunham, Illinois, January 13, 1842, was married to Mr. Benona Mills troaa near Carthage, Ilii nois, Sept. 26, 1858, aged 66 years, 11 months and 12 days ot this nnion. There were 4 children, one daoshter and three sons, two of whom preceded tbeir moth er to the Spirit World a number of year ago. after a long and painful illness, tne summons came at 4-15 Christmas morn for sister Mills to come no higher. bhe bore her suffering with patience and christian fortitude and appreciated every actof kinineea bestowed by her many kind ueighbors and friends. She waa a faithful and devoted wife, a loving mother, a gcod neighbor and a true friend. She was ever ready to lend a helping hand to suffering humanity, she waa too pure and good to bold any mal ice or Hatred towards anv one. she want ed ber friends to know she 1 elievtd in spirit ret cm and was ready to go when theaummons came. Funeral tetvicw w,reheld at tha fam ily residence in Tangent on Dw.27, after which the remains were buried in the Rock Hill Cem.trrv. Kr.v diss. Axka B. Rtcov ?asur o First Spiritual Society," Lebanon, Oregon. Week of Prayer. The subject at the hurches observing the week of prayer ton'.ght is 'The Cliur. 1. Universal" The suggestions given ar: Prater: each member of the v-ral, oeing born of ibe spir :n l om a'l iniquity, nar r ' k -; u. I faiti.fnl V rl a. h .,Vf f. ih I nn; ami t!il tlir j ! " . ur ti .1' trpr-ol 'wrk' athe oui-y t iihI 1 1 i r " It -! Mst vii:3kl, Mst - I'l-l, -oh- iiijMj ,v THt BEAUTIFUl HAIR 13 THE RESULT OF CUTICUM UNO CUTKUU MAP. ill tire a l. n U f u .i ve S !! I , Tii.. vi:0 I x t:l 8 I, A Fuicj p.tKo a l.'or Wurk An experieuoni art critic gives as his opinion that there will be-no handsomer piece of c lor wora issoed this year than Hood's Saraaparilla Calender for 1899, I( ia not only useful, but artistic jud beauti- iui anu np to date, l bs Charming "Am erican Girl vboae beautiful lace ap pear n Uis baekgrounda.makes a pleas ing feature which anyone will be pleased to have before htm the whole of 1899. We suppose druggisu will have this Cal endar ,or a copy can be obtained by senej- in ttcents toe 1 1400I A vo lWll Mats. Dixo ix Texas. Word baa been ceived announcing tbe death at fort Sam Hoution, Texas, receetiy, of Edward Francis Prettyman, at tbe age of, IW.eQt yean, n hen tba war brqks m t Prettvman enlisted ia tho First Texas eaysiry. in Jnos be was transferred to the hospital an aroouoi ot an accident wbue drilling. While there be was at tacked with pneumonia and lived only a few days. Tb remains were givsn the customary boria. The deceased was a brother of T a Prettyman, a nephew of v U rretlytnaa, residing across the Willamette from ihi city in Benton county. He was a fine specimen of man hood and his death ia greatly regretted by all knowing bitn. Tsoi'lajs Gii-sixs. A aentleman from the country reports teven wagon !oads of very dirty, thievish looking gip- s es. near tbe Oak Creek bridge. They I wain my child's bead every week with warm water andCrjnccaA&OAP.and rob la a little CtmccaA (ointment). Her hair Is fine, thick, and very long, reaching below her waist when standing erect. Has. C. GRAHAM, 10ST No. California Ave., Chicago, mr SaUthraafteattjMnrM. Potts n. i n C. Cear Mriaa,8Ma. -AilAlillBSfalta4Mafc wkville. Tbe children oS Oscar Dilley were all at home tbe past week, and on Wednesday evening a latge number of the neighbors and friends came in and spent the even ing in a social dance. We were too busy to attend. See Dan. 12:8. Mr. Elmarian Smith, of Halaav. raiixt on us last week. Mr. Glen Junkin brcke 31 hi ont of 35. He took 6 first prises out of 7 at Peoria, Dec. 24th. Mies Lstella Hamill and Mia. Dilley made o a pleasant call last week. Call again, ladies. A few of the young people had the measles during vacation. Good nlm that A four Loree load of our best shooters went to Taugeut to a shooting match last Friday. Glen Jonkia brought home a g-oe. Dr. Welch is makinia visit to Phadd'a. The people of Oakviile are too healthy iu euppuri a doctor. A young lady received a box on tbe Ctmrlmas tre on the lid of The box un der ner name were tbe words: "Don't blow till yooget home " Bnt curiosity reuse.! her to open toe box right there to fiud so empty harmonica case. No names given. Many thanks "McK." We will send ours as soon we get one. Miss Maud Wade made ns a pleasant call last verk and gave ns a nice cake. We likeca lers of tbst kind. See Matt. 7:11-1. L. St. john, of Peoria, waa visit ing friends bare last week. Wm. VJogan, jr., of Lebanon, is visit ing his l arenc here. '.ev wale struck here on the night o .latt li, shaking bout and .n some N' '-- trs iwis ed off. LiTtLi Rose P.cp. A facetious Mi- rucrcr. tbs Gcard: i.- .- ie Bianton, the condemn. d mur drr. ,)y morning, when be (aw the r..und wes covers 1 with snow te markrd to one of tbe death watches with a twiuki- io kis eye, that he would like to be in he UclCcje hi ls eo with a 4t Winchester baatinn deer. One day last week Mr. tiiUirao was in tbe jail o identify MctJargue and talked to Claude Bran too a minute. Ctaode said to him : "Yoq reaoaisber that a tew mombs sga was trying to buy a S8 Wincbester from you; il yoa will bring it over to toe no I'll take it." A young fellow is serv ng oat a IS days seolence in tbe 'county jU and be is grumbling a bay thsln-e going so slowly Yesterday. Brantoa told him: "lie too ha da bout yoa ; her 1 am io uil aad seo leoced to be banged aad t don't kick about H e time gUag slowly. SOCIAL AND PERSONA! , Dr II E Beers returned last evening iroui ciuuira uregon. Mr E W Langdon left this noon ona tnip to Beat nccK.takiog his gun and Heh ing rod. Mrs. Horner, mother of Prof J B Hornet, died in Polk county Sunday at the age of 72 years Mrs 2 J Crotstoy. sister of Mrs Major Johnson returned yesterday from a sev eral months tiipeast. Miss Adda George left this noon for rortiand accompanying home ber young nephew, son of Mrs H G Col ton. Mrs. David C' ark, and her daughter, Mits Lulu, arrived in the city Saturday. iuiu oieuiuru . Ainiand AldlOgS. Mr AB Paxton is reported seriously ill at Spokane. He recently sold bis bus iness at Astoria, and has been prospect- ug iur a locaiion Mr. J. N. Hoffman has leased tbe Al bany Steam Laundry and will hereafter run it, Mr. Hoffman is a! reliable gen tleman who may be depended upon in this important business. Rev. Louis MeUyer, of Albany, was in Ashland this morning, en route to San Francisco, where he goes to meet and return with Rev. F X Blanchet, In a few days. Ashland Tidings. J H Slater, ex-United Slates senator from Oregon, is Irins at his noma in I.a Grande suffering from sinking spells, supposed to be caused ty fatty degenera tion of tbe heart. Mr. Ralph OMing, who has been in Chamber's hardware store at Eugene for a good many years, recently resigned his position and yesterday with his family returned to Albany, which be will make bt home. He has been succeeded in '-"fen by a former Albany vouog man, M L Dorria. Last evening at tb Baptist church a .TecX,Uei1 was tendered Rev. Konald McKiuoa and family previous to their leaving- the last of tbe week for tbeir new home at Salem. An enjoyable time was bad, in which there were ex pression of estavm anil miwi I departing pastor and bis family. On be half of the pastors of tbe city Rev Stev enson made tbe farewell speech res ponded to by RevMcKillop. Mr Stev enson wno nas been ia the city leas than two years was the senior pastor of tbe .vj mo cuy ai uie time. Death of Mrs. Beard. Mrs. John Beard di) at Tangent this morning at the very advance J age of 88 or 89 years, after an illness of some time. Tbe deceased came to Oregon with ber tosband in 1S52, since then residing at place, tier husband proceed ed ber a few years ago The deceased was a member ot tbe Catholic church oa was blgbly respected by all knowing her. Tbe foneral services wid be held at the tsaioouc church in this otv next Friday mofoingst 10 a m, to which all friends are invited, Peoria Pointer. Rev. Allen began bis series oi meet logs .-abbetb evening. mmfr a;ry vtueen passed np tba river Saturday evening, retarnisg naving in ujw a rait 01 togs. Tbe dance given by tbe sporting club isa week was a grand soocwrt. Every budy passed a ery enjoyable evening. Several oi our Oaky. I s friends were pressat. Tbe eteauer Albany passed ap tbe ouaraay mere teg at 3 o clock. Tbe old year oat aad the new year in was satcaed by several cl our toe evening was speat ia a vry disre- soectlal game of cards, aad wa nnder- Rlvcrefcie. ttaod tkey had a jog. Par. Excunion Bates, Itch f aod Le Kri W fell la tbe d dsH felt wet. H akes Bob Watson to shoot docks. Boo with tbe asaistaaos ot Lee Hughes, came down the creek in a boat and got fifty seven docks. Ghosts art still at Riverside, or Mr. L . P would eat run so. We ail went to tba surprise party at George Hoft.cb's New Year sere. Had a pleasant lime sad tbena fine sapper wss served at midnight. Those preeettt wsie: Mr sod Mr George Hoflirb. Mr Wm. Blevins and wife, Mesare Chat. Tbarp, Chas. Oaldwell, A!f Freerkset., Peat Kreerkseo, L-e Mounts. Rbeodo p Hofl ich. Herman Hofluh. Edward riently. Bird Waisoo. Misses Fav Bank. Wio- tne and May lalman Minove. hopba, bs:tog several bears as smart m 1 nd Jennie Freerks and Lill e Hue. iney are. out mev are terrors to pass ing teams, and tbe horses ot our iniorm- ant came ve-y near running away. Ie BaiGHT Sicca. was thi&king of getting op poet and i Ciojk County. iri inches oi soow oa tbe grcaod in nnfailinff coveiT eg 0f the disease. eases, as 'rt orindples. Discovery " rrVi" k loinach and cor. U strengthens 1 promotes rj?JIeJXn$ tadlUate. . iHch, oWenfc'A'a es4 off d. 1 vu he tml- rimru. n- Arkten the sysun? with a Dreaming. rr ' il f nrwtn. it anvca iSdicineT dealer eUl-, .Jiu first Ukew neai.jr rf.okS ad aching in I took ei great deal Mr.' m aao with write itra. f. Mexra, Mt ulcerated ana I ro the Tne w"fT .-r; in aouia ecaroeiT troMtaW VqocJjwI sneewu. ""-". -ie.A with rJitKaa Klftllicsal IfllCCsWrV. I.JIVIW - lagoea 1 ? .snued a itnnmvt and BsMT slAV fcSSwcTwjf. low my life to Dr. Pierc.' J N. Hpflinan, Lessee. Work done In first class manner at' reatonal be prices. ' Prompt attention paid to all ordersj citv f jr several months. Tbe . 0. aays : "Mr. Ware possessea a beamuui temr voice, and sings excellently. He, too, like several in the production, was sul fering from throat trouble ; but, in spite of tha: bandicap,acquitted himself cred itably and won applause for his stpging." a visa arcBPTtox. . The Magazine Club, of this city, last Saturday evening gave their third an nual Kew Years reception, (tie first being given at tbe residence of S. E. Yoniie and the second with Judge F' inn Like the' other ' ibis was a marked success. It was' carried out' with excel Ippt taste tn al the details of the ar fangements. The place, selected, tbe elegant parlors of Mf , Charles Pfeiffer, was siimuiB iur vne gatneriug. vuuh the supervision of MUi Vella Irving the moms were decorated witn rare, anuinc tjiBte. The front room was significant of tlie club. There were a variety ot bang ing magazines, lawn tennis nets, racket, etc.. well arranged ; in the other rooms bet uplul nowers, lestoonB 01 everKreeus and terns, wreatn an penuani u mistletoe, etc.. set on with ooierea elec tric lights. ' The company were received by Misses Irving, Galbraith and Flinn ana enieirsiueu ov mrs. j.uuuk , PfeiBer. Mrs. nelson, jtuss oimpuun Mrs. uannon.'Miss-Mason ana, umjh while Miss Alice Porter presided over a bowl of delicious punch. In 'the beauti lUliy aecorapeq qinng rootn vuo whu- pany were eerveq, a icw (. nifio. Misses' Jennie Galbraith, Hewitt, Bur- mester and. t linn in a happy manner. The uncl was a deltpaje ope 01 cojorea iue creams, cakes, puts and coffee , So ciability prevailed under the courteous entertainers, and during the evening the company were favored with a piano solo Prnf. Wirtz. a vocal solo. "Dreaming" . y . . ... .1 1 : . by sirs. cj. d. i iper, wue 01 luowiwr u the Seattle P. I and a vocal solo by MrsA Welson. Th reception was- on that will lona have a nlaoe1 in- th minds and bearti of the members of the club and their meats, and tbe next will be looked forward to. Oregon Weather S;rvie- Sammarr. Station, Albaoy, Month, December. Elevation above sea level zir Mean lamneralure 29.94 Maximum tem pert lure 63 date Minimum temperature 18 date Mean of maximum temperature Mean ot minimum temperature Number times minimum temporal 32 or below 13. Number times minunom lemperatur 40 below 29. Total precipitation 3.64 Inches. Greatest precipitatior ' in 24 coneeca tivs boors, snd dale 1 08, 4th; Total depth ot unmeiteu snow 11 inches. Prevailing direction of wind, Number at clear days, 7. Number of partly cloudy days Noaber oi eiooay aays, m Number of days on which .Ql or precipitation tell, U- . Koot davson which .04 or more cipitatioo fell, 10. Dates on which ball fell, 0. Dates on which now leu, ao ana tv. Date! of light frost, 0. 1:. G. Bdbkhabt. Vcluutary Observer 0r S. and Or. Weather Boieao, dnring them out of tbe coujnuy. Tbey are first-clses nuisances snd wbea arooni it is oece sary tot aeep evsrr thing locked for tbey are notorious thL-ves. cogens He it an np-tWai Ait Neodle VVortt- Mrs W. P. LaOerty ill be at ths ret ideneeof Mr. J. A. Weaver op Tuesday Jab. 3rd to meet ber class In art needle work. All 'adiee wishing instructions or material are requested to call. Mrs W. P. LarraRTr, A son ot Eli Perkins is a student at the O A C. Rtbert Bonner, a son of tbe famons editor of tba New York Ledger, is in Portland. M L Dorria baa arrived from Inde pendence and taken a position in W L lambers hardware store. E uoard. Miss Lida Rambangb, of Albany, who has been tit it eg a itu her brother for tbe past tuor three months' started home lil week. fnce Cor. Seville Review. . Bon. Ueocga L. Ho cbiog hat arrived in Portland Irom'Bloomington, 111 , aod is making arraogemiou to start a, news-i paper in rortiand. man and a rustler. Prof. B Horner baa been elected worthy mas'er of the Grange at Oorval lis. 1 J ri Irvine is tbe lecturer. Every- ooar 1 a uranger at Uorrallis. Last night at tbe resideoce of Mr 8 8 Train a drligi.tfol psny was given bv Miss Arleue Train About thirty young people p nt tbe evening n a vety pleas- anv maon': u alt aiu.' 01 games, aocia bilitv and the partakiugoi a delicious lunch. Walter L.on is to be Governor Geer' private secretary, Mr. Lyon is an ex- cellent yonng man and wUl make a good secretary. At tlie preseul time be is the Oregonian s fislem correspondent. At one time he wst editor ot tbe Blayloa times. W H Queener. ot guvtoa. was In the city today ta prosecute a case in Justiea rreerxseu's court, a a a sued tns 1SI bales of hops were sold in Junction yetverdiy for 13 cents per puo . The.e sie three feet of snow on level at Du.nsraair. Calif , the moat at any time since 1893. The Multnomahs defeated the Y M C A at Portland yesterday b to 0 in a very close and hotly contested game. In wriun, to Mrs. U.S. Grant and Mrs Jsmes A Garfield" it la not neces- siv .0 stamp soar letter. A letter will gj without say stamp. Brakeman Herchinget last Sunday bsd a very narrow escape Jrom death. In getting from the can r.t slipped, ws Jcsugh' b. the cat and dragged to tbe water tank, 111s ciotbea being torn neariy on, and be considerably bruised,. Mftter Those attsadiog lbs meeting of the Oregon State Poultry Show to be held in Albany, Jan. 9-14 will psy lull fare over our line going. They will be given receipts en blanks specially prepared for lares paid. Wbea they are raady to re turn wbica Btsetbs within 18 hour after lbs close ot tbs meeting by presenting tbeir certificate to our sgeot at Albany tbey will bs sold return tkets to tun ing point at l, fare, provided 25 or more are to attendance holding tickets from points on oar Oregon lines to Albany. We will bare tt.e certificate nruvidsd st once snd placed in the bands of the SgSdt Eowis Stusb, O H Mabkham. SupUOAK. UFAPA-tiPRH lor Nations an4 Tbeir Rulers. roiiowiag i ins subject and augges tiont lor tbs week of prayer meeting to night- Nation aod Their Ruler. Pray. er: That all peoples may duly .crixs civil and religious freedom, sod deserve to be thus free; may faithfully obey just laws snd reverence righteous authority ) may cnerisn tbe DrotbernooA wuich em braces all classes and conditioo of men : aad may bail Christ as their peaceful prince. That rulers mar rule lu tbe love of God snd man; may seek bonoraJblo peace a&d international good-will; may, in all puMie affairs, asply Christian principles whioh should guide individol condoct, John viii:32; Ifrov xtv Acts xvn isaii:4 Tbe finest akiS ever built by Park Donald waa recently aoisbtd by gentleman for John Warner, who makes use of tt as a bunting boat. Park is a about to begin tbe eoostructioa of foot steam lsuacb for Albany partis. Times. Great Bargains in OVERCOATS and MACKINTOSHES at the BLAIN CLOTHING GO'S. THEY ARE COMING' SOME CRITICISMS. Here are aome thoughts on the special M'on:of the Oregon legislative body that convened on Sept. 26ih, 1998: We find that all officers from our highest executive down to the lowest of ficer elected by the people or sppointed, most take an oath to support tbe coo atitution of tbe U. R. and tbe Mate in which they live. Now I with to set aome things before the people I think this body erred io. There waa a body enet In Jan. 181-7, to elect a senator to the U. 8. sen ate and transact other business for tbe Ule. 1 find tbev failed to do anything for which 1 bey were elected and met for They stayed their time allotted to them to do tbe boaioes and went home, soms rejoicing that they bad dons nothing snd tbst they bad kept those tbst wished to do something from doiog anything. Now we w JI nutice what tbia special eeMioo did . Tbs coosiitntioo of ths etate says tbs legislative body (hall have five days to organise in. for which they may draw pay. but if trey fail to organize io that time that they shall not draw any pay from tbe state until they do organise Now we find by the records that this special session bsve pasted a bill to pay this body of 1837. Where did they get their anthori'.y for this. Hare they power to soaks cxnstitation to rait their wishes or are they duty bound to go by tbe eonwitation made and adopted by tbe people ot tbe state. I lb ink toe people should have some thing to say in these matter. The peo ple are tha tax payers, tbey are tbe ones that havj to foot toe bills, whether jail or unyast. Read Daniel Webster works aad feel what a blessing civil and rehgtou liberty is ; lead them, and fee what a blessing it to to live under a free government ; read them, and if, which God for bid.tbe obligations sf ths constitution ot your country bang loosely 00 too, rivet them with bis thought. His giant e?orts are smbalmed in our school book,cDhiioed with tbe speeches cf Burke. Sbcridsn and Cbaibetn to animate and inspire the yonio 01 oar country. Here is another email item, ai a33.- to W. T. Wright for payment of land ia Eastern Oregon for a branch in- i sane asylum. The state baa no title, eo Bright's Dlseaseand all other Diseases of the Kidneys; Diseases of the Bla-d do-id ed by soms of tbe best legal author-1 der. Urinary Organs, Liver, Spleen.Spine. Bowels, Hearttomach, Eve, Ear, Skia ity in tbe state, such st Judge Boies and J and Nerves. Also Impoverished Blood, Blood Poison and Scrofula ; Catarrh, Ton Ooveraor Lord . 1 oederataed tbe liar-1 ci litis. Consumption. Bronchitis. Asthma, and other Throat and Long troubles : eruor opposed thi bill and wouM not I Tumors. Deformities, Insomnia, Melancholy, Paralysis, Rap ore. Dysentery, Dys- sign the general appropriation bill on ! pepaia. Neuralgia, Reumausm, butt and Swollen Jotnte;t Female Complaints, ' ' " The English and German Expert Specialists, Five Physicians and 8urgeons, all Graduates in tbe World. from the Medical Colleges the laws eT raUTerwIa Car e,S. gssMlsfcf te years. A part of the staff of the English and German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyers A Co . will make tbeir regular monthly visit to JjQ Saturday, Dec. 31st. -"-"Revere Hotel, CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREE. MON ENTS 'URED BYTHE ENG- AN EXPERT SPEC ALISTS ARE THE FOLLOWING: Followiag i the list of letter reaaauii in tbe Poatoffice at Albany, Linn count; Oregon, Jan. 3, 1899. Persons callin for these letter must give tbe dale on which advertised that account, bnt let it become a law bv limitaUoa. Tbeee two items amount to T2 asSJfci. There are a few more small items I could aay something about but will let pss for tbe present, hoping our new gv rosr, it soch bills pass the legislature that convenes the eeeood M ond.v in Jan nary, will have backbone eaoogh to pot his veto oa each work, let them be pre sented tor hit sigaatare in teperete bill or tacked on to the general appropriation bill. 1 will say that our senator and repre sentatives opposed these bills with some others, but n il enough! to prevent their Now. we have beard ths err tor vaara of retrenchment In expenses, both in county and etate. We have heavy ex pen see of tbe slate that must be met. Tbey areforoarnufofunates.oor srvlum and penitentiary. There i an taxpayer who will kick at necessary expenses bnt it is toe unjust and unconstitutional 1 am Kicking at. This is my first written communica tion ton paper and 1 hope it will be tbe last on aocn a subject. Albany, Jan. 3, 1899. V, H. Caldwell, A Taxpayer f i . - . i . i . t i : . T" : ' , y - 0 n inciuoing ursmii vrvmoiee; riics, riata, uukuj, mag wm uuuwr, iir bacco. Opium. Cocaine and Liquor habit; Headache, Erysipelas, Gout. Tape Worm, Biliousness, Dropsy, Gall Stone, Eczema, Freckles, Black heads. Cancer, etc., and Chronic Diseases generally. DR. Mt e.BS A lu. core erroos i.ebiaty, Loet anhooa and ail Private Diseases, including contaioos blood poison, quickly and permanently, and at reasonable rates. , Tte English aod German Expert Specialists and. Dr. Mevers & Co. are not on ly com pe teat and reliable, but are responsible, being backed by ample capital aad. -ably managed. Diseases which have baffled Uie skill ot ot&er physicians and stubbornly re fused to yield to ordinary medicines, methods and appliances, are quickly sub dued and mastered by these successful doctors. Tbey have Uie largest and best equipped medical institute in America. Call on tne Doctors wben tbey come. Ail ailing people snouia see me English and German Expert Specialists or Dr. Meyers A Co. if possible. A friend ly talk, which costs absolutely nothing, is bound to result in a great deal of good, whether treatment is takenor not. HOME CUR ES While it is preferable in many instances to see a patient. the English and German Expert Specialists have cured thousands of persons whom they havs never seen. If yoa cannot see the doctors write tbe borne office for question list. Advice in regard to your ailment, book for men or women and treatise on any disease ALL FREE. Correspondence and other dealings with patients or prospective patients sacredly confidential. TERMS AND PRICES WITH1 THF REACH OF ALL. ENGLISH AND GERMAN EXPERT SPECIALISTS 731 MARKET ST. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. parson Work began last week cn the sge that is to be erected fo tbe pistor otvf.D, the M 8 church, south. Contractor I .. reiertoo hope to complete t m about a month, after which, it will be occupied oy rastor sentoa sna lainiiy who now mioe in Albany. Times. Allen, P Nelson Allen, Mrs AV-ey Aubrey. OU aldwall. Mrs il Clark, A L Duaglaa, Mr Daisy Da vices, Mr L I Har f.ird. Mr Harry Jooeu, M 04 IKrsnaod, judge Metyoar, Mr Joe Moeier, Mr Ida Moore, Tboroa Rogn, Mr Geo Rodyu. Libbie Shell. Mr J P Scbbjy, Mr W E bauer, Mr N Soyder, Mr J A V?alsb, Miss Hszel . ' T J.STrra P. M. .... WEDNESDAY..,. n a match shoot at Tillamook Bill Martin ot McMinnville, well-known in Albany, killed every bird wblie bia op ponent missed, two, Aid Sochttv. The regular meeting ot tbe Ladies Aid Society will be held at the residence of Mrs J K Weatberford on Thursday Jan. otb, at -.30 o'clock p m. Look Around. TERMS. , Daily Dxxocbat. 25 cents per month &C0 per year in advance, SOe per month not in advance, isy carrier, iue per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over months. Single copies 6c. Wbzxlv. tl.SS la advance: 11.50 at ead of year; $1.75 for second year; $2-00 for third aad precetdiag years, wbea not paid in advance. Uabsofave new subscriber at $5.00. There were four inches of Portland yesterday afternoon. Thomas Brink baa received some of tbe nicest wicker aad spring rocker that ever I snow in 1 came to Albany. Give him a call and see for yourselves. curt The Universal Bolter make good flour J school dietric for $20 for legal services 1 tie Aiannoiiii. I iur aueuumg iu mmi utisiues iur ius district and wanted to and out whether be was entitled to it cr oot. Rev Ronald McKillop, late of Albany, who recently accepted a call to tbe P lorate ot tht Firat Baptist church of this city, delivered ais initial sermons 8 no- see for day. There was a large attendanc both Exeellepta',,m Wat"1 , at O. E- BaowatLL s. Get thereat fiour. The li aRnolla except tbe Magnolia. 1 .. ! SI 11 Gillett S Pepper box bloiug t 0. . Baowaiu.' The Long Photo Co. is the leading .n i . ik.n Kverv onoio uiu . inn a hnra ia a sem oi ir . - yourseivea- Oldbldiep His Story of What Hood's Saf; ? aajacilla Hat gong hole Family Creatly Helped by, in'f rFw i'!i-i I am an old zan pown soldier, my whol system being out of 4 m1 light aide prtwiiy pawy. -tnsd vtrioua remedlet and milted only Hmpornry wltaf. I bov bssa taking Hood' Barsaparuia ana nova a a bavs derived more real benefit from them than anything I have tried. My wife has been greatly helped by Hopg s PtnP MU. W TirHW ow'tM'b amfemrmnch out of orttsr. Mytwouwae v . . .1.. ftmm boy recovered quicaiy irviu . Af dinhtherla by Uklng Hood' Barsapa- HUa. which rid them pi trpHls,leom sores in a (..Mninnii i&T ilia ' trouu. Thsy are lul Jjii .na hearty.'.': W.P. BnanBTT, fitarkey, pregon, Remembw C300d?G parUla Is tbe bet-to tact th On Trn Biooa rnnacr. morning and eveniug. tb choir lurnisb McKHiop i a middie-sged man of plea ant address, a pleasant but forcible pu pil orator and a valuable acquisition to the religiou circles of this city. Rev. MchVlllop'a family, ccnsti,ng ot hi wife and- four sons, the eldest being about twenty years of age, will remove to tnis city about January itjtu. or at soon as the parsonage can he placed in raadiness for their reception.- fcja'.eui Diavesfiiati. The aeaond trial of Payne Monre wil. begin in New York on January 19. Her lawyer, Abraham bevy , Myths has evid ence which will render her acquital in evitable if tbe trial comes off, which h will try to prevent. The trial wil be be lore another luage, & atspstcn say "Tbe womao'eValty tow' at abe de oigresio be tne trutn and bar devotion to Moors' Interest prevent her being re leased. She hat bad two opportunities to gain ber liberty, .one by (wearing guiltr, with k 'auipension jfentence. Due uecuneu DOtn proooiHion, aitnongn advised by' her counsel tbst be wf n great, pern," Pride ot Albany Soap, weigh 20 ounces, and ia bigb grade, for sale by 0. E. Baowtiau, College Entertainment. Tbe Young Women' Christian Atto clatloB. oliA'.bany College will give an entertainment and social at tbe College chapel, Friday evening, Jan. I3tb, whicu II Irlends ol the college are moi curm Iviinvited to attend." An' interning nmoram -ill hi tfiven. and A ocil time reneraliv snloied afterward. An adr :v, it i i.... HI N.UUI 1M HI lOCIl Will UV .U(KW a Mist in carrying out the work ol the X W. C. A. in the orihwetit. EyTf one should attend I ......... ln4tiM.tlnn HOOd S PllIS biUottnsM,oiistipatlon. Remember Jan. lit hi Why? College Enlertaioment, of ccqrae. Go to th College Chapel Friday even mg, jan. iJtb, aod yon wil. be well re paid. "TheLoat Letter'wUl be g'ven Fri day evening, Jan. 13th. Don't misa itl Keep Friday night tor the Y. W. 0. A. I entertainment. Remember! Jan. lS'.b. I fIKL AVANTE-raTo do genera VJf housework. Uall on Sf bender. it The Weather. F. M. FwEMru, Dtsplayman. FOUND. A bird dog, brown head and ears, white spot in forehead. bluish brown body, brown legs, short white tail. Owner may have the dot by proving property ard paying all charges I and applying to . 1. .IKPERSOM. Jefferson and Water Sis, NO FAITH CORE ABOUT STEWAR'S DYSPEP SIA TABBLETS. J. C.Devine Successor to N. Southard. Just east ot the Dkxocxat office. Dealer In Bay, Oats, Mill Feed, Chop, Poa'try, etc. Give him a call. Good treatment assured. Tard Littler. Aaslstaxtt. iimsa's Ground Floor Dental OfRe Broadalbin, St. "-t 4 Albany, Oi Tanet.t Qrange. by Flour 85c per sack. Try It. The Magnolia. Tbe following efneerf were elected Tangent Grang No 7. M.JEOwnbeyt L, J 11 ocott ; a b. Chas Hunter j T. L B Luper; U h., w j Kiahsr K. iiia uwnbey . u a -, c-ua SootttO, Wm O'oermier; 8, D S Bridge- larmnr- J. J A MOliee: oec. niiuuiu Brtdgefarroer; r, Moilie fcnperi v. Anna BrldgefarmerjDIreotoy, J li Scott. A communication from an Albany man will be publiabed prove that gin January f.W II .All I, 1 ' Tj. :u 1.1. il.l.l. al.l,. was a year om at ui uinu . bnt tbe year 1 begaa a year alter bla. birth a it does irltb peaple powsdaya tt , la not, Call and tee our Trilby air tight itotea, bTSWABT A Hoi, HabdwakI Oo. i " Wheat. We.' will pay the highest marketprio or wheat, see us oeiore you sea. VvaaAa a bohtp- In Olden Times People overlooked the Importance of per inanently beneficial effects and were sat isfied with transient action; but now that it is eenerallv known that Bvruu ot Fig will permanently overcome habitnai constipation, well-informed peanje will not buy other laxatives, which act tor a time, but finally iniure the system. Buy the genuine, niftdo by the California Fig oj eyrup vo. Palmiatry A RR1YED. Tbe celebrated Mme rV Vascba. Resdioga given through Palmistry and the Ancient Egyptian science ot Sacred Figuring, which tell rour past, prsseot and luture, tells ol vour children, aucLesses, failures, accid anis. law suit, divorcee, length of life. happiuts or troubles, locates mines and telia what business or profession you ar beet adopted Icr, and tn wbat locality vou will be moat aucceealul. For a abort time only, at St. Charles Hotel, Room 12. THIS li 1 STEICTLY CASH PROPOSITION. Umbrella Notice,. Umbrellas recovered ia first ctaaal . ww .tola k. Mh M T.nilat la at tlrnaitalKiil I the twentieth century wW be-, and Third atresia, lor from 60 ctata to t, 1W)1. tba ti"P9 br. tbe 12.60. Repairing of all kind promptly by the lUregonisn. If Christ 1 attended to. Patronise home Instltu- 161b Beat Cure gran, augar.. Speuiftl prices by tne sac. pa. Pride ol Albany Coffee. . bu lb sack, 1H1 uverpooi onu a cans Best Tomatoee a " " vuru ............. a lb Freah Mix uanuy They Cure Stomach Troubles and Indigestion Anywar. Vbetrier You Have Faita ia Them or Not. Mere faith will not digest your food for you, will not give you an appetite, wul not increase your nesn ana iirenfiiwa your nerves and heart, but Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets wiu do incse luings, ue cause tbey are composed of te elements ot digestion, tney contain uie luices, acids and peptones necessary tt the di gestion and assimilat ion of all wholesome food. . Stuart s Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food if placed in a jar or bottle in water hajl ta 9ti degrees, and thev will do it much more effectively when taken into the stomach alter meals, whether you have faith that they will or not. They invigorate the stomach, make pure blood and atrong nerve, in the only way that nature can do it, and that is, Imm ulentv of wholesome food well di gested. It i not wbat we eat, but wnat wa nioMt tinea us ffooti. Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by nearly all druinr'iBta at 50 cents for full 1 00 1 sited package, or by mail from the F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. If you have a badly de cayed tooth remember a new crown can be Inserted by Dr.-Adams as Ulustrnt-ed. HIE NEW AND SECOND HAND SIORE W. L. Broustein, Proprietor. DEALER in all kinds f new and sec end hand goods, furniture, stoves, tin and hardware, etc. Goods boupht. sold. iffichanged. Highest cash price for hides. volts and mrs. aiiiibhwi""'"'"' iarrusa xiuc., w " 00 63 25 23 25 Hoot, ie a Rheumatism causes more acne and pain than any other disease. It ia due to acid in tbe blood, and ia cured by flood a Sartartarilla which neutralize this, acid Hood's Pills cure bilio.usoeaa. M aile for 2i centa by 0. L. Hoc4& Co. Albany Trading Go. K. N. M01RIS, Manager. Baltimore Block, next door East Lunch Counter. CITf TRE4SUSERS NOTICE KO 6 Lawell tereal thed Kotloe ia hereby given that thtre ait) funda on hand to pay city warranta No. lbU inclusive oi tee year lovo. in terest on aatd w willcee wvn The New Year'a edition oi the Salem Statesman arrived thia noon. It ia un doubtedly the finest thing ol toe kiad ever gotten . no in Baiea ana comers great credit oa.tnat paper. Tha atat. lMnal'ature will convene next Monday, and aa the officer have already been elected tne nouses wm get uuwn vr business at once. , Ertray Notice. I took up on my farm two miles north west of Uarrisburg, in linn county, on Uie 3rd day of December, the fillowing described steer: Color, red with white under the belly also white spot uoiweru hips, marked witu crop off right ear; age, about 3 years; weight, avout 1200 uarnBuurg, uou v(,vu. COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. "21 ' r,t y,ivT. TbkRfth. Down Mondays Wednee days and Fridays, leaving Albany at 7 a. m. Up Tuesday t.Thuisday s and.Sat- nrdaye. 2 :"aBc' P I'M